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Berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya :

Bahan :

 500 gram kacang hijau

 1 liter santan kelapa
 200 gram gula merah
 100 gram gula pasir
 1 ruas jahe, di iris
 Garam Sejumput
 2 lembar daun pandan
 Air secukupnya

Cara Membuatnya :
1. Cuci bersih 500 gram kacang hijau lalu tempatkan dalam panci ukuran besar, tambahkan air
sebanyak setengah panci dan rebus kacang hingga lembut
2. Setelah kacang lembut, masukkan 1 liter santan kelapa sambil terus diaduk
3. Setelah air santan mendidih, masukkan 200 gram gula merah, 100 gram gula pasir, 1 ruas jahe
yang dikeprak, 2 lembar daun pandan, Garam sejumput lalu aduk rata
4. Setelah gula larut dan tercampur rata dan bubur agak mengental, Angkat dan sajikan

Ingredients :
1. 500 grams of green beans
2. 1 liter of coconut milk
3. 200 grams of brown sugar
4. 100 grams of sugar
5. 1 vertebra ginger, sliced
6. Pinch of salt
7. 2 pieces of pandan leaves
8. Sufficient water
How to Make it:
 Wash 500 grams of green beans and place in a large size pot, add water as much as half the pot
and simmer the beans until soft
 After the beans gently, put 1 liter of coconut milk, stirring constantly
 After boiling coconut milk, put 200 grams of brown sugar, 100 grams of sugar, 1 vertebra ginger
sliced, 2 pieces pandan leaves, a pinch of salt and mix well
 Once the sugar is dissolved and well blended and slightly thickened slurry, Remove and serve

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