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Group 5 “Fox Fables” - One work of fiction which was

written in Hebrew. Hebrew fables which resemble

World’s Notable Writers and Their Famous Literary Aesop’s fable.  
18th Century Hebrew Literature  
HEBREW “La-Yesharim Tehillah” - it is an allegorical
Hebrew comes from Middle English word drama - 1st product of modern Hebrew Literature.
"EBREU" which comes from the Old French derived - it was written by Moses Hayyim Luzatto  
from the Latin word "HEBRAEUS"   19th Century Hebrew Literature  
Joseph Perl - writer and educator in 1819,
Hebrews - are members of an ancient northern he published Revealer of Secrets, the 1st Hebrew
Semitic people that were the ancestors of the Jews. novel.  
20th Century Hebrew Literature  
Hebrew Literature   Leah Goldberg - prolific writer and pioneer of Israel
 It consists of ancient, medieval and modern
Children’s Literature.
writings in the Hebrew language. 
 It is one of the primary forms of Jewish Literature.  -is well known as the author of hundreds of works
 It was produced in many different parts of the of poetry and prose for children, which include
world throughout the medieval and modern eras.  Yedidai mi-Rehov Arnon (My Friends from Arnon
Ancient Hebrew Literature Street, 1943)
The most important work of Ancient Hebrew is the Contemporary Hebrew Literature 
Hebrew Bible named Tanakh.
Etgar Keret- born in Ramat Gan, Israel in
 T:   Torah, the Teaching of Moses, the first five
1967. His second book, Missing Kissinger, a
collection of fifty very short stories, caught the
 N:   Nevi’im, the books of the prophets.  
attention of the general public.  
 Kh: Ketuvim, for the Writings, which include the
psalms and wisdom literature.
Mishna - primary rabbinic codification of laws as Egyptian Literature 
derived from the torah comprises a wide array of narrative and poetic
forms including inscriptions on tombs, stele,
six major sections, or orders (sedarim)
obelisks, and temples; myths, stories, and legends;
 Zeraʿim (Seeds), the first order of the Mishna, has
Top 3 notable writers and their famous literary
11 tractates.  
 Moʿed (Festival), consists of 12 tractates.  
 Nashim (Women), discusses married life in seven - Naguib Mahfouz
tractates.   - One of the first contemporary writers in
 Neziqin (Damages), has 10 tractates.   the arabic literature. An egyptian novelist and a
 Qodashim (Holy Things)   screenplay writer 
 Ṭohorot (“Purifications”), divided into 12 - son of a civil servant and grew up in
tractates.   Cairo’s Al-Jamāliyyah district. He worked in the
  Egyptian civil service in a variety of positions from
Medieval Hebrew Literature   1934 until his retirement in 1971. 
Many works of medieval philosophical literature
were written in Judeo-Arabic. One of it is the - children of the alley
Maimonides Guide by Moses ben Maimon.   - the cairo trilogy
- Rādūbīs - “Radobis”
- Al-Thulāthiyyah
- Yusuf Idris 
- Egyptian playwright and novelist who NOTABLE WRITERS AND THEIR LITERARY WORKS
broke with traditional Arabic literature by mixing  
colloquial dialect with conventional classical Arabic Enheduanna 
narration in the writing of realistic stories about - celebrated as the earliest known named author in
ordinary villagers. world history, as a number of works in Sumerian
- Al-Farafir 1964
- The Farfoors, or The Fliplap ")  Inanna: The Queen of Heaven and Earth
- Idrīs’ other major works included the novels Epic of Gilgamesh  
Enuma Elish 
- Al-Haram (1959; The Forbidden)
- Al-ʿAyb (1962; The Sin). King Hammurabi of Babylon 
- An Amorite ruler and a shrewd administrator
- Tawfiq al-Hakim 
who honored the traditions of Sumer, Akkad, and
- one of the major pioneer figures in
modern Arabic literature.  He is one of the pioneers other lands he brought under his authority. Best
of the Arabic novel and drama. remembered for the Code of Hammurabi which
-The People of the Cave was inscribed on human-sized stone pillars
- The Code of Hammurabi 
The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282
 - known as the oldest civilization in the world, rules, established standards for commercial
comes from the Greek word ‘mesos’ which means interactions and set fines and punishments to meet
middle and ‘potamos’ for river which literally the requirements of justice.
means “a country between two rivers” also known
as Iraq and Kuwait in the present time is a historic
region of West Asia within the Tigris-Euphrates PERSIAN
Persian Literature 
- jewel in the crown of Persian culture 
Sumer  - Ethics and Wisdom. The subject of morality is one
- earliest known civilization in the historical region of the oldest themes in Persian literature. 
of southern Mesopotamia, living along the valleys - Persia is now the country of Iran 
of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers TOP 3 Most Notable Artist 
1. Rūdakī 
Sumerian  - Abū ‘Abdallāh Rūdakī (858–ca. 941) 
- created a great civilization. Beginning around - Known as the Father of Modern Persian Poetry 
5,500 years ago, the Sumerians built cities along - Kalilah wa Dimnah is one of his most imporrant
the rivers in Lower Mesopotamia, specialized, contribution in Persian Literature 
cooperated, and made many advances in 2. Ferowsi 
technology.  - Abolqasem Ferdowsi (l. c. 940-1020 CE, also given
Cuneiform   as Abul-Qasem Ferdowsi Tusi, Firdawsi, Firdausi) 
- Cuneiform means “wedge-shaped”, It is one of - Considered as the most important writing poets 
the oldest forms of writing known, formed from - The Shahnameh (“Book of Kings”, composed 977-
the reed stylus is a writing system or script 1010 CE) is his most famous work in Persian 
3. Rumi 
- Jalal ad-did Muhammad Balkhi, best known as
Rumi, l. 1207-1273 CE 
- Became famous as a mystical poet  Latin was the main language used for writing
- Mas̄navī-yi Maʿnavī (“Spiritual Couplets”) is his during Ancient Rome. Greek was also a popular
famous work  language because it was used by so many people in
the eastern portion of the Roman empire.
GREEK Important documents were written on papyrus
The name Greece comes from the Latin “Gracia” scrolls (made from the papyrus plant in Egypt) or
which in turn comes from the Greek word “Grakoi”, on parchment (pages made from animal skin). They
the original name of the people living in Dodona. wrote with a metal pin that they dipped in ink.
 The original Greek name was s, and still is Short History of Roman Literature 
Hella – the land of the Helens.  First Period - This makes up the history of
- Authors  drama, early epos and satires, and the beginning of
Homer the prose actions. It’s marked by its adolescence of
- Homer is the best known for the two epic poems art and language.  
the Iliad and the Odyssey.  Second Period - The Golden Age, from
- The Greek blind poet.  Cicero to Ovid (80 B.C. – 14 A.D.) Has the highest
The Iliad and the Odyssey are primary examples of improvements in prose and poetry. The prose era
the epic narrative, which in antiquity was a long came first, and is marked by Cicero, Sallust, and
narrative poem, in an elevated style, celebrating Caesar.  
heroic achievement.   Third Period.  Around the decline of Rome,
Plato  from the accession, or rise to power, of Tiberius to
Philosopher, writer, and founder of the first the death of Marcus Aurelius
institution of higher learning, Plato’s legacy has
lived for more than a millennia. Taught by Socrates
and the teacher of Aristotle
Literature Works  Virgil: The-Best Known Roman Poet 
- Symposium - highlights two common Publius Vergilius Maro – better known as Virgil
characteristics of classical Greek culture— was born on October 15, BCE in Andes, near
homoeroticism Mantua. was an ancient Roman poet during the
Sophocles  Augustan period.
Tragedian Sophocles is one of the few playwrights
He famously wrote the legendary poem The
from Ancient Greece whose work has survived in its Aeneid, which is now considered ancient Rome’s
entirety today. national epic. His fame rests chiefly upon
Literature Works  the Aeneid, which tells the story
- Oedipus, in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes of Rome’s legendary founder and proclaims the
who unwittingly killed his father and married his Roman mission to civilize the world under divine
Other famous works of Virgil are Bucolics
ROMAN and The Georgics.  

Roman Literature traversed a journey from Horace: Poet, Songwriter and Lyricist 
imitating Greek Literature for relevance to finally Horace, whose full name as Quintus Horatius
discovering a voice of its own. Roman Literature’s Flaccus, was another ancient Roman poet whose
foundation was established with Greek Literature
voice has reverberated throughout history.
translated into Latin by the learned Roman
Horace’s most renowned poetic work was The Ramayana 
his Odes, a series of four books featuring poems The Ramayana is an all-popular epic in South and
which explore a variety of themes, including love, Southeast Asia. It is the story of King Rama who
courage, and hymns to the gods. must save his kidnapped wife, Sita.

Ovid: The Man who Inspired the Renaissance   Maharshi Vyasa 

While Rishi Vyasa is believed to be the creator of
Publius Ovidius Naso, known today as Ovid, is the Mahabharata, he is also a character in the epic.
another of ancient Rome’s finest poetic writers.
Ovid was a Roman poet who lived during the reign The Mahabharata 
of Augustus. The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic where
the main story revolves around two branches of a
His most celebrated contribution to the literary arts family - the Pandavas and Kauravas - who, in the
was his Metamorphoses,  Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of
- a long verse poetic text which retold ancient Hastinapura.
Greek and Roman legends as one long continuous The Vedas 
narrative sequence The Vedas are the religious texts which inform the
Lucretius: A Man of Rationalism and Reasoning  religion of Hinduism (also known as Sanatan
Dharma meaning “Eternal Order” or “Eternal
Titus Lucretius Carus (died mid to late 50s BCE) was Path”). The term veda means “knowledge”
an Epicurean poet and philosopher of the late
Roman republican era. He is only associated with Rabindranath Tagore 
Rabindranath Tagore FRAS was a Bengali polymath
one major body of work, a lengthy series of didactic
who worked as a poet, writer, playwright,
poems titled De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of
composer, philosopher, social reformer and
Gitanjali (Song Offerings)
INDIA It was inspired by medieval Indian lyrics of
Indian literature - one of the most ancient of devotion in which the principal subject is love,
literature has been exemplary for rest of the world. through some poems detail the internal conflict
The term refers to the literary work that had been between spiritual longings and earthly desires, and
produced in various Indian languages, since ages. In others depict images drawn from nature. 
ancient times, the literary work used to be
imparted orally. FRENCH
- is one of the world’s most brilliant, has been for
centuries an impressive facet of French civilization,
Indian Notable Artist and their Works  an object of national pride, and a principal focus for
feelings of national identity. 
Maharishi Valmiki 
Valmiki is celebrated as the harbinger-poet
in Sanskrit literature. The epic Ramayana, dated - The 11th century witnessed the emergence of a
variously from the 5th century BCE to first century literature in the French language in the form of
BCE, is attributed to him, based on the attribution numerous epic poems called CHANSONS DE
in the text itself. He is revered as Ādi Kavi, the first GESTE. 
poet, author of Ramayana, the first epic poem. 
Medieval French Literature 
 written in early middle and old
French. It was the literary works carried
out between the 11th century and the can be seen through the language. English
15th century. This period saw different literature Timeline 
genres of creative work carried out by
poets, clercs, jongleurs and writers.   Old English literature 
French Renaissance Literature  -Anglo-Saxon literature.  
The literal meaning of Renaissance in English is
Middle English literature 
Seventeenth Century 
-In this period religious literature continued to
The period was also significant for France as it led
enjoy popularity. 
Europe in cultural and political development. -The Life of Saint Audrey, a Hagiography
Eighteenth Century   
The eighteenth century in French literary work was
between 1715 and 1798. This was the period when English Renaissance 
the modern period of French history began -The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic
Nineteenth Century  movement in England dating from the late 15th to
The nineteenth century French history centered the 17th century. 
between 1799 and 1940. The period saw the end of
Empire and monarchy as well as the development Restoration Age 
-Restoration literature includes Paradise Lost by
of democracy in France.
John Milton 
WORKS  18th century 
-During the 18th century literature reflected the
1. Victor Hugo (1802- 1885)  worldview of the Age of Enlightenment (or Age of
One of France’s most famous writers has to be Reason) 
Victor Hugo. With a career spanning over 60 years,
he wrote everything from poetry to satire, critical Romanticism 
essays and historical odysseys -Was an artistic, literary, and intellectual
movement that originated in Europe toward the
- Les Miserables and Hunchback of the Notre end of the 18th century.  
Dame (which was not intended to be a children’s
tale).  Victorian literature 
1. Alexandre Dumas (1802- 1870)  -Sage writing developed as a new literary genre in
            From the Comte of Monte Cristo to the which the author sought "to express notions about
Three Muskateers, he is one of the most well- the world, man's situation in it, and how he should
known authors in France. live." 

2. George Sand (1804- 1876)

 One of the most popular female writers in 20th century 
France in her lifetime is Amantine Lucile Aurore -Modernism 
Dupin, better known as George Sand. Choosing to -is both a philosophical and arts movement that
wear male attire in public, she was a huge advocate arose from broad transformations in Western
for women’s rights and the working class. society during the late 19th and early 20th
History of English Literature   English Writers 
-The English language has evolved over the period William Shakespeare 
of time. As time has progressed several changes
 He was the author of great English plays
and poems. He wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets
and many narrative poems. 

Literature Work/s  American Literature is divided into 5 major

Romeo and Juliet  periods 
 Romeo and Juliet are about a young  The colonial and early national period 
hero and heroine whose families, the  Romantic Period 
Montagues and the Capulets,  Realism and Naturalism 
respectively, are ferocious enemies.  Modernist Period 
Romeo and Juliet’s passionate star-  Contemporary Period 
crossed love leads to their demise,
which ultimately serves to pacify the NOTABLE LITERATURE ARTIST AND THEIR
relationship between their families.  WORKS 
Geoffrey Chaucer  John Smith  
 Considered as the Father of English  John Smith was an adventurer, soldier,
Literature.  explorer, and author.  
 He spent his early life in London. He Founder of Jamestown, the first
began his career humbly as a translator. permanent English settlement in North
Many of his poems were taken from America. 
French literature. He was considered  President of Jamestown colony on
the greatest English poet of the Middle September 10,1608. 
Literature Work/s   A Description of New England (1616) 
The Canterbury Tales   Map of Virginia with a Description of the
 Was enormously popular in Country (1612)  
medieval England, with over 90 copies  The Generall Historie of Virginia, New
in existence from the 1400s  England, and the Summer Isles (1624) 
 The True Travels, Adventures, and
John Milton  Observations of Captain John Smith in Europe,
 Milton is best known for Paradise Asia, Africa, and America (1630). 
Lost, widely regarded as the greatest The Mayflower colonists of 1620 brought his
epic poem in English.  books and maps with them to Massachusetts.
Milton promoted religious freedom and Smith focuses heavily on Indians in all his
republicanism for England after the Restoration, works concerning the New World.  
putting himself in danger in the process. Edgar Allan Poe 
Literature Work/s   Boston, Massachusetts U.S  
Paradise Lost   American short-story writer, poet, critic,
The biblical story of the Fall of Mankind is told and editor who is famous for his cultivation of
in the epic poem Paradise Lost, which spans 12 mystery and the macabre. 
books and more than 10,500 lines. EDGAR ALLAN POE’S WORKS 
 Tamerlane and Other Peoms (1827) 
 Al Aaraaf (1829) 
American Literature 
 Ms. Found in a Bottle (1833) 
American literature, the body of written works
 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838) 
produced in the English language in the United
 The Fall of the House of Usher (1839) 
State. It is the production of literary work written in
 The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841) 
the context of America portraying American culture
 The Raven (1845) 
and themes.
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)  Nordic Literature 
November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910  Traditionally consists of works in modern Swedish,
 Florida, Missouri, U.S.  Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish, and Faroese, all
 Sixth child of John and Jane Clemens.  members of the North Germanic group of
MARK TWAIN’S WOKS  languages.
 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)  Poets and Authors of Nordic Literature 
 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885)   Snorri Sturluson was an Icelandic historian,
 The Innocents Abroad (1869)  poet, and politician. He was elected twice as
 Life on the Mississippi (1883)  law-speaker of the Icelandic parliament, the
 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Althing
(1889)  o The Prose Edda 
 The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894)  o Heimskringla: or, The Lives of the
 Joan of Arc  Norse Kings 
 The Chronicle of Young Satan  o King Harald’s Saga 
Ernest Miller Hemingway  o Gylfaginning 
o Sagas of the Icelanders 
 The first son of Clarence Edmonds
Hemingway, a doctor, and Grace Hall
 Olav Aukrust - regional poet whose verse
contributed to the development of Nynorsk
 He was rejected into military service due to a
(New Norwegian; an amalgam of rural
defect in his eyes but managed to enter World
Norwegian dialects) as a literary language. 
War I as an ambulance driver. 
 Himmelvarden 
 Dikt i utval 
 In Our Time (1924) 
 The Sun Also Rises (1926) 
 Kjartan Fløgstad, pseudonym K. Villum,
 A Farewell to Arms (1929) 
(born June 7, 1944, Sauda, Norway),
 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 
o Dalen Portland 
 The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 
o Rasmus 
 Men Without Women (1927) 
o Fyr og flame 
 The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine
o Kniven på strupen 
Stories (1938) 
o Loven vest for Pecos  
Toni Morrison (Chloe Anthony Wofford) 
o Tyrannosaurus text 
 Toni Morrison was born into a working-class
family in Lorain, Ohio in the United States. She
read a lot as a child and her father's stories, AFRO-ASIAN
taken from the African American tradition,
later became an element in her own writing. 
- Is the second largest continent after Asia,
covering about one-fifth of the total land surface.  
 The Bluest Eye (1970) 
The name Africa came into Western use through
 Sula (1973) 
the Romans, who used the name Africa terra - land
 Song of Solomon (1977) 
of the “ Afri “ -for the Northern Part of continent.  
 Beloved (1987) 
 Jazz (1992) 
- Is bounded by the Artic Ocean to the north, the
 Paradise (1998) 
Pacific Ocean to the east, the Indian OCean to the
 A Mercy (2008) 
south, and the Red Sea 
 Home (2012) 
Afro-Asian Literature 
 God Help the Child (2015) 

- It is a term of writing written by people from Things Fall Apart 
mixed African-Arab ethnicity, or African-Afsian - Achebe wrote this book to inform his
ethnicity  readers on the significance of African
- It mirrors not only traditions and customs of culture. 
African and Asian countries but also their 4. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o 
philosophy of life   He is a Kenyan author and academic who
Egyptian Book of Dead  writes primarily in Kikuyu (Bantu ethnic group
- It is considered as the earliest recordings of native to Central Kenya) and who formerly
literature written down in papyrus  wrote in English.  
- It is a collection of mortuary texts made up of  He was "considered East Africa’s leading
spells or magic formulas, place on the tombs and novelist" 
believe to protect the deceased in the hereafter   Literature Work/s: 
Afro-Asian Writers 
 Weep not, child 
1. Rabindranath Tagore FRAS  - It is moving novel about the effects
 He is a Bengali polymath. He is good at of the Mau Mau uprising on the lives of
solving specific problems by different means of ordinary men and women, and on one
literature. family in particular
Literature Work/s: 
 Is a book of offerings and made Tagore won
his Noble Prize of Literature on November 4,
 This book is part of UNESCO Collection of
Representative Works 
 It contains the special poem known as the
“mind is without fear “ 

2. Suzanna Arundhati Roy 

 An Indian author who was born on
November 24, 1961, is best known for her
1997 book The God of Small Things, which won
the Man Booker Prize for Fiction and quickly
rose to the top of the bestseller list among
non-expatriate Indian authors. 
Literature Work/s: 
The God of Small Things 
 It is a family drama novel, and its story is
about the childhood experiences of fraternal
twins whose lives are destroyed by the "Love
Laws" prevalent in the 1960s Kerala, India 
3. Chinua Achebe 
 He was a novelist, poet, and critic from
Nigeria and is recognized as the key figure in
contemporary African literature. 
 He was known as the “Father of African
Literature “as the author of contemporary
Literature Work/s: 
GROUP 6 Mosques Mentioned in the Qur’an five mosques are
mentioned in the Qur’an. They are:
. Bible
1. Masjid-e-Haram in Mecca
● Background:
The Bible (from Koine Greek word tà biblía, 'the books') 2. Masjid-e-Aqsa in Baitul Muqaddas, Palestine
is a collection of religious text or scriptures sacred in
Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other 3. Masjid-e-Quba in Madina
religions 4. Masjid-e-Nabawwi in Madina
The Bible is an anthology – a compilation of texts of a
5. Masjid-e-Zarar in Madina ordered in the Qur’an to
variety of forms – originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic,
destroy (demolish) Masjid-e-Zarar in Madina. This
and Koine Greek.
mosque was built by the hypocrites (Munafeqeen) the
● The earliest contained the first five books of the enemies of Muslims
Bible. It is called the Torah in Hebrew and the
Pentateuch (meaning five books) Country: Israel Summary:
● Author: the most known author was believed
In the name of Allah most Gracious most Merciful. The
to be Moses, the Hebrew prophet who led the
Israelites out of captivity in Egypt and guided word “Qur'an” literally means ''The Book being read
them across the Red Sea toward the Promised repeatedly”. The revelation of the Qur’an started
Land. through Wahi (inspiration) from Allah. The first
Aside from moses there are also: revelation came to the Prophet (pbuh) in Ghare Hera
(cave Hera).
● Summary:
-The Old Testament is a collection of thirty-nine books 3. The Book of the Dead
about the history and religion of the people of Israel.
The authors of these books are unknown, and each
book possesses a unique tone, style, and message. ● Background:
Individually, they include stories, laws, and sayings that “Book of the Dead” is a modern term to
are intended to function as models of religious and describe a series of ancient Egyptian
ethical conduct. funerary spells that helped the
The New Testament is a collection of twenty-seven deceased find their way to the afterlife
books centered on the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. Each in order to become united with the god
of these books has its own author, context, theme, and of the dead, Osiris. It is a manuscript
persuasive purpose. filled with spells, prayers, and
incantations that are written on papyrus
2. Quran with black and red ink made from
Brief History of the Quran organic material. These books were
believed to guide the dead into the
The first Quranic revelation came to Muhammad c. 610 afterlife and help them fight off demons
AD. Muhammad delivered many more verses to his and other monsters.
scribes and companions for memorization and recording ● Pyramid Texts
over the next two decades. Characters: First used in the Pyramid of King
Unas of the 5th Dynasty,
Prophets Mentioned in the Quran. The names of 26
around 2400 BCE. These texts
Prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an. Prophet Musa
were written on the walls of the
(pbuh) is mentioned most in the Quran. He is burial chambers within
mentioned 135 times. Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) is pyramids, and were exclusively
mentioned 67 times in the Qur’an. Prophet Muhammad for the use of the pharaoh.
(pbuh) is mentioned 5 times in the Qur’an.
Coffin Texts
Used a newer version of the
language , new spells, and the works, he is one of the greatest
included illustrations for the literary artists in the world, and,
first time. It is most commonly through these poems, he affected
written on the inner surfaces of Western standards and ideas.
coffins. ● Summary:
-The story of the Iliad follows the great
Four Sections: Greek warrior Achilles, as well as his rage and
Chapter 1-16 The deceased enters the the destruction it causes. Parallel to this, the
tomb and descends to the underworld, story also follows the Trojan warrior Hector and
and the body regains its powers of his efforts to fight to protect his family and his
movement and speech. people.
-The Odyssey is about Odysseus's
Chapter 17-63 Explanation of the return to his homeland of Ithaca, where he will
mythic origin of the gods and places. defeat the rude suitors camped in his palace
The deceased is made to live again so and reunite with his loyal wife, Penelope.
that he may arise, reborn, with the
morning sun. ● . MahabharataAuthor: Its authorship is
traditionally ascribed to the sage Vyasa, who
Chapter 64-129 The deceased travels appears in the work as the grandfather of the
across the sky in the sun ark as one of Kauravas and the Pandavas.
the blessed dead. In the evening, the ● Country: India
deceased travels to the underworld to ● Summary: The epic poem is about the issues of
appear before Osiris. succession and lead up to the Kurushetra war
Chapter 130-189 Having been itself and the aftermath. The main story
Vindicated, the deceased assumes revolves around the two families, the Pandavas
power in the universe as one of the and the Kauravas who battled in the Kurushetra
gods. This section also includes assorted war for the throne of Hastinapura. The sons of
chapters on protective amulets, Dhitarashrtra were called the Kauravas, and the
provision of food and important places. sons of Pandu were known as the Panavas.
The war for the throne lasted for 18
● Country: days and both sides lost a lot of lives, in the end
Egypt the Pandavas won and their reign lasted for 36
years. They dedicated their last days climbing
● Summary:
towards heaven.
There are nearly 200 known spells, but
they weren’t collected into books in our current 6. The Divine Comedy
sense of the word. Rather, spells were inscribed
on objects from mummy wrappings to coffins to Background: The Divine Comedy is a narrative
figurines meant to accompany the dead in the poem written by an Italian poet, Dante Alighieri.
tomb. They provided instructions for the various He was a philosopher and theologist involved
challenges the deceased would face on their with religion and political issues in medieval
journey. Spell 125 (a vignette from which is Florence, his hometown.
illustrated below), for example, lists a number ● Country: Italy
of sins they must deny having committed in life ● Author: The Divine Comedy is an Italian
when they appear before Osiris. narrative poem by Dante Alighieri, begun c.
1308 and completed in 1320, a year before his
4. Iliad & Odyssey death in 1321.
● Summary: The plot of The Divine Comedy is
● Country:
simple: a man, generally assumed to be Dante
○ Ancient Greece, 8th century BC
himself, is miraculously enabled to undertake
● Author:
an ultramundane journey, which leads him to
○ Homer - Homer is the presumed author
visit the souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two hugely
. The Song of Roland
influential epic poems of ancient
Greece. If Homer did in fact compose ● Background:
convinces her father to offer her to Shahryar.
She asks her sister, Dinazad, to wake her before
La Chanson de Roland, English The Song of sunrise and ask for a story. Dinazad wakes her
Roland, Old French epic poem that is probably as commanded and, with the king's permission,
the earliest (c. 1100) chanson de geste Shahrazad begins to tell her a story. But she
(medieval historical romance) and is considered halts her story at a suspenseful moment and
the masterpiece of the genre. tells Dinazad that she will finish the tale the
● Country: France (1100) following night, if the king permits her to live so
● Author: The poem’s probable author was a long. Shahryar wishes to hear the rest of the
Norman poet, Turold, whose name is story, so he agrees. This continues for 1,001
introduced in its last line. nights (although it has actually been counted to
● Summary: be 280 nights). Shahrazad tells stories about
The poem opens as Charlemagne, having romances, tragedies, and epic adventures.
conquered all of Spain except Saragossa, Often, one of her characters will tell his own
receives overtures from the Saracen king and story, creating an embedded narrative.
sends the knight Ganelon, Roland’s stepfather, Eventually, Shahryar falls in love with her and
to negotiate peace terms. Angry because renounces his law.
Roland proposed him for the dangerous task, ● 9. El Cid
Ganelon plots with the Saracens to achieve his ● Country: Spain
stepson’s destruction and, on his return, ● Author: The author of the poem 'El Cid' is
ensures that Roland will command the rear unknown. It is believed to have been first
guard of the army when it withdraws from performed orally by traveling storytellers before
Spain. As the army crosses the Pyrenees, the being written down.
rear guard is surrounded at the pass of ● Characters: El Cid/Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, King
Roncesvalles by an overwhelming Saracen Alfonso VI, The Infantes of Carion, El Cid's
force. Trapped against crushing odds, the Daughters
headstrong hero Roland is the paragon of the ● Summary: El Cid tells the epic story of a man
unyielding warrior victorious in defeat. who fights to restore his honor after being
● One Thousand & One NightsCountry: Saudi banished. El Cid is banished from Spain and
Arabia forced to abandon all of his belongings.
● Author: The stories changed over the years as Determined to restore his name, he and his
they were translated and rewritten to vassals conquer a series of Moorish settlements.
accommodate the current society. It circulated This pleases the king, who eventually pardons El
throughout the Middle East before being Cid. El Cid, now wealthy and powerful, becomes
introduced to Europe in the 18th century. It was the lord of Valencia, and his daughters marry
first translated into French by Antoine Golland. princes. The cowardly princes mistreat El Cid's
Golland also added the stories of Aladdin and daughters and El Cid enacts revenge against
Ali Baba to the work, which were told to him by them. The daughters then marry kings. El Cid
a friend's Arabic friend. The first English version lives the rest of his life wealthy, happy, and
appeared in the 19th century, translated by Sir respected.
Richard Burton. In 1814, the first Arabic printed 10. The Canterbury Tales
edition was published. Since then, there have
been a series of new translations and editions.
● Summary: The primary story is about Shahryar Author: Geoffrey Chaucer
and Shahrazad. When Shahryar discovers that
his queen at the beginning of the tale is being Overview:
unfaithful, he declares that all women are the
same and vows to take a new bride each night
and have her killed the next morning. The Canterbury Tales begins with the famous words
people shocked by the brutality of this law and "when april comes with his sweet fragrant showers
watches in horror as their king murders their which pierce the dry ground of march and bathe every
daughters. Shahrazad, daughter of the vizier, root of every plant in sweet liquid, then people desire to
go on pilgrimages' '. The narrator who is meant to be a
version of Chaucer himself is staying at the Tabbard Inn
in Southwark when the company of 29 pilgrims
descends. The Inn's owner and the host Harry Bailey set
up a challenge. Each pilgrim should tell 4 tales on their
journey. Two were on their way to the shrine of Martyr
Saint Thomas Albeckett at Canterbury Cathedral, and
two on their way to London. The host will accompany
them so he can judge the best story and the other
pilgrims will pay for the winner's supper upon their
Uncle Tom’s CabinCountry: USA
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe

● Despite the fact that Tom is meek and obedient,

his enslaver sells him.
● Tom meets a young girl named Eva St. Clare,
whose father buys Tom. Eva makes her father
agree to free all the people he has enslaved
when he dies.
● St. Clare dies before he can free Tom and the
other enslaved people. Tom is then sold to a
Southern plantation owner who beats Tom to
death when Tom refuses to reveal the
whereabouts of two other enslaved people who
have escaped.

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