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East or West, ISO is the Best

?Unit Five : Can you help Summary Worksheet 2

…………………………………………… : Name Grade : Eight

:Part 1 : Reading
Read “Electric Light Overload” paragraph at your book page number: 70-71, ***
:then answer the questions below

?Why are stars hard to spot nowadays .1


?What is light pollution .2


? How does light pollution affect people .3


?What is the problem that faces baby turtles .4


?What caused insects numbers to decline .5


The writer mentioned a solution for light pollution problem. .6

.Mention it

In your opinion, what other solutions should be taken into account to solve the .7
Quote the sentence which shows the diseases that light pollution .8

Decide whether the following statements are true or false about the reading passage .9
1. A volcano erupted in Los Angeles that caused a power cut. True False
2. Lack of sleep doesn’t lead to serious diseases. True False
3. More than 7000 cities and towns switch off their lights for an hour. True False

Part 2 : Vocabulary
1 the people who live in a house, area or ‫سكان‬
2 the people in power who make decisions ‫سلطات‬
which affect a place or area
3 all plants and animals living in a particular ‫النظام البيئي‬
area and the relationship between them
4 the place where the sea and the land seem ‫االفق‬
to meet the sky.
5 depression a mental state in which you are really sad ‫اكتئاب‬
6 conservation a protection ‫محافظة‬
7 appliance a device or a machine for home use ‫جهاز‬

1 decline to grow smaller ‫يتراجع‬
2 disrupted to interrupt ‫يعيق‬/‫يقاطع‬
3 dim to reduce light ‫يخفف االضاءة‬
4 swarm to move in a large group ‫يحتشد‬
5 capsize to turnover in the water ‫ينقلب‬
6 ban to prohibit sth officially ‫يحظر‬

1 seriously to a great degree ‫بجدية‬

1 giant huge ‫عمالق‬
2 exhausted extremely tired ‫منهك‬
3 marveled amazed by something ‫مندهش‬
4 generous often giving people money or presents ‫كريم‬
5 starry full of stars ‫مرصع بالنجوم‬
6 affordable reasonably priced ‫ذو تكلفة‬
7 extinct not existing anymore ‫منقرض‬
8 delighted extremely happy and pleased about sth ‫مبتهج‬

1 creep into to go into a lace unnoticed ‫يتسلل‬
2 run out to have no more of sth left ‫ينفذ‬
3 put off to delay doing sth until a later time ‫يؤجل‬

From the word bank, write the word that best completes the meaning of each -
:of the following statements
delighted creep into seriously disrupted depression

1- They are____________ with their new car.

2- Doubts began to __________ my mind about the likely success of the project.

3- I was overwhelmed by feelings of ______________.

4- He wasn’t______________ injured – he just got a few cuts and bruises.

5- A heavy fall of snow _____________ traffic during the rush hour.

Part 3 : GRAMMAR
Reported speech

We use a 'reporting verb' like 'say' or 'tell' to tell someone what someone
.else has said

.Direct Speech → 'I work in a bank,' said Daniel

Reported Speech → Daniel said that he worked in a bank

In reported speech, we often use a tense which is 'further back' in the past
(e.g. worked) than the tense originally used (e.g. work). This is called
'backshift'. We also may need to change other words that were used, for
.example pronouns

Verb form transformation -1

If there is backshift of tenses in Reported Speech, the tenses are shifted the **
.following way

Present Past

 Direct Speech → Omar: “Ahmad is playing football.”

 Reported Speech → Omar said (that) Ahmad was playing football.
 Direct Speech → Naser: “they have studied for the exams.”
 Reported Speech → Naser said (that) they had studied for the exams.

Past Past perfect

 Direct Speech → Naser: “she studied for the English exam.”

 Reported Speech → Naser said (that) She had studied for the English exam.
 Direct Speech → Ahmad: “Yousef was swimming in the pool.”
 Reported Speech → Ahmad said (that) Yousef had been swimming for the
English exam. present past
will would
Past perfect Past can could
perfect may might
shall should
have to had to
 Direct Speech → Laila: “I had finished
the tasks.”
 Reported Speech → Laila said (that) she had finished the tasks.
Modal verbs -2 

 Direct Speech → Rania: “I can speak Spanish.”

 Reported Speech → Rania said (that) she could speak Spanish.
Pronouns transformation -3

**If there is a pronoun in Direct Speech, it has possibly to be changed in Reported

Speech, depending on the situation.

 Direct Speech → Susan: “I work in an office.”

 Reported Speech → Susan said (that)* she worked in an office.
Direct speech Indirect speech
I He, she
We They
You (subject) He, she, they
My His, her
Our Their
Your His, her, their
Me Him, her
Us Them
You (object) Him, her, them
Mine His, hers
Ours Theirs
Yours His, hers, theirs
Expressions of time and place transformation -4

**If there is an expression of time/place in the sentence, it may be changed,

depending on the situation.

 Direct Speech → Peter: “I worked in the garden yesterday.”

 Reported Speech → Peter said (that) he had worked in the garden the day

Direct Speech Reported Speech

this evening that evening

today/this day that day

these days those days

Now then

a week ago a week before

the weekend before /
last weekend
the previous weekend

next week the following week

Tomorrow the next/following day

Here there

Q.1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences below.

1. 'My best friend at school became a nurse first, then a paramedic.'

He told me that his best friend at school…………a nurse first, then a paramedic.

a. was becoming b. had become c. has become

2. 'I had lived in four countries by the age of ten.'

She said that she……………in four countries by the age of ten.

a. lived b. was living c. had lived

3. 'I commute 45 minutes to work.'

She told me that she…………..45 minutes to work

a. has commuted b. commuted c. had commuted

4. 'We were hoping to have our wedding in June.'

She told me that they……………to have their wedding in June.

a. had been hoping b. are hoping c. have been hoping

5. 'Oh, hi, Ethan! I'm just leaving, unfortunately.' 

When I got there I saw him, but he said he…………….

a. is just leaving b. was just leaving c. had just left

6. 'We've seen four elephants already and it's only our first day.'

He said that they………….four elephants on their first day.

a. were seeing b. have seen c. had seen

7. 'I'll lend you the money.'

He told me he…………. me the money.

a. lend b. was lending c. would lend

Q.2. Rewrite the following statements into the reported speech.

1. "I like this song."

He said………………………………………………….…………………

2. “I travel a lot in my job.”

Jamila said………………………………………………….………………

3. “The baby's sleeping!”

He told me………………………………………………….………………

4. “I've hurt my leg.”

She said………………………………………………….…………………

5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

He said ………………………………………………….…………………

6. "We lived in China for five years.”

She told me…………………………….…………………….……………

7. "It was raining all day.”

He told me………………………………………………….………………
8. "I had tried everything without success, but this new medicine is
He said………………………………………………….……………………

9. "We have to fix this car ourselves now.”

He said………………………………………………….……………………

10. "Sami will return home next Monday"

He said………………………………………………….……………………

Q.3. Find and correct the mistakes in the following reported statements.

1. "You have always been my friend," said Joe.

Joe said I was always his friend.


2. "I am not going to tolerate this any more," said Sarah.

Sarah said she was not going to tolerate this any more.


3. "Omar went to the pool with his friends yesterday” said Omar’s mother.
Omar’s mother said that Omar was going to the pool with his friends yesterday.


Part 4 : Writing

Problem- solution essay

 Introduction: Present the problem

 Body:

1. Topic sentence – state the solution

2. Explanation – give details explaining the solution

3. Example – give an example

 Conclusion: Summarize the topic and state your opinion

Study the following Problem-solution essay carefully, it will help you
write your own essay on the topic down.

Traffic Jam

One of the most serious issues facing the majority of large urban areas is traffic
jams. The main reason for this is that there are too many private cars on the roads these
A solution that is proving successful in many areas is park-and-ride schemes. This is
where you park your car for free in a large car park on the outskirts of the city and take a
bus for the final part of your journey. The fee you have to pay for the bus trip is usually
very small and this public transport system is generally very regular, running every ten
minutes or so. A survey carried out in the city of Exeter showed that the rush hour
congestion decreased by 10% when the council set up a park-and-ride scheme to the
north of the city. There was an additional drop of another 10% in traffic volume when a
second scheme began operating to the south.
To conclude, the major urban problem of traffic congestion caused by the excessive
number of private cars on city roads can be partly alleviated by the introduction of park-
and-ride systems on city fringes. I would certainly use one if it was introduced in my area.

Your essay:

People eat junk food heavily these days which causes health
problems. Write a well-organized essay providing solutions for
this problem.

































“Just beyond the horizon of the so-called impossible, is infinite possibility.”

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