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Our protagonist stands upon the lakeside starring at the moon.
He turns around to see Enemy-1 standing opposite him. Enemy-1
ignites his saber. Protagonist ignites his after enemy-1.
The camera cuts to a long shot of the two standing opposite
each other.
The camera gets close to both of their faces as they look
right to fight.
Camera cuts back to the long shot as the two start to clash
sabers. This will continue for 20 seconds.
After the 20 seconds the camera cuts to closer shots of the
characters clashing.
Protagonist stuns Enemy-1 by overwhelming him in a clash.
Enemy-1 stumbles back and the protagonist pushes him back into
an plain field.


The protagonist chased after the fallen Enemy-1 But when he
arrives, he cannot find him.
The Protagonist looks around confused.
The protagonist senses danger and perks up.
The protagonist jumps to the right to dodge a blaster shot.
The Protagonist stands up and looks over to where the shot
came from to see a hooded figure standing at the edge of the
Protagonist rushes towards him deflecting shots as he runs.
The Hooded figure ignites his saber to block an attack from
The camera pans out to show a mid-long range shot of
Protagonist and Hooded figure fighting. This goes on for 20
Protagonist then gets close enough to kick the blaster out of
his hand. Protagonist then goes in for the finishing blow but
Hooded figure jumps back into the forest heading towards the
Protagonist then chases him to the lakeside and cannot find
him. He then looks up to Moon

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