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Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

GRADE (JHS): Grade 7

Nutritional and Healthy Foods for Adolescents
As you continue to grow and develop, your body requires an increase in nutritional needs to
support the rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence. Getting proper nutrients through
the food you eat and the habits you make is very important to become a happy and healthy teenager.
Thus, understanding the basic concept of nutritional needs of adolescents will help you familiarize
the basic knowledge of nutrition and how to effectively manage yourself to develop healthful
practices to stay healthy.
This lesson will introduce you to the key concept of nutrition and healthy food choices for
adolescents like you. As you go over with the different discussions and activities in this lesson, it
will help you deepen your understanding of the basic knowledge of nutrition and provide you some
questions to ponder upon to reveal your understanding as you analyze the effective ways to develop
to become a healthy teenager.
Nutrition is defined as the processes of eating a healthy and balanced diet. As an adolescent who
experiences a lot of physical changes, the body needs to receive the proper amounts and the right
kinds of foods each day to provides the energy and nutrients your organs and systems need to work
Eating healthy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. As you grow older, you experience
several growth spurts, which are associated with the physical, hormonal, intellectual, and emotional
changes which make this transitional stage challenging for you. Failure to consume an adequate
diet during this time may affect one’s physical development and growth. Being an adolescent means
having more opportunities to choose what to eat this time, choosing the right amount of healthy
foods will help you and your body provide the needed calories and maximum energy to assure that
all your organs are functioning well and prevent you from any other diseases.
As a teenager, eating three regular meals a day with some snacks will help you meet your
nutrition needs. Skipping meals means missing out on your intake of vitamins, minerals, and
carbohydrates, which can leave you lacking energy or finding it hard to concentrate.
The following are some general guidelines and tips in choosing healthy foods to eat:
 Bread, rice, and cereals are food rich in carbohydrates that provide energy for your brain and
muscles. These foods are also an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins. Without enough
carbohydrates, you may feel tired and run down. Thus, it is important to include some
carbohydrates at each mealtime.

 Fruit and vegetables contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals which help boost
the immune system and guard your body against getting sick. Fruits and vegetables are very
important for healthy skin and eyes. If possible, eat two to three servings of fruit and
vegetables a day.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

 Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes are good sources of iron and protein. Iron is an
important nutrient we can get from our minerals intake to make red blood cells, which carry
oxygen around your body. For teenage girls, menstruation can lead to loss of iron in the
body. Thus, getting enough iron can prevent you from developing diseases related to
adolescence. Moreover, protein is needed for growth and to keep your muscles healthy. Not
eating enough protein during the puberty stage, can lead to delayed or stunted height and
weight. Including meat, chicken, fish, or eggs in your diet at least twice a day helps you
develop a healthier brain, eyes, and skin.

 Eating dairy foods like milk, cheese and yogurt helps building bones and teeth and keep
your heart, muscles, and nerves working properly. Eating three and a half servings of dairy
food a day will meet your needs for a healthy balanced diet.

 Avoid eating too much fat and oil that can result in you too much weight gain. To address
this, try to use oils in small amounts for cooking. Also, high-fat foods like chocolate, chips,
cakes, and fried foods can increase your weight without giving your body many nutrients.

 Water and juices are also an important part of your diet. Drink water to keep hydrated, and
help you to prevent constipation.

Nutritional Needs of Adolescents

Eating nutritious food is important at any age, especially for teenagers. Just like other adolescents,
your body requires a greater demand in the amount of energy and nutrients to function efficiently
and effectively. Thus, choosing and eating right means getting the right balance of nutrients for the
body to achieve one’s health goals and full growth potential.
This lesson will introduce you to the key concept of nutritional needs and concerns of adolescents
like you. As you go over the different discussions and activities in this lesson, it will help you
deepen your understanding of the important nutrients needed by the body such as carbohydrates,
protein, fats, and other vitamins and minerals.
Let us now deepen your understanding of the nutritional needs of adolescents specifically the six
essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), essential nutrients are very important in supporting a person’s health, growth,
and development. These are substances that we can only get from the food we eat because our
bodies cannot produce them on our own. Essential nutrients are divided into two categories:
macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are nutrients needed by the body in larger amounts, examples of these are protein,
carbohydrates, fats, and water. Moreover, micronutrients are consisting of vitamins and minerals.
These are nutrients that a person needs in a small amount however, a deficiency or lack of these
food nutrients can cause illness. There are six essential nutrients that an adolescent need to achieve
and maintain optimal health.
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are essentials to the body because it is the primary source of energy. These are
sugars and starches that provide energy to support the immune system, digestive, brain functioning,
and the energy to perform tasks.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

Carbohydrates are classified into two (2) categories. Simple carbohydrates are consist of smaller
molecules of sugar that are digested quickly by the body and if not used immediately will get
converted to fat.
However, complex carbohydrates are considered as “good carbs” that are high in fiber and nutrients
required by the body to work harder to digest, and to release energy.
Sources of Carbohydrates

Complex Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates

- Whole grain breads - Brown rice - White bread - White rice

- Green Vegetables - Bran Cereals - Candy - Cookies

- Sweet Potato - Beans - Fruits - Chips - Sugary cereals

2. Protein
Protein serves as the main source of cells and tissues. It ensures the growth and development of
muscles, bones, hair, and skin and helps the body create antibodies, hormones, and other essential
substances need by the body to function well
Sources of Proteins

 meat  beans and legumes  dairy products

 poultry products  eggs  nuts
 fish and other seafood

3. Fats
The right amount of fats is good for the body. Fats provide long-term energy, insulation, and
protection to our body. Also, it transports vitamins A, D, E, and K. Two types of fats are classified
as saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and increase levels of
“bad” cholesterol. On the other hand, unsaturated fats are fats that are liquid at room temperature
they increase levels of “good” cholesterol in the body that reduces the risk of heart diseases and
other illnesses.
Sources of Fats (Unsaturated)

 nuts  vegetable oils  seeds

 fish, such as salmon and tuna  coconut oil

4. Vitamins
Vitamins are micronutrients that provide a wide range of health benefits in the body. It facilitates
the use of other nutrients; involved in regulating growth and manufacturing hormones. Some of the
essential vitamins for the body include:
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

Vitamin Function Sources

Vitamin A Vitamin A for growth and development, cell  carrots

recognition, immune function and vision.  squash
 other green leafy vegetables
Vitamin D Vitamin D helps in maintaining healthy  Salmon
bones and teeth.  Fortified milk
 Tofu
Vitamin E Vitamin E is essential for the immune  Avocados
system and keeping the skin healthy.  Nuts and legumes

Vitamin K Vitamin K is important factor for blood  green beans

clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating  cucumber
blood calcium levels.  cabbage
 broccoli
 lettuce
 other green leafy vegetables
Vitamin C Vitamin C helps the body to fight off  Guava
infections and maintain our bones, skin,  Oranges
and blood vessels.  Papaya
 Tomato
 Peas

5. Minerals
Minerals are micronutrients that help build our bones and teeth. It also maintains muscle function
and nervous system activities. Moreover, major minerals in our body such as calcium and potassium
help the body balance water levels, maintain healthy skin, hair and nails, and improve bone health.
However, trace minerals such as iron and zinc strengthen bones, support the immune system, aid in
blood clotting, helps organs in carrying oxygen throughout the body, and supports healthy blood

Minerals Funct Sou

ion rces
Calcium It is essential for strong bones and teeth.  Cheese and dairy products
 Milk
 Whole grain cereal
Iron It is essential for blood production and  Organ meat (liver)
transferring oxygen throughout the body.  Chicken
 Milk
 Nuts, tofu, legumes
 Fish and seafoods
 Green leafy vegetables
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

Zinc It is needed by the body for proper  Pork, Nuts and legumes
growth and development.  Milk, eggs
 Fish and seafoods

6. Water
Our body is made up of about 60% water. Water is the most important nutrient that a person needs,
for instance, a person cannot survive a few days without drinking enough water to use by the body.
The primary functions of water in our body include dissolving and carrying nutrients, removing
harmful waste and substances, and regulating body temperature.

Nutritional Guide Pyramid for Adolescents

In the previous lesson, you already identify and understand the importance of eating a variety of
nutritious food every day. To maintain this habit, following a healthy eating guidelines will help
you grow and develop to develop to the fullest and improve your nutritional status.
This lesson will guide you to follow the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for
healthful eating. As you go over with the different discussions and activities in this lesson, it will
help you deepen your understanding of the food pyramid guide that will help you achieve your goal
of being a healthy teenager.
According to the World Health Organization, nutrition is a critical part of health and development.
In fact, in a study conducted by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 2019, Adolescent
obesity among Filipinos has almost tripled in the last 15 years (Philippine Expanded National
Nutrition Survey, 2018) as processed foods high in salt, fats and sugar are becoming more
accessible and affordable. Moreover, the report also found out that adolescents are eating unhealthy
food that does not meet their nutritional needs.
To address this alarming concern on nutrition, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) in
the Philippines provides recommendations to consumers specifically “adolescence” about the
appropriate proportion of various food groups for a truly healthy and balanced meal. The
Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos (NGF) is a set of dietary guidelines based on the eating pattern,
lifestyle, and health status of Filipinos. Moreover, they created a Daily Nutritional Guide Pyramid
(Food Pyramid) which shows the kinds of foods, the right proportion, and recommended servings
needed each day for Filipino children ages 13 to 19 years old. Specifically, the food pyramid serve
as a guide on how much 1) fats and oils, 2) sugar, 3) meat and poultry, 4) milk and milk products,
5) vegetables, 6) fruits, 7) rice and rice products and 8) water or beverages should a Filipino eat in
one day.

Based on the daily nutritional guide pyramid rice, rice products, corn, root crops, bread, and noodles
with 6-8 servings per day should be taken as the major dietary source. Also, eating more fruits and
vegetables with 3 servings a day is advised. Have a moderate amount of meat, fish, egg, milk, and
their alternatives (dried beans and nuts) with 2 ½ servings a day. Furthermore, to have a balanced
and healthy diet drinking an adequate amount of fluid (including water, tea, clear soup, etc) every
day is also a must.
However, sugar and sweets as well as fats and oils with 5 -6 tablespoons a day should be the less
priority. As much as possible, reduce the use of frying but instead try low-fat cooking methods such
as steaming, stewing, simmering, boiling, scalding.
With an adequate amount of nutrients intake, adolescents like you can be more productive, can
create opportunities to learn better and maximize full potential. Understanding the basic concept of
nutritional needs among adolescents may make it easier for you to make better food choices.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiencies

For many years, malnutrition is one of the major global burdens in many countries
around the world including the Philippines. In fact, the Philippines ranks 9th in the
world having the highest number of stunted children with approximately ninety-five (95)
recorded children deaths a day because of malnutrition (UNICEF). The Philippine
government, as well as the different public and private agencies, works together to
ensure that all Filipino children will get the appropriate services and systems for health
and nutrition. However, your decisions and options as adolescents in choosing nutritious
food to eat and practicing a healthier lifestyle can make a big difference in addressing
this alarming concern.
Malnutrition is defined as deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of
essential nutrients, or impaired nutrient utilization (World Health Organization). There
are two types of malnutrition. Overnutrition occurs when a person eats or acquired
nutritional requirements beyond the needed or ideal amount. Overweight and obesity are
defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. It
happens when people eats too much food that results excess calories. This extra calories
form body fats leading to the development of other medical complications and problems.

On the other hand, undernutrition is a condition wherein a person lacks with the daily
needed nutrients and requirements that leads them to illness and other deficiencies.
Undernutrition is classified into four categories that includes:

 Wasting refers to a child/adolescent that has low weight for his/her height.
 Stunting refers to a child/adolescent that has a low height for his/her age.
 Underweight means that the child/adolescent may be stunted, wasted, or both.
 Micronutrient deficiency is defined as the lack of vitamins and minerals and
other essential nutrients needed by the body to function well in producing
enzymes, hormones, and other substances needed for growth and development.

A study conducted by the Food and Nutrition Institute in 2013 revealed that 1 out of
10 teenagers have iron deficiency anemia while 3 out of 10 teenagers have a zinc
deficiency. Based on these given data, we can relate that aside from malnutrition,
micronutrient deficiency is another alarming concern in health and nutrition among
Filipino teenagers. The following are some nutrition-related micronutrient deficiencies
common among adolescents.

Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)

Anemia happens when your body doesn't have the normal amount or have a
decreased level of hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the protein that can
be found in your red blood cells that is responsible for carrying oxygen to your tissues. It
is characterized when a person has too many red blood cells that are destroyed,
inadequate iron intake, or blood loss due to menstruation or bleeding.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when
your body doesn't have enough iron to make hemoglobin. Iron is an essential nutrient for
producing and transferring the appropriate amount of oxygen need by the body.
Menstruating girls have a higher risk of acquiring Iron deficiency anemia as well as
teenage boys that are undergoing muscle mass development.

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include:

 fatigue
 weakness
 pale skin
 shortness of breath
 dizziness
 cold hands and feet
 fast or irregular heartbeat
 headaches

Vitamin A Deficiency
Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) or lack of vitamin A is the leading cause of preventable
blindness in children and adolescents. Vitamin A is a group of nutrients essential for
skin development, fights inflammation, eye health, and functioning. Moreover, it also
plays a part in skin development and repair and boosting your immune system against

Common symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency include:

 dry skin
 dry eyes
 night blindess
 delayed growth
 throat and chest infection
 poor wound healing
 acne breakouts

Calcium Deficiency Disease

Calcium deficiency disease is also known as hypocalcemia, it occurs when calcium

level intake for the body is low. Calcium is an important micronutrient that helps your
body develop strong bones and teeth. Also, it is needed for your heart and other muscles
to function properly. Adolescents who don't get enough calcium may affect their growth
and development specifically their full potential height as adults. Moreover, a lack of
calcium in the body increases the risks of developing diseases such as osteoporosis later
in life.
Common symptoms of Calcium deficiency include:
 muscle problems
 extreme fatigue
 dry, broken, and brittle nails
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Quarter 2, Week 7

 dental problems (weak roots, irritated gums, brittle teeth, and tooth decay)

Zinc deficiency

Zinc is used by the body in cell production and immune functions. It is an essential part
of cell growth, development, and reproduction. Zinc deficiency occurs when your body
cannot produce healthy, new cells that impair growth and weakness of the immune
system making adolescents sickly and prone to infections.

Deficiency in Zinc leads to symptoms such as:

 unexplained weight loss
 wounds that won't heal
 lack of alertness
 decreased sense of smell and taste
 diarrhea
 loss of appetite
 open sores on the skin

Iodine deficiency disorder

According to the World Health organization, iodine deficiency disease is one of the
main causes of impaired cognitive development in children. Iodine is an essential
micronutrient responsible for making a chemical known as thyroid hormone that
controls your metabolism and other important body functions. Lack of iodine results in
abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland, known as a goiter, and other thyroid
problems. For children, iodine deficiency disorder can cause mental disabilities.

Signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency include:

 poor growth
 delayed tooth development
 delayed puberty
 poor mental development
 cognitive issues (low IQ, trouble learning, mental disabilities)

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