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Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 8 Quarter 1, Week 8

GRADE (JHS): Grade 7



In the present times, your personal health becomes your responsibility also. One thing you can do is
to know your health status so that you can take the important actions to improve your health habits. In case
there is a symptom of a medical problem, early detection can help to prevent this from becoming serious that
would need appropriate treatment.
HEALTH APPRAISAL is a chain of procedures to evaluate the health status of a student through teachers’
observations, screening tests, health backgrounds or medical histories, medical and dental inspections and
psychological examinations. All of this depends on the cooperation of parents, teachers, physicians, dentists,
and school nurse included in the school development project.
There are school health personnel that administers the conduct of Health Appraisal in the School that
includes the:
1. School Physician – they are tasked to the taking of medical examination of students, teachers and
other school health personnel.
2. School Nurse- assists the physician in identifying the health status of the students, teachers, and
other school employees.
3. School Dentists- administers the dental examination of students, teachers and other school
4. Teachers and Principal
Health Appraisal Duties done by the School Health Personnel includes the ff:
1. Health Appraisal – refers to the school health utility that assures the physical, mental, emotion and
social health status of the students through health backgrounds, teachers’ and nurse’s observations,
screening tests, medical, dental and psychological examinations.
2. Health Counselling – this clarifies to students, parents, and guardians the background of the health
problems and how to solve it. It can be done by the school nurses, teachers, physicians, guidance
counselors and others.
3. Health Examination – conducted by the school physician to check the health status of the students
4. Follow-up – results of the different examinations are discussed with the teacher concerned, students
and to the concerned parents. Home visit is done to follow up cases of students.
5. Emergency Care Program – this refers to giving of first aid and safety information to improve
safety attitude among students.


1. Health Examination – As the school year starts, the students undergo medical and dental
examinations and the screening tests to determine their health status.
2. Dental Examination – this is administered by a dentist. A person must undergo a dental check-up
every six months.
3. Medical Examination – this refers to a physical examinations and observation done by a physician.
The results of this examination must be relayed and explained to the parents, so that preventive
measures can be done. 
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 8 Quarter 1, Week 8

4. Screening Tests- These are preliminary procedures that are utilized to determine factors that affects
student’s academic performance, friends and other social relationships or physical condition.


There are several health appraisals practices that are part of the school health benefit program. These
incorporate the provision of a health examination in which the complete health history and status of the child
is noted, and a few screening programs planned to recognize early problems. A health examination ought to
give a history of the health status of the child and recognize any health issues that the child might have. A
health history is usually obtained prior to the examination. These include:
1. History of health problems
2. Growth and development
3. Diseases
4. Allergies
5. Nutritional status
6. Immunization
7. Other factors related to the child

Usually, health history also includes family health records such as data on relatives who have
maladies like cancer, diabetes, heart illnesses, and persistent conditions. A doctor continuously conducts
health examination.

Here are the parts of health screening:
1. Physical growth and development – measure of height and weight; these measurements are supportive in
deciding if ordinary physiological development designs are occurring.
2. Vision screening – is a viable school endeavor since deviations from ordinary can be distinguished and
refractive mistakes can be adjusted. The Snellen chart is the commonly used, the slightest costly, and the
easiest to perform; and a remarkably high degree of victory in distinguishing students having vision
problems utilizing this procedure.
3. Hearing screening – the capacity to listen sound decides how well one can communicate inside the
environment. A child who has indeed minor hearing issues can create speech issues. Hearing screening is
performed with a pure-tone audiometer, which is the foremost dependable method for discovery of hearing
4. Screening for scoliosis – Scoliosis may be a familiar issue amid the fast growth in late childhood to early
adolescent a long time. Young ladies have more chances of acquiring it than boys; and it can be acquired
genetically. A few signs are having unbalanced shoulders and hips. Scoliosis screening will recognize
students who have spinal inconsistencies that would worsen body’s development and stamina and most
likely lead to back torments and other body parts. Early discovery and meditation may avert scoliosis from
creating into conditions that will obstruct comfortable developments or activities.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 8 Quarter 1, Week 8


Health service is a public service providing medical care. Health services consist of medical
professionals, organizations, and ancillary health care workers who provide medical care to those in need. 

Health services serve patients, families, communities, and populations. They cover emergency,
preventative, rehabilitative, long-term, hospital, diagnostic, primary, palliative, and home care. These
services are centered on making health care accessible, high quality, and patient centered.

Our government believes that a strong nation needs healthy citizenry. To achieve this, the
Department of Health promoted community health with the partnership of Department of Education,
community, barangay, government, and non-governmental organizations through the program called
Primary Health Care. 
Primary health care programs in the school and community 
Health Functions 
Dental Health Conduct dental-related examinations and procedures like extraction of milk teeth,
program  giving prescriptions for tooth aches, etc. 

Medical Provide free medicines for simple health problems prescribed by medical practitioners
Morbidity assigned in a community or school. Examples include stomachache, fever, cough and
clinic  colds. 

Child health Conduct immunization for children, since their immune system is relatively weak. This
care  includes vaccines for Measles, Mumps, Polio and Influenza. It also aims to control
Diarrheal diseases caused by microorganisms through educating children about water
safety and sanitation.

Nutrition Administers operation timbang to ensure that children’s mass is appropriate for their
program  age (BMI – Body Mass Index). 

In response to those who feel in category underweight, the community and school
provides food supplementation through giving vitamins or free healthy snacks during

Deworming  This service aims to eliminate intestinal parasites in children through as Mebendazole.
This is being done every January and July (National Deworming Month) and has been
a goal of Department of Health since then.

School feeding  This service aims to improve the nutritional status of students by providing free,
healthy meals. It helps in increasing the attendance of students as well. 

Medical check- Checks and informs children of their general health status such as weight, height, eye
up  condition and heartbeat to guarantee good health and to provide early detection of
diseases or abnormalities. 
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 8 Quarter 1, Week 8

Mental hygiene  Provide centers for adolescents suffering from problems like depression, abuse and
stress. These centers help in the overall physiological well-being of students.  

Blood testing  Checks and tests components of the blood for possible disorders and conditions like
anemia, leukemia, and blood infection.  

Pharmacy Delivers medicines to health centers for easier access. Examples are medicines which
services  are badly needed by the locals in the community. 

Development of Self-Awareness and Coping Skills

As you grow, an adolescent like you may experience different changes physically,
emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. These changes may bring stress and anxiety if you do
not know how to handle and cope with these changes.
Here are some of the coping strategies that you can use in ordinary life situations. Study the
following coping techniques and see how you can practice them:

Positive Problem-Solving Strategies:

1. Be careful and study your action.
2. Make a plan of action.
3. Look at the problem as a challenge.
4. Be creative in solving the problem.
5. Come up with the different solutions to the problem.
Support-Seeking Strategies
1.Talk to a friend who can do something about it.
2.Ask advice from responsible family members/relatives.
3.Talk to someone to find out more about the problem.
4.Look for someone who will sympathize with you.
5.Seek professional help.
Positive-reframing Strategies
Self-Talk is a way to help you change your thoughts. Here are some self-talk statements that you
can use as coping skill. These statements are useful when you are under stress or facing a
challenge /problem:

1. When you are preparing for a stressful situation, you can use any of these
• I know I can do it.
• It’s easier once I get started.
• What exactly do I have to do?
• Tomorrow I will be through it.
• I have succeeded with this before.
• I won’t entertain negative thoughts.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 8 Quarter 1, Week 8

2. When you are facing the challenge/problem:

• I can do this.
• I can only do my best.
• I can ask somebody for help.
• If I get nervous, I’ll take a deep breath.
• If I feel tense, I’ll do my coping exercise.
• It’s OK to make mistakes; no one is perfect.
• I won’t rush. I will take it slowly step by step.
• Relax! It will end.
• Take a deep breath.
• Lord/Allah, help me!
• I can always call someone.

3. When you are coping with fear:

• I’ll survive this.
• Take a deep breath.
• Lord/Allah, help me!
• I can always call someone.

4. Self-Congratulations:
• I did it!
• I did it well!
• Next time, I don’t have to worry much.
• I’ve got to tell this to .
5. Affirmation:
• I start the day with a peaceful thought.
• Every day in every way I grow stronger and stronger.

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