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Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Objective: Impaired spontaneous Short-Term: After 1 hour of Independent: Independent: Short-Term: After 1 hour of
ventilation related to nursing intervention, the nursing intervention, the
 Difficulty of 1. Elevate the head of the bed to 1. An upright position allows for
respiratory fatigue as patient will be free from patient was free from
breathing 30-45 degrees. maximal lung expansion; lying flat
evidenced by difficulty respiratory distress as respiratory distress as
 Restlessness causes abdominal organs to shift
breathing. evidenced by: evidenced by:
 O2 SAT: 53% toward the chest, which makes it
 absence of nasal more difficult to breathe. This also  absence of nasal
flaring helps reduce the risk of ventilator- flaring
associated pneumonia.
 absence of  absence of
adventitious breath 2. Suctioning secretions helps in adventitious breath
sounds clearing the airway, and promotes sounds
 vital signs within the patient’s comfort  vital signs within
2. Suction secretions as needed. 
normal parameters 3. Chest physiotherapy helps mobilize normal parameters
secretions preventing its stasis Long-Term:
which increases risk for infection. 
Long-Term: 3. Perform chest physiotherapy After 8 hours of nursing
every 2 hours which includes intervention, the patient was
After 8 hours of nursing
percussion, vibration, and able to:
intervention, the patient will:
postural drainage.  maintain a patent
 maintain a patent 4. Frequent repositioning mobilizes
4. Reposition the patient every 2 secretions, promotes blood airway
hours. circulation, and helps in preventing  be free from
 be free from ventilator bed sores. ventilator induced
induced lung injury
5. Adequate rest is essential to lung injury
 have ABG values minimize energy expenditure and  have ABG values
within normal 5. Encourage bed rest and prevent fatigue. within normal
parameter promote a relaxing
 Absence of signs and environment by eliminating parameter
symptoms of infection distracting stimuli. 
6. Providing oral care reduces the risk  have absence of signs
6. Provide oral care every 6 hours of ventilator-associated pneumonia and symptoms of
with chlorhexidine solution and enhances patient comfort. infection
and apply petroleum jelly on
1. Maintaining prescribed settings of
mechanical ventilation is essential
1. Maintain mechanical in promoting effective respirations.
ventilation settings as ordered
by the physician.  2. These medications are essential in
caring for the patient’s condition.
Bronchodilators enhance the
patency of the airway and
benzodiazepines result in sedation
2. Administer medications as to decrease anxiety, pain, and
ordered by the physician: agitation.
a. bronchodilators
(salbutamol and
ipratropium) via 3. Monitoring ABG values is
nebulizer important as it indicates the level of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
b. benzodiazepine
patient’s blood. 
(midazolam) via
intravenous infusion
3. Obtain a blood sample for Collaborative:
ABG analysis as ordered by
1. A respiratory therapist can help in
the physician. 
performing pulmonary
physiotherapy and maintenance of
Collaborative: mechanical ventilation. 
1. Work with a respiratory 2. Having adequate caloric intake is
therapist in providing important to help the patient
respiratory care for the recover the energy they need to
patient.  restore optimal respiratory function

2. Collaborate with the

nutritionist in planning for the
patient’s diet.

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