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All Rights Reserved

Copyright Bodyweight Omni 2014. All Rights Reserved.!

No part of this ebook or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied,

modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless
otherwise indicated for stand-along materials.!

Commercial use and distribution of the contents of the ebook is not allowed
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Please Consult A Doctor before Beginning…
- This program contains general information about health and fitness. It is
not intended as an alternative to the advice of your doctor. You must not
rely on the information in this program as an alternative to health advice
from your doctor or any licensed health care professional.!

- You should never delay seeking medical attention, disregard health or fit-
ness advice, or commence or discontinue any physician-proscribed treat-
ment or health plan because of information on this website.!

- The information in this program should be understood “as is." A Shot of

Adrenaline and Todd Kuslikis make no representations or warranties in re-
lation to the health and fitness information in this program.!

- If you have any specific concerns about any health matter you should
consult your doctor or a licensed health care professional immediately.!

-By participating in the Bodyweight Omni program you agree to not hold A
Shot of Adrenaline or Todd Kuslikis responsible for any injury, health or
other medical problem that may arise.!

*If you participate in the Bodyweight Omni program

you do so at your own risk.

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Table of Contents
Introduction to Bodyweight Omni Training 5
Why You Are Limiting Yourself And You Don’t Even Know It? 5
What Is The Bodyweight Omni Set Technique? 6
Importance of Angles 8
How to Build Mass 9
What do bodybuilders do differently? 9
3 Important Tips When Doing Omni Sets: 10
Bodyweight Omni Exercises 11
Bodyweight Omni Set for Chest 12
Bodyweight Omni Set for Back 16
Bodyweight Omni Set for Shoulders 21
Bodyweight Omni Set for Biceps 26
Bodyweight Omni Set for Triceps 31
Bodyweight Omni Set for Abs 36
Bodyweight Omni Set for Quads 40
Bodyweight Omni Set for Glute/Hamstrings 46
Bodyweight Omni Set for Calves 52
Omni Workout Routines 55
Option 1: Muscle Growth 55
Option 2: Strength 56
Option 3: General Fitness 56
7 Omni Boosts 57
1. Time Under Tension 57
2. Time/Volume Technique 59
3. The Rest-Squeeze Technique 61
4. Negative Reps/Eccentrics 63
5. High Volume Training 64
6. Partial Rep Training 64
7. Rest/Pause Technique 65
Conclusion 68


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Introduction to Bodyweight Omni Training
One of the biggest mistakes that most exercise enthusiasts make is that
they work their muscle from only one plane.!
For example, lets take the push up. You start off in the normal push up po-
sition and drop yourself down until your nose touches the floor. You then
push back up to starting position.!
That’s it!?!
Yep, pretty simple right? I have always been a big fan of the push up but
there is a major problem with this exercise (and this type of training in gen-
eral). It only works the chest muscle group from one plane!!
When you work a muscle in only one plane you limit the benefit that you
can achieve both in terms of strength and muscle growth.!
Think about this. Why do body builders have several different exercises for
one muscle? They might do preacher curls, concentration curls, cable curls
& incline curls for just their biceps alone. The reason they do this is be-
cause the muscle should be worked from every possible angle.!
So why do body weight exercise folks miss this concept?!
I’m not sure but I’m here to teach you an amazing training technique called,
Bodyweight Omnis. It’s a technique that you can use to target each of your
muscle groups from EVERY angle. !
Read on and you’ll learn exactly how to do it. But first…!
Why You Are Limiting Yourself And You Don’t Even Know It?!

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There are two ways of tearing the muscle tissue for a certain muscle group.
And you should be doing both. You can use volume and you can use an-
gles (planes). When you use volume you are tearing muscle tissue over a
duration of several sets. This is targeting the same plane of the muscle but
fatiguing it over and over again in order to cause muscle tearing. This is the
first method.!
The second method is the concept we are talking about here… Bodyweight
Essentially we need to target the muscle from different angles in order to
maximize the benefit of the exercise routine.!
Many people crank out a bunch of push ups and call it good. The people
that do that will never grow in size or strength because they are not follow-
ing the principles of volume (multiple sets) or planes (multiple angles).!
Bodyweight Omni will teach you how to target all of your muscle groups
from multiple planes. It’s a challenging technique that will help you develop
tremendous strength and muscle growth.!
What Is The Bodyweight Omni Set Technique?!
“Omni” means “all things” or “in all places.”!
The Omni Set is a technique that works “all” portions of a muscle group.!
This technique is a hybrid between a super set and drop set, and focuses
on one single muscle group. A super set is when you perform two or more
exercises in a row without stopping. They are typically performed using two
exercises that don’t work the same muscle group. For example, if you were
to do 20 push ups and then immediatley do 10 pull ups, that would be a
super set. You did an exercise for your chest and then did an exercise for
your back with no rest in between. !

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The Bodyweight Omni technique uses super sets as well but instead of
working totally different muscle groups, you are working the same muscle
group but different aspects of it. !
The other component of the Bodyweight Omni technique is a drop set. !
A drop set is when you go from a more challenging exercise to an easier
exercise that targets the same muscle group.!
A drop set is a technique that is extremely effective at tearing muscle tis-
sue. Let’s take an example from the weight lifting world… the bench press.
Here’s how you would do it. Perform one set of bench presses until you
reach total fatigue. Then immediately decrease the weight and perform an-
other set using this lighter weight. After you fatigue with this set, immediate-
ly decrease the amount of weight a third time and perform one more set in
the 8-12 rep range. This is a drop set because you are “dropping” the
amount of weight and continuing to perform the same exercise. !
For the bodyweight variation let’s use the push up as an example. Do nor-
mal pushups until you reach maximum fatigue. Then immediately go to
your knees and perform push ups on your knees until you reach fatigue.
That is a drop set using a bodyweight exercise. !
If you are trying to build strength and muscle than you should start with a
harder exercise and then keep “dropping” to easier exercises to totally fa-
tigue the muscle. !
A drop set tears muscle by incrementally reducing the difficulty. Since your
muscles are already fatigued it will “feel” heavy.!
There are inherent levels of difficulty built into bodyweight exercises. For
example, a one-legged squat is much more difficult than a normal body-
weight squat, while a normal bodyweight squat is more difficult than a par-
tial bodyweight squat. This inherent difficulty can be used to tear more
muscle tissue. !
Let’s take the above push up example one step further. When doing a
bodyweight drop set, you could select three exercises of varying difficulty
that each hit the same muscle group. For this push-up example, choose (1)

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decline push-ups, (2) normal push-ups and (3) push-ups with the knees on
the ground.!
To start, you would do a set of decline push-ups (the hardest level) until you
cannot complete any more. You would then switch immediately to normal
push-ups (the medium-difficulty level) until you reach fatigue. Finally, you
would switch to push-ups with the knees on the ground (the easiest level).
Once you have reached the final exercise, you are recruiting muscle fibers
that would not have been recruited using the hardest exercise alone.!
That’s a simple example of an Omni Set for the chest! !
Remember that the Omni Set is a combination of both supersets and drop
sets. You’ll do several different exercises in a row but do them in a way so
they are targetting the same muscle group, but from different angles. !
Importance of Angles!
Bodyweight Omnis uses a technique called, Angular Training. Angular
Training is where you angle your body to put more strain on a particular
muscle group.!
Let’s analyze the push up again.!
You can do the normal push up and work the middle portion of the chest or
you can apply Angular Training to the chest muscle group and work a por-
tion of it that doesn’t usually get worked, the upper part.!
Put your feet up on a chair and you’ll be targeting this upper part.!
You can apply angular training to any exercise to change the resistance
and it is already implemented into the Omni Sets in the below sections. !
Angular Training is simply a method of adjusting the angle of your body to
make an exercise more difficult.!

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Before we get into specifics I’d like to touch on an important concept about
building mass. !
How to Build Mass!
The reason that weight lifters gain mass is because they are following the
principles that cause muscle growth. The reason that bodyweight exercises
typically do not help people build size is because they follow the principles
of muscular endurance NOT growth. There is a huge difference. Its not in-
herently the “weight” that puts weight lifters at an advantage but their
method of training.!
The word “calisthenics,” for many people, conjures up an image of an army
troop in a field doing countless jumping jacks, push ups and flutter kicks. I
remember when I lived outside of Western Michigan University campus, I
would hear ROTC in training at 5am. They spent much of their time in
physical training performing endless push ups, jumping jacks, squats, run-
ning sequences, etc.!
What do bodybuilders do differently?!
Bodybuilders focus on low repetitions. Their goal is to build size so they
overload the muscle faster, causing micro tears and allowing for the muscle
to grow. !
If you want to build size using calisthenics you have to do the same thing. !
Bodyweight Omni sets will help you do it. !
You can’t get into a rhythmic sequence of movement and crank out hun-
dreds of jumping jacks or squats in the rep ranges of 30-40. You have to
drop that number down. You have to perform rep ranges within about 8-12
for muscular hypertrophy. Bodyweight Omni Training will help because
you’ll be fatiguing the same muscle group quickly and in a low rep range. !
Why We Need Progressive Overload To Change The Structure Of Our
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Some people say our bodies are like machines. I disagree. Our bodies are
far more sophisticated than any machine. And they have one distinct as-
pect that makes them unique… adaptation.!
Our bodies adapt to the conditions around us. If we do the same workout in
the same way at the same time over and over and over again… no physical
change will occur.!
This built in mechanism is great for reaching a state of homeostasis with
our environment, HOWEVER, it sucks when it comes to building bigger,
stronger muscles. We must tell our muscles, “You need to adapt to these
new demands.” After they adapt, we get bigger.!
3 Important Tips When Doing Omni Sets:!
1. Don’t rest when changing positions!
The whole point of an Omni Set is to recruit as many muscle fibers as pos-
sible. When you do an exercise to full fatigue and immediately rest after-
wards, you’re allowing the muscle to recover. This is NOT what we want.
You need to move from one exercise to the next as quickly as possible.!
2. Go to full fatigue!
Full fatigue means you can’t complete any more reps without your form
breaking down. A lot of people ask me, “Todd, how do I know that I’ve gone
to full fatigue?” My answer: Go until you can’t go any more.” !
Don’t over complicate things.!
3. Go through a full range of motion!
When doing Omni Sets, you want to go through a full range of motion. This
will make sure that the maximum amount of muscle fibers are recruited. Of
course, later on in this program I’ll teach you how to break this rule but for
now, focus on doing full range of motion. !
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Bodyweight Omni Exercises
Below, I list out examples of Bodyweight Omni Sets for every major body
part. !
There should be no rest breaks between the exercises. You’ll immediately
move from one exercise to the next. After you make it through all of the ex-
ercises, rest for 45 seconds, then go through the sequence four more times
for a total of five sets. The exception to this rule is if you are just starting out
in your fitness journey and can’t make it through the whole set or are using
one of the “Omni Boosts” below. !

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Chest
• Pike Push-up!
• High Decline Push-up!
• Low Decline Push-up !
• Regular Push-up!
• Low Incline Push-up!
• High Incline Push-up!
• Super High Incline Push-up!
Chest Omni Set Exercises!
1. Pike Push-ups!

This is the first exercise. It will work the front part of the shoulder along with
the most upper fibers of your pecs. If you’d like to make this extra difficult
you can place your feet on a chair or couch to elevate your lower body
even further. !

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2. High Decline Push-ups!

This exercise will also work the front part of the shoulders as well as the
upper portion of the chest. However, its a slightly different angle so it will
work different fibers.!
3. Low Decline Push-ups!

Lowering your feet a bit will switch the angle from super high on your chest
to a bit more mid range.!

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4. Regular Push-ups!

Regular Push Ups will work mostly the middle part of the chest muscle
group. At this point, it is especially important to keep you back straight. !
5. Low Incline Push-ups!

Placing your hands on a chair or elevated surface will shift the focus to the
lower portion of your chest.!

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6. High Incline Push Ups!

This exercise will strengthen the lower fibers of the chest muscle group.!
7. Super High Incline Push-ups!
Trust me when I say that after doing all the other exercises, this super high
push up will be challenging. The best part is that it will be working an even
lower portion of the pecs.!
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Bodyweight Omni Set for Back
• Behind the Neck Pull Ups !
• Arching Pull Ups!
• Feet Elevated Pull Ups!
• Kneeling Stretch Push Ups!
• Elevated Kneeling Stretch Push Ups!
• Elbow Push Ups!
Back Omni Set Exercises!
1. Behind the Neck Pull Ups!

There is some controversy over this exercise. A few people claim that it
isn’t the safest exercise for your neck. I have never had a problem with it
and I recommend that you experiment with it. The exercise displaces the

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weight of your body more forward than the typical pull up which will
strengthen the back muscles in a slightly different way. !
*Modification If You Can’t Do Pull Ups !
If you can’t do a pull up, no problem. I recommend using a chair to place
your feet on. This will help take some of the weight off your muscles and
make the exercise easier. Don’t worry that you can’t get a full range of mo-
tion. Just do as many reps as you can with ONLY some of your weight on
the chair. !
2. Arching Pull Up!

When doing Arching Pull Ups you’ll want to noticably arch your back. This
not only helps you perform the movement from a physical standpoint but
also from a mental one. When you are focusing on arching your back you’ll
be more likely to use more of the back muscles to pull you up as opposed
to the biceps. Yes, the biceps will work too but its important when doing pull

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ups to focus on using your back to pull you up. Visually imagine your el-
bows going down as opposed to your body going up. !
3. Feet Elevated Pull Ups!

For this exercise, place your feet on a chair. You’ll want to keep your body
straight as if you were doing an upside down row. The emphasis of this ex-
ercise is on the middle portion of your lat and your rhomboids (middle por-
tion of the back). !

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4. Kneeling Stretch Push Ups!

Get on the ground and extend your arms far in front of you. If you’d like to
make the exercise harder you can take your knees off the ground. Start do-
ing push ups but visually focus on your back doing the work. Yes, some of
the work will be done by the chest but the goal is to have most of the work
done by your lat muscle. If you are familiar with weight lifting think of this as
the bodyweight variation of the dumb bell pull over which is a great exer-
cise for your lat. !
5. Elevated Kneeling Stretch Push Ups!

This exercise is the same as the Kneeling Stretch Push Up but you’ll place !

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your hands on a chair. Its VERY important to try to use as little of the tricep
as possible. Really focs on keeping your elbows out wide so less emphasis
is placed on the tricep. !
6. Elbow Push Ups!

Elbow Push Ups will help strength the middle portion of the back. Get on
the ground in a plank position with your elbows on the ground. Keep your
spine straight and lower yourself up and down. !

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Shoulders
• Handstand Push Up !
• Elevated Pike Push Up!
• Pike Push Up!
• Kneeling Pike Push Up!
• Elbow Twists!
• Forward Plank!
• Arm Circles until Fatigue!
Shoulder Omni Set Exercises!
1. Handstand Push Up!

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Place your hands on the ground next to the wall about 3-6 inches away.
Hop up so you are upside down. Lower yourself slowly and push back up. If
you can’t do a full rep than do partial reps. (Partial reps - lower yourself
down only part way then push back up). !
*Modification If You Can’t Do A Handstand Push Up!
I realize that many people don’t have the strength to do a full handstand
push up. If you can’t do it than just start the Omni Set at the Pike Push Up
or Elevated Pike Push Up. (Both are listed below). !
2.Elevated Pike Push Up!

Place your feet on a chair or couch. Lift your butt up high in the air. Lower
your upper body down until your head almost touches the ground. Press
back to starting position. !

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3. Pike Push Up!

This is the exact same exercise as the Elevated Pike Push Up however
your feet will not be elevated, they will be on the ground. !
4. Kneeling Pike Push Up!

This is the same exercise as the normal Pike Push Up except your knees
will be on the ground. This is typically a very easy exercise. However, after
you have gone through all the other exercises in the Omni Set, you will find !
this exercise to be very difficult. Make sure to still do as many reps as you
can. !

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5. Elbow Twists!

Start on the ground with your feet spread wide apart. Support your body
with one hand. Place your other hand behind your neck or head with your
elbow pointing up. Rotate your body until the elbow pointing up touches the
elbow that is supporting your body, then rotate back up. Repeat until you
reach fatigue and then do the same thing on the other side.!
6. Forward Plank!

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This is just like the standard plank however you’ll shift your weight forward
thereby putting more weight on your shoulders. It is really challenging es-
pecially after doing the other exercises. !
7. Arm Circles until Fatigue!

The final exercise in this omni set is arm circles. Stand with your feet
shoulder width a part. Lift your arms up to the side and keep your elbows
locked. Rotate your arms backward until you can’t handle the burning any
more. ;)!

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Biceps
• Partial High Chin Ups!
• Partial Low Chin Ups!
• Supported Chin Ups!
• Chin Up Rows!
• Doorframe Rows!
Biceps Omni Set Exercises!
1. Partial High Chin Ups!

In order to perform this exercise, lift yourself up on the chin up bar with your
hands in a supinated grip (palms face you). Perform only the top portion of
the chin up. (Note: when you get to the half way point come back up. Keep
going until you reach fatigue). !

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2. Partial Low Chin Ups!

To perform this exercise, you’ll only come up half way from the lowest posi-
tion. Once you reach half way come back down. !
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3. Supported Chin Ups!

By this point your biceps will be burning. Place your feet on a chair and do
as many chin ups as you can. Notice, that if your chin up bar is high than
you’ll need a taller chair to get full range of motion. However, don’t worry if
you can’t get the full range of motion. !
*The overall goal here is to build up lactic acid and tear muscle tissue. So
just do as many reps as you can within the range of motion that you have. !

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4. Chin Up Rows!

For this exercise, you’ll need either rings or a rope. Hold onto the rings and
lean back. Again, don’t worry about not being able to get full range of mo-
tion. Just try to do as many reps as possible within the range of motion you
have. !
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5. Doorframe Rows!

This is the last exercise that you’ll be doing in this Omni Set. Grab a door-
frame and lower yourself toward the ground. Straddle the doorframe and
pull yourself up using your biceps. Make sure that you are using your bi-
ceps to lift yourself up. !
*To make this exercise harder, grab lower on the door frame. To make it
easier, grab higher. It is easy with this exercise to use your back muscles.
BUT DON’T DO THIS. Really focus on using your biceps. !

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Triceps
• Triangle Push Ups!
• Close Grip Push Ups!
• Half Plank Tiger Bends!
• Tricep Extensions!
• Dips on Chair!
• Dips on Floor!
• Tricep Extensions on Wall!
Triceps Omni Set Exercises!
1.Triangle Push Ups!

Start off in a normal push-up position with your fingers in a triangle (dia-
mond) position. Place the triangle at chest or head level. Lower your body
towards the ground until your nose or chest touches the triangle. Push back
up. Repeat until you have reached fatigue. !
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2. Close Grip Push Ups!

Close grip push ups are another great exercise to strengthen the triceps.
Get in a normal push up position but bring your elbows close to your sides.
As you lower toward the ground, make sure that your elbows are touching
your sides. Push back up. !
3. Half Plank Tiger Bends!

This is one of my favorite exercises to strength the triceps muscle. Start off
in a normal push up position. Lower yourself down to the ground by hinging
at your elbows. Use your triceps muscle to come back up. It is very impor-

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tant to remember that you must keep your elbows tucked in close to your
body when doing this exercise. !
*How to make it more difficult?!
There are a couple of different methods you can utilize to make this exer-
cise more difficult. The first method is to bring your hands in closer to your
body. !
This adjustment puts your triceps at a disadvantage and makes it much
more challenging to press back up. The other method is to shift your weight
into one arm using weight distribution. You can use both of these tech-
niques to push yourself to the point of full failure. !
How to make it easier?!
The best way is to bring your hands out further. This will make the exercise
much easier. Another method is to put your knees on the ground. This
places more of your weight into your legs and relieves the pressure on your
triceps. !
4.Tricep Extensions!

Place your hands on a chair or couch. Lower yourself down as far as you
can. Raise yourself back up. Keep your elbows tucked in and focus on us-
ing your tricep muscles to come back up. !
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5. Dips on Chair!

Place your hands on a chair or bench. Keep your butt close to the chair.
Many people arch their back and lift their butt. This only takes away from
the difficulty of the exercise. Don’t do this. Lower yourself down and press
back up. !
6.Dips on the Floor!

This is the same exercise as dips on the chair but it is easier. It also places !
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the emphasis on a different spot of the tricep muscle. With this exercise
you will NOT be able to get a wide range of motion. That’s ok. Just do the
small movements until you reach full fatigue. !
7. Tricep Extensions on the Wall!

If you were to do this exercise straight away, you would find it super easy.
However, when it is performed at the tail end of an insane Tricep Omni Set,
it is challenging. Make sure to use the tricep muscle to lift up and do as
many as you can.

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Abs
• Flutter Kicks!
• Reverse Crunches!
• Regular Crunches!
• Lift Ups!
• Plank!
Abs Omni Set Exercises!
1.Flutter Kicks!

Lay on the ground. Place your hands underneath your buttocks to support
your low back. Lift your legs up until your feet are about 3-4 inches off the
ground. With your legs straight, begin to alternate lifting one leg higher and
then lowering it again.!
*Try to keep you legs straight and fully extended the whole time. !

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2. Reverse Crunches!

Lay on the ground. Lift your legs up toward your head. Lower them back
down. Repeat until you reach fatigue.!
3. Regular Crunches!

Lay on the ground. Lift your legs up so that your thighs are perpendicular to
the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Crunch up as far as you can. !
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Lower back down. Repeat. !
4. Lift Ups!

This exercise is just like crunches however your arms will be reaching to-
ward the ceiling. This will help place the emphasis in a different part of the
abs. !
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Get on the floor with your elbows on the ground. Your back will be straight
and you should focus on contracting your abs. Hold for as long as you can.

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Bodyweight Omni Set for Quads
• Kneeling Back Bend!
• Stretch Frog Squat!
• Tight Frog Squat!
• Bent Over Squat!
• Traditional Bodyweight Squat!
• Stationary Lunges!
Quad Omni Set Exercises!
1. Kneeling Back Bend!

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Kneel down on the ground, with a pad under your knees, if you’re on a hard
surface. Lower yourself backwards as far as you can without bending at the
hips. Raise yourself back up to the starting position. Complete as many
reps as you can with good form, then immediately move on to the Stretch
Frog Squat.!
Notes: This is a unique exercise for quad development. Make sure to keep
your hips and back locked straight. You should not be hinging at all at these
points. The further you go down the more difficult it will be. !
2. Stretch Frog Squat!

Start on your hands and knees on the floor. Extend your legs behind you so
that you’re in a “doggy position.” Shift your weight backwards until your butt
touches your calves. Return to the starting position. Complete as many
reps as you can with good form, then immediately move on to the Tight
Frog Squat.!
*Note: A lot of these exercises also work the glute muscles. The Stretch
Frog Squat is an exercise where you will definitely feel your glutes working
as well as your quads.!
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3. Tight Frog Squat!

Perform the same movement as the Stretch Frog Squat, but with your feet
closer to your hands. Complete as many reps as you can with good form,
then immediately move on to the Bent Over Squat.!
*Note: By now your quads will be on fire. Remember to go to full fatigue
with each exercise. This will ensure that you are recruiting different muscle
fibers with each new position as others become fatigued. !

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4. Bent Over Squat!

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend over at the hips. Keep-
ing your torso “glued” to your quads, lower your butt until it touches your
calves. Return to the starting position by extending your knees and raising
your butt back up. Complete as many reps as you can with good form, then
immediately move on to the Traditional Bodyweight Squat.!
*Note: This exercise works your quads in a unique way. Since you are al-
lowing your upper body to fold over as your quads extend, you’ll mostly feel
the exercise in the lower portion of your quads.!
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5. Traditional Bodyweight Squat!

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees, lowering your
butt until it touches your calves. Return to the starting position by extending
the knees and pressing upwards. Complete as many reps as you can with
good form, then immediately move on to the Stationary Lunges.!
*Note: It’s super important to go through a full range of motion by going as
low as you can. This will engage the glutes more effectively. At the top of
this movement, don’t come up so high that you lock your knees. You want
to keep some tension in your quads throughout, so keep your legs slightly
bent at the top.!
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6. Stationary Lunges!

At this point, I’m sure you’re wishing that you’d never started. That’s ok.
You’ve come this far. You just have one exercise left. Extend your right leg
in front of you, leaving your left leg out behind. Drop down into a lunge until
your left knee almost touches the ground. Return to the starting position by
extending the right knee. Complete as many reps as you can with good
form, then switch to the other side and repeat.!
*Note: Your front knee shouldn’t move past your toes. If it does, you need
to take a step forward with your front foot.!
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Bodyweight Omni Set for Glute/Hamstrings
• Wall Walks!
• High Curl!
• Low Tight Curl!
• Low Loose Curl!
• Single Leg Bridge!
• Double Leg Bridge!
• Bodyweight Good Mornings!
Glute/Hamstring Omni Set Exercises!
1. Wall Walks!

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In order to properly perform wall walks, stand facing away from a wall about
2 to 3 feet. Your feet will be about shoulder width apart. Lean backwards
and place your hands on the wall. Begin to walk your hands down the wall
while arching backwards. Your face will be facing the wall. Continue to walk
all the way down until your head touches the floor (this is the advanced
version). Slowly walked back up until you are in a starting position. If you
cannot get all the way down to the floor, don’t worry about it. Your ham-
strings and glutes will still be worked even if you just go partially down. !
2. High Curl!

Place your feet on a table or desk. Make sure that your butt is scooched in
so that it is in line with the table. Use your hamstrings (the back of your
thigh) to lift your body high up into the air. Make sure to go as far as you
can. Lower back down. !
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3. Low Tight Curl!

This is the same exercise as the High Curl, however, you’ll place your feet
on a chair (something that isn’t too high up). Lift yourself up using your
hamstring muscles as high as you can then lower yourself back down. The
reason its called “tight” is because your butt will be very close the chair. In
the next exercise, you’ll be positioning your butt further away from the chair
which is what I call “loose.” !
4. Low Loose Curl!

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This is the same exercise as the Low Tight Curl however you’ll position !
your butt further away from the chair. This will strengthen a different portion
of the hamstring muscle. !
5. Single Leg Bridge!

Place both feet on the ground. Lift one leg and bridge up as high as you
can. Make sure you are continuing to reach up high. Lower back down and
repeat. After you have gone to full fatigue on one side, switch to the other
side. !
*Note: Your supporting leg will want to collapse as your muscles get more
fatigue. Think of your supporting leg and pelvis as one unit making sure
that they lift and lower as one. !

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6. Double Leg Bridge!

This exercise is the same as the Single Leg Bridge however you’ll be keep-
ing both feet on the ground. Make sure to bridge up as high as you possibly
can. Again, think of your legs and pelvis as one unit moving up and down
with out collapsing to ensure good form. !
7. Bodyweight Good Mornings!

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This is a great exercise for the glutes and hamstrings. Normally your back
would fatigue before your hamstrings and glutes but since you’ve “pre-fa-
tigued” them this will be a fantastic finisher to the the Omni Set. Stand with
your feet shoulder width and your knees just slightly bent. Lower down with
your back straight until your torso is parallel with the ground. Lift back up.
Its important to visualize your hamstrings and glutes performing the work
on this exercise. !
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Bodyweight Omni Set for Calves
• High Calf Raises!
• Low Calf Raises!
• Full Calf Raises!
• Squatting Calf Raises!
Calves Omni Set Exercises!
1. High Calf Raises!

Stand on a step so that just the balls of your feet are on it. Lift up all the
way using your calf muscles. Lower down until you reach the halfway point.
Repeat. Make sure to get as high as you can on each rep. !
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2. Low Calf Raises!

Stand on a step so that just the balls of your feet are on it. Lower down as
far as you can. Lift up to the halfway point. Lower back down. Make sure to
go as low as you possibly can. !
3. Full Calf Raises!

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This is just like the above two exercises however you’ll be going through a
full range of motion. !
4. Squatting Calf Raises!

Squat down to the ground. Hold onto the wall if you need help with balance.
Lift up onto the balls of your feet while using your calf muscles. Lower back
down. It might take some time to get used to this movement. Really make
sure that the exercise is being driven by your calf muscles. !

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Omni Workout Routines
Below are three sample Omni Routines that you can follow. You can vary
the total length of the workout by adjusting the total number of sets that you
perform. !
The first one is geared toward muscle growth. It will take longer and will
exhaust the muscle completely. Remember that in order to build muscle
you have to have high volume (total sets). !
The second one is geared toward strength. The rest periods are longer to
allow the muscles and nervous system to recooperate. !
The third one is geared toward general fitness. It won’t require as long to
complete but will still give you a great workout. !
Option 1: Muscle Growth
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Chest - 4-8 Shoulders - 4- Quads - 4-8 Chest - 4-8 Shoulders - 4- Quads - 4-8 Active Rest
sets! 8 sets! sets! sets! 8 sets! sets! (hike, walk,
Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- swim, stretch,
tween sets tween sets tween sets tween sets tween sets tween sets etc.)

Back - 4-8 Biceps - 4-8 Glutes/Ham- Back - 4-8 Biceps - 4-8 Glutes/Ham-
sets! sets! strings - 4-8 sets! sets! strings - 4-8
Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- sets! Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- sets!
tween sets tween sets Rest 1m be- tween sets tween sets Rest 1m be-
tween sets tween sets

Abs - 3 sets! Triceps - 4-8 Calves - 4-8 Abs - 3 sets! Triceps - 4-8 Calves - 4-8
Rest 1m be- sets! sets! Rest 1m be- sets! sets!
tween sets Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- tween sets Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be-
tween sets tween sets tween sets tween sets

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Option 2: Strength
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Chest - 3 sets! Shoulders - 3 Quads - 3 sets! Chest - 3 sets! Shoulders - 3 Quads - 3 sets! Active Rest
Rest 2m be- sets! Rest 2m be- Rest 2m be- sets! Rest 2m be- (hike, walk,
tween sets Rest 2m be- tween sets tween sets Rest 2m be- tween sets swim, stretch,
tween sets tween sets etc.)

Back - 3 sets! Biceps - 3 Glutes/Ham- Back - 3 sets! Biceps - 3 Glutes/Ham-

Rest 2m be- sets! strings - 3 Rest 2m be- sets! strings - 3
tween sets Rest 2m be- sets! tween sets Rest 2m be- sets!
tween sets Rest 2m be- tween sets Rest 2m be-
tween sets tween sets

Abs - 3 sets! Triceps - 3 Calves - 3 sets! Abs - 3 sets! Triceps - 3 Calves - 3 sets!
Rest 2m be- sets! Rest 2m be- Rest 2m be- sets! Rest 2m be-
tween sets Rest 2m be- tween sets tween sets Rest 2m be- tween sets
tween sets tween sets

Option 3: General Fitness
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Chest - 2 sets! Glutes/Ham- Active Rest Chest - 2 sets! Glutes/Ham- Active Rest Rest
Rest 1m be- strings - 4 (hike, walk, Rest 1m be- strings - 4 (hike, walk,
tween sets sets! swim, stretch, tween sets sets! swim, stretch,
Rest 1m be-
tween sets !!
etc.)! Rest 1m be-
tween sets !!

Back - 2 sets! Calves - 3 sets! Back - 2 sets! Calves - 3 sets!

Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be-
tween sets tween sets tween sets tween sets

Shoulders - 2 Abs - 2 sets! Shoulders - 2 Abs - 2 sets!

sets! Rest 1m be- sets! Rest 1m be-
Rest 1m be- tween sets Rest 1m be- tween sets
tween sets tween sets

Biceps - 2 Biceps - 2
sets! sets!
Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be-
tween sets tween sets

Triceps - 2 Triceps - 2
sets! sets!
Rest 1m be- Rest 1m be-
tween sets tween sets

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7 Omni Boosts
In this section, I will teach you how to accelerate the effectiveness of the
above Omni Sets using eight amazing techniques and principles. !
1. Time Under Tension!
You have probably heard of Time Under Tension before. This concept
means that the muscle must be under duress for a certain period of time in
order for structural damage to occur.!
There was an interesting study performed by the College of Health Sci-
ences, University of Brasilia, Brazil. They were measuring the effects of 3
different training methods and their effect on blood lactate levels. Lactate is
a byproduct of metabolism that builds up in muscles during strenuous activ-
Here were the trial groups…!
Group 1: Do 10 rep max with each rep at super slow pace (30 sec eccen-
tric/30 sec concentric)!
Group 2: Perform 10 rep max but hold 5 second isometric with muscle fully
extended during each rep.!
Group 3: Perform a 20 second isometric contraction with muscle fully ex-
tended and then begin 10 rep max with normal pace.!
The Results:!
All 3 methods showed an increase in blood lactate levels. However, the
levels for group 1 were highest. Group 2 was second highest and group 3
was last.!
You have to keep the muscle under tension for a certain period of time in
order for it to tear muscle tissue.!

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This study may even hint toward increasing the time during EACH phase of
the movement (concentric and eccentric).!
If you are just getting started with Bodyweight Omni’s don’t worry about
slowing down your movements. Just focus on getting the angles right and
going through full range of motion. Give yourself a month of doing it that
way. Then you can change up the pace of each rep by slowing down your
eccentric movement (the portion of the movement where your muscle is
getting longer) to 30 seconds. You’ll notice that you can’t do nearly as many
reps. That’s ok, just do as many as you can. !
Taking “Time Under Tension” to the Next Level!
The whole point of “Time under Tension” is that you have to keep the mus-
cle in a state of tension for a certain period of time in order for change to
The problem is that each person is created differently. We often get into the
bad habit of thinking that “one size fits all.”!
“If I do a 5 second concentric, 4 second eccentric and a 6 second isometric
I’ll have the magic formula that is better than every other formula out there.”!
The above research study showed only what they tested. My best “Time
under Tension” recommendation is to coordinate your movement with your
breath. !
Learn to control your breath, both on the outward and the inward, while you
do your Bodyweight Omni sets and you’ll experience a flow of energy like
you’ve never felt before.!
How do you fix “time under tension?”!
Synchronize your breath with each concentric and eccentric rep.!
The “time under tension” can be as long as it takes you to totally exhale
and inhale.!

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That’s it.!
Try it during your Omni Set Training. Slow your reps waaaaay down. If you
really want to challenge your breathing then exhale on the concentric
movement (the portion where your muscles shorten) and inhale on the ec-
centric (the portion where your muscles lengthen). !
How’s that for time under tension?!
Time under tension is extremely important when it comes to bodyweight
bodybuilding. If the muscle is not kept under duress for a long enough peri-
od of time, it will not tear.!
When using bodyweight exercises, the number of reps is not the only im-
portant factor. The other important factor is to ensure that you are keeping
the muscle under tension for a suitable length of time.!
2. Time/Volume Technique!
Some of the greatest and most effective bodybuilding workout plans ever
made incorporate high volume. What is volume? Volume is the number of
sets in your routine.!
As you reach higher levels of fitness, it can become harder to tear down
muscle tissue. The body becomes too efficient and resistant to change.
Working a muscle group using high volume, however, enables the muscle
to be fatigued more and more with each passing set.!
In most cases, I recommend doing eight sets in total. For example, when
doing push-ups perform one set of push-ups until full muscle fatigue, then
rest for sixty seconds before performing another set. Do a total of eight
However, if you’d like to boost the effectiveness of the Omni sets try the
Time/Volume Technique. !
What is the Time/Volume Technique? !
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For large muscle groups like the chest, back, and legs set a timer for 15
minutes (smaller muscle groups will be 8-10 minutes). !
Go through each exercise in a single Omni Set but do only 5 reps. Stop
each exercise once you reach 5 reps move on to the next exercise in the
set. Go through the entire Omni Set. Then rest for ONLY 10 seconds. !
Once the 10 seconds are up go through another set. Remember that you
are only doing 5 reps (even if you could do more - stick with 5). !
The low rest periods will prevent lactic acid from leaving your muscles
which is ideal for building muscle. Keep doing sets like this for the entire 15
minutes. If you get to a point where you can’t do 5 reps then continue with
the Omni Set and give yourself 20 seconds rest before you do another set. !
Here’s an example of how to apply the Time/Volume Technique to a Chest
Bodyweight Omni Set. !
Bodyweight Omni Set for Chest (Using Time/Volume Technique)!
Set 1: !
High Decline Push-up - 5 reps!
Low Decline Push-up - 5 reps!
Regular Push-up - 5 reps!
Low Incline Push-up - 5 reps!
High Incline Push-up - 5 reps!
Super High Incline Push-up - 5 reps!
Rest 10 seconds !
Set 2: !
High Decline Push-up - 5 reps!
Low Decline Push-up - 5 reps!
Regular Push-up - 5 reps!
Low Incline Push-up - 5 reps!
High Incline Push-up - 5 reps!
Super High Incline Push-up - 5 reps!

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If you completed the entire set and did 5 reps for all exercises, rest for 10
seconds then do set 3. !
If you couldn’t get to 5 reps for every exercise then rest for 20 seconds be-
fore moving on to set 3. !
Keep doing sets like this for the entire 15 minutes. Whenever you can’t hit 5
reps within a set bump up your rest period by 10 seconds each time to al-
low your muscles to recover. !
You can apply this same technique to each of the body parts. !
*Warning: This a very intense technique so I recommend only using it oc-
cassionally since it will put a tremendous demand on your body. !
3. The Rest-Squeeze Technique!
By “Rest-Squeeze” I mean that instead of resting like you normally would
between sets you bring your muscle into a shortened position and squeeze
it as hard as you can. This is essentially an isometric exercise instead of
the typical rest.!
Important: This is not a “pulsing” technique where you tighten then relax.
You are holding an isometric contraction throughout the entire duration of
the rest period. !
2 Components To The Rest-Squeeze Technique:!
(a) – Bring the muscle that was just worked into a shortened position.!
In order to fully utilize this technique you need to shorten the muscle that
was just worked. For example, the bicep muscle inserts in the forearm (ra-
dius & ulna) and originates not just in the upper part of the arm but actually
up into the shoulder. !
So to shorten it completely, you need to flex the bicep AND lift your elbow
up into the air. This will naturally position the bicep into a shortened position
and allow you to get the maximum squeeze.!

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When you apply the rest-squeeze technique you need to do this for each
muscle group.!
Let’s take another example, the tricep muscle.!
The tricep muscle does extension of the arm. So you need to extend not
only your forearm but also bring your arm as far as you can behind you as
if you were doing a tricep kick back.!
I can’t over emphasize this point. You’ll get a way better isometric if you
understand the anatomy of the muscle and put it into its FULLEST short-
ened position.!
(b) – Second Element of the Rest-Squeeze technique is to squeeze abso-
lutely as hard as you can. Try to rip the muscle right off the bone by
squeezing really hard. !
Isometric training is one of the most forgotten styles of bodybuilding and
strength training. Some of the greatest Strong Men in the world, such as
Charles Atlas, to name only one, used isometrics.!
One method of incorporating isometrics into a Bodyweight Omni set is to
spend the rest period contracting the muscle that has just been worked. For
example, by focusing on tensing the biceps fully after completing an omni
set of chin-ups, the prolonged tension will continue to tear muscle fibers.!
Squeeze During Contraction!
The other technique that goes along with this is the squeeze DURING the
exercise. Its so simple but most people forget to do it.!
When you are doing any exercise remember to squeeze the muscle to re-
cruit more muscle fibers. This makes the exercise harder.!
You don’t need to do it every time but adding the extra squeeze on a few of
your sets will help fatigue the muscle faster.!
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4. Negative Reps/Eccentrics!
When you are performing any type of movement there are two phases; the
concentric and the eccentric. The concentric position is when the muscle is
shortening. The eccentric is when the muscle is lengthening. For example,
say you were performing a bicep curl. When you bring the weight up, this is
the concentric part of the movement. When you bring the weight back
down, this is the eccentric. There is a TON of research that shows that the
eccentric position of the movement tears muscle tissue more effectively
than the concentric. Negative Reps is a technique where you only stress
the muscle on this eccentric phase of the movement. Here’s an example,
say you were performing a bench press. You would first load more weight
than you could normally handle. For safety, I recommend having a spotter
on each side of the bar. They then help you raise the bar of the rack and
you SLOWLY lower the bar down to your chest (eccentric). They then help
you raise the bar up (concentric). Repeat. You can do this technique with
any exercise not just the bench press.!
*Body weight modification: For us, body weight enthusiasts, we are not
doomed because we don’t use the gym. There are many effective ways of
incorporating this technique into our arsenal. One way is through pre-fa-
tigue. For example, say you were doing a Bodyweight Omni set for the
chest muscle group. Before you perform the set perform as many push ups
as you can. This will “pre-fatigue” the muscle. Rest for 10 seconds then
jump straight into the normal omni set. Make sure that you are going down
slowly during each rep. Remember that we are focusing on doing ec-
centrics or negative reps. Count to 10 seconds as you lower yourself down
for each rep. When you can’t do any more, move on to the next exercise in
the omni set and count to 10 as you lower yourself down.!
Let’s use the pull up as another example. You start off on the ground and
grab the bar. You then engage your lats (back muscle) and biceps and
slowly raise yourself up. The lats and biceps are both shortening which lifts
your body up. On the way down, however, your lat and biceps muscles are
lengthening. When you go down slowly your lats and biceps are contracting
(in order to support your weight) but are also lengthening.!
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This type of exercise has been well documented to cause muscle damage
and soreness.!
5. High Volume Training!
Another key difference between traditional body building and calisthenics is
the fact that body builders perform more sets of the same exercise. Their
goal again is to fatigue the muscle and tear tissue. In order to do this, you
need to perform multiple sets of the same exercise. Most body building rou-
tines include at least 4 sets, often more.!
The reason that multiple sets are so important for building muscle is be-
cause it takes TIME to fully fatigue the muscle. You need to consistently
bring the same muscle to fatigue in order to tear muscle tissue.!
If you are looking to use Bodyweight Omni Training to build mass than I
recommend doing at least 8 full sets for each body part. !
Yes, this will add more total time to your training but that’s what it takes to
build mass. !
If you are looking to build strength then you can stop after performing 3-4
total sets. !
6. Partial Rep Training!
Remember when I told you above that that we’d be breaking the full range
of motion rule? !
Here it is. !
Using a short range of motion can be extremely effective when it comes to
tearing muscle tissue and causing massive muscle growth however, you
have to know how to do it right. !
Here’s how to do it right: Once you reach total fatigue with a particular ex-
ercise AFTER doing full range of motion reps, dramatically shorten the
range of motion. This will allow you to continue with the set past the point

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that you would if you were bringing it through a full range of motion. For ex-
ample, say you were doing push ups. !
You blast out 20 reps and reach fatigue. You then drop down until your
chest is within 2-3 inches from the ground. You then do quick, very short
movements to fatigue the chest muscles the rest of the way. !
“How do I apply this technique to Bodyweight Omnis?”!
Since Bodyweight Omnis are already designed to fatigue the entire muscle
group, I recommend doing them only on the very last set. !
Here’s an example: !
High Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Low Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Regular Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Low Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Super High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue then shorten up the range of
motion by doing partial reps until you reach full fatigue. !
This is another very effective technique for totally fatiguing the muscle. You
don’t need to perform partial reps on every set. Feel free to save this exer-
cise to the very end your total sets to tear the muscle tissue fully. !
7. Rest/Pause Technique!
This is one of my favorite techniques to tear muscle tissue. It uses the prin-
ciple of allowing your muscle to recover just a bit before you blast it again.
Here’s how to do it: perform your normal set until you reach full fatigue.
Once you can’t do any more, rest for 15 seconds. Once the 15 seconds are
up continue on with the movement. Do this a total of 2 times with each set
and you’ll see exactly why this works so well. The 15 seconds is enough
time for the lactic acid that we just built up to decrease enough for us to
continue on with the movement.!
How is this different than the Time/Volume technique? !
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The Time/Volume technique is designed to add total volume to your training
routine. You are only 5 reps of any exercise before your rest. With the Rest/
Pause Technique you are bringing your muscles to full fatigue EVERY time
you do a set. The 15 seconds is so little time that you can’t fully recover
within this time frame… so the next set you won’t do nearly as many reps
but that’s ok. !
Heres an example on how to do it for push ups. !
Perform as many push ups as you can (might get to 40 reps)!
Rest 15 seconds !
Perform as many push ups as you can (might get to 20 reps)!
Rest 15 seconds!
Perform as many push ups as you can (might get to 10 reps)!
Rest 15 seconds!
Perform as many push ups as you can (might get to 5 reps)!
Rest 15 seconds!
Stop only when you can’t do any push ups after 15 seconds rest. !
How do I apply these to Bodyweight Omni Sets?!
One effective way is to go through every one of your exercises with this 15
second rest period in between. Here’s an example. !
Set 1:!
High Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Regular Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Super High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!

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Rest 15 seconds!
Set 2:!
High Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Regular Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Super High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Set 3: !
High Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Decline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Regular Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Low Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Rest 15 seconds!
Super High Incline Push-up - go to full fatigue!
Don’t give yourself more than 15 seconds rest in between any exercise or
set. !
It’s super challenging! !
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Bodyweight Omni Training is very effective and will challenge your muscles
in new ways. There are so many variables that can make bodyweight train-
ing fun and effective. !
The most important principle when it comes to getting stronger or bigger is
adaptation. Your body will not change unless you force it to change. The
biggest downfall with bodyweight training is that people don’t implement
enough variations into their training. !
They just switch up the different exercises and think that it is enough to
challenge their body in new ways. Changing up the exercises is one way
but its not even the most effective. !
In this program, you learned how to change the angle of exercises to target
new areas of the muscle. !
This will help recruit new muscle fibers that weren’t worked to their fullest
before. You’ll notice muscle growth and strength increases after performing
this style of training for a period of time. !
In this program, you also learned other methods for making bodyweight
training more effective. You learned how to implement Time under Tension,
Eccentric/Negative Training, Volume Training, Partial Rep Training, Rest/
Pause Training and more. !
As you move forward in your bodyweight based training I recommend NOT
using all of these techniques at once. Start by incorporating Omni Training
into your routine and slowly incorporate the other Omni Boosts to help chal-
lenge your body. !
I wish you best of luck!!
Todd Kuslikis!

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