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Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate: Module 5

nr derivations definitions / synonyms opposites

1. prestigious (adj) having or deserving honor (esp. in a field of disreputable, obscure
knowledge); respected, reputed
prestige (n)
prestigiously (adv)
2. financial (adj) relating to money, banking, or investments.
financially (adv)
finances (n)
finance (v)
3. influential (adj) having the power to cause change powerless, weak
authoritative, forceful
influence (n)
influence (v)
influentially (adv)
4. eloquence (n) the ability to speak or write well and in an effective inarticulateness
way. articulateness
eloquent (adj) articulate; fluent
eloquently (adv)
5. prodigy (n) a highly talented child or youth
prodigious (adj) extraordinary, remarkable ordinary, common
prodigiously (adv)
6. sacrifice (v) an act of offering something precious; offer, safeguard; keep
give up
sacrifice (n) offering
sacrificial (adj)
sacrificially (adv)
7. benefit (v) transitive verb: to be useful or profitable to harm
someone or something. intransitive verb: to
receive benefit from. aid, help

benefit (n) advantage; profit detriment, harm

beneficial (adj)
beneficially (adv)
benefactor (n)
beneficiary (n)
8. regret (n) a feeling of sadness or disappointment over satisfaction, enjoyment,
something that has happened; remorse, sorrow delight

regret (v) feel remorse; feel guilt enjoy

regrettable (adj)
regrettably (adv)
9. regulatory (adj) serving or intended to regulate something
regulation (n) rule or directive made and maintained by an
authority. instruction, rule, law
nr derivations definitions / synonyms opposites
regulate (v) to make rules or laws that control
regulated (adj)
10. battle (n) a long fight between large organized armed forces; truce, ceasefire
fight, clash
battle (v) to fight or struggle tenaciously; to fight, to
11. terrifying (adj) cause to feel extreme fear; horrifying, scary calming, comforting
terrify (v) horrify, scare comfort
terror (n)
terrified (adj)
terrifyingly (adv)
12. motive (n) a reason for doing something, especially one that is
hidden or not obvious; motivation, reason
13. provide (v) to make available for use; deliver, supply hold back, reserve
provider (n)
provision (n)
14. journey (n) an act of traveling from place to place; trip,
journey (v) to travel somewhere; to travel
15. make history: to do something important that has not been done
history (n) past present
historian (n)
historical (adj)
historically (adv)
16. acceptance (n) recognition denial, rejection
accept (v) to regard as right or true; consent, give in deny, reject
accepted (adj)
acceptable (adj)
acceptably (adv)
17. pay tribute to formally praise someone or something; praise,
tribute (n)

18. inspire (v) to give sb the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to discourage, dishearten
do sth well; motivate, encourage
inspiration (n) motivation

inspiring (adj)

inspirational (adj)

inspiringly (adv)

inspirationally (adv)
nr derivations definitions / synonyms opposites
19. distinction (n) a clear difference or contrast; difference similarity
exceptionally high quality; excellence, worthlessness,
perfection inferiority
distinguish (v)
distinguishable (adj)
distinguished (adj)
distinguishing (adj)
20. intensity (n) extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling; moderation
intense, intensive showing strong feeling or earnestness of purpose


1. The intensity with which she battled for stronger regulations on drug abuse terrified him.
2. She received a prestigious award from the town’s most influential businessman, who had
become inspired by the prodigious sacrifices she had made.
3. Because the motive for his deed was explained so eloquently, it made his behavior seem
4. We paid tribute to the man who had made history by journeying to the moon.
5. We regret to inform you that, unless you provide us with proof that your financial status is
healthy, your request will be denied.

Word pairs: Write sentences with each word in the following word pairs to show the difference in
meaning between them. No simple sentences allowed.

1. finance (n) / finance (v) 4. beneficiary (n) / benefactor (n)

2. sacrifice (v/n) 5. distinguishable (adj) / distinguished (adj)
3. terrifying (adj) / terrified (adj) 6. accepted (adj) / acceptable (adj)


1. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink = You can’t force
someone to accept your help or advice.
2. Necessity is the mother of invention = when you are in great need of something, you will
find a way of getting it.
3. As you sow, so you shall reap = you will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of your
earlier actions or inactions.
4. Fortune favors the bold = people who bravely go after what they want are more
successful than people who try to live safely.
5. Unwillingness easily finds an excuse = a person who doesn’t want to do something,
always finds a reason to avoid it.

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