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Using Project-Based Learning in

Trigonometry: Mr. Baber’s Wall Assignment

Item Type Capstone Project

Authors Schneider, Ryan

Publisher SUNY Brockport, Department of Education and Human


Download date 10/04/2023 09:53:44

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Using Project-Based Learning in Trigonometry:

Mr. Baber’s Wall Assignment

Ryan Schneider

State University of New York (SUNY)


A thesis submitted to the Department of Education and Human Development of the State

University of New York (SUNY) Brockport, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Master of Science in Education

May, 2022


This Curriculum Project presents a series of five lessons designed to incorporate project-based

learning (PBL) into a Trigonometry unit using the NYS Next Generation Standards Mathematics

Learning Standards. PBL is an alternative to the traditional method of teaching (teacher-focused,

notes, drill-and-practice, etc.) and has been proven to enhance motivation, participation, and

learning in an educational environment. Since the project is the driving force of the curriculum,

each lesson is tethered to different aspects of the project. Each stage of the project is intended to

have a problem that you must solve, and through each lesson learned the students will be able to

solve each problem as it arises. As each lesson is taught, the students can complete more and

more of the project until the final day where they bring it all together in a final PBL project.

Table of Contents


Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………….5

Math-Focused PBL……………………………………………………………………..…5

Students With Disabilities/At Risk Students……………………………………………....6

Peer-Assessment in PBL………………………………………………………………......6

Curriculum Design………………………………………………………………………………...8

Lessons Plans………………………………………………………………………………….…..9

Solving Rectangles………………………………………………………………………..9

Radian and Degree Measure……………………………………………………………..25

Right Triangle Trigonometry…………………………………………………………….36

Solving Right Triangles……………………………………………………………….…44

Using Trig to Solve Real-World Problems……………………………………………....50

PBL in My Classroom…………………………………………………………………………....58





With the changing times in our educational system, one struggle is within science,

technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) related courses. According to Han, Rosli,

Capraro, and Capraro (2016), students have shown lower standardized test scores and less

interest in pursuing careers in the STEM fields. To address these challenges many educators are

turning to a new and innovative way of teaching: Project-Based Learning (PBL). PBL has been

defined as efforts to engage students in learning that involves research, theory and practice,

mathematical skills, and knowledge that integrates mathematical concepts in the real world.

(Bakait, Masri, Tajudin, & Awi, 2021, pg. 3).

Although this style of teaching is beneficial to a student’s learning experience, it is

accompanied by some challenges. For starters, PBL is often misconstrued with “inquiry-based

learning”, “problem learning”, “project method”, and many others (Hovey & Ferguson, 2014).

Thus, PBL can be confusing. To provide clarity in PBL at the trig level, this curriculum project is

being shared with other teachers. The lessons meet NYS Next Generation Standards

Mathematics Learning Standards.



Literature Review

Project-based learning can be traced back to the 1890s, in a laboratory school in Chicago

that was founded by John Dewey (Hovey & Ferguson, 2014)- a profound American philosopher

and educator of his time. PBL was created to provide student-driven choices, projects with real-

world implications, evaluations throughout, reflections, collaboration, and all with the intention

of providing authentic learning opportunities. Through a focus on these core characteristics,

teachers can create great projects that can guide learning while covering required standards. It

has been found that PBL has resulted in superior rates of retention compared to conventional

styles where teachers are expected to give the right answers, the pupils are expected to ask

questions, find answers, and get information needed to solve their questions (Bakait, Masri,

Tajudin, & Awi, 2021).

Math-Focused PBL

When investigating the sample population of most PBL studies, it became clear that math

projects are a lot harder to implement effectively. Presumably, middle school is when students

begin to connect real-life experiences with educational content learned inside the class. We refer

to this as impact authenticity (Bowen & Peterson, 2019). Basically, the increase in relevancy

leads to the student deeming the content being more important- whether it be consciously or

subconsciously. For instance, a student may see a math term slope and think of a math problem,

but educators connect slope with the idea of rate of change and production from a manufacturing

plant. So, slope is much more than just a math term. A study that connected slope to PBL was

conducted by Bowen and Peterson (2019). They compared two groups, control and experimental,

with the effect of PBL on a STEM-focused school in the Upper Midwest of the United States.

They used similar initial rankings with test scores to stratify students into equal levels of

performance. They also gave both groups the same assessments with one Math test, and one

survey connecting slope concept to real world problems. The study showed that the experimental

group, the group given a PBL instruction, had a significantly better understanding of the term

slope in real-world context, which impacted performance on tests (Bowen & Peterson, 2019).

Students With Disabilities/At Risk Students

Students who are classified as having learning disabilities, students with individualized

education plans (IEP) or at-risk students, students at risk of dropping out of high school, can also

benefit from PBL instruction. Carr and Jitendra (2000) found that PBL benefited all students

with an increased sense of accomplishment and pride, self-growth, attendance rates, empathy,

empowerment, and autonomy. PBL instruction can do all of this while meeting standards

required by IEPs for reading, writing, and speaking, as well as support diverse interests and lead

to a creation of individual goals shown on the IEP (Carr & Jitendra, 2000). It could be that PBL

supports these students in ways that encourage them to remain and thrive in school.

Peer-Assessment in PBL

In the Spring of 2020, the entire world went through the Coronavirus Pandemic, which

closed many businesses, schools, and public area. The impact on education is that it caused

classes at every level to become either temporarily or permanently online or a hybrid version of

online and in-person. Due to this, group projects were introduced more frequently to increase

collaboration between students through online platforms. (Vander, Schee & Birrittella, 2021).

Because the teacher couldn’t see the work that everyone was doing in the group, some groups

were relying on a few or even one student to complete all the work, but all were receiving similar

grades. To combat this, teachers decided to implement an anonymous style of grading that could

be used in these online/hybrid setting classes that could accurately assess their students known as

peer assessment.

This type of assessment measures the same standards but differ from conventional style

of assessing. Instead, peer assessing is where the students are the judge and decision maker

regarding their fellow students work against specific criteria (Vander, Schee & Birrittella, 2021).

This type of assessing is beneficial for students in a plethora of ways. First, it helps enhance their

understanding of the assignment and what is expected for a best score by analyzing the rubrics

that everyone will be assessed with. When rubrics are introduced to students and they use them

in grading, students are aware of how they will be assessed for their own project. This means

there is less chance of them not understanding, or having a problem with their final grade, and

there is less of a need for teachers to average out the grades due to outlying scores- whether high

or low (Vander, Schee & Birrittella, 2021). Second, there can be an increase sense of reflection

on a student’s own work- which is a characteristic of PBL. Lastly, peer assessment can help

students improve their writing skills and prepare them for the future in a professional setting

where review skills will be required in the workplace (Vander, Schee & Birrittella, 2021). Thus,

peer assessment can help students prepare for a plethora of situations both in and outside of the

classroom, and are a great addition to any curriculum using PBL.


Curriculum Design

The following lessons are aligned with the NYS Algebra II/Trigonometry standards,

more specifically in terms of right triangle trigonometry. Because these lessons are designed

around PBL, the lessons should be completed in stages throughout the unit. Each lesson has a

lesson plan beforehand with a little paragraph called the “Connection Section” where the reader

can see where the connection to what is taught in the lesson and what is needed in the actual

project at the time of the lesson.

These lessons are designed for a 75-minute block class, which can be adjusted for other

schedules as needed. The lessons may also be taught in a different order, but all of them are

included to cover PBL aspects. The multitude of problems with different aspects all relate to the

content focus of these lessons. If teachers choose to actually measure a wall at their school,

remember that this will require a day in the unit. The materials required for that task will be a

laser pointer, ruler, string (about 100 feet), tape, and a protractor.

As in PBL instruction, the project is the driving force behind instruction so this is where

much fo the instructional focus needs to be. Furthermore, it’s student-driven so do not just give

the answer to the students. They may struggle, but through that struggle they will use their

knowledge to find the answer. Included in the final grading sheet is a peer review grade where

they will use the rubric to grade another student’s group. Solutions and keys from the lessons can

be found in the appendix. Project key is not provided because there’s no set way of completing


Lesson 1: Solving Rectangles

Objectives Students will be able to:

- Derive the area and perimeter of a rectangle
- Solve for missing sides of a rectangle given characteristics of the rectangle.
Standard(s) NY-4.MD3: Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems.
NY-7.EE4: Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and
construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the
Prior - Basic understanding of rectangles- area, perimeter, definition, etc.
Knowledge - Basic skills in solving for missing variables
- Area of circle formula.
Introduction This entire lesson is the first one in this series because it is a refresher on how to find the area,
perimeter, and missing sides given characteristics of a rectangle. You may also show them the
relationship between squares and rectangles. Start by introducing the project and have them
start thinking about strategies, problems, and the practicality behind completing this project.
Lesson Flow Have them work through the associated problems in small groups and go over them as full
class. This will introduce the group work ideology that will be emphasized throughout this
entire unit. Also, make sure to emphasize the last two examples because they have a direct
connection with the project- in that we will be not using the whole area of the wall but just a
section of the wall.
Conclusion Have them start by doing Brainstorming #1. Emphasize to work on how to find the area of the
wall and any research on bricks. Re-introduce the rubric to them so that they can see what we
are being graded on.
Project Brainstorming #1- early phases, mainly area of rectangle and research on the bricks.
Connection to PBL
Before starting the lesson, it’s essential to introduce the project and the rubric so that the

students understand the problem that needs to be solved and how they will be graded on solving

this problem. The rubric is introduced at the end of the lesson so that when they start working on

the project, they know how they will be graded. They will also be graded through peer

assessment using the same rubric, so introducing it at this time will prepare them for grading

their peers. This lesson is first because it’s the first thing that the students will complete when

solving for the cost- the area of the wall and the amount of bricks that are needed to cover said

area. This lesson is also a refresher of area and perimeter of a rectangle, and a good focus on the

last two problems is essential in case there are sections, such as windows, that don’t need to be

bricked that they must account for in their final calculations of cost.

Mr. Baber’s Wall Assignment Outline

Background information: Mr. Baber needs to replace a brick wall on the side of McQuaid.
Unfortunately, he has no idea where to start! He has tasked the Algebra II/Trig classes in finding
the price that he will have to budget for to brick an entire wall fully and newly. Our goal is to
come up with a reasonable plan of action to figure out the cheapest way to complete this task. In
your plan, you need to be able to find the dimensions of the wall, the correct amount of bricks
that you would need to fully cover the wall, and the cost of those bricks (excluding labor and
sales tax); all while using our math skills that we have learned in this unit. Make sure you
include diagrams, any research (with links!), and any other brainstorming ideas that you may
have in your brainstorming sessions.

This is Mr. Baber, I just want to say

that you guys are doing great work
for McQuaid and I want to thank each
and every one of you. I have total
faith that you guys can, in fact,
complete this and save the school
some well-earned money! Thank you

Group members:_______________________________________________________________

Brainstorming #1: This section is available to get any ideas on to paper. This is basically a rough
sketch of what we want to do. You need to consider the strategy that we will use to find the number
of materials we need (don’t include labor or tax), mathematical processes you could use, research
how much bricks would be, how many we need, and any other ideas that you could think of (maybe
even include pictures?????).

Brainstorming #2: In this section, I will give you a set bag of materials and you will need to
now adapt your brainstorming to complete this task. Same instructions and rules apply as the last
section so make sure that you include all the necessary information from the last section that you
will ALSO need for this section (prices, ideas, etc.). List of materials: 1 laser pointer, ruler, spool
of string, tape, and a protractor. Use these materials to develop an idea of how to solve your
problems from Brainstorming #1.

Final Idea: This is where we bring it all together. This is your FINAL project idea for how to
complete this task. This should be neat, include only the materials from the last section, have a
diagram, and should show any equations/strategies that we will use. Don’t forget to include any
links that you used to find prices!

Final cost: ______________________________________________________


Solving Rectangles


Area of a Rectangle:

If a rectangle has side lengths of 6 in and 8 in, find the area of the rectangle to the
nearest tenth.

If a rectangle’s width is 6 yards, and an area of 112.2 𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 2 , find the length of
the rectangle to the nearest tenth.

If a rectangle has an area of 324 𝑖𝑛2 and one side is equal to 18 inches, find the
perimeter of the rectangle to the nearest tenth.

If a rectangular pool has an area of 320 𝑓𝑡 2 and a length of 20 feet, find the
perimeter to the nearest tenth.

A farmer is trying to put up a rectangular fence around his field. He knows that his
field has an area of 7200 𝑓𝑡 2 , and that the width of his farm is 60 feet. If fence
costs $1.50 a foot, how much should the farmer expect to pay for the fence
(excluding tax and labor). Round your answer to the nearest tenth if applicable.

A painter wants to paint a rectangular wall with a width of 10 feet and a height of
12 feet, but has to find the area of the wall. Furthermore, realizes that the area is
going to be affected by the window that is in the center of the wall that has a width
of 2 feet and a height of 4 feet. What is the area of the wall that he expects to have
to paint?

A construction worker is replacing a wall with drywall. The height of the wall is 20
feet and the width is 14 feet. There is a circular section in the middle that they
don’t want to replace with drywall that has a diameter of 2 feet. If they want to
drywall the wall EXCEPT for the circular section, what is the area of the section
that they DO want to drywall.

Note: the rubric on the following page is for teachers to share with students what
they will use in peer assessment, and what the teacher will use to assess the final
PBL project. Teachers are encouraged to edit the rubric to fit their class
requirements as needed.

1 2 3 4 5
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
Brainstorming -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
1 -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
(rough sketch) -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
Brainstorming -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
2 -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
(designated -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
-correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
Final Idea -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
-thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Ideas were not relative to Ideas were barely relative Ideas were sort of relative Ideas were somewhat Ideas were relative to the
the completion of the to the completion of the to the completion of the relative to the completion completion of the
problem. They were not problem. They were problem. They were sort of the problem. They were problem. They were
realistic, used no relevant barely realistic, used of realistic, used sort of somewhat realistic, used realistic, used relevant and
Strategy and correct math barely relevant and correct relevant and correct math somewhat relevant and correct math procedures,
procedures, and the final math procedures, and the procedures, and the final correct math procedures, and the final product was
product was not accurate final product was barely product was sort of and the final product was accurate and low budget.
and low budget. accurate and low budget. accurate and low budget. somewhat accurate and
low budget.
Most to all materials are Some materials are Some materials are Everything is in the folder, Everything handed in is in
missing. The materials missing. The materials missing. The materials but it may be a bit out of the folder; organized, neat,
that are present, if any, are that are present are very that are present are out of place/messy. Papers are all everything is in the correct
out immensely out of order/disheveled. order/disheveled. The there, but it they have a bags/place, nothing is
Organization disorganized. The papers The papers have a good papers have some few scribble/eraser marks. missing, papers are not
are practically unreadable amount of scribble/eraser scribble/eraser marks. ripped/full of scribbles
due to the messiness of the marks. and erase marks.
writing and marks.

Lesson 2: Radian and Degree Measure

Objectives Students will be able to:
- Determine the difference between radians and degree measure
- Identify positive and negative coterminal angles
- Convert radians to degrees and degrees to radians
Standard(s) AII-F.TF1: Understand radian measure of an angle as the length of the arc on the unit
subtended by the angle.
Prior Operations with Fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and reducing).
Introduction Heavy vocabulary. Stress that this is going essential that you understand because you are
constantly going to be using these terms.
Lesson Flow Let them try some out, give them problems that they must think about, identify “special cases”
and any “tricks”.
Conclusion Have them end with thinking about how angles and degrees can be converted between each
and how angles can be represented in a multitude of ways.
Project Continue to work on Brainstorming #1, identify any missing information and possible
Section solutions to finding them. They will struggle but teach them that this struggle is designed!

Connection to PBL
This section of the curriculum is one of the first to introduce trigonometry, hence why the

definition is introduced here, and is the first time that the students should be learning new

material. This section is designed to start introducing angles and is very vocabulary heavy, which

is essential for the rest of the unit as we are constantly using terms such as coterminal, radians,

degrees, etc. In this section, you can start talking about the idea of not just the side lengths of

shapes, but also the angles that make up shapes and how they connect to the project- although

they may not think about the project as a three-dimensional shape yet, it can get their mind going

and have them start to really think about how to solve the problems.

Radian and Degree Measure



Line Segment-





Initial Side-

Terminal Side-

Positive Measures-

Negative Measures-

Coterminal angles-

Strategy: add or subtract increments of 360 degrees to the original angles

Ex. Find a positive and negative coterminal angle for 120 degrees.

Previously we have used _________________ to measure angles. Now we are



Radians are measured by finding the length of the arc that is formed by the initial
side to the terminal side.

One Radian- measure of the central angle where arc s is equal to the radius of the
circle. We say that it’s in terms of π.

Radian Measure of an Angle (in terms of radians):


Radian Ranges for Each Quadrant

Now that we have this, we can also use the idea of coterminal angles, but this time
instead of adding 360 degrees, we add 2π

Determine the negative coterminal angles for the following:

Ex. ϴ =

Ex. ϴ =

Determine the positive coterminal angle of the following:

Ex. ϴ =

Ex. ϴ =

Ex. ϴ =

A full circle is equal to:

____________ degrees & ____________ radians

To convert degrees to radians: multiply degrees by
180 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠

180 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠
To convert radians to degrees: multiply radians by

Convert the following degree measures into radians:

Ex. 45 degrees

Ex. 135 degrees


Convert the following radians to degrees



Lesson 3: Right Triangle Trigonometry

Objectives Students will be able to:

- Classify all six trig functions by their definition of the ratios of the sides of a right
triangle, while simultaneously relating them to the coordinate point that intercepts a
- Utilize the definition of all six trig functions in the unit circle to evaluate certain
- See that trig functions can also be computed on a calculator if they are not on the Unit
Standard(s) AII-F.TF2: Apply concepts of the unit circle in the coordinate plane to calculate the values of
the six trigonometric functions given angles in radian measure.
Prior - Operations with Fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and reducing).
Knowledge - Coterminal angles (getting an angle to be within the range of a unit circle, but have
Needed the same initial and terminal side, therefore having the same coordinate point
intercepting it)
- Right Triangle characteristics
Introduction - Reminder of the definition of the following: right triangles, and side ratios of sine,
cosine, and tangent.
- Introduction to reciprocal trig functions.
Lesson Flow - Utilizing the relationship of each trig function to it’s reciprocal Trig function to
further define them in terms of the coordinate point it intercepts the Unit circle.
Conclusion - Integrating coterminal angles and the calculator into the unit circle.
Project Continue to work on Brainstorming #1, identify any missing information and possible
Section solutions to finding them. They will struggle but teach them that this struggle is designed!

Connection to PBL
This lesson is intended to introduce right triangle trigonometry and have them practice

using the unit circle. Using the idea of the unit circle, they start to develop a deeper

understanding of the trig functions in terms of the ratios of the sides of a right triangle. The

connection to the unit circle shows them how the “special angles” that are included in the first

quadrant of the unit circle also relate to each other “special angles” in other quadrants, but with

negatives (you may also introduce the idea of “All Students Take Calculus” to remember which

trig function is positive in each quadrant). The connection that should be made to the project is

that they can start thinking about things in life as a combination of right triangles (this will be

reinforced in the next lesson as well). Furthermore, if we have these “special angles” as parts of a

triangle, then our solving is very simple and doesn’t require a lot of calculations.

Right Triangle Trigonometry


Reciprocal Trig functions:

Name Abbreviation Ratio


Sin Θ =

Cos Θ =

Tan Θ =

Sec Θ =

Csc Θ =

Cot Θ =

Function Sin Θ Cos Θ Tan Θ Csc Θ Sec Θ Cot Θ

Coordinates Y X 𝑦 1 1 𝑥
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦

Find all trig values of the angle Θ =

Find all trig values of the angle Θ = −

Calculator Trig
We can use our calculator to evaluate trig functions!

Biggest reminder:

Change to each mode:

1) Click “MODE”
2) Scroll down to “Radian Degree” (4th one down)
3) Click on the highlighted one that you want

𝜋 𝜋
From the unit circle, what did we say was cos ? What about the sin ?
3 3

Take away:

Lets take a look at ones that are NOT on the unit circle. Round answers to the
nearest thousandth.
Tan 139 = Sin =

Sin -73 = Cos =

Cos 402 = Tan =

What if I wanted to do the following problem:

Csc 123

Lesson 4: Solving Right Triangles

Objectives Students will be able to:

- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Pythagorean Theorem
- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Trig Ratios
- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Inverse Trig Functions
Standard(s) NY-8.G7: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right
triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.
Prior - Definition of trig ratios in reference to the sides of a right triangle
Knowledge - Basic Algebra skills, including rounding decimals
- Use of calculator so solve for missing sides and angles, emphasis on using the Inverse
Needed Trig functions to solve for angles.
Introduction Remind them of the things we have worked with to solve missing sides and angles in right
triangles (first section of notes).
Lesson Flow Introduce them to being able to properly label a right triangle and the importance of it when
solving. Also show them that although every problem is solving for either a missing side or
angle, it’s essential to make sure you are using the correct trig ratio to solve.
Conclusion When completing the last two examples, remind them that depending on which side/angle they
solve for first they may have a different process but that all answers should be relatively close
to each other.
Project Brainstorming #1 should be finished by this point in the unit. If time allots, have them start
Section Brainstorming #2. In this section, you will use the following materials laser pointer, ruler,
string (100 feet should be fine), tape, and a protractor (they may need a refresher on how to
use one of these).

Connection to PBL
This lesson is intended to show the students how to solve for missing sides and angles of a right

triangle, given certain characteristics of said triangle. As they work through this section, they

should be able to utilize the trig ratios of sine, cosine, and tangent to solve for missing

sides/angles (this may require use of a calculator so be prepared to show them how to utilize it to

the best of their ability). While some angles might be simple to work with, not all of them are as

easy as the “special angles” they worked with in the unit circle so the introduction of Calculator

Trig at the end of last lesson is a great reference to use. The connection to the project would be

that they can now utilize their skills to solve for missing angles and sides of right triangles. This

can help them if they utilize the missing side as missing lengths of the rectangle. They may think

of this in a two-dimensional idea, but next lesson they will be introduced to the idea of three-

dimensional thinking of triangles.


Solving Right Triangles

We can use what we know about right triangles to help us solve for missing

1) Pythagorean theorem

2) Trig values of sides of a right triangle

3) Inverse trig Functions


Given a right triangle with a leg equal to 6, and the adjacent angle is 72 degrees,
find the length of the hypotenuse.

Given a right triangle with the hypotenuse equal to 6, and the adjacent angle is 73
degrees, find the length of the leg adjacent to the angle.

Given a right triangle with a leg equal to 4, and the hypotenuse equal to 5, find the
angle theta that is between the leg and the hypotenuse.

Given a right triangle with a leg equal to 7.7 and the other leg equal to 14, find the
angle theta that is across from the leg length of 7.7.

Given a right triangle with the hypotenuse equal to 5, and the angle theta that is
adjacent to the hypotenuse is equal to 53 degrees, solve for all missing sides and
angles (I.e. solve the triangle).

Given a right triangle with a leg equal to 6, and the angle theta that is in between
the hypotenuse and the given leg is equal to 28 degrees, solve for all missing sides
and angles (I.e. solve the triangle).

Lesson 5: Using Trig to Solve Real-World Problems

Objectives Students will be able to:

- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Pythagorean Theorem
- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Trig Ratios
- Solve for missing sides and/or angles of a triangle using Inverse Trig Functions
Standard(s) GEO-G.SRT8: Use sine, cosine, tangent, the Pythagorean Theorem, and properties of special
right triangles to solve right triangles in applied problems.
Prior - Definition of trig ratios in reference to the sides of a right triangle
Knowledge - Basic Algebra skills, including rounding decimals
- Use of calculator so solve for missing sides and angles, emphasis on using the Inverse
Needed Trig functions to solve for angles.
- Special right triangles (not needed but can still use)
Introduction Introduce the idea of angle of elevation and it’s relation to angle of depression.
Lesson Flow Teach them that if they draw out the information given while labeling it properly, that we can
use right triangle properties and strategies that we have learned to solve for missing
measurements in the context of the problem given.
Conclusion Emphasize that there is not a specific step-by-step process to solve each. You may use
different strategies and if used correctly, you should end at the relatively same answers as
others. Also, remind them to not round until their answer- regardless of how long their decimal
is. Remind them to look at the rubric and grading sheet BEFORE they submit!
Project Brainstorming #2. Give them the list of materials and tell them that they may only use these
Section materials, and a calculator to find any missing measurements. Make sure to have them utilize
their ideas in Brainstorming #1 to either change or continue their thinking in solving the
problem in the project. They will also use this to drive their “Final Idea” and bring all of their
information, strategies, and knowledge together.

Connection to PBL
This section is where they will work with trig ratios and right-triangle strategies to solve

problems that they could see in the real world. Connecting this real-world problem to right

triangles is essential because not only does that lead to further understanding, but it’s a basis of

PBL as whole. When connecting to the project, they should be able to think of the wall as one

leg of a right triangle with the distance from the base of the wall to the student being the other

leg (usually measured by a string), and they can find the measure of the angle by using the laser

pointer and the protractor as one. Finding the height by using the tangent function. This connects

to Brainstorming #2 and will lead them into the Final Step problem where they bring everything

they know and have done into one final explanation. The rubric and final grading sheet are at the

end again to remind the teachers and peer reviewers the exact criteria for the final grade.

Using Trig to Solve Real-World Problems

Angle of Elevation:

Angle of Depression:

Right Triangle Trig:

1) Sin x =

2) Cos x =

3) Tan x =

A ladder is leaning against a wall such that the foot of the ladder is 7 feet from the
base of the wall and the top of the ladder is 16 feet from the ground. Find, to the
nearest degree, the angle that is made by the wall and the ladder.

A nursing home plants a new tree and attaches a wire to help support the tree while
its roots take hold. An 6-foot wire is attached to the tree and to a stake in the
ground. From the stake in the ground the angle of elevation of the connection with
the tree is 42 degrees. Find to the nearest tenth of a foot, the height of the
connection point on the tree.

Find the shadow cast by a 6-foot lamp post when the angle of elevation of the sun
is 58 degrees. Find the length of the shadow to the nearest tenth of a foot.

A radio station tower was built in two sections. From a point 87 feet from the base
of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 25 degrees, and
the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 40 degrees. To the
nearest foot, what is the height of the top section of the tower?

Note: the rubric on the following page, the same as the one share at the end of
lesson 1, is what teachers will use to assess the final PBL projects.

1 2 3 4 5
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
Brainstorming -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
1 -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
(rough sketch) -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
Brainstorming -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
2 -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
(designated -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Section has none the Section has a bit of the Section has some the Section has most the Section has all the
following: following: following: following: following:
-correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams -correct diagrams
-correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices -correct prices
Final Idea -research links -research links -research links -research links -research links
-thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming -thorough brainstorming
ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
Ideas were not relative to Ideas were barely relative Ideas were sort of relative Ideas were somewhat Ideas were relative to the
the completion of the to the completion of the to the completion of the relative to the completion completion of the
problem. They were not problem. They were problem. They were sort of the problem. They were problem. They were
realistic, used no relevant barely realistic, used of realistic, used sort of somewhat realistic, used realistic, used relevant and
Strategy and correct math barely relevant and correct relevant and correct math somewhat relevant and correct math procedures,
procedures, and the final math procedures, and the procedures, and the final correct math procedures, and the final product was
product was not accurate final product was barely product was sort of and the final product was accurate and low budget.
and low budget. accurate and low budget. accurate and low budget. somewhat accurate and
low budget.
Most to all materials are Some materials are Some materials are Everything is in the folder, Everything handed in is in
missing. The materials missing. The materials missing. The materials but it may be a bit out of the folder; organized, neat,
that are present, if any, are that are present are very that are present are out of place/messy. Papers are all everything is in the correct
out immensely out of order/disheveled. order/disheveled. The there, but it they have a bags/place, nothing is
Organization disorganized. The papers The papers have a good papers have some few scribble/eraser marks. missing, papers are not
are practically unreadable amount of scribble/eraser scribble/eraser marks. ripped/full of scribbles
due to the messiness of the marks. and erase marks.
writing and marks.
Final Grading Sheet
Group Members:

Rubric Score: ___________/ 25

Peer Review Rubric Score__________/25

Participation: ___________/ 15

Teamwork: __________/ 10

Final Score: __________/ 75

Final Grading Sheet

Group Members:

Rubric Score: ___________/ 25

Peer Review Rubric Score__________/25

Participation: ___________/ 15

Teamwork: __________/ 10

Final Score: __________/ 50

PBL in MY Classroom

In my classroom, the project was used as focus of to teach trigonometry and to

demonstrate to students that math is all around us and is useful outside of the classroom. The

students were excited to do a project (in their words “Anything to get us out of not doing a

test!”). They needed to be constantly reminded that it was not just a project as a summative

assessment, but rather that the project was created to be worked on throughout and that it was a

way to bring together all their learning over the entirety of the unit. I also noticed that they really

liked to get outside and learn; the simple change in scenery piqued their interest more than any

topic that I can teach. In our school, we have a shirt and tie dress code so we encountered a

problem- if the ground was wet/muddy the students found it hard to get a proper measurement

(again, the weather effects when you can measure so plan accordingly). We tried attaching our

measuring device to a yard stick so that students did not have to kneel and would not get dirty.

The wall choice should also be in the shade if you want to be able to see the laser pointer. Some

students had trouble with losing their laser image on the wall so make sure the strength of the

laser is appropriate for the project. I handed out a survey asking them to reflect on their learning

to reiterate the real-world connections which was deemed successful- in that the students learned

that using trig to find heights of wall is possible.


The object of this curriculum is to implement project-based learning (PBL) into an

Algebra II/Trig class while implementing NYS Next Generation in a trigonometry unit. After

reading through the curriculum, teachers should have a better idea of what exactly is entailed in

PBL, while being able to see the importance in a unit such as trigonometry. With the plethora of

different students, we as educators need to make sure to encompass all different learning styles
into our teaching. We can do this by breaking away from the conventional style of teaching-

notes, practice, and testing. It is my hope that other teachers can implement PBL into their

Algebra II/Trig classroom and help students better understand how mathematics connects to the

real world.

Bakait, M., Masri, R., Tajudin, N. M., & Awi, M. (2021). Development of SPARE Method by

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Baran, M., Maskan, A., & Yaşar, Ş. (2018). Learning Physics through Project-Based Learning

Game Techniques. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 221–234.

Bowen, B., & Peterson, B. (2019). Exploring Authenticity Through an Engineering-Based

Context in a Project-Based Learning Mathematics Activity. Journal of Pre-College

Engineering Education Research, 9(1), 1–10.

Carr, T., & Jitendra, A. K. (2000). Using hypermedia and multimedia to promote project-based

learning of at-risk high school students. Intervention in School & Clinic, 36(1), 40–44.


Using Project-Based Learning With Exceptional and Diverse Students. Curriculum &

Teaching Dialogue, 16(1/2), 77–90.

Lee, J. S., & Galindo, E. (2021). Examining Project-Based Learning Successes and Challenges

of Mathematics Preservice Teachers in a Teacher Residency Program: Learning by

Doing. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 15(1), 1–19.

Vander Schee, B. A., & Birrittella, T. D. (2021). Hybrid and Online Peer Group Grading:

Adding Assessment Efficiency While Maintaining Perceived Fairness. Marketing

Education Review, 31(4), 275–283.
Radian Ranges for Each Quadrant

Now that we have this, we can also use the idea of coterminal angles, but this time
instead of adding 360 degrees, we add 2π
Function Sin Θ Cos Θ Tan Θ Csc Θ Sec Θ Cot Θ

Coordinates Y X 𝑦 1 1 𝑥
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦

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