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Colegio Nuestra Student’s name: ………………………………………………

Señora del Buen Consejo Teacher’s name: ………………………………………………


I. Look at the picture.

1. Who are the main characters of the film? III. Put the events into the correct order.
2. Do you believe this story? a. Maximus found the pair and tried to capture Eugene.
…………………………………………………………… b. Flynn took Rapunzel to the Snuggly Duckling pub filled

II. Choose the correct item. with frightening thugs.

c. The brothers tied Eugene onto a boat and confronted
1. Mother Gothel used the flower to retain her ………………
a) house b) hair c) youth
d. Rapunzel and Flynn escaped but they were trapped in a
2. Gothel ……… the baby and ………. her as her own
daughter in an isolated tower flooding cave.
e. Rapunzel and Eugene realized they have fallen in love
a) took -raised b) played-raised c) had-raised
with each other.
3. Once a year, the King and Queen ……. sky lanterns on
Rapunzel’s birthday. f. Eugene and Rapunzel took refuge in a forest.

a) bought b) released c) made

1 …… 2 ……. 3 …….. 4 ……. 5 ……. 6 …… 7 ……
4. On the eve of her 18th birthday, Rapunzel …… to leave the
tower and ………. The source of the lanterns.
IV. Mark the sentences as (T) true or (F) false.
a) requested-discovered b) asked-went
1. Rapunzel recognized the symbol of the moon. …….
c) told-invented
2. Eugene is sentenced to death. …….
5. Flynn Rider …………… Rapunzel’s crown from the
3. The Duckling regulars helped him escape. …….
4. Gothel helped Eugene and attempted to escape with
a) played b) made c) stole
Rapunzel. …….
6. Rapunzel …………. Flynn and …….. the crown.
5. Eugene cut Rapunzel’ s hair. …….
a) punished-put on b) captured-discovered
6. Rapunzel reunites with her grandfather. …….
c) helped-gave
7. The kingdom celebrated in the end. …….
7. Rapunzel ……………….. a reluctant Flynn to escort her to
see the lanterns. TOPIC OF DISCUSSION
a) told b) convinced c) made 1. Would you like to live in that time?
2. Who is your favourite character in those times? Why?
3. Would you like to be a thief or a soldier?
EBL/December 2017

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