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1. DESCRIPTIVE To describe a particular person, place or things. Ø  Identification : is used to identify phenomenon to be
Ø  Description : is used to described parts, qualities, and
2. RECOUNT To retell or to inform the reader about what was Ø  Orientation : introducing the participant, place and time.
happened to the writer with series of events. Ø  Events : describing series of event that happened in the
Ø  Reorientation : it is optional. Stating personal comment
of the writer to the story.
3. NARRATIVE To amuse or entertain the readers. Ø  Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the
participants of the story.
Ø  Complication : a crisis arises.
Ø  Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
4. REPORT To describe something, place, things, person in Ø  General Classification : tells what the phenomenon
general. under discussion is.
Ø  Description : tells what the phenomenon under
discussion is like in term of :
 Parts (and their functions)
 Habits and behaviour

5. PROCEDURE To tell the reader how to do, serve, or make Ø  Title/aim/goal : which tells the readers what will be
something. explained.
Ø  Materials : which tell the readers what ingredients or
materials needed to do or make something; it is optional
Ø  Steps : which explain the chronological steps on how to
do or make something
6. NOTICE To give instruction/to instruct people Ø  Opening : contains an introductory picture
Ø  Content : contains details or description
Ø  Closing : contains a hope for others
7. SHORT MESSAGE To convey something to others that the person isØ  Receive : people who receive
doing or not doing something Ø  Content : contains of greeting card
Ø  Sender : people who send
8. GREETING CARD To congratulate for someone Ø  Receive : people who receive
Ø  Content : contains of greeting card
Ø  Sender : people who send
9. ADVERTISEMENT To promote a product in the form of goods or Ø  The name of the product
services Ø  The selling points of the product
Ø  How to get the product
Ø  Interesting design
10. ANNOUNCEMENT To information us what has happened or what Ø  The title or type of event
will happen Ø  Date or time, place
Ø  Contact person
11. INVITATION To invite someone to attend an occasion. Ø  The addressee : the person invited
Ø  The message : the content of the message.
Ø  The sender : people who invite
12. LETTER         To convey information from one party to another
Ø  Address and date
        To inform about something Ø  Receiver : the recipient’s fullname and addres
Ø  Contents : information about news, condition
Ø  Sender: the person who sends the letter
Ø  Signature : the signed name of the writer
13. E-MAIL To inform about something Ø  Letterhead that contains the sender, receipient, date,
and subject
Ø  Content : containing the message, separated from the
header by a line break
14. SCHEDULE To inform / tell the time of activities Ø  Place and time
Ø  Type of activity
15. LABEL To give detail information Ø  Product excellence
Ø  Instructions for use
Ø  The composition of the product
Ø  Nutrion fact

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