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VOC.: _____
GRAM.: _____
IES. Atalaya / Dpto. de Inglés
NAME:_____________________________________ GROUP:______DATE: __________________

VOCABULARY (__________/24 POINTS)

1 Circle the adjective that doesn’t describe each category. Then add one adjective below to each category.
(8 points)
quick | nervous | trendy | interesting
1 films: frightening • boring • wonderful • sorry ................................
2 negative feelings: worried • scared • normal • afraid ................................
3 clothes: noisy • pretty • modern • old-fashioned
old ................................
4 animals: tiny • slow • polite • thirsty ................................

2 Replace the words in bold with the words or phrases below.

below (8 points)
pretty | simple | huge | difficult | angry | hungry | thick | quiet | rude
1 The instructions were easy. easy ................................
2 The children are not making a noise noise. ................................
3 I was not polite. ................................
4 It is not thin. ................................
5 The house is very big. ................................
6 I can’t do it. It’s too hard hard. ................................
7 He has got a good-looking looking sister. ................................
8 He feels it's time to eat.. ................................

3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. (8

( points)

1 My dad is a famous / noisy / tiny singer in the UK.

2 I didn't like the film. It was very interesting / hungry / boring.
3 Myy younger sister doesn't like being unique / alone / famous at home.
4 Don’t wear that! It's horrible / simple / worried!
5 My brother was very angry / calm / polite because somebody stole his tablet.
6 My uncle was rude / lucky / nervous to win £1 million in the lottery.
7 Swimming in the sea can be dangerous. Be quick / slow / careful!
8 The opposite of nervous is quick / calm / pretty.
IES. Atalaya / Dpto. de Inglés

GRAMMAR (__________/35 POINTS)

1 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets to make affirmative or
negative comparisons. (6 points)
1. In England, August is …………
……………………………… (hot) December.
2. Hills are ……………………………… ………… (small) mountains.
3. A beach holiday is ………………………………
………… (exciting) an adventure holiday.
4. Cliff diving is ……………………
…………………… (dangerous) hiking.
5. London is …………………… …………………… (old) New York.
6. A five-star hotel is …………
……………………………… (good) a three-star hotel.

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets to make
affirmative or negative comparisons. (6 points)
1. Summer is ……………………………… ………… (bad) time to visit Disneyland because it’s hot and crowded.
2. The Amazon Rainforest is …………
……………………………… (big) rainforest in the world!
3. I think Florence is ……………………
…………………… (beautiful) city in Italy.
4. The Aletsch is ………………………………
………… (large) glacier in the Alps.
5. Winter is ……………………………… ………… (suitable) time to visit Norway because it’s too cold.
6. New York is one of ……………………
…………………… (lively) cities in the world.

3 Choose the correct answer. (2 points)

1 This is more difficult than / the most difficult / as difficult as exercise in the book!
2 Ross was too strong / strong enough / not strong enough to move the piano alone,
so we helped him.
3 Don’t buy the brown boots. They’re trendier than / less trendy than / the trendiest
the black ones.
4 Sue had the most original / the least original / less original than idea, so she won
the competition.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets (comparative, superlative,
too or [not] enough). (6 points)
1 Marie looked beautiful. She was ............................................. (pretty) girl at the party.
2 Eddie ate a huge meal. He was ............................................. (hungry) to finish three hamburgers!
3 I love action films. They’re ............................................. (interesting) dramas.
4 Mark and Dan can run a kilometre in three minutes. Mark is ............................................. (fast) Dan.
5 The pilot doesn’t want to leave in the storm. It’s ............................................. (dangerous).
6 Gail isn’t a fast runner. She’s ............................................. (slow) the other girls.
IES. Atalaya / Dpto. de Inglés

5 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences.
(5 points)
1 The jacket isn’t as thick as the coat. (than)
The jacket is ................................
........................................................................................... .
2 A dog is noisier than a cat. (as)
A cat is ................................................................
.................................................................... .
3 That song isn’t as popular as the others on the list. (least)
That song is ................................
............................................................................................. .
4 Jim and Ron both weigh 95 kilos. (heavy)
Jim is ................................................................
....................................................................... .
5 A dolphin isn’t as frightening as a shark. (less)
A dolphin is ................................
............................................................................................. .

6 Choose the correct answers. (10 points)

Shanghai is one of 1. the most exciting / exciting enough / more exciting than
cities in the world. Maybe it’s 2. too popular / less popular than / the least
popular London or Paris and it isn’t 3. the oldest / as old as / too old them, but
it’s great. The Shanghai World Financial Centre used to be 4. taller than / as tall
as / the tallest building in the city. You can walk across the glass skywalk on the
100th floor! Don’t worry. It’s 5. less frightening than / frightening enough / the
least frightening it sounds. The Jade Buddha Temple is one of 6. the most
peaceful / peaceful enough / too peaceful places to visit. There’s also Nanjing
Road – the famous shopping street et – but the prices are 7. the highest / not high
enough / too high for most tourists.
Spring and autumn are 8. better than / the best / good enough seasons to visit.
The most important / The least important / Too important thing to remember
is a day isn’t 10. too long / long enough / as long as to see the whole city.

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