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Petri Webinar Brief

January 06, 2020

5 Quick Wins for SMB Cybersecurity in 2021

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There is no doubt that security incidents are on the rise for businesses of all shapes and sizes. With the
recent pandemic, it has been clear that cybersecurity threats have become a bigger issue than ever

However, there is a common belief among many small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) that the most
lucrative vulnerabilities only exist in large organizations. But the fact is that SMBs are more vulnerable
to cyberattacks than larger businesses and there are several reasons for this.

First, although larger organizations tend to have a bigger attack surface, these larger businesses also
typically have specialized security personnel that are dedicated to protecting the organization. The
skills and resources that they have available typically far exceed the capacities of most SMBs.

Second, the impact that cybersecurity or ransomware attacks can have on an SMB can be devastating.
A larger organization typically has the resources to weather these types of attacks and although there
may be significant downtime costs, the company typically will remain operational. That is not always the
case for the SMB, as a lengthy service outage could have the potential to put them out of business.

In its State of Cybersecurity in SMBs in 2020 report, Devolutions surveyed SMB decision-makers
worldwide and they uncovered several critical security exposures. First, 80% of SMBs admitted
that malware has evaded their anti-virus software. Second, 66% of SMBs reported that they have
experienced at least one cyberattack within the last 12 months and that each cyberattack typically
resulted in an average of eight hours of downtime. Finally, and even more disturbing, 60% of SMBs have
gone out of business within six months of a cyberattack.

Five core steps for strengthening the SMB’s cybersecurity protection

In the following sections, you will learn five core security strategies that the SMB can implement that
will produce quick cybersecurity wins. In each section, you will learn about some of the key findings
from Devolutions’ SMB cybersecurity research as well as recommendations for how to effectively
address the different problem areas to improve the security of your organization.

1. Implement Privileged Access Management

SMBs rely on privileged accounts to increase the efficiency and productivity of their employees.
Unfortunately, hackers also rely on access to vulnerable privileged accounts to breach networks, access
critical systems, and steal confidential data.

Privileged Access Management (PAM) refers to a class of solutions that help secure, control, manage,
and monitor privileged access to critical assets. Devolutions’ research has shown that 76% of SMBs do
not have a fully deployed PAM solution in place, even though Gartner has identified the implementation
of a PAM solution as one of its top 10 security priorities for 2019.
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PAM solutions can detect and prevent access to highly privileged accounts. PAM solutions not only
protect against external cyber threats, but they can also prevent insider threats like the accidental or
deliberate misuse of privileged accounts. To counter these types of threats, PAM solutions provide you
with the tools you need to restrict, revoke, and monitor access to highly privileged accounts.

However, many SMBs have been hesitant to adopt a PAM solution because they feel they can be too
costly and too complicated. It is worth considering that a quality PAM solution can help streamline
the management of privileged users and by reducing the time devoted to these tasks, this will free up
resources to apply towards additional business objectives.

PAM solutions are an essential cybersecurity component and they can provide vital information about
your privileged accounts that you might not be aware of. For instance, they can tell you how many
privileged accounts you have that never expire or how many privileged accounts still exist that should
have been deprovisioned.

PAM solutions provide special protection and monitoring of privileged accounts; when privileged
accounts are created or defined, PAM tools provide unique protection for those credentials. A
credential storage solution or password management system is utilized to securely store the privileged
account authentication information that can prevent unauthorized access.

To access these privileged accounts, PAM users must utilize their PAM implementation for
authentication. Each time these accounts are accessed, the PAM solution logs the session and tracks
the actions performed. A complete record of the privileged account access includes the name of
the user, what time their session began, how long it lasted, and the actions performed using those

The account types that PAM solutions enable SMBs to monitor and audit include:
• Domain Administrator Accounts
• Privileged User Accounts
• Local Administrator Accounts
• Emergency Access Accounts
• Application Accounts
• System Accounts
• Domain Service Accounts

To effectively serve the needs of the SMBs, PAM solutions need to provide ease of deployment and
management, a secure password vault, logging and reporting, built-in two-factor authentication,
account brokering, and role-based access to credentials. Ideally, the solution would not require any
changes to Active Directory (AD) infrastructure and it should integrate with Azure AD.
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2. Use a password manager to enforce strong password policies

Weak and reused passwords are two of the SMBs’ biggest security exposures; research has shown that
81% of data breaches are caused by compromised, weak, and reused passwords. In addition, 29% of all
breaches involve the use of stolen credentials; password misuse is a big cause of this.

Other studies have found that 59% of end users rely on the same passwords for all accounts. This is
because users simply cannot remember all of the different passwords required to access the resources
that they need. One recent survey showed business users must keep track of an average of 191
passwords. Further, they typically have to input their credentials for various websites and apps up to
154 times per month.

Password managers can significantly strengthen SMB cybersecurity by eliminating weak and reused
passwords by enforcing strong password policies for the organization. Password managers also
remove the burden of remembering and managing multiple passwords as they can store all the
required authentication information in a secure, centrally controlled location. Password managers
can automatically generate strong passwords for end users as well as restricting weak and forbidden
passwords. They can also enforce several different password policies that ensure that your
organization’s passwords are secure. The password policies provided by password managers should

• Unique passwords – Prevents password reuse and requires each account has a different password.
• Minimum password length – Requires a minimum number of characters in a password.
• Complexity requirements – Ensures that the password can’t contain the username and that it must
use a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
• Password history – Prevents old passwords from being reused for a specified period of time.
• Password age – Requires that a user must change their password in a specified time period.

A couple of other best practices for SMB password management are to use 2-factor authentication
(2FA) when possible and to adopt the use of passphrases to create long passwords that can be more
easily remembered. 2FA adds a level of security by requiring that the user presents something they
have, like a FOB or keycard, in addition to something they know (a password). The use of passphrases
makes passwords more difficult to break by increasing their length. In addition, SMBs should be sure to
change all their passwords if there is evidence of a security breach.

While there are free password managers and alternatives like browser-based password vaults, there
are restrictions when attempting to use these free and limited solutions.

Free offerings have no phone support, they can be difficult to deploy, have restricted feature sets, and
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typically have no online backup. Using the browser to manage passwords is better than no password
management at all, however, this also has several critical limitations for businesses.

First, the browser typically works for one person at a time and there is no ability to centrally secure or
manage your passwords. More importantly, browser password management is extremely basic and it
does not provide the password generation, complexity, and reuse rules that a real password manager
provides. Browsers also only record passwords for websites which means that they are not able to
work with other types of applications that the SMB may use.

3. Build your security strategy around the principle of least privilege

The principle of least privileged (POLP) essentially states that each process, user, or program, is only
allowed to access just the information and resources that are necessary for its intended purposes.
Unfortunately, many SMBs do not follow this principle. Instead, they often have users working with
higher than needed permissions to make it easier for them to do their jobs. The downside to not using
POLP is that this can open the door for cyberattacks; Devolutions’ research has shown that 74% of data
breaches are triggered by privileged credential abuse.

While using elevated privileges can make it easier to do some of the tasks, the risks involved far
outweigh the benefits. Allowing users to work with administrative privileges significantly reduces the
safeguards of other security frameworks.

For instance, if a user running elevated permissions clicks on an infected email link, it could install
malware without being scanned by antivirus software or it could allow a hacker to locate and identify
other vulnerabilities in your environment. This would not only impact the user’s system, but it could
also potentially impact other network systems as well as partner and customer data.

Implementing the principle of least privilege can minimize the organization’s attack surface and
stop cyberattacks and malware before they can seed in your environment. The first step toward
implementing POLP is to analyze the current responsibilities and access levels for all of your users. As
the name suggests, the default access should be the least required privileges. Any additional access
should be granted only as needed.

Using role-based access can help you start to implement POLP. With role-based access, you assign
users into different groups based on their job roles and then apply the appropriate privileges for those

POLP ensures that end users are not commonly using highly privileged accounts which stops them
from performing actions that could affect the entire environment or other networked systems; POLP
can help contain cybersecurity exploits and malware to a single user or device. But it is important to
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remember that POLP can work hand in hand with a PAM solution to limit, control, and monitor the use
of privileged accounts – this is a best practice for helping to keep your systems secure.

4. Implement segregation of duties

SMBs should implement a Segregation of Duties (SoD) policy which separates administrator accounts
from standard accounts as well as separating higher-level system functions from lower-level system
functions. The goal behind a SoD policy is to reduce the opportunities for the unauthorized or
unintentional misuse of organizational assets. SoD distributes the organization’s duties between
multiple employees.

The same factors that make SMBs vulnerable to external hackers also make them susceptible to
attacks from disgruntled employees, ex-employees, contractors, and other rogue insiders. However,
many smaller businesses think SoD is disruptive to end users because it can limit activities and reduce
efficiency and productivity.

But implementing a strict SoD can help protect the SMB from both external hackers as well as insider
threats and it is a basic step to hardening your internal controls. Security audits are a tool that can help
enforce SoD but Devolutions’ survey found that 62% of SMBs are not conducting yearly security audits
and that 14% of SMBs never perform audits at all.

Regular security audits can expose and prevent possible SoD exceptions. It is best if the SMB can
work with an external firm or consultant for their audits. However, many SMBs prefer to conduct in-
house audits because they are less costly and more convenient. In either case, using SoD will shore up
security holes and can significantly streamline the auditing process.

5. Educate your users about cybersecurity

End users can be one of the biggest assets for security or they can be one of the biggest cybersecurity
weaknesses. 79% of IT leaders believe that in the last 12 months, their own employees have
accidentally put company data at risk.

To mitigate this problem, 88% of SMBs are providing some form of cybersecurity education to their end
users. However, given the risks, the level of user education should be 100%.

For instance, susceptibility to phishing attacks is one clear area where user education can make a
significant impact. Research has found that 56% of IT decision-makers believe that preventing phishing
attacks is their organization’s number one cybersecurity priority. The same study revealed that 90% of
cybersecurity breaches include a phishing element, and 94% of malware is delivered by email.

Training users not to open a suspicious email or to click on possible phishing links can be enough to
prevent this entire attack mechanism.
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Informed and conscientious users are the best defense against cybersecurity attacks. User education
about the risks and best practices for cybersecurity can be one of the most comprehensive and cost-
effective defenses for SMB cybersecurity.

Informed users will know better than to open suspicious emails and attachments from unknown
senders, they can implement safe password practices, and they will better adhere to the cybersecurity

One of the most effective methods for the SMBs to promote user education is by enrolling users in
online cybersecurity training. Online training is typically self-paced, and it can provide hands-on skills-
based threat detection and mitigation training. End users get immediate feedback on their progress
and can move forward through the training based on their performance. Managers can also access the
training platform to monitor their employees’ progress.

SMBs cannot assume that their smaller size will protect them from cyberattacks. In fact, as you
have learned in this whitepaper, the SMB is more vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks than larger

As the saying goes, it is not if these attacks are coming – it is when. Doing nothing can be disastrous
and an SMB may not survive a cyberattack. By following the five quick SMB security wins presented in
this whitepaper, you can step up your SMB security and stop most cyberattacks before they start.

Additional Information
For more detailed information about SMB cybersecurity challenges and solutions, be sure to check
out Devolutions State of Cybersecurity in SMBs in the 2020 report.

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