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The world is getting hotter

Climate Change is coming!

Rising sea level, increasing air temperature, diminishing of the Antarctic Sea… The weather
has become more and more extreme than before between these few years, more and more
disasters have happened between the 21st century, for example: the Haiti earthquake
happened in 2010, the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami happened in 2004 and the
Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami happened in 2011 in Japan. 1Global warming is the
long-term heating of Earth's surface observed since the pre-industrial period due to human
activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels
in Earth's atmosphere. It is also a gradual, long-term increase in the average temperature of
Earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect
where gases from various human activities,
including the burning of fossil fuels, trap heat
from solar radiation. It is caused by human
activities such as: deforestation, using
transportation, producing food, powering
buildings, and consuming too much. The image
on the right-hand side shows that the weather
has increased since the 1940s, with reference to
the statistic 1, the global average surface
temperature had increased over one degree
celsius in 60 years. “Pollution and climate change
by excessive burning of fossil fuels are real
threats, not the people who warn that we must
take these threats seriously.” This quote was said
by David Suzuki,who is the Canadian Academic
& Environmental Broadcaster. In order to slow the climate change, we can carry it out by
doing 3R; Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.We can buy local goods and products, ride the bus
to work, plant a tree and use less heat and air conditioning.
Escape from the burning forest
The key element to start the fire is not the human activities, such as: lighting campfires and
discarding lit cigarettes. However, the key indicator of the fire is that climate change leads to
the rise of the temperature. Because of rising temperature, it evaporates more moisture
from the ground, drying out the soil, and making vegetation more flammable. As the drought
and heat continued rising, the twigs ignited each other by friction. Greta Thunberg, the 17
year-old Swedish Activist said that “Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to
give them hope, but I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to
panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. I want you to act. I want you to act as you
would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is.” If we don’t take
action on it, it will be too late if we realise the problem. In order to solve the problem, we can
afforestation, douse your campfire until it’s cold and keep sparks away from dry vegetation.
Polar bears are dying!

As global warming intensifies, the ice cape is
melting in a faster and faster way. According
to NASA, the polar ice caps are melting at an
alarming rate of 9% per decade. The
thickness of the Arctic Ice has decreased by
40% since the 1960s. And Antarctica is losing
ice mass (melting) at an average rate of about
150 billion tons per year. With reference to
Statistic 2, the ice cap had melted more than
2500 gigatons between 1994 to 2016.
Moreover, the scientists have found 900
never-before-seen species of microbes living
inside glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau And
one of them was fatal. Because of the melting
of ice caps, the polar bears no longer have
place to live, they can not live without the ice,
they will die or become extinct. In order to fix
this problem, we can use electricity and water
wisely, reduce water waste and eat the food you buy and take in less meat.

Be cool and let the earth be cool.

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