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Belle and Nancy: Writing Transportation (Self driving cars)


Scientists predict in the near future, cars will be driven by computers, not people. Why? Do you think it is a
positive or negative development?

Self-driving cars are predicted to be a commonly presumably dominant means of transport. There are several
reasons for this trend and why these cutting-edge vehicles are beneficial for human life.

There are some factors which explain the emergence of the autopilot feature. Firstly, the demands to lead a better
life of human livings become higher through time to time. Therefore, autonomous cars are invented in an attempt
to provide the endless convenience in society. More specifically, the purpose of the creation in autopilot feature,
which is one of the technological advances, is developing the living standard of human during the period of digital
1. This is only one reason being given.
2. Only explanation was given. How about the examples?

The writer said that utilizing autonomous cars is a great innovation for some reasons. Firstly, self-driving cars are
the key factor in reducing traffic accidents. According to recently research, almost the accidents are caused by
poor driving habits, such as drunk driving or reckless driving. In addition, the driverless cars bring a lot of
conveniences to better human lives. For example, this autopilot feature has multi-purposes because it not only
helps prevent people from tiredness in the long routes, but its advantages also are useful in daily tasks, such as
preventing traffic accidents which are caused by drunk people. To be more specific,Moreover, autonomous cars
will lead to the economic growth by saving the expenses for drivers, training fees and the time for training.
1. Said => argue that, assume, reckon (v)
2. Almost all accidents = Most of the accidents = Most accidents : Hầu hết…

In conclusion, unmanned automobiles are predicted to be a popular means of transportation in the near future for
some reasons. Thanks to its benefits, human lives are better in many aspects.

253 words
Coherence and Grammar &
Task Response Lexical Resource Overall
Cohesion Accuracy

6.5 6.0 6.5 5.5 6.0

1. Jenny likes to eat apples and bananas.

2. (Not only---but also) Jenny not only likes eating apples but she also likes drinking tea.
3. => (Đảo Ngữ) Not only does Jenny like eating apples but she also…..
4. Jenny likes to eat not only apples but also bananas.

Jenny likes to go to the beach. To be more specific, she… PT

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