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1. Mayor Thomas
2. City Manager Rachel
3. City Council Member Jane
4. City Attorney David
5. City Auditor Michael
6. Ethics Committee Chairperson Sarah
7. Local Business Owner Mark
8. Citizen Activist Lily
9. City Resident Robert

Setting: City Hall

Scene: The city is facing an ethical issue involving a local business

owner who has close ties to the city manager and has been
awarded several city contracts without going through the proper
bidding process.

Mayor Thomas: (addressing the group) As you all know, there has
been some concern raised about the city's contract with Mark's
company. We need to determine whether any ethical rules or laws
have been violated and how to address the issue.

City Manager Rachel: (defensively) I want to make it clear that

there was no wrongdoing on my part. Mark's company was
selected based on their merits and qualifications.

City Council Member Jane: (skeptically) But the issue is that the
contract was not awarded through the proper bidding process,
which raises questions about fairness and transparency.
City Attorney David: (cautiously) We need to ensure that we are
following all the rules and regulations set out by the state and
federal governments. Any violation of those laws could lead to
serious legal consequences.

City Auditor Michael: (firmly) I have thoroughly reviewed the

contracts and the bidding process and found several irregularities.
We need to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

Ethics Committee Chairperson Sarah: (thoughtfully) It's important

that we maintain the public's trust in our city government. We
should hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and ensure
that we are transparent in all our actions.

Local Business Owner Mark: (angrily) I resent these accusations.

My company has worked hard to earn its reputation and we have
done nothing wrong.

Citizen Activist Lily: (passionately) It's not just about Mark's

company. We need to ensure that our city government is serving
the needs of all our residents and not just a select few.

City Resident Robert: (calmly) I just want to know that my tax

dollars are being used wisely and that there is transparency in the
decision-making process.

Mayor Thomas: (decisively) We need to address this issue head-

on and take the necessary steps to restore public trust. City
Manager Rachel, I'm sorry, but we need to terminate the contract
with Mark's company and initiate a new bidding process that is
fair and transparent.
City Manager Rachel: (resignedly) Understood, Mayor. I'll make
sure that we follow all the proper procedures this time around.

The group continues to discuss the issue and come up with a plan
of action that is ethical, transparent, and fair to all parties

City Attorney David: (addressing the group) In addition to

terminating the contract, we should also conduct an internal
investigation to determine how this happened and whether there
were any other violations of the law or ethical rules.

City Manager Rachel: (concerned) I agree, but who will conduct

the investigation? Should we hire an outside consultant?

Ethics Committee Chairperson Sarah: (thoughtfully) I believe the

investigation should be conducted by an independent party to
ensure impartiality and transparency.

Citizen Activist Lily: (supportively) I think that's a great idea. We

need to make sure that the investigation is fair and unbiased.

Mayor Thomas: (agreeing) I agree with Sarah and Lily. Let's hire an
independent auditor to conduct the investigation.

City Auditor Michael: (nodding) I can recommend a reputable firm

that specializes in these types of investigations.

Local Business Owner Mark: (frustrated) And what about my

business? We've already invested a lot of time and resources into
these contracts.
City Council Member Jane: (firmly) I understand your concerns,
but the bidding process needs to be fair and transparent for all
businesses. We cannot make exceptions based on personal
relationships or past performance.

City Resident Robert: (supportively) I agree with Jane. As a

taxpayer, I want to know that my money is being used wisely and

Mayor Thomas: (summing up) It's clear that we need to take

decisive action to address this issue and restore public trust. We
will terminate the contract with Mark's company, initiate a new
bidding process, and hire an independent auditor to investigate
the matter. We will also take steps to ensure that our
procurement processes are transparent and fair to all businesses.

The group continues to discuss the issue and make plans for
implementing these decisions. In the end, they all agree that
transparency, fairness, and ethical behavior are essential for
maintaining public trust and upholding the integrity of the city's
In this roleplay, we see a group of characters from a city
administration grappling with an ethical issue concerning the
awarding of contracts to a local business owner with close ties to
the city manager. The issue raises questions about fairness,
transparency, and whether ethical rules or laws have been

The characters represent different perspectives and interests. The

mayor is concerned with maintaining public trust in the city
government, while the city manager is defensive about her
actions. The city attorney is cautious about the legal
consequences of any violations, while the city auditor is focused
on ensuring compliance with regulations. The ethics committee
chairperson emphasizes the importance of ethical standards and
transparency, while the local business owner is angry at the
accusations against his company. The citizen activist and city
resident are both concerned with the proper use of tax dollars
and fairness in decision-making.

Ultimately, the group decides to terminate the contract with the

local business owner and initiate a new bidding process that is fair
and transparent. This decision is based on the group's
commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring the
proper use of public funds.

This roleplay highlights the complexity of ethical issues in public

administration and the importance of considering multiple
perspectives and interests in making decisions. It also emphasizes
the need for transparency and adherence to ethical rules and
regulations in maintaining public trust in government.

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