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292 Mae 1.2: Tae Monxors chain alerts any Morkoth crew members not already engaged in battle. Each chain has AC 20, 10 hit points, and immunity toll damage except bludgeoning, piercing, and slash: ing damage from adamantine or magic weapons. If all four chains are broken, Hekaton's stasis ends and he isno longer restrained or unconscious. If Hekaton is awakened during a battle, roll initiative for the storm giant king. Hekaton is a storm giant, with the follow- ing changes: Hekaton has 330 hit points. He has no greatsword but can wield a length of broken, chain as a melee weapon, making two attacks with it san action on his turn. Each chain attack has a +14 bonus to hit, has a reach of 15 feet, and deals 19 (346 +9) bludgeoning damage on a hit. + He has no rocks to hurl but can pick up a shipboard ballista and use it like a heavy crossbow. The ballista gains the heavy, loading, and two-weapon properties when used in this way (see the “Weapon Properties” section in chapter § of the Player's Handbook). The weapon retains its range, attack modifier, and damage (Gee the “Siege Equipment” section in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). + Asa bonus action on his turn, Hekaton can shift his ‘weight and cause any ship upon which he stands to heave to one side or the other. All other creatures CHAPTER 1) | CAUGHT IN THE TENTACLES standing on the ship must succeed on a DC 10 Dexter- ity saving throw or be knocked prone. DEVELOPMENT Upon waking from his stasis, the storm giant king is dis- oriented, confused, and hostile toward all non-giants he sees. The last thing he remembers was being ambushed during a meeting with small folk, whom he was led to believe were representatives of the Lords’ Alliance. (In fact, they were Kraken Society operatives in disguise) The only individual aboard the Morkoth that Hekaton recognizes is Rool the half-orc, who was part of the Group that ambushed him. Hekaton rises to his full height and begins lashing out against small folk indiscriminately, shouting, “Lords’ Alliance indeed! I'l see your alliance wrecked upon the ‘waves for this treachery!” A character can use an action to try to persuade the king to stand down or not attack certain targets. That character must succeed on a DC 18, Charisma (Persuasion) check to calm down the king. If the check fails. the character's words fall on deaf ears. Ifthe character mentions Serissa by name, the check is made with advantage. Hekaton has no idea that his court has been thrown, into upheaval and that evil forces are conspiring to usurp his throne. Only when the battle aboard the ‘Morkoth has ended can the characters bring Hekaton up to date on recent developments. Regardless of what

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