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from a 30-foot-deep stone well in the southeast corner of the yard. Accottage stands in the east corner of the lot. Its el- derly occupant, Darz Helgar (see appendix D), is paid by the lord protector to keep the town's campgrounds clean by removing the garbage and burying the excrement. Darz has also buried his shady past; he was a member ofa thieves’ guild in Waterdeep who was caught and imprisoned for his many crimes. After his release from prison, he moved to Triboar to start a new life. ‘T3. West Caravan CamPpcrounp ‘This campground is similarto area T2. A 30-footdeep ‘stone well in the middle of the yard provides fresh water for guests. T4. Happy Horse RancH The Karnveller family raises, trains, sells, and stables horses. Three large buildings stand on their property: a two-story log house with a detached outhouse (the family estate); a stone storehouse full of used saddles, bridles, and reins; and stone stables connected to a fenced-in riding yard and grazing field. Janele Karnveiler (NG female Chondathan human. commoner) is the family matriarch, a feisty middle-aged widow who enjoys the company of horses more than people. She has three adult sons named Aldo, Hingo, and Rasko (LG male Chondathan human veterans), all ‘of whom are members of the town militia. TS. WAINWRIGHT'S WAGONS Alongtime fixture in Triboar, Wainwright's Wagons has its own horse-driven sawmill and large buildings for lumber storage. The establishment originally catered to the wealthy elite by crafting the finest, most expensive wagons in the Dessarin Valley. The current owner, To- sker Wainwright (N male Iluskan human commoner), {is more interested in profit than quality. Lacking the carpentry skills of his ancestors, he relies on underpaid apprentices to assemble wagons that are little better than ordinary, yet they cost five times as much. The ‘Wainwright brand name is the only thing keeping the establishment in business... for now. T6. Tue Lion's SHARE This building was recently purchased and refurbished by the Lionshield Coster, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar. Above the store's entrance hangs a polished shield emblazoned withthe head of a stylized golden lion on a blue background. Lionshields are not wel liked in Triboar, since Tri boar and Yartar are bitter rivals, and few locals spend their money inthis place. The store caters mostly to caravans and out-of towners, selling provisions and. animal fodder up front, and adventuring gear, armor, ‘and weapons in back. Rooms on the second floor con- tain accommodations for the store's young proprietors, Alaestra Ulgar (NG female Illuskan human commonet) and Narth Tezrin (see appendix D), as well as a hidden vault containing their wealth. Alaestra and Narth run a successful business even in the face of local insults and mild harassment. They have an agreement with the lord protector not to sell weapons to anyone they think might euArrex 2 | nuMBLINGS bbe a threat to the town. In exchange, the lord protector ‘makes sure the store isn't victimized by vandals and lo- cal troublemakers. Treasure. A closet-sized vault on the second floor is hidden behind a secret door that requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot. The vault contains an empty Heward's handy haversack and a locked iron strongbox that contains 3d10 x 10 gp in mixed coinage and a gray bag of tricks. Alaestra and Narth each carry a key to the strongbox. Its lock can be picked with thieves’ tools and a successful DC 20 Dex- terity check. T7. Ransor’s OPEN RoaD This establishment once sold feed and caravan supplies, as well as the services of caravan guards. Its owner passed away many years ago, and the business has been closed ever since. The yard is a riot of weeds, and the buildings have become havens for rats and other ver- min, Locals have removed most of the wooden shingles from the rooftops, using them to replace the old shingles on their own roofs. T8. THe Cart AND Coin This establishment sells and swaps horses and draft an- imals, and also deals in feed, horseshoes, and gear. The ‘owners are a married couple named Arn and Syren, Widdens (NG Chondathan human commoners). They have four young children (noncombatants) and employ half a dozen workers (N male Illuskan human common- ers) to feed and exercise the animals, clean the stables, and replace horseshoes. T9, Tus TRIBOAR TRAVELERS Merchant sponsors can hire the personnel and the vehicles of the Triboar Travelers to make caravan runs to Waterdeep and back, for 600 gp each way, plus 25 ap for each wagon beyond the tenth. Runs to Everlund and back are 800 gp each way, as monsters from the Evermoors are known to prey on caravans along this route, plus 30 gp for each wagon beyond the tenth. The company hires mercenaries and adventurers to serve as guards, paying each person 4 gp per day plus food and drink. Each guard also receives a bonus of 25 gp if all caravan goods arrive at the destination. Urlam Stockspool (N male Illuskan human spy), a shrewd, immaculately dressed businessman, runs the caravan company and isa recruiter for the Black Net- work. He's proud of his affiliation: he lost an eye in com- bat several years ago and wears a red eye patch embla- zoned with the black serpent symbol of the Zhentarim. Urlam is rarely seen without his suave bodyguard, Valken Naspeer (N male half-elf assassin). Although Urlam and Valken are good-humored and speak highly ofthe local authorities, they know that the lord protector keeps a watchful eye on them. They have no idea that Darathea is afiliated with the Harpers, but it wouldn't surprise them to learn as much, At any given time, the bunkhouse next to Urlam’s residence holds 246 Zhen- tarim caravan guards (N male and female human thugs of various ethnicities) waiting for their next job. Characters might approach Urlam looking for work. He has nothing for them unless one or more characters,

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