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Go to cloud shell
2. authenticate yourself in the shell
3. activate the env. with the command --> source venv/bin/activate
4. Run the command 4th command given in the dataflow python file in the 2nd hands-
on task and to that command add the flag
--template-location='gs://your bucket name/composer/data.csv'

5. run the command gsutil cp gs://maniratnam_test/

6. open the in editor or nano
7. in the nano find the comment which says # The id you will see in the DAG airflow
below in the double quotes change the id in the format "empid_yourname_DAG"

8. Then in the same nano file find t8=DataFlowTemolatedJob(

change the template below task_id to template="gs://your bucket

9. save the file the command 3rd given by mani in the teams which goes something like gsutil
cp ./ .....

11. go to cloud composer and the open airflow link in front of oct-batch2 below
airflow webserver and then you will find your name task there

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