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How are you going to properly address the following persons or group to show support for them and
their advocacy? Substitute the underlined words with the proper address to be used.

1. The P.E. teacher thought of many strategies to teach her student who uses a wheelchair.
2. His brother is developmentally challenged.
3. Their organization is for the neurodivergent person.
4. He had a polio who currently suffers post-polio syndrome.
5. There was a girl with vision impairment in my psychology class.


1. By means of a graphic organizer, present the basic categories of exceptional learners and
describe each briefly.

Categories of Exceptional

Specific Cognitive or Social/Emotional and Physical Disabilities and Sensory

Academic Difficulties Behavioral Difficulties Health Impairments Impairments

Learning Disabilities. Autism. Physical and Health Visual

involves a
Involve difficulties in Different levels of Impairments. Impairments.
significantly high
specific cognitive impaired social Limited energy and malfunction of the level of cognitive
processes. interaction and strengths. eyes or optic development.
communication. nerves.
Reduced mental
Little muscle control. Hearing
Hyperactivity Disorder. Mental Retardation. Impairments.
Difficulty in focus. Sub-average intelligence Malfunction of the
Recurrent hyperactive and deficits in adaptive ear or auditory
and impulsive behavior. behavior. Severe and Multiple nerves.
Presence of two or
Speech and
more different types
Communication Emotional/Conduct of disabilities.
Disorder. Disorders.
Difficulty in spoken Presence of emotional
language. states like depression
and aggression.
2. How do handicap and disability differ? Discuss briefly.

Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory,
emotional, developmental or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or
occur during a person’s lifetime. It is generally a lifelong condition such as blindness, intellectual
disability, and cerebral palsy. Handicap, on the other hand, is defined as a disadvantage that limits or
prevents someone from fulfilling a role considered normal based on such factors as sex, age, culture and
society. It is an inability to accomplish something one might want to do, that most others around one
are able to accomplish. For example, in the case of the child with cerebral palsy, as he gets older, his
handicap will be an inability to participate in certain sports and activities considered normal for children
of similar age.

3. Write 2-paragraph insights of the lesson learned.

Learners with exceptionalities refers to individuals whose physical, behavioral, or cognitive

performance is so different from the norm that additional services are required to meet the individual’s
needs. In the general classroom, there is a wide range of exceptionalities that teachers need to be aware
of and know how to help assess. Teachers might encounter students with health impairments that is
why teachers need to know how to help these students with their needs, so it is important for teachers
to know about the characteristics of these disorders.

Education does not discriminate anyone for their abilities nor their disabilities, but it is accepting
of all types of learners. Children with learning exceptionalities deserve better treatment in our society.
As teachers, we should be aware whether our students have learning difficulties and we should be
patient with them when they are not able to understand the lesson and are not able to perform tasks
well. People-first Language comes in, in which we teachers must address our students in a positive way
so as not to pull their self-esteem down. Who knows, these students might be future engineers, doctors
or even teachers in the future. We should also serve as an example for our other students, for we do not
only teach theories and concepts but we should also teach them good and acceptable values.

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