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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

1. Woman : Hi Gandhi! What is wrong with you?

Man : I want to wash my car. I have got the shampoo and sponge, but not
brush. I need it to brush the carpet. The following monologue is for question 10 and 11.
Woman : Don’t worry, you can use mine.
The 10.30 guided tour of the museum will begin in 15 minutes. All ticket holders please line
Man : Thank you up at the end of the hall. If you don’t have a ticket, please go to the front desk to get one.
What did the woman give to Gandhi? Tickets are free. But you must have one to participate in the tour. We hope you enjoy your
A. Shampoo C. Brush visit today and please fill out a comment card when you have completed the tour.
B. Sponge D. Carpet Comments are anonymous and you will not be contacted. On your way out you get a free
painting from a local artist.
2. Man : Well, everyone. Do we all agree that charity bazaar is our priority
project this month? 10. What you should do if you have a ticket?
Woman : I think so. A. tell the guide C. wait at the front door
Man : I agree. And do all of us agree to contribute one night a week to B. go to the front desk D. line up at the end of the hall
work on it? 11. What is the topic of the monologue?
Woman : I agree, too. A. comment cards C. free ticket
Woman : So do I. B. free painting D. guided tour of the museum
What is the dialog about?
A. Planning a charity bazaar The following monologue is for question 12 and 13.
B. Asking for agreement about charity bazaar
C. Contributing one night to work for the bazaar I’ve just returned from Gunung Pindul, a tourist spot 45 kms to the south of Yogyakarta. The
D. Prioritizing a charity bazaar as a project weather was fine. We stayed in a hotel on Jalan Parangtritis. The service is very good. We
also went to jalan Malioboro after the children took a short nap. We enjoyed having a
3. Man : You know,my name is included in the list to play for the national ‘lesehan’ there. It was a kind of restaurant but we sat on the ground. Many kinds of local
team. handicrafts was sold along jalan Malioboro. Both domestic and foreign tourists were
Woman : Wow! That’s great! Congratulations! interested in them.
Man : Thanks. You know Dany? He is my teammate.
Woman : What is your position in the team? Are you a goalkeeper? 12. What is the text about?
Man : Oh no. I’m a midfielder and Dany is a striker A. Going on a holiday C. Buying local handicrafts
What is the position of the man in the team? B. Having ‘lesehan’ D. Staying at a luxurious hotel
A. A goalkeeper B. A midfielder C. A left handbag D. A striker 13. Where is Gunung Pindul located?
A. It’s 35 kms to the south of Gunung Pindul
4. Man : Anna thinks I am lazy. What is your opinion? B. It’s not so far from jalan Malioboro
Woman : If you are interested in my opinion, I think you are not energetic and C. It’s 35 kms to the south of Yogyakarta
and dynamic, D. It’s in the suburb of Yogyakarta
Man : What do you mean?
Woman : You react slowly and offer no ideas and suggestions The following monologue is for question 14 and 15.
What is Anna’s opinon about the man?
A. lazy B. dynamic C. energetic D. active A wolf is a carnivore’s animal. Still one family with the dog but it lives in the wild. Its long
body can reach two metres and it can way up to eighty kilograms. The fur is brown, grey,
5. Man : Are you sure that Winda will come to the party? red and yellow in colour. Wolfs have sharp eyes and little black eyes. It has a black line
Woman : No doubt about it. around its eyes making it look like it has a thick eyeliner.
Man : How can you be so sure, Ann?
Woman : She herself told me that she would come with her boyfriend,Armand 14. What is the monologue mostly about?
Are you satisfied now my dear Charlie? A. wolfs C. types of wolf
Who will accompany Winda to go to the party? B. carnivore’s animals D. wolf’s eyeliner
A. Armand B. Charlie C. Ann E. Vicky 15. What is the colour wolf’s eyes?
A. red B. brown C. grey D. yellow E. green
6. Man :Margarita is really wonderful woman.
Woman :What makes you praise her so much? 16. Doves …. letters in the past.
Man :She is a writer. The last book is wonderfully evocative of village life A. delivery B. delivered C. deliver D. delivering E.deliverer
Woman :Anything else? 17. He …. sleeping in my car this morning
Man :Yes. During her battle against cancer, she won the admiration of A. is B. did C. was D. were E. am
many people. 18. Did he read that book?
What is the dialogue about? A. No, he didn’t B. Yes, he didn’t C. No, he did D. No, did not E. Yes.
A. Battle against cancer C. A famous doctor 19. She …. studying right now
B. A successful writer D. A village woman A. was B. is C. did D. were E. am
7. Man : Someone from Maple Street Garage called you at 11.30. He said 20. It snowed ….
that the repairs on your car were done and you can pick it up A. now B. tomorrow C. right now D. yesterday E. right now
anytime today. 21. We did not …. dinner tonight
Woman : Great! Please call him back and tell him I’ll be there at 5.00 A. ate B. eating C. eat D. eaten E. is eating
Man : Sorry. I just want to remind you. You have an appointment with the 22. She …. pretty in the photograph.
accountant at 2.30 A. looks B. looking C. looked D. is looking E. was looking
Woman : Oh yes. Thank you for reminding me.
23. I was looking for …. hat.
When will the accountant come?
A. me B. mine C. my D. I E. he
A. at 5 a.m B. at 11.30 a.m C. at 2.30 p.m D. at 5 p.m
24. …. polite is very important.
8. Man : Your son is really wonderful
A. be B. becoming C. being D. became E.
Woman : Oh really?
25. He bought me a lovely present.
Man : Yes, he amazes me with his quickness and eagerness to learn.
Woman : I think it is the teacher who is wonderful. You can teach him in such What does the sentence above belong to?
a way that he could quickly understand your explanation. A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
Man : Oh no. You’re exaggerating B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah
Woman : Well, I’d better go now. See you. 26. He sent me a lovely present.
What are the speakers talking about ? What does the sentence above belong to?
A. An exaggerated comment C. Praising an amazing student A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
B. An amazing student D. Teaching activities B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah
9. Woman : Oh God! I lost my passport. 27. He is doing his homework
Man : How come? I think you put the insurance, passport and other What does the sentence above belong to?
document in your bag. A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
Woman : I’m afraid I’ve left it at the embassy gate. B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah
Man : At the embassy gate? 28. It was raining hard outside
Woman : Yes. There was demonstration outside the Russian embassy. I got What does the sentence above belong to?
panic and hurriedly left the embassy. I found that I forgot to lodge my A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
bag. B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah
What did the woman lose? 29. I am cleaning the windows.
A. an insurance B. a passport C. a document D. a bag What does the sentence above belong to?
A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah
30. He eats my breakfast
What does the sentence above belong to?
A. Simple Past Tense C. Past Continuous Tense
B. Present Continuous Tense D. Semua jawaban salah

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