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Targets specific leg muscles

You can change both the resistance and incline of the foot pedals on an elliptical. By doing this, you can
target different muscles in your lower body, including your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.By
increasing the incline, you may feel the backside of your lower body more. If you adjust the foot pedals
lower, you may feel your quads working harder.Plus, since the foot pedals also move in reverse, you can
change the direction of your stride and focus more on your hamstrings and glutes.

7. Improves your balance

Weight-bearing exercise can not only help strengthen your bones but also improve your balance. If you
stand up straight and let go of the elliptical handles, you can target your core muscles and work on your
balance.Just ensure that the resistance and incline are set at manageable levels so you can use the
elliptical machine safely without using the handles.

8. Maintains fitness after injury

If you’re nursing an injury and can’t participate in your regular physical activities, working out on an
elliptical can be a great way to build or maintain your fitness.

Since it’s a low impact exercise, the elliptical puts less stress on your joints than high impact workouts
like running, jogging, or jumping.

Working out on an elliptical after an injury may help you regain full range of motion. It can also help
strengthen your muscles and joints while taking the stress off of the injured area.

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