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Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness

Activity No. 1

1. What are the basic non-locomotor movements discussed last week?

Basic non-locomotor movements include bending, stretching, flexing, breathing, raising,

twisting and pulling.

2. What is the proper way of doing the breathing exercise?

Proper breathing should start with an inhale for 4 seconds, holding it for 7 seconds and
exhaling for 8 seconds.

3. How to do “Bracing a core”?

Put pressure onto the core muscles and suck in the stomach to stiffen and avoid loose
movement to maximize exercise benefits.

4. Why is core necessary to us?

The core is very important to our body for relieving the pressure on the spine and stabilizes
our pelvis in order to make movement easier.

5. What is the correct way of doing a rolling exercise?

To do a proper rolling exercise, you must reach with your upper extremities to move to the
second position and let the rest of the body follow.

6. What is an Ipsilateral? Give 2 non-locomotor exercises that you can perform in an


Ipsilateral is a type of exercise where you move limbs that are on the same side of the body.
Two exercises you could do ipsilateral movement in is the bird-dog series and the dead bug

7. What is a contralateral? Give 2 non-locomotor exercises that you can perform in a


Contralateral is a type of exercise where you move limbs that are on the opposite side of the
body. Two exercises you could do contralateral movement in is the bird-dog series and the
dead bug series.

8. How to perform a dead bug series and bird dog series?


The dead bug series is done by lying on your back, with the knees arched and raised at a 90-
degree angle and the hands raised perpendicularly to the ground. You then proceed to stretch
hand horizontally above head and stretch feet flat parallel to the surface ipsilaterally or
contralaterally and onto next exercises in this position.

To do the bird-dog series, you begin by going on all fours, stretching hand towards the front
and the leg onto a straight angle, which can be done ipsilaterally and contralaterally and then
proceed to further exercises on the bird-dog series.

9. Give examples of Scapulo-Thoracic exercises? What are the benefits of this


Scapular squeeze with arm lift, Scapular retraction in w and y positions and wall
press ups are some examples of Scapulo-Thoracic exercises. Benefits of this
exercise includes alleviation of neck pain, keeping shoulder blades stable, increase
range of motion and function.

10. Give examples of Lumbo-Pelvis exercises? What are the benefits of this exercises?

Hamstring stretch, pelvic tilt, arm raises and leg raises are examples of lumbo-pelvis
exercises. It decreases low back pain and could help in avoiding injuries.

11. What are the steps in doing a squat series?

The squat is done by starting at a standing position with feet apart, bending the knees near a
9o-degree angle and raiding hands straight to the front. Moving on from the basic plank, you
can proceed by using weights.

12. What are the 3 types of planks?

High plank, elbow plank, and side plank.

13. What do you improve in doing each type of plank?

You can improve core strength by doing the high plank, work the hips, back and shoulders
with the elbow plank, and the side plank improves the lat muscles, glutes and abs.

14. How exactly is plank series performed?

To do the plank, you start on all fours like the bird-dog position and then raising the knees to
be straight and have the body as straight as you can. A plank series consist of the high plank,
elbow plank and side plank

15. From those non-locomotor movements, what do you think is the most difficult, and
why do you think it’s difficult?

In my opinion, bending is the most difficult because I am not very flexible and a person
needs a certain amount of flexibility that is hard to develop to bend properly reaching the
ground and legs straight.

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