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Flexibility is the ability of a joint or group of joints to move through their full range of motion
without pain or restriction. It’s very important to improve your flexibility because good
flexibility can improve range of motion and allow for better, more functional movement. For
example, flexibility in the shoulder musculature allows a swimmer to ‘glide’ the arm through
the water using shoulder elevation. This allows the joints to easily accommodate the desired
joint angles without undue stress on the tissues around them. It therefore is essential for
injury prevention. One way to improve flexibility is through regular stretching exercises. You
should stretch as part of a consistent workout routine, but you should also stretch after
exercising. Even stretching after sitting in your office chair for an extended period is

There are many benefits you will gain just by improving flexibility, for example;

(next slide) [Fewer injury]

;It could help you prevent injuries because once you develop strength and flexibility in your
body you’ll be able to withstand more physical stress. You’ll free your body from any muscle
imbalances, which will reduce your chance of getting injured during physical activity. If you
are too tight in certain parts of your body, you are functioning below your real potential –
remember that performance enhancement is the second very important reason to stretch:
flexible muscles perform a lot better than tight muscles.

(next slide) [Less Pain]

;Your body is likely to feel better overall once you work on lengthening and opening your
muscles. When your muscles are looser and less tense, you’ll experience fewer aches and
pains. Inflexibility of muscles can lead to changes in joint mobility, as reflected in the lower
back pain. Tight muscles do not allow joints to reach the full extent of their range of motion,
which can lead to pain or even injury.
<Joint mobility refers to the movement around a joint.>
(next slide) [Improved physical performance]

;Once you increase your flexibility to allow greater movement in your body, you’ll be able to
perform better physically. This is in part because your muscles are working more effectively,
having good flexibility allows you to have greater movement in your body because when you
focus on increasing muscular flexibility your posture is likely to improve. Working out your
body allows you to have proper alignment and correct any imbalances. Plus, with an
increased range of motion you may find it easier to sit or stand in certain ways.

(next slide) [increased muscle recovery]

;Flexibility can help you speed up your recovery time. When your muscle groups are able to
find release, you won’t feel as sore and will be able to continue to do whatever you do, pain-
free, and with no muscle soreness. Increase of muscle recovery is important because it
helps increase blood flow to the muscles. This increase in flow brings with it a greater
nutrient supply to muscles, thereby reducing muscle soreness and helping to speed recovery
from muscle and joint injuries.

(next slide) [improved posture and balance]

;When you focus on increasing your flexibility, your posture is likely to improve. Working out
your body allows you to have proper alignment and correct any imbalances. Good posture is
important because by standing up straight, you centre your weight over your feet; this means
you’d have good balance. This also helps you maintain correct form while exercising, which
results in fewer injuries and greater gains. And working on balance can even strengthen your
abilities in sports.

EXERCISES: (Step by step and benefits)

Shoulder Rolls:
Step by step:
Start by standing or sitting tall with a proud chest, neutral spine, and engaged core. Pull your
shoulders back and down. Keep your gaze forward.
1. To begin the shoulder roll, shrug your shoulders up toward your ears as high as
you can. Do this without hunching your back, protruding your neck, or allowing
your shoulders to collapse forward.
2. Once you shrug up as high as you can go, squeeze your shoulder blades
together to pull your shoulders back.
3. Engage your mid-back to pull your shoulders down.
4. As you reach the neutral starting position, slightly round your upper back to push
your shoulders forward while maintaining a strong core.
5. Shrug up again to start another shoulder roll.

Benefits of Shoulder Rolls:

It relieves neck tension and tightness, gives you good posture, opens up your chest (can
help you pull your shoulders back and open up your chest, bringing relief to your upper
body.) , and it also loosen your shoulders and upper back.

Side-arm Stretch:
Step-by step:
1. Cross one arm in front of
your body, palm in.
2. Take your other arm and
fold it up so it’s hugging your elbow.
3. Hold, then switch arms.

Benefits of Side-arm Stretch:

Side-arm stretch will strengthen your bones and connective tissues. This will add strength
and stability that will help you ward off injuries and keep a strong body. It can also help
reduce symptoms of many conditions like back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain.
Hamstring Stretch:
Step-by step:
1. Sit on the floor with both legs out straight.
2. Extend your arms and reach forward by bending at the waist as far as possible
while keeping your knees straight.
3. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
4. Relax back into the starting position.
5. Repeat three times.

Benefits of Hamstring Stretch:

The hamstring muscle group is located at the back of the thigh and is responsible for
bending or flexing the knee. Because the hamstrings also cross the hip joint in the back of
the thigh, they help the muscles extend the leg during activities like running and walking.
Stretching your hamstrings improves flexibility, may prevent injury, and help treat low back
pain. Stretching also improves your overall mobility, which can help you with athletic
performance and activities of daily living.

Outer Thigh Stretch:

Step-by step:
1. Sit up on the floor with your legs extended.
2. Bend your right knee and cross your right leg over the left.
3. Place your right hand on the floor, your left arm on your right leg, and rotate your
upper body to the right.
4. Hold the stretch and repeat on the left side.

Benefits of Outer Stretch:

It is beneficial for people with weak thigh muscles – inner and outer. This outer thigh
exercise strengthens your hips, glutes and core as well. This exercise stabilizes your knees
& hip joints; and helps in improving your balance.
Inner Thigh Stretch:
Step-by step:
1. Start with your knees and hands on the floor.
2. Straighten out one leg to the side. Try to keep your leg on the floor.
3. Rock your butt back to the heel of your bent knee, feeling the stretch on the inner
thigh of your straight leg.
4. Pause for three seconds, then rock out of the stretch and back in.

Benefits of Inner Thigh Stretch:

● ease muscle tension in your legs and groin
● improve flexibility
● increase your leg muscles’ range of motion
● prevent muscle strains, tears, and other injuries
● increase circulation to your groin
● help reduce post-workout aches and pains
● boost your athletic performance
● improve your balance and posture
Source: How to Stretch Your Inner Thighs: Benefits and Examples of Stretches

Knee Bends or Squats:

Step-by step:
1. The back is straight, not rounded. A rounded back messes with your spinal
column and can be dangerous.
2. The chest is out;
3. The shoulders are up, not hunched;
4. The head is up;
5. There is a bend at the hips that pushes the butt behind the knees as you squat.

Benefits of Knee Bends or Squats:

● sit and stand easily and comfortably
● improve flexibility in the hips, lower back and legs
● pick things up from the floor
● build muscle in your quadriceps
Source: Squats and Knee Bend Exercises | Power to Explore
Arm Circles:
Step-by step:
● Step 1: Stand straight up with your arms extended out to each side, parallel to the
● Step 2: Bring your arms slightly forward, upward, and then backward, making 12
inch circles with your arms.
● Step 3: Repeat the circle movement twelve times and then reverse the motion by
going backward, upward, and forward. Repeat that motion twelve times as well.
Arm Circles |
Benefits of Arm Circles:
● They loosen your shoulder muscles and increase blood circulation to the area.
Great to do after spending extended time hunched over the computer.
● Is an exercise that forces the muscles of your upper arms to contract and relax.
As you build strength you will have less difficulty with lifting, posture and other
daily movements.
Arm Circles - DebbieSchultzHealthCoach

Chest Stretch:
If you want to maintain injury free shoulders when lifting weights you are going to have to
learn how to stretch your chest and pecs properly.

Step-by step:
Start standing up tall with good posture, then interlace your fingers behind your back.
Squeeze your hands together and lift your arms up behind you away from your hips. At the
same time push your chest forwards and up to increase the stretch. Hold this position for the
duration of the stretch
Keep your head in a good alignment with your back and looking straight ahead.
Chest Stretch - Sworkit Health | At Home Workouts and Fitness Plans

Benefits of Chest Stretch:

relieves upper back pain. The pec is one of the main reasons your upper back is chronically
aching in the first place. Two, it helps you breathe. If you open up your chest your ribs will
start to open up as well. Therefore taking a deep breath actually opens you up more, in turn
giving you more air. Receiving more oxygen results in more oxygen-rich blood flow and if
you have that healing is that much better. You need oxygen to heal. So taking in more air
raises your healing rate.
3 major benefits of stretching your chest (

Shoulder Hyperextension Stretch:

Step-by step:
Stand with your feet hips width apart. Interlace your hands behind your back. Keeping your
legs straight, bend at the hips, tuck your chin and bring your hands over your head.

Benefits of Shoulder Hyperextension Stretch:

Incorporating shoulder stretches in your exercise routine can increase the flexibility of your
shoulder muscles and improve your range of movement as well. Other benefits of shoulder
stretches include a better posture, improved blood circulation and reduction of stress and

Quad Stretch:
Step-by step:
Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support. Grasp Lyou ankle and
gently pull your heel up and back until you feel stretch in the front of your thigh.

Benefits of Quad Stretch:

A quad stretch will help you to strengthen the quadriceps muscles and also help to prevent
cramping and aches that often develop with exercise.
Stretching Benefits (over-all):
Research has shown that stretching can help improve flexibility, and, consequently, the
range of motion of your joints. Improves your performance in physical activities. Helps your
joints move through their full range of motion. Therefore, stretching is the best exercise to
increase blood flow to the muscle.

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