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Daniel torres camargo

• What the food of the future will be, What will we eat in 2050?

Personalized food: With advances in DNA sequencing technology and ar�ficial intelligence, we
may in the future be able to personalize food according to our specific nutri�onal needs.

Lab-produced food: Lab-produced meat and other foods are a growing trend. Instead of relying
on animal produc�on, high-quality meat and dairy products could be produced in a laboratory,
reducing the environmental impact and animal suffering associated with tradi�onal farming.

3D Printed Food: 3D prin�ng is currently being used to create food in interes�ng and
personalized shapes and textures.

• What products will we grow or disappear?

the growing demand for vegan or vegetarian alterna�ves could have an impact on the
produc�on and consump�on of meat and dairy products. There are also growing needs about
environmental sustainability and resource scarcity, which could affect the availability and prices
of certain foods.

• Will people's diet change in the future?

People's diets are very likely to change in the future, due to various factors such as changes in
food preferences, trends in the food industry, health and environmental concerns, and food

For example, people in the future may look to foods that are more sustainable and
environmentally friendly, such as locally grown and more sustainably produced foods. They
may also be more aware of the effects of certain foods on their health and look for healthier

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