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cold寒冷的 COOl涼怏的 warm溫暖的

[kold ] [kul] [wom]

Sunny晴朗的 raIny下雨的 C10udy多雲的 Windy有風的

[ `klaudI ] [ `wIndI ]
[`s^nI ] [`renI ]


How is the weather today? O Thewindjustpicked up,*

今天天氣如何? 開始刮風了。

What′s the weather like in Taipei? lt’ssocold today.

臺北的天氣怎麼樸? 今天好冷。

Let me check the weather report,*
● ltrainedfordays,

雨下了好多天。 我查一下天氣預報o

Theweather in Tainan will be 26 degrees*

● The sun is shining.* and there isn’t a cIoud

in the sky.
and sunny,

陽光普照,天空萬里無雲。 臺南的天氣會是二十六度的晴天。

weather report [`wcaa, ] [rI`pe11 ]天氣預報
shine [肛n iv閃耀(Shine也蛙/sh血吐sb蛙tsb血ed)

degree [dI`gri] rh度數

pickup[pIk][AP] (風速)繈
○為「200字 ◎為20c|C宇

αr十A; Good Weα卅er

0 1. beautifuI [,叫tof91] ody美好的;令人愉悅的

The weather today is beautiful,


Molly and Ted are taking a walk, 0 2. untiI [9n`tIl] prep.’corty直到

責莉和泰德在散步。 The store doesn,t open until nine o‘cIock,


||y: today is a beautifu11 day! The kids played in the yard until it got


led: Yes. it is. 1t,s not too hot, and it,s not 孩子們在院子裡一直玩到天黑。

too cold. The sun is shining’and 0 3. radio [`redI′O] n.廣播

Daniel listens to the radio at work.

there isn,t a cloud in the sky,

'|y: lt‘s reaIly nice after alI of that rain, 0 4. weekend [`wik‘end] n.週未

Luke will go camping this weekend●

led‥ l know. 1t rained for days, lt was 路克這僩週未要去露營o
awfuI,* l hope it doesn,t rain again
for a whiIe.
aⅥul [`帆l]帥極糟的;可怕的

un|y: lt shouldn‘t rain again unti12 Monday,

led: How do you know?

1. takeawalk散步

Mol|y: l heard it on the radio3 this morn|ng, walk[wok]在此當名詞「步行;散步」O

led: Good. Then this weekend4 wilI be

●鶸上饞蟲茁; a Walk with me?

2. Howdoes (Sb) know? (某人)怎麼知邁?
A: Kevin said that Steve likes Lucy,

B: How does he know?


3. this morning今天早上
The5un is
「昨天早上」要說yesterday morning , 「明天早上」
T°doγ is ° shinin9.
為tomorrow morning , afternoon和evening
beau十iful daγ!
的用法亦同o night的用法比較特別, 「今晚」要說
成tonight , 「昨晚」是Iastnight , 「明晚」要用

tomorrow night o

● Ed came to my house yesterday afternoon,

.糖揣勝詣pr for tomorrow night?


○ 「.Window[‘wIndo] r,,窗戶

There are no windows in Mindy’s room,


0 2, Picnic[、pIknIk] n,野餐

Let,s have a picnic at the beach,


The storm soon PaSSed,


04. long un] odwl日寺間)久地

Benjamin came to visit. but he couldn’t

Stay long,


Pαr十B; Bαd Weα卅er

Iightning [`laItnIir,閃電
Track O

Abby is Iooking out the window●「

1. What,s wrong?怎麼了?

wrong try]是形容詞「出差鋁的;不對勁的」之意o
Abby‥ Oh no!
● A: What,s wrong?

Ron‥ What,s wrong? ls it bad out there?
B: l hit my head on the door,

Abby: Yeah, and it,s getting worse, The rain

2, getWOrSe變差;惡化 is coming down harder, The wind

get在此表示「變得」 ,三態為get[ get ]-got[ got]-

just pieked up’toO,
gotten[ ,gotri o worse [ w3S ]是形容詞比較級

「更壞的;更差的」。相反詞是getbettero Ron: That,s too bad. 1t was so nice this

● Rachel′s health is getting worse,

morning, The sun was Out, l wanted
to have a picnic2 in the park,

3. That,stoo bad.真可惜。真邁憾。

用來表達遺憾、惋惜的口語用法。 Abby: We|I, you Can,t do that now, Wow!

Did you see that lightning?*

● A‥讒諾鵝揣誥甽ay.
Ron: Yeah. 1t looked really cIose,
B: That′s too bad.

Abby: We should stay inside until this bad

weather passes,3

Ron: You,re right, | hope that it won,t be

富鼎:i揣晝黠豔韓,J 3的che卸 long●4



○為「200字 ◎為2000字
Par十C; Fufure \〃eα卅er
Trock O7
Penny bought a new coat,


Dave just walked into the room● 0 2. somewhere [‘sAIn′hwer] αdr到某處

晝夫剛走進房閒裡。 l’m bored. 1 want to go somewhere fun,


e: Hey Mary● That,s a nice coat,「 Why 03. south[sauO]r].南方

are you wearing it inside? Many peopIe live in the south of the

COu ntry,

ry: lt’s so cold today. 1 want to go to a 該國南部有許多居民。

Warmer Place. 04. phone[fon]",電話

May l use your phone?

e:We could go somewhere2 in the 可以用一下你的電詰嗎?

south3 tomorrow. 1t should be

Warmer there.

ry: Are you sure? 「. (Sb) waIks into (PIace),

e: Let me check the weather report.
仲α>e c加ck∫ fhe Ⅳα九he”印o仃On仳
● Megan walked into her boss’s o冊ce,

Phone.1 Yes. The weather in Thinan 梅根走進老聞的辦公室了0

Will be 26 degrees and sunny.

2. Areyou sure?你確定嗎?
sure [仙]在此表示「確信的;確定的」 ,是形容詞用
ry: That sounds great. Can we go?
法o下方的Sure. 「當然。沒間題0」是副詞用法。

e: Sure. 1 have some friends there. We .A‥ lwanttogeta dog,

Can go and see them,
B‥ Are you sure? γour apartment is small●

ry: Good. 1twill be nice to getsome sun,

匹翌 ● A: Will you be backfor dinner?

B: Sure. 1,ll be back at six o’cIock.


The wea十her in Tainan will

’ 、隨堂測驗,選擇題

Why does Mary want to go to li]inan?

◎  ̄fo see herfriends.

◎ towarm up,

◎ to buy a coat,

◎ to visit her grandmother,



本測驗依照「國中教胄會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 一5, ◎ Sorry I,m busy on Saturdαy and Sunday

準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track O8 或便
◎ Sure, I‘m free on Monday
用電腦互動學習軟體 進入本課之後點選「會考聽力測驗.即
◎ I can,t, I hαVe α lot to do on Wednesdny
_ 6, ◎ Right. 1t’s notniceto lookat.

(一)辨識句意 ◎ Yeah. She needs to mαke it smαller.

請聽語音播出的試題 根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題
◎ I αgree, It‘s reαlly pretty.

一7, ◎ Yes, Afterhefinishes′ We Can goin,

◎ Yeαh. 1t’s OK to use it now.

◎ ◎ I guess no one cαn uSe it αnymore.

- 8, ◎ Yeαh, I heαrd it happened yesterday

◎ Thαt‘s right, It was eαrlier todαy,

◎ I know She told me αbout it two days ago,



_ 9, ◎ Through apiece ofglαSS.

◎ On α SCreen.

@ Inabook.

_ 10. ◎ Atwork.

@ Outside.
<圭′ 圭三  ̄ ̄ ̄÷畏「r← `=′
◎ Atschoo1.

- 11, ◎ ApieceofcIothing.

@ A scooter.

◎ Aso血.

_ 12. ◎ Totαke hertime.

◎ Tb wαit for hαlfαn hour.

◎ Not to toke much time.

__13. ◎ Hemetwithhim.

◎ He wrote him α letter.

◎ He cαlled him.

_ 14, ◎ He gotsicker.

請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,選出一個最適當的回應 ◎ He becαme healthier.

◎ His health didn’t change.

_4. ◎ cool! Let’swαtChit!

◎ Greαt! cαn We listen to it now?

◎ That’s nice’but I αlreαdy reαd thαt one.

篙答:v.圳L 3.引L 3.zL V’LL目.OL V.6日

V∠3.9V.s匐巾V‘c v‘乙3

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