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A Report submitted

in partial fulfillment for 2nd year training program

B. Tech


Computer Science & Engineering


pursued in

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur (Raj.)




AUGUST, 2022

I declare that this project report titled Cryptoverse – A New Way Of

Analyzing Cryptocurrencies submitted in partial fulfillment of the 2nd year
of B. Tech in (Computer Science & Engineering ) is a record of original
work carried out by me under the supervision of Mrs. Kalpana Jain, and has
not formed the basis for the award of any other degree or diploma, in this
orany other Institution or University. In keeping with the ethical practice in
reporting scientific information, due acknowledgements have been made
wherever the findings of others have been cited.


Sourabh Manawat

Date: / / 2022
CHAPTER -1...................................................................................................…1-3

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 About project .................................................................................................... .1

1.2 Objective of project ........................................................................................... 2

1.3 Facilities given by your project ......................................................................... 3

1.4 Limitations of Project ........................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER -2 ....................................................................................................4-15

METHODOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY ........................................................ 4

2.1 Technical Platform ............................................................................................ 4

2.1.1. HTML5…………………………………………………...........….......4

2.1.2. CSS3.......................................................................................................5

2.1.3. JavaScript...............................................................................................6

2.1.4. ReactJs..................................................................................................7

2.1.5. Node Js.................................................................................................8

2.1.6. Redux.....................................................................................................9

2.2 Tools ................................................................................................................ 10

2.2.1. Visual Studio Code...............................................................................10

2.2.2. NPM packages......................................................................................12

2.2.3. React Dev Tools...................................................................................13

2.2.4. Ant Design........................../.................................................................14

CHAPTER-3… ...............................................................................................16-23

SCREENSHOTS.................................................................................................. 16

3.1 HOME ............................................................................................................ .16

3.2 Navigation Bar................................................................................................. 17

3.3 Global Crypto Stats ......................................................................................... 17

3.4 Cryptocurrencies............................................................................................. 18

3.5 Information on Cryptocurrencies.....................................................................19

3.6 News................................................................................................................20

3.7 Exchanges........................................................................................................22

3.8 Responsiveness...............................................................................................23

CHAPTER-4…...................................................................................................... 24

CONCLUSION & FUTURE SCOPE.....................................................................24

CHAPTER-5…...................................................................................................... 25


1.1. About Project: -

A few years ago, if you had mentioned the term “cryptocurrency” to me, I would
have imagined some kind of currency involving an underworld banking system,
with hooded traders sitting behind shady computers. We now read about it not only
in the business sections of daily websites or financial publications, but on their front
page. Entire sections of news publications are becoming devoted to things like
Bitcoin. In essence, cryptocurrency is – as blockchain based platforms are meant
to be – completely decentralized. As a financial based blockchain, that means it is
not governed by any central bank or monetary authority. It is rather maintained by
a peer-to -peer community computer network made up of users’ machines or
“nodes”.Using blockchain, it is effectively a digital database – a “distributed public
ledger” – which is run via cryptography. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is secure
as it has been digitally confirmed by a process called “mining”. Mining is a process
where all the information entering the Bitcoin blockchain has been mathematically
checked using a highly complex digital code set up on the network. That blockchain
network will confirm and verify all new entries into the ledger, as well as any
changes to It Cryptocurrency may be a good investment if you are willing to accept
it is a high risk gamble which could pay off – but also that there is a strong chance
you could lose all of your money. Prices of cryptocurrencies including bitcoin have
been falling in 2022 amid a worldwide crypto price crash. In our Cryptoverse
application we provide information of all major cryptocurrencies in our financial
system. We can see the required information which is needed to analyze the
cryptocurrency before investing in it, we can analyze the performance of any
cryptocurrency. We can check the past performance of any cryptocurrency by
analyzing the chart which shows the performance of cryptocurrency in market
throughout the history. In news section we can keep ourselves updated with the
news related to cryptocurrency which helps us to understand the current situation
of crypto market this helps to take better decision on which cryptocurrency should
we invest.

Using this various information, we can make our decision that in which
cryptocurrency should we invest.

1. In this project we have Crypto Exchanges.

2. Global Crypto Stats.
3. All Cryptocurrencies in the world.
4. News about Cryptocurrencies.
5. Graphical Representation of Cryptocurrencies performance.
6. Retrieve the old data.

In this project we will use the following Technologies –

1. React JS
2. Redux
3. Npm Packages
4. Html 5
5. CSS3
6. ES6 JavaScript
7. Ant Design

1.2. Objective of Project

The main objective of building this product is to develop a lightweight, user-
friendly, flexible and efficient Cryptoverse application. The goal is to
develop a system that helps the user to get information about
cryptocurrencies from the very beginning to the end this creates a
environment about financial knowledge and helps us to keep is safe from
misinformation about the cryptocurrencies. Investing in crypto market is
very important investment option so it is much better to get all information
in easy and effective way. There are 100s of cryptocurrencies in market it is
very difficult to analyze all individually so our application removes this
complexity which provides all cryptocurrencies. Since, it is a configuration-
based product, the thought process is to change the UI, to suit the
configurators, using Ant- design.

1.3. Facilities Given by Your Project: -

1. Provide a better user experience to improve the speed and accuracy of Crypto
2. Process a larger number of Cryptocurrencies with existing resources.
3. Eliminate sources of human error for faster, better-quality evaluation decisions.
4. Establish predictable, repeatable, and auditable processes that support compliance.
5. Reduce delays and costs associated related to analysis of Currencies.
6. User can keep the track of change in crypto market.
7. All important news related to cryptocurrencies can be accessed easily.
8. All crypto Exchanges are constantly updated via API.
9. User can search any Cryptocurrency in the market through search button.
10. User can graphically analyze the history of cryptocurrencies through charts.

1.4. Limitations of Project: -

1. Cryptoverse application is completely dependent on API.
2. Any problem in API can make our application stop.
3. There is a possibility of wrong information through API.
4. We can’t always trust an API because it is not form authorized source.
5. Any change in information can result in loss of Users money.


2.1 Technical Platform: -

2.1.1 HTML5: -

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to design web
pages using markuplanguage. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and
Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages.
Markup language is used to define the text document within tag which
defines the structure of web pages. HTML 5 is the fifth and current version
of HTML. It has improved the markup available for documents and has
introduced application programming interfaces (API) and Document
Object Model (DOM).
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content
on the World WideWeb HTML5 was first released in public-facing form
on 22 January 2008 with a major update and “W3C Recommendation”
status in October 2014HTML is a markup language that web browsers use
to interpret and compose text, images, and other material into visual or
audible web pages. Default characteristics for every item of HTML.

2.1.2 CSS3:- (Cascading Style Sheets)

Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simply designed

language intended to simplify the process of making web pages
presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages. More
importantly, CSS enables you to do this independent of the HTML that
makes upeach web page.CSS is easy to learn and understood but it
provides powerful control over the presentation of an HTML
document. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to define and control
the presentation of your Webpages.CSS describes the way HTML
elements are presented to the user, its color, border, dimensions etc.
CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and
content, including layout, colors, and fonts This separation can
improve content accessibility provide more flexibility and control in
the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web
pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate
.CSS file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural.

2.1.3 JavaScript:-

JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform and interpreted scripting

language. It is well-knownfor the development of web pages; many non-
browser environments also use it. JavaScript canbe used for Client-side
developments as well as Server-side developments. JavaScript containsa
standard library of objects, like Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of
language elements like operators, control structures, and statements.
1. Client-side: It supplies objects to control a browser and its Document
Object Model (DOM). Like if client-side extensions allow an
application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user
events such as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation. Use full
libraries for the client-side are AngularJS ReactJS , Viejas and somany
others. Server-side:
2. It supplies objects relevant to running JavaScript on a server. Like if
the server-side extensions allow an application to communicate with a
database, and provide continuity of information from one invocation to
another of the application, orperform file manipulations on a server. The
useful framework which is the most famousthese days is node.js.

2.1.4. React js :-

React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library for

building user interfaces.It is maintained by Facebook and a community of
individual developers and companies React can be used as a base in the
development of single-page or mobile applications. However, Reactis only
concerned with rendering data to the DOM, and so creating React
applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for state
management and routing. Redux and React Router are respective examples
of such libraries. React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript
library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex Us from
small andisolated pieces of code called “components”. React is a library
for building composable user interfaces. It encourages the creation of
reusable UI components, which present data that changes over time. Lots
of people use React as the V in MVC. React abstracts away the DOMfrom
you, offering a simpler programming model and better performance. React
can also renderon the server using Node, and it can power native apps using
React Native. React implementsone-way reactive data flow, which reduces
the boilerplate and is easier to reason about than traditional data binding.

2.1.5. NODE JS :-

Node.js is an open source and cross-platform runtime environment for

executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. You need to remember that NodeJS is
not a framework and it’s not a programming language. Most of the people are confused
and understand it’s a framework or a programming language. We often use Node.js for
building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App. It’s used in production
by large companies such as PayPal, Uber, Netflix, Walmart and so on.Node.js is a server-
side platform built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine). Node.js was
developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and its latest version is v0.10.36 Node.js allows the
creation of Web servers andnetworking tools using JavaScript and a collection of “modules”
that handle various core functionalities. Modules are provided for
filesystem I/O, networking(DNS, HTTP, TCP, TLS/SSl,or UDP), binary data.(buffers),
cryptography functionns, data streams, and other core functions. Node.js’s modules use an
API designed to reduce the complexity of writing server applications.

2.1.6. Redux:-

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript app. It helps you write applications
that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and
are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as line
conde enable it with syncretisation to it. You can use Redux together with , or with any
other view library. It is tiny (2kB, including dependencies), but has a large ecosystem
of addons available. Redux Toolkit is our official recommended approach for writing
Redux logic. It wraps around the Redux core, and contains packages and functions that
we think are essential for building a Redux app. Redux Toolkit builds in our suggested
best practices, simplifies most Redux tasks, prevents common mistakes, and makes it
easier to write Redux applications.RTK includes utilities that help simplify many
common use cases, including , creating reducers and writing immutable update logic,
and even creating entire "slices" of state at once.Whether you're a brand new Redux
user setting up your first project, or an experienced user who wants to simplify an
existing application can help you make your Redux code better.Redux Toolkit is
available as a package on NPM for use with a module bundler or in a Node application:

2.2. Tools:-
2.2.1. Visual Studio Code: -

Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft to

develop GUI(Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps,
cloud, and web services, etc. With the help of this IDE, you can create managed code as
well as native code. It uses the various platforms of Microsoft software development
software like Windows store, Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows API, etc. It is not a
language-specific IDE as you can use this to write code in C#, C++, VB (Visual Basic),
Python, JavaScript, and many more languages. It provides support for 36 different
programming languages. It is available forWindows as well as for macOS.

Evolution of Visual Studio:

The first version of VS (Visual Studio) was released in 1997, named as Visual Studio
97 having version number 5.0. The latest version of Visual Studio is 15.0 which was
released on March 7, 2017. It is also termed as Visual Studio 2017. The supported .Net
Framework Versions in latest Visual Studio is 3.5 to 4.7. Java was supported in old
versions of Visual Studio but in the latest version doesn’t provide any support for Java

There are 3 editions of Microsoft Visual Studio as follows:

1. Community It is a free version which is announced in 2014. All other editions

are paid. This contains the features similar to Professional edition. Using this
edition, any individualdeveloper can develop their own free or paid apps like .Net
applications, Web applicationsand many more. In an enterprise organization,
this edition has some limitations than 250 PCs and having annual revenue greater
than $1 Million (US Dollars) then you are not permitted to use this edition. In a
non- enterprise organization, up to five users can use this edition. Its main purpose
is to providethe Ecosystem (Access to thousands of extensions) and Languages
(You can code in C#, VB, F#, C++, HTML, JavaScript, Python, etc.) support.

2. Professional: It is the commercial edition of Visual Studio. It comes in Visual

Studio 2010and later versions. It provides the support for XML and XSLT editing
and includes the tool like Server Explorer and integration with Microsoft SQL
Server. Microsoft providesa free trial of this edition and after the trial period, the
user has to pay to continue using it. Its main purpose is to provide Flexibility
(Professional developer tools for building any application type), Productivity
(Powerful features such as CodeLens improve your team’s productivity),
Collaboration (Agile project planning tools, charts, etc.) and Subscriber benefits
like Microsoft software, plus Azure, Pluralsight, etc.

3. Enterprise: It is an integrated, end to end solution for teams of any size with the
demandingquality and scale needs. Microsoft provides a 90-days free trial of this
edition and after thetrial period, the user has to pay to continue using it. The main
benefit of this edition is that it is highly scalable and deliver high-quality
software. Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment
(IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as
websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps.Visual Studio uses Microsoft
software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms,
Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and MicrosoftSilverlight. It
can produce both native code and managed code.

2.2.2. NpM Packages :- Node Package Manager

NPM (originally short for Node Package Manager) is a package

manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package
manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It consists of a
command line client, also called npm, andan online database of public and paid-
for private packages, called the npm registry. The registryis accessed via the client,
and the available packages can be browsed and searched via the npmwebsite. The
package manager and the registry are managed by npm, Inc. npm is written
entirely in JavaScript and was developed by Isaac Z. Schlueter as a result of having
“seen module packaging done terribly” and with inspiration from other similar
projects such as PEAR (PHP) and CPA npm is included as a recommended feature
in Node.js installer. Npmconsists of a command line client that interacts with a
remote registry. It allows users to consume and distribute JavaScript modules that
are available on the registry. Packages on the registry are in Commons format and
include a metadata file in JSON format. Over 477,000 packages are available on
the main npm registry. The registry has no vetting process for submission, which
means that packages found there can be low quality, insecure, or malicious.[
Instead, npm relies on user reports to take down packages if they violate policies
by being low quality, insecure or malicious. Npm exposes statistics including
number of downloads and number of depending packages to assist developers in
judging the quality of packages.

Software Package Manager

1. The name npm (Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was
created as apackage manager for Node.js.

2. All npm packages are defined in files called package.json. The content of
package.json must be written in JSON.At least two fields must be present in
the definition

2.2.3. React Dev Tools: -

React Developer Tools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React
JavaScript library. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in the
Chrome Developer ToolsReact Developer Tools (Devtools for short) is a browser
extension for Chrome and Firefox thatprovides an extra set of React-specific inspection
widgets to assist you with development. By installing React Devtools, you’ll get two
main features: a view of the component tree and the current state and props of each
component you select.

1. React Sight

In conjunction with the above extension, React Sight is yet another Chrome extension
you can install to help you in your react-inspection related endeavours.

2. React Extension Pack (for VS Studio)

Visual Studio is probably one of the most popular IDEs for JavaScript developers as
of late. True, you don’t really have to be using it to be a successful developer, that are
great alternatives such as Sublime, IntelliJ and even Vim (big Vim fan right here
folks!).That being said, because of the strong community behind VS, I thought I’d share
a few words about its React ExtensionPack. Essentially, this is a bundle of extensions
designed to help you in your react-related tasks.

1. ReactJS Code Snippets: It provides 40 (yes, you read that number right!) snippets for
allyour generic needs and 34 prop Types-specific snippets. This, in case you’re too lazy
todo the math for yourself, adds up to the whooping total of 74 snippets for you to stop
wasting time writing so much and start being more efficient in your day-to-day tasks.

2. npm: Having to jump from your IDE to the terminal every time you need to install a
newdependency, restart the server or even run some npm-specific command can get a
bit tedious, so this extension adds the ability to run npm commands right from the

3. JS ES6 Snippets: More JS-generic snippets Why not This set of snippets will include
another set of over 40 snippets. This time, they’re not specific but considering you’re
working with JavaScript after all, it’s a definitive must-have in order to speed up your

2.2.4. Ant Design: -

Ant Design React is dedicated to providing a good development experience for

programmers. Before starting, it is recommended to learn React and ES2015 first, and

correctly install and configure Node.js v8 or above. The official guide also assumes that
you have intermediate knowledge about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and React. If you
are just starting to learn front-end or React, it may not be the best idea to use the UI
framework as your first step. Finally, if you are working in a local development
environment, please refer to Install and Initialization section of "Use in create-react-
app".n real project development, you may need data flow solutions such as Redux or
MobX. Ant Design React is a UI library that can be used with data flow solutions and
application frameworks in any React ecosystem. Based on the business scenario, we
launched a pluggable enterprise-level application framework Umi, which is
recommended for use in the project. And Umi is a routing-based framework that
supports next.js-like conventional routing and various advanced routing functions, such
as routing-level on-demand loading. With a complete plugin system that covers every
life cycle from source code to build product, Umi is able to support various functional
extensions and business needs; meanwhile Umi UI is provided to enhance the
development experience and development efficiency through Visual Aided
Programming (VAP).You can view the list of components in the side menu of the
Components page, such as the component. Plenty of examples are also provided in the
component pages and API documentation as well.


3.1. HOME: -

• This is our landing page / first page of our website which shows the global crypto
stats which shows total market cap of cryptocurrencies in market.

• Our website has horizontal navigation bar which has the options of Home,
Exchanges, Cryptocurrencies & news sections.

• On our landing page we have top 10 cryptocurrencies in the world in terms of total
market value.

• We can see more cryptocurrencies by clicking Show More link on the page, it
includes all cryptocurrencies in the world with all important data.

• Home page also includes latest crypto news which tells us about major events
related to cryptocurrencies in the global market it is very important section for
getting proper information about cryptocurrencies.

• We can see more crypto related news by clicking Show More link on the page, it

includes all news of cryptocurrencies in the world.

3.2. Navigation bar:-

• Our website has horizontal navigation bar which has the options of Home,
Exchanges, Cryptocurrencies & news sections.

• We have used Ant Design for importing icons for Home, Exchanges and all other

• We have used the dark blue and light blue color for designing navigation bar where
sections have pure white color when they are hovered.

3.3. Global Crypto Stats:-

• This Global Crypto Stats section is highlighted on our home page which shows
the total information about all cryptocurrencies in market.

• The information includes Total Cryptocurrencies, Total Market Cap, Total

Market, Total Exchanges & Total 24h Volume.

• All information which is displayed on Global Crypto stats is constantly been

updated by API which is constantly fetching data.

3.4. Cryptocurrencies: -

• In Cryptocurrencies section we can see all cryptocurrencies in our world, there are
100s and 1000s of cryptocurrencies in market.

• Each Cryptocurrency shows its Price, Market cap & Daily Change, we can get
more detailed information on crypto performance by clicking on it.

• We have used the Ant design and CSS for designing the layout of the web page
and all data is been fetched by API.

• There are 100s and 1000s of Cryptocurrencies in market so we need a search
button to find our required Cryptocurrency so we have a search button which can
find our required Cryptocurrency for us.

• The search bar is dynamic it automatically analyzes our initials and find
Cryptocurrency based on our characters.

3.5. Information on Cryptocurrency:-

• After selecting our searched Cryptocurrency, we can see all information related to
selected Cryptocurrency like its market prices, its history, news related to it and
even its performance in the market all can be analyzed here.

• We can select the time frame for analyzing Cryptocurrency performance in

selection bar which shows us its price in USD, Rank ,24h volume, Market Cap,
All time high value.

• We can even get all information about Cryptocurrency to get better understanding
of it that how its work in the market.

• We can Analyze the performance of a Cryptocurrency in the market by graphical

representation this helps us to understand the cycle of market much better we can

even see the data of long period of time.

• We can Analyze the performance of a Cryptocurrency in the market by graphical

representation this helps us to understand the cycle of market much better we can
even see the data of long period of time.

• We can select the time frame for analyzing Cryptocurrency performance in

selection bar which shows us its price in USD, Rank ,24h volume, Market Cap,
All time high value.

• We have used the Ant design and CSS for designing the layout of the web page
and all data is been fetched by API.

• We have used the Chart.js library for creating this graphical representation of
Cryptocurrency and the data which is represented on chart is fetched by API.

3.6. News:-
• This section includes latest crypto news which tells us about major events related
to cryptocurrencies in the global market it is very important section for getting
proper information about cryptocurrencies.

• If anyone wants to be good at crypto trading the he must have knowledge of all

information and events related to cryptocurrencies.

• We can get all major information which is required to know before investing in
any cryptocurrencies which can give us major advantage over others in terms of

• All news related to cryptocurrencies are been fetched from news API and the
layout design is created with Ant Design.

• We can even search any specific news which we are interested in by using search
menu it includes all major platforms which releases the news related to

• We have used the Ant design and CSS for designing the layout of the web page

and all data is been fetched by API.

1.7. Exchanges:-

• We have Exchange section in which we can see the global cryptocurrencies

exchange ratios by the top leading exchanges firms.

• Exchange ratios are analyzed by the top exchange companies like Bianca, DC
Global, and other crypto makers.

• We have used the Ant design and CSS for designing the layout of the web page
and all data is been fetched by API.

• We can Analyze the performance of a Cryptocurrency in the market by graphical

representation this helps us to understand the cycle of market much better we can
even see the data of long period of time.

• We have used Ant Design for importing icons for Home, Exchanges and all other

1.8. Responsiveness:-

• Cryptoverse can be used in all devices, it is a fully

responsive website.

• One can use all features of Cryptoverse in every

devices smoothly and easily.

• In this age where compact devices are preferred

over large devices so it is very important for a
website to work properly on smart phone.

• We can Analyze the performance of a

Cryptocurrency in the market by graphical
representation this helps us to understand the cycle
of market much better we can even see the data of
long period of time.

• We have used the Ant design and CSS for designing

the layout of the web page and all data is been fetched
by API.

• We have used CSS media query properties for

giving responsiveness.

In conclusion, Cryptoverse project was a success. It achieved all the
expected functions and quality requirements. With each implementation,
a considerable effort was made to enhance extensibility. As an outcome,
the end-product had high flexibility, scalability, modifiability and
maintainability, futuristic. Deployment and maintenance will be done in
the upcoming future and is outside of the scope of this project.In total, four
modules. Home, Cryptocurrencies, Exchanges, News
• This “Cryptoverse- A new way of analyzing cryptocurrencies”
Application has beendeployed and successfully tested.
• The goals that are achieved by this software are:

Ø Help the needed Investors to meet their requirements.

Ø User friendly.
Ø Portable and flexible for further enhancement.

1. We will make our own API for our use.

2. We will make an Automatic NFTs generation system.

3. Improve UI experience.

4. In future we will add a payment option and link wallet to our website.

5. More categories with effective management.



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