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An article
•is a piece of writing usually intended for publication in a newspaper, magazine or journal
•is written for a wide audience, so it is essential to attract and retain the readers’ attention
•may include amusing stories, reported speech and descriptions
•can be formal or informal, depending on the target audience
•should be written in an interesting or entertaining manner
•should give opinions and thoughts, as well as facts
•is in a less formal style than a report
An article can
•describe an experience, event, person or place
•present an opinion or balanced argument
•compare and contrast
respond to criticism
•provide information
•offer suggestions
•offer advice
A realistic article should consist of:
1. an eye-catching title which attracts the readers’ attention and suggests the theme of the
article. (Think about why you read a magazine or newspaper article
recently - what made you read it?)
Articles can also have sub-headings before each paragraph.
2. an introduction which clearly defines the topic to be covered and keeps the reader’s
3. the main body of two to five paragraphs in which the topic is further developed in detail.
4. the conclusion - summarising the topic or a final opinion, recommendation or comment.
Before you begin writing it is important to consider:
•where is the article going to appear - in a newspaper or magazine?
•who are the intended readers - a specific group such as students or teenagers, or adults in general?
• what is the aim of the article - to advise, suggest, inform, compare and contrast, describe, etc.?
DO NOT use over-personal or over-emotional language or simplistic vocabulary.
DO NOTtalk about yourself.
You are writing for the general public, not a close circle of friends.
Your opinions are only interesting to other people if you can make them amusing, justify them or
explain them.
Conclusion example:
All of this leads me to the conclusion...
All these points make me want to...
In the light of these..........

You have seen the following question in a computer magazine:

What difference has the internet made to your life? Can you imagine life without email and the world wide web?
Write in giving your views on what you like - and hate - about being online, and we will publish the best articles.
Write your article for the magazine. (220-260 words)


The internet, one of the latest discoveries of the 20th century, has become part of everyone's vocabulary nowadays.
Whether we like it or not, it is turning more and more into a social phenomenon, especially among teenagers.
However, it cannot be denied that it provides a lot of facilities. I was a little skeptical towards it at first, but now
I'm aware of the positive effect it has proved to have on my life. The internet can be a source of useful information,
which you can easily find and download by accessing an appropriate website. For instance, I was very pleased
when I discovered just the right website to help me prepare for the CAE exam. Studying online can save you a lot
of time and energy, as you don't need to borrow books from public libraries anymore, books which, as we all
know, have to be returned in about two weeks time.
When you want to send a letter for business interest in short time , or send a message to a friend who is far away
for the time being, or simply say "Hello" to someone you love to let him know you are thinking about him, all you
have to do is to send all these people an email.
I remember that last year, when my boyfriend had to work in France for three months, we used to email each other
at least twice a day! Another thing I love about the internet which also has to do with world wide communication
are the chat groups. I like talking to people with different social and cultural background from all over the world on
various subjects; you can make a lot of friends and gain a whole new perspective on life.
Unfortunately, in my country, not many people can afford to own a computer or have accsess to the internet.
Others, on the other hand, use it excesively, mostly children, teenagers and introvert persons, which can lead to
finding it harder and harder for them to adapt to real world. The e-world is a great one if used properly, but we
should pay attention to the fact that "faster" doesn't necessarily mean "better" and a smile or a hug can't be replaced
by an email.
I thank the internet for its existence, but I can make it through the day without it. The question is: can you?

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