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DavidJenkins. G.Richard.

A CRCPressCompany
BocaRaton London New York Washington,D.C.
Library of CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data

Manualon rhe.auss md conbl oI actimredsludgebulting,bming,6d otherlolids

sptratior prcblems/ by David Je.tins, Michael G. Ricndd, ed CI.n T. Daigger lrd ed

Rer ed. or: Manual on the causesand conlrol of &dvated sludsebulkine md foming.

lncludes bibliogiaphicol €feEnces od index.

ISBN 1-566t0-64?-5(alt. paper)
I Sewas€-Punicalion Activatedslu+e press. 2. Sludgebulkins. 3 Fl@cnlation.L
Richdd. Mich&l C. tI Daigger,Glen T. nI. Ientins, David, 1935' Manual or the causs
and control of activateddudge bulling dd foaning. rV T e.

TDt56.J,l6 2003
628.3'54-dc2l 2003051956

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To Samanthaand Maggie Jenkins,Jack Muren, Joan Richard,and Patty Daigger

...But if I could st.rt all ovcf, gucssl'd still do what I do. and "processrelNled" separatior activated sludgc sotids
separationproblcmsarc discusscd.
Wishire all dDsc old thingt ve.e new. Chaptcr 3 prcscntsan cxrcndcddiscussionof how a
microscopicclxluation oiactivlled sludgecan be usedto
Merle Haggard,1937- heb evaluatcsdids separrrionproblclns.Thc usesof both
floc and lilamentousoreanismobscrvarbnsare described.
Activatedsludgeis the most $,idcl] uscdsecond:rrywaste- Chapter,l is { discussionon how to rcmcdy and pre-
rvater neatment proccss in thc world. Il consistsoi trvo vent a.tivated sludgesolidsscparalbn problems.The the-
treatmentunits- thc acntnnr basin nnd the solids sepa ory of rctivatcd sludgc bchaviorin secondaryclarjiiers is
ration dcvicc - usuxlly r gruity sedinentation basin discusscdrnd is uscd10dclclop methodsof clarifief and
called thc sccondar) .larilier Until about 20 years ago. acralion basin mrnxgcmenr lbr combatting bulking
nrcs! invenigations of aclivxted dudge rvere concerned sludgc.SccoDdxr)clarificr opcraringdiagramsfbr severai
with factorsaffectingpoll trtxnrremo\ al eticiency by pro- scttUngtcslmcthodsarc given.The useofpolyners. chlo
cessesthat oc.ur in tho xcrationbasir even though mary rinc. hydrogcn peroxidc. .tnd ozone lbr bulking sludge
irlestigatorsand pr.tctitioncrsacknolvledgedthat the great conlrol is prcscnled.logerherwith casehistoriesfrom full
majority of cfllucnt qurlity problems were related !o rhe scalc lrcxtnenl planrs.The resolutionof specificbulking
in$ility of thc sccondrry clarilier Io eflicientty remove problens due lo macro- ard micro-rutrient defciency.
the a.iivated sltrdgcbiomassfiom the treatedsastewater sullidc. low dissoh€d oxygen concentation. and readily
T{) undcrst.tndthc bchnviorof aciivatedsludge in sol metabolizeablesubshies is given in detail: the effecr of
ids separationproccsscs,il is necessaryto characterizethe rcralion basin conJigurationon activatedsludge settl"rg
complcx commuDitythat makes up the actlvatedsludge xnd the design and use of selectorsfbr bulkirg control is
biomassruthcr than rcgard ir simply as susperdedsoljds colcrcd in dcpth; illustralive examples from full scale
or volatilc suspcDdcdsolids.It is also important io under lrcatmcnt plants arc presented.Methods for dealing with
stnnd that wrstcwalcr characterislicsard aerationbasin dispcrscdg$wth and viscousbulking are discussed.The
environmcnrrlcondilions and coniigurationinfluencetle usc of licld and laborabry testingmethodsibf dilTerenti
way in $4richlhe aclivrlcd sludgesusperdedsoiidsbehave xting belween "biological" and "process- problems is
nr a sccondarl clariflcr The design and operation ol an illuslrated wiih case histodes from full s.ale trcatmcnt
a.tivated sludge slstcn to produce high quality effuen!
requiresthc intcgration of ieradon basin and secondary Chapter5 discussesihe causesand control ofacti\ated
sludgefbaning. The roles of sudactants.
This manualdcals with nll aspectsof activatedsludge suchas nocardiofbrms.andM,'rothri:t parrk ort-
solidsscparationproblcns. ChapterI describesthe Daturc lined: the eftbctsofphysical detajl! of thc acfutionbasin.
of activatcdsludgc and its solids separationproblems: it secondaryclailier, and in-plant recycleson n)rrn reten-
tr'lccsthcir o gins to tundamentalphysical.chemical.and tion and fbam recycling are discussed.Tbc control of
microbn)logical propcrtics of the acti\ated sludge. The nocardiolbnn organisns by using lo\ MCRT and various
cuncnt undcrsrandingof activatedsludgebiollocculation types of selectorsystemsis discnssedxnd illustratedwith
pn)ccsscsand thc cifccts of lilnmentousorganismson no. caschistories.Nocardiotbrmfoaming.ontrol by calionic
structurcarc discusscd. polymer addition.surfacechlorine mist sprayapplicaiion.
Chxptcr2 prcscntsmicroscopic,physical.andchemical seleclive surface sludge $asting. and automaric MCRI
mcthdls ior activatcd sludge characterization and lirr the control is presented. The impacl of nocardtufbrm organ'
diagnosis of solids scpffadon problems and iher causes. ism fbaming on anaerobic digestion is discussed.The
This sccti(nris Ubcnlly illustrated\riih photomicrographs. chaptercloses a discussionof thc causesand contlol
Dctailcd dcscriFn s and al1identification key fbr filanren merhods ibr bulking and foaming causcd tJy Mictothrix
tous organismsarc prcscnled.The use of nole.uLar biolog
ical mcthodsis discusscdbnefly and sunmarJ lformation The manualcontainsan exrensivcbibliographyon all
on thc cuncnt status of lilamentous organism iderrification aspec$of activatedsludge solids separllion problems.
i, f n\ c nr nl. V rrl -.J . n " b i n p l ),rn e ra n i l ),rs Jre ci \en. This manual is designed to be usciul to the wide
Techniqucsfor differcntiatnlgbelween"biological-related' vadcty of prolessionalsNho design.managc,monltor.and
operatetheactivatedsludg€proccss.Materialin this text designandop€.ation.Its pr€viow €ditionshavebecnused
is usefulfor labomtorypersonnel,
engine€rs, and widely in labontory couses on activatedsludgecharac-
treatrnen!plantoperaton,Th€manualservesasa usefrrl lerization and solids seDarationDroblerns.
texton activatedsludgemicmbiologyandtreatnentplant


This rnanual was rnade possible by the work and slpport ifomia; RandyGray,StrohBrewingCo., Longview.Texasi
of many individuals and organizations. Our sinc€re than*s Bill Keaney,North Sltn Mateo Sanitation Distrjct. Cali
and gralitude are due 1() them. The iirst ediiion of the tbmia; MiLe Wheelcr,Hamilton, OHi Millard H. Robbins,
manual was rnade possible by grants liom the Water Upper Occoquan Scwxgc Authority. Cenfeville. VAi
ResearchCommission of the Republic of South Ahica Michael Read and Richard Stillwell. ClackamasService
and the U.S. Environmentalhotection Agency. Districl, Oregon; Gary Vaughn and Billy Ammons, Fay-
Much of the research that laid the foundalion for this elteville, Arkansas: Dale Richwine and Carlo Spani.
mrnual was conducted over the lasi three and a half Unned SeweragcAgency.OregoniJohn Reid. StoneCon,
decadesby a dedicatedand imaginativegroup of graduate tainff Corporalion.Ontonagon,Michigani ToddCockburn
students and post doctoral researchen at ihe Unive$ity of and JonathonLoiacono, San Francisco.Califomia; and
Califomia at Berkeley Although their names appear in the Wendell Kido, Sacrarncnto.Califomia.
bibliography,they, of all people,deserveindividual men- We would also likc to acknowledgethe contributions
tion. The] are Mesul Sezgin, Denny Parke! Jonathan of our colleagueswho frecly and openly discussedour
Palm, Tony Lau. Peter Stron, Sang Eun Lee, Ben Koop- ideas and often providcd us with fi€sh ;nsiehts.Thesc
t_ man, Oliver Hao, Michael Richard,J.B. Neethling, Greg
Shimizu, Kay Johnson, Andrd van Niekerk, Benardo
include Onie Albertson,Denny Pxrker.Tom Wilson. Wcs
Eckenfblder,David Stensel,Bob Okcy. John NovJ<, Jay
Vega-Rodriguez,H3ro Bode, Y-J. Sbao,Paul Pitt, Daniel Keasling, Merv Goronsczy, Alex Ekslet and Joh Kang.
Cha, Daniel Mamais. Linda Blackall, Valier Tandoi,Mark The photomicrographswere tal€n by Michael Rich-
Hemandez, Cho Fei Ho, Jean Weber Krishna Pagilla, ard. SuzanYilmaz and SarahMuren producedthe ngures.
Andy Schule! Willie Harpe! Abe Fainsod,Trina McMa- Sarah Muren and Joan Jenkins prepared the manuscripl-
hon, SuzanYlmaz, B- Narayanan,and Carlos De L€6n. JoanJenkinsvedfied the cilations.The palience.skill and
We owe a special thank you to the wasiewater treat- hard work of all thcsc people arc ackno$ledged.
ment plant personnel who have tried out our ideas in
practice.Specialrecognirionis due to thc peoplewho took David Jenkins, Berkeley, CA
special risks in "doing it first." Thesc are Russ Edwards, Michael Richard,Fo Couins,CO
Albany, Georgia;Bob Beebe,San Jose/SantaClara, Cal- Glen Daigger Denver, CO
David Jenkins is a professorin Medal liom the Wxtcr Environment Federation, the Russell
the graduateschooland profes BlosserAward horn thc TcchnicalAssociationof the Pulp
sor emeritusof envi.onmental and Paper lndustll,. and the Douglas Jones Award from
engineering at theUniversityof the Pulp and PaperTechnicalAssociationof Camda. He
Califomia arBerkeley.He cane was named the Environmental Educator of the Year in
to the United Statesfrom Great 1999by the NationalEnvirormentalTrainins Association.
Britainaftereaminga B.Sc.ill Dr Richard has bccn involved nr the diagnosisand cor-
applied biochemistryfrom Bir- rection of wastewxtcrtreatmenl microbiology problems
mingham Universiryand a lbr more than 300 cilies and 200 mdustrie!.Hehas ofiered publichealthengineer wastewaternicrobidogy trainnrg .ourses at over 125
ing from the Universityof iocalions tuoughout rhc U.S. and Canada.
Durham.King'sCollege.Professor Jerktus'researchand
professional practiceis in the generalareasof biological
wastervatertreatmentaDdwaterandlvaste$aterchemistry. {}l€n T. Daigger is a rcgistered
He is ihe authorof over 250 publications. His research profcssn)nalengineerand is cur
workandprotessional contributions havebeenrecognized rently sc.n)r vi€ presidentwith
by arvardsfrcln theWaterEnvironment Federation (Eddy, CH2M HILL. wherc he reNes
Gasgoine. Camp,andFairMedals),theAmericanSociety as chief lechnology oflicer for
of Civil Engineers(FreezeMedal).lhe Associationof the lirm's rlatcr businesses. He
Environmental sngineefiDg andScienceProfessors (Out- is also a tcchnical fellow in
srandingPublicatjon Alvard).andthe Inremational Watel waslewalcr lrcalment technol
Associalion(San JenkinsMedal and the Ardern and ogy and as such he seNe! as
t-ockett Awafd). He is an honorary life memberof the scnior consultanl and process
WaterUnvironmentFederationard the lntemationalWater cnginccr on r wide variety of
Association and a memberof the NationalAcademyof municiFl and indusdxl wastcwatcr trcatmcnr dd reclama
Engineering.The resuhsof his researchon activated tion projects.Dr Daiggeris the aulhoror coauthorof over
iludge solids separationproblem! have been applied I 00 technicalpublicanons,sevemlmanualsthrl rrc widely
worldrvideto impro\'ethe designandoperationof biolog- used in the wastewater professjon, and four b(x)ks. Hc wits
ical wastewarertreatmentplants. educatedar PurdueUniversitywhcrc hc camcd a B.S.C.D..
M.S.C.E..and Ph.D. in environmentalengineenng.He i! a
member of the Wa€r Environmenl Fcderalbn (wEFl.
MichaelG. Richard is a senior American water works Associadon,American SNiety of
ervironmental scientist with Civil Engineers, Iniemational Water Asnxiation. md the
SedrBro\\nin FonCollins.Col- Association of Environmenlal Engineerlng and Scienc€
orado.His educationincludesan Professors,and he is a diplomate of rhe American Academy
A.B. in field biologyandecol- of Environmental Engineers (d{EE). He is a member of
ogy and an M.S. and the Nationai Academy of Engineering. Hc scrvcd as thc
environmentalhealthsciences chan of the WEF rask tbrce that preparcd the currcnl edition
fiom the Univenity of CalifoF of Manual of Practice 8, DesiKn ol Muntiry WastNdter
nia at Be*eley. Prior to his cur' Trcatment PIu ts, ard chair of lhe board of ediloriai revie\v
rcnt positlon.he lvas a rcsearch ot Watu| Entionmtnt Resedf.n. He cunendy is chairof the
specialistin wastelvaterteat- re.hnical Factice committee and research symposium of
mert microbiology at Berkeleyand an assistantprofessor the WEFTEC Prognm Commitee. He has received the
of environmentalhealth at ColoradoStateUniversity.He Gascoigne and Morgan medals liom WER and is the only
is the authorof aboui i00 papersandte.hnical reponsand back-lo-back $inner of the Harrison Prcscoa Edd! a\\,:rd.
theauthoror coau*nr of live bookson wastewater aeahent He has served as ihe Kappe lecturer for the AAEE, and he
microbioiog}' He has given more than 150 Fesentaiions is cunently a member of thc Walcr Environment Rcscffch
at meetingsnaiionwide. He is lhe recipient of the Eddy Foundation Resenrch Council.
Listof lllustrations
ftcuRE1.1 Proposed
rolesof polrsaccharider
ard prcrcins(biopolyne6)anddilalcnt crtons i| biofloccutdLion

FIGURE 1.2 Phaseconlmsttnicroscopic appearance\ ol slrongactiEtedsludgelocs... ,.........................

...........................,..,..... l
FICURE,I.] E tc c t o f s h e .rr.1 eo n 1 4 0 0p n a . Li vared sl udgcfl ocs.... ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
FIGURE 1.4 Phas.conlraslmicrognphsolelfectsof fillmentousore.nismson floc struclurcs...........................................,..,..4
FIGURE 1.5 P h a s e c o n tra s rmi c ro s c o p i .r ppearan.eol di spe.scdefow l h..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FICURE 1.6 P h a s c o n tra smt i c ro Sra pohfsre l e sestxi ni ng of actnaadsl udge. ..........................
.. .............
.. ...... . . . . . . . . . . 5
fIGURE1.7 E fti c to t c x @ c l l u l dl o l y s a c c h rri de
conl enl
on theS V I ol acti vared
sl udge........................
.. .. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
ftcuRf 1.9 Phasecontra\thicrcg.aphsot cilcctsof nlanenrds organism\on foc morphologyandserLleabiliry ... . .. .. ..6

FICURE 2.I S c h e m a ti c o u tl i n e o i n o c a rd i of(rmofgani smcouti ngnerhod..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FIGURE 2.2 M o d e rn d n o c u l a rp h a s e c o n rr asl mi croscopccqui pped$i $di gnal crmc.a.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURF 2.3 PhaseconlraslmicroFaphso
FIGURE 2.6 Pha\ccontrasrmicrogralhso
ftcuRE2.7 Ph a \ec o n t.a smt ' c ,o g rrl ho f fl o cwl tl poordi re(i ty..... ....................... ...... . . . . . . .22.....
ftcuRE2.8 Pha\econt.a\tmicDgraphsof nlamertabundrnce categorie\usingsubjecnve scorlrgstsren.................... .........2.,1
ftcuRE2.9 Phasecontn\t hic.osraphsof bmnchirgofnlamentousorgaiisnsiI acnvatedsludge.... .. .. .. ............ ..............27
rlcuRE2.10 Ph a s e c o l rn !tn i .ro g .a p h s o f1 j l !mcntshapes' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' .' ' .,' ' ,' 2
flcuRE 2.11 P h a s e c o n tra s L mi .ro g ra p h s show i ngl ocrl ti otrsofnl amertousorgari sms................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 2.I2 Phasecontrastmiciotmphsshowingatt&hcdgrcrvthof b.cteriaon nhmentousorglnnms...............................29
FICURE 2.I3 P h a s ceo n tn snl i c ro € :ra pshhso w i ng appeaurccs of shcl l hs.... .....................,..,......,.............. .. .. .......................30
FIGURE2.I4 P h .s e c o n tra s l m i c ro 8 ra p h s ofnhmentousorgani smcc11shapes............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE2.I5 P h a s c o n l ra smi sul furgranul c
l c ro g n p hosfi n ra cel l ul ar ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FICURE2.16 D i rc c l i l l u m i n a ti o n d i c rc e r.p hsofP H A stai ni ng.P l l A sranul csaredarkbl ue/b1ack......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE2.17 D i rc c ti l l u mi n a ti o n mi c ro g ra phsofGrxosLai nni gofl i l amcntousorgani sms................. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
ftcuRE2.18 D i re c ti l l u mi n a ti o n n i c fo e ra p hsofN el ssersl ai ni i gol nl anrentousorel ni sms................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
fICURE2.19 Phasecontc\t microgruphs of rcseltesand9onidia........... .. .....................................,. 15
ftcuRE2.20 Di.hotonousle! for idcnnficatio!ofilamertous orgxni$nsnr &dutcd sludge.................................................. l6
rlcuRE2.21 Phaseconh'asL fticsgnphs ot l^) Sphaerotilus'ltpe t7tJ1,(c) Haliscanenobddet bd^is... .. .....10
EICURE2.22 PhasecontiasL icmFrphs of: (a) Trpc 021N,(b) Type021Nlnh sulfu.granulcs,(c) Bessnttu.sp..

FIGURE ot: la) Thi.rhrLrt. (b) ThiothrirI ivith sulfurgiinules,(c) Thioth,& tt, afi
2.23 Ph.secontraslmicroeraphs

2.24 Phasccont?srmicroSraphs ol (r) Type0914 (b) Tlpe 0914with sufur grdules.....
2.25 Phasecontrastnricroerallisof: (^) NolloLaiduliniola t, (b) Nosto.oi.ldlihiolall-(c) Nonooila

ftcuRE2.26 Phd\econt.a\tmicrcgraphs of: (a) Type0411.(b) Type0961,(c) Tytc 0092,.nd (d) Tlpe 0581 .......................42
FICURE2.27 P h a s e c o n tn \tmi c .o g ra p h s o r :(!)Tyl e0041,(b)Type067s.(.)Trpcl 85!.and(d)Tl l c0803.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
rlcuRE2.28 Phasecontnd mi.rog.aphsol: (.^)Mitothrix pdrti.dla. (b) Nocardn)tnm\.(c) Typc lE6l, and

2.29 Phasecontrastdicrogiaphsott (i) Fkribatter sp..h) Bd.iUt6 sp..t..) OyiUuhria V. (q,anophyccac),

2.]O 1, si/! idenlllicationof.irifying bacreriain adnaleddudgc:(a) slmultaneous
i, rir" hybndiraLnrr
Cyl labcllcdprcbeNmV.nd FLUOSlabelledpn'beNEU and(b) simultaneous d jt, identncarionoi
Nitosocaccrs habilis Nirlosld/a like bacreriaairer i' rn, hlbidiz.tion wirh FLUOS iabelledp.obe
N mV a n dC y 3l a b c l l c^td
d rc tES + N rspr1026a 18...........................................................
p .. ...... . ........................47
ftcuRE2.31 Phd\econtrastmicrcgraphs of conmonflaeellates and.nebae foundin activatcdsludgc.....................
fICURE2.32 Phasecontrastmicrugraphs of ilcc ud stalkedcillarcs..... .........................................
ftcuRt 2.33 Phase.ontm\tmic.og.aphs o
F I G URE2. 35 Phasecontnst microgcphs o
FI CURE2. 36
Ft c uRt 2. 37 Scheftaticdlagrumof highsolidslbamingtestappdaus 54
Ft c uRt 2. 38 Schematic diagramof Kemmerersamplerin use................ 55

fI G URE] . 2 of SVI with nhmetrtlcnsthslor L4full scaleCalilorniaweltewalertreatmcDt
Varianons plants .. ..5E
FI G URE3. 3 ol subjective
RelanonshiD scoringol ilament abundancclid SVI asneasuredby indcpendenr obseryets. .. .5li
F I CURE3. 4 Comparisonof nlamenlcountlnd SVI ai the SanJosc/SanLa Claraplantin Calitbmia. . . . .. .. .59
T I G URE3. 5 of filamentcount
Rclarionships lo SVI for n61!!d second stageactivatedsludgeplantsal lhe Sar Jose/Santa

F I G URE3. 6 h lsn o n mi crobi!ani

Ph a s ce o n tra smt i c rc g ra p o ai cl es....... .. ...... 62
F I G URE3. 7 Phasecontrastmicrcgrathsof nonmicrobial padcles....... . . . .. .. .. . . 63
F I G URT3. 8 PhA* conlrastmicrcgrlphsof nonnicrobial pafticles......
F I CURE3. 9 P h a s e c o fl l ra s rmj c ro g ra p h s shoti rS morphobgi cal di versi l yofacl i vl tedsl udgefl @ s...... . .. 04.
sl udS f@
FtcuRt3.10 N e i s s epro s i ti vcce l l c l u m phs a c l i vatcd e s...... .......... . . . 0t )
f I G URE3. 11 PhasccontranmicoSraphsoil (a) yeist, (b) drProni./o biun P . l.) SpiriLluftsp and(d) spirochaeres . .. . 6?
f I G URE3. 12 Phasccontr$L microSlaphs of (r) lnicelhlar Chlorallasp dnd(b) lilanentous
U/o".ud sp . . . . . . 611

F I CURE4. 1 Schcmaric sludgeprcccs.........

diagramof the aciivarcd . . . . . . .. .. ?
FtcuRt4.2 Z o n cs c r1 l i i o8 f a c ti v a tesdl u d s e{ s tded so1i ds........... . . ... ..... 80
FICURE4.6 t i x a mp l oe f s c c o n d acryl a ri fl el rh i c tcnl ngmal ysi s.... ..... ... ... 84
F I CURE4. 7
f I G URE4. 8
4.9 E ffe c to fu c u ti o n i c p o l y m€ ro n thcsvl ofabul ki ngsl udrg---.-----.-- ..... . 81i
HCURE 4,11 E x a mp l c s o i g o o d c h l o ri n c d o scpoi nr$forbul ki ngconl ro| .............. . 91
FtcuR[4,12 ChlorincresiduAlin RAS rs a iirnclionof initirl chlorinesPecies, reactiontimc.anil thc presence

treatmcntpllnt anr'l(b) longaemtiontimc

4.I3 Chkrinationpafamcicfsii)r (d) lypicalmunjciPalwasLewd€r

HCURE4.14 Ph a s ceo n trn smi r c ro g ra p sh hs o w i n proS

c rcssietfects
ve of chl ofi Mti onon l rntl ri r 1... . . ..... 95
FICURE GA w rstcw el cr
atthcA l bany,
4.I5 C o n rrool f b u l k i n gb y R A Sc h l o ri n rl nnl tredl ment pl atrr' . . ......... 96
4.16 Useof tafgerSVI 10controlRAS chlorination dosefof bulkinScontroll|t theAlbnny,CA w6rtewaler

4,r7 of RAS chlo.in0lioncftlctilsne$ whendosinechknnc to lhe mixcdliquorchunnelnnd

F I CURE4. 18 SVI lnd chk ne doseto RAS at the SaoJose/S.nEClalawnterpoUrrioncontol llanl dunng$e l98l I)cdk

F I CURE4. I 9 WccklyalerngeSVI tiom 1979lo 1984ar $c StrohBrewingCo. actilatcdslDdgeplAnt,Longvicw,TX .. . 99

F I G URE4. 20 SVI andchlo.inedo* a1a wdnewarerrclivltcd $udgeplantar a plxsticslilctoryin March1984 . . .. .. . . 100
fIGURE 4.2'I EflluenlISS concenration andchlorincdoscat a waslewater
acrivalcd sludgeplanlnt r plasricstact(rv rn

.nd chlorjnedoserr a waslcrateraclivatedsludgeplanl!t d Pldsrics

T I G URE4. 22 EllluenlsolubleCOD concenfations

ftcuRt 4.23 Fled sysEmfor dosinghydr

ftcuRE4.24 SVI responsc 10hydrogenperoxidctrcdmentai the Petalunawslerpollulioncortrol Plantin Californir ' .. 102
HCURT 4.2s E fe c l o f o z o ser i ng..............
n a ti oonn a c ti v a tcsdl udge ...... .. , . . . 102
F I CURE4. 26 Monad model growtb cunes tbr ammonia-limitedgrcwth of Type 02lN rld a floc limet nohled from

F I CURE4. 27 Barchculiureammoniauplakeof rype02lN andan acdvlredsludSefl@ lbrmerpreliousiySrownunder

ammoni,limil ion andslbiectedto spitesin ammoniaconcentration. . .. .. .
........... 105
F I G URE4. 28 AmdoniAlimitedgowth conperilionbetween Type02lN (.) ald atractivared sludgefl( formcr(r) ii
chemosrat cullue Nith illemitrent (I) andcontinuods(C) NHr N lccdlng.C/N = 15with int rmiltent
feedingof 7591'of totalannonia ai 6 hourjnterlah....... I 05
fICURE 4.29 Effe.r of inillal mrerobic zoneon liminng intuenr COD/P ratio tbr a labontory scaleSBR actiured
HCURE4. 30 Efact of microNrrientaddltionon COD removalcfficicncyat. perochemicat

F I CURE4. 31 Combinations of F/M andlemtion bash dissolved oxlgen conccnxrtions at $hi.h bulkingaDdnonbrlkn,s
s l u d g edsp p e ai rn c o m p l clty m i x e d,contntuousl
fedy aefurn'bl
n si ns.....................................
............. . . . . . .108
f I CURE4. 32 'len'poralvdnarionof F/M andSVI ar lention brsh dissolledorlgcD concentations ol {).t 100.5 m8/L

rlcuRt 4.33 Effectofdissolredorlgen uprdrcratcon SVI ofa pulp ald paperwlslcsarcfactlvatedsludgelrealDcDr

F I CURE4. 34 R c l .ti o n s i rlbpe tw e eSS

r Vl i .a n da er i onbl si nmi xhg cha..cteri sti .s.
.................................... . . . . . .I. .t .0. . . . . . . . . . . .
F I G URE4. 35
f I G URE4. 36 SolublcCOD uptaked{rntg batchsubsrrate uprde expcrimcnts virh CSTRandrrcbic tctcctorlctivared

f I CURE4. 37 Rcspirlrionutcs duing batchsrbstmteuplakeerperihcntswith CSTRlnd aenbir selcclorlctivared

f I CURE4. 38 M a x n n (na c c tl tcu p ra k ra

c tc so l Z. r.!ri g(ru \l 2l N i n barchtests.......
.. ....... .........
....... . . . . . .I l3
HCURT4. 39 Prcdicled relatn)iship ol stady stltc grcwthmtc ^td'
atrdl )pe
acetate conoenlration ibr Type021NxndZ ru,ri3.rd,..,..,,.114
FtcuR[4.40 Dual culture.hemostaL sro*th ofZ. fo,ris.rd rnd Type02lN with iilemitrcnr fccdingofcarbon

F I CURE4. 4I Sv l a sa fu n c l h ro f rn o x l . s e l e c rdei l l uci L$l bl c C OD concentrari or.... ...........................

.. ........ . .. . . . . . . .I t 5
F I CURE4. 42 S VI a sa fu n c l i o n o f a n o x i cs e l e c l or
el l hcnt ctdtco! gl ucose concerl nti (r1..........
.. ....... . . . . . . . I t 5
F I CURE4. 4: J Ag o b i cs c l c c to f-i c ri v asre
h d Ses ubstrall pl e xke$d oti l i /uri on
nechani sms......................,..,. . , . . . .t.16 ..........
FtcuRt4.44 A n o x i cs c l c c to ra c ti v astel udd g es u bstrate uptuke
andurl l i Tl ti on
mcchani snh........................... . . . . . . .t.16 ..........
FICURE 4.45 Anacrrbicsclccro.lctivatcdslLrdge $bstrareuprakernd utilizatid ncchanisnsinwl!in8 pollpho\drarc

4.46 Anaerobi.sclecl(rsrbsltutclpilkc rnd L,tilization
nrechanisnrinvolvjnSrltcogcn terrnentarior

4.47 R e l n ti o n s hoi fpS Vl :1 l orc l a ti l cs i zcof i nhi 0l rcfi ti onbasi co' npMtrcnt................................ . . . . . . . . . . . 1t ll
4.48 Etlbctof inhialcontuc(zonel-iM on SVI lor 0cturcdiiirid contncrroncs .. . .. .. .. ... .. . I t9
4.49 M o d i l i c a ti oonf i fu e r a rd l tA S i n trdducti ul poi nrs k, ri f ri oi rbA si ns,
H l nri l roi O11.............
. ...... . . . . . . l2l
4.50 Mo n th l y v c rn g cS Vl .H n rn i l l (nOH r. . l l )82l hnnrgh19119..............-....-...-.-... ...... . . . . . . I. 2l
FtcuRt Efitd of irllucnt fow on 12
FtcuRt4.s3 Q)riiSrfurionof oroxic sclcctorsyslern thc lli-Cir) | drl. ClrckrmN Cbunry,OR.......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......123
FtcuRt4.54 Pcrii)mMccof lnoxic schctofrI rltcTri,Cir) pl:rnr,Cl(knmns Counly,OR........... . .. . .. .. ... t23
FtcuR[4,s5 Q rrl i g u h ti (l ro fl n l c rc b i cs c l c e toH (i vai ed
sl rdgcs]sLenr
ul nryci tc!i l l c,
A R ..... ........
........ .. ... . .. .. . . . . l?4
4.56 Eilicr oi tlnuftNr)bicsclcchronrhcSVIof r|lcHypr.io0orygcnircrivltcdslid8cpltuI nr Lo! An!clc\.( A..... t25
F I G URE4. 57 Modillcrti ol derdrir)rhasirto !n No{ic sclc.iorcoiliguratinrir rhc 2lklAvcnuc

F I CURE4. 58 Eltcc(of lelecor \ysrernon SVI, Ml,SS.RAS SS.rnd rir uscar tu 2-ld Avcnuc\r

F I CURE4. 59 Variriionof $pcnra(anrsu\pended vith mcu vclocir! gr lienLt(ir l.r (liltu\cd dil
s)lid conccnxation

FtcuRt4.60 E fttc lo f D rc acnc l lrc s i d e n crietn eoi di \per\ed!$p€ndcdsol i dsi r adi varcd
sl udge.
....................... . . . . . . . . 130
FtcuRt4.61 t j i l a c l o fMg S O re l d i ti o n o ' r2 h ou.acri vrredsl udgcserrl cdvol umcduri ngncl dri ah.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 3

F I CURE5. 1 Ph a s ceo n tft\tmi c ro e ra p oh f\ n o c r i di ol brm

rnd M. //nn?11dftxur\...................................... . . . . . . ll_r
f I G URE5. 2
F I CURE5. 3
F I CURE5. 4 Eflectof lilhing on lotal \olidsconr.iningIeepalC 620 rr Vidor vallc! RAS.................... ........ .. ............. l16
F t c uRt 5. 5 E ffe c o t ffo a n i n go n k rtl l \o l i d sc o ntl i ni ng
l gcp.l C 620arE B MU DR A S ................................. .. .. .............l-
HCUR[ 5. 6 D e l a i l so f a e ra ri ob. a s i no u rl e ts
a rd \ccondl rycki ti cr ol el noN s...........................................
.. .. ........... .l.. .ll. . . .
FtcuR[5.7 Etcct of fotunlrappingon nocardidinmo,!!nism popul.tionsin bench{caleacLilaLed dudsc unii\.......... .. . 1.18
F I CURE5. 8 F,ftbclof foad mpping oullet!o. surfue &cunrulatiorof lbam on pasesofrn aefuLidb ir..... .. ..1.18
F I G URE5. 9 Mclhodsof dlsposalof foamremoledfron lreathenlb!si,rs.Mcthodsrcprcsenred bt shaded drer\ crn

F I G URE5. 10 C h e n ro s tac ot n l i g u ra ti oannsdd e i r effechon G d,,a,zzgrcw 1h,,..,...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

f I CURE5. 11 Rehliveamountsof lbm produced on fte surfrceofa 2,loordeepfoan tcst columnard a 15 tuor deep
a e rd ti ob. a s i nw i l h th cs a m cn o c a rdi ofbnnorgani snc.rccnl rJLi u\ ...............
......................... . . . . . .1.
. . .10
f I CURE5. 12 Predicted rclationship of groivlhratcsto acetare co..enbalionfor (;. adr4. srains,Typc021N.and
FrcuRt5.13 Compdison of nocardiofom organhm populatioN at a rarS€ of MCRTSlnd tem?enturesjn bench
sludgeunitsof the city of SanFtucisco andcountyof Sacmento in Califomia.. .
scaleactjvated . l42
HCURT5.14 Schematicdiagramof scumnow! and recyclestreus (a) Southeastplant. San Francisco.CA and
... .... .
(b) rcgional{aslewatertrcatnenrplantin Sacrmenio.CA................................-.......... . . 1,42
FICURE5.I5 Relationshipof nocardioibm organismmdimum net growth rate in activatedsludgeto temperatDre - 143
5.15 Eftcct of pH on nocddioforn organisn populationsin bench scale-activatedsludgeunits . . . . - 144
'IGURE5.17 Conpanson of C. aro.@ and Z. /dnifeld tansient (ate acelateupt ke lates ove. a rangeof diludo.

FtcuRt5.18 Efect of aercbic selecroron nocddioforn organjsmpopulationa! a 5-day MCRT . . .. .. . . .. .. . 145

FrcuRt5.19 tstrecrof acrcbic selecloror nocddiotom orgmism populationat a l0-duy MCRT .. .. . .. .. .. . . 146
ftcuRE5.20 l f o o x i c s e l e c roorn n o c d di ol omorgani sm
E fi e c o popul ati ons...... ............ . - 146
FICURE5.21 Transientstateacelateuplakeby G. arozz ASF3underaorobjc.anoric,andanaerobic conditions.... - 147
IIGURE5.22 Effect of lcmperaiureon lhe wshodt MCRT for enhancedbiologicdl phosphateremovaLin activated
. l u d g e.. .. .. .. ............
fIGURE5.23 L i m i ri n g M C R T v a l u e s fo rn i l ri l i cal i on,E B P R .andnocatdi ofom8rew thoverarangcoften per ar ur es- . . 149
FICURE5.24 Rcsull*of full scaleanac.obicselectorexperiments conducted at SanFrancisco in 1994and 1995 . . . . .. .I50
FICURE5.25 Re*ullsofaU full scaleanaerobic selector ei(perimenh at SanFrancisco from 1987through1995 ...... 15
FICURE5.26 MCRT and tempcraturercgiors for EBPR, nilrillcalion and nocardiofom lrowth in anaerobicselcctor

5.27 variation of alcrage nocardioformcountsand elnuent solubleonhoP concentrationswith MCRT fof full
at S anFranchco.
s c n l ea n a c ro bsi ce l e c l oerx p e ri mcnts C A . .. . . .. ..... ....... . . . . 152
flcuREs.28 Planvicw of aerationbasinswith seleciiv.foamwasting,UtoyCreek,GA.... . . . . .. . . . .... . 153
flcuREs.29 Nocardiotarmfoarn contrcl delice for surfacechlorination !i the 23rd Avenuewastewaierrcdment Planl in

5.30 Effcctof cationicpolymcrAdditionon nocardiotbmconcentadonandaemtionb$in foaD coverage,

T e m i n a l h l a n dPl a n t,L o sA n g e l es. .. .
C A . ..................... .... ... ..... 155
5.31 Effecton oerationbssinfoamcoverage
FIGURE ofdosing I mg/L cationicpolymo at activaleddudgeplanrin

5.32 Conpnrisonof manualconkol (1966)andautomaticcontfol(1997)of MCRT at the SanJoseisanta

...... . . . . . . 156
on the scltlingofactivaledsludgcdominated
ftcuRl s.33 Effecrof unelatedzonesondacrutionba$inconfigufatjon

FICURE 5,34 . .......

A e n ti o n b a s i n a n d s e l e c to .s y stemal l heU OS A ,V A p14n1.......... ...... .. . . 158
HCURE 5,35 Bilccrof selccloroperation on SVI at theUOSA,VA pran . .. . . . . .. .. . 159
FICURE 5,36 N o n h s i dp€l a n ta e ra ti obns s i nw i thaerobisel
c cctor OK pl ant ....
at tbcTul sa, . ..... ..... 16{)
FlcuRt 5.37 Nocardioformfoam otlcct$ on percenttotal solids and ternperatureproliles in an anacrobicdigesi,er.

HCURE asa irrction ofmixing l'tchnique.. . . .

ral. in exp€rimentdan4robicdigesters
5.38 Foan accumulation .... . 16l
Listof Tables
T A B LT1. I CauscsandEffectsol Microbially'Related AcrivaledSludgeSolidsSeparatior
T A B LE1. 2 C o n rp a c ti o i a n d S e ti l i n g l n te r ferenceC ansedbyFi l amentousOrgani sns.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T A B T E2. 1 T o ta E f,i l a n e nLt e n g rh(T E FL)Measurement

l i te n d e d Method............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE2.3 N o c a rd h fo mO rS a n i s Fn i l a me nCounnng
l Techni 9ue.... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l
TAELE2.4 M i c tu s .o p iO
c b s e rv a ti T
o ro
n u b l e shootiGui
ng de.....
....... . .. ....... .........
....... .. . . . . . .14
T A E t t 2. 10
T A E LE2. I 1
T A B LE2. I 2
TABLE2,16 F l o c C h l ra c tc l i z d ti o i /F i l u m c nn)usOfgani sml denti l l .ul i onw (trkshcci ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
TAEIE2.'t7 FlocChlruclcrizatjor/filnm.nt(rs Organismldenlillcalionworksheet(Page2)......... ....... ............... . .. .. .. . .26
TABTE2.I8 SummAryor'TypicalMorphologicnl a d Slnini g Chancteristics
oi I.ilamenbusOrgnnirnsCom m l!

TABLE2.I9 s rl l u s o fA d i v a r€ d Sl rr| g e F i l a m ertousOrgani smTnxoromy....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TABLT2.20 P rc d o mi n aHnitg h eLr i l e f_ o n nO s bscfl cdrtV afi ous
A oti vntcd
S l LrdCOrgnni
c Londi
c ng
Lcvcl s.......... . . . . . . . . . . . 5l
TABLE2,22 S ti rrc d S[rd C e Vo l u m c Iftl c x ri S S C onccD t0ri oD of3.5A /1.(S svl ,{)............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
TABLE2,24 Fo0mir8Tcstib. HiShSolidsSlmplcs(Mixcd l-jquorar Anac()bicDi.scsloQnlcrlt ........ ........... . .. .. ....54
TABLE2.25 Alk!-ScltzcftrFoamingTcsriix Inllucnland EfnucntStlca ......... ..-.-.. . ..-.-.. .54

TABLT3,1 l-ilamentAbuidAnceii U.S.BulkineandFoamineAciiv.tedSlLdecPl.nts .. .. ................ ................ . .. .. .. . an)

TABtt 3,2 Comparisoiof DomntanrFihmenlousOr8.nismsin BDlkirSandFoanrine Adivxi.d Sludecircm
S e !e ra l c o u n rrl e s ................ . . . . . . . 61
3.3 Occurrcncc.ndRaDkofFilanrcntTypcsCausingBulkirrgin Pu\r and Pal)crWaslewaler ActilatedSlldge

TABLT3.4 and Rankoi Filrnent Type!Csusingtsullnrgii PulpandPaperwaslewarer

Occuncnce AclivaredSludge

TAELI3.5 of r,ilaftentous
Compari$r of Causes Bulkingid PDlpaodPaperWaltewaler

3.6 rielationship
oi MCRT andFAI ro SpecincFilamenlous Orguismsin Activ.tedSlL'dec.... 12
3.7 Condnions ii W.s theDomiranlFil.mcntousOrganlsmln L.boratoryScalcAclivated

TAEIE3.8 Associltcdwilh Filament()us

Surm.ry of Conditions organismCrowthin Acti!atcdSlt|dge..........................

TAELE4.2 AnnualUsagcandcost of Rulling ControlChenicalsdLLheA.tivaledsludgePlanrof sroh BrewincCo..

4.3 U s c o fH y d ro e e n Pe ro x i d e fo rFi l anenrousB ul ki ngC onrrol ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TASLE4.5 Compeison of Decay Ratesfor Actil"ted Sludgefton CompletelyMir@dard Ano c Sel@torSystem

TABt[ 4.6 Efiectivene$of Sele€tonin Contro]lin8Filamentous

Organisfrs ..........................................................................
I 18
IABLE 4.7 D€sign,OperatingPa.ameten,and Resulh of SelectorAciiv.led SludSeP.ocessesat th€ t-eopoldsdorfSuSd

rA8[E 4.8 Denitrification R es fof l]p. 021N, C. lruz. Strairs. Z rdiS?a, od an Aciivated SludgeDominated

TABLE4.9 DSs. FSs.andESSConcentrations b€foft andaft.r Clarin€rModiicationsat Greeley, CO ...............................

TABLE4.10 ClarifierT$t Result!ftom the CentralMadn Sanitadon Asencvin Califomia...............................

TAELE5.1 St€adyStateDaiafor G. arnara,Strains,

Typc021N,andZ. rumi8eru.................................................................
TAEIE 5.2 Wash-outMCRI (MCRTUsedlbr Nocardioform OrganisnControl)arActivaredSludgePlanr!....................... 143
TABIE 5.3 A€dvatedSludgePlant,with SurfoceWasringin Opcratjo ........................................
Listof Abbreviations
a OxygentnnsfercocfllcicnlBNR mL Milliliter
APE Alkyl phenolelhoxylate pl, Micrclrter
BNR Biologicalnutrientrcmovai ML Mired iiquof
BoD5 5-daybiochemical oxygcndcmand MLSS Mixedliquor susp€nded solids
'C Degrees Celsius MLVSS Mixed liquor volatilesuspended solids
cBoD Carbonaceous BOD Millimeler
Centimeter mM Millimolar
CoD Chemicaloxygendemrnd MMF Ma{imum monthfiow
CSTR Completely stired tanft reacbr pM Micromotar
DAF Dissolvedair flotatiolr irg Microgram
DO Dissolvedoxygen pm Micron(micrometer)
DSS Dispersed suspended solids Ir,,,". Maximumgrowthrate
DSVI Diluledsludgevolumeindex N Nitrogen
EBPR Enhanced biologicalphosphorus rcmoval Na ometer
ESS Eflluentsuspended rclids NPE Nonyl phenolethoxylak
FC Fil:rmentcounr ORP Oxidadonreduclionpotenlial
FA4 Foodio-microorganism rAlb ortho-P OrlhophosphaF
(FA4)r Inirialcontacizonef,7M P Phosphorus, phosphale
FISH Fluorcscent l,1ri/& hybfidization PAO Polyphosphate accumulatiog organism
FSS Fk)cculated suspended solids PHA Polyalkanoic acid
fl F(nl, fccl PHB Poly-p-hydroxybutyric acid
F-IU li)rmrriDc turbidiryunits PVC R)lyvinylchloride
G Rootmcansquarevelocitygrudi€nt R Rccyclcratio
g Gn'm RAS RclunrActivdlcdsludgc
Spd Gallonspcr day RBC Rotrtingbiologicalconlactor
h Hour rpm Rcvoluliorspcr miuole
hp Hors€powcr s Sccond
HRT Hydraulicrcsidcncctime SBR Scqucncing batchrcaclor
i.d. Irsidc dinmctcr sp..spp. Spccic.\l-ycic\
lcz lnitial contrcrzonc SRT Solidsrcsidcncctimc
ln. lnch SS Suspcndcd solids
kg Kilogram SSVI Spccificsludgcvolumcindex
K" Half saturation cocllicienl SV,o Sclllcdvolumcal 30 min
K,,' Half saturation cocfncicnrlbr DO SVI Conlcntionalsludgcvolumeindex
Kr. Half saturution coclllcicnifbr aceiate SSVIT5 Sludgcvolunc indcxat 3.5 g SS/L
kW Kilowatt Svl" MallorySVI
L Liter TEFL Totalextended filamcntlcnglh
- lb Pound TF/SC Trioklinefihcr/solidscon|acl
m Meier TKN TotalKjeldahlnitrogcn

Cubicmeter TSS Totalsuspendedsolids

M Molar UV Ultra vrolet
MCRT Meancell residence dne VSS Volatilesuspendedsolids
mg Milligram WAS Wasteactiyatedsludee
MG Million gallons w/v Concentationin lveightper volume
MGD Miltion gallonsper day Y Yield
rnin Minute
Tableof Contents

IV SolidsSeparation
in Termsof FlocStructure
............................ ....-.........-.....3

V DifferentialionofMicrobialandProcess-RelatedSoli&SeparationProb1emi.......................................



IIL Rapid,Nonspecific
BulkingControlMethods,. ....................78
a. UpperOccoquanliewageAudroity(LJOSA).vA................................................................
b. No hsideWastet! OK.......................................
So l i d sS e p a ra ti o nP ro b l e ms

Y()u can obserle d loL bl $xtching prcscntsa summaryoflhe causesand eftectslbr the Inost
conrmonlyidentified micfobially relatedsolids separation
Yogi tlawrence Peterl Ber.a, 1925-


Theactivated sludgeprolessalwNysconsists ofiwo liquid
Mosr aclivalcd sluclgcs)lids scprrltion t()blems can be
streamunit pro.esses a biologicrlconversn)n ofpollut (o thc naturcofthe acti,,aledsludgc fio.. A typic,rl
antsjn a biologicalreactu andsolidsseparatntr. Lrsully
aclivrtcd sludgc has r widc rangeofprrticle sizes from
in a gravityclarifier.The functionsof biokrgicllconvcr-
singlc brclcr;n with dime sions in the afproximrle range
ijon and solidslepnratirnrcln hc combincdin r sinslc (8ocs) that can rcach
of0.5 k) 5 $ln upto largeaggregates
unit in batchopernted prolesses
sizesgrente.than I lnm (l0il0 Um).
reactor!(SBR9.The secondrryclariliercanbc rcPlnccd
by a flotalion separ,rto(linrited use) or .r mcmbr{nc Activated shrdgeltocs are made up of biologicil ard
oonbiological components. The biological conrponent
A prinrnrycl4rifreris oftcn in\'olvcdin thc lk)w corsists ofa wide v.riel) ol bncleria.lungi. protozoaand
rcheme.The aerationhasinpro!idcsAncnvironmcn( Ior lome metazDa.The nonbiologicalcomponcn(is m. c up
the removalandnansfofrnarion ol hothsolublcandprr- oi inorginic and organicp.rrticu[rlcs.Thc h.Nisoi lhc l]oc
ticularepolluirntshy a nlixcd.mdvariAblcconso(iumo{' tuppcarsto bc hctcrotfophic brctcrir. Gcncft such rs
micro-nndmacro{rgrnismIcrllcd .tcti!.tlcd$ludgc.Thc Pft udoturklt, Achn kibader, l laroha(t?riLur. Akili-
secondruy clari6eftur s€ttlingphAsc in.rnSBR)p()!idcs X? ?t, Atrhnbattu4 Chtono@s, ,ir(l 7trn\k).d \Di^s atld
a quiescenienvironment thrr rllows thc rctivlrlcdsludgc Bhri, 1964rl'ike, 1972;Tabor,1976)h.r!e beensuglested
solidsrc floccul0teand then scpffnrcliun lhc trcatcd usi[8 chssicol iriolatio[ and colture methods.
wasiewlterby grn!ity sedinr€nhtion. Thcobicclivcol lhis Frr l ) .uf E el ri on(th" l c (rngl ( d,N -thrnl ngcr ganr r m .
b0sinis to prcvide! clarified(low susFndcdsdid (SS), Z'()t!lou tutrigtftt. wis lhc xolc basil ol lhc irclivatcd
low urfbidity)overdowcrlled th€ secondrryclllucntrnd sludgc Uoc htvc bccn discountcd.although/oogk)crs orc
athickened(high SS)underflowcalledlhcrcturnrctivdcd obscrvcd olrcn ir activntcd sludgc (Willi,'rrs and Unr.
sludge(RAS),Fof efficienttreunnenl.holh thc {cr tion lg83) ard rcprcscrl thc \olc sign that lhc so-callcd"rclcc-
b$in andihe secordaryclariier musttunctionsali\laclo- tff oficct" exists (van Nickcrk er nl.. 1987) or lh.rt thc
rily. Factors
afiectingbothbnnogicaloxidalionandsolids organi cIoadi ngi r hi gh. R eoentw ork uti l i ri nS nr oder n
separadon are inrporiantir detcminingovcr,rllproccss molecular biological tools such as gene probes (wagncr
etliciency. er al ., 1994rB ooder nl ., 19951S nai dr
ei al .. 1997)is vr sr ly
The purposeof this nrlrnunlis to dcscribcactivatcd expandnrgrnd ch.nging lhis listbecauseil is now known
.olid' .enrrJIi,'n
tf'hl(nF.* rh<ir(ru**. thai classical microbiological isolition orethodslail to
presenta rationalapproachfrn prohlemdiagnosis.rnd deiecra grert majoriryofrnicroorgrnisnrsin environrnental
discussmeihodsfor preventing thesefroblemsby propcr sanrplcsand bixs lhc typc\ ofmicRnrginisms cnumerated.
designandoperatiororfor solvingthcnrwhcnLhcyoccur. In thc abscnccol chcmicrl rddition. rctilatcd sludge
The rs rllunrredhhctull)wll (J\e hi{ r'i... SS devclopedon municip.rlwastcwntcrcont.rinfr(nn 60 to
90% volatile matter Besides micfoorg.rnisns, activated
sludgeflocs containorganioand inoBanio pafticles.6bers
lionl the irconing wastewater.and exocellular "poly-
Thereareseveraltypesof aciivatedsludgesolidssep.ra mers that play a role in biol'tocculation (Unz and Faffah.
lion problems.TheseproblenNare typioally namedin 1976r Tago and Aiba. 1977i Brown and L€sler, 1980t
rermsof theellbcis rhattheycausein thetrcatmentprocess N ol ak rnd H rugan.1981;B runsetal .,l 992;U rb aineral. ,
andbecaxse of lhis, thet definiiionsarenot alwaysprc 1993i Jorand ct a1.. 1995i Higgins .tnd Novak. 1997c1.
cise.Thephysicatandnicrobiologicalcauses for eachof These bn)polymers.ue conrposedmostly of petcins .rnd
theseproblemshavebeenfairly \ ell defined.Tablel.l
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

Causesand Effectsof Microbially-Related
Problem Cause of Problem Effect of Problem

Dispersed growth Microorganisms aredispersed,forming only small clumps Turbid effluent; no zone settling of activated sludge
or single cells

Slime,viscous or zoogleal Microorganisms uuepresentin large amountsof exocellular Reduced settling and compaction rates; virtually no solids
bulking; nonfilamentous material; in severecases,exocellular material imparts a separationin severecases,resulting in overflow of sludge
bulking slimy orjelly-like consistencyto activated sludge blanket from secondaryclarifier; viscous foam may appear
in poor sludge dewatering

Pin floc Small, compact, weak, roughly spherical flocs are formed; Low sludge volume index (SVI) and turbid, often high SS
larger flocs settle rapidly; smaller flocs settle slowly effluent

Filamentous bulking Large amounts of filamentous microorganisms present High SVI with very clear supernatant;low RAS and WAS
bridge between the flocs or create diffuse flocs, solids concentrations; in severecases,the sludge blanket
interfering with compaction, settling, and thickening overflows the secondary clarifier; solids handling
processesbecome hydraulically overloaded

Blanket rising Denitrification in the secondary clarifier releasespoorly A scum of activated sludge forms on surface of the
soluble N2 gas which attachesto activated sludge flocs secondary clarifier and on aeration basin anoxic zones
and floats them to the secondary clarifier surface

Foam/scum formation Caused by (i) undegraded surfactants and by Foams (scums) can float large amounts of SS to surfaces
(ii) nocardioforms, M. pamicella, or type 1863 of treatment units; nocardioforms andM. panicellafoams
are persistent and difficult to break mechanically; foams
accumulate and can putrefy; secondaryeffluent SS can be
elevated; foams can overflow tank freeboards

The basis of activatedsludge floc formation lies in the

abilities of microorganisms to stick to each other and to
nonbiological particles.Microbial adhesionmechanisms
have been studied widely but still are not fully understood.
It appears that exocellular biopolymers form bridges
between microorganisms; these biopolymers typically
contribute 15 to 2O7oby weight of the MLSS. (Urbain et
al., 1993). At the approximately neutral pH values typical
of activated sludge, these polymers carry net negative
charges. It is thought that divalent cations such as Ca2+
,, and Mg2+ interact with the negatively charged polymers
to form bridges that allow the cells to adhereto each other
(Figure 1.1).
When built up by biopolymer bridging of relatively
spherical microorganisms, the flocs themselves will be
roughly spherical in shape (Figure l.2a). To form the
@C Polysaccharide
irregularly-shaped flocs often seen in activated sludge,
Y Protein other ingredients - filamentous organisms - are
!! Divalent metal
required. They provide networks or "backbones" for the
flocs. The networks direct floc growth into shapesother
FIGURE 1.1 Proposed roles of polysaccharidesand proteins than spherical (Figure 1.2b) and allow the flocs to grow
(biopolymers) and divalent cations in bioflocculation. Filamen- larger (Sezgin, l9'/1; Sezgin et al., 1978). Becausefloc
tous organisms are shown also. They bond to the floc-forming strengthdependson the integrity of the biopolymer bridg-
organisms with biopolymers and provide floc "backbones." ing, it is possible for strong and weak flocs to exist both
(From Higgins, M.J. and Novak, J.T. (1977c), Characterization
with and without filamentous organisms in them.
ofexocellular protein and its role in bioflocculation, J. Environ.
Eng., 723, 4979. With permission.)
Parker (1911) showed how filamentous organisms
could preservethe integrity of activatedsludge flocs under
S olidsS epar ati o n
Pro b l e m s

FIGU RE 1 .2 Phasecontrastmicroscopicappearances of strong activatedsludgeflocs: (a) sphericalflocs containingno filamentous

organisms;(b) inegularly shapedfloc containing filamentousorganisms.(Original magnification 100x.)

FICURE 1.3 ElTectof shearrate on 1400-pm activatedsludgeflocs: (a) G = 10.5 sr; (b) G = 79 s-r. (From Parker,D.S. (1970),
of Flocs in TurbulentRegimes,Ph.D. dissertation,Universityof California,Berkeley.With permission.)

conditions of increasingshear.Figure L3 shows that as polymer bridging and filamentousorganismnetworkideas

the mean velocity gradient (related to degree of turbu- discussedabove.
lence) is increased,the floc-forming bacteria can be
strippedaway from their filamentousorganismbackbones. A. DrsprnsroGnowrH
Supportfor the effect of filamentousorganismson the
structureand shapeof activatedsludgeflocs was provided Dispersedgrowth is causedby the absenceor disruption
by Lau et al. (1984a)who grew a floc-forming bacterium of exopolymer bridging so that microorganismsdo not
isolated from activatedsludge (Citromonas sp.) in dual stick to each other (Figure 1.5). There are many (and
axenic culture with a filamentousstrain of Sphaerotilus poorly understood)causesfor dispersedgrowth, including
natans, also isolatedfrom activatedsludge.When either selectionof nonflocculatingbacteria(single cells and/or
organism was grown singly in chemostat culture, the filaments) at high growth rates (Bisogni and Lawrence,
aggregatesformed were compact and roughly spherical 1971;Parker,1983;Choa and Keinath,1979),high con-
(Figure 1.4a).When grown togetherin approximatelybal- centrationsof monovalentcations (e.g., K* and Na*) rel-
ancedgrowth,irregularlyshapedflocsreminiscentof those ative to the concentrationsof divalent cations (e.9., Ca2*
observedin activatedsludgewere formed (Figure l.4b). A and Mg2*) (Higgins and Novak, 1997b1'Murthy and
filamentous microorganismnetwork can be seen inside Novak, 1998; Novak et al., 1998; Murthy et al., 1998);
theseirregularly-shapedfl ocs. and deflocculation by poorly biodegradable surfactants
and toxic materials (Bott and Love,2002).

PROBLEMS B. Vrscous BulrrNc
Viscous bulking (Hale and Garver, 1983) or zoogloeal
The activatedsludge solids separationproblems described bulking (Eikelboom and van Buijsen, l98l; Eikelboom,
in Thble L I can be interpreted in terms of the exocellular 2000) is causedbv excessiveamountsof exocellularmaterial
Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

FIGURE 1.4 Phasecontrastmicrographsof effects of filamentousorganismson floc structure:(a) aggregatesin a pure culture of
an activated sludge floc former; (b) aggregatesin a dual culture of a single floc former and a single filamentous organism. (Original
magnification 100x.) (From Water EnvironmentFederation.With permission.)

ence of excessiveamount of exocellular material can be

confirmedby analyzingthe activatedsludgefor polysaccha-
ride and protein(SeeThble2.12 andThble2. I 3).
Activated sludge treating domestic wastewatertypi-
cally containsapproximately 15 to 2O% carbohydratein
its VSS. Activatedsludgessufferingfrom viscousbulking
can have carbohydratelevels of up to 90Voof the VSS.
Jobbagyet al. (2001) showedthat in a nutrient-deficient
activated sludge that did not contain any filamentous
organisms,the SVI increasedwith increasingexocellular
polysaccharide content.(Figure 1.7).

C. PrN Floc
FIGURE1.5 Phasecontrastmicroscopic of dis-
100x.) When only floc-forming bacteria are present,activated
sludgeflocsareusuallysmall(up to about7-5pm), spherical
and compact(Figure l.8a and Figure l.8b). When biof-
that may or may not be associatedwith zoogloealgrowths. locculation is not well developed,these flocs can be
Dispersedand flocculent microbial cells are surrounded shearedin the turbulentenvironmentof an aerationbasin
by large amountsof water-retentive,exocellularbiopoly- (especiallyif it is aeratedmechanicallyor with coarsebub-
mers. Since this condition may producea viscous,poorly ble diffusers)and by the turbulenceinducedby pumping.
settlingand poorly compactingactivatedsludge,it is pos- by structuressuch as free-fall weirs, and tortuouspiping.
sible that it constitutesone of the conditions previously The formation is called pin floc.
referredto as nonfilamentousbulking (Pipes, 1979). As indicatedin Table l.l, this type of activatedsludge
This condition can be visualized microscopicallyby settlesrapidly but can produce a turbid supernatant.The
reversestainingwith India ink (SeeTable2.9).Figure 1.6a larger, more compact flocs settle rapidly; the smaller
shows an unstainedwet mount of an extremely viscous aggregatesthat may have been sheared off from larger
activatedsludgeviewed at a magnificationof 100x using flocs settle slowly and createthe turbid supernatant.
phasecontrastillumination. Notice that the flocs seemto
contain massesof dispersed cells that have smooth Bulrcuc
D. FrmrrarNrous
rounded margins.
When a drop of India ink is addedto a wet mount of a Filamentousbulking is causedby an overabundanceof
normal activatedsludge floc, the carbon black particles in filamentousorganisms.The organismsinterfere with the
the ink penetratedeeplyinto the floc, largely obscuringmost settling and compaction of the activatedsludge by pro-
of its internal structure(Figure l.6b). When large amounts ducing a diffuse (or stretched-out) floc structure or by
ofexocellular materialarepresent,the carbonblack particles growing in profusionbeyondthe confinesofthe flocs into
do not peneffatethe floc (Figure 1.6c and Figure 1.6d). In the bulk solution and bridging betweenthem. Figure 1.9a
Figure 1.6d, individual rod-shapedbacteria surroundedby and Figure 1.9b illustrate a bridged floc. Figure l.9c and
large amountsof exocellularmaterialcan be seen.The pres- Fisure 1.9d show a stretched-out.diffuse floc.

FIGURE1.6 Phasecontrastmicrographsof reversestainingof activatediludge: (a) viscousflocs in an unstainedpreparation;(b)

normalflocs stainedwith India ink; (c) and (d) viscousflocs stainedwith India ink. (Originalmagnification100x,(a), (b), and (c);

900 organisms observed in activated sludge is shown in

Table 1.2. Note that some filamentous organisms can
causeboth types of interference.When a filamentousbulk-
700 ing activated sludge settles, it produces a very clear, low
600 turbidity supernatant because the filamentous organism
network filters out the small particles (dispersedbacteria)
IJ 500 that can cause turbidity.
: 4oo
@ ooo E. Fonm/Scum
200 Filamentous organism-relatedfoaming problems in acti-
100 vated sludge are associatedlargely with the presenceof
nocardioforms and M. parvicella and, to a far lesser
degree,with type 1863. Other foams (scums)causedby
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 microorganisms in activated sludge arise from nutrient
deficiency and denitrifi cation.
% of biomass Nocardiofoms and M. parvicella possesspoorly wet-
table (hydrophobic) cell surfaces. When these micro-
FIGURE1.7 Etrect of exocellularpolysaccharide contenton organismsgrow in sufficient numbers in activated sludge,
the SVI of activatedsludge.(From Jobbagy,A. et al. (2002),
they render the flocs hydrophobic and amenableto attach-
WaterSci.Technol.,46:l-2,185.With permission.)
ment to air bubbles. The air bubble-floc aggregateis less
densethan water and therefore floats to the surfacewhere
The types of compaction and settling interferences it accumulatesand drains to form a thick, chocolate-brown
depend on the causativefilamentous organisms.The type colored float or scum. A similarlooking float can be pro-
of settling interference caused by various filamentous duced by denitrification in a secondary clarifier. The
Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE 1.8 Phasecontrastmicrographsof pin flocs. (Original magnification 100x, (a); 1000x, (b).)

FIGURE 1.9 Phasecontrast micrographs of effects of fllamentous organisms on floc morphology and settleability: (a) and (b) inter-
floc bridging; (c) and (d) diffuse floc structure. (Original magnification 100x')

nitrate produced by nitrification in the aeration basin sludge also has a significant filamentous organism content
servesas an oxygen sourcefor facultative microorganisms becausethe filaments also help to trap the Nr gas bubbles'
in the sludge blanket at the bottom of the secondaryclar- Denitrification scum and nocardioform- or M. panicella'
ifier. The nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas (Nr) which, derived scum can be differentiated. NocardiofotmlM. par-
once it has saturatedthe solution, is releasedas small gas vicella scum is associatedwith:
bubbles. The N, gas bubbles are extremely efficient at
floating the activated sludge solids becausethey are very . Large, strong bubbles on the aeration basin
small, are produced inside the flocs, and therefore firmly . Higher levels of filamentous organisms in the
attach to them. The gas-solid aggregateis lighter than scum compared to the mixed liquor
water, rises to the surface,and can createa floating sludge . A greasy-looking surfacefilm that forms during
problem. This can be exacerbatedwhen the denitrifying a settlins test

Nutrient deficiency can be accompaniedby a sticky,

TABTE1.2 high SS scum likely causedby exocellular polymers pro-
Compactionand SettlingInterferenceCaused duced by activatedsludgebacteria under nutrient deficient
by FilamentousOrganisms conditions. This type of foam (scum) dewaters poorly
compared to the types discussedearlier.
FilamentousOrganism Bridging Open Floc Structure

Hali scomenobacter hydrossi s Yes Yes

Microthrixparvicella No Yes
NostocoidalimicolaI andII No Yes AND PROCESS.RELATEDSOTIDS
Nostocoidalimicola lll Yes No SEPARATION
Sphaerotilusnatans Yes No
ThiothrixI andIl Yes No One of the most common results of the microbially-related
Type021N Yes No activated sludge solids separation problems outlined in
Type0041 Yes Yes Table 1.1 is that secondaryeffluent SS concentrations
I}pe 0092 No Yes increase.Dispersedgrowth, deflocculation of flocs by sur-
Tlpe 0581 No Yes
factants or toxicants, viscous and filamentous bulking,
'Ilpe 0675 No Yes
denitrification and nocardioform or M. parvicella foaming
Type0803 Yes No
can all produce elevated secondaryeffluent SS levels. In
Type0914 Yes Yes
'Ilpe 0961 Yes No
addition to these causes,process- and equipment-related
Tlpe 1701 Yes Yes
factors also can contribute to increases in effluent TSS
Type1851 Yes Yes concentrations.Theseinclude:

Hydraulic short circulating in secondaryclari-

Denitrification scum is associatedwith: fiers that can decreaseclarifier HRT and scour
particles of activated sludge from the settled
. Small gas bubbles in the secondaryclarifier sludge blanket
. No difference in filamentous organism abun- Turbulent conditions induced by aeration
dance between scum and mixed liquor devices,weirs, drop structures,tortuous piping,
. Separation of settled sludge into floating and high velocities and mixed liquor pumping that
settled layers during or after a settling test. shear activated sludge flocs

Type 1863 foam is white-grey and collapseseasily. It Wahlberg et al. (2001) devisedtesting proceduresthat
appearsin aerationbasinsand in secondaryeffluents when allow one to differentiate between microbial and process-
a plant is operatedat mean cell residencetimes (MCRT) related causesfor increasedeffluent SS levels (see Table
of approximately 2 d or less. Tlrpe 1863 organisms are 2.26, Table 2.27, and Table 2.28). The use of these pro-
presentin foam at much higher levels than in mixed liquor. ceduresfor problem diagnosis is presentedin Chapter 3.
You know my methods,Watson. extending from flocs. This method employs an eyepiece
containinga graticulewith a hairlinedrawn on it. A known
Sir Arthur ConanDoyle,1859-1930,TheCrookedMan volume of sample is placed on a slide and coveredwith
a cover slip. The entire width of the cover slip is observed
in a seriesof consecutivefields and the number of times
that fllaments intersect the hairline in each fleld (the "fi1-
This chapterpresentsthe specializedmethodsrequired for ament count") is observedand totaled for the entire width
the diagnosisand resolution of activatedsludge solids sep- of the slide. The method is detailed inTable 2.2.
aration problems. Microscopic evaluation of activated
sludge characteristics,filamentous organism levels, and 3. Nocardioform Filament Organism Counting
floc and filamentous organism types are discussedin great
detail. Chemical analytical methods for carbohydrateand The rapid assessmentof nocardioform organism popula-
protein are presented,together with a method for differen- tions in activated sludge can be made by a nocardioform
tiating betweenbound and dissolvedbiopolymers.Lastly, filamentcountingtechniquedevelopedby Vega-Rodriguez
(1983)and Pitt and Jenkins(1990).SeeTable2.3. Other
physical techniquesfor determining settling and foaming
methods for determining nocardioform levels in activated
characteristicsof activatedsludgeand field testing meth-
sludge are either laborious and insensitive(e.g., plating
ods for differentiating between the effects of microbial
and process-relatedfactors on activated sludge solids sep- on selectivemedia and counting colonies; Wheeler and
Rule, 1980) or inappropriate(e.g., foaming tests influ-
aration are discussed.For more "routine" methods, the
readeris referred to standardtexts such as StandardMeth- encedby physical or chemical factors,equipmentdesign
and operation,and nocardioformorganismlevels).
odsfor the Examination of Water and Wastewater(1998).
Pitt and Jenkins'techniqueconsistsof microscopically
countingthe numberof branchedGram-positivefilaments
II. MICROSCOPIC of length 2l pm in a Gram-stained,diluted, mixed liquor
sample.Filament numbers are assessedby counting the
This section contains two parts. The first is devoted to
number of intersectionsthey make with three equally-
filament counting methods;the seconddescribesmethods
spacedlines drawn acrossthe microscopeslide holding
for the microscopic examination of activated sludge for
the Gram-stainedpreparation(Figure 2.1). Nocardioform
floc and filamentousorganismcharacterization.
counts are expressedas the number of intersectionsper
gram of VSS. The method is detailedin Table 2.3.
A. Frmiurrur
CourunncMrrnoos A similar techniquewas usedby Mamais et al. (1998)
This sectionpresentstwo filament counting methodsfor to count M. parvicella in activated sludge. The method is
filamentousorganismsthat causebulking and a method identicalto that usedfor nocardioformswith the exception
for counting nocardiofbrms in activated sludge. of Step l0(c) in which all intersectionsof Gram-positive
nonbranchedfilaments)3 um in lensth and <1.5 um in
1. Total Extended Filament Length width are counted.

This methodis detailedin Table2.1. As the nameimplies, B. Floc nruo FtLrutrurous Mtcnoonclutsitr
the method determines the total length of filamentous Cnnnncrrnrznrron
organismsextendingbeyondthe confinesofthe flocs into
the bulk solution. The analysis is performed on a wet 1. Introduction
mount.The methodwas developedby Sezginet al. (1978).
Microscopic examination of activated sludge is useful for
2. Filament Count determining the physical nature of the activated sludge
floc and the types and abundanceof filamentous organ-
This is a simplified method developed by the laboratory isms. It generally yields information related to activated
staff of the San Jose/SantaClara Water Pollution Control sludge behavior in solids separationprocessesbecausethe
Plant in California to estimate the quantity of filaments physical propertiesof the activatedsludge revealedduring
10 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

Total ExtendedFilamentLength(TEFL)MeasurementMethod
1. Transfer 2 rnL of a well mixed activated sludge sample of known TSS concentration using a wide-mouth pipette (0.8 mm diameter tip) to
I L of distilled water in a 1.5-L beaker and stir at 95 rpm on a jar test apparatus (G = 85 s-') for 1 min.
2. Using the same pipette, transfer 1.0 mL diluted sample to a microscopic counting chamber calibrated to contain 1.0 mL and cover with a
glass cover slip.
3. Using a binocular microscope at l00x magnilication with an ocular micrometer scale, count the number of filaments present in the whole
chamber, or a known portion of it, and place these in the following size classifications: 0 to l0 pm, 10 to 25 1tm,25 to 50 pm, 50 to 100 pm,
100 to 200 pm, 200 to 400 pm, 400 to 800 pm, and greater than 800 pm. Measure filaments of greater than 800 pm in length individually.
4. Express results as total micrometers of filament length (TEFL) per gram or milliliter of MLSS:

Total extended filament length (pm) in the 1.0 mL diluted sample x dilution factor
TEFL, pm/g MLSS =
MLSS concentration, g/L

TEFL, prm/ml- MLSS = Total extended filament length (pm) in the 1.0 mL diluted sample x dilution factor

Source:From Sezgin,M. et al. (1978), J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 50,362. With permission.

L Transfer 50 pL mixed liquor sample to a glass microscope slide.
2. Cover completely with a 22 x 30 mm glass cover slip.
3. Using l00x total magnification and starting at the edge of the cover slip, observe consecutive fields across the entire 30-mm length of the
cover slip.
4. Using an eyepiece ruled with a single hairline, count the number of times that any filamentous organism intersectswith the hairline for each
5. Sum the number of intersections for the entire length of the cover slip. This is the filament count (FC). To express the FC as unit filament
count, perform the following calculation:

FC x numberof fields in width of slide

Unit filament count, number/prl -

Source: From Beebe, R.D. et al. (1982), paper presented at 53rd Annual Conference of Water Pollution Control Federation, St. Louis, MO. With

microscopic examination determine its settling and com- ary clarifier. Take mixed liquor samples from below the
paction characteristics. surface to exclude any foam or other floating material. If
Only a limited amount of information can be obtained foam or scum is present,take a separatesampleof the foam
on biological or biochemical activity from a microscopic or sum from one of the following points: (l) the surface
examination. It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine of the effluent end of the aerationbasin, (2) the surfaceof
whether an activatedsludge is healthy or unhealthy,active the mixed liquor channel,or (3) the surfaceof the second-
or inactive, young or old. For rational diagnosis and rec- ary clarifier. Exclude subsurfaceliquid from foam or scum
tification of activated sludge solids separationproblems, samples.Although foam and scum can be thick, viscous,
microscopic examination and filamentous organism char- and diffrcult to transfer to sample bottles, do not dilute
acterization are necessaryand invaluable. them becauseone observationthat may be important is the
This section presents an outline of the microscopic relative abundanceof filamentous organisms in the foam
examination procedure, the type of information that can or scum compared to the underlying mixed liquor.
be obtained from each phase of this examination, the^ Some activated sludge process modifications such as
details of techniques used, and the characteization of s*p feed and contact stabilization involve more than one
filamentous organism types' aeration basin. In such systems,the activatedsludge in all
basinsusually has similar floc and filamentousorganism
2, sampling points
characteristicsso it is not necessaryto sample all of the
Take mixed liquor samplesat points of good mixing either basins - the effluent end of the main aeration basin will
from the effluent end of an aerationbasin or from the mixed suffice. Some systems have aeration basins in which the
liquor channel between the aerationbasin and the second- conditions are different. For example, for plants with
Methods 11

1. Blend 400 mL of mixed liquor (or diluted mixed liquor) of known VSS concentration for 2 to 3 min at low power in a blender.
2. Prepare 5 to 10 scrupulously cleaned and degreasedfrosted microscope slides by marking the edges with a glass scribe at three equally
spaced points along their lengths.
3. On each slide place 80 pL of blended mixed liquor using a micropipette and spreadit evenly over the entire nonfrosted area of the slide.
4. Air dry the slides on a perfectly level surface.
5. Microscopically examine the slides at 100x magnification using phase contrast to check for even solids distribution over the slide.
Discard slides showing uneven distributions such as clumping, bare spots, or accumulation of solids along the edges.
6. If fewer than five slides remain, repeat Steps I through 5 to obtain five satisfactory slides.
7. Gram stain using the Hiicker modification (Table 2.6).
8. Count five slides at 1000x using oil immersion and direct illumination.
9. Use a microscope eyepiece graticule ruled with a hairline.
10. (a) Locate a scribe mark on the edge of the slide.
(b) Line up the eyepiece hairline with the scribe mark.
(c) Count any intersection with the eyepiece hairline of Gram-positive branched filaments > 1pm in length.
(d) Move across the slide to the opposite edge, counting a1l intersections of Gram-positive filaments >l pm in length with the hairline.
(e) Repeat steps 10(a) through 10(d) at the two other scribe marks on the slide.
(f) Average the number obtained for these three counts and express the results as number of intersections/g VSS.
(g) Repeat steps 10(a) through 10(f) for four more slides.
11. Averagethe resultsof 10(0 and 10(g).
12. The calculationis:

Averagenumber of intersectionsx 10" (pL/L)

Nocardiform organism count (number of intersections/g VS S) =
80 pL MLVSS(s/L)

" See Figure 2. I .

Souce: From Pitt, PA. and Jenkins,D. (1990), Res.J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 62, 143. With permission

sequences ofanaerobicand aerobiczones,somefloc char- sludgeoccurs; during RAS chlorination for bulking con-
acteristics(e.g.,the presenceof Neisser-positivestaining trol; and during periods of experimentaloperation).Use
cell clumps) may be different in the two zones. a frequency of about once every MCRT for routine char-
Where an activated sludge plant consists of separate acterization. Use sampling frequencies of weekly to
parallel systems,floc characteristicsand filamentousorgan- monthly or seasonallyfor off-site examination(e.g.,by a
ism abundancesand types may differ betweenthe systems, contractlaboratory).Match the sampling frequencywith
especially if the return activatedsludge (RAS) streamsdo the severityof problemsencountered, the needto establish
not mix completely. In this situation, take samples from an operating history, and the budget available.
each system.For two-stageactivatedsludge systems(e.9.,
4. Sample Transport and Storage
a carbonaceousfirst-stagefollowed by a nitrification sec-
ond-stage),take a separatesample from the aerationbasin Examine samplesas soon as possible.When examination
of each stage.Some activatedsludge systemstreat waste- is on-site,a delay of severalhours is inconsequential;for
water that has been pretreatedin anothertype of biological more lengthy intervals, store samples at 4"C. Transport
treatmentsystem,e.9., a lagoon,biofilter, or anaerobicpro- samplesfor off-site analysisin small plastic (no glass!)
cess.The pretreatmentunit may seedthe activatedsludge containers. Do not fill the containers more than half full
with filamentous organisms. To determine the extent of to prevent samplesfrom becoming septic.A 5-mL dispos-
seedingtake a sample of the wastewaterentering the acti- able plastic transfer pipette is a suitable and economical
vatedsludgesystemand a mixed liquor sample.Also sample container. Fill the pipette bulb less than half full and heat
any side streamsenteringthe aerationbasin (e.g.,anaerobic sealits tip. Do not freezeor chemically preservethe sample
digestersupematant,aerobicdigesterdecant,centrate,etc.) becausethese procedurescan alter both floc and filamen-
to determinewhether they are sourcesof filaments or other tous organismcharacteristics.
materials. Sample examination and data interpretation become
increasingly diffrcult as the time between sampling and
3. Sampling Frequency examination increases.Samplesfrom low organic loading
(F/IvI) (high MCRT) plants maintain their characteristics
Sampling and microscopic examination frequency will be longer than samples from plants with high F/M (low
dictated by the circumstances.Use daily examination for MCRT). Analyze high MCRT sampleswithin 7 to 10 days
on-siteanalysisduring critical periods(e.g.,when bulking of sampling;analyzelow MCRT sampleswithin 3 to 4 days.
12 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

( "tmeasurement


oitute (ifneeded) and blend
Mixed liquor \ /
- tf
Spread80 pL evenly
on microscopeslide

rF tt'l Gramstain
Number of intersections= 4
Microscope /

FIGURE 2.1 Schematicoutline of nocardioformorganismcounting method.(From Pitt, P.A. and Jenkins,D. (1990), Res.J. Water
Pollut Control Fed.,62, 143. With permission.)

With the availability of expressmail and overnight delivery Filamentous microorganism staining reactions can
seryices,thesetransporttimes should be easily achievable. change during prolonged sample storage.If long periods
Avoid the following cornmon mistakes when sending are anticipated between sampling and examination, pre-
samples for analysis: pare two air-dried smearson microscope slides at the time
of sampling and send them with the samples. This will
1. Container is not properly sealed.Air transpor-
preserve the original Gram and Neisser staining charac-
tation involves pressurechangesthat encourage
teristics. Mark the slides with sample identification, date,
sample leakage. It is very difficult to analyzea
and a G or N (to indicate Gram or Neisser stain) on the
half-dry sample that must be scrapedfrom the
same side of the slide where the smear was made. Follow
inside of an envelope (delivery services do not
the same procedure when samples cannot be analyzed
appreciateleaking samples either!).
immediately upon receipt.
2. Sample container is completely full. Besides
encouraging leakage caused by pressure
changes,septicity that influencessome filamen- 5. Microscope
tous organismand floc characteristicscan occur.
3. Sample size is too large. When our laboratory Use a research-grade,phasecontrast microscope with lOx
receives a completely-filled 5-gal container and 100x (oil immersion) phase contrast objectives that
dripping with septic activated sludge, we won- yield magnifications of approximately 100x and 1000x,
der whether the sender wants an activated respectively.Phasecontrast objectives yielding 200x and
sludge microscopic analysis or thinks he dis- 400x magnification are useful but not essential.Use phase
covered a new (though not very cost effective) contrast becausebiological materials have very low con-
method of sludge disposal. trast when viewed with direct illumination. Phasecontrast
4. Samplesare sent in ice chestswith ice or cool- illumination reveals much more detail in such low contrast
ing agents.This is an unnecessaryexpense. materials.
M et hods 13

use a color slide fllm such as Kodak KR-64 for

daylight-balancedlight sources and Kodak
KPA for tungsten-balanced light sources
. Digital camera from which images can be
printed out or read directly into an electronic

Use the trouble-shootingguide (Table2.4)and list of "do's

and don'ts" (Table 2.5) to minimize and diagnoseprob-
lems with microscopes.

7. Staining Procedures

The Gram stain (Table 2.6) and Neisserstain (Table 2.7)

are usedroutinely in floc and filamentousorganismchar-
acterization.Additional procedureswith more specialized
uses include a test for sulfide oxidation to intracellular
sulfur granules (S test, Table 2.8); an India ink reverse
stain (Table 2.9) to detect large amounts of exocellular
polymeric materials (slime) in the floc and on {ilament
t_ surfaces;a stainingprocedureto detectintracellularstor-
age products such as poly-p-hydroxyalkanoates(PHAs,
Table 2.10); and a sheathstain using an 0.17oaqueous
Crystal Violet solution (Table 2.1l). These tables also
includea descriptionof the Anthronetestfor determining
the carbohydratecontentof activatedsludge(Table2. I 2)
FIGURE2.2 Moderntrinocularphasecontrastmicroscope
and the Lowry methodfor determiningits proteincontent
cquipped with digitalcamera. (Courtesy of OlympusAmerica
(Tabl e2. l 3).
Methodsfor measuringthe free (detachable) and cell-
A mechanical stage is essential fbr controlled scan- bound exocellular polymer in the activatedsludge arealso
ning.Usea microscope lvith a binocular head (or trinocular included (Table 2.14). These testscan be used to provide
headif photography is desired)and a built-in light source. additional confirmation of the presence and the natureof
Insertan ocularscale into one of the eyepieces and cali- large amounts of exocellular polymer observed micro-
brate it at each magnifrcationwith a stage micrometer. scopi cal l yby l ndi a i nk reversestai ni ng.
Microscopes with the features described above cunently
costabout$5000USD or more.An exampleof an excellent B. Sample Preparation
microscopefbr activatedsludgeexaminationis the Olym-
pus Model BX 4l (Figure2.2). Upon samplereceiptor within severalhours befbreexam-
Since many observationsrequiredapproachthe reso- ination, spreadI drop (approximately0.05 mL) of well
lution limits of a light microscopeand becausemany mixed sample evenly over approximately50% of the area
featuresare difficult to detect,maintainthe microscopein of each of two 25-mm x 75-mm microscopeslides.Use
excellentcondition.Regularlyadjustthephaseringsusing slides with frosted ends.Do not heatfix the slides.Allow
a centcringtclescope;keep the objectivesclean; and pro- them to air-dry at room temperature.Mark the slideswith
vide a dust-freeenvironment.Use professionalservicing a sample identification code and a G or N (to indicate
about every 5 years. Gram or Neisser) on the side on which the sample was
placed.Performthe Gram and Neisserstainingprocedures
6, Cameras outlined in Table 2.6 andTable 2.1.
Withdraw one drop (approximately0.05 mL) of well
A microscopewith a trinocr.rlar headis requiredfor micro- mixed samplewith a clean,disposablePasteurpipetteand
photography.Cameratypesinclude (in orderof increasing place on a 25-mm x 75-mm microscope slide. Place a
cost, satisfaction,and convenience): 22-mmx22-mm (No. l) glasscover slip on the drop and
pressdown gently on the cover slip with a blunt object.
. Polaroid instant film camera Remove the liquid expelled from the sides of the cover
. 35-mm camerawith a built-in light meter and slip with a tissue.Alternatively,placethe preparedsample
replaceable,fine ground-glassfocusing screenl on a paper towel. Fold the paper towel over the slide. Turn
14 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Problem Possible Solutions

Image is blurred at l00x magnification. Focus condenser.

Center condenser.
Check phase rings with centering telescope.
Oil on 10x objective: unscrew objective and look through it in bright
light. If oily, clean with liquid lens cleaner and lens tissue.
Oil on condenserlens: remove and clean with liquid lens cleaner and
lens tissue.
Image of phase rings is visible in field of view at 100x. Oil on objective or condenserlens. Clean as detailed above.
Microscope can focus at 100x but not at 1000x. Slide is upside down (cover slip on bottom). Make a new slide. Clean
oil off stage and condenser lens.
Cover slip is too thick. Use a No.l thickness cover slip.
Microscope can focus with 10x objective. When 100x objective is More than one cover slip on slide.
rotated in, it touches the slide immediately or touches the slide before
the user can focus.
User cannot seemuch detail at l00x magnification; slide looks "washed Phase condenseron direct illumination. Change to correct phase
out." contfast setting.
Phase contrast image shows dark background and bright objects. Phase condenser is on wrong setting. Correct setting.
Colors are distorted on stainedpreparations(assumingslides are stained Phase condenseris on phase contrast setting. Change to direct
properly). illumination.
User cannot see anything. Tum on light and/or increase light intensity.
Bulb is bumed out. Check bulb housing. Replace bulb. Hold it with a
paper towel. Never touch a bulb with your fingers (if you do, you will
see fi ngerprints forever).

MicroscopicObservationDo's and Don'ts
Use a minimum of immersion oil with l00x objective only.
Clean objectives only with lens tissue.
Do not get oil on the 10x objective, condenser,or stage.
Do not pull slide off the stage before you wind down the stage and/or rotate out the objective
Do not rub your eyes before washing hands.
Prepare a thin wet mount by pressing down gently on wet mount with a paper towel.
Remember that microscopic examination can be highly subjective.
Do not make up your mind about what you will see before you look at a sample.
Do not solicit prior information about what someone else thinks is in the sample.

the slide and towel over once so that the cover slip now cracking of the cover slip is an indication that the sample
faces downward, with a paper towel layer over and under contains fairly large solid (nonbiological) particles, for
it. Pressdown on the paper towel layer covering the back example, activated carbon, sand grains, resin beads, and
of the slide. This expels excess liquid and blot dries the pieces of ceramic.
expelled liquid in a single operation, as well as producing
a thin preparation.Avoid using thick preparationsbecause
long filamentsat high power can passin and out of focus 9. Floc Characteristics and Overall
along their length. In addition to the annoyance,the focus Filament Abundance
change is very hard on the eyes.
When processing down a slide, physical resistance, Examine the wet mount under phasecontrast illumination
the inability to produce a thin preparation, uneven expul- at 100x (using the lOx objective) magnification for the
sion of liquid around the perimeter of the cover slip, or following characteristics:
Methods 15

Gram Stain,Modified Hiicker Method
Reagents Prepare fresh every 3 to 6 months.
Solution I Prepare Solutions A and B separately,then combine them.
Solution A = 2 E Crystal Violet + 20 mL ethanol 95Vo.
Solution B = 0.8 g ammonium oxalate + 80 mL distilled water.
Solution 2 | g iodine + 2 g potassiumiodide + 300 mLdistilledwater.
Decolorizingsolution Ethanol95Vo.
Solution 3 l0 mL Safranin O (2.5Vowlv in 95Voethanol) + 100 mL distilled water

1. Prepare thin smears on microscope slides and thoroughly air dry. Do not heat fix.
2. Stain I min with Solution 1; rinse I s with water.
3. Stain 1 min with Solution 2; rinse well with water.
4. Hold slide at an angle and decolorize with 95Vo ethanol added drop by drop (not in a
continuous stream) to the smear for exactly 25 s. Do not over-decolorize. Blot dry using
bibulous paper.
5. Stain with Solution 3 for I min; rinse well with water; blot dry using bibulous paper.
6. Examine under oil immersion at 1000x magnification with direct illumination (not phase
contrast). Blue-violet is positive; red is negative (Figure 2.17).
7. Test each batch ofGram stains on cultures with known Gram staining reactions.

Reagents Prepare fresh every 3 to 6 months.
Solution 1 Prepare Solutions A and B separately.
Solution A: 0.1 g Methylene Blue + 5 mL ethanol 95Vo+ 5 mL glacial acetic acid + 100 mL distilled water.
Solution B: 3.3 mL Crystal Violet(llvo wlv in95vo ethanol) + 6.7 mL ethanol9lVo + 100 mL distilled water.
Mix two parts by volume of A with one part by volume of B.
Solution 2 33.3 mL Bismark Brown ( 17o w/v aqueous) + 66;7 mL distilled water.

1. Prepare thin smears on microscope slides and thoroughly air dry. Do not heat fix.
2. Stain 30 s with Solution 1; rinse 1 s with water.
3. Stain I min with Solution 2; rinse well with water; blot dry.
4. Examine under oil immersion at 1000x magnification with direct illumination (not phase contrast). Blue-violet is positive
(either entire cell or intracellular granules); yellow-brown is negative (Figure 2.18).

a. Floc Size c. Protozoa and Other Macroorganisms

Measure 10 to 20 flocs and place them in the following Determine the presenceand types of protozoa and other
size categories based on their minimum dimensions or macroorganisms(e.9.,rotifers, nematodes);seeFigure 2.31
diameters if they ale approximately spherical: through Figure 2.35.

d. Nonbiological Organic and lnorganic Particles

small <150pm Confirm that a particle is nonbiological by observing it
Medium 150-500pm under direct illumination. Much of the biological material
Large )500pm will not be visible while nonbiological (especially inor-
ganic) material is readily observed (Figure 2.4).
b. Floc Characteristics e. Bacterial Colonies
Determine whether flocs are round or irregular and com- Determine the presenceof bacterial colonies that appear
pact or diffuse; determine whether texture is firm or weak to be composedof one type of microorganism.These may
(Figure 2.3). be fingered zoogloeas (Figure 2.5a and Figure 2.5b),

l\ _
16 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Sulfur OxidationTest(STest)
Test A
Reagent: Sodium sulfide solution (NarS.9H2O), 1.0 g/L; prepare fresh weekly.

1. On a microscope slide, mix 1 drop of activated sludge sample and 1 drop sodium sulfide solution.
2. Allow to stand open to the air for 10 to 20 min.
3. Place a cover slip on the preparation and gently pressto exclude excesssolution; remove expelled solution with a tissue.
4. Observe at 1000x using phase contrast. A positive S test is the observation of highly refractive, yellow-colored
intracellular sulfur granules inside the filaments (Figure 2.22b, Figure 2.23b, and Figure 2.23d).

Note: If results are inconsistent, use the sulfur oxidation test (Test B below).

Soarce.'Modified from Eikelboom, D.H. and van Buijsen, H.J.J. (1981), Microscopic Sludge lwestigation Manual,TNO
Research Institute for Environmental Hygiene, Delft, The Netherlands. With permission.

Reagent: Sodium thiosulfate solution (NarSrO..5HrO), I g/100 mL; prepare fresh weekly.

1. Allow activated sludge sample to settle; transfer 20 mL of clear supematant to a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Add I to 2 mL of mixed activated sludge sample to the flask.
3. Add I mL of sodium thiosulfate solution to the flask (final sodium thiosulfate concentration is 2mM).
4. Shake the flask overnight at room temperature.
4. Observe at 1000x using phase contrast, as in Test A.

.loarce; Modified from Nielsen, P.H. (1985), Water Sci.Technol.,1'7:2-3, 167.With permission.

lndialnk Reverse
Reagent:India ink (water-basedblack drawing ink; aqueoussuspensionof carbon black particles; also known as China ink).

l. Mix I drop of India ink and I drop of activated sludge sample on a microscope slide," depending on the ink used,
the sample volume may need to be reduced.
2. Place on the cover slip and observe at l00x using phase contrast.
3. In normal activated sludge, the India ink particles penetrate the flocs almost completely, at most leaving clear
centers (Figure l.6b). In activated sludge containing large amounts of exocellular polymeric material, large, clear
areaswith low cell density will be observed(Figure 1.6c and Figure 1.6d).

" Alternatively, apply 1 drop of India ink to the edge of a cover slip under which a thin prcparation of the sample has
been made. Place a piece of absorbent paper at the opposite edge of the cover slip. This causesthe India ink particles to
be pulled through the sample. The observer can see the India ink particles spreading across the slide.

amorphouszoogloeas(Figure 2.5c and Figure 2.5d), nilri- bacteria are motile. This can be difficult becauseconvec-
fying bacteria (Figure 2.6), or organisms that accumulate tive liquid movement under the cover slip caused by the
polyphosphate (Figure 3.10c). In some cases, an entire heat of the microscopic lamp causesthem to drift. Do not
floc may seem to consist of one morphological type of interpret this as motility. Judge motility as motion that is
microorganism.Thistypeoffloc,mostcommonlyencoun- different in speed and/or direction from a general drift.
tered in activated sludge treating industrial wastewaters, For some dispersed microorganisms (e.9., spirochaetes
is said to have poor diversity (Figure 2.7). andSpirillum spp.;Figure 3.1lc and Figure 3.11d),motil-

r Ceus
sotution flJilH:i;Hilf #1fi}j"j::-::H*:i"T:i'J;
Determine the presenceof dispersedcells in the bulk The supernatants of samples containing significant
solution (Figure 1.5). Determine whether the dispersed amounts of dispersedcells will appear turbid.
Methods 17

(PHA) Stain
Solution 1: SudanBlack B, 0.3Vowlv in 607oethanol.
Solution 2: SafraninO,0.59o w/v aqueoussolution.

1. Prepare thin smears on a microscope slide and thoroughly air dry.
2. Stain 10 min with Solution l; add more stain if the slide starts to dry out.
3. Rinse 1 s with water.
4. Stain l0 s with Solution 2; rinse well with water; blot dry.
5. Examine under oil immersion at 1000x magniflcation with direct illumination (not phase contrast).
Intracellular PHA granules appear as blue-black granules; cytoplasm will be pink or clear.

Source: From Manual of Methods for General Bacteriology (1981), American Society of Microbiology,
Washington, D.C. With permission.

problems) if they are scored "common" or less. This

TABLE2.11 method is rapid and suitable for establishing whether a
CrystalViolet SheathStain filamentousorganism is dominant or secondaryand for
determining filament responseto remedial actions.Repro-
Reagent: Crystal Violet, 0.|Vo w/v aqueoussolution.
ducibility betweenobserversis generallyto within t one
Procedure: Mix I drop (0.05 mL) of activated sludge sample and abundancecategory.With practice, it is possibleto achieve
I drop ofCrystal Violet solution on a microscopeslide; place on a a consistentrelationshipbetween the subjectivescoring
cover slip and examine at I 000x magnification using phasecontrast, of filamentabundanceand measuresof sludgesettleability
The cells stain deep violet; sheathsare clear to pink. such as SVI (Chapter3).

g. Effects of Filamentous Organisms 10. FilamentousOrganism Characteristics

on Floc Structure
Classify the effect of filamentousorganismson floc struc- Next, determine the types and abundancesof the filamen-
tures as fbllows: tous organisms.Use 1000x phase contrast to carefully
characterizeeach filamentous organism. Look at several
. None. filamentsof each type and expressthe observationsas an
. Bridging: filaments extend from the floc surface average.Use filamentous organism worksheetssuch as the
into the bulk solution and bridge between the onespresentedin Table 2.16 andTable2.1'7to record and
flocs (Figure 1.9aand Figure 1.9b). summarizeindividual filamentousorganismobservations.
. Open floc structure: floc population attachesto Simplify this task by acceptingonly a limited number of
and grows around the filamentous organisms descriptions and learning to recognize features that pro-
leading to large, irregularly shaped flocs with vide clues to specific filamentous organism types. The
substantialinternal voids (Figure l.9c and Fig- characteristicsare discussedbelow.
ure 1.9d).
a. Branching
h. Filamentous Organism Abundance Report whether branching is present or absent and, if
Use a subjectivescoring systemto determinefilament abun- present,whethertrue or false.True branchingshowscontig-
dance.Observefilamentousorganismsfirst at 100x and then uous cytoplasm between branched filaments (Figure 2.9a
at 1000x. On the basis of these observations,subjectively and Figure 2.9b). ln activated sludge, the only filament-
rate overall filament abundanceon a scalefrom 0 (none) to forming organismsthat commonly have true branchesare
6 (excessive).See Table 2.15 and Figure 2.8. Determine a fungi and nocardioform organisms. False branching
sampleabundancerating for all filament types togetherand occurs when no contiguous cytoplasm is presentbetween
an abundancerating for each filamentous organism type. filaments. In a false branch, two filaments have merely
Consider individual filamentous organisms dominant and stuck together and grown outward (Figure 2.9c). In acti-
most likely responsible for solids separationproblems if vated sludge,false branching is only observedfor sheathed
they are scored "very common" or greater. filaments. This is most commonly observed for Sphaero-
Consider individual organismssecondary(presentbut tilus natans. False branchesare observedrarely for Halis-
not in sufficient abundanceto accountfor solids separation comenobacterhydrossis,Type 1701 andThiothrix spp.
1B P roblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

AnthroneTestfor Total Carbohydrate
When boiled with concentratedsulfuric acid, pentoseand hexose-basedcarbohydratesform furfurals that react with aromatic amines to form colored
products whose concentrations can be measured spectrophotometrically.

Sulfuric acid solution: 75Va vlv reagent grade. Slowly and carefully add 750 mL concentrated sulfuric acid to 250 mL distilled water (be sure to
add the acid to the water!). Cool to room temperature before using.
Anthrone reagent: Add 200 mg Anthrone reagent; (CAS. No. 90-44-8) to 5 mL absolute ethanol; make up to 100 mL with'l\Vo sulfuric acid.
Store at 5oC and replace monthly or sooner if brown color develops.
Standard glucose solution: Add 100 mg glucose to 100 mL distilled water and add 150 mg benzoic acid (preservative).Store at 5"C. Dilute l:10
with distilled water for daily use (1mL = 100 pg glucose).
Sodium chloride solution 0.857o w/v: Dissolve 8.5 e NaCl in 1 L distilled water.

Thick-walled Pyrex boiling tubes (15 cm x 2.5 cm)
Water bath for boiling tubes; must be large enough to continue boiling after chilled samples and standardshave been placed in it
Ice water bath
Spectrophotometerand cuvettes

1. Centrifuge an activated sludge mixed liquor sample of known MLSS concentration to separatesolids. Discard the solution (centrate).Wash
the centrifuged solids by resuspending them in 0.857o NaCl solution. Recentrifuge then resuspendto original volume with distilled water.
Omit this step if the results from washed and unwashed samples are the same.
2. Pipette a range of sample volumes from 0.1 to 1.0 mL (containing 10 to 100 pg carbohydrate as glucose) into a series of boiling tubes;
adjust all final volumes to 1.0 mL with distilled water.
3. Using the 100 pg/ml glucose standard and distilled water, prepare 3 to 4 glucose standardsin the range of l0 to 100 pg glucose, each with
a final volume of 1.0 mL. Include a 1.0 mL distilled water blank.
4. Chill all tubes in the ice water bath.
5. Add 5.0 mL chilled Anthrone reagent to each tube; mix thoroughly and keep these in the ice water bath.
6. Transfer all tubes to the boiling water bath for exactly 10 min. The boiling water bath must continue to boil throughout the transfer of the
boiling tubes to it. Most problems (with variable results) encountered in this procedure are caused by an inadequately sized boiling water
bath that cools too much during transfer of the cold boiling tubes.
7. Retum the tubes to the ice water bath.
8. Measure absorbanceof all tubes at 625 nm using the distilled water tube as a blank.
9. Prepare a standard curve for the glucose standardby plotting absorbanceversus glucose concentration. This should be a straight line. Read
the sample glucose content from this standard curve. Use only sample values between <907o transmittance and the percent transmittance
produced by the highest glucose standard that lies on the straight line portion of the standard curve. Express results as pg/ml glucose.
Convert this to mg total carbohydrate per gram dry weight activated sludge, or report as percent of dry weight as glucose.

Note; After some experience with this test, the proper dilutions of the activated sludge can be determined, allowing the number of tests to be reduced.

Source: From Manual of Methods for General Bacteriology (1981), American Society of Microbiology, Washington, D.C. With permission.

b. Motility d. Location
Report whether the organisms are motile or nonmotile. If Determine whether filaments extend from the floc surface,
they are motile, describe the type of motility. Only a few lie mostly within the floc, or are free in the liquid between
filamentous organisms in activated sludge are motile. flocs (Figure2.ll).
Beggiatoa spp., Flexibacter spp., and some blue-green
e. Attached Bacteria
Cyanophyceae bacteia exhibit gliding motility; Thiothrix
Report whether attachedbacteria are presentor absent.If
spp. and Type 021N may display limited twitching or
present, determine whether growth is substantial or inci-
swaying motions.
dental (Figure 2.12).The presenceof attachedgrowth can
indicate that a filamentous orsanism has a sheath.
c. Filament Shape
Determine whether organisms are straight, smoothly f. Sheath
curved, bent, irregularly shapedchains of cells, coiled or Report whether a sheathis presentor absent.A true sheath
mycelial (Figure 2. 10). is difficult to seebecauseit is a clear structureoutside the
Methods 19

TABTE 2.13
ModifiedLowryMethodfor Protein
S o l u t i o n A : D i s so lve 2 g p o ta ssiu m so d iu m ta r tr a te CoH oOuK N aandl 00gN arC O3i n500mLl MN aOH anddi l utetol Lw i thdi sti l l edw ater.
Store in a plastic bottle. Discard when turbid.
S o l u t i o n B : D i s so lve 2 g p o ta ssiu m so d iu m ta r tr a te a ndl gC uS Oo.5H rOi n90mLdi sti l l edw aterthenaddl 0mLl MN aOH .S torei nap l as ti c
bottle. Discard when turbid.
Solution C: Prepare fresh daily. Dilute I volume of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent to 15 volumes with distilled water. The solution should have an
acidity of 0.15 to 0.18 N when titrated with I N NaOH to pH 10.
Standard protein solution: Dissolve 5 mg crystalline bovine serum albumin in 100 mL distilled water. Store at 4oC. Prepare fresh monthly.

Spectrophotometer(650 nm) and lens curvettes
Medium-weight Pyrex test tubes (15 cm x 2.5 cm) matched for wall thickness
Water bath at 50€

1. Centrifuge an activated sludge mixed liquor sample of known MLSS concentration to separatethe solids. Discard the solution (centrate).
Wash the centrifuged solids by resuspendingthem in 0.857o NaCl solution. Recentrifuge and resuspendto the original volume with distilled
water. Omit this step if the results from washed and unwashed samples are the same.
2. To a test tube add I mL sample containing 15 to 100 pg protein; add 0.9 mL Solution A.
3. Place test tube in the 50oC water bath for 10 min. Cool to room temperature (21 to 25.C) and add 0.1 mL Solution B.
l.- 4. Allow to stand at 2l to 25oC for at least 10 min. Add 3 mL Solution C with sufficient force to mix the test tube contents thoroushlv.
5. Place the tubes in the 50oC water bath for 10 min. Remove and cool to room temperature.
6. Measure absorbancein 1-cm cuvettes at 650 nm.
7. Concunent to analyzing samples, analyze a set of bovine serum albumin standardsand a distilled water blank.

Note: The absorbanceat 650 nm produced by the modified Lowry method is linear, ranging from 15 to 1l0 pg protein as bovine serum albumin.

Source: From Hartree, E.F. (1972), Anal. Biochem.,48,422. With permission.

cell wall. In unstainedpreparations,sheathsare most eas- sheathsthat can be seenunder phasecontrast illumination
ily seen when they are empty (contain no cells) or when at 1000x.
some cells in the filament are missing. In the latter case,
g. Cross-Walls (Cell Septa)
the outline of the sheath can be seen to continue along
both sides of the empty space (Figure 2.13a and Figure Report presenceor absence.This feature can be variable
2.13b). Several features of filamentous organisms can be for certain filamentous organisms and detection depends
confused with sheaths. on the quality and adjustment of the microscope.
Do not mistake a yellowish "halo" around filaments
h. Filament Width
viewed under phase contrast illumination for a sheath.It
is an artifact of phasecontrastillumination. The difference Using an ocular micrometer, measureboth averagewidth
between a halo and a true sheath can be seen clearly in and its range (pm). Determine whether the averagewidth
Figure 2.13c. Notice that the bright halo is wider than the is >l pm (thick filament) or <1 pm (thin filament).
sheath.Do not assumeshort, empty spacesin a filament i. Filament Length
or at the filament apex indicate the presenceof a sheath.
Report the averagelength and range of lengths in pm.
The cell walls of some filamentous organisms (e.g., Tlpe
02lN) may remain after cell lysis (Figure 2.13d). Distin- j. Cell Shape
guish these from sheaths by looking for remains of Determine whether cell shapeis square,rectangular,oval,
cross-walls. Note that the empty cells usually have the barrel, discoid (resembling a stack of hockey pucks),
same diameters as normal cells. sausage-shaped, or irregular (Figure 2.14). Note whether
Use the presence of substantial attached bacterial indentations are present at the cell septa (Figure 2.14c
growth to indicate a sheath.Visualize sheathsby mixing through Figure 2.141 or whether the filament walls are
equal volumes of activated sludge and a 1:1000 dilution straightat the cell junctions (Figure 2.14a andFigure2.14b).
of household bleach (57o sodium hypochlorite solution)
and allowing the mixture stand for several hours. This k. Cell Size
treatment lyses the cells inside the sheaths,leaving empty Report the averagelengths and widths of the cells in pm.
20 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Dissolved Biopolymer
High speed centrifuge (to 10,000 rpm).
High speed centrifuge tubes.

l. Pour 40 mL well mixed sample into a high speed centrifuge tube.
2. Centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 15 min.
3. Decant supematant containing the soluble biopolymer fraction into a test tube. The supematant can
be analyzed for carbohydrate(Table 2. l2) and protein (Table 2.13), omitting Step I in each procedure.

Bound Biopolymer
Waring blender, 100 mL capacity.
High speed centrifuge (to 10,000 rpm).
Jar test apparatusor paddle stirrer.

l. Transfer pellet obtained from Step 3 of the dissolved biopolymer extraction to a Waring blender
using 40 mL l0r M NaOH.
2. Mix 3 s on low speed to resuspendpellet.
3. Transfer to a jar test apparatusand mix 15 min at 90 rpm.
4. Transfer to a high speed centrifuge tube; centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 15 min.
5. Decant the supernatantcontaining the bound biopolymer fraction. The supematant can be analyzed
for carbohydrate (Table 2.12) and protein (Table 2.14), omitting Step 1 in each procedure.

Source: From Higgins, M.J. and Novak, J.T. (1997a), Water Environ. Res., 69,225. With permission.

FIGURE 2.3 Phasecontrast micrographs of floc characteristics:(a) compact, (b) diffuse, (c) firm, (d) weak. (Original magnifications
100x, (a) and (b); 1000x, (c) and (d).)
Methods 21

FIGURE2.4 Micrographsof nonbiologicalparticlesin floc: (a) phasecontrast,(b) directillumination.(Originalmagnification100x.)

(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

FICURE2.5 Phasecontrastmicrographs of zoogloeas:(a) and(b) fingered,(c) and(d) amorphous

200x, (a); 1000x,(b); 100x,(c); and 1000x(d).) (Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

L SulfurDeposits m. Other Granules

Determinepresenceor absencein situ and presenceor Report whether other granules are present or,absett.
absenceafterperformingtheS test(Thble2.8).Underphase Commonly observedgranules are polyphosphate(Neisser
contrastobservation,sulfur granulesappearas bright, positive granules; Figure 3.10c) and PHAs (confirmed by
refractive,yellow-coloredcell inclusions,either spherical PHA staining;Table 2.10 and Figure 2.16).
(Thiothrix spp.,Beggiatoaspp.,and Tlpe 021N; Figure
2.15athroughFigure2.15c),or square-rectangular (Type n. Staining Reactions
0914;Figure2.L5d).Whensulfurgranulesarevery small, Evaluateeach filamentous organism for Gram and Neisser
they can appearblack ratherthanyellow underphasecon- staining reactions by obsewing stained, air dried smears
trastillumination.Type0914doesnot respondto the S test. at 1000x using direct illumination (not phase contrast).
22 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE2.6 Phasecontrastmicrographsof nitrifying

bacteria.(Originalmagnification100x,(a); 1000x,(b) and

N.limicola I and II and Tlpes 0041,0675, and 0914 most

often are Gram-positive but can be Gram-variable
(Figure2.l7c and Figure2.l7d) or Gram-negative.Tlpe
1851 stainsweakly Gram-positiveand generallyappearsas
a chain of Gram-positive"beads" (Figure 2.17d). Thiothrix
I and II, Beggiatoa spp., and Tlpes 021N and 0914 gener-
ally stain Gram-negative,but may stain Gram-positive when
containing substantial intracellular sulfur deposits.
M. parvicella and nocardioform organisms are generally
strongly Gram-positive (Figure 2.17e and Figtxe 2.17f).
Score the Neisser stain as negative, positive (entire
trichome is stained), or negative with Neisser-positive
granul es (Fi gure 2.18). Type 0092 (l i ght pur ple;
FIGURE2.7 Phasecontrastmicrographof floc with poordiver- Figure 2.18d) and N. limicola I, II, and III (dark purple;
sity. (Originalmagnification1000x.) Figure 2.18e) usually stain entirely Neisser-positive.
M. parvicella and nocardioform organisms usually stain
Carefully note the general locations and lengths of filamen- Neisser-negative but generally contain Neisser-positive
tous organismsin the wet mount and the presenceor absence intracellular granules (Figure 2.18b and Figure 2.18c).
of attachedgrowth so that the filament types observedin the Most of the other filaments may contain Neisser-positive
wet mount can be matched to those examined in the stained intracellular granules at times. In addition, H. hydrossis and
smears.Take care in making this observation becausesome Tlpes 0675 and 0041 may have Neisser-positivefilament
filamentous organisms can change size upon drying and "coverings" (Figure2.18f) which constitute a false reac-
staining. For example, Type 0092 appearsmuch wider when tion causedby chemical precipitation of the Neisser stain
Neisser stainedthan in wet mounts.Ignore the Gram stain- on the outside of the filament. This is observed only in
ing reactionsinside large denseflocs becausethey do not industrial wastewateractivated sludge systems.
decolorize properly (Figure 2.17a).
Score the Gram reaction as strongly positive, weakly o. AdditionalObservations
positive, variable, or negative.Most filamentousorganisms Thiothrix spp. and Type 021N may display rosettes and
in activated sludge are Gram-negative (Figure 2.17b). gonidia. A rosette develops when filaments radiate outward
Methods 23

SubjectiveScoringof FilamentAbundanceu,b
NumericalValue Abundance Explanation
0 None No filaments observed
I Few Filaments present, but only observed in an occasional floc
2 Some Filaments commonly observed, but not present in all flocs
3 Common Filaments observed in all flocs, but at low density (1 to 5 filaments per floc)
/ Very common Filaments observed in all flocs at medium density (5 to 20 per floc)
5 Abundant Filaments observed in all flocs at high density (>20 per floc)
6 Excessive Filaments observed in all flocs (more filaments than floc and/or filaments
growing in high abundancein bulk solution)

" This 0 to 6 scale representsa 100- to 1000-fold range of total extended filament length.
bSee Figure 2.8 for examples of filament abundancescores.

from a common origin (Figure 2.19a and Figure 2.19b). organism. If the characteristicscited in Table 2. 18 or
Gonidia are oval- or rod-shapedcells present at the fila- shown in the photographs do not correspond to the fila-
ment tip that are distinctively different in appearancefrom ment type determined by using the key, carefully reexam-
the rest of the vegetative cells further down the filament ine the characteristicsused in the key. For example, Type
(Figure 2.19c and Figure 2.19d). Rosettesand gonidia 0041 usually producesa weak Gram-positiveor Gram-
indicate that the organisms are growing rapidly. variable reaction and may be correctly identified from the
dichotomous key. However, if strongly Gram-positive, it
11. FilamentousOrganism ldentification would be keyed as N. limicola IL Table 2.18 shows that
N.limicola II is coiled and free of attachedgrowth, while
a. Using the Dichotomous Key Type 0041 is straightor smoothly curved and most often
Characterize the filamentous organisms to genus or to a has substantialattachedsrowth. The Gram stainedslide
numbered "type" using the dichotomous key shown in should be re-examined.
Figure 2.20. This procedure is simplified in two ways. Occasionally,a filamentousorganismobservedcannot
First, only a limited numberof characteristicsare usedto be placed in a type or genus designated in the key.
describethe organisms(Figure 2.20 andTable 2.18). Sec- Describethe organismcharacteristicsand report it as "not
ond, only the 23 filamentous bacteria most commonly identified." Do not try to "force fit" an organism into
observed in activated sludge are listed. The infrequently existing filament types.
observedTypes 1702 and 1852 are omitted.
b. Building Your Skills
To further simplify the key, severalfilamentous organ-
One of the hardestparts of filamentous organism identifi-
isms having readily identifiable specific characteristicsare
cationis building the confidenceto make an identification.
not included and are describedseparately.These include
To develop this confidence(l) characterizethe filamen-
fung| Cyanophyceae,Flexibacter spp.,Bacillus spp., and
tous organismsin a sampleand sendthe same sampleto
someoneskilled in the technique(some treatmentplants
This dichotomouskey is a modification of the fila- in a particularareaestablishedround-robinfilament iden-
mentous organism identification key of Eikelboom and tification proceduresto assisteach other); and (2) take a
van Buijsen(1981).Changeshavebeenmadeto de-empha- courseon microscopic characterizationof activatedsludge
sizethe needfor the observationof cell septa(cross-walls), and filamentousorganismidentiflcation.
which can depend on the quality and adjustment of the
The task is not as daunting as it might at first appear
microscope used, and to include some filamentous organ-
to someoneassignedto a particulartreatmentplant. It is
isms in the key twice where an important characteristicis
doubtful that someonein sucha situationwould encounter
variable, e.g., the Gram stain reaction for N. limicola II
all the filamentousorganismtypes listed in Table 2.18. It
and the observation of intracellular sulfur sranules for
is common to deal with about half a dozenthat eventually
Types0914 and 021N.
can be recognizedeasily.
Using this key is not without risk becausesome fila-
mentous organism characteristicsvary and the key cannot 12. FilamentousOrganism Descriptions
always addressall variables. Carefully check all the fila-
ment types found by using the key (Figure 2.20) against The individual fi lamentousorganismdescriptionspresented
the typical organism characteristicslisted in Table 2.18 here are based on our experiencewith characteristicsof
and presentedin the descriptionsand photographsof each filamentousorqanismsfound in activatedsludsesall over
24 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE 2.8 Phase contrast micrographs of filament abundancecategories using the subjective scoring system: (a) few, (b) some,
(c) common, (d) very common, (e) abundant, and (f) excessive.(Original magnification 100x.)

the world. Data from Eikelboom and van Buijsen (1981) growth is generally absent, but may be present if the
and Eikelboom (2000) on samples from northem Europe filament is not growing. Not motile.
are also incorporated. Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser-
a. Sphaerotilus natans (Figures2.9c, 2.13b,
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
2. 14f , an d 2 .2 1 a ) Key Characteristics - Large size, false branching,
Filament Description - Straight or smoothly curved and sheath.
filament that extends from the floc surface.Filaments are
generally 100 to >500 pm in length. Cells are sausage- b. Type 1701 (Figure 2.21b)
shaped with indentations at the cell septa and typically Filament Description - Straight, smoothly curved, or
1.6 x 2.5 pm in dimension. Cell shapecan be rectangular bent filament commonly found within the floc or can
when cells are packed tightly within the sheath.A sheath extend from the floc surface.Filaments are generally 10 to
is present; false branching is usually present. Attached 150 pm in length. Cells are sausage-shaped and typically
Methods 25


Sample number Sample location

Sample date | | Observation dato I I


Observatlons of:
Wet mount observation: 1000xphasecontrastfor filament characteristics
1000xdirect illumination for stains

Filament number I 2 3 4 J



Filament shape

Filament location




Filament diameter,pm

Filament length, pm

Cell shape

Cell size,pm

Sulfur deposits

Other sranules

Gram stain






26 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foamingand Other SolidsSeparationProblems


Sample number Sample locatlon

Sample date Observadon dsb I I

n 2
t-l nn n 6
None Few Some Common Very Common Abundant Excessive

FilamentEffect on Floc Structure: n i'*:- f-l

I Structure

Morphology of Floc:
Irregular Compact

Freecells in suspension Neisserpositive cell clumps

Zoogloeas India ink test
Spirochaetes Chlorine damageto filaments

FilamentousMicroorganism Summary:

Rank Abundance Rank Abundance

Nocardioforms M. parvicella

Typ€1701 Type0581

S. tutans Tlpe 0092

Typ€02lN Tlpe 0803

Thiothrix spp. Tlpe 1851

Type0041 T}pe 0691

H. hydrossis Tlpe 0675

N. lirnicola Other

Fungus Other

Methods 27

FIGURE 2.9 Phase contrast micrographs of branching of

filamentous organisms in activated sludge: (a) and (b) true
branching (fungus and nocardioform organism), (c) false
branching (Sphaerotilus natans). (Original magnification

0.8 pm to 1.0x 1.5pm in dimensionwith indentations at are piesent at the cell septa. Cell shape is quite variable
the cell septa.A sheathis presentandattachedgrowthgen- (rectangular, oval, barrel-shaped).Individual cell dimen-
erally is present.Falsebranchingoccursrarely.Not motile. sions are typically 2.0 x |.5-2.0 pm. Filaments often taper
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser- from a thicker basalregion with an inconspicuousholdfast
negative. cell to a thinner apical region, often terminating in loosely
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. attached gonidia (sausage-shaped)cells. Rosettes (many
Key Characteristics- Small size,usuallysausage- filaments radiating outward from a common floc) may
shapedcells;usuallyinsideflocswith flocsformedaround occur. A sheath is absent and attached growth does not
filaments. occur. No branching and not motile.
c. Haliscomenobacterhydrossis(Figure2.21c) Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser-
Filament Description - A rigidly straightor bent flla-
ment that extendsfrom the floc surface;may be found Sulfide Oxidation - Positive but variable. Intracel-
lular spherically shapedsulfur granules may be presentln
within the floc or free in suspension.
Filamentsare 10 to
100pm in lengthand0.5 pm in diameter.Cell septaare situ or after performing the S test.
not present;however,empty spacesin the filamentmay Key Characteristics - One of the largestand longest
appearas cells.A sheathis presentand attachedgrowth filaments. Indentationsat cell septa.Cell shapevariesfrom
canbe present.Falsebranchingoccursrarely.Not motile. rectangular to oval or barrel-shaped.Rosettesand gonidia
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser- may occur. If growing on sulfide, intracellular sulfur gran-
negative. ules are usually present and the S test will be positive.
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. e. Thiothrix I (Figures2.14b, 2.15a, 2.19c,
Key Characteristics - A very thin, small filament
and 2.23a)
that canbe overlookedif not examinedat magnifications
greaterthan 100x;has"pins in a pincushion"appearance. Filament Description - A straight or smoothly curved
filament that extends from the floc surface.Filaments are
d. Type021N(Figures 2.11b,2.13d,2.14d, 100 to 500 pm in length and 1.6 to 2.5 pm in diameter.
2.14e, 2.15c, 2.1Ba,2.19b, and 2.22a) The cell shapeis rectangularand cells are I.6 to 2.5 pm x
Filament Description - A smoothlycurvedfilamentthat 2.0 to 4.0 pm in dimension. There are no indentations at
extends from the floc surface. Filaments are 50 to the cell septa.Filaments often taper from a thicker basal
2500 pm long and I.6 to 2.5 pm in diameter.Indentations region with an inconspicuous holdfast cell to a thinner
28 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE2.10 Phasecontrastmicrographs of filamentshapes:(a) straight,(b) smoothlycurved,(c) bent,(d) irregularlyshaped

of cells,(e) coiled,and (f) mycelial.(Originalmagnification1000x.)

apical region, often terminating in loosely attached Key Characteristics- Oneof thethickestfilaments,
gonidia (sausage-shaped)cells. Rosettes(many fllaments typically 2.0 to 2.5 pm, but sometimesas largeas 4 pm
radiating outward from a common floc) may occur. A in diameter.Intracellularsulfur granulesare usually
relatively thick sheath is present generally without presentand the S testis positiveif growingon sulfide.
attachedgrowth. Attached growth only occurs if this fila-
ment is not growing. No branching and not motile. f. ThiothrixII (Figures2.19d, 2.23c, and 2.23d)
Staining Reactions - Generally Gram-negativeand Filament Description - A straightor smoothly curved
Neisser-negative;may stain Gram-positive when growing filament that extendsfrom the floc surface.Filamentsare
on sulfide. typically 50 to 200 pm in length and 0.8 to 1.4 pm in
Sulfide Oxidation - Positive but variable. Intracel- diameter.The cell shapeis rectangularandcellsare0.8 to
lular spherically shaped sulfur granules may be present in 1.4pm x 1.5to 3.0 pm in dimension.Thereareno inden-
situ or after performing the S test. tationsat thecell septa.Filamentsoftentaperfrom a thicker
Methods 29

FIGURE2.11 Phasecontrastmicrographsshowingloca-
tionsoffilamentousorganisms:(a) freefloating(dispersed),
(b) extendingfrom floc surface,(c) within floc. (Original
magnifications1000x,(a); 1000x,(b) and (c).)

FIGURE 2.12 Phaseconffast micrographs showing attachedgrowth of bacteria on fllamentous organisms: (a) heavy, (b) incidental.
(Original magnifi cation 1000x.)

basal region with an inconspicuousholdfast cell to a thin- Key Characteristics - Thiothrixll is generally about
ner apical region, often terminating in loosely attached 1.0 pm in diameter and can be confusedwith severalother
gonidia (sausage-shaped) cells. Rosettes(many filaments filaments of the same diameter. It differs from other sim-
radiating outward from a common floc) may occur. A rel- ilarly sized filaments in that it is straight or smoothly
atively thin (hard to observe) sheath is present, generally curved and extends away from the floc surface. Intracel-
without attached growth. Attached growth may occur when lular sulfur granules are usually present and the S test is
the filament is not growing. No branching and not motile. positive if growing on sulfide.
Staining Reactions - Generally Gram-negativeand
Neisser-negative;may stain Gram-positive when growing g. Type 0914 (Figures2.15d, 2.24a, and 2.24b)
on sulfide. Filament Description - A straight or smoothly curved
Sulfide Oxidation - Positive but variable. Intracel- filament that extends from the floc surface, is inside the
lular spherically shapedsulfur granulesmay be presentin floc or is dispersedin suspension.Filaments are typically
situ or after performing the S test. 50 to 200 pm in length and 1.0 to 1.2 pm in diameter.

30 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FICURE2.13 Phasecontrastmicrographsshowingappearances (a)and(b)Sphaerotilus

of sheaths: (c)Tlpe0041,and(d)
emptycellsin Tlpe 021N.(Originalmagniflcation1000x.)

The cell shapeis squarewithout indentations at the septa in suspension. Filamentsaretypically 100to >500pm in
and cells are 0.8 to 1.2 pm x 1.0 pm in dimension.A length and 2.0 to 4.0 pm in diameter.The cell shapeis
relatively thin (hard to observe)sheathis present.Attached rectangular withoutindentationsat the septa;however,the
growth is common but may be absent,particularly when cell shapeis maskedwhen intracellularsulfur granules
growing dispersed.No branching and not motile. are present.The cells are2.0 to 4.0 pm x 6.0 to 8.0 pm
Staining Reactions - Generally Gram-negativeand in dimension.Sheath,attachedgrowth,andbranchingare
Neisser-negative;may stain Gram-positive when growing absent.Beggiatoaspp.areusuallymotileandexertflexing
in the presenceof sulfide. and gliding motions.
Sulfide Oxidation - Positive but variable. Square- Staining Reactions- GenerallyGram-negative and
shapedintracellular sulfur granulesmay be presentin situ. Neisser-negative; may stainGram-positivewhencontain-
This filament does not respond to the S test. ing manyintracellularsulfur granules.
Key Characteristics - Square-shapedirregular sul- SulfideOxidation - Generallypositive.Intracellular
fur granules. Type 0914 can be confused with several sphericallyshapedsulfur granulesmay be presentin situ
filaments of similar size if attachedgrowth is present and or after performingthe S test.
sulfur granules are absent.Its sheathis diffrcult to observe Key Characteristics- Gliding,flexingmotility and
but is indicated by the presenceof attachedgrowth. Eikel- largesize.
boom (2000) noted that [pes 0914 and 0803 are often
complementary, i.e., when Type 0914 disappears, type
i. Nostocoida limicola I (Figure2.25a)
0803 appears,and vice versa. Based on this observation, Filament Description - An irregularlycurvedfilament
he suggeststhat Types 0914 and 0803 may be two forms intertwinedwithin the flocs.Filamentsaretypically40 to
of the same organism. 100pm in lengthand0.8 to 1.0pm in diameter.The cell
shapeis oval and cells are 0.8 to 1.0 pm x 0.8 pm in
h. Beggiatoa sp. (Figures2.15b, 2.22c, and 2.22d) dimension.Indentations occurat the cell septa.No sheath
Filament Description - A straight or smoothly curved is presentand no attachedgrowth occurs.No branching
filament that extends from the floc surfaceor is dispersed and not motile.
Methods 31

FICURE 2.14 Phase contrast micrographs of filamentous

organism cell shapes: (a) square, (b) rectangular, (c) oval,
(d) banel, (e) discoid, (0 sausage,and (g) inegular. (Orig-
inal magnification 1000x.)
32 M anualo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,
and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

FIGURE 2.15 Phasecontrastmicrographsof intracellularsulfur granules: (a) Thiothrixsp.,(b) Beggiatoasp.,(c) Type02IN, and
(d) Type 0914. (Original magnification1000x.) (Seecolor insert followingpage70.)

but N. limicola I has individual cells that are not observed

for these other filaments.

j. Nostocoida limicola Il (Figures2.10e,2.11c,

2.17b, 2.18e, and 2.25b)
Filament Description - An irregularly curved filament
that extends from the floc surface and is present within
the floc. Filaments are typically 50 to 200 pm in length
and 1.4 pm in diameter. The cell shape is oval and cells
are 1.4 x 1.0 pm to 1.5 pm in dimension. Indentations
occur at the cell septa.No sheathis presentand no attached
growth occurs. No branching and not motile.
Staining Reactions - Gram-positiveor -negativeand
FICURE2.16 Directilluminationmicrograph of PHA staining. Neisser-positive;generally Gram-positive in municipal
PHA granulesare dark blue/black.(Original magnification
wastewater activated sludge but often Gram-negative in
industrial wastewateractivated sludge (especially in pulp
and paper wastewater activated sludge); is occasionally
Staining Reactions - Gram-positive and Neisser- Neisser-negativein industrial wastewateractivatedsludge.
positive; may be Gram-negative and Neisser-negativein Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
activated sludge treating some industrial wastewaters. Key Characteristics - Neisser-positive staining
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. reaction and the presenceof individual cells. If Neisser-
Key Characteristics - Typically intertwined within negative, its cell structure is usually sufficient for identi-
the flocs; readily identified by its Neisser-positivestaining fication. In stainedpreparations,the structuresappearlike
reaction and the presenceof individual cells. This filament "runs" in nylon stockings. Branching does not occur. An
can be confusedwith Type 0092 becauseboth are Neisser- actinomycete may be confused with this filament, but the
positive andM. p arv iceI Ia becalse both are Gram-positive, branching of the actinomycete separatesthese filaments.
M et hods 33

FIGURE 2,17 Direct illumination micrographsof Gram stainingof lilamentousorganisms:(a) improperlydecolorizedfloc retaining
Crystal Violet, (b) Gram-negaliveNostoctsidalimicola II, (c) Gram-variableType 0041, (d) Gram-variableType 1851. (e) Gram-
positive nocardioform organism, and (f) Gram-positiveMicrothrix parvicella. (Original magnilication 1000x.) (See color insert
following page70.)

k. Nostocoida limicola lll (Figure 2.25c) wastewateractivated sludge and generally Gram-negative
Filament Description - An irregularly curved filament in industrial wastewateractivated sludge (especially pulp
that extendsfrom the floc surface.Filamentsare typically and paper wastewateractivatedsludge); is occasionally
100 to 300 p.rmin length and 2.0 pm in diameter.Cell Neisser-negativein industrial wastewateractivatedsludge.
shapeis oval to discoid and cells are 2.0 pm x 1.5 pm in Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
dimension.Indentationsoccur at the cell septa.No sheath Key Characteristics - Neisser-positive staining
is presentand attachedgrowth doesnot occur.No branch- reaction,Iargesize and individual discoid-shapedcells. If
ing and not motile. Neisser-negative, its cell structureis usually sufficientfor
Staining Reactions - Gram-positiveor -negativeand identification. Eikelboom (2000) no longer recognizes
Neisser-positive;is generally Gram-positive in municipal N. limicola Il as separatefrom N. limicola IIl.
34 Ma nu al on Caus es and Cont r ol of Ac t iva t e d S l u d g e B u l k i n g , F o a m i n g , a n d O t h e r S o l i d s S e p a r a t i o n P r o b l e m s


''' ti::::.::.

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FICURE 2.18 Direct illuminationmicrographsof Neisserstainingof filamentousorganisms.(a) Neisser-negative Type 021N, (b)
with positivegranules(nocardioformorganismsandMicrothrix purviceLla,respcctively),(d) and (e) Neisser-
and (c) Neisser-negative
positive(Type 0092 andNostocoidalimit'olu II, respectively),(f) false Neisscr-positivestain covering lilament,Type 0041. (Original
magnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfbllowing page70.)

l. Type 0411 (Figure2.26a) Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.

Filament Description - An irregularly curved filament Key Characteristics - Long sausage-shaped
that extendsfrom the floc surface.Filamentsare typically irregular lilament shapes.
50 to 150 pm in lengthand 1.0pm in diameter.The cells
are shapedlike elongatedrods and are 0.8 to l.2pm x m. Type 0961 (Figure 2.26b)
2.0 to 5.0 um in dimension.Indentationsoccur at the cell Filament Description - A straightor smoothly-curved
septa.No sheathis presentand attachedgrowth does not filament that extendsfrom the floc surface.Filamentsare
occur. No branchingand not motile. typically 40 to 150 pm in length and 1.0 to 1.4 pm in
Staining Reactions - Gram-negativeand Neisser- diameter.The cell shapeis rectangularand cells are 1.0 to
nesative. 1.4 ;rm x 2.0 to 4.0 pm in dimension. No indentations
Methods 35

FICURE2.19 Phasecontrastmicrographsof rosettesand gonidia:(a) rosette,(b) Tlpe 021N rosette,(c)Thiothrix I gonidia,(d)

ThiothrixII gonidia.(Originalmagnifications100x,(a); 1000x,(b), (c), and (d).)

appearat the cell septa.No sheathis presentbut a slime preparations

dried Gram-andNeisser-stained thanin wet
coveringon the filamentthat looks like an empty"cuff' mounts.
may be presentat the filamenttip. No attachedgrowth;
no branching;not motile. o. Type 0581 (Figure2.26d)
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser- Filament Description- Curvedor coiledfilamentinside
negative. the floc. Filamentsaretypically 100to 200 pm in length
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. and0.5 to 0.8 pm in width.Individualcellscannotbe seen
Key Characteristics - Long rectangularcells; within the filament.No sheathis presentand attached
"transparent"appearance; no cell inclusions. growthdoesnot occur.No branchingand not motile.
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser-
n. Type0092 (Figures2.18d and 2.26c) negative.
Filament Description - A straight or bent filament Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
alwaysinsidethefloc. Filamentsaretypically 10to 80 pm Key Characteristics- Locationwithin the floc and
in lengthand0.8 to 1.0 pm in diameter.Individualcells Gram-negative stainingreaction.This filamentcanbecon-
usuallycannotbe seenwithin the filament.No sheathis fusedwith M. parvicellabut hasa Gram-negative staining
presentandno attachedgrowthoccurs.No branchingand reaction;M. parvicellais Gram-positive.
not motile.
Staining Reactions - Gram-negativeand Neisser- p. Type0041(Figures 2.10a,2.12a,2.13c,2.14a,
positive. 2.17c, 2.18f, and 2.27a)
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. Filament Description - A straight filament usually
Key Characteristics - Location inside the floc and insidethe floc. Filamentsare typically 100to 500 pm in
Neisser-positivestainingreaction.Filamentis often over- length and 1.8 to 2.0 pm in width. Individual cells are
lookedin a microscopicexaminationof a wet mountbut square-shaped and 1.8 to 2.0 pm x 2.0 to 3.0 pm in
becomesrecognizable whena Neisser-stained preparation dimension.A heavysheathis present;branchingis absent.
is examined.Filamentsappearwider (1.0 to 1.2 pm) in Large amounts of attachedgrowth are present. The
3O Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

l-F-lts-l 9a
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Methods 37

absenceof attached growth suggestsa rapid growth rate. Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
No branching and not motile. Key Characteristics - Dispersed growth. This fila-
Staining Reactions - Gram-variable (usually ment resembles Type 0675 but has neither sheath nor
weakly Gram-positive) and Neisser-negative,sometimes attached growth. It stains Gram-negative,while 0675
with rows of round Neisser-positivegranules.Occasion- stainsweakly Gram-positive.Eikelboom (2000) suggests
ally stainslightly Neisser-positivein industrial wastewater that Types 0914 and 0803 may be the sameorganism.
activatedsludge - a false reaction causedby precipitation
of Neisser stain on the surface of the filament. t. Microthrix parvicella (Figures2.17e, 2.18c,
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. 2.28a, 5.1e, and 5.1f)
Key Characteristics - Large size, Gram-variable Filament Description - An irregularly coiled filament
(weakly Gram-positive) staining reaction, attached found inside the floc, surroundingthe floc, and dispersed.
growth, and location within the floc. Filamentsare typically 50 to 200 pm in lengthand 0.8 pm
in width. Individual cells cannot be seen. Sheath and
q. Type 0675 (Figure 2.27b) attachedgrowth are absent.No branchingand not motile.

Filament Description - A straight filament usually Staining Reactions - Strongly Gram-positiveand

inside the floc. Filaments are typically 50 to 150 pm in Neisser-negative.Neisser-positiveintracellular granules
length and 1.0 pm in width. Individual cells havea square are commonly observed.
shapeand are 1.0pm x L0 pm in dimension.A thin sheath Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
is present.Branchingis absent;heavyamountsofattached Key Characteristics - Strongly Gram-positive
v growth are usually present.No branchingand not motile. stai ni ng reacti on; N ei sser-posi ti vegranul es; coiled

S t aining R e a c ti o n s - G ra m-v a ri a b l e (usual l y growth; inability to see individual cells; "beaded" effect
weakly Gram-positive)and Neisser-negative. causedby intracellular granules.No branching and not
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. motile.
Key Characteristics - Gram-variable(usually weakly
u. Nocardioforms (Figures2.9b, 2.10f, 2.149,
Gram-positive)staining reaction,attachedgrowth and loca-
tion inside flocs. The filament is similar to but smaller than 2.17f, 2.18b, 2.28b, 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.1c and 5. 1d)
Type 004 I . Eikelboom (2000) no longer differentiatesTypes Filament Description - Inegularly shapedtrue-branch-
0041 and 0675 and combinesthem as Type 0041/0675. ing filaments occurring inside the floc and dispersedin
the bulk solution. Filamentsare typically -5to 30 pm in
r. Type 1851 (Figures2.17d and 2.27c)
lengthand 1.0 pm in width. Individualcells are present
Filament Description - A straight or smoothly curved and shape is irregular. Sheath and attachedgrowth are
filament usually inside the floc. Filaments are typically absent.Not motile.
50 to 200 pm in length and 0.8 pm in width. They may
Staining Reactions - Strongly Gram-positiveand
intertwine to form twisted "ropes" or "bundles". Individ-
Neisser-negative.Neisser-positiveintracellular granules
ual cells are rectangularand 0.8 pm x 1.5 to 2.0 pm in
are commonlyobservec.
dimension.A thin sheathis presentand extensiveattached
growth is usuallypresent.The attachedgrowth is typically Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
orientated perpendicularly to the cell surfacesof the fila- Key Characteristics - True branchingand strongly
ment. No branching and not motile. Gram-positive staining reaction. The true abundancein
Staining Reactions - Gram-variable (usually activatedsludge can only be assessedafter examining a
weakly Gram-positive) and Neisser-negative. Gram-stainedpreparation.Becausenocardioformscom-
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. prise many genera (e.g., Nocardia, Gordona and Skerma-
Key Characteristics - Formation of twisted filament nia), characteristicsdescribedcan vary considerably.One
"ropes" or "bundles" by intertwinedfilaments;perpendic- type, Skermania pinensis (the pine-tree-like-organism or
ular attachedgrowth and Gram-variable staining reaction. PTLO) is distinguishableby its characteristicbranching
(see Figure and Figure 5.1d). Many nocardioforms
s. Type 0803 (Figure 2.27d) can grow in a fragmented or single cell form.
Filament Description - A straight filament that may
extend from the floc surface and be dispersedin the bulk v. Type 1863 (Figures2.10c,2.14c, and 2.28c)
solution. Filamentsare typically 50 to 150 pm in length Filament Description - An irregularly shapedfilament
and 0.8 pm in width. Individual cells are squarewith no dispersedin the bulk solution. Filaments are typically
indentationsat the septaand 0.8 x 1.0 pm in dimension. 10to 50 pm in length and 0.8 to 1.0 pm in width. Indi-
No sheath;no attachedgrowth; no branching; not motile. vidual cells are present,and the cell shapeis oval,0.8 to
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser- 1.0 pm x 1.0 to 1.5 pm in dimension.No sheath;no
nesative. attached growth. No branching and not motile.

33 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

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Methods 39



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40 Ma nu al on Caus es and Cont r ol of Ac t i v a t e d S l u d g e B u l k i n g , F o a m i n g , a n d O t h e r S o l i d s S e p a r a t i o n P r o b l e m s

FfGURE 2.21 Phasccontlastmicrographsof: (it) Sphucro-

tiItr,stttrtttrt.v, (b)'lypc I70l, (c) Huliscomuutltu<tcr lrydnts-
, r l , r .( O r i g i r r a l m a g n i l i c a t i o n l ( X X ) x . ) ( S c c c o l o r i n scr t

FlCURE2.2 2 Ph as ec ont r as t m ic r o- { r aphs(of

a): Ty p c 0 2 l N , ( b ) T y p e 0 2 l N r . v i t h s u l f l r g r a n u l e s , ( . c ) B e g g , i a t o a s p . , ( d) Be g g i a to tt
(Originalrnagnilication1000x.)(Seecolol insertfbllorvingpagc70.)
sp. rvith sullirrgranLrles.
Methods 41

FIGURE2.23Phasecontrastmicrographsof (a)Thiothrixl,(b)Thiothrixlwithsulfurgranules,(c)Thiothrixll,and(d)Thiothrixll
with sulfur granules.(Originalmagnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

FIGURE2.24 Phase contrast of: (a)Tlpe 0914,(b)Tlpe 0914 with sulfur granules.(Originalmagnification1000x.)

Staining Reactions - Gram-negativeand Neisser- 50 pm in length and 0.4 pm in width. Individual cells are
negativewith Neisser-positiveintracellulargranules. present, and the cell shape is oval, 0.4 pm x 0.6 pm in
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. dimension. Sheath and attached growth are absent. No
Key Characteristics - A flexible chain of irregular- branching and not motile.
shapedcells often containingNeisser-positive granules. Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser-
w. Type0211 (Figure2.28d) Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
Filament Description - An irregularly shapedfila- Key Characteristics - A very thin flexible chain of
Filamentsaretypically l0 to
mentthat occursdispersed. cells; the thinnest filament found in activated sludge.
42 Man ua l on Caus es and Cont r ol of Ac t i v a t e d S l u d g e B u l k i n g , F o a m i n g , a n d O t h e r S o l i d s S e p a r a t i o n Pr o b l e m s

FIGURE 2.25 Phasecontrastmicrographsof: (a) No,rto-

coida limiolu l, (b) No,stocoitla
limicoltt ll, (c) Nostot'oida
limicolu lll. (Originalmagnification1000x.)

a):Ty p e 0 4 l l , ( b ) T y p e 0 9 6 l , ( c ) T y p e 0 0 9 2 , a n d ( d ) T y p c 0 5 8 1 . ( O r i g i nm
FICURE 2 .26 Phas ec ont r as t m ic r ogr aphs(of a la gn i fi ca ti o n
10 00 x.1
Methods 43

FIGURE2.27 Phasecontrastmicrographsof:(a)T1pe0041,(b)Type0675,(c)Tlpe1851,and(d)T1pe0803.(Originalmagnificati

x. Flexibactersp. (Figure2.29a) z. Cyanophyceae (Figure 2.29c)

Filament Description - An elongated,rod-shaped bac- Filament Description - Large, straight filamentous
terium ratherthan a true filament.Straightor smoothly blue-green photosynthetic bacteria (often called blue-
curvedand 1.0pm x 20 to 40 pm in dimension.It occurs greenalgae),2.0 to 5.0 pm wide and 100 to 500 pm long.
dispersed.No sheath;no attachedgrowth;no branching. They occur dispersed.No sheath;no attachedgrowth; no
Motile with a flexing andgliding motion. branching. May have slow gliding motility.
Staining Reactions - Gram-negative and Neisser- Staining Reactions - Gram-positive or -negative
negative. and Neisser-negative.
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. Sulfide Oxidation - Negative.
Key Characteristics- Flexingandgliding motility. Key Characteristics - Large size and a distinct
green color when viewed under direct illumination.
y. Bacillussp. (Figure2.29b) aa. Fungi (Figures2.9a and 2.29d)
Filament Description- A longchainof rod-shaped cells Filament Description - Large, truly branchedfilaments,
ratherthan a true filament.Straightor inegularly curved 5.0 to 10 pm wide and 100 to 1000 pm long, usually
and 1.0pm x 20 to 50 pm in dimension.Occursdispersed inside the flocs. A sheath is absent; however, a heavy
or attachedto the floc. A sheathmay be presentbut cellulose cell wall is usually present.Attached growth is
attachedgrowthis absent.No branchingand not motile. absent. True branching occurs. Intracellular vacuoles,
Staining Reactions - Gram-positiveand Neisser- organellesand granules are present and internal cytoplas-
negative. mic streaming occurs. Not motile.
Sulfide Oxidation - Negative. Staining Reactions - Gram-positive or -negative
Key Characteristics- Gram-positivestainingreac- and Neisser-negative.
tion; "chain of cells" appearance. Sulfide Oxidation - Neeative.
44 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE2.28 Phasecontrastmicrographsof: (a) Miuothrix parvicella, (b) Nocardioforms,(c) Type 1863,and (d) Tlpe 0211.
(Originalmagnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

Key Characteristics - Very large, true branching can be visualized. When the probe is added to a sample,
filaments containing vacuoles, organelles, and granules it will bind only to the l6SrRNA to which it is comple-
and exhibiting cytoplasmic streaming. mentary.The extent and location of the probe binding can
be detectedby observing the samplethrough a microscope
C. Pnocnrss rN IDENnFYTNG with UV illumination. FISH probes have been used exten-
sively in the characterizationand identification of activated
Fuurrurous Oncnrutsrtts
sludge filamentous organisms.Other examplesof their use
Table 2.19 is a summary of the status of identifying and in activated sludge are described below.
classifying the filamentous organisms found in activated Bouchez et al. (2000) showed that bacteria used to
sludge. More information about the identities of filaments "bioaugment" a laboratory sequencingbatch reactor(SBR)
and types of organisms in activated sludge continuously activated sludge system (with the objective of increasing
becomes available through the application of genetic its denitrifying capacity) was very rapidly eatenby stalked
methods. Indeed, it is not beyond the realm of possibility ciliated protozoa.
that by the time the next edition of this manual is written, For many years,Nitrosomon&s(ammonia oxidized to
rapid test kits for identifying filamentous organisms in nitrite) and Nitrobacter (nitdte oxidized to nitrate) micro-
activated sludge will replace the microscopic methods organisms were credited with nitrification in activated
described this chapter. sludge. Severalworkers recently called these assumptions
An especially promising genetic method for detecting into question. For example, Wagner et al. (1998) found
filamentous (and other) microorganisms in activated that in an activated sludge treating an industrial waste-
sludge is fluorescent in situhybidrzation (FISH). A gene water with very high ammonia content, the predominant
probe (a fragment of genetic material approximately 15 to ammonia oxidizer was an organism resembling Nitroso-
30 basesin length) complementary to (binds specifically coccus mobilis. They were unable to find significant num-
with) a unique portion of one of the RNA molecules in a bers of Nitrobacter spp., leading them to believe that
cell's ribosomes (usually the l6SrRNA molecule) is nitrite oxidation was carried out by another organism.
prepared. The probe is then reacted with a fluorescent mol- FISH studies by Juretschko et al. (1998) and Mobarry
ecule that, when illuminated with ultraviolet (UV) light, et al. (1996) demonstratedthat the nitrifiers did not grow
Methods 45

FIGURE2.29 Phasecontrastmicrographsof: (a) Flexibactersp., (b) Bacillus sp., (c) Oscillatoriasp. (cyanophyceae),
and (d)
fungus.(Originalmagnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

in dispersedform and were not disfibuted evenly throughout D. Pnorozol Alro Mrrlzon
the activated sludge floc. Rather they grew as dense col-
1. General
onies (Figure 2.30a) and the ammonia oxidizer colonies
were surrounded by the nitrite oxidizer colonies Microscopic observationof protozoa and other higher life
(Figure 2.30b). These findings have significant implica- forms in activated sludge is a common and widespread
tions, both for bioaugmentation and for the modeling of practice. In a very general way, the types of theseorganisms
nitrification in activated sludge. present can be related to plant performance and effluent
The discrepancy between these findings and those from quality. They are useful for toxicity assessmentbut they
previous work in which Nitrosomonas andNitrobacter spp. are of little or no value for determining the properties of
were identified as the principal nitrifying organisms in activated sludge that influence its behavior in solids sep-
activated sludge results from the bias introduced by cul- aration processes.
turing microorganisms from environmental samples. From a morphological view, activated sludge is a rel-
Because many environmental microorganisms will not atively simple microbial community consisting of free and
grow on laboratory culture media, the only way to be flocculated bacteria (and at times fllamentous bacteria),
certain whether an organism is important in an environment protozoa, rotifers, nematodes, and a few other inverte-
such as activated sludge is to demonstrate its presence by brates. Protozoa and other higher life forms are usually
in situ methods that do not involve culturing and isolation. aerobic and bacteriovorous (they eat bacteria). A few anaer-
An excellent example of mistaken identity causedby obic flagellates and a number of saprophytic flagellates
the bias introduced by culture and isolation methods was occur in activated sludge. The saprophytic flagellates use
the conclusion that organismsof the Acinetobacter genus soluble organic matter for growth. Carnivorous free ciliates
were largely responsible for the phenomenon of enhanced and attached ciliates (suctorians) feed on other protozoa.
biological phosphorusremoval (EBPR) in activatedsludge Chlorophyll-bearing flagellates are incidentally observed
systems with initial anaerobic zones. Recent work has and are usually derived from aeration basin walls.
clearly shown that this is not so. Microorganisms that are Protozoa and other higher life forms may constitute
not closely related to Acinetobqcter spp. are important in approximately 5%obyweight of the activatedsludgebiomass
this role (Hesselmannet al., 1999; Crocetti et al., 2000). and are represented by about 200 species (Curds, 1973;
46 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Statusof ActivatedSludgeFilamentousOrganismTaxonomy
Name in Key FISH Current Name and
(Iable 2.18) Pure Culture Probe Taxonomic Position References

S. natans Yes Yes Sphaerotilus natans Richard et al. (1982); Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b); Ziegler et al.
(1990); Corstjensand Muyzer (1993); Wagner etal. (19941
Type l70l Ye s No Sphaerotilus spp. Richardet al. (1982);Williams and Unz (1985a);Kiimpfer et al. (1995);
Howarth et al. (1998)
H. hydrossis Yes Yes Haliscomenobacter van Veen (1973); van Veen et al. (1982); ZieEler et al. (1 990); Wagner
hydrossis et al. (1994)
Type 021N Yes Yes SeveralThiothrix spp. Howarth et al. (1999); Wagner et al. (1994); Ziegler et al. (1990);
Kanagawa et al. (2000); Aruga et al. (2002)
Thiothrix I and II Yes Yes Thiothrix spp. Howarth et al. (1999); Richard et al. (1982); Williams and Unz (1985a,
1985b, 1989); Tandoi et al. ( 1994); Kanagawa et al. (2000); Aruga et al.
Type 0914 No No Unknown
Beggiutoa Yes Beggiatoa spp. Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b)
N. Iimicola I Yes Yes? Tricococcus spp. Liu et al. (2000,2002); Scheff et al. (1984)
N. Iimicola Il Yes Yes New genus, high GC van Veen(1973);Eikelboom (1975);Nowak and Brown (1990);Blackall
bacterium et al. (2000)
N. Iimicola II Yes Yes New genus, Snaidr et al. (2002\
Alisphaeira europa
N. Iimicola II Yes Yes New genus,greensulfur Schade et al. (2002)
N. Iimi<'ola lll Yes Yes? Isosphaera spp. al. (2002)
Type 0961 No No Unknown Richard et al. (1982\
Type 0092 No No Unknown Bradford et al. (1996)
Type 0581 No No Unknown
Type 0041 No Yes Member of TM7 group; Thomsen et al. (2002); Hugenholtz et al. (2001); Richard et al. (1982);
Bacterial domain Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b)
Type 0675 No No New genus Hugenholtzet al. (2001)
Type l85l Ye s
,| New genus; Beer et al. (2002); Kohno et al. (2002); Bjomsson et al. (2002)
Chloroflexus group
Type 0803 Yes Yes New genus,p Blackall et al. (1996); Bradford et al. (1996);Williams and Unz (1985a)
M. parvicello Yes Yes New genus,Microthrix Slijkhuis (1983a, 1983b);Slijkhuis and Deinema(1982, 1988);Slijkhuis
parvicella et al. (1984); Blackall et al. (1994b, 1996);Rossettiet al. (1997a)
Nocardioforms Yes Yesfor Many genera Goodfellow et al. (1998); Soddell et al. (1998)
Type 1863 Yes Yes Acinetobacter spp., Rosetti et al. (1997'l; Seviour et al. (1997)
Moraxella spp.

Cur ds , l9' 15) . T o ta l n u mb e rs ra n g e fro m 100 to 2. MicroscopicEvaluation

>100,000/mL.Protozoaaregenerallydominant,with 500 to
To observethese organisms,place one drop (0.05 mL) of
severalthousand/ml observedcommonly.Theseorganisms
activated sludge on a microscope slide, add a cover slip,
perform severalimportant functions in activatedsludge,the
and examine it at l00x using phasecontrast illumination.
most important of which is the removal of nonflocculated
Count all protozoa and other higher life forms presentby
and loosely flocculatedbacteriafrom wastewaterto produce
scanning the entire cover slip area using the mechanical
a clarified effluent(Curdset al., 1968;Curdsand Fey, 1969).
stage of the microscope. Average the results of 4 to 5
Additionally, these organisms may contribute to biomass
flocculation through production of fecal pellets and mucus
(Curds, 1975) and may function to break up large floc Total number of organismspresent
massesand encourage a more active biomass through their per mL activated sludge culture =
motility (Javornicky and Prokesova, 1963). averagecount per cover glass areax 20
Methods 45

and (d)
FfGURE2.29 Phasecontrastmicrographsof:.(a) Flexibactersp., (b) Bacillus sp., (c) Oscillatoriasp. (cyanophyceae),
fungus.(Originalmagnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

in dispersedform and were not distributed evenly throughout D. Pnorozon Ano Mrrnzon
the activated sludge floc. Rather they grew as dense col-
1. General
onies (Figure 2.30a) and the ammonia oxidizer colonies
were surrounded by the nitrite oxidizer colonies Microscopic observationof protozoa and other higher life
(Figure 2.30b). These findings have significant implica- forms in activated sludge is a common and widespread
tions, both for bioaugmentation and for the modeling of practice. In a very general way, the types of theseorganisms
nitrification in activated sludge. present can be related to plant performance and efifluent
The discrepancybetweenthesefindings and thosefrom quality. They are useful for toxicity assessmentbut they
previous work in whichNitrosomonas andNitrobacter spp. are of little or no value for determining the properties of
were identified as the principal nitrifying organisms in activated sludge that influence its behavior in solids sep-
activated sludge results from the bias introduced by cul- aration processes.
turing microorganisms from environmental samples. From a morphological view, activated sludge is a rel-
Because many environmental microorganisms will not atively simple microbial community consisting of free and
grow on laboratory culture media, the only way to be flocculated bacteria (and at times filamentous bacteria),
certain whether an organism is important in an environment protozoa, rotifers, nematodes, and a few other inverte-
such as activated sludge is to demonstrate its presence by brates. Protozoa and other higher life forms are usually
in situ methods that do not involve culturing and isolation. aerobic and bacteriovorous (they eat bacteria). A few anaer-
An excellent example of mistaken identity causedby obic flagellates and a number of saprophytic flagellates
the bias introduced by culture and isolation methods was occur in activated sludge. The saprophytic flagellates use
the conclusion that organisms of the Acinetobacter genus soluble organic matter for growth. Carnivorous free ciliates
were largely responsiblefor the phenomenonof enhanced and attached ciliates (suctorians) feed on other protozoa.
biological phosphorusremoval (EBPR) in activatedsludge Chlorophyll-bearing flagellates are incidentally observed
systems with initial anaerobic zones. Recent work has and are usually derived from aeration basin walls.
clearly shown that this is not so. Microorganisms that are Protozoa and other higher life forms may constitute
not closely related to Acinetobacter spp. are important in approximately 5%obyweightof the activatedsludgebiomass
this role (Hesselmannet al.. 1999: Crocetti et al.. 2000). and are represented by about 200 species (Curds, 1973;
Methods 47

FIGURE2.3O In silr,lidentificationof nitrifying bacteriain activatedsludge:(a) simultaneousin situhybidizationwith Cy3-labelled

probeNmV and FlUOS-labelledprobeNEU. Nitrosococcus mobiliscells appearyellow; (b) simultaneous in situ identiflcationof
Nitrosococcusmobilis and Nitrosporalikebacteriaafterin situ hybidization with FlUOS-labelledprobeNmV (green)and Cy3-
labetledprobeS-*-Ntspa-1026-a-A18 (red).(FromJuretschko, S. et al. (1998),Appl.Ewiron. Miuobiol.,64,3042.With permission.)
(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

If a large number of organisms are present (at times The major groups of protozoa and higher life forms
observedfor flagellates),count the number presentin each found in activated sludge are described below.
field of view (at 100x) for 10 to 20 fields of view, calculate
a. Flagellates
an average number per field of view, and multiply this
number by the number of flelds of view for the cover slip These are small (5 to 20 pm), oval or elongated forms
area (this is typically about 300 at 100x magnification for actively motile via one or more long, whip-like flagellae.
a 22 mm x 22 mm cover slip). Follow this procedure Many species found in activated sludge feed on soluble
frequently (several times a week or even daily) because organic matter and their presencecan indicate significant
protozoan populations in activatedsludge can changerap- soluble biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels. Many
idly in certain circumstances (e.g., an upset caused by of these occur at low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high
toxicity). organic load.

TaxonomicClassification b. Amoebae
Thesevary in shapeand size (10 to 200 pm) and are motile
Taxonomic classification of these organismsis basedpri- via pseudopodia("false feet"). Some specieshave a hard,
marily on motility. The six basic groups observedin acti- ornate shell called a test (and the organisms are known as
vated sludge are flagellates,amoebae,free-swimming cil- testate amoebae, e.g., Arcella). Amoebae grow well on
iates, attached (stalked) ciliates, rotifers, and a few other particulate organic matter and are able to tolerate low DO
invertebrates.Identification to speciesis not necessary,but environments. A bloom of amoebaecan indicate a high
recognition of the major groups of protozoaand higher life amount of particulate organic matter such as starch (pulp
forms can be useful in activatedsludgeoperation.The most and paper wastewater), yeast (brewery wastewater), and
common protozoan and higher life forms observedin acti- septage(municipal wastewater).
vated sludgeare shown in Figure 2.31 through Figure 2.33.
Thesephotos can be used as simplified identification keys. c. Free-SwimmingCiliates
More detailed taxonomic identification kevs can be These are round to oval in shape (20 to 400 pm) and are
found as follows:
actively motile via rows of short, hair-like cilia. Some
species("crawlers") have cilia fused into spikes that aid
Protozoa Curds(1969and1975);Jahnetal. (1980);
them in crawling on the surfacesof activated sludge flocs.
(1968);Doohan(1975);Gerardi(1987a) Ciliates are usually found under conditions of good floc
Rotifers Calaway
Nematodes Calaway(1963);Schiemer(1975);Tarjan(1977); formation and generally indicate satisfactory activated
Gerardi(1987b) sludge operation. Ciliates are sensitiveand their presence
Annelids De L. G. Solbe(1975) or absencecan indicate toxicity.
48 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE 2.31 Phase contrast micrographs of common flagellates and amoebaefound in activated sludge: (a) Monas sp., (b) Bodo
sp., (c) Polychaos sp., and (d) Arcella sp. (Original magnifications 1000x, (a) and (b); 400x, (c), and (d).) (See color insert following
page 70.)

d. Aftached Ciliates to activated sludge due to their red- or orange-colored

These appearunder conditions similar to those producing "eyespots." Becauseof their low growth rates, nematodes
free-swimming ciliates but are found attachedto flocs by are generally observed only at higher MCRTs. Tardi-
stalks that may be either rigid or contractile. Some species grades,gasterotrichsand annelids appearto occur only in
have one organism per stalk (e.g., Vorticel/c spp.) while nitrifying activated sludge systems,probably due to their
others are colonial (e.g., Epistylls spp. and Opercularia susceptibility to ammonia toxicity.
spp.). Stalked ciliates generally occur at low organic load
(high MCRT). Individual speciescan be used as indicators 4. Use of Protozoa and Metazoa
of approximateMCRT. The colonial forms occur at higher as Indicator Organisms
MCRTs with more "heads" per colony as the MCRT
Various protozoan and invertebrategroups develop in acti-
vated sludge according to growth conditions. Protozoa
e. Rotifers have maximum growth rates of >l d-l at 20oC (Curds,
These have a variety of shapesand are much larger (50 to 1975) and rotifers have growth rates of I to 2 d-l at20"C
500 pm) and have more complex structuresthan protozoa (Doohan, 1975). Thus, the activated sludge growth rate
(Figure 2.34). Most are motile and attach to activated (or MCRT) rarely limits the development of these organ-
sludge flocs with contractile "feet." Theseorganismsoccur isms in most activated sludge systems.Nematodeshave a
over a wide range of MCRT; some speciesare indicative lower maximum growth rate and generally develop only
of high MCRT. in high MCRT systems (Water Pollution Control Federa-
tion, 1990). Food availability principally through freely
f. Higher Invertebrates dispersedbacteria or turbidity is the primary determinant
These include nematodes(Figure 2.35d), tardigradessuch of which group predominates.
as Macrobiotus sp. (Figure 2.35b), gasterotrichs Flagellates, amoebae,and small, free-swimming cili-
(Figure 2.35c), and annelids such as Nais sp. and Aeleo- ates require high prey densities (>106to 107 bacteria/L)
soma sp. (Figure 2.35a) which can impart a reddish color becausetheir chase and capture feeding mechanisms are
Methods 49

FIGURE 2.32 Phaseconffast micrographs of free and stalked ciliates: (a) Aspidisca sp., (b) Paramecium sp., (c) Tokophyra sp., and
(d) Podophyra sp. (Original magnifications 400x, (a); 200x, (b), (c), and (d).) (See color insert following page 70.)

inefficient. These groups appear during plant startup and One of the most valuable uses of microscopic observa-
at low MCRT (high organic load) conditions. Attached tion of these organisms is toxicity assessment.These organ-
ciliates, rotifers, and other invertebratesdevelop at lower isms, particularly the ciliates and rotifers, are generally the
prey densitiesbecauseof their attachmentto the activated first to be impacted by toxic materials and can serve as ln
sludge floc and their ability to feed by ciliary action (filter sira biomonitoring indicators for toxicants and other adverse
feeding). These organism groups are selectedfor at high stresseson the activated sludge process.The first noticeable
MCRT (low organic load). These factors lead to marked sign of toxicity or stressis usually the slowing or cessation
differences in the populations of various protozoa and of cilia movement in the ciliates. Next, the predominant
other higher life forms as activated sludge process oper- protozoan goups shift toward flagellates and small, free-
ating parameters change (Table 2.20). swimming ciliates that often "bloom" to high numbers
Satisfactory activated sludge performance occurs (>10,000/mL). This is an indication of activated sludge floc
when there is a balance among free-swimming and breakup and the production of large numbers of dispersed
attachedciliates and rotifers. An overabundanceof flagel- bacteria (turbidity) utilized as a food sourceby the flagellates
lates, amoebae,or free-swimming ciliates is an indication and free-swimming ciliates. Finally, in severecases,these
of high F iI\4 (low MCRT) while an overabundanceof protozoa die, lyse, and releasetheir cell contents,sometimes
attached ciliates, rotifers, and other higher life forms, producing a white foam that contains dead protozoans and
especially nematodes,is an indication of low FnvI (high protozoan fragments. Stressesother than toxicity that induce
MCRT). See Table 2.20. Because sludge settling often these responsesinclude low DO, pH outside the range of
deteriorates at organic loading extremes, many plants 6.5 to 8.5, and high temperatures.Protozoa and other higher
attempt to adjust process parametersbased on the types life forms are generally absentfrom activatedsludge systems
of protozoa and other higher life forms observed in the operated at temperaturesabove 37 to 40"C.
activatedsludge.This is not a very sophisticatedapproach
to activated sludge settleability control, because many
other factors besides organic loading contribute to the In this section, we present specialized methods for mea-
growth of the filamentous organisms that cause deteriora- suring the physical properties of activated sludge related
tion of activated sludse settlins. to solids separation.
50 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS IudgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

FICURE 2.33 Phase contrast micrographsof stalked ciliates: (a) Opercularla sp., (b) Vaginicola sp., (c) Vorticella sp., and (d)
Epistylissp. (Original magnifications100x, (a); 200x, (b), (c), and (d).) (See color insert following page 70.)

FIGURE 2.34 Phasecontrastmicrographsof rotifers. (Original magnification100x.) (See color insert following page 70.)

1. SettlingTests 2. Foaming Tests

Three activated sludge settling tests are presented:(l) the Two foaming testsare presented.The first test (Table 2.24)
standard unstirred sludge volume index (SVI), (2) the is suitable for activated sludge mixed liquor samplesand
stined SVI at a standard initial SS concentration (SSVI aerobic and anaerobicdigestercontents.The Alka-SeltzeP
or SVIrr)(in this case,3.5 g SS/L), and (3) the diluted (Bayer Corporation, Morristown, NJ) test (Table 2.25) is
SVI (DSVI). The relative merits of these methods are designed to determine the foaming potential of influent
discussed in Chapter 3. The SVI method is detailed in and effluent streams.It is not suitablefor use with samples
Table 2.21, the SSVI method is found in Table 2.22, and containing high SS levels (such as mixed liquor and
the DSVI techniqueis shown inTable 2.23. digester contents).
Methods 51

FIGURE 2.35 Phasecontrast micrographs of invertebrates:(a) bristle worm(Aeleosoma sp.), (b) tardigrade (water bear, Macrobiotus
sp.), (c) gasterotrich(Chaetonotussp.), and (d) hydrachnidnematode.(Original magnifications100x, (a); 200x, (b) and (d); 400x,
(c).) (See color insert following page 70.)

at VariousActivatedSludgeOrganic
Condition PredominantGroups
Organic loading MCRT

High Low Flagellates, amoebae and small free-swimming ciliates

Moderate Moderate High diversity of organisms, dominated by free-swimming ciliates
Low High Stalked ciliates, rotifers, and higher invertebrates,especially nematodes

So u r ce s:F r o m Re yn o ld so n ,T .B.( 1 9 42),N ature,l 49,608;B ai nes,S .etal .(1953),

S ew agel ndustr.Wastes,
25,1923; Curds,C.R. and Cockbum,A. (1970a),Water Res.,4,225;Curds,C.R. and Cockbum,A. (1970b),
Water Res.,4, 237; Curds, C.R. (1975), in Ecological Aspects of UsedWater Treatment: The Organisms and
Their Ecology, Academic Press, NewYork, Chap.5; and Mudrack, K. and Kunst, S. (1986), Biology of
Sewage Treatment and Water Pollution Control, John Wiley & Sons, New York. With permission.

3. Methodsfor DifferentiatingMicrobiological 30 min in the container used to take the sample. This
and Process-Related
SolidsSeparationProblems avoids any changesin floc structure that could be caused
by sample transfers. This test indicates the state of floc-
The methodsdescribedin the following section were culation existing at the location in the treatmenttrain from
developedby Wahlberget al. (2001). which the sample is taken (Table 2.26).

a. Dispersed55 (DSS) b. Flocculated SS (F55)

DSS are the SS remainingin the supernatant
of an acti- FSS are the SS remaining in the supernatantof an activated
vatedsludgesamplethat hasbeensettledquiescentlyfor sludge sample that has been stirred with rotating paddles
52 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Graduatecylinder, I L.
Clock or stopwatchreadingin min.

1. Pour I L freshly-sampledmixed liquor into the graduatecylinder.
2. Allow to settlequiescentlyout of direct sunlight for 30 min.
3. After 30 min, record volume occupiedby the settledsludge.
4. Analyzea separatealiquot of the mixed liquor for total SS.


settledsludgevolume (mL/L) x t000

Source:Ftom StandardMethodsfor the Exatninationof Waterand Waste'
water,?.Othed.(1998)AmericanPublic HealthAssociation,WaterEnviron-
ment Federation,and AmericanWater Worts Association,New York. With

of 3.5 g/t (SSVl3.s)
StirredSludgeVolumeIndexat SSConcentration
Settling apparatus:
Clear plastic (e.g.,Lucite@)cylinder, 100mm extcmal diameter,with a vertical scaleof 0 to 100mm, fitted
with a l2-volt, l-rpm DC motorand stirringdevice(Figure2'36).

1. DetermineTSS of mixedliquor sample.
2. If necessary,adjustmixedliquor TSS to 3.5 g/L by dilutionwith effluent(for samples>3.5 g TSS/L)
or by presettlingor mixing with return activatedsludge(for samples<3.5 g TSS/L).
3. Pour the 3.5 g TSS/L mixed liquor into the settling apparatusand immediatelystart t}le stirrer.
4. Allow to settle quiescentlyout of direct sunlight for 30 min.
5. After 30 min, record the volume occupiedby the settledsludge.


settledsludgevotume(m!L x 1OOO)

U.K. With permission.

Soarce..FromWhite, M.J.D. TechnicalReportTRl 1,WaterResearchCentre,Stevenage,

at 50 rpm for 30 min, thensettledquiescentlyfor 30 min c. SecondaryEffluentSS (ESS)

in the vesselin which it was stirred. FSS representsthe This is the SS concentrationin the secondaryclarifier -
secondaryeffluentSS that could ideally be achievedby effluent(Table2.2S).
secondarysettling of a well flocculatedmixed liquor -;
Methods 53

12 volt DC
Motor (1 rpm)


Drive shaft


5 mm dia.
stirring rod


FIGURE2.36 Apparatusfor SSVIr.r.(FromWhite, M.J.D. (1976),WaterPollut.Control,75, 459.With permission.)

TABTE 2.23
1. Set up severall-L graduatecylinders (the numberdependson prior knowledgeof the sludgesettleability).
2. Usingwellclarifiedsecondaryeffluent,prepareaseriesoftwo-folddilutionsofthemixedliquor(i.e.,nodilution, 1:ldilution,l:3dilution).
3. Stir the graduatecylindersindividually for 30 to 60 s, using a plunger to resuspendand uniformly distributethe SS.
4. Allow the activatedsludgeto settlefor 30 min underquiescentconditions.
5. Recordthe settledsludgevolume (SVr) in the first dilution where it is equal to or lessthan 200 mL (SV30<200 mL).
6. Calculate:DSVI (mug) = SV:o(mL/L)x 2"/TSS(g/L)

svr(d/L)x 2"
\ e/ =
' TS S (g/L)

wheren is the numberof two-fold dilutions requiredto obtain SV3o<20OmL andTSS is the total suspendedsolidsconcentrationof the
undiluted mixed liquor.

Source:From Stdbbe,G. (1964),Vertiffentlichungen

desInstitutesflir Siedlungwasserwirthschaft
der Technischen
With permission.
54 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FoamingTestfor High SolidsSamples(Mixed Liquor and AnaerobicDigesterContents)
N, gas.
Ethanol957o w/v.

Foaming test apparatus:

Construct apparatusconsisting of a l-L graduate cylinder fitted at the center of its bottom with an air stone (ASTM 1745). Control the gas flow
to the air stone at 1600 cm3/min using an inlet valve, pressure gauge, and rotometer. Provide containment for the graduate cylinder to capture
material that can overflow it during the foaming test (Figure 2.37).

1. Adjust the temperature to 25"C if testing activated sludge and 37"C if testing anaerobically digesting sludge.
2. Adjust the TSS concentration to 2 g/L if testing activated sludge and to l.5Vo if testing anaerobically digesting sludge. Use distilled water
to a just TSS levels downward and settling to adjust TSS levels upward. Foaming tests can be conducted without adjustment of TSS
3. Gently pour 200 mL of sludge into a previously ethanol-washed and dried graduate cylinder. Aerate the sludge with N, gas at a rate of
1600 cm3/min for 90 s. When the foam layer reaches its maximum height, record the volume of the foam layer.

Source: From Hernandez, M.T. (1994), Ph.D. dissertation, University of Califomia, Berkeley. With permission.



From N, gas
cylln o e r

FfCURE 2.37 Schematicdiagram of high solids foaming test apparatus.(From Hemandez,M.D. (1994), Ph.D. dissertation,Uni-
versity of California, Berkeley. With permission.)

FoamingTestfor Influent and EffluentStreams
Reagent: Alka Seltzer@tablets (original unflavored, Bayer Corp., Morristown, NJ).

Graduate cylinder, 1 L (10 mL divisions).
Stopwatch reading in s.

1. Add 25 mL sample to a 500 mL graduate cylinder.
2. Drop in 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets.
3. Observe maximum foam volume.
4. When maximum foam volume is reached, start the stopwatch and record the time taken until the foam volume collapses so that
looking down the graduate cylinder from its top, 5OVoof the clear water surface is visible.
5. RepeatSteps I through 4 for tap water (control) and subtractthe control foam volume and collapse time values from the sample values.

Source: From Ho, C.F. and Jenkins,D. (1991), Water Sci. Technol.,23:44,879. With permission.
Methods JJ

DispersedSS(DSS)Method FlocculatedSS(FSS)Method
1. Collect samplesusing a 4.2-L acrylic Kemmerer sampler (Model 1. Use a 6-place paddle stirrer (Phipps and Bird, Richmond, VA).
1540-C20,Wildlife Supply Co., Saginaw, MI, Figure 2.38). The 2. From the location in the flow scheme to be investigated, collect
sampler is a clear tube, 105 mm (4.1 in.) in diameter and 600 at least 1.5 L of mixed liquor.
mm (24 in.) tall with upper and lower closures.Lock the closures 3. Place the flocculation jar on the paddle stirrer and mix 30 min
in the open position. at 50 rpm.
2. Lower the sampler to the desired depth with a rope. Close the 4. Allow the sample to settle for 30 min.
closures by dropping a weighted messengerdown the rope. 5. Take a supematant sample using a siphon device or a tube
3. Quickly raise the sampler and immediately open the bottom drain attached to a vacuum source.
valve to lower the liquid level in the samplerjust below its upper 6. Carefully avoid introducing settled SS or floating SS into the
internal support. supernatantsample.
4. Secure the sampler in a vertical position, open the upper closure, 7. Analyze the supernatantsample for TSS.
and start a stopwatch.
5. After approximately 10 min of settling, gently twist the upper Source: From Wahlberg, E.J. and Keinath, T.M. (1995), Water Environ
closure to dislodge any SS that may have adhered to its straps. Res.,67,872. With permission.
6. After 20 min of settling, immerse one end of a primed siphon
into the sampler to a depth that will allow the withdrawal of
slightly more than 500 mL of supematant.
7. After 30 min of settling, open the siphon and allow approximately
50 mL of supernatantto flow to waste.
8. After the siphon has cleared, collect a 500-mL sample. Use low TABLE2.28
supematantwithdrawal rates (approximately 150 to 200 ml/min) EffluentSS(ESS)Method
to prevent disruption of the sludge blanket. To prevent the inclu-
sion of floating solids, stop supernatant withdrawal when the l. Collect an effluent sample from the secondary clarifier at the
water surface falls within approximately 6 mrn (0.25 in.) of the same time the DSS and FSS tests are conducted.
siphon inlet. Analyze the supernatantfor TSS. 2. Analyze secondary effluent sample for TSS.

Source: From Wahlberg, E.J. and Keinath, T.M. (1995), Water Environ. Soarce.'From Wahlberg,E.J. and Keinath,T.M. (1995), WaterEnviron.
Res.,6'1,872. With permission. Res.,6i ,872. With permission.

Upper internal Upper closure seal

Water level before
Water level after
Sampling port

Clear supernatant

Settled sludge

Lower internal supporl

Lower closure seal

Bottom drain valve

FIGURE 2.38 Schematicdiagram of Kemmerer sampler in use. (From Wahl-

berg, E.J. (2001), Final Report for Project 00-CTS-1, Water Environment
ResearchFoundation, Alexandria, VA. With permission.)
? Applicationsand Results
of MicroscopicExamination
of ActivatedSludg"
Where the telescopeends,the microscopebegins.Which TEFL values increasedabove 107 pm/ml (Figure 3.1).
has the sranderview? Sezgin et al. (1980) found that these relationshipswere
valid for activated sludse taken from several full-scale
Victor Hugo (1802-1855),St.Denis,Book 1 plants (Figure 3.2).
It is soberingto think about the filamentousorganism
I. INTRODUCTION level neededto causean activatedsludgesettlingproblem.
SVI values increaseabove 150 ml-/g when TEFL levels
This chapterdiscussesthe type of information that can be exceed about 107 intersections/ml. This means that it
obtained from a microscopic examination of activated takes more than 10 m (about 33 ft) of filamentsin each
sludge.Applications of this information to the diagnosis mL of mixed liquor to causea settlingproblem.Lee et al.
and resolutionof activatedsludgesolids separationprob- (1983) determined the relationship between TEFL and
lems are presented.A discussionof the use of protozoa sludge settleabilitymeasuredby severaltechniques:SVI
and higher life form characterizationin activated sludge and dilutedSVI or DSVI (St6bbe,1964),SVI at SS con-
was presentedin Chapter2. The methodsused to differ- centrationsof 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 glL, and stirredSVI at 2.5
entiatebetweenmicrobial and process-related solids sep- g SS/L (similar to the SSVI.,rof White, 1976).Lee and
arationproblemsare presentedin Chapter4. A discussion coworkersreasonedthat becauseTEFL was a quantitative
of the useof microscopicmethodsand testingprocedures index of sludge settleability,the settling test to which it
relatedto foaming is reservedfor Chapter5. best correlatedwould be the best one for judging sludge
settleability.Becausethe closestcorrelationwas obtained
between TEFL and DSVI, they proposedreplacing the
standardSVI with the DSVI.
The counting of the number of filamentsextendingfrom Similar conclusionswere reachedby Matsui and
activated sludge flocs or the measurementof the total Yamamoto(1983),who useda video imaging systemto
extendedfilamentousorganismlength was used by early aid in the microscopiccountingof filamentlength.Further
workers to demonstratethat the settling properties of an justification for this proposalwas provided by Koopman
activatedsludgecould be relatedto its filamentousorgan- and Cadee (1983), Pitman (1985), and Rachwal et al.
ism level. (1982) who showedthat the parametersrelating activated
Finstein and Heukelekian (1967) showed that SVI sludge settling velocity and activatedsludge SS concen-
could be relatedto the total Iilament lengthper floc. Pipes tration correlatedwell with the DSVI. Thus, the DSVI test
(1979) counted the number of filamentous organisms is valuable for predicting activated sludge separation
extending from activated sludge flocs and found that, at behavior in process units and correlateswell with the
low filament numbers(<102filaments/mgVSS), the SVI activatedsludgefilamentousorganismlevel.
was below 100 ml-/g, while at high filament numbers Simplified methods for determining filamentous
(>102to 103filaments/mgVSS), the SVI increasedsignif- organismlevels in activatedsludge yield results that are
icantly. well correlatedwith settling properties.Thus, the subjec-
Sezginet al. (1978),Palm et al. (1980),and Lee et al. tive scoring systemfor filamentousorganismabundance
(1982) all used the Sezgin method (Table 2.1) for mea- ffable 2.15) was usedin an industrialwastewateractivated
suring the total extended filament length (TEFL) in acti- sludge plant and the results correlated well with SVI val-
vated sludge. All these investigators found correlations ues measuredby an independentlaboratory(Figure 3.3).
between activated sludge settling measurements(such as Data obtainedfrom the SanJose/Santa Clara (Califor-
SVI and zone settling velocity) and TEFL for laboratory- nia) Water Pollution Control Plant (SJ/SCWPCP) using
scale activated sludge grown on domestic wastewater.In the simplified filament count method (Table2.2) to assess
general,the SVI increasedrapidly above 150 mllg when the filamentousorganismlevelsin activatedsludgeillustrate

5B Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

800 6 Excessive

700 5 Abundant

) ooo n Yery
{9 1s0 common
f .no ,i
t.:" 3 Common
9 400 ; 100 2 Some
I roo 50
il I Few
E zoo
0 0 None
1 00 Junl I Jul 31 S epl 9 N ov8 D ec28 Febl 6
Date.1991 - 1992
lo5 106 107 108
FIGURE3.3 Relationshipof subjectivescoringof filament
abundanceand SVI as measuredby independentobservers.
FIGURE 3.1 Effect of extendedfilament length on SVI. (From (FromBeebe,R.D. et al. (1982),paperpresented
at 55thannual
Palm, J.C. et al. ( I 980), J. WaterPollut. Contol Fed., 52, 2484. of theWaterPollutionControlFederation.
conference St. Louis.
With permission.) MO. With permission.)

which a given number of filamentous organisms affect

The observationof Lee et al. (1983) that TEFL and
DSVI were well correlated and the finding of Beebe et al.
(1982) that an increasein filament count did not precede
Curve determined from
laboratory studies
a decreaseof settleability means that filament counting
of activated sludge is not an efficient process control
method for sludge settling. It is far easierto do a DSVI
{ 8oo
testthanto count filaments.Sinceboth testsyield the same
j information at the sameinstantin time, it makessenseto
e 600 do the easier test. However, filament identification is an
extremely useful tool for diagnosing and rectifying
activated sludge solids separation problems.

1 05 100 107 l 0o
pm/mL A. Rrsulrs oF FTLAMENTouS SuRVEys

FIGURE3.2 Variationof SVI with filamentlengthfor 14 full- The filamentous organism morphotypes observed in acti-
scaleCalifomiawastewater treatment plants.(FromSezgin,M. et vated sludgewere investigatedin a systematicfashionby
al.(1980),"/.WaterPollut.ControlFed.,12,171.Withpermission.) many workers including Cyrus and Sladka (1970), Hi.iner-
berg et al. (1970), Farquhar and Boyle (1971a, l97lb),
two important points (Figure 3.4). First, because changes Sladkaand Ottova(1973),Eikelboom(1975,1977),Elkel-
in SVI and filament count occur at the same time, the boom and van Buijsen (1981),Richardet al. (1982),Wag-
filament count cannot be used as an early warning for an ner (1982), Strom and Jenkins (1984), Blackbeardet al.
increasein SVI (Beebe et al., 1982).Second,when these (1986), Richard (1989), Seviouret al. (1994), Kristensen
measurements were made,the plant consistedof two acti- et al. (1994), Rossetti et al. (1994), and Wanner et al.
vated sludgeplants in series.The first (or secondary plant) (1998).
was for carbonaceousBOD removal and the second (or Their studies establishedthat 20 to 25 or more differ-
tertiary plant) was for nitrification. The filamentous organ- ent morphological types of filamentousmicroorganisms
isms found in theseplants were different and, as Figure 3.5 can be found in activated sludges treating municipal
shows,SVI and filament count had a different relationship. wastewaters.Eikelboom and Geurkink (2001) suggested
This suggests that the growth form of the filamentous that activated sludgestreating industrial wastewatersmay
organism in activated sludge and therefore the type of contain considerably more morphological types of fila-
filamentous organismspresentcan influence the degreeto mentousorsanisms.
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 59


-! 180
k 120
F roo



10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20
Mar Apr May

FIGURE 3.4 Comparisonof filament count and SVI at San Jose/SantaClara plant in California. (From Beebe,R.D. et al. (1982),
paper presentedat 55th annual conference of the Water Pollution Control Federation, St. Louis, MO. With permission.)

varies significantly. The differences can be explained by

variationsin wastewatertype and strength;plant operating
conditions (particularly FA{, MCRT, DO concentration,
120 and temperature);and aeration basin design (especially
initial mixing conditionsbetweenthe influent wastewater
and the RAS and the presenceof initial anaerobic,anoxic,
or otherwiseunaeratedzonesin the aerationbasin).

B. Drncnosrs oF CAUsEsoF SouDs SrpnnnrroN
u) 80 PnosLrlisrHRoucH MrcnoscoprcExniurNnrroru

1. C eneral
Second stage
Much can be learnedfrom a careful microscopicexami-
nation about how an activatedsludgewill behaveduring
solids separationprocesses,especiallyif the observeris
20 alert and keeps an open mind - some strangethings are
0 20 40 60 80 100 found in activated sludge. A microscopic examination
Count" should always be conductedwhen addressingsolids sep-
arationproblems.The data producedfrom a microscopic
FIGU RE3.5 Relationshipsof filamentcountto SVI for firstand
secondstageactivatedsludgeplantsat the SanJose/Santa Clara examinationarecompletelyindependentof other analyses
plantin California. done with an aim to resolving such problems. Further-
more, microscopic observation of the flocs and filamen-
Surveys of the appearancesof various filamentous tous organisms provides a measurementthat reflects not
organism types in bulking and foaming activated sludge only the current conditions, but to some degreeconditions
were conductedin the U.S. (Richard et al., 1982; Strom that have existed over at least the previous one or two
and Jenkins, 1984; Richard, 1986), Northern Europe MCRTs.
(Eikelboom, 1977 ; W agner,1982; Kristensenet al., 1994), Microscopic observation of activated sludge has its
South Africa (Blackbeard et al., 1986a,b),Australia greatest value when used in conjunction with data from
(Seviouret al.,1994); Italy (Rossettiet a1.,1994),and the chemical analyses,operating records, and plant design.
Czech Republic (Wanneret al., 1998),SeeTable 3.1 and Becausemicroscopicobservationstend to be subjective,
Table 3.2. These surveys demonstratedthat the same fil- it is not a good idea to learn a lot about an unknown sample
amentous organism types are observed ubiquitously in before looking at it. If someonetells you what he or she
activated sludge and that approximately l0 to 12 types thinks the problem is, it is easy to convince yourself that
account for the great majority of bulking and foaming you seewhat you think you should see.
episodes.The relative frequency of occurrence of domi- This section details information that can be gleaned
nant individual filamentous organisms in bulking sludge from determining the types of filamentous organisms
60 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

in U.S.Bulkingand FoamingActivated
Percentageof Treatment
Plantswith Bulkingor
Foamingin Which
Rank FilamentousOrganism Dominant Secondary

I Nocardioformorganisms 31 17
2 Type 11O1 29 24
3 Type021N 19 15
4 Type0041 16 4'7
5 Thiothrixspp. 12 20
6 Sphaerotilusnatans 12 19
'l Microthrixpanicella 10 3
8 Type0092 9 4
9 Haliscomenobacter hydrossis 9 45
l0 Type0675 '7 16
I1 Tlpe 0803 6 9
12 Nostocoidalimicola (typesI, II and III) 6 18
13 Tlpe 1851 6 2
14 Type0961 4 6
15 'Ilpe 0581 3 1
16 Beggiatoaspp. | 4
17 Fungi | 2
l8 Type0914 I I
All others I -

Note:Combined resultsofRichardet al. (1982)andStromandJenkins(1984);

525 samplesfrom 270 treatmentplants.

present.While this is very useful in problem diagnosis, it Finding large numbersof amorphousorganic particles
is not the only type of thing that can be learned from (Figure 3.7a) in municipal wastewater activated sludge
microscopic examination of activatedsludge.Much useful suggeststhe presenceof recycled digested sludge solids
information can be obtained from observing floc charac- somewherein the solids handling processes.Examples are
teristics and the presenceof other types of organisms or digester supernatant,thickener return flows, centrate, fil-
nonbiological particles. trate, etc. In severecasesof solids recycling, the odor of
digested sludge will be apparent in the activated sludge
2. Nonmicrobial partictes sample. Often this observation is accompaniedby the
finding of low percentVSS in the mixed liquor SS, turbid
The nonmicrobial particles present in activated sludge secondaryeffluent, and a pumice-like foam on the aeration
flocs can be informative. Most activated sludge contains basin and secondaryclarifiers.
paper fibers, most likely from toilet tissue. Pulp and paper Hydrogen sulfide reactswith iron saltspresentin most
wastewateractivatedsludgealways containsfibers derived wastewatersto form a black precipitate of iron sulfide that
from the pulped material. The observation of many paper accumulatesin the floc (Figure 3.7b). The finding of sig-
fibers (Figure 3.6a) in municipal wastewater activated nificant iron sulfide is an indication of septic wastewater
sludge suggeststhat the plant does not have primary clar- or high levels of hydrogen sulfide somewherein the sys-
ifiers becausemost paper fibers settle out in primary clar- tem. Often, this is a sign of septic return flows to the
ifiers. Also seen in the activated sludge from this type of aeration basin, usually from a solids handling process.
plant are hairs (Figure 3.6b), plant ducts (Figure 3.6c), When iron salts are added to the primary effluent or
and greaseparticles (Figure 3.6d). The presenceof many to the mixed liquor (for example, for phosphateremoval
paper fibers in the activated sludge from a plant with by simultaneousprecipitation), it is usually possible to see
primary clarifiers is an indication that the primary clarifi- yellow amorphous areas in the flocs consisting of ferric
ers function inefficiently. phosphate and hydroxide precipitates (Figure 3.7c).
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 61

Comparisonof Dominant FilamentousOrganismsin Bulkingand FoamingActivatedSludge
from SeveralCountries
Rankingin Order of Prevalence
Filamentous Organism U.S." Netherlandsb," Germanyc," South Africad Australiar Denmarke Italyh CzechRepublici

Nocardioforms and I
,| 3 26
Type 1701 2 588 t2 9 13
Type 02lN 3 2l I 3 67
Type 0041 636 2 2 35
Thiothrix spp. 199 l3 78
S. natans 6 74 T4
M. panicella 7 t 22 I I 1t
Type 0092 8 4- 1 4 3 +)
H. hydrossis 9 369 5 1l
Type 0675 l0 A 2 3 11
Type 0803 ll 9107 o 4
N. limicola I, II, and III l2 11 7 8 5 52
Type 1851 l3 123 8 ;
Type 0961 l4 109- 10 89
Type 0581 l5 8- 9
Beggiatoa spp. l6 l8 l)

Fungi t7 15;
Type 0914 t8 , ; l0 l0

" Richard et al. (1982) and Strom and Jenkins(1984):525 samplesfrom 270 plants.
b Eikelboom (1977): 1100 samplesfrom 200 plants.

" Wagner (1982): 3500 samplesfrom 315 plants.

d Blackbeardet al. (1986a and 1986b): I I I plants including 26 BNR plants; bulking and nonbulking sludge.

" Nocardioforms not included.

r Seviour et al. (1994): 65 samplesfrom 65 plants.
c Kristenesenet al. (1994): 38 EBPR plants.
h Rossettiet al. (1994): 40 plants.
i Wanner et al. (1998): 86 samplesfrom 86 plants.

Because phase contrast illumination distorts color, it is (Figure 3.8a), catalyst support particles, oil and grease
necessaryto confirm the true color ofthese areasby view- droplets (Figure 3.8b), fibers from clothing manufacture
ing them under direct illumination. Inorganic precipitates (Figure 3.8c), and starchgranules(Figure 3.8d).
in activated sludge also reduce its volatile fraction.
In the powdered activated carbon treatment (PACT) 3. Other Microbiological Features
process (Hutton and Robertaccio, 1975), powdered acti-
vated carbon is added to the activated sludge. It is easy to a. General
see the black angular particles of powdered activatedcar- Microscopic observation of the condition of activated
bon microscopically in PACT-activatedsludge even at a sludge flocs and the occurrence of microorganisms other
magnification of 100x (Figure 3.7d). The carbon particles than filaments can help judge the nature of the growth
are thick and strong enoughto prevent one from preparing environment in the aeration basin. Important floc charac-
a very thin preparation by pressing on a cover slip; at teristics are size, strength, apparentbacterial morpholog-
1000x magnification, it is difficult to focus properly. The ical diversity, specific morphological types of bacteria
presenceof isolated carbon particles in activated sludge indicative of growth conditions, dispersedgrowth, and the
treating industrial wastewatersusually meansthat the water presenceof algae, protozoa, and metazoa.
used for quenching or scrubbing flue gases is being dis-
charged into the wastewatertreatment plant. b. Limited Diversity
Many other nonmicrobial particles are found in acti- In a typical activated sludge floc developedon municipal
vated sludge treating industrial wastewaters. These wastewater, one usually observes bacteria with a wide
include dye particles, resin beads, diatomaceous earth variety of morphological forms, suggesting the presence
62 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE3.5 Phasecontrastmicrographs of nonmicrobialparticles:(a) pap'erfibers,(b) hair,(c) plantduct,and(d) grease.(Original

100x,(a) and(b);200x,(c) and(d).)

of a number of bacterial types growing on a mixture of An activated sludge sample stored in a full bottle,
substrates(Figure 3.9a). Activated sludge flocs developed especially if it has become warm and septic, will develop
on industrial wastewatersoften exhibit limited diversity dispersed growth. This is an artifact of improper sample
of morphological types of bacteria, indicative of growth collection and storage; it occurs more rapidly with low
on a wastewaterwith a simpler composition than munic- MCRT (poorly stabilized) activatedsludge than with high
ipal wastewater (Figure 3.9b and Figure 2.7). Such acti- MCRT (well stabilized) activatedsludge.A fresh, properly
vated sludges may not be as resilient to changesin envi- collected and stored sample should always be examined.
ronmental or wastewaterconditions as those developedon High F/TvI(low MCRT) increasesthe amount of dis-
a more diverse substrate. persed bacteria in activated sludge. In municipal waste-
Often industrial wastewatersystemsexperience short water activated sludge, dispersedgrowth can start to exert
periods of dispersed bacterial growth and high effluent a noticeableimpact on effluent quality at MCRTs less than
turbidity when the wastewatercomposition or temperature 2to3d.
changes. This may be due to a change in predominant For activated sludge developed on high organic
floc-forming species. strength, readily biodegradable,soluble industrial waste-
waters, dispersed growth can occur at much lower F/IVI
c. Dispersed Growth values. Spills and shock loads in industrial wastewater
For an activated sludge to produce a well clarified, low activated sludge systems typically result in dispersed
TSS effluent. it must contain low levels of individual bac- growth and turbid effluents. Dispersedgrowth is common
terial cells and small cell aggregates(both termed dis- in trickling filter and RBC effluents, especially from high
persed growth). Large amounts of dispersed growth rate units and causes the turbidiry often seen in trickling
(Figure 1.5) in the aeration basin will produce a turbid filter effluents. Dispersed growth arisesbecauseof inade-
effluent. Dispersed growth is encounteredunder a variety quate bioflocculation time afforded by high rate filters. The
of conditions. The diagnostic methods of Wahlberg et al. dispersed microorganisms can be removed by biofloccu-
(2001) are very useful in determining which of these sev- lating the filter effluent using processessuch as the trickling
eral conditions is causing the dispersedgrowth. fi lter/solids contact (TF/SC) process(Nonis et al., 1982).
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 63

FICURE 3.7 Phase contrast micrographs of nonmicrobial particles: (a) a.rnorphousorganic matter, (b) iron sulfide, (c) ferric iron
precipitate,and (d) activatedcarbon.(Original magnifications200x, (a) and (b); 1000x, (c); 100x, (d).) (See color insert following
page 70.)

Novak and coworkers ( Higgins and Novak, 1997a, action of toxicants. The mechanical shearing or breakup
1997b; Novak, 2001; Murthy and Novak, 1998, 2001) of flocs occurs in activated sludge systemswith vigorous
have shown that, under some circumstances,dispersed methods of aeration (e.g., mechanical aeratorsand coarse
growth in activated sludge can be caused by what they bubble diffused air). This type of floc is referred to as pin
term a cation imbalalance - the relative concentrations or pinpoint floc. In such sludges,the majority of the bio-
in the wastewater of monovalent (Na*, K*, NHo*) and mass,with the exceptionof the small dispersedfloc, usu-
divalent (Ca2* and Mg2*) cations. When the ratio of ally settles rapidly. Floc shearing to produce dispersed
monovalent cations to divalent cations is high, dispersed growth can result from other types of rough treatment of
growth can occur.Novak and his group suggestthat micro- the activated sludge, such as falling over weirs and into
organismsin activatedsludge attach to each other through drop structures; pumping, especially with a centrifugal
the bridging of their exocellular polymers (polysaccha- pump; and flow through long and tortuous piping systems.
rides and proteins)(seeFigure 1.1). Divalent cationspar- Pin floc can be rectified by reflocculating small flocs
ticipate in this bridging while monovalent cations do not. with larger ones. This can be done by ensuring gentle
Besides influencing the amount of dispersed growth in transfer of mixed liquor between the aeration basin and
activated sludge, Higgins and Novak (1997a) showed that the secondary clarifier and by providing a gently mixed
wastewater cation levels also affect settling rates, resis- flocculation zone in the secondaryclarifier. To achievethis
tance to filtration, and thickness of cake produced by in a circular secondaryclarifier, one should provide alarge
various solids' thickening processes. tangentially fed center well with sufficient hydraulic
The two causesof dispersedgrowth discussedabove detention time to provide for reflocculation of the small
result from inadequatebioflocculation and poor floc for- flocs (Wahlberg et al., 1994).
mation. Dispersedgrowth can also result from the breakup Surfactants can cause dispersed growth through floc
or deflocculation of existing flocs. Three generic causes dispersion. For this effect to be manifested,the surfactant
for this type of dispersed growth have been identified: must be present in the aeration basin and must be slowly
mechanical shearing,the presenceof surfactants,and the biodesradable or nonbiodesradable. The most common
64 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE 3.8 Phasecontrastmicrographsof nonmicrobial particles:(a) diatomaceousearth, (b) oil droplets,(c) clothing fiber, and
(d) starchgrain. (Original magnifications200x, (a) and (d); 100x (c);400x (b).)

FIGURE3.9 Phasecontrastmicrographs diversity of activatedsludgeflocs: (a) high diversity,(b) low


biodegradable surfactants encountered in U.S. wastewa- values below 60 dynes/cm2in the aeration basin liquid or
ters are the branchedchain, alkyl phenol ethoxylate (APE) in the secondaryeffluent are indicative of such a problem.
or nonyl phenol ethoxylate (NPE) nonionic surfactants. The presenceof white, frothy foam on the surface of the
The floc dispersion effect is also noticeable in the treatment unit should also raise suspicionsthat surfactants
behavior of the secondaryclarifier sludge blanket which, may be present.We have seenthis type of surfactant floc
insteadof possessinga distinct interfacebetweenthe set- dispersion problem in activated sludge treating surfactant
tled sludge and the supernatantliquid, becomes diffuse, wastewater,pharmaceutical wastewater,textile waste-
showing a very gradual transition from the sludge layer water, commercial laundry wastewater,and occasionally
to the supernatantover a distance up to several feet. An in wastewaters from industries that engage in periodic
analysisfor surfactants(anionic and nonionic) and surface equipment cleaning, e.g., dairies, cheese manufacturers,
tension should be made for confirmation. Surface tension and canneries.This type of floc dispersion problem may
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 65

be seasonal.It tends to be worse when the wastewateris of the system as they are replaced by mesophilic floc
colder because the biodegradation rates of some of the formers. For this reason,in activatedsludge systemsoper-
causative surfactants decrease at low temperatures ated at high temperatures(>35oC), it is important to limit
(Kravetzet al.,1984). temperaturevariations as much as possible.
The presence of toxicants (especially heavy metals) Dispersed growth and turbid effluents can be caused
in influent wastewatercan result in dispersedgrowth due by the growth of severaltypes of microorganisms free in
to deflocculation. Filamentous organisms,if presentin the suspensionand not attachedto the flocs.Theseorganisms
activated sludge, are often the first microorganisms to be can be filamentous (e.g., H. hydrossis, Type 0914,
affected by toxic metals.The SVI decreasesrather rapidly N. limicola, Type 1863, and nocardioformorganisms)or
and freely dispersed,damagedfilaments can be observed one of several types of single-celled bacteria of unique
microscopically in the supernatant above the settled appearance.One of the more common of theseis a Gram-
sludge.Ifthe toxicity is severeor frequentenough,defloc- negativeand Neisser-positivestaininggroup offour cells,
culation will occur. Bott and Love Q002\ and Wimmer termed the Neisser-positive tetrad (Figure 3.10a and
et al. (2001) have shown that deflocculationdue to elec- Figure 3.10b). This organismhas been observedin asso-
trophilic toxicants (e.g., heavy metals) can be preceded ciation with nutrient deficiency and the presenceof low
by a releaseof potassiumions to yield K* concentrations molecular weight organic acids in the wastewater.
of 2 to 5 g/L inside the flocs.
Since Murthy and Novak (1998) estimatethat K+ lev- d. Neisser-PositiveCell Clumps
els of approximately0.7 g/l- will causefloc dispersion,it Neisser-positive staining bacteria that grow in clumps of
is possible that the dispersion associatedwith toxicity
often grape-likeclustersinside the activatedsludge flocs
could in fact be due to the K* ion releasethat the toxicant
appearin systemswith initial anoxic or anaerobiczones
elicits. Following deflocculation,protozoa,usually flagel- (selectors)in the aeration basin (Figure 3.10c). The
lates,often "bloom" due to the suddenavailabilityof food
Neisser-positivestainingreactionis thought to be associ-
sources(deflocculatedbacteria).If the toxicity event is
ated with internally storedinorganicpolyphosphategran-
severeenough,these protozoaare killed and their lysed
ules that accumulatewhen these organismsare cycled
cell contentscan producea foam. Microscopic examina-
through an anaerobic/aerobicenvironment.These types of
tion of this foam will reveal the presenceof dead proto-
Neisser-positivestaining cells are found in significant
zoansandprotozoanfragments.The activatedsludgeBOD
numbers in activated sludge systems exhibiting EBPR
removal usually declinesor ceasesfollowing this type of
(e.g., processessuch as Bardenpho,A/O, Phostrip, and
event. Activated sludge affected by severeheavy metal
UCT). Whife originally thought to be Acinetobacterspp.,
toxicity will have a much higher than normal heavy metal
it hasnow beenshownthat someof thesemicroorganisms
contentin the MLSS. This can be determinedby chemical
are membersof the genus RfutdocycLus(Crocetti et al.,
2000; Hesselmanet al., 1999).
A similar sequenceof eventscan occur during RAS
chlorination for bulking control (see Chapter 4). If the In addition to clumps of microorganismsthat stain
initial mixing of chlorine and RAS is poor or if the chlo- evenly Neisser-positive,Neisserstaining will sometimes
rine dose is too high, the floc breaks up, forming small also reveal clumps of cells that stain strongly positive
floc fragments. Dispersed growth and turbid effluents (deep blue-purple)in and near their cell walls and less
result when chlorine dosing is very high. strongly positive (light blue) in their interiors (Figure
Aeration basin temperaturesabove 35 to 40'C can 3.10d). Theseare refened to as G bacteria(Cech and Hart-
often causedispersedgrowth of floc-forming and filamen- man, 1993)and are associatedwith activatedsludgesystems
tous organisms(Norris et al., 2000; Parkset al., 2000)This that have initial anaerobic/anoxiczones in which EBPR
is an increasingproblem in many industrial wastewater does not occur. These organismsapparentlycan take up
treatment plants in which water conservation practices and store soluble substrateanaerobically/anoxicallywith-
reduce effluent volume without reducing process heat out the accompanying cycling of phosphate and storage
losses, thereby increasing wastewater temperatures.A of inorganic polyphosphate.They are sometimesfound in
common observationis the occurrenceof episodesof dis- EBPR-activated sludge systems in which EBPR has
persedgrowth of single bacteriaand dispersedfilaments, ceased to function or functions poorly. They were first
high effluent turbidity, and loss of floc strength as the observedby Cech and Hartmann (1993) in laboratory-
aeration basin temperatureincreasesfrom below 35oC to scale anaerobic/aerobic activated sludge units fed with
above this value. The dispersed growth and effluent tur- glucose (hence the name). We have seen G bacteria in
bidity often subsideafter a few days as new thermotolerant large numbers in a full-scale anaerobic/aerobicactivated
floc-forming bacteria develop. Dispersedgrowth episodes sludge unit treating wastewater from a sugar refinery.
occur also as the temperaturedecreasesthrough this range, Mazemannet al. (1991, 1999) assignedsome G bacteria
perhapsbecausethe thermotolerant floc formers wash out to the new generaAmaricoccus and Tesssaracoccus.
66 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FIGURE 3.10 Neisser-positivecell clumps in activated sludge flocs: (a)'tetrad, phase contrast of wet mount; (b) tetrad, direct
illumination Neisser stain; (c) phosphate-accumulatingorganisms (PAOs), direct illumination Neisser stain; and (d) G bacteria, direct
illumination Neisserstain. (Original magnification1000x.) (See color insert following page 70.)

e. Yeast ifiers often accompanies the observation of high yeast

concentrationsin wastewaterinfl uent.
The presenceof large amountsof yeastcells (Figure 3. 1la)
in activated sludge is unusual and suggestsone of four f. Zoogloeas
conditions: The presenceofzoogloeal colonies(amorphousor finger-
shaped,Figure 2.5) canbe indicativeof severalconditions.
L Yeastin the influent wastewater(e.g., wastewa- Both types of zoogloeasare most often observedin high
ters from bakery, brewery, or other industrial F/I\4 systems,especially if the waste contains readily bio-
fermentation processes) degradable,soluble organic compoundsand the pH is low.
2. Fermentative conditions somewherein the col- For these reasons,amorphous zoogloea often develop in
lection system or wastewatertreatment plant activated sludge with selector systems. Zoogloeas are
3. Low pH (<6.0) levelssimilar to thosethat cause common in activated sludge treating wastewatercontain-
fungi (to which yeasts are related) ing high volatile fatty acid concentrations (e.g., septic
municipal wastewater). In coupled fixed-film/activated
4. SevereP deficiency
sludgeunits that have no intermediateclarifiers, zoogloeas
often wash into the activated sludge mixed liquor from
We have seen yeast proliferate in activated sludge in the fixed-film reactor. Zoogloeas are not causedby nutri-
a systemaeratedwith fine pore diffusers when the diffusers ent deficiency.
became clogged and the oxygen supply was insufficient.
Another yeast overgrowth incident was associatedwith g. Selector Flocs
the fermentation of a sugar-containing wastewater and Flocs from activatedsludge systemsthat incorporateprop-
domestic wastewater mixture in the primary clarifiers of erly functioning selectors often have unique features.
the plant. Septic conditions in raw sludge gravity thick- Besidesthe presenceof zoogloeas(usually the amorphous
enerscan produce conditions that favor yeast growth. The type), these flocs often appearto be tightly structured and
yeast is recycled back into the activated sludge in the strong. In anoxic and anaerobic selector sludge, the pre-
gravity thickener overflow. "Gassing" of the primary clar- viously discussed Neisser-positive staining cell clusters
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 67


FfGURE 3.11 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) yeast, (b) Hyphomicrobium sp., (c) Spirillum sp., and (d) spirochaetes.(Original
magnification 1000x.)

(Figure 3.10c and Figure 3.10d) and individual Neisser- water systems and in preventing the accompanying nitri-
positive staining cells are seen. Selector sludge is not fication-denitrification problems (e.g., floating sludge).
always devoid of filamentous organisms,but those present Hyphomicrobium spp.also grow in activated sludge treat-
usually are quite short in length and often have substantial ing wastewatercontaining methanol and other C, organic
attachedgrowth - a sign that the fllamentous organisms compounds.
are growing slowly. Often their staining reactions are not
j. Spirochaetes, Spirillum, and Flexibacter
typical; all in all, they appear stressed.
Influent wastewater or aeration basin septicity can be
h. Nitrifying Bacteria detectedby the presenceof high amountsof Spirillum spp.
When nitrifying bacteriaarepresentin significant amounts (Figure 3. I I c), spirochaetes(Figure 3. 11d), or Flexibacter
in activated sludge, they can be observedmicroscopically spp. (Figure 2.29a) found free in the fluid between acti-
at 1000x magnification as dense, rounded microcolonies vated sludge flocs. These bacteria grow preferentially at
ofbacteria, generally found at floc edges(Figure 2.6). This high organic acid concentrationsand low dissolvedoxygen
was confirmed by Wagner et al. (1998) using fluorescent conditions associatedwith septicity.
in situ hybidization (FISH) methods. The nitrifying bac-
teria were presentin the flocs as sphericalaggregateswith k. ExocellularMaterial
averagediameters in the range of 6 to 9 pm. The presence of large amounts of exocellular slime in
activatedsludgecan be detectedby two methods.A micro-
i. DenitrifyingBacteria scopic examination of the activated sludge stained with
Using a phase contrast microscope, it is not possible to India ink will reveal large areasofthe floc that are inpen-
distinguish most denitrifying bacteria from other bacteria etrable to the ink particles (Figure 1.6) in which cells
in an activated sludge floc. The exception is the denitri- surrounded by exocellular material can be seen. These
fying Hyphomicrobium spp. (Buchanan and Gibbons, exocellular slimes usually contain polysaccharides and
1974) that is identified easily becauseof a unique "bean proteins and their presenceand amounts can be verified
on a stalk" morphology (Figure 3.llb). Observation of by the Anthrone test for total sludge carbohydrates
this microorganism has proven useful in judging when (Table 2.12) and the modified Lowry method for proteins
ammonia as a nutrient is overdosed in industrial waste- (Table2.13).
6B Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

FICURE3.12 Phasecontrastmicrographsof (a) unicellular Chlorella spp. and (b) filamentots Uronema sp. (Original
magnification1000x.)(Seecolor insertfollowing page70.)

Activated sludge from domestic wastewater treatment . Large clumps of Neisser-positivestaining cells
plants normally contains 10 to 20Vo total carbohydrate in the flocs in the absenceof an anaerobic/aero-
(expressedas glucose on a dry weight basis) and usually bic sequencein the aerationbasin, often present
abott 50Voprotein on a dry weight basis.Industrial waste- as tetrads
water treatment activated sludge may contain low amounts . Large amounts of intracellular PHB granulesin
(<l|Vo of dry weight) of polysaccharideif sffessedor con- the floc bacteria and filaments
taining large amounts of inorganic particulates. High . Unusual Neisser staining reactionsof some fila-
amountsof carbohydrate(>25V0of dry weight) occur when mentousorganisms(e.g.,Type 0041, Tlpe 0675,
the activatedsludge is nutrient limited. In severecasesof 'and 1L hydrossis often stain lightly Neisser-
nutrient deficiency, carbohydrate levels up to 90Vo have positive when nutrient deficient)
beenobserved.Viscousbulking usually occurswhen waste- . Extensive gonidia and rosette formation by
waters high in readily metabolizable,soluble organics are Thiothrix spp. and Type 021N
treated under nutrient (N and/or P)-deficient conditions.
Apparently the exocellular polysaccharidesare productsof l. Algae
a shunt metabolism or unbalanced growth. They appear to The finding of algae (Figure 3.12a and Figure 3.12b) in
be formed by activated sludge microorganisms (both floc activated sludge is rare. These organisms do not grow in
formers and filaments) when they cannot produce N- and activated sludge becauselight does not penetrate signifi-
P-containingcell material due to the lack of nuffients. cantly into the mixed liquor. Algae in activated sludge
Overproduction of polysaccaride has also been usually originate from another treatment unit in the pro-
observed in domestic wastewater activated sludge plants cess stream and are fed or recycled into the activated
that are not nutrient deficient. The polysaccharideproduc- sludge process. For example, algae can grow on the top
tion is associatedwith very high DO uptake rates (often layers ofbiofilters and be flushedthrough the biofllter into
>100 mg Orlg VSS/h). These high metabolism rates prob- an activated sludge unit in a coupled biofilter-activated
ably lead to unbalanced growth becausethe bacteria are sludge system.
unable to obtain nutrients as rapidly as the organic mate- Algae can grow in large amountsin lagoons.If there is
rials are processed.In severecasesof viscous bulking, the a supematant recycle stream from a sludge lagoon back to
activated sludge is slimy to the touch and will hang in the activated sludge process, algae can enter the activated
viscous "stringers" from the end of a sampling pipette. sludge system in this way. The washing down of algal
Often, the aeration basin or final clarifier will be covered growth on secondaryclarifier weirs can introduce algae into
with a viscous, sticky, solids-rich foam several feet thick. activated sludge when the wash water is recycled. If the
In one severe case, the slime "stuck" to the secondary activated sludge system is followed by secondaryeffluent
clarifier sludge removal mechanism and would not flow filters, algae growing on or removed by the filters can return
into the RAS withdrawal line. to the activated sludge in recycled filter backwash. In one
In addition to viscous sludges containing large instance, large amounts of algae in activated sludge resulted
amounts of exocellular slime, other microscopic signs of from discharge of water treaffnent plant filter backwash to
nutrient deficiency include: the collection system of the wastewater treatment plant.
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 69

4. FilamentousOrganisms . Lipids (especially those containing unsaturated

fatty acids such as oleic acid)
a. Relationship to Causes of Bulking . Particulate substratessuch as starch
Microscopic examinationof the types,abundance,condi-
tion and growth forms of filamentous organismsprovides Process design parameters important in determining
a wealth of information on the nature and causesof solids the levels and types of filamentous organismsin activated
separation problems in activated sludge. The ability to sludgeare:
draw conclusionsfrom microscopicexaminationof fila-
mentous organismsis possible becauseof studies that . Net growth rate (MCRT, SRT, FA4)
(1) correlated filamentous organism types observed in . Aeration basin configurationand redox condi-
activatedsludgewith wastewatercharacteristics,operating tions
conditions, and aerationbasin configurations;(2) deter- . Wastewaterf'eedingregime,especiallywhether
mined the growth characteristics and metabolism of continuousor intermittent(e.g., SBRs)
filamentous organismsisolated in pure culture; and (3) . Foam trapping features
investigatedactivatedsludgefilamentousorganismsin situ . Upstreambiological treatmentunits, sewersur-
using molecularbiological and physiologicalmethods. faces,and in-plant surfaces
It is rare that an activated sludge sample fiom a plant
with bulking or foaming contains only one filamentous Plant operating conditions related to filamentous
organismtype. More than one type is usually presentin organismgrowth in activatedsludgeare:
significantor dominantquantities(an abundanceof "very
common" or greater)and severalothers may be present . DO concentration
in smaller or secondaryamounts ("common" or less). ' pH
Correlation of the causeof bulking or foaming is made . Temperature
with the dominant filamentousorganismtypes.The find-
ing of severaldominant filament types at one time often b. Nutrient Balance
indicates unstableor varying conditions in the aeration N and P deficienciescan encouragethe growth of several
basin.This often happensin activatedsludgefrom indus- filamentousorganismtypes.Type 02l N and Thiothrix spp.
t r ial was t ewa te r tre a tme n t p l a n ts (Ei k e l b oom and may be encounteredat low N conditions.S. natans,
Geurkink, 2002). The filamentous organisms present in H. hydrcssis,and N. limicola III may grow in conditions
smaller amountsshould not be ignored. Sometimesthey of P deficiency.When growing under nutrient-deficient
can provide additional information such as the presence conditions, Type 02lN and Thiothrix spp. ofien exhibit
of a particularwastewatercharacteristicor treatmentprocess rosettesand gonidia (Figure 2.19) and usually contain
or "left-overs" from a previouscondition. Some filamen- intracellularPHA granules.
tous organismsare specific indicatorsof a particular set Other signs of nutrient deficiency include the detec-
of conditions,while othersare presentunder a variety of tion by India ink reversestaining of significant amounts
conditions.In the latter case,it is important to pay close of exocellularmaterialin the activatedsludgefloc and on
attentionto the growth conditions of the filamentousorgan- dispersedbacteria.In sludgeswith significantamountsof
isms becausethey may provide cluesabout which of several India ink-impenetrableexocellularmaterial,the Anthrone
possible factors may cause the growth. The factors influ- analysis will usually show higher than normal carbohy-
encing filamentousorganismgrowth in activatedsludgeare drate levels.
the same as those influencing the growth of all other types
c. Readily Metabolizable Soluble Organics
of microorganisms in activatedsludge:(1) wastewater(sub-
strate)characteristics,(2) processdesignparameters,and Most of the filamentousorganismson which pure culture
(3) treatmentplant operatingconditions. experimentshave beenconductedcan grow well on fairly
simple, soluble, readily metabolizableorganic substrates
Wastewater characteristics that influence filamen-
such as low molecularweight fatty acids and simple sug-
tous organism growth in activated sludge are:
ars.This doesnot necessarilymean that thesefilamentous
organismsgrow on thesesubstratesin activatedsludge.
. Nutrient balance(e.g.,N and P concentrations)
This information can be used to associatesome fila-
. Readily metabolizablesoluble organics (e.g., mentous organismswith this general type of substrate.
organic acids, especially the low molecular Thus, the filamentous organismsthat appearto be favored
weight fatty or volatile acids and soluble simple by soluble,readily metabolizablesubstratesareS. natans,
sugar carbohydrates) Type 1701, Type 021N, Thiothrix spp., 1L hydrossis,
. Dissolved sulfide N.limicolaII, N. limicola III, and Type 1851.S. natans,
70 P roblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti v atedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

Type 1701,N. limicola II, and Type 1851 are often seen particulate organic matter degradationrates are very low
when simple sugars and soluble starches are present in in anaerobicand anoxic zonescomparedto the ratesunder
wastewater.Type 021N, Type 0411, Thiothrix spp.,Type aerobic conditions.Becauseof this, the particulatesand
0914, N. limicola II, and N. limicola III grow on waste- slowly metabolizable substratesare transportedto the aer-
waters containing volatile fatty acids such as acetic, pro- obic zones of the BNR plants where they are hydrolyzed
pionic and butyric acids. These can be generatedby the and produce low concentrations of soluble organics that
fermentation that takes place in the sewersystemin equal- favor the growth of these filamentous organisms.
ization basins or in primary clarifiers to produce septic Richard(1986) studiedthe fatesof filamentousorgan-
wastewater. isms in aerobic digestersat ten domestic wastewateracti-
vated sludgeplants in Colorado.While most filamentous
d. Sulfide
organismspresentin the mixed liquor rapidly degraded
Five filamentousorganismscan utilize hydrogen sulfide and disappearedin the aerobicdigesters,Type 0041, Type
as a source of energy (oxidizing it to sulfur and then 0675, Type 0092, M. parvicella, and nocardioformsper-
depositingthe sulfur as intracellulargranules).Theseare sisted.M. panicella and the nocardioforms grew to prob-
Thiothrix spp., Type O2lN, Beggiatoa spp., and Type lem levels and causedfoaming in some aerobicdigesters.
0914. When growing on sulfide, theseorganismsexhibit The hydrolysis of particulate materials to produce low
intracellularsulfur granulesin situ or in the S test. Some levels of soluble organics may be responsiblefor the
of these organisms(Thiothrix spp. and Type 021N) use growth of thesefilamentsin aerobicdigesters.
both sulfide and the low molecular weight organic acids Eikelboom et al. (1998) found that Type 0041 and
produced in septic sewage and, thus, their growth is
Type 0675 were favored in BNR-activatedsludge plants
strongly encouragedby septicity (Richard et a1., 1983, in which raw wastewater and RAS were mixed prior to
1985). These organisms appear to be unable to utilize enteringthe aerationbasin. On the basis of this observa-
poorly soluble sulfidessuch as iron sulfide.
tion, theseworkers suggestthat theseorganismsgrow on
Beggiatoa spp. are found in fixed film reactors and particulate substrates.
can enter activatedsludge by washing through from the
first stageof a coupledfixed-film activatedsludgeprocess. g. Case Study
Beggiatoa spp. can be seen in the heavy white tuft-like An example of how the nature of a wastewatersubstrate
growthsseenin the first stagesof oxygen-deficient(organ- affects filamentous organism populations in activated
ically overloaded)RBC plants. The white color of the sludgeis providedby the work of Richard (1997) on pulp
growth is due to the intracellular sulfur granules in the and paper-activatedsludge systems.From 1982 through
Beggiatoaspp. Scrapingthe white growth below the sur- 1990,29pulp and paper-activated sludgeplantswith bulk-
face will reveal a black septic layer. Thus Beggiatoo grows ing sludgewere examined;resultsare shown in Table 3.3.
on the aerobicsurfaceof a septicbiofilm, obtainingsulfide A similar surveyof 80 plantsin 1996producedthe results
from below and dissolved oxygen from the solution to shown in Table 3.4. The most striking difference in the
oxidize the sulfide to sulfur. resultsofthese surveysis the largedecreasein occurrence
e. Lipids of Type 0675 and the large increasein the occurrence of
Thiothrix spp., N. limicola II and III, and Type 0914 in
Recent work (Nielsen et al., 2002; Tandoi et al., 1998;
Mamais et al.. 1998:Andreasenet al., 1998)indicatesthat
Based on these filamentous organism analyses,the
M. parvicella has the ability to take up and store oleic
causefor bulking in theseplantswas diagnosedas shown
acid, a long chain fatty acid (and to someextent palmitic
in Table 3.5. A large increasein the incidenceof septic
acid), under anaerobicconditions.Lipids containingoleic
wastewaterwith the presenceof sulfide and readily metab-
acid can be hydrolyzed by M. parvicella using a cell
olizable, low molecular weight organic acids occurred.
surface-associatedlipase enzyme. Anecdotal evidence
Low F/M filamentousorganisms,especiallyType 0675,
indicates that growth of nocardioforms in activatedsludge
decreasedsignificantlyover this time period.The reasons
is associatedwith the presenceof lipid materialsin the
for these changes can be traced to changes both in the
wastewaterfeed (Chapter5).
pulping processand in the raw materials used. The major
f. Other Particulate Substrates pulping processchangewas the reduction or elimination
Type 0041, Type 0675, and Type 0092 filamentousorgan- of chlorine for pulp bleaching (to prevent the formation
isms apparently can grow on slowly biodegradeable(or of chlorinated organics) and its replacementby oxidants
perhapsevenparticulate)substrates. Theseorganisms(and such as hydrogen peroxide. These bleaching agentsintro-
M. parvicella) were the most common in South African duce more biodegradablesoluble organics into the waste-
BNR-activated sludge plants with initial anaerobic and/or water, leading to a more rapid exertion of BOD in the
anoxic zones (Blackbeard et al., 1986b). Ekama and plant sewers and primary treatment units, and increasing
Marais (1986) postulatedthat slowly metabolizableand the propensity of the wastewater to turn septic prior to
Color Figure1.6
Phasecontrastmicrographs of reversestainingof activatedsludge:(a) viscousflocsin anunstained (b) normalflocsstained
with Indiaink; (c) and(d) viscousflocsstainedwith Indiaink. (Originalmagnifications 100x, (a),(b),and(c); 1000x,(d).)
particlesin floc: (a) phasecontrast,
Microgriphsof nonbiological (Originalmagnification
(b) directillumination. 100x.)

Color Figure2.5
200X, (a);
Phasecontrastmicrographsof zoogloeas:(a) and(b) fingered,(c) and(d) amorphous(globular).(Originalmagnifications
1000x,(b); 1@x, (c);and1000x,(d).)
Phase micrographs
contrast of intracellular sp.,(c)Tlpe 02lN, and(d)Type0914.

Color Figure2.16
Direct illumination micrographof PHA staining. PHA granulesare dark blue/black.(Original magnification 1000x.)

Color Figure2.17
Direct illumination micrographs of Gram staining of filamentous organisms: (a) improperly decolorized floc retaining Crystal Violet,
(b) Gram-negativeNostocoida limicola II, (c) Gram-variableType 0041, (d) Gram-variableType 1851, (e) Gram-positivenocardioform,
and (f) Gram-positive Microthrix parvicella organism. (Original magnification 1000x.)
tr ru4; .tF#



Wllri ,


Colo r Fig ure2 .18

Direct illuminationmicrographsof Neisserstainingof filamentousorganisms.(a) Neisser-negative Type 021N, (b) and (c) Neisser-
negativewith positive granules(nocardiofbrmorganismsandMicrothrir parvicellu, respectively),(d) and (e) Neisser-positive(Type
0092 and Nostoutida linticrila II, respectively),(f) talse Neisser-positivestaincovering filament,Type 0041. (Original magnitication
I 00 0x. )
C ol orFi gure2.21
Phasecontrastmicrographs<:f: ('ttlSlthucnttiltt,\n(tuns. (b)
Typc 170|. (c) Huli,scotrtotobutttr/rlr/rur.r,rl,r.
r r a g n i l i c a t i o nI ( X X ) x ).

tr tr

Color Figure2.22
Phasecontrast of: (a)Type021N.(b) Type02lN with sulfurgranules(c) Beggiatoasp. (d) Be,qgiaroasp. with sulflr
granules. magnification1000x.)
micrographs (c) ThiothrixII, and(d) ThiothrixII with sulfur
of: (a)Thiothrixl,(b) ThiothrkI with sulturgranules,
granules. 1000x.)
H, tr
*--+ r
i .{..}' -4-f
' >-

Color Figure2.24
P has cc ont r asrn (Ori gi nalmagni fi cati on
t i c ro g ra p hosl ' : (a ) T y p e0 9l 4 and (b) Type09l 4 w i th sul furgranul es. 1000X. )


,".'-h,q.f l

lr , '

tl r

Color Figure2.28
contrast of: (a)Microrltrixparvicella,(b) Nocardioforms,
micrographs (c)TypeI 863,and(d)Type0211. (Originalmagnification
1000x . )
E I {,



Color Figure2.29
Phasccontrast rnicrographs /('r sp.,(b) lJacrl1rr,r
of: (a) Flc.ribtl( and (d) fungus.(Original
sp. (c) 0:;cillutoriasp. (cyanophyceac),
I ( X X)
m agnif ic at ion X .)

Color Figure 2.30

14 ,iirl identiflcationof nitrifying bacteriain activatedsludge:(a) simultaneous in .tilu hybridizationwith Cy3-labelledprobeNmV
and FLUOS-labelledprobe NEU. Nl/ro.vrcoc't:tr,s mobilis cells appearyellow; (b) simultaneousin si/u identificationof Nitrosot'ttcctrs
mobili.s anclNitntsportt-likebacteria 'afterin situ hybridization with FlUOS-labelled probe NmV (green)and Cy3-labelledprobe S-
*-Ntspa-1026-a-A-18 (red).(From Juretschko. S. et al. (1998),Appl. Environ.Microbiol.,64,3042.With permission.)
Color Figure2.31
Phasecontrastmicrographsof commonflagellatesandamoebae foundin activatedsludge:(a) Monassp.,(b) Bodo sp.,(c) Polychaos
sp.,and(d) Arcella sp. (Originalmagnifications1000x, (a) and(b);400x, (c) and(d).)
Color Figure2.32
Phasecontrastmicrographsof free andstalkedciliates:.(a) Aspidiscasp.,(b) Parameciumsp.,(c) Tokophyrasp.,and(d) Podophyra
400x, (a); 200x, (b), (c), and(d).)

Color Figure2.33
Phasecontrastmicrographsofstalkedciliates:(a) Operculariasp.,(b) Vaginicola sp., (c) Vorticella sp., and (d) Epistylis sp. (Original
100x, (a);200x, (b),(c),and(d).)

Color Figure2.34
Phasecontrastmicrographsof rotifers. (Originalmagnification200x.)

Phasecontrastmicrographs (a) bristleworm(Aeleosoma
of invertebrates: sp.),(b) tardigrade


ft .

Color Figure3.7
Phasecontrastmicrographsof nonmicrobialparticles:(a) amorphousorganicmatter,(b) iron sulfide,(c) fenic iron precipitate,
200x, (a) and(b); 1000x(c); 100x, (d).)
and(d) activatedcarbon.(Originalmagnifications
Color Figure 3.'l 0
Neisser-positivecell clumps in activatedsludgeflocs: (a) tetrad,phasecontrastof wet mount; (b) tetrad,direct illumination Neisser
stain; (c) phosphate-accumulatingorganisms(PAOs),direct illumination Neisserstain; and (d) G bacteria,direct illuminarion Neisser
stain.(Original magnification1000X.)

Color Figure3.12
of (a) unicellularChlorellaspp.and (b) filamentousUronemasp. (Originalmagnification1000X.)
Phasecontrastmicrographs andM. pamicell.afoansi (a)and(b) nocardioforms
of nocardioform (possiblyG. amarae),(c) and(d)
S.pinensis, (e)
and and (f) M. (Original
pamicella. magnifications
100x, (a),(c),and(e); (b),
1000x, (d),and(f).)
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 71

Occurrenceand Rankof FilamentTypesCausing Comparisonof Causesof Filamentous
Bulking in Pulp and PaperWastewaterActivated Bulkingin Pulpand PaperWastewater
SludgeSystems, 1982 through1990 ActivatedSludgeSystems,1982-1990
Rank FilamentType Number of Plants Percenl
and 1996
I Type0675 16 55 Percentof Plants
2 Type1701 8 28
Cause of Bulking 1982-1990 1996
2 Type1851 8 28
3 ThiothrixIl 7 24 Septicity 21 68
3 Type0041 7 24 Low DO 22 9
4 N. limicola II 5 17 Low F/M 49 l0
4 Type021N 5 17 Low N/P 8 13
4 H. hydrossis 5 17
5 S. natans 2 7 Source: From Richard, M.C. (1997), Proc. 1997

5 ThiothrixI 2 TAPPI Environ. Conf., p.553. With permission.

5 Tlpe 0803 2 7
6 N. limicola lll I 3 plant sewers and primary treatment units to form low
Source: From Richard, M.G. (1997), Proc. 1997 TAPPI Environ. Conf., molecular weight organic acids. These low molecular

L- p. 553. With permission, weight organic acids are ideal substrates for Thiothrix
spp.,N. limicola II and III, and Type 0914.
h. Net crowth Rate (MCRT, F/M)
Table 3.6 shows the approximaterange of MCRT (and
TABTE3.4 F/M) over which various filamentous organisms are
Occurrenceand Rankof FilamentTypesCausing observed.The data were compiled from Richard (1989)
Bulking in Pulp and PaperWastewaterActivated for domesticwastewatertreatmentplants in Coloradoand
SludgeSystems, 1996 Eikelboom (2000) for domestic wastewater treatment
plants in The Netherlands.
Rank FilamentType Number of Plants Percent
Many filamentousorganismsoccur over a fairly broad
range of MCRT. These include Type 1701, S. natans,
I ThiothrixII 44 ))
H. hydrossis,Thiothrix spp., Type 021N, nocardioforms,
z ThiothrixI 36 45
3 N. limicola II 20 25
and N. limicola II. A second group of filamentous organ-
4 Type0914 l9 )4 isms appearonly at high MCRT (low F/M) levels.These
5 H. hydrossis l8 ZJ include M. parvicella, Type 0041, Type 0675, Type 0092,
6 N. limicola III l0 IJ Type 1851,Type 0914, Type 0803, and Type 0581. Two
7 Type1851 8 t0 filamentousorganisms(Type 0411 and Type 1863) seem
a1 Type1701 6 8 to grow well at MCRT <2 d (high F/M). Type 041 I appears
9 Type02lN 6 to be favored by high wastewaterconcentrationsof low
l0 Type0092 4 5 molecular weight organic acids while Type 1863 appears
10 Type041I 4 5 to grow on hydrophobicsubstrates(oil and grease).
10 Type0675 A
l1 S, natans 2 3 i. Aeration Basin Configuration and Redox
1t Type0041 2 3 Conditions
1l Type0581 2 3 The growth of many filamentousorganisms(Type 02lN,
12 Type0803 I I
Thiothrix spp., S. natans, N. limicola II, Type 1701,
l2 M. panicella I l
H. hydrossis,Type 1851,and nocardioforms)in activated
t2 Type021I 1 I
l2 Actinomycetes I I
sludge is generally encouragedby the use of uniformly
aerated, completely mixed, continuously fed aeration
Source: From Richard, M.G. (1997), Proc. 1997 TAPPI Environ. Conf., basins.The growth of theseorganismsis suppressed when
p. 553. With permission.
the aeration basin includes an initial high F/M feed zone
(selector),and especially(1) when the selectorand aera-
entering the aeration basin. The raw material change is tion basin are compartmentalized and (2) when the selec-
the increasedand widespreadreuse ofrecycled fiber. This tor is anoxicor anaerobic.
material contains starch, which is readily biodegradable These filamentous organisms are also suppressed
and decomposes anaerobically (by fermentation) in the when an SBR with an unaeratedfeed period and an initial
72 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Relationshipof SpecificFilamentousOrganismsto MCRTand F/M in ActivatedSludge
MCRT,d 1. 9 2. 2 2.5 3.0 4.0 -s.0 8.0 20 50
FA{" 0. 8 0; 7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05

S. natans
H. hydrossis
N. limicola ll
Type 1863
M. pamicella
Twna OOO?

Type I 85I
Tlpe 058I

"F/\4 as kg BOD./kg MLSS, d.

Sources: From Richard, M.G. ( 1989),Activated Sludge Microbiology, Waer Polution Control Federation,Alexandria
VA and Eikelboom, D.H. (2O00), Process Control of Activated Sludge Plants by Microscopic Investigation, IWA
P ub lish in eL. o n d o n .

unaeratedreact period is used.They are not suppressedin continuous flow plant. In both systems, the activated
SBRs in which the wastewateris fed over an extended sludge organisms are intermittently exposed to feed con-
period and the feed and initial react stages are aerated. ditions. In a continuousflow plant, exposureis through
Thesemodesof SBR operationare prone to the develop- distanceor locationin the aerationbasin;in an SBR plant,
ment of filamentousactivatedsludgejust like continuous it occurs over time.
flow, completely mixed systems. As previously noted, Type 021N, Thiothrix spp.,
A certain group of high MCRT (low FAvI) filamentous S. natans, N. limicola I, N. limicolc II, Tlpe 1701,
organisms grow in aeration basins with initial unaerated H. hydrossis,and Type l85l can grow in continuouslyfed
(anoxic or anaerobic)zones.These include M. parvicella, activated sludge, but not in intermittently fed units (espe-
Type 0092, Type 0041, and Type 0675. This meansthat cially when the feed zone or feeding period is unaerated).
anoxic and anaerobic selectors may not be effective for Intermittent feeding does not control the growth of
controlling thesefilamentousorganisms.Lind and Lemmer M panicella,Type 0092, Type 0041, and Type 0675.
(1998)reporteda significantshift in filamentousorganism k. Foam Trapping Features
population to thesetypes in German wastewatertreatment
This topic will be dealt with in greater detail in Chapter
plants from 1989 to 1996. The shift coincided with the
5. Surface trapping, caused by features such as surface-
widespread introduction of activated sludge systems
intercepting baffles or walls and subsurfaceliquid with-
designed to perform nitrification/denitrification and
drawal will favor the retention and increasethe population
enhancedbiological P removal.
of filamentous organisms that float, e.g., nocardioforms
and M. parvicella. Conversely, systems with free water
j. Wastewater Feeding Regime
surfaces will disfavor the development of large popula-
Wastewater feeding regimes can be classified as either tions of filamentous organisms that float. The effects of
continuous or intermittent (discontinuous). Continuous foam trapping often are exacerbatedby foam removal and
feeding regimes exist in continuous flow activated sludge recycle to a point upstreamofthe activatedsludgeaeration
plants; intermittent feeding regimes exist in SBR activated basin. These actions reseedthe activated sludge with the
sludge systems.A discontinuous feeding regime provides foam-producing filamentous organisms and leading to an
similar biolosical conditions and effects as a selector in a even greater foaming problem.
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge 73

l. Upstream Biological Treatment Units, Sewer control in a full-scale systemoperatedunder the samecon-
Surfaces, and In-Plant Surfaces ditions as the laboratory unit. This may not be the case
becauseall that the laboratory experiment achieved was
When a biological treatment unit is sited upstream of an
controlling an artifact of the experimentalsystem.
activatedsludgeplant, filamentousorganismsthat originated
These seeding problems can be prevented by regular
in the upstreambiological treatmentmay be presentin the
cleaning of feed storagevessels,including scrubbingthe
activatedsludge.Common examplesin activatedsludgeare
walls with a sodium hypochlorite solution and regular
fungi and Beggiatoa spp. from an upsffeam biofilter in a
cleaning of feed lines by immersion in or flushing with
coupled biofilter-activatedsludgeplant. This type of "seed-
sodium hypochlorite solution. It is good practice to have
ing" is especially noticeableif no intermediateclarifier is
a duplicate set of feed lines with one set in service and
situatedbetweenthe biofilter and the activatedsludge.Thus,
the other set cleanedand ready to be placed in service.
the mixed liquor in a TF/SC processoften contains many
The activatedsludge in these systemsshould be micro-
filamentousorganismsthat originate in the upstreambiofil-
scopically observed daily for the types of filamentous
ter. RBCs upstreamof an activatedsludge systemwill also
organisms that grow on surfaces.
contribute such organisms,especiallyBeggiatoa spp.
The same type of seedingand occurrenceof filamen-
m. DO Concentration
tous organismscan appearin two-stageactivatedsludge
processesin which organisms from the first stage unit Type 1701, S. natans, H. hydrossis, and M. parvicella are
appearin the mixed liquor of the secondstagesystem.It associatedwith low DO. Type 1701, S. natans, and
is not necessary for the upstream biological treatment H. hydrossis are found at low to moderate MCRTs (2 to
processto be at the samelocation as the activatedsludge l0 d) while M. pamicella appearsat high MCRT (higher
plant. Thus, filaments grown in biological pretreatment than approximately12 d). It will be seenin Chapter4 that
units at industrialfacilitiesthat dischargeto a sewersystem low DO is a relative term becausethe DO concentration
can reachan activatedsludgeplant treating this wastewater. associatedwith low DO filamentousorganismgrowth is
Kappeller and Gujer (1994) suggestedthat filamentous a function of the F/M of the activatedsludse.
organisms such as S. natans growing on sewer walls can
seedactivatedsludge systemstreating the wastewater.The n. pH
seeding of activated sludge by recycling trapped foam- The presenceof large numbers of fungi in an activated
containingnocardioformsor M. parvicella was mentioned sludgeindicateslow pH (<6.0) and suggeststhat the influ-
earlier and will be discussedin detail in Chapter5. ent containsstrongacid, indicatingan industrialdischarge
Seeding of activated sludge units with filamentous of acid. Some nitrifying activatedsludgesystemstreating
organismscan be a seriousproblem in laboratoryand pilot low alkalinity wastewatercan exhibit low pH, as can oxy-
plant units becausethe surface area-to-volumeratios in gen-activatedsludge systems treating low alkalinity
the pilot plant unit, feed lines, and storagevesselsare wastewater.Fungalbulking hasneverbeenobservedunder
much higher than for full-scale activatedsludge systems. these conditions. As previously noted, fungi can be
Unless specialcare is taken, filamentousorganismssuch observedincidentallyin the mixed liquor of coupledfixed-
as S. natans,Type 1701, and Thiothrix spp. will grow on film activatedsludge systems.Fungal bulking has been
the surfacesof the feed storage vessel and the feed lines observedwhen fungi occur in high numbersin wastewater
and will seedthe activatedsludge and causebulking. This from an upstreamindustrial pretreatmentprocess.
was first noticed by Gabb et al. (1989) when S. natans
caused bulking in laboratory-scalenitrifying and BNR o. Temperature
activatedsludgereactors,whereasthis organismwas never Within the normal ambient temperature range found in
observed in full-scale systems operated under the same activated sludge aeration basins (8 to 25'C), it can be
conditions and on the samewastewaters. generally stated that filamentous organisms grow more
A surveyofthe literatureon pilot scaleactivatedsludge rapidly as the temperatureincreaseswithin this range. One
systems utilized for bulking control studies revealed the exceptionis M. parvicellawhich in many instancesseems
widespreadoccunence of low DO filamentous organisms to predominate in high MCRT-activated sludge at low
under a wide range of operating conditions (Table 3.7). temperatures(10 to 15"C). A common observation in
Seedingfrom growth in the feed system is suspected.The colder climates is that foaming in the winter is caused
appearanceofthis artifact can lead to erroneousconclusions largely by M. parvicella but in the summer the major
on the effectivenessof bulking control measures.Thus, if filamentous organisms causing foam are nocardioforms.
activatedsludge settlespoorly becauseof S. natans growth Eikelboom (2000) suggests that M. parvicella and
(an experimental artifact) and measures are taken that Type 0092 also show a similar switch in dominance in
improve the sludge settling, one will be led to the conclu- very high MCRT oxidation ditches. M. parvicella is
sion that these measureswill provide an effective bulking dominant at temperaturesbelow 15'C and Type 0092 is
74 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

ConditionsunderWhich S. nafansWasa Dominant FilamentousOrganismin LaboratoryScaleActivatedSludge
Aerator FlM,g COD/g FlM,gBODr/g Aerator
Author BOD'/N COD/N DO, mg OrlL BOD'/P COD/P MCRT,d HRI h vss,d vss,d MLSS,g/t

Clesceri (1963) 8 0.6.

Hattingh (1963) >22 > 168 23
Chudobaet al. 8 l.t
Houtmeyerset al. 6 'l 1 4
P a l me t a l . ( 1 9 8 0 ; d 0.1-5.5 1.9-11 0.38-1.72
Verachtert et al. I 0.4
( 1980)
Ch i e s aa n d l r v i n e 8 0.56"
( 1e85) -
Le e e t a l . i 1 9 8 2 ; 6 .8 16.3 4.5-16" 15 19 0.31-1.00 0.134.42 3-3.5
Rensink et al. 10 58 r5.9 92.7 0.025-2.00f 2
( l 982)
van den Eynde et - 83 I
al. (1982a)
Wu et al. (1983) 20 and 69 95 and28 7-8 24 0.2-0.4 0.1-0.3 l-3
G a b be t a l . ( 1 9 8 5 ) 5-8 t2-14 2.5 0.1 z-3
van Niekerk 1 5 .1a n d 2 2 .9 6l and 89 3.54.5 20_30 0.2-0.3
( l 985)
Burkeet al. t2 .6 24 24 3.8 1.26 -
( l 986).
Still et al. (1986)" <^ t-'7 20 24 0.35 11

Srill et al. i1986)h 5.4 2-3 20 16 0.31 -

' Completely aerobicconditions.
h 4 h cycle with I h anoxic, 3 h aerobic.

' High rate Phoredox. When onethird of the feed was bypassedto the aerobic reactor, abundant S. natans occurredi with all feed to the anaerobic zone
S. natans abundancedeclined sharply.
d S. natans grew at high DO with high F/l{ (low MCRT), or at low Flvl (high MCRT) when the DO was at the lower end of the range.

" F/M is g COD/ g MLSS, d.

I F/M is g BOD./ g MLSS, d

Source: From Gabb, D.M.D. et al. (1989), Water Sci. Technol.,2l:1,29. With permission.

dominant at temperaturesabove 15'C. Recent experience p. Summary

with high temperature growth of filamentous organisms Table 3.8 is a summary of the causesassociatedwith the
in activated sludge treating pulp and paper and pharma- growth of filamentous organismsin activated sludge.This
ceutical wastewaterssuggeststhat the growth rate of fila- summary should be read in conjunction with the detailed
mentous organismsincreasesup to temperaturesof 35oC. discussion of the associationsof various filamentous
Between 35 and 40'C, the filamentous organismsseemto organismswith activatedsludge design features,operating
become progressively stressed,frequently growing in a mode, and wastewater characteristicsdiscussedin detail
dispersedstate (not attachedto the flocs). Since most earlier in this chapter. These causeswill be further elab-
filamentous organismsare mesophilic, their growth ceases orated in Chapter 4. The sources of the foam-causing
at about 40'C. However,Type 0914 may be thermotolerant filamentous organisms(nocardioforms and M. parvicella)
since Norris et al. (2000) observedits growth in activated will be discussedin Chaoter5.
sludge at temperaturesof 50oC.
Applicationsand Resultsof MicroscopicExaminationof ActivatedSludge /J

Summary Associated
of Conditions with Filamentous
OrganismGrowth in ActivatedSludge
Cause FilamentousOrganism
Low DO concentration S. natans
Tlpe 1701
H. lrydrossis

Low F/l\,I $pe 0041

'Ilpe 1851
$pe 0803

Elevated low molecular weight organic acid I}pe 021N

concentration ThiothrixI andll
N. limicola I, II and III
Tlpe 0914
Dpe 04ll
Tlpe 0961
Tlpe 0581
Tlpe 0092

Hydrogensulfide Thiothrk I andll

Tlpe 0914

Nutrient deficiency Type021N

Nitrogen Thiothrixl andll
Phosphorus N. limicola llI
H. hydrossis
S. natans

Low pH Fungi

4' Controlof ActivatedSludg"Bulking
and Other SettlingProblems
The countryneeds,and unlessI mistakeits temper,the existing activatedsludgeplants are faced with solids sep-
country demandsbold, persistentexperimentation. It is aration problems. The following general approach is rec-
commonsenseto takea methodandtry it. If it fails,admit ommendedto correct theseproblems:
it frankly and try another.But aboveall, try something.
. Performthe microscopicexaminationprocedure
Frankin Delano Roosevelt,1892-1945
Addressat Oglethorpe University,Atlanta, outlined in Chapter 2 to determine the nature of
May 22, 1932 the activated sludge floc and the amounts and
identitiesof filamentousorganism(s).
. Use the results of the microscopic identifica-
tion, the information in this manual, and a
Since the first edition of this manual was published(Jen- knowledge of plant operating conditions and
kins et al.. 1984)much hasbeenlearnedabout factorsthat wastewater characteristics to determine the
affect activated sludge settling characteristicsand how to probable cause(s)of the poor sludge settling
control them. It has long been understoodthat activated and/orthickeningpropenies.
sludgesettleabilityis controlledby the physical,chemical, . If the probablecausecan be rectified without
and biologicalenvironmentof the activatedsludgesystem. major changes,make the required operating
The past three decadeshave seensignificantadvancesin changesto addressthe problem.For example,if
our understandingof the specificfactorsthat control acti- septic wastewateris indicated,wastewaterpre-
vated sludge settleability and the measuresthat plant chlorination may be initiated. If the probable
designersand operatorscan take to achievebettercontrol cause is nutrient deficiency,determine which
of sludge settleability.This understandingis useful for nutrients are deficient by analysesof influent,
resolving activatedsludge settling problems in existing effluent,and activatedsludgesolids.Rectify the
systemsand for designingnew or upgradedplants. deficiencyby increasingthe feedrateof existing
This chaptersummarizesour knowledgeof the factors nutrient supply systemsor installing nutrient
that control activatedsludge settleabilityand how these additionfacilities.If elevatedeffluentsuspended
factors can be manipulatedto improve activatedsludge solids are causedby poor flocculation in the
processperformanceand capacity. aerationbasin, it may be possible to improve
flocculationby changingaerationpatterns.
. Plants with sludge bulking and other settling
problernsmay require major design or operat-
The presenceof excessivequantitiesof filamentousorgan- ing changesthat could take a long time to
isms is still one of the most common activated sludge implement (e.g., installing additional aeration
operatingproblems.Their presenceproducesan activated capacity,changingaerationbasinconfiguration,
sludgethat settlesslowly and compactspoorly in second- industrial wastewater control, etc.). After
ary clarifiersand can reducesystemcapacity.Other types changes are made to discouragefilamentous
of settling problemsalso occur and can be diagnosedand organism growth, sludge settleability may
dealt with using the proceduresoutlined below. It almost improve only slowly. Afier a changein operat-
goeswithout sayingthat the best approachfor controlling ing conditions to retard filamentousorganism
activatedsludgesettlingand thickeningcharacteristics and growth, the activated sludge microbial popula-
ensuringlong-term,problem-freeplant operationis using tion may change at a rate proportional to the
appropriate design and operating methods. culture washout rate (or mean cell residence
However,becausemany of thesetechniqueshave been time. MCRT). In a completelymixed system,a
developed relatively recently, even well designed and period of approximately 2 to 3 MCRTs are
operatedplantscan experienceproblemsfrom unusualor required for a bulking activatedsludge to return
unanticipatedoperating conditions. Consequently,many to a nonbulking condition (Palm et al., 1980).

7B M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

Data on the effects of selectors suggest that cation failure can be causedby poor bioflocculation,floc-
more than 2 to 3 MCRTs may be required for break up in the aeration basin and other locations prior to
them to exert their full effect on sludge settle- settling in the clarifier, or hydraulic deficiencies in the
ability (Wheeleret a1.,1984;Boe et al., 1996). clarifier. The factors influencing clarification failure are
. Rapid, nonspecificmethodsmay be neededto discussedlater in this chapter.
eliminate sludge settling and bulking symp- Thickening of the settled activated sludge SS is
toms. Thesemethodsfall into three categories: required so that the solids can be returned in the RAS to
the aerationbasin. Ifthe activatedsludge SS are not thick-
(i) Manipulationof RAS flow ratesand waste- ened and then removed from the secondaryclarifier at a
water feed points to the aerationbasin rate at least equal to the rate at which they were added,
(ii) Addition of chemicals or inert solids to they will accumulatein the secondaryclarifier. Eventually
enhancethe activatedsludgesettling rate the clarifier will fill up with SS and the SS will spill over
(iii) Addition of disinfectantsto the activated into the effluent. Since bulking affects the ability of the
sludge to selectivelykill the filamentous activatedsludge SS to thicken, the thickening function and
organismsthat causebulking thickening capacity of the secondary clarifier are more
affectedby sludgebulking. When thickening characteristics
None of these methods change the conditions that deteriorate,the mass of SS retained in the system (sludge
causedthe poor settleability,and settling propertieswill or SS inventory)candecreasedueto SS lossin the effluent.
most likely deteriorateagain when these measuresare Even without such losses,however,poor thickening
discontinued. characteristicscan reduce aeration basin SS inventory
becausethe SS accumulatesin the secondaryclarifier
III. RAPID,NONS P E CIFIC insteadof returningto the aerationbasin.In severecases,
the reducedaerationbasinSS inventorycan resultin lower
pollutant removal capacity and a further deteriorationin
settling characteristicsbecause of the increased F/M.
oF RASFt-owRnrrs
A. MnxrpumnoN Improvementof activatedsludgethickeningpropertiesby
AND AERATIoNBASINFrro POITTS control of excessive filamentous organism levels can
The adverseeffectsof bulking sludgeoften can be mini- restoreplant capacity.In some instances,plant capacity
mized by proper managementof the activatedsludgesys- has exceededdesign values after improvementof sludge
tem, particularly if it is under-loadedand/or the ability to thickening properties.
utilize certain processoptions is built into the design.To
understandhow these processmanagementtools can be 2. Activated Sludge ProcessSchematic
used to deal with bulking sludge it is necessaryto: and Definitions

. Figure 4.1 illustrates the activatedsludge process.The

Review activated sludge secondary clarifier
aerationbasin has a volume V and the secondaryclarifier
operatingprinciples,particularly as they relate
has a surface areaA. Wastewaterenters the aeration basin
to the secondaryclarifier thickening function
. at flow rate Q together with RAS at flow rate Q,. The
Present techniques for determining the sus-
pendedsolids (SS) handling capacityof a sec- aeration basin SS concentration(MLSS) is X. and the
RAS, SS is X.. Activated sludge SS are applied to the
ondary clarifier, and how it is influenced by
secondaryclarifier at a flow rate of (Q + Q.).
sludge settling characteristics
. Review secondary clarifier and aeration basin It is assumedherethat sludgeis wasted(wasteactivated
operating techniquesfor maximizing secondary sludge,WAS) from the RAS at a flow rate Q* and that the
clarifiercapacityin systemswith bulking sludge WAS has the same SS concentration as the RAS (X.).
Effluent is dischargedfrom the secondaryclarifier at a flow
1. SecondaryClarifier Operating Principles rate of (Q - Q*) and contains an SS concentrationof X".

The two basic functions of activated sludge secondary 3. SecondaryClarifier Process

clarifiers are clarification and thickening. Clarification is Operating Relationships
the removal of activated sludge flocs to produce a clear
overflow that meetsdischargestandardsand doesnot over- In developingrelationshipsto describethe secondaryclari-
load downstreamtreatmentprocesses(e.g.,tertiaryfilters). fier thickening function, certain simplifying assumptions
A clarification failure results in elevatedeffiuent SS con- can be made. First the WAS flow rate Q* usually is small
centrationsthat may exceedeffluent dischargerequirements comparedto the influent flow rate Q, and its effect on effiu-
even though a low sludgeblanket is maintained.Clarifi- ent flow can be isnored. Second.the ouantitiesof activated
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 79

Aeration basin clarifier

Return activated sludge Wasteactivated sludge

(RAS) (wAS)


A = Clarifier surface atea

V = Aeration basin volume
Q = Influent flowrate
Q. = RAS flowrate
Q* = WAS flowrate
X = Aeration basin MLSS concentration
X. = RAS suspendedsolids concentration
X- = Effluent suspendedsolids concentration

FIGURE4.1 Schematic sludgeprocess.

diagramof the activated

sludgeSS dischargedin WAS and in the secondaryeffluent aerationbasin MLSS concentration,and RAS SS concen-
are small comparedto the quantity of activatedsludge SS tration believed (perhapsbasedon history) to be achiev-
applied to and withdrawn from the secondary clarifier. able in the secondaryclarifier.
Using theseassumptionsand assumingthat SS do not
c. Secondary Clarifier Capacity
accumulatein the secondaryclarifier, a simplified SS mass
balance around the secondarvclarifier at steadv-stateis:
e =e,(x,-x)/x (4.4)
(Q+Q.)x = Q.X. (4.1)
This relationshipcan be used to calculatethe capacityof
Equation 4.1 states that the rate at which SS are a secondaryclarifier for specifiedvaluesofRAS flow rate,
applied to the secondary clarifier (Q + Q,)X is equal to aerationbasin MLSS concentration,and achievableRAS
the rate at which they are removed.(QJ,).The equation SS concentration.Equation 4.1 to Equation 4.4 assume
can be used to develop the following useful relationships that sufficient secondaryclarifier surface area is available
for evaluating secondaryclarifier operation: to thicken the RAS to a concentration of X. Techniques
for determining the secondary clarifier surface area
a. Degree of Thickening Achieved requiredto achievethis are discussedin the next section.
by Secondary Clarifier
4. SludgeThickeningTheory
x,lx=(O+O,)/0, (4.2)
Thickening of activated sludge SS in a secondaryclarifier
This relationship shows that the degreeof thickening is a occurs by gravity settling. As the SS settle, their concen-
function of the influent flow and RAS flow rates. Within tration increasesfrom the MLSS concentration (X) to the
the limits described below, the degree of thickening is RAS concentration(X.). Becauseof their flocculent nature
determined by the plant operator by selecting a particular and concentration, activated sludge particles do not settle
value of Q. individually; rather,they settle as an entire mass.The mass
of SS settlesat a constantrate until it begins to accumulate
b. Required RAS Flow Rate at the bottom of the settling vessel. The initial settling
velocity of the activated sludge SS (Vt) decreasesas the
Q. = QX(X, -X) (4.3) initial SS concentration increases.This type of behavior
is called zone or Type III settling.
This relationship can be used to calculate the RAS flow Zone settling is familiar to anyone who has run an
rate required for a specified influent flow rate, specified SVI test. The entire mass of activated sludse SS settles
BO P r oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti v atedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

Techniquesfor secondaryclarifier thickening analysis

are relatively complex. They accountfor SS concentration
increasesin the secondaryclarifier during settling and for
the effects of the increases on the rate at which SS are
conveyedto the bottom of the secondaryclarifier through
settling and withdrawal. These techniques are discussed

Hisher initial concentration
thoroughly in the literature (Keinath et a1.,7977 Ekama
et al., 199'7;Wahlberg,2001). They will not be discussed
in detail here; rather we will present a simple approach.
The thickening capacity of a secondary clarifier can
be statedin terms of an allowable applied SS loading rate
G, which is the mass of SS applied per unit of time per
E unit of secondaryclarifier surface area. Using the defini-
tions presentedearlier,the actual SS loading rate is:

c" = X(e+a,)/A (4.s)

Comparison of the actual SS loading rate with the

allowable SS loading rate will indicate whether the sec-
ondary clarifier is overloadedand is likely to experience
0 Time --------->
thickening failure. The allowable SS loading rate is a
FfCURE4.2 Zonesettlingof activated solids. function of several factors including the RAS flow rate
per unit of clarifier surface area (Q,/A) and the settling
together,producing a well defined interfacebetweenthe characteristicsof the activatedsludge.By varying these
top of the settling sludge and the clear liquid above it. factors,it may be possibleto increasethe SS thickening
When the height of the interfaceis plotted againsttime, capacity of the secondary clarifier and the resulting SS
the line initially is straight but later begins to level off holding capacityof the activatedsludge system.
(Figure 4.2). The slope of the initial straight line is the Secondary clarifier thickening capacity can be deter-
initial settling velocity V,. Activated sludge with higher mined by direct measurementor by calculation. Direct
initial SS concentrationssettlesslower than sludgewith a measurementof thickening capacity involves manipula-
lower initial SS concentration(Figure 4.2). tion of the secondaryclarifier SS loading until thickening
Secondaryclarifier thickening capacity is related to failure occurs.For example,the secondaryclarifier influ-
the ability of the clarifier to accept the applied SS load ent flow rate can be increasedwhile the RAS flow rate is
and to convey all of the SS to the underflow (RAS line). maintainedconstant.The secondaryclarifier sludgeblan-
This is accomplished by gravity settling of the activated ket depth is monitoredand the point at which it beginsto
sludgeSS and withdrawal of RAS by pumping it back to increasecorrespondsto the start ofthickening failure. The
the aerationbasin.RAS withdrawal causesa generalflow applied SS loading rate under these conditions is calcu-
of fluid to the bottom of the secondaryclarifier, and this lated. This is the allowable SS loading rate for the selected
generalflow also carriesthe settling activatedsludge SS RAS rate and the observedSS settlingcharacteristics. By
to the bottom where they can be removed. repeating this procedure at different RAS rates and with
Severaltechniqueshave been developedto determine activated sludge of different settling characteristics, the
the thickening capacities of secondary clarifiers. Gener- secondaryclarifier thickeningcapacitycan be established
ally, the rate at which activated sludge SS are applied to for a range of conditions.
the clarifier is compared to the rate at which they are This technique has been used in practice, but it is
conveyed to the bottom of the clarifier by settling and cumbersome and time-consuming. Also secondary efflu-
withdrawal. As long as the SS application rate is not ent quality may be compromised during testing if the test
greater than the SS settling rate plus the SS withdrawal is not terminated before the sludge blanket rises too far.
rate, the applied SS will be conveyedto the bottom of the Moreover, bulking sludge must be available to allow the
secondary clarifier and removed (i.e., thickening failure secondaryclarifier SS loading capacity to be measuredfor
will not occur). If the SS application rate is greater than bulking conditions. The major advantageof this method
the SS settling rate plus the SS withdrawal rate, excess is that the allowable SS thickening capacity measurements
SS will accumulatein the secondaryclarifier until it is are direct and no assumptionsare required to translatethe
full and then SS will overflow into the secondaryeffluent. results to full-scale plant performance. The method can
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 81


. 20 mld (-500 gpd/ft2)

. l6rnld(-400gpdlft2)
a . 12mld,(-300 gpd/ftr) U)
F 1sn F
4( l
E 200
I rso
B L \t o
€ roo ='

50 l0
(-50 gpd/ft2)

l0 15 20 30 35

FfGURE 4.3 Clarifier operatingdiagram for unstirredSVI. (Adapted from Daigger,G.T. (1995), WaterEnviron. Res.,67,95.)

be applied retroactively to the analysis of a sludge bulking 1917; Ekama et al., 19971, Wahlberg,2001). State point
incident that leads to secondary clarifier SS thickening analysishasbeenusedprincipallyby engineersfor design-
failure. Determination of the secondaryclarifier SS load- ing activatedsludgesystemsbut its use by plant operators
ings that resultedin thickening failure yields valuesthat is incqeasing.Using the analysisto evaluatethe impacts
can be used to develop operating strategiesthat avoid it of sludge thickening characteristicson activatedsludge
in subsequentbulking incidents. plant capacityrequiresthe developmentof SS concentra-
Calculationtechniquesfor determiningallowablesec- tion/initial setting velocity relationships for activated
L- ondary clarifier SS thickening capacity require the mea-
surementof SS settling characteristics.The relationship
sludge with both good and poor settling characteristics.
Correlations such as those discussedabove can be
betweenSS concentrationand the initial settling velocity coupledwith standardthickeningcapacitycalculationsto
must be established,either by direct measurementor by producea secondaryclarifier operatingdiagram.Figure 4.3
using previouslydevelopedcorrelationsbetweenan index presentsthe results of one such correlation developedby
of sludge settleability and the SS concentration/initial set- Daigger (1995).The allowableSS loading rate G, is plot-
tling velocity relationship.Correlationshave been devel- ted as a function of the RAS SS concentrationfor activated
oped using sludge settling indices such as the standard sludge with standardSVIs (unstirred in a l-L graduate
(unstined) SVI, stined SVI conductedat MLSS = 3.5 glL cylinder) in the range of 50 to 350 ml/g. Dashed lines
(SSVI.5),and diluted SVI (DSVD. that correspond to various underflow (RAS) rates (Q"/A)
Direct measurement of the SS concentration/initial also are plotted.Similar secondaryclarifier operatingdia-
settling velocity relationship can be cumbersome and grams for SSVI35and DSVI are presentedin Figures 4.4
time-consuming.Initial settling velocities must be mea- and 4.5, respectively.
suredfor activatedsludgewith a range of initial SS con- To use the secondaryclarifier operating diagram, the
centrations obtained by mixing various proportions of point that correspondsto the clarifier operating conditions
mixed liquog RAS, and secondaryeffluent. Measurements (operating point) is located using two of the following
must be made in settling columns at least 0.15 m (6 in.) pieces of information:
in diameter, 1.8 m (6 ft) high, and equipped with stirring
devices.Bulking sludge must be availablebefore its thick- . Actual SS loading rate (G)
ening characteristicscan be measured.The resulting SS . Underflow (RAS) rate (Q"/A)
concentration/initial settling velocity relationship is then . RAS SS concentration(X")
used to determine the allowable clarifier SS loading rate
under a variety of operating conditions using either ana- If all these data are available, then the third piece of
lytical expressions(Baskin and Suidan,1985)orgraphical information can be used as a check. When the operating
techniques such as state point analysis (Keinath et al., point plots below the line corresponding to the current
82 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

50 ml-/g 20 m/d (-500 gpd/ft'?)

60 ml-/g . 16 m/d (-400 gpd/ft2) E

U) (n
a U)
F rsn F

40 -l
tr 200 8 m/d (-200gpd/ft2)
! !

3 rso
B rn= o
: 1oo
2 rnld(-50 epdfit2)


Underflow TSS concentration, g/L

F |G URE 4. 4Cla ri fl e ro p e ra ti n g d i a g ra m fo rSS V l rr.(A daptedfromD ai gger,G.T.(1995),W aterE nvi ron . Res. , 67, 95. )

50 ml-/g 20 tr/d (-500 gpd/ft,)

60 ml-/g ,. - !
o" 300 -
E 508
. 12nld (-300gpd/ft,) U)
U) U)

40 1
€ 2oo , 8 m/d (-200 gpd/ft2)
= 30€
3 rso o

r^^ - -
4 n/d (-100 gpd/ft2) 20e
2 ttld (-50 gpdlft2)

t0 15
Underflow TSS concentration, g/L

FICURE 4.5 Clarifier operating diagram for DSVI. (Adapted from Daigger, G.T. (1995), Water Environ. Res., 67,95.)

SVI, the clarifier SS loading rate is less than the limiting current SVI, the actual clarifier SS loading rate exceeds
clarifier SS loading rate and the secondary clarifier is the limiting clarifier SS loading rate and the secondary
operating below its allowable SS thickening capacity.The clarifier is operating above its allowable SS loading. In
clarifier should not be subject to SS thickening failure. this caseclarifier thickening failure will occur.An example
When the operating point falls directly on the line corre- of the use of this diagram appearslater in this section.
sponding to the current SVI, the clarifier SS loading rate Correlations such as those presented in Figure 4.3
equals the limiting clarifier SS loading rate and the sec- through Figure 4.5 were developed by several workers
ondary clarifier is operating at its failure point. When the (White, 1976; Johnstone et al., 1979; Koopman and
operating point plots above the line corresponding to the Cadee, 1983; Pitman, et al., 1983; Daigger and Ropeq
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 83

Comparisonof SludgeSettleabilityIndices
lndex Settling Device Low-Speed Stirring SS Concentration

Conventional SVI (SVI) l-L graduate cylinder No Aeration basin mixed liquor
Mallory SVI (SVI.) Mallory Settleometer No Aeration basin mixed liquor
Diluted SVI (DSVI) 1-L graduatecylinder No Mixed liquor diluted so that settled volume in
graduate cylinder is <200 mLlL
Stirred SVI at 3.5 g SS/L (SSVI3.5) 1-L graduate cylinder Yes Tests at several SS concentrations; value at 3.5 g/L
obtained by interpolation

1985; Wahlberg and Keinath, 1988; Daigger, 1995).All

Q,= QX (X ._X )
thesecorrelationswere applied successfullyto the analysis
of secondaryclarifiers at full-scale wastewatertreatment _ 3000)
= (1.0)(3000)/(12,000
plants.Two things must be rememberedwhen using any
of these correlations. First, because all correlations are = 0.33MGD (rZS O.,/O)
empirical,they have limited rangesof application.When-
ever possible the correlation used in a particular situation

t_ should be "calibrated" by comparing actual secondary

clarifier SS thickening pedormance with predictions of
the empirical correlation.Second,the various indices of
This agrees with the actual RAS flow rate. Now
assumethat sludge settleability deterioratesand secondary
clarifier sludge blanket depth begins to increase.The RAS
SS concentrationis found to be 8000 mg/L. Equation4. I
activated sludge settleability used in the correlations are
indicatesthe RAS flow rate must be:
not equivalent.Table 4. I summarizesthe characteristics
of the four most commonly used settleability indices.
While DSVI and SSVI* seemto provide the most accu- . Q.= QX (X ,_X )
rate estimatesof activatedsludge settling characteristics,
it is generallycurrent practicein the U.S. to use the stan- = (l .0)(3000)/(8000- 3000)
dard unstined SVI conductedin a l-L graduatecylinder
becauseof its simplicity. The standardunstirred SVI is = 0.60 MGD (ZZtOm3 la)
used in the examplespresentedin this chapter.
Correlations between activated sludge settleability Thus, for these conditions increasingthe RAS flow
indices and settling characteristicshave been used suc- rateto 0.60 N.IGD(2270m3ld)will be necessaryto prevent
cessfully to analyze the behavior of full-scale activated secondaryclarifier SS thickeningfailure.The useof Equa-
sludge plants.Although care should always be exercised tion 4.1 to Equation4.4 to developalternativesecondary
and the relationshipsshould be calibratedwheneverpos- clarifier operating strategiesmust be accompaniedby an
sible, they can be used with confidenceto estimatesec- analysis of secondaryclarifier thickening capacity.The
ondary clarifier SS thickening capacity. correlationmethod (with the standardunstirred l-L SVI)
of Daigger (1995) will be used to illustrate this analysis.
5. Secondary Clarifier Analysis and Operation Assume that the secondary clarifier in the example
discussedabove has a diameter of 45 ft (13.7 m) and a
The first stepsin secondaryclarifier analysis are using the
surfaceareaof 1590 fP (148 m2).From Equation4.5, the
relationshipsin Equation 4.1 through Equation 4.4. For
applied SS loading rate for the initial operatingcondition
example,sludgebulking generally will causea decrease
i s:
in RAS SS concentration. Equation 4. I predicts that a
decrease in RAS SS concentration (X,) requires an
increasein RAS flow rate. This increaseis necessaryto c" = X(e*e,)/A
ensure that SS applied to the secondary clarifier are
removed in the RAS. = (3000)(1.0
+ 0.33)(8.34)/(15e0 )
For example, consider an activatedsludge system that
= 20.9rblf(, d (102kg/mr, d)
operatesat an influent flow rate of 1.0 MGD (3785 m3/d)
and an RAS flow rate of 0.33 MGD (1250 m3/d). The
MLSS concentration is 3000 mg/L and the RAS SS con- This condition plots as point I in Figure 4.6 and indi-
centration is 12,000 mg/L. As a check, calculate the cates that the secondary clarifier could operate success-
required RAS flow rate using Equation4.1. fully with a sludgehaving an SVI of up to 150 ml/g.
84 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

80 In I I
50 mUs \ i+-,orooo)d/ft')
v \{ro-o 00 gpd/ft'z)

' \<-
I 6nld (400 gpd/ft'?.
,i 60 /, ros {
100mUg c'
U) :-* l2mld (300 pd/ft2r
9so ) 45 =

,!y4 X
o 40 . 1o< -
,/\ oa
d (200 gpd/ft'z)
200 ,Ur4 , \ ,/ \,, (h
mglrl \
8,zoo -l
30.'7 _-AY' \-" r45 >
o3 0
-, ) 5 ' 250 mLlt
ru m/d (lm gpd/ft'?)
o 3rJOmLlg/ 4 )d $_-"-
"n \_-- \ 100E
-)n l\
\ B
\ \-F
,..\ |
r nn ,"}e\ -.\ 6-- -

/' /r /

, aJl
../ -6.31
- )9
\Hi \-
-'2,.4-, tl tl

05 1 0 l5 25 30
RAS SS concentrationX. gSS/L

FIGURE4.6 Exampleof secondary

For the secondoperatingcondition (RAS SS = 8000 rate of 591 gpd/ft2 (24.4 mld), but that the SVI will be
mg/L, RAS flow rate = 0.6 MGD) the applied SS loading controlled to a value of no more than 150 ml-/g by RAS
rate is: chlorination (see later sections in this chapter). Moving
along the operating line (for 597 gpd/ft2) to point 4 in
(3ooo)(1.0 =
+ 0.6)(8.34)/(15e0) Figure 4.6 indicates that the secondaryclarifier could be
operated at an SS loading rate of up to 42.8 lb/ftzld
o (tzr tg/m'z,0)
25.2tblft2, (209kglm2/d) and with an RAS SS concentration of up
to 8700 mg/L.
This condition plots as point 2 in Figure 4.6 and indi- Equation 4.5 can be rearrangedto calculate allowable
catesthat the secondaryclarifier now can operatesuccess- influent flow rate and the allowable MLSS concentration
fully with a sludge having an SVI of just over 200 mL/g. for theseconditions. To calculate the maximum allowable
Now assumethat the maximum RAS pumping capac- influent flow rate at MLSS = 3000 mg/L:
ity is 0.95 MGD (3600 m3/d).At the maximum RAS flow
rate, the bulk withdrawal rate is 0.95/1590 or 591 gpd/fe
Q = (c" A /X )_ Q.
(24.4 mld), and the applied SS loading rate is:
= (43.s)(r -
+ 0.e5)(8.34)/(1se0)
= 1.9 MGD (ltSO mt ld\
30.7lb/ft',d(tsot g/rn',a)
To calculate the maximum allowable MLSS at an
This condition plots as point 3 on Figure 4.6 and influent flow of 1.0 MGD (3785 m3/d):
indicates that the secondary clarifier could be operated
successfully with a sludge having an SVI of about 250 x=(c"e)/(e+e,)
mllg and that the RAS SS concentration would be about
6300 mg/L. = (43.s)(1se0)/(1.0
+ 0.esX8.34)
Now assumethat the RAS flow rate is maintained at
0.95 MGD (3600 m3/d), equivalent to a bulk withdrawal
=4250 mglL
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems B5

These examples illustrate how the general principles wastewater and the RAS are both fed to the head end of
of secondary clarifier analysis can be used to optimize the aeration basin. Total SS inventory does not changefor
existing operation. a given F/M. The SS concentrationentering the secondary
clarifier, and therefore the SS loading rate, both decrease
6. System Analysis and Operation compared to a system in which the influent wastewater
and RAS are both fed to the headend of the aerationbasin.
In addition to manipulation of RAS flow rates, the effects
The use of step feed to lower the SS loading applied
of bulking sludge can be ameliorated by reducing MLSS
concentrationin the secondaryclarifier feed. This reduces to the secondary clarifier will be illustrated by an exten-
the SS load to the secondaryclarifier (Equation4.5).Also, sion of the previous example. In addition to an influent
when the applied SS loading rate is reduced while main- flow rate (Q) of 1.0 MGD (3785 m3/d),an RAS flow rate
taining the same RAS bulk withdrawal rate, the allowable (Q,) of 0.33 MGD (1250 m3/d),an MLSS concenrrarion
(X) of 3000 mg/L, an RAS, SS concentration(X,) of
SVI is increased(i.e., moves downward and to the left
along an RAS bulk withdrawal operatingline in Figure 4.6). 12,000 mg/L, and a secondaryclarifier SS loading rate
The SS concentration in the secondaryclarifier feed (G") of 20.9 lbfir2d (102 kg/m2d), it is assumedthat the
can be reduced by reducing the MLSS inventory or by aerationbasinhasa total volume (V) of 0.25 MG (950 m3)
changing the activated sludge operating mode. MLSS and can be operatedin a completelymixed mode or in a
inventory can be reduced by increasing the activated two-compartment(pass)step feed mode (Figure 4.7).
sludge wasting rate. This is only feasible if sludge han- For the completely mixed mode, point one in Figure
dling capacity is available and if reducing the MLSS 4.8 indicatesthat the plant can be operatedsatisfactorily
inventory does not unfavorably affect the FlN4 (e.g., low undertheseconditionswhen the SVI is lessthan 150ml/g.
F/I\4 may be required to achieve nitrification). When the operation is changedto a two-compartmentstep
The objective of changing operating mode to combat feed mode at the same influent and RAS flow rates,all the
sludgebulking is to reducethe MLSS concentrationin the RAS and only one-half of the influent flow are added to
l-. secondaryclarifier feed without reducing the MLSS inven- the first compartment.The remainderof the influent flow
tory. Aeration basins incorporating step feed (step aera- is added to the secondcompartment.A redistributionof
tion) and contact stabilization configurations are particu- MLSS inventory occurs so that the first compartmentcon-
larly useful in this regard.Both configurationsallow the tainsmore MLSS than the secondcompartment.This hap-
operation of the first part of the aeration basin at a higher pens becauseless dilution of the RAS by influent occurs
MLSS concentration,and the last part of the aerationbasin in the first compartment.If the total MLSS inventory
at a lower MLSS concentration,than when the inlluent remainsthe same as in the completely mixed mode, the

Gu = 20'9 lb/ft2, d

0.33MGD. X,.= 12.000mg/L

"Plug flow" (conventional)mode

0.5 MGD

z = 2370
Gu= 16.1lbfie, d
1 . 33MGD .2310

Step feed mode

FIGURE 4.7 Schematicdiagram of step feed operation.

B6 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

80 ttl t^tl
50 ml-/g \oiroruoot dlft')

\40"u0, )0 gpd/ft2)

c 60 2\/
vo 1mld(400 gpd/ft2
-295 €
F X/ @

;'z-J2nld (300 pdtftz)
?s o -245
./\ / @

,i mnrA4/ /\,
l, qo ,/\ -195 ll
je4 t , /V (200 spdlfr2)
(RAS= 0.9sN ;ot/3V' i=q,6/r4cD)
-i(\* -r45

250 mLlp
\ rd(100gpd/ft2)
\-[- ...- -100

-350mL/s. / ,/

1*17 aX\r X

;z =,>s
-\ (t-
t0 - -50
n/d (i0 gpd/ft2)

0510 t5 20 25 30
RAS SS concentration,X' gSS/L

FIGURE4.8 Exampleof stepfeedoperation.

MLSS concentration in the second compartment will be =(0.83

(0.83Xx,) +o.s)(x,)
lower than when the system was operated in the com- (4.7)
pletely mixed mode. = (0.625)xr
x, = (0.83/1.33)xr
The MLSS concentrationsin eachof the two compart-
ments can be calculated for the step feed mode by writing Combining Equations(4.6) and (4.7) gives:
an SS massbalanceequation for eachcompartment.These
equationsare then substitutedinto an equation for the total Xr = (0'625)X,
SS inventory, which is solved for the SS concentrations (+.g)
in each compartment and in the RAS. For our example, = (0.2s)x,
= (0.62s)(0.4)x.
the aeration basin MLSS inventory in the completely
mixed mode is: The total aeration basin MLSS inventory can be
expressedas a function of X. as shown below. Remember
= 62sstb (2840kg)
(3000X0.2s)(8.34) that the volume of each aeration basin compartment is
0.25 ll4clz or 0,125 MG (473 m3).
This SS inventory will be maintained in the two-com- Aeration basin suspendedsolids inventory:
partment step feed mode. The SS mass balance for the
point at which the wastewater influent enters the first (x.)10.r2s11a.34) =
compartment (0.5 MGD) and is mixed with the RAS flow
(0.33 MGD) is: (1.0425Xx,

= (0.s+ 0.33Xx1)
(0.33Xx,) Substituting for X, and X, from Equation 4.8 gives
A.6\ total aeration basin SS inventory:
= (0.4)x.
x, = (0.33/0.83)x,
(1.0425X0.4x. = (0.677
+ 0.25X,) 6)x,
The SS mass balance for the point at which the flow
from the first pass(0.83 MGD) mixes with the wastewater Setting this equal to the total MLSS inventory of
influent flow to the second compartment (0.5 MGD) is: 6255 lb gives:
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d O th e r S ettl i ngP robl ems 87

6225 tb = \0.6776)X, compartment for contact (while maintaining the same

MLSS inventory),the SS concentrationin the secondary
clarifier feed would havebeen reducedto 1200 mg/L and
X,= 9 2 3 0 mg l L
the secondary clarifier SS loading rate would have been
8.4 lb/ft2d (41 kg/m2,d).
X, can be calculatedusing Equation4.6
These examplesillustrate calculation proceduresfor
determining operating conditions when a mode of opera-
X, = (0.4)X. = (0.4X9230)
tion is changed.They can be simplified for a particular
=3690 mglL system and set of operating conditions or can form the
basesfor operatingdiagramsor spreadsheets. They also
X, can be calculatedusing Equation4.8 can be usedas a guide to evaluatethe effectsof operating
changes.A generalprinciple is that changesresulting in
X, = (0.25)X,= (0.25X9230) less dilution of RAS with influent wastewater will
decreasesecondaryclarifier feed SS concentration.Redis-
=23t0 mglL tribution of SS usually takes less than I d, so the results
can be seenvery quickly following changesin operating
The secondaryclarifier SS loading rate for this oper- mode.
ating condition is: In addition to dealingwith bulking sludge,manipula-
tion of aerationbasin wastewaterand RAS feed points is
6" = (2 3 1 0 )(1 .3 3 )(8 .3 4 )/(1 s e o ) often used to handle high wet weather flows. The solids
loading rate of a secondaryclarifier increasesas influent
= t6 .r tb l ftz ,d (7 8 .6 tg /m" o ) flow increases.Many plants "step the feed down the aer-
ation basin" (convertfrom conventionaloperationtoward
This is plotted as point four in Figure 4.8. contactstabilization)as the wastewaterflow rateincreases.
The benefits of two-compartment step feed operation This type of action can prevent solids washout during
in allowing an activatedsludgesystemto operatesuccess- storm .flows,The shorteraerationtimes afforded by con-
fully with a poor settling sludgeare illustratedin Figure 4.8 tact stabilizationare offset somewhatby the dilution of
using the data from the previously calculatedexamples. wastewaterduring storm flows.
Point one through point three are for completely mixed
operationswith RAS flow rates of 0.33, 0.6, and 0.95 B. AoorrroN oF CHEMrcArs Solros ro
MGD (1250,2270, and 3600 m3ld),respectively. Point ErunnNcr
AcnvnrroSluocrSrrnrxc Rlrrs
four is for two-compartment step feed operation at an RAS
flow rate of 0.33 MGD (1250 m3/d),as calculatedabove. Severalapproachesfor improving activatedsludgesettle-
These operating points show that an activatedsludge with ability fall into this category in which settleability is
an SVI of approximately 220 to 230 ml-/g requires an improvedwithout eliminatingthe root causeof a problem.
RAS flow rate of 0.95 MGD (3600 m3/d) when the aera- Syntheticpolymerscan be addedto municipal and indus-
tion basin is operatedin the completely mixed mode but trial activatedsludge plants to overcomethe bridging or
only 0.33 MGD (1250 m3/d) when the aerationbasin is diffuse floc structuresassociatedwith excessivefilamen-
operated in the two-compartment step feed mode. This tous organismgrowth and flocculatedispersedflocs and
resultsin lower RAS pumping costs and higher RAS SS microorganisms.Polymers also have been used to aid
concentration (9230 mg/I- vs. 6300 mg/L) - which may settling of activatedsludge containing large amounts of
reducewaste sludgeprocessingand disposalcosts. water-retentiveextracellularmaterial (viscousor nonfila-
Two-compartment step feed is the simplest alternate mentousbulking). Polymers have been added to control
operating mode. Operation in other step modes (such as activatedsludgefoaming due to nocardioformorganisms
three- or four-compartment), contact stabilization, or step (seeChapter5).
feed with RAS reaeration(a combination of step feed and The use of synthetic organic polymers does not
contact stabilization) offers greateradvantageswith regard increasesludge mass. This is their principal advantage
to reducing secondaryclarifier SS loading rates to accom- over inorganic coagulantsand flocculantssuch as alumi-
modate a poor settling sludge. Indeed, any change that num and iron salts.Wide variationsin polymer type and
resultsin lessdilution of RAS by influent wastewaterwill dose have been reported.In general,for bulking control,
allow storageof activated sludge SS in the aeration basin a high molecular weight, high cationic charge polymer
and decreasethe SS concentrationofthe secondaryclarifier alone or in combinationwith an anionic polymer may be
feed. For example,if the systemdepictedin Figure 4.8 had used.It is wise to perform frequentjar testing to determine
been placed in the contact stabilization mode, using the polymer dose,becausethe dosecan changefrom batch to
first compartment for sludge stabilization and the second batch and with changesin activatedsludge properties and
B8 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

produce precipitates that sweep down a bulking activated

sludge or the small particles causing dispersedgrowth.
Finger (1973) used short-term alum addition at the effluent
end of the Renton (Seattle,WA) activated sludge plant to
reduce SVI from about 130 mllg to about 90 ml/g,
increase sludge bulk density, and increase settling rates
during periods of high (wet weather)influent flow. On one
4 J occasion,alum was added for 3 d at a dose of approxi-
400 E
mately 60 mg/L based on wastewater flow. This dose
{ increasedthe total sludgeinventory l7%o,from 145,000lb
€o E
(65,800kg) to 170,000Ib (17,200 kg). Becausethe sludge
P rnn AJ

:; density increasedfrom 0.0075 giml to 0.0122 glmL (a

s -)(A
637oincrease),the secondaryclarifier sludgeblanket levels
a were reduced. The beneficial effects of the 3 d of alum
! =
a dosing were maintainedfor about 3 wk.
An ATV Working Group report (1989) on European
practicescites the long-term use of ferrous sulfate(7 mg
as Fe/L) at the Wien-Semmering plant in Austria. Low
SVIs were obtainedin the presenceof abundantfilamen-
tous organisms.
Matsche (1982) reportedseveralexampleswhere the
r 00 addition of ferrous sulfate to the influent was successful
02468 1 0 in controlling bulking. For example,at Neusiedl,Austria,
mg/L the addition of ferrous sulfate (10 to 14 mg as Fe/L) to
FIGURE4.9 Effectof a cationicpolymeron theSVI of a bulk- the influent of an activatedsludge plant treating canning
ing sludge.(From Singer, al. (1968),"/. WaterPollut. wastewaters reduced the SVI from 450 ml-/g to 60 to
ControlFed.,40,Part2, Rl. With permission.) 70 mLlg and causedthe disappearance of Type 021N, the
filamentousorganismresponsiblefor the bulking.
filamentousorganismtypes.Overdosingcan lead to dete- Matsche (1982) points out that activatedsludgefrom
rioration in performance;prolonged excessivedosescan plants without primary clarifiers settlesbetter than that
cause gelling of the activatedsludge so that its settling from plantswith primary clarifiersbecauseof the presence
properties deteriorate instead of improve. Figure 4.9 of the denserprimary SS in the activatedsludge.Matsche
showsthe resultsof a typical jar test.Thesedata suggest also notes that dirt particles in sugar beet wastewater
that a polymer dose of about2 mg/L would be appropriate improved activated sludge settleability. The PACT pro-
for the sludgebeing tested. cess,(Hutton and Robertaccio,1975 and 1978) in which
Polymersusually are addedto the mixed liquor as it powderedactivatedcarbon is addedto the aerationbasin
leavesthe aerationbasin or to the secondaryclarifier cen- usually producesactivatedsludge that settleswell, even
ter well. In general,the long-term addition of polymers in the presenceof significantfilamentousorganismlevels,
for bulking control is expensivecomparedto RAS chlo- because of the weighting effect of the activated carbon
rination. Chemical costs for polymer addition are in the particles.Talc, a commercially available,finely divided
range$10 to 50/MG comparedto $l to l0 for RAS chlo- mineral, has been added to activated sludge plants in
rination. An appropriateuse of polymer addition is dealing France and the Netherlands to improve sludge settling
with a settling problem on an emergency basis. Polymer properties, but large increasesin the SS inventory occur
addition facilities can be installed quickly (for a solution becausetalc to MLVSS ratios of approximately0.6 to 1.0
polymer, a storage tank, dilution water, piping, and a are required (Eikelboom and Grovenstein, 1998; Chudoba
metering pump are required). Settling improvement is and Pannier,1994).
immediate. Typically, RAS chlorination takes a few days It is common practice in some pulp and paper waste-
to improve settling and the installation of facilities to use water activated sludge systems to intentionally waste
it regularly is somewhat more complex. paper fibers or paper coating materials such as clay from
Inorganic coagulants and flocculants such as ferric the mill to weight down poorly settling activated sludge.
chloride and alum (aluminum sulfate) have been used to The weighting action of inert biological SS has been
aid in activated sludge settling. Reductions in SVI were employed in activatedsludgeprocessmodificationssuch
notedby Eberhartand Nesbitt (1968) andZenz and Pivnicka as the Kraus process (Kraus, 1945) in which anaerobic
(1969) when alum was added to activated sludge for the digester contents are recirculated through the aeration
simultaneousprecipitationof phosphate.Thesechemicals basin system. While the addition of inorganic chemicals
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dSl u d g eB u l k i n ga n d O th e r S ettl i ngP robl ems 89

or inert biological solids can improve activated sludge chlorine is added. This concern is often
settling rates, it can impose significant additional solids expressedby petrochemical and pulp and paper
loads on the process.Moreover, the presenceof inert sol- wastewater treatment plants. In a case history
ids cannot always offset the adverseimpact of filamentous presentedlater in this chapter, in-basin chlori-
organisms on activated sludge settling. nation of a plastics manufacturing waste acti-
vated sludge did not cause an increase in
C. ro Srlrcnvtt-v Ktl.t"
Aoorrror.l oF DrsrNFEcrANTs effluent chlorinated organics. Because of the
fear of producing halogenated organic com-
pounds,chlorinationfor bulking control is rec-
1. G ener al ommended only as an emergency measure in
Germany and central Europe (ATV 1986).
Chlorine and hydrogen peroxide have been used to kill . The proper applicationof chlorine for bulking
filamentous organisms selectively in activated sludge and control does not interfere with BODr and SS
thus eliminatethe symptomsof bulking. Limited use has removal efficiencies.As one casestudy shows,
been made of other disinfectants such as ozone (van Leu- a small increasein effluent soluble COD. but
wen. 1988: van Leuwen and Pretorius.1998).Chlorine is not effluent soluble BOD', occursduring chlo-
used in the form of a solution producedfrom a gas chlo- rination for bulkins control.
rinator as sodiumhypochloritesolutionor as solid calcium
hypochlorite. Chlorination using a chlorine solution or In one casewhere chlorination for bulking control was
sodium hypochlorite solution is our choice for this type practiced on a laboratory-scaleUniversity of Capetown
of bulking control because: biological nutrientremoval system,nitrification,denitrifi-
cation, and phosphorus (P) release were not affected
. Chlorine is more economical than hydrogen (Lakay et al., 1988). Enhanced biological phosphorus
peroxide or ozone in the U.S. removal (EBPR) was adverselyaffectedby high chlorine
. Chlorine and sodium hypochloritesolutionsare doses(8 kg Clrll03 kg MLSS/d) over a prolongedperiod
much easierto dosein a controlledfashionthan (19 d) but recoveredrapidly (within 5 d) when the chlo-
solid calcium hypochlorite. rination was stopped.
. Secondary effluent disinfection of municipal In a pilot plant study of the Virginia Initiative Process
wastewater treatment plants is performed (VIP) for EBPR, RAS chlorination for bulking control
mostly with chlorine or sodium hypochlorite with sodium hypochlorite at a dose of 2 kg Clrl103 kg
solutionsin the U.S. MLSS/d for 5 d reduced SVI from approximately 270
mL/g to 200 mL/g (Daiggeret al.,1988).Nitrification was
Although ultraviolet disinfection is slowly replacing not affected but the effluent total P concentrations
chlorine for effluent disinfection, it will be many years increasedto values close to those in the influent. Poor
before it is a more widespread wastewater disinfection anaerobiczone P releaseand unusually high oxidation-
process.Furthermore,the operatingstaffs at most waste- reductionpotential(ORP) were observedduring chlorina-
water utilities are familiar with handling gaseouschlorine tion. Apparently, the chlorine interfered with the ability of
and sodium hypochloritesolutions.For plants using chlo- the P-accumulatingorganismsto releaseP in the anaerobic
rine for effluent disinfection, the gaseousform or sodium zone and this further inhibited P uptakein the aerobiczone.
hypochlorite solution is available on-site and the addi- More typical anaerobic zone P release,ORP values, and
tional amount required for bulking control usually is small effluent P concentrationswere reestablishedalmost imme-
compared to the amount required for secondary effluent diately after RAS chlorination was discontinued.
disinfection. Even at plants not using chlorine for effluent In studieson a full-scale EBPR plant Sayman et al.
disinfection,some will be availableon-site for purposes (1996) found that EBPR was not affected by a chlorine
such as odor control, cleaning effluent filters, etc. doseof 0.7 kgClrll}3 kg MLSS/d. A moderateeffect was
Certain situations may justify the use of materials observedat a dose of 1.4 kg Cl2ll}3 kg MLSS/d, and
other than chlorine for bulking control, for example: EBPR was significantly affectedat a doseof 3 kg Clrl103 kg
MLSS/d. Theseresultssuggestthat RAS chlorinationcan
. Chlorine is not available on-site and cannot be be used only at low chlorine doses for sludge bulking
obtained immediately in sufficient quantities control in EBPR plants.
when a severe bulking problem must be dealt Reports in the literature indicate that chlorination for
with. bulking control interfereswith nitrification (Wakefield and
. Chlorine is not used for effluent disinfection Slim, 1988; Marstaller et al., 1992), but experiencesin
and there is concern over the production of very full-scale plants and the casehistories presentedhere show
small amounts of chlorinated organics when that properly conducted chlorination for bulking control
90 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

does not affect the rate or extent of nitrification. The work a. ChlorinationCriteria
that indicated an effect on nitrification was conducted at Several criteria must be followed for successfulbulking
very low exposurefrequency (Wakefield and Slim, 1988) control by chlorination. A target value of the SVI (or some
or with batchwise chlorine addition (Marstaller et al., other activated sludge settling property) must be estab-
1992).Both of thesepracticesare inappropriatemethods lished. The target SVI should be the value at or below
of using chlorine for bulking control. which the plant can be operated satisfactorily without
Becausewe favor chlorination for bulking control, we problems associatedwith poorly settling activated sludge.
will deal first with this topic in detail and then presentsome Not only should the operation of the secondary clarifier
information on the use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone. be considered in selecting a target SVI value, but the
impact of sludge settleabilityon solids processingunits
2. Use of Chlorination for Bulking Control must be evaluated.Chlorinationshouldbe usedonly when
the SVI (or other settling property) target value is signif-
Until the 1970s,chlorination was used occasionallyfor icantly and consistentlyexceeded.
bulking control in the U.S. (Smith and Purdy, 1936; A daily (or more frequent) trend plot of SVI values
Tapelshay,1945)but its use in the U.S. has becomewide- should be made to determine when the target SVI is
spreadsince then. The ability to chlorinateRAS is often approached.Sucha trendplot will aid in decidingwhether
designedinto new treatmentplants and frequently retro- a given SVI valuein excessof the targetvalueis consistent
fitted into existing plants. Chlorination is used widely in with a trend or only an aberrant data point. Trend plots
countries such as Germany (Frenzel and Safert, l97l; can also assistan operatorin adjustingchlorine dosesto
Frenzel, 1977; Bode, 1983),Austria (Matsche, 1977), anticipatechangesin SVI.
Great Britain (Water ResearchCentre, 1983), and South Chlorine solution must be addedin known and con-
Africa (Wiechers,1983;Thirion, 1983). trolled dosesto all of the activatedsludgeat a point where
Chlorine is popular in the U.S. becauseit is usually excellentmixing is possible.Ideally,a separatechlorinator
availableon-site (since it is used for secondaryeffluent (or feed pump for sodium hypochlorite solution) should
disinfection) or can be acquired readily. The quantities be dedicated to feeding chlorine for bulking control
required for bulking control usually are small compared becausethe dosesrequiredfor bulking control usually are
with those required for secondaryeffluent disinfection; much lower than those employed for secondary effluent
sufficient chlorine is usually available to perform both disinfection. When retrofitting an existing plant to use
tasks.A common problem is controlling existing chlorine chlorine for bulking control, an independentlyvalved and
delivery equipmentat the low rates required for bulking meteredchlorine solutionline can be taken off an effluent
control. chlorinatoror a hypochloritesolutionfeedpump.Accurate
Two chlorinedosingpointsarecommon (Figure4.10): knowledgeof the chlorine solution flow rate and concen-
directly into the aerationbasin and into the RAS stream. tration in this line is imperative.An independentrotameter
The preferred dosing point is the RAS stream. Direct in this chlorine solution line is mandatory.
dosing into the aerationbasin is used in plants with long As indicated,the preferredchlorine solution applica-
aeration basin hydraulic detention times, where dosing tion point is into the RAS line, althoughexceptionsexist.
chlorine in the RAS would not provide a sufficient fre- If a plant has no common RAS line, the ability to chlori-
quency of exposureof sludge inventory to chlorine or nateeachindividual RAS line must be provided.Sufficient
when the RAS line is inaccessible. valving and metering must be supplied to allow control
and measurementof chlorine solution to each dosing
Secondary point.
clarifier Excellentinitial mixing of chlorine solution and RAS
is of the utmost importance.Reactionsof chlorine in RAS
vn are very rapid. Without excellent initial mixing, a large
1J part of the RAS might not be contacted by the chlorine
while a small part might be overdosed.One result of poor
Aeration basin initial mixing is the consumption of large amounts of
chlorine without control of bulking. Prolongeddosing at
a point of poor initial mixing can lead to the production
of turbid effluents (due to local over-chlorination) and a
reduction in treatment efficiency (due to excessivekilling
of floc-forming organisms).Examplesof poor RAS chlo-
Waste activated
rine injection points are RAS wet wells, mixed liquor
channels,and RAS or mixed liquor center wells of sec-
FIGURE 4.10 Chlorine dose points for bulking control. ondary clarifiers. The dose points of choice are locations
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth er S ettl i ngP robl ems 91


FICURE4.11 Examples of goodchlorinedosepointsfor

bulking control:(a) to the RAS line following an elbow,
(b) to the volute of an RAS pump, (c) to the riser of an
air-lift RAS system,and(d) to thedischargeof a traveling
bridgeclarifierRAS trough.

of high turbulence,for examplefollowing elbowsin pipes chlorine injection. Chlorine should be added at a point
( F igur e 4. lla) ; i n to th e v o l u te s o f R A S pumps wherechlorine demandfrom wastewateris at a minimum.
(Figure4.1lb); into their discharges;into and below the Chlorine controlsbulking by disinfecting(killing) fil-
rising liquid level in the riser tube of an airlift RAS pump amentousorganisms.Any reactionswith wastewatercom-
(Figure 4.tlc); and through a manifold into the waterfall ponentsthat modify or reducethe dosedchlorine concen-
discharge to the aeration basin of an airlifUreturn on a tration will influenceits ability to kill the organisms.The
travelingbridge clarifier (Figure4. I 1d).If no other choice complexity and variability of wastewatermakes it impos-
is available, chlorine solution can be applied to RAS in sible to identify every reaction in which chlorine partici-
an open channel. It should be added at a point of turbu- pates.However, the reactionsof chlorine with ammonia
lence (e.g.,below a flow-measuringflume) and the injec- and reduced inorganics such as nitrite and sulfide are
tion should be multipoint through a pipe manifold or grid. important.When chlorineis addedto a solutioncontaining
Because such devices can collect rags, they should be an excessof ammonia (ClrlN ratio < 5), it reactsrapidly
designed to be removed periodically for cleaning. to form monochloramine (NHrCl).
When retrofitting an activated sludge plant for RAS Neethling et al. (1982) showedthat dosing activated
chlorination, it is imperative to carefully inspect the phys- sludge solids with chlorine in the presenceof excess
ical features of the system to identify suitable points for ammonia is equivalent to dosing with monochloramine
92 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

encewith RAS chlorination only once.A broken secondary

clarifier sludge scraperallowed sludge to accumulateto a
point where sulfide levels consumed significant amounts
of chlorine as well as causing Thiothrix spp. bulking.
Chlorine reacts with the dissolved and particulate
organic matter present in wastewaters.The nature, rate,
and extent of these reactions have not been quantified
d zl) beyond saying that they are slower than reactionsbetween
chlorine and ammonia and between chlorine and nitrite.
Addition of chlorine to mixtures of RAS and influent
wastewater,such as those presentnear the head-endof an
aeration basin, should be avoided becausesome chlorine
may be consumedby reactionwith the high concentrations
of organicmatter (and possibly sulfide) and thus will not
be availablefor killing filamentousorganisms.High chlo-
rine doseswill be required for bulking control under these
conditions.Addition of chlorine to incoming wastewater
prior to the point where it mixes with RAS is completely
ineffective in killing filamentousorganismsand control-
0 60 120 ling bulking.
Time,s Chlorine dosesare measuredusually on the basis of
the activatedsludge SS inventory (overall mass dose in
FIGURE4.12 Chlorineresidualin RAS asa functionof initial kg Clrll03 kg SS inventory/d).The chlorine doseconcen-
chlorinespecies,reactiontime, and the presenceof ammonia. tration at the dose point (mg Clrll-) and the frequency of
Initial chlorinedose= 2l mg Clr[L. SS = 2.77g/1-.Ammonia
exposureof the SS inventory to chlorine (times/d) must
concentration = 0.8mg NH,-N/L,.(a)and(b);ammoniaconcen-
be consideredin choosinga dose point.
tration= 11.3mg NH3-N/L,(c). (FromNeethling,J.B. et al.
( l 982),Report82-2,Sanitary
Engineering Environmental
Health The most commonly used chlorine dose parameters
ResearchLaboratory,Universityof California,Berkeley.With are concentration,overall mass dose rate, and frequency
permission.) of exposureof solids inventory to chlorine dose (Beebe
and Jenkins,198I ; Beebeet al., 1982',Jenkinset al., I 984).
(Figure 4.12). Monochloramineis not as potent a disin- All these parametersare expressedin terms of chlorine
fectant as free chlorine, but it remains available longer doseratherthan chlorine residualbecausethe complexity
Thus, the presenceof ammonia does not materially affect and variability of activatedsludgemake it difficult (if not
the bulking control ability of chlorine dosed to the RAS impossible)to predict the naturesand concentrationsof
unlessthe Cl, doseAllH.,-Nratio is high enoughto cause chlorine residuals.This and the differencesin susceptibil-
the breakpointreaction(Cl2lNH3-N ratio of >10:l). If this ity of various filamentousorganismsto chlorine are the
occurs.the chlorine will be reducedto chloride and less reasonsfor significant variationsin the values of dosing
chlorine will be availablefor attackingfilamentousorgan- parametersfor successfulbulking control from one plant
isms.The conditionsnecessaryfor the breakpointreaction to another and even from time to time at the same plant
occur rarely and can be overcomeby increasingthe chlo- (Neethlinget al., 1985a; 1985b).
rine dose. Overall massdose(kg Clrll03kg SS/d)is a convenient
The only common side reaction of chlorine that can practical dosing parameter because it tells the operator
reduce its effectivenessin killing filamentousorganisms how much chlorine must be dosed over a 24-h period and
for bulking control is with nitrite (NOr-). Chlorine reacts allows the dosing equipmentto be adjustedaccordingly.
rapidly and stoichiometrically with nitrite which can be This dosing parameter is related directly to the objective
presentin activatedsludge (and RAS) during partial nitri- of chlorination - to kill a fraction of the activated sludge
fication. The HOCI + NO2- J NO3- + HCI reactioncon- SS inventory each day. Daily organism kill is proportional
sumes5.1 mg Clrlmg NO2--N. The reactionis rapid and to the daily mass dose of chlorine (kg Clrld); systemSS
consumes chlorine before it has a chance to react with inventory is proportional to the total mass of organisms
filamentousorganisms. in the system.
It is very unusual to encountersignificant levels of
sulfide in RAS. Thus, the consumptionof chlorine by the b. Ceneral Guidelines
oxidation of sulfide is not often important in RAS chlori- The following rangesof overall mass dose rates are given
nation for bulking control. We encounteredsulfide interfer- as generalguidelines:
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth er S ettl i ngP robl ems 93

. 2 to 3 kg Clrl1O3kgSS/d- This overall mass of kill of filamentous and floc-forming organisms.Simply

dose rate is typical of a maintenancedose that put, for chlorination to be successful, the filamentous
may be effective when the SVI is generally organisms must be killed faster than they grow in the
under control and continuous chlorination is aerationbasin.
needed to kill newly growing filaments and Activated sludge plants with long aeration basin
keep the SVI from increasing. hydraulic detention times can have large SS inventories
. 5 to 6 kg Clrl1O3kgSS/d - This is a typical so that daily SS flux in the RAS line is a small fraction
overall mass dose rate that will destroy excess of the SS inventory.Becauseof this, a chlorine dosepoint
filaments and reduceSVI over severaldays with on the RAS line will provide a very low frequency of
little impact on effluent quality. exposure.Figure 4. 13 showsthe resultsof using a typical
. 10 to l2kgClr/l03kg SS/d-This overallmass overall chlorine mass dose rate for bulking control at
dose will usually destroyexcessfilamentsand plantswith 4-d and 5-h hydraulicdetentiontimes (HRTs).
reduce SVI very rapidly. Doses of this magni- In the 5-h HRT activatedsludgeplant (Figure 4.13a),
tude will also disrupt floc structure and result the RAS flow rate is 50 m3/h (r = 0.5) and the RAS is
in a deterioration of effluent quality. chlorinatedat an overall massdoserate of 6 kg Clrll03kg
MLSS/d. The chlorine dose concentrationis 7 .5 mg Cl.rll-
Overall mass doses between the ranges cited above and the SS exposurefrequencyis 6 times/d.Thesecondi-
will produceresultsintermediatebetweenthosedescribed. tions of chlorine concentration and exposure frequency
are satisfactory for bulking control. In the 4-d HRT acti-
c. Chlorination System Design
vated sludge plant (Figure 4.13b), the RAS flow rate is
When designing a chlorination system, use the overall 50 m3/h(r = 0.5) and the RAS is chlorinatedat an overall
massdoserate to determinethe size of the chlorine deliv- mass dose rate of 6 kg Clrll03kg MLSS/d. The chlorine
ery equipment.In computing chlorine dose basedon the dose is 121 mg C\rlL and the SS exposurefrequency is
sludgeinventory(kg Clrll03kg SS/d),the sludgeSS inven- 0.37 times/d or once every 2.7 d. These conditions of
tory in the secondaryclarifiersshouldbe included.Where chlorine concentrationand exposure frequency are not
two-basin processessuch as contact stabilizationare satisfactoryfor bulking control. A small part of the SS
employed,the sludgeSS inventoriesin both basinsand in inventory is exposed to very high chlorine doses. The
the secondaryclarifiers should be included in calculating exposedsludge flocs will be destroyedand may increase
the overall chlorine massdose. effluent turbidity. The SS inventory will not be exposed
In most municipal wastewatertreatmentplants, the frequentlyenoughto the chlorine doseto control filamen-
RAS line is the best place to dose chlorine solution.The tous organism growth. Under these conditions, bulking
minimum frequency of exposureshould be determined. will continue and, in addition, a turbid effluent will be
Frequenciesof exposure >3 times/d, generally are suffi- produced. For such cases,a chlorination system using
cient. It may be possible to increasethe frequency of severaldose points placed directly in the aerationbasin
exposureby increasingsludge recycle rates. Some RAS (Figure4.10) shouldbe installed.
chlorination systems(Bode, 1983) have operatedwell at
exposurefrequenciesas low as 1.4 times/d. Neethling et d. Monitoring Effects of Chlorine Addition
al. (1985a)showedthat the requiredfrequencyofexposure Reliablemeasurements of sludgesettling,effluentquality,
can be related to the relative srowth rates and efficiencies and sludgequality are requiredwhen chlorinationis used

"Domestic wastewater" case "Industrial wastewater" (Long aelation time) case

a= 0 =4 d

V. = 500m3

X" = 500mg/L

T = 6 mg Cl2lgSS,
T = 6 mg Cl2lgSS,
C = 121mEClz/|,
C =7.5 mgClz/|,
f = 0.37d-r
f= 6 d-r
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4.1 3 Chlorination parameters for: (a) typical municipal wastewater treatment plant and (b) long aeration time treatment
plant. T = overall mass dose rate; C = chlorine concentration at dose point; f = exposure frequency of sludge inventory to chlorine.
94 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

for bulking control. The use of chlorine for bulking control as early signs that chlorinationis beginningto exert con-
entails the purposeful addition of a disinfectant to a bio- trol over filamentousorganism growth. Theseobservations
logical system.Becauseof this, frequent control teststo allow the operator to determine when a satisfactory chlo-
assessthe effectsof chlorine addition must be performed. rine dose has been reached.As a rough guide, satisfactory
Such control tests should include the following: filament control will be achieved when about 60 to l07o
of the filaments show observabledamage.For filamentous
. A reliable and appropriate measurement of
organisms without sheaths, the SVI usually declines
sludgesettling such as SVI, DSVI, stirredSVI,
within 1 to 2 d. For sheathedfilaments, the empty sheaths
zone settling rate, or sludge blanket depth in
must be washed out from the activated sludge system by
the secondary clarifiers at known wastewater
sludge wasting for the SVI to decrease.This can take a
and RAS flow rates.
longer period (up to I to 2 MCRTs).
. A measure of secondaryeffluent turbidity. An
Chlorine overdosingcan also be detectedmicroscop-
increasein secondaryeffluent turbidity accom-
ically. The total elimination of filamentous organismsand
panied by a rapid decreasein SVI indicates
the presenceof small, broken-up flocs together with fine
chlorine overdose.Increasedsecondaryeffluent
particlesare signs of chlorine overdosing.
turbidity indicatesthat significant amounts of
activatedsludgefloc havebeenbroken up by the
3. Case Histories of Bulking Control
chlorine. Indeed, one observationcommonly
made when chlorine is applied improperly in Using Chlorination
shock dosesfor bulking control is that the sec-
a. Ceneral
ondary effluent tums "milky" due to the presence
of small particles of broken-up activatedsludge Chlorinationhasbeenusedsuccessfullyto control bulking
floc producedby excessivelyhigh chlorinecon- causedby every type of filamentousorganism observed
centrations.Turbidity can be measuredwith a in activated sludge. It is effective against filamentous
nephelometeror can be appraisedvisually by organismsthat causebulking by floc bridging and those
making transparencymeasurements directly in that causebulking by producingdiffuse flocs.Filamentous
the secondaryclarifier or chlorine contactcham- organisms vary in their susceptibilities to chlorine. Thio-
ber with a Secchidisc (Cialdi, 1866).Transpar- thrix spp. and Type 02lN are quite susceptible;M, parvi-
ency measurementsof secondaryclarifiers are cella and Nostocoida spp. are rather resistant, and the
only possiblewhen sludgeblanketlevel is lower remainderhaveintermediatesusceptibilities.Nonfilamen-
than the extinctiondepth of the Secchidisc. tous (viscous,zoogloeal)bulking is not controlledby chlo-
. Microscopic examination of the activated rination.In fact, chlorinationof this type of bulking sludge
sludge is very important when chlorination is can result in severefoaming problems.
used for bulking control becausethe effectsof Chlorinationof the activatedsludgein SBRs for fila-
chlorine on both the filamentousorganismsand ment control poses special problems becausethe aeration
the flocs are readily observable.When chlori- basin is not mixed for the entire SBR cycle. To obtain the
nation is beginningto exert effectson filamen- proper dosing conditions and dose level, chlorine should
tous organisms,it often is possible to see only be added to the activated sludge when it is being
progressivelyincreasingamountsof damageto aerated.One approachfor controlling the chlorine dose
the cells and filaments. level and addition conditions is to temporarily install an
RAS systemin which the activatedsludgeis pumped out
The progressiveeffect of chlorinationfor bulking con- of the SBR, chlorinated in a hose or a tank, and then
trol on Thiothrix I, a sheathedfilament, is illustratedin returnedto the SBR.
Figure 4.14.T\e healthy Thiothrix filament containing sul- Four case histories are presentedto illustrate the use
fur granulesis illustratedin Figure 4.14a.The first effect of chlorination for bulking control. These include two
of chlorinationis the disappearance of intracellularsulfur from municipal wastewater treatment plants illustrating
granules that presumably are oxidized by the chlorine the successfullong-termuseof RAS chlorinationand two
(Figure 4.14b). The chlorine then progressivelycauses from industrial wastewatertreatmentplants illustrating the
cells to deform, detach from the sheath, and "ball-up" use of chlorine added directly into the aeration basin.
(Figure 4.14c). Gaps then appearin the sheathsleft by the
disappearanceof cells (Figure 4.14d). Finally, empty and b. City of Albany, CA
broken sheathsremain (Figure 4.14e). At the time these data were collected, the City of Albany,
The initial effects of chlorine on filamentous organ- GA, was a 20-MGD (0.88 m3ls,design) activatedsludge
isms described above can precede improvement in acti- plant receiving 13 to 16 MGD (0.57 to 0.69 m3/s) of
vated sludge settling properties and therefore are useful wastewaterin which approximately 5OVoof the BOD, and
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 95

FICURE 4.14 Phasecontrast micrographsshowing pro-

gressive effects of chlorination on Thiothrix I: (a) healthy
organism, (b) loss of sulfur granules, (c) 50Vodamage, (d)
907o damage, and (e) over-chlorinated sample. (Original
magnification 1000x.)

SS loads were from industry (paper processing and con- mm) diameter holes at 4 rn. (100 mm) centers. The system
venience foods manufacturing). The plant experienced was constructedin November 1977 for under $5000.
bulking problems to such a degreethat with only approx- Figure 4.15 presents6 y of data on RAS chlorination
imately 12 MGD (0.52 m3/s) of influent flow, attainment atAlbany, GA. When chlorination for bulking control was
of secondaryeffluent criteria (30 mg/L monthly average initiated, the RAS chlorination system did not exist.
for BOD, and SS) was not possible. Becauseof the urgency to control SVI, chlorine solution
The permanentRAS chlorination systeminjected chlo- was added to a wet well where the entire RAS stream
rine solution into a series of well mixed RAS wet wells. mixed with primary effluent. This mode of chlorination
The installation consistedof a Wallace and Tiernan 2200 startedon Week 15 and continued until Week 26 when the
lb/d (1000 kg/d) capacity chlorinator and a 2-in. (50 mm) change to RAS chlorination was made. While chlorine
injector with 2 in. (50 mm) PVC injector water and chlorine solution was added to the mixture of RAS and primary
solution lines. The chlorine injection systemwas enclosed effluent,dosesof 5 to 15 kg Clll03kg SS/d were needed
in sheetmetal for protection.The chlorine solution line was to control bulking. When the chlorine dose point was
a 2-ir. (50-mm) PVC line leading to a 16 ft (5 m) long, changed to the RAS wet wells, doses that satisfactorily
2-in. (50-mm) PVC headerwith 0.25 to 0.625in. (10 to 15 controlled bulking for the RAS/primary effluent mixture
96 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationproblems

-S H ? :o o
.E 100
. He e - 15
? 3F= 7 0
& Ee

E n :o
! >^
EH ro
tB lo
l0 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290

FIGURE 4.15 Control of bulking by RAS chlorination at the Albany, GA wastewater treatment plant. (From Chartered Institution
of Water Environmentand Management,London. With permission.)

were "overdoses"for the RAS alone. Figure 4.15 shows h

that, even though the chlorine dose declined during the
}F ts
changeof dosepoint (from 4.7 to 2.9 kg Clrll03kg SS/d), =4 9 3
*gx 2 .v\/\'-
secondaryeffluentSS resultingfrom floc break-upcaused o t-
d'.ts .9 I
by the chlorine overdoseincreased. = -=
aE e 0
At various times during the period covered by oo
Figure4.l5, the target SVI was changed and in some
instancesRAS chlorinationwas not initiated soonenough 5.0
to prevent secondaryeffluent deterioration(e.g., weeks oQ( n
6<? 2.5
180 through 200). To illustrarethe chlorine dosing tech-
suz 0
nique for bulking control as employed by the City of uoo
Albany, a specificbulking incident is examinedin detail
in Figure4.16.The targetSVI was 230 ml/g. The chlorine 300
dosewas startedat low levels and gradually increaseduntil .7""svl=131m1/c
the SVI respondedby stabilizing and then falling. In the
-ao 200
middle of this period (May 30 through June 6), the SVI
fell below the target value. The RAS chlorine dose was
reducedin response.From June 18 through 20, the SVI
droppedto approximately100 to 130 ml/g. The chlorine
dose to the RAS was reduced and then turned off.
7) 100
l ll 2t 31 t0 20 30
c. City of San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution
May 1979 Jun1979
Control Plant, CA
At the time that these data were collected, the plant pro- FIGURE 4.16 Use of targetSVI to control RAS chlorinationdose
for bulking control at the Albany, GA wastewater treatment plant.
vided tertiary treatment to 100 MGD (4.4 m3/s)of munic-
(From Jenkins, D. et al. (1982), in Bulking of Activated Sludge:
ipal wastewater.From July through September(peak load
Preventative and Remedial Methods, Chambers,B. and Tomlinson,
season), wastewater flow increased approximately 20Vo
E.T., Eds., Ellis Horwood, Chichester.With permission.)
and BOD, loading approximately doubled due to cannery
wastewater discharges. Effluent discharge criteria The plant had two stages of activated sludge with
included 30-d average BOD, and SS concentrations of tertiary effluent filtration. Plant upsets due to bulking in
l0 mg/L each and receiving water undissociatedammonia the secondary activated sludge system occurred during the
levels that dictated virtuallv complete nitrification. peak load seasons of 1979 and 1980. RAS chlorination in
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 97

solution into the secondary and tertiary activated sludge

system RAS pumps for over 15 y produced no deleterious
effects on thesepumps, even though the secondarysystem
) l2o RAS pumps had brass bearings and cast iron impellers.
tnn Great care was taken to make certain that chlorine solution
was never fed to an out-of-service pump.
RAS chlorination for control of filamentous bulking
€ fed to Mixed liouor channel was developedto a high degree(Figure 4.18). Chlorine
U; Totaluse= 8200Ks fed to
zg 12 doses were adjusted using target SVI values and micro-
RAS pump
use 2100 scopic observation of the mixed liquor. During the peak
i{ 8
load seasonof 1981, extremely low target SVI values
il (60 to 80 ml/g) were used in the secondary activated
sludge system so that high SS loading rates (30 to 50 lb
0 5 r0 t5 20 25 SS/fPld or 150 to 240k9 SS/m2ld)could be applied to the
secondary clarifiers. To maintain these low SVI values,
FIGURE4.17 Comparison of RAS chlorinationeffectiveness very high chlorine doseswere often used in the secondary
when dosing chlorine to the mixed liquor channeland RAS activated sludge system (8 to 16 kg C1rl103kgVSS/d;
pump.(FromBeebe, al. (1982),paperpresented at 55th Figure 4.18a).Dosesof this magnitudecausedsignificant
Annual Conferenceof the WaterPollutionControl Federation, floc destruction,resultedin turbid secondaryeffluents,and
St. Louis,MO. With permission.) caused an increase of secondary effluent dissolved total
L- both the secondaryand tertiary activated sludge systems
organic carbon (TOC) concentration from approximately
15 to 35 mg/L. The elevated turbidity and TOC values
and supplementaloxygen and ammonia were usedto com- could be tolerated at the plant because the downstream
L bat bulking during the 1981 and 1982 peak load seasons tertiary activated sludge system polished the effluent.
(Beebe et al., 1982). Maintaining a high-quality secondaryeffluentwhile using
such high chlorine doseswould be difficult in a single-
In the secondary activated sludge system, the initial
stage activated sludge plant.
chlorine injection point to the RAS was through a PVC
pipe with a 4-ft (1 .2-m) freefall into a 20 ft x 16 ft x 13 ft RAS chlorination was also effective for bulking con-
(6 m x 5 m x 4 m) RAS wet well. It soonbecameevident trol in the tertiary activatedsludgesystem(Figure 4.18b).
that this rurangementwas ineffective and chlorine could At the chlorine doses used during the 1981 peak load
season (2to 4 kg Clrll03kgVSS/d; 1.5-3.0mg Cl"/L dose
be smelledin the vicinity. Extensionof the 2-in. (50-mm)
PVC pipe to a point 5 ft (1.5 m) below the RAS surface concentration in the RAS stream), nitrification efficiency
was unaffected. Following initiation of RAS chlorination,
in this wet well virtually eliminated the loss of gaseous
the SVI decreased much faster than in the secondaryacti-
chlorine, but SVI control was still difficult. Doses of 8 to
vatedsludgesystem.Whetherthis was due to the presence
10 kg Clll03kg SS/d had little effect on SVI and created
of the more germicidal free chlorine in the tertiary system,
a turbid secondaryeffluent.
to differencesin the types of filamentousorganismscaus-
Following these poor experiences,two types of chlo-
ing bulking (Type 0041 in the tertiary system and Type
rination devices were installed. Diffusers were located
1701in the secondarysystem),or to differencesin sludge
about mid-depth across the full widths of aerated mixed growth rates is not known.
liquor channels leading from the aeration basins to the
secondaryclarifiers. Single outlet injectors were installed d. Stroh Brewing Co., Longview, TX
through the clean-outports about 6 in. (15 cm) upstream At the time these data were collected, Stroh operated a
of the closed-impeller, low-speed centrifugal RAS pumps brewery and container manufacturingfacility in Longview
(Figure4.11b). (Campbell et al., 1985).The combined wastewaterflows
The data presentedin Figure 4.17 show that the RAS from these plants were treated by an extended aeration
pump chlorine solution injection point, with its superior activatedsludgeplant; total wastewaterflow was 1.75 MGD
initial mixing, provided the more rapid, predictable and (0.08 m3/s). Influent wastewater characteristics were
efficient SVI control. Approximately 20 times more chlo- (mg/L) BOD5 - 1,500,COD = 2,500,TSS = 800, TKN =
rine was neededto control SVI when chlorine was dosed 7, and total P = 25. The treatment facilities consisted of
to the RAS well rather than to the RAS pumps. A similar a mechanically-cleanedbar screen,grit removal, ammonia
chlorine solution injection system was installed in the addition, two parallel completely mixed aeration basins
tertiary activated sludge system and it controlled bulking and secondaryclarifiers, a chlorine contact chamber, and
without compromising nitrification. Injection of chlorine post-aeration.
9B Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

I4 (a) First stagesystem . "Chlorine" dose
10 o

8 a a aa

6 aaa a a a a oa aa 40
a 4 aa
a oa

2 aaa aaa aaaaaaaa @


U 14 (b) Second stagesystem

bo dU o
d l2
U 8
1 Ju l 3l Jul 10Aug 20 Aug 30 Aug 9 Sep 19Sep

FICURE 4.18 SVI and chlorine dose to RAS at the San Jose/SantaClara water pollution control plant during the 1981 peak load
season:(a) first stageactivatedsludge and (b) secondstageactivatedsludge. (From Beebe,R.D. et al. (1982), paper presentedat
55th Annual Conferenceof the Water Pollution Control Federation,St. Louis, MO. With permission.)

The Longview plant had always been subjectto fila- chlorine) were reduced from $66,600/y in 1979 to
mentous bulking problems that were most severefrom $8,800/y in 1984 with the in-basin chlorination system.
April through October. The causative filamentous organ- (Table4.2\.
isms usually were Types 1701and 021N. The poor settle-
e. Plastics Manufacturing Wastewater Activated
ability caused by large amounts of these filamentous
organismsrequired the addition of significant quantities Sludge System, WV
of cationic polymer to produceacceptablesludgesepara- This exampleillustratesthe effectsof a chlorine overdose
tion. In an effort to improvesludgesettleabilityand reduce on activatedsludge and demonstratessystem recovery for
polymer costs, chlorination was practiced during 1979. a completely mixed activatedsludgeplant treating 1.4 to
Chlorine solution was fed to the RAS at a rate of 3 kg 3.0 MGD (0.06 to 0.13 m3/s) of plastics manufacturing
C121103 kg MLSS/d - the maximum rate that could be wastewater(Campbell et al., 1988) Typical wastewater
achieved with the existing chlorine dosing equipment. characteristicswere (mglL), COD = 1200 to 1800,
Throughout the 19-wk period that chlorine was dosedto BOD, = 700 to I100, and TSS = 30 to 100. Typical F/M
the RAS, filamentousorganismgrowth was largely unaf- values were 0.2 to 0.5 kg COD/kg MLSS/d with MLSS
fectedand sludgebulking was not controlled(Figure4.19) levels between 3000 and 5000 mg/L.
becausethe sludge inventory was not exposedfrequently Activated sludge settleability deteriorated as the
enoughto chlorine. With an aerationbasin HRT of approx- MLS S concentrati on i ncreased. W hen S V I s wer e
imately 4 d, the activated sludge inventory passed the >120 mL/g, secondaryclarifier sludge blanket levels and
chlorine dose point on the RAS line approximately effluent SS concentrationsincreasedand sludgedewatered
0.4 times/d. poorly in the centrifuges, reducing the solids removal
By 1982, the single chlorine solution dose point on capacity of the system.When this happened,the MLSS
the RAS line was replaced by two dose points in each concentrati ons i ncreased and caused further SVI
aeration basin, each located close to a surfaceaerator and increases,and so on.
6 ft (2 m) below the liquid surface.Chlorine solution was The major filamentous organisms causing bulking
added at an overall mass dose rate of 3 kg ClrllO3kg were Type 1702 and, to a lesser extent, N. limicola II.
MLSS/d, and was split evenlyamongthe four dosepoints. Type 1702 grew largely inside the flocs, making them
Figure 4.19 showsthe resultsof using this in-basin chlo- diffuse. Type l7O2 is related to Type 1701 (Eikelboom,
rination system for bulking control from 1982 through 1977), the growth of which in activated sludge is caused
1984. With approximately the same organic loading, the by a DO concentrationtoo low for the applied F/M (Palm
total costs for bulking control chemicals (polymer plus et al.. 1980).
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 99

Cl, fed to RAS

oo 400
E 300
o 200 N
100 \/a C12fed to
aeration basin

o 1983
(h 200
100 Cl2 fed to
aeration basin

300 t984
100 Cl2 fed to
aeration basin
Jan Mar MaY SeP Nov
ri... ruJ.ll,

FIGURE 4.19 Weekly averageSVI from 1979to 1984 atthe Stroh Brewing Co. activatedsludgeplant, Longview, TX. (From Campbell,
H.J., Jr. et al. (1985), Proceedingsof 40th IndustrialWaste Conference,Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. With permission.)

Annual Usageand Cost of BulkingControl Chemicalsat the Stroh BrewingCo. Activated
SludgePlant, Longview,TX
Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

AverageBOD, load, 103lb/d 22,000 20,000 23,000 23,000 20,000 23,000

Chlorinedosepoint RAS Aeration Basin Aeration Basin Aeration Basin
Polymerconsumption,gal/y 7600 2160 2360 1090 213 182
Chlorineconsumption,103lb/y 30 00432761
Polymercost,$/y 63,000 18,000 19,700 9100 1800 1500
Chlorinecost,$/y 3600 0 0 5200 3200 7300
Totalcost,$/y 66,000 18,000 19,700 14,300 s000 8800
AverageSVI, mllg 285 286 t64 160 159 156
Source From Campbell, H.J., Jr. et al. (1985), Proc, 40th Industr. Waste Conf., Purdte University, West Lafayette, IN,
p. 759. With permission.

An in-basin chlorination system that delivered chlo- the chlorine dose rate was increased to 5 kg Clrl103 kg
rine solution through four dosepoints in the aerationbasin MLSS/d and held at this level for about 5 d. Again, no
was first testedon March 9.1984. when the SVI exceeded noticeable improvement in sludge settleability occurred.
I2O mL/g and activated sludge settling was significantly On March 16, 1984, the chlorine dose rate was
impaired. Figure 4.20 depicts the chlorine addition rates increasedto 6.7 kg Clzll}3 kg MLSS/d and after approx-
and SVI values throughout the test period. Thirty-minute imately 3 d at this rate, the SVI started to decrease.On
settleable solids were measured every 4 h and SVI was March 19, the chlorine dose rate was reduced to and
calculated 2 times/d. An initial chlorine dose rate of 3 kg remained at 4 kg Cl2/103kg MLSS/d for 3 d. The SVI
ClzlIO3kg MLSS/d was applied for 3 d with no effect on continued to decreaseslowly to approximately I20 mL/g.
the SVI; in fact, the SVI continued to rise. On March 12, On March 22,the chlorine doserate was increasedto 8 ke
100 lr4anualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

160 l4

r50 High secondary cltrifier

t2 dudse blanket level t2
r30 to6
J 100
)E :. U;
o80 o
llo U

tr 6d

a U


l8 t4
tlo,". APr MtrDot.. APr

FIGURE4.20 SVI andchlorinedoseat a wastewater activated FIGURE 4.21 Effluent TSS concentrationand chlorine dose at
sludgeplantat a plasticsfactoryin March1984.(FromCampbell, a wastewateractivatedsludge plant at a plastics factory in March
H.J.,Jr. et al. (1985),Proceedingsof 40thIndustrialWasteCon- 1984. (From Campbell, H.J., Jr. et al. (1985), Proceedingsof
ference,PurdueUniversity,WestLafayette,IN. With permission.) 40th Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN. With permission.)
Cl2l103kg MLSS/d. After a little over 3 d at this chlorine
dose rate, the SVI decreasedrapidly to between 70 and
80 ml-/g. The chlorine dose rate was reduced to 5 kg
C12/103kg/d for 2 d and stoppedon March 27, 1984. The
tz o
SVI increasedto about 90 ml-/g and leveled off. ! to3

Microscopic examinationof the activatedsludgedur- i ttxr

ing in-basin chlorination showed that SVI reduction by O
* 80 U
chlorine was accompaniedby significantfilamentand floc 3,
damage.As the chlorine dose was increased,Type 1702 960
filaments successively showed deformed cells, empty
spaceswhere cells had lysed, completely empty sheaths, U

and broken sheaths.Flocs showed progressivelygreater

break-upwith productionof fine suspendedparticlesindi-
cating a chlorine overdose. High chlorine doses were t8

required because the Type 1702 filaments grew largely

within the floc and significant floc destruction was
requiredfor the chlorine to get at the Type 1702 filament. FIGURE4.22 EffluentsolubleCOD concentrations andchlo-
rine doseat a wastewateractivatedsludgeplant at a plastics
These results demonstratethat in-basin chlorination
factoryin March 1984.(FromCampbell,H.J.,Jr. et al. (1985),
at high chlorine doses can adversely affect effluent TSS
Proceedings of 40th Industrial WasteConference,
(Figure 4.21), soluble COD (Figure 4.22), and turbidity
versity,WestLafayette,IN. With permission.)
levels. For example, following the use of an overall chlo-
rine mass dose of 8 kg Clrl103kg SS/d, the effluent TSS ical detection limits. Because DCE levels were below
concentration increased to 60 to 80 mgll. from 30 to 100 pgll. and within the normal variability of routine plant
50 mg/L and effluent soluble COD increased from 40 to operation, it was concluded that the generation of chlori-
80 mg/L to as high as 150 mg/L. Theseresultsdemonstrate nated organic compounds during in-basin chlorine addi-
the need for very careful control of the chlorine dose rate tion for bulking control was insignificant at this plant.
and duration when practicing bulking control with in- Similar conclusions were made by van Leeuwen and
basin chlorination. They also illustrate that activated van Rossum (1990) when using in-basin chlorination in
sludge recovers quite rapidly from a chlorine overdose. laboratory-scale experiments at the Daspoort, Pretoria,
Effluent sampleswere analyzed for chlorinated organics South Africa activated sludge plant. No halo-organics
to determinewhether suchcompoundswere formed during were detected in the secondary effluent when in-basin
chlorine addition. With the exception of 1-2-dichloroet- chlorination at a rate of 8 kg Cl2/lO3 kg MLSS/d was
hene (DCE), other chlorinated organic priority pollutants applied in the full-scale nutrient removal activated sludge
were presentat concentrationsnear or below their analyt- plant.
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 101

Use of HydrogenPeroxidefor Filamentous
Location mg HrOr/L Reference

Petaluma,CA, full scale 9-68, average FMCCorp.(1973);

31.5 Caropreso et al.
( t 97 4 )
St. Augustine,FL, full scale 12 (basisunclear) FMC Corp. (1976)
San Jose,CA, lab scale,fill- 40-200 StrunkandShapiro
and-draw (1976)
Princeton,NJ, small full l00b Caropresoet al.
scale (r974)
Wilmington, DE, lab scale 40-200b Co le et al . (1973)
Washington,D.C., pilot 2040b Co le et al . (1973)
6.5 mm PVC valves
Textile mill, full scale 60 (basisunclear) Keller and Cole
_,ri' i f\
o Based on wastewater inflow. /l\
b Basedon volume ofaeration basinand secondaryclarifier (singledose).

4. Use of Hydrogen Peroxidefor Bulking Control

9.5 mm O.D . stai nl es s
a. General steeltubi ng
Hydrogenperoxide(HrOz)hasbeenusedfor bulking con- drums g 509o
oontainin H2O1-
trol in a similar fashionto chlorine.HrO, dosesand appli-
cation times for effectivefilamentousorganismreduction FIGURE4.23 Feed systemfor dosinghydrogenperoxide.

t_ and bulking control vary from plant to plant (Table 4.3)

but generallyare higher than for chlorine.
(FromFMC Corporation, With permission.)

Keller and Cole (1973) statethat the time requiredto upstream of the secondaryclarifier, a dose of 12 mg
reduce the SVI to 50Vo of its initial value (actual SVI H2OzlLreducedSVI from 580 mllg to 178 ml-/g in 2 d.
valueswere not given) was a function of HrO, dose.At a The HrO, solutionusedfor dosingis usually507ovlv.The
dose of 0.4 kg HrOr/kg MLSS/d, a 50VoSVI reduction recommendedfeed systemis illustratedin Figure 4.23.
occuned in lessthan I d while at a doseof 0.1 kg HrOrlkg A comparativestudy of the effectivenessof chlorine
MLSS/d, a 50% SVI reduction took place in 8 d. Using and HrO, for bulking control was conductedat an acti-
these data, Keller and Cole (1973) concluded that the vatedsludgeplant treatingthe wastewaterfrom a recycled
minimum effective HrO, dose for bulking control was paper mill. Both chemicalswere able to control filamen-
approximately0.1 kg HrOr/kg MLSS/d. In experiments tous bulking due to Types0675, 1851,and 0041, but the
confirming this value,SVI was controlledusing a doseof HrO, dose required was five times the chlorine dose
0.15 kg HrOrkg MLSS/d but not with a doseof 0.035 kg required. Since the cost of HrO, was twice that of the
HrOrkg MLSS/d. chlorine, the total bulking control cost of the HrO, was
Both batch and continuousdosing of HrO2 have been ten times that of the chlorine.
used to control SVI. Dose points locatedin the aeration Caropresoet al. (1974) statethat HrO, destroysfila-
basin, the RAS line, and the mixed liquor channel have mentousorganismsby attackingtheir sheaths.Regardless
been used. Like chlorine, excellent initial mixing of HrO2 of mechanism,the effect observedis similar to that when
and activated sludge is required for efficient filamentous chlorine is used, i.e., the filamentsbreak up and become
organismdestruction.Data from St. Augustine,FL (FMC shorterand cells within the filamentsshow signs of lysis.
Corporation, 1976) suggestedthat the contact time In our experience,the doseresponseof filamentsto H,O2
betweendosedHrO, and activatedsludge should be longer appearsto be all or nothing rather than an increasingeffect
than for chlorine. A dose of 20 mg H2O2/L to a degritter with increasingdose,as for chlorine.
located 5 min flow time upstream of a secondaryclarifier Caropresoet al. (1914) also claim that, in addition to
caused foaming but did not control bulking. When the killing filamentousorganisms,HrO, producesoxygenthat
HrO, dosepoint was relocatedto a point 15 min flow time may supplementDO:
102 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems


700 Control sludge mean


600 E


Ozonated sludge mean


; 400 Start H2O2

ct treatment

Periodof oPeration,

FICURE 4.25 Effect of ozonationon activatedsludgesettling.

(From van Leeuwen,J. and Pretorius,W.A. (1988),J. Inst.Water
Environ. M gt., 2, 223. Wrrh permission.)
End H2O2
treatment 5. Use of Ozone for Bulking Control

Pilot-scaleexperimentson the addition of ozone (O.) to

'7 the aerobic stage of a three-stage(anaerobic,anoxic, aer-
t'7 24 31
Jul Aus obic) BNR activated sludge plant was conducted by van
Date,19'74 Leuwen and Pretorius(1988) and van Leuwen (1988).
Ozone dosesof 3, 6, and 9 mg/l- (basedon wastewater
FIGURE 4.24 SVI responseto hydrogenperoxide treatmentat flow) and equivalentto 2, 4 and 6 kg 03/103kg MLSS/d
the Petaluma water pollution control plant in California. (From were used. Activated sludge settling was not affected at a
Caropreso, F.E. et al. (1974), Bull. Calif. Water Pollut. Control dose of 2 kg Or/103kgMLSS/d. Doses of 6 and 9 kg
Assn.,p. 44. With permission.)
0./103kg MLSS/d were equallyeffectivein reducingaver-
age SVI from approximately 200 mL/g to approximately
125 mL/g (Figure 4.25).
ZH.O., -+ 2HrO + O,
In addition to providing SVI control, an O, dose of
6 kg Or/103kg MLSS/d decreasedeffluent color, turbidity,
Should bulking be causedby low DO, this oxygen
and TSS concentrations.Ammonia removal by nitrification
could help amelioratethe problem. Conversely,if the acti-
improved somewhat and enhancedbiological P removal
vated sludgebacteriadevelopthe ability to rapidly degrade
was virtually unaffected. Halo-organics were not formed
the HrO, before it becomes available for killing filamen- during ozonation and the halo-organicformation potential
tous organisms (through production of peroxidases), its of the ozonatedactivatedsludge effiuent was less than for
bulking control effectivenessmay be compromised. the unozonated activated sludge effluent (van Leuwen,
b. Citv of Petaluma, CA 1988).

During 1974, the City of Petalumawater pollution control

6. Filamenticides
plant that treated mixed domestic and industrial wastewa-
ters experiencedseverebulking problems with SVI values In recent years, severalso-calledfilamenticides have been
in the range of400 to 700 rnlJg. Hydrogen peroxide (as a marketed.Our experiencewith thesematerials is that they
507ovolume HrO, solution) was dosedto the final quadrant appear to kill filaments, but their toxic properties persist
of a two-passaerationbasin that was fed primary effluent through activated sludge processing and produce effluent
atthe 1/rpoints and RAS at its head end (Caropresoet al., toxicity.
1974). Figure 4.24 shows the dosesand concentrationsof
HrO, used over a 4-d period and their effect on SVL The
HrO, doses ranged from 9 to 68 mg H2O2|I' and were METHODS
variously applied for 8 to 24 hJd.During this bulking inci- OF BULKINCCONTROL
dent, 2300 lb (1050 kg) HrOr (1007obasis) was used to
bring the SVI under confrol (from 550 mL/gto 300 ml/g). This section discussesspecific methodsof bulking control.
The SVI continued to decreaseafter HrO, dosing stopped. These methods can constitute the second phase of an
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth er S ettl i ngP robl ems 103

attack on a bulking problem - the first phase is the use nutrient deficiency becomes more severe, the ability to
of the previously described, rapid, nonspecific chemical remove soluble organic matter will be lost and treatment
methods. Specific bulking control methods can also be will fail.
used in designingnew plants.To use specificmethods,it
is necessaryto characterize the causative filamentous 2. Macronutrient Deficiencv
a. Ceneral
The use of filamentous organism characterization as
a diagnostic tool for the causesof activatedsludge bulking When a microscopicexaminationsuggestsnutrient defi-
was discussedearlier.In this section,the relationshipof ciency and macronutrientdeficiency is the likely cause,
filamentousorganism growth conditions (where known) the BOD', (COD, TOC) to N and P ratios of the waste-
and methodsfor bulking control will be discussed. water influent to the aeration basin and the total P and
TKN content of the mixed liquor VSS should be deter-
mined. It is commonly stated (e.g., Metcalf and Eddy,
A. Nurnrrrur
Drncrrrucv 2003) that sufficientmacronutrientsare presentwhen the
1. General wastewaterfeed to the aerationbasin containsBOD.:N:P
in a weight ratio 100:5:1.
Activated sludge nutrient requirementsfall into two cate-
b. FactorsAffecting Macronutrient Requirements
gories based on the amount of nutrient required to form
The BODr:N:Pratioof I 00:5:I is basedon the assumption
biomass: macronutrients(N and P) and micronutrients
(Ca, Mg, Fe, etc.).Nutrient deficiencyin activatedsludge that the net sludge yield is 0.5 gVSS/g BOD. removed
plants treating food processingor pulp and paper waste- and that the sludge contains l07o N and 27o P on a VSS
basis.Macronutrientadditions of less than this ratio are
water or a combination of thesewastewatersand municipal
used in some industries.For example,Richard and Cum-
wastewatersis generallycausedby insufficientN andTor
mins (1997) showedno signsof P deliciency(including
P becausethe carrier (potable water) for thesewastewaters
no increasein sludge polysaccharidecontent) in an acti-
usually contains sufficient micronutrients.Wastewaters
vated sludgeplant treatingpapermill wastewaterat inffu-
from chemicalprocessingand other industriescan be defi-
ent BOD./P ratios of 100:0.2to 100:0.4.Howeversome
cient in both macronutrientsand micronutrientsbecause
other pulp and paper wastewatersproducedP deficiency
chemical processesmay remove nutrients from the carrier
in activatedsludgeswhen the influent BOD./P ratio was
water (for example,by precipitation) or becausethe carrier

t_ water may have been demineralizedleading to removal of

both macronutrientsand micronutrients.
less than 100:0.5.The specificmacronutrientneedsof an
activatedsludgeare influencedby sludgeage and temper-
ature. Significant recycling of macronutrientsoccurs in
Nutrient deficiencyis diagnosedby a combinationof
high MCRT activatedsludge from cell lysis so that less
wastewateranalysisand microscopicexaminationof the
macronutrientis neededto treat a given amountof BOD.
activatedsludge.If a microscopicexaminationrevealsany
than in lower MCRT systems.For a given system,macro-
of the following, a macronutrient deficiency could be
nutrientrequirementsare higher at low temperaturesthan
at high temperatures.Influent BOD. is used by bacteria
. for both cell growth and maintenance(endogenousrespi-
Major filamentsare Type 02lN,Thiothrrr spp.,
ration). Cell growth on influent BOD. requires N and P
S. natans, H. hydrossis, and N. limicola lll.
but cell maintenanceusesBOD, without using externally
(Note that these filamentous organisms have
suppliednutrients.More of the influent BOD, is usedfor
causesother than nutrient deficiency.)
cell maintenanceat high temperaturesthan at low temper-
. Viscous activated sludge showing significant
aturesso that the macronutrientrequirementsto remove
amounts of exocellular material by India ink
BOD, are lower at high temperatures.Sludge production
reverse staining
(cell yield) increasesat low temperaturesfor the same
. Aeration basin and/or secondaryclarifier foam
(scum) containing significant amountsof exo-
cellular material (often Neisser-positive) but c. Availability of Macronutrients
not c on ta i n i n g n o c a rd i o fo rm o rg ani sms, The availability of N and P in the aerationbasin influent
M. parvicella, or Type 1863 should be determined.lf the wastewatercontainsreadily
metabolizable carbon sources (e.g., simple sugars or
Poor activated sludge settling due to viscous activated organic acids) and the major N or P source is organically
sludge causedby nutrient deficiency cannot be controlled bound, the macronutrients may not be readily available
satisfactorily by chlorination or HrO, addition. Sludge can enough for use during the metabolism of the carbon
be made to settle with difficulty by large dosesof polymer. source.An example of this was encounteredduring the
With P deficiency in particular, the danger is that, if the summer at the San Jose plant when it received a mixture

104 Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

of municipal and fruit and vegetablecanning wastewaters. using alum as the coagulant or when phosphoric acid was
When determining the need for N supplementationfrom added to the wastewatertreatment plant influent.
wastewateranalysis,only the primary influent NHr-N was The Detroit WastewaterTreatmentPlant employs iron
counted even though primary influent also contained salt addition for P removal to the raw wastewaterfollowed
organic N. It was felt that the organic N would be available by primary sedimentation and high purity oxygen acti-
too slowly to keep pace with the rate of carbon substrate vated sludge. P deficiency was observed in the activated
metabolism. Further, becausethe sewer system was long sludge system when secondary treatment influent-dis-
and the sewage temperatureswere high, it is likely that solved P concentration was <0.2 mgll- (Franklin et al.,
some of the influent organic N had already been incorpo- 2001). Similar effects were observedat the Rock Creek
rated into biomass grown in the sewer system prior to Advanced WastewaterTreatment Plant in Hillsboro, OR.
reaching the plant.
Both NH.-N and NO,-N are readily available N d. Satisfying Macronutrient Demands
sourcesfor activatedsludgegrowth. In nitrifying systems, Macronutrient supply should match macronutrientdemand
NO'.-N is available as an N source unless it is removed to the extent that macronutrientsare never depleted any-
by denitrification(to Nt) in anoxic conditions. where in the aeration basin. Plants treating macronutrient
Nitrogen oversupply can be problematic in nitrifying deficient wastewaterswith highly variable organic loads
activatedsludge plants becausethe N in excessof require- often oversupply macronutrients during periods of low
mentsis convertedto NOr. ShouldNOr-N levelsof >8 mg organic loading to provide reservesupplies that help meet
N/L (approximately) be produced, denitrification may macronutrient demandsfrom high organic loads.
result and causesludge flotation in the final clarifier. For The importance of never running out of macronutri-
this reason,it is bestto measuretotal inorganicN residual ents is illustrated by the pure culture chemostatexperi-
(NH1-N + NO'-N + NO.'-N) for regulating N addition ments of Richard et al. (1985) on the NH.-N-limited
to N-deficient activatedsludge systems.Unless the plant growth of Type 02lN and a floc former isolated from
has an effluent requirement for P, an operator has no need activatedsludge.With a steady-stateNH3-N supply, the
to worry aboutaddingit in excess(exceptfor costimpacts). growth rate of Type 021N was neverhigh enoughrelative
This problem can be especially seriousin industrial to the floc former to become dominant (Figure 4.26).
wastewateractivatedsludgeplants that use a commercial However,with an intermittentNH3-N supply,Type 02lN
agricultural N fertilizer that contains a mixture of urea, took up NH3-N more rapidly than the floc former
ammonia, and nitrate (usually 24 to 257o of the N is (Figure 4.27). This allowed Type 02lN to dominate (and
NOj-N). Using this mixture causesproblemsbecausethe bulking to occur) when the NHI-N supply was intermit-
NH3-N residualis usuallyvery small but the NO.,-N resid- tent and was at times depleted. Conversely,when the
ual builds up to high values,leadingto denitrification.For
this reason,when using f'ertilizersfor N supplementation,
formulationsthat do not containnitratearerecommended.
Similar situationscan exist for P in industrialwastewater 2.0
treatmentplants.For example,when P bound organically
as phytin in a soybeanprocessingwastewatertreatment
plant was not availableat a high enough rate to supply
! t\
adequatesolublephosphate,Type 02lN bulking resulted.
The formation of sparingly soluble phosphateprecipitates o

when the aerationbasin is operatedat about pH 9 may

limit P availability.Activated sludge plants treating pulp l(l
and paper wastewaterfrom a processthat useslime must rl

dose P at a much higher rate to avoid P deficiencythan a --- Floc former

plant that doesnot use lime. When phosphateand a strong _ Type 02lN
basefor neutralization are addedto an influent, care should
be taken to preventlocally high pH and high P areaswhere
P precipitation may occur.
McKeon et al, (2001)found that the dischargeof water 0.0
treatment plant sludge containing iron to the collection NH1-N,pgN/L
system serving the Philadelphia SoutheastWater Pollution
Control Plant reduced infl uent-dissolvedP concentrations FICURE 4.26 Monod model growth curves for ammonia-lim-
to <0.2 mg P/L and caused P deficiency in the activated ited growth of Type 021N and a floc former isolated from acti-
sludge system at the wastewatertreatmentplant. The defi- vatedsludge.(From Richard,M.G. et al. (1985),J. WaterPollut.
ciency was relieved when the water treatmentplant started Control Fed., 57, 1152.With permission.)
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 105

NH3-N feed was continuous(no bulking). Type 02lN was

selected when J57o of the NH3-N was fed in a spike at
l--- I Floctbrmer 6-h intervals (bulking). See Figure 4.28. The task of add-
lt- t ing macronutrientsto a nutrient-deficient wastewaterwith
o-o 'a O- O T ype 02l N
a fluctuating organic load becomeseven more demanding
\ -r. when the treatment plant also has stringent dischargelim-
Z tn
its for deficient macronutrients. This problem is being
faced for P by some industrial wastewatertreatmentplants
(e.g., pulp and paper mills in the Great Lakes region of
z r-r{..
North America). In such situations,it is not possible to
z -l*_ add excess P to take care of the increased P demands
\--t.. causedby high organic loads, becausethis could elevate
t' t the effluentP levelsbeyondthe concentrationlimits. This
problem has been addressedby (1) operating as closely
as possibleto the P requirementand (2) adding P precip-
itation and solids separation processesto the activated
20 sludge system. Both approachesare unattractive - the
34 former becauseof the risk of encountering P deficiency
Time,h and the latter becauseof its additionalcost.
Harperand Jenkins(2001) suggestedthat the situation
FIGURE 4.27 Batchcultureammoniauptakeof Type 021N and
an activatedsludge floc former previously grown under ammonia
could be handledusing an activatedsludgebasin with an
limitation and subjected to spikes in ammonia concentration. initial anaerobiczone performing enhancedbiological P
(From Richard,M.G. et al. (1985),J. WaterPollut. Control Fed., removal. In this type of process,soluble P is releasedin
5'7, 1152.With permission.) the anaerobiczone and taken up in the aerobic zone. P
would be added at a rate sufficient for the averageorganic
load. When organic load is low, the excessP would be
taken up aerobically,producing low effluent soluble P.
100 When the organic load is high, some of the P released
anaerobicallywould be usedfor growth. Again, the efflu-
ent soluble P would be low becauseof P uptake in the
.s 8o
'Eoo Harper and Jenkins (2001) validated this concept in
laboratory experiments.Completely aerobic (CA) and
u anaerobic-aerobic(AnA) systems(both P-limited) were
fed a constant amount of P and subjected to variable
' . 40
organicloading that includedtwo consecutivedays where
Bln the organic load was l07o of the average organic load.
s The AnA system had an average effluent soluble P of
0.3 mg Pll, and never exceeded0.6 mg P/L. The CA unit
0 24 68 10 t 214161820 averageeffluent soluble P was 0.9 mg P/L and on some
No. ofMCRTs days reached1.5 mg P/L.
Jobbagyet al. (2001) working with winery wastewater
FIGURE 4.28 Ammonia limited growth competition between that was severelyN- and P-deficient, showed that an AnA
Type 021N (o) and an activated sludge floc former (l) in chemo-
system produced an activated sludge that contained
stat culture with intermittent (I) and continuous (C) NH,-N feed-
approximately 2oo/oexopolysaccharideand 407o internal
ing. CA.l = 15 with intermittent feeding of 75Voof total ammonia
polysaccharidestorageproducts,while in a CA system,
at 6-hour intervals.(From Richard,M.G. et al. (1985),J. Water
Pollut. Control Fed.. 57. 1152.With oermission.) the activated sludge contained approximately 40Vo
exopolysaccharideand 207o intenal polysaccharide stor-
age products.This differencein activatedsludgecompo-
NH.-N supply was continuous and matched to the car- sition manifesteditself in differencesin settlingproperties.
bonaceous load so that it was never depleted, the floc The CA activatedsludgesettledvery poorly (SVI = 600 to
former dominated. 800 ml/g) becauseof viscousbulking causedby the very
Dual culture chemostat experiments with Type 02lN high exocellular polysaccharide content. The AnA acti-
under nitrogen limiting conditions (C:N ratio = 15:1) dem- vated sludge settledmuch better (SVI <250 ml/g) because
onstrated that the floc former was selected when the most of its polysaccharidecontent was intracellular.
106 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac t i vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s


d '"



80 90 r00 ll0 t20 130 140 150 160


FICURE 4.29 Effect of initial anaerobiczone on limiting influent COD/P ratio for a laboratoryscaleSBR activatedsludge(AnA =
anaerobic/aerobic;CA = completely aerobic). (From Harper, W.F. and Jenkins, D. (2001), Proc. Water Environ. Fed. WEFTEC
Conference,2001. With permission.)

Besidesproviding an ability to produce low effluent less than 0.5 to 1.0 mg N/L and soluble P concentrations
P concentrationsfrom a P-limited activatedsludgewith a of nof less than 0.1 to 0.3 mg P/L should be maintained.
fluctuating organic load, an AnA aeration basin also The specific concentrationto be maintained can be estab-
appearsto have other advantagesfor P limited situations. lished by site-specificexperience.
Because activated sludge developed in AnA activated Becauseit is possiblefor both N and P to be released
sludge contains higher amounts of glycogen and poly- from activated sludge solids while they are present in the
hydroxyalkanoate storageproducts that do not contain P, secondaryclarifier, it is wise to check the soluble N and
the amountof P neededto treata given amountof organic P content of the mixed liquor as it leaves the aeration
material is lower for an AnA system than it is for CA basin.This analysisshouldbe performedon a samplethat
activatedsludge.Harper and Jenkins(2001) showedthat is filtered in the field immediately after taking to avoid
at a 4-d MCRT, CA activated sludge became P limited at the releaseof N and P during transport to the laboratory.
an influentCOD:P ratio of 100 to 110:1 while an AnA Much higher effluent N and P levels may be needed
system did not become P limited until the influent ratio in somecases,especiallywhen high concentration,readily
reached130 to 140:l (Figure 4.29).They were also able degradable,soluble wastewaters(e.g., paper mill, food
to show that the lower P requirement was becauseof the processing, or brewery wastewaters)are treated in com-
diversionof influent COD into internal microbial storage pletely aerobic, well mixed aerationbasins. Here, mini-
productsthat did not require P for their synthesis. mum N and P residuals of 1 to 3 mg/L may be required
to ensure sufficient nutrients in the floc interior to meet
e. Required Residual Macronutrient
the nutrient demand exerted by the high substrateuptake
Concentrations rates associatedwith high concentrations of this type of
Because each wastewater activated sludge combination substrate.For example,Reid (1991) and Richard (1991)
has its own unique macronutrient requirements,the suit- showed that viscous and filamentous bulking (due to
ability of a specific BOD,:N ratio or BOD':P ratio in N. limicola III) occurred in a Michigan paper mill acti-
meeting these requirements should be checked by mea- vated sludge plant when effluent soluble P concentrations
surementsof effluent concentrationsof soluble (0.45 pm- were <1.0 mgP/l-. An effluent solubleP concentrationof
filtered) orthophosphate-P,NH.-N and NOr-N. The I to 2 mg P/L was neededto avoid these problems.
required effluent levels will dependon the needsfor main- In some activated sludge effluents, especially those
taining N and P levels in the aeration basin as the influent from pulp and paper wastewatertreatment plants, the col-
organic load fluctuates. However, concentrations of total orimetric analysis of P using Molybdenum Blue (e.g.,
soluble inorganic N (NO3-N + NO'-N + NHr-N) of not stannous chloride and ascorbic acid reduction methods)
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dSIu d g eBu l k i n ga n d O th er S ettl i ngP robl ems 107

(Water Environment Federation, 1998) can suffer from cannot be used directly to assessthe micronutrient status
positive interference.This can have serious consequences of the activated sludge.Rather a ratio of the concentration
if not detected because it can result in reduction of the of the micronutrients in VSS to the concentration of the
influent P feed rate based on the mistaken belief that macronutrientN (TKN in VSS) is used.N is used as the
soluble P in the effluent is sufficient. On one occasion, reference macronutrient becauseits levels in biomass are
this resulted in P-deficient bulking that was detectedonly Iess variable than P. It goes without saying that the first
when soluble orthophosphatewas detectedin the effluent step in this procedureis to ensurethat the activatedsludge
although no P feed was being added. An effluent sample is not N deficient.The ratio of VSS micronutrientconcen-
spiked with orthophosphateshould always be run to check trations to VSS TKN concentration is then compared to
for P recovery. Brown colored lignin-derived materials in the ratio in Table4.4. Micronutrientdeficiencyis indicated
paper mill wastewatertreatment plant effluents frequently if the experimentally determined ratio for a micronutrient
interfere positively with colorimetric tests for nitrate. A is significantlylower than the ratio indicatedin Table4.4.
NO.,- ion-specific probe is recommended for monitoring Advantages of this approach are:
effluent NO3-N conaentrationfor this condition.
. The biomassis an integratorof the immediate
3. Micronutrients past history of the system (over the previous
one or two MCRTs). Thus, even if a micronu-
The principlesdescribedabovefor the diagnosisand cor-
trient deficiency is only transitory,it will still
rection of macronutrientdeficienciescan also be applied
be detectablein the compositionof the biomass.
to micronutrient deficiencies.The tasks of detectingand . Only one sample (the biomass) needs to be
resolving micronutrient problems are complicated by the
large numberof micronutrients;their (generally)low con- . Some micronutrient levels in biomass are
centrations; small and often variable requirements; and higher than thosein the wastewaterso that ana-
transitorydeficiencies. lytical detectionand precision are improved if
The approachthat bestaccommodatesthesedifficulties the biomassmatrix does not presentoffsetting
is to analyze the activated sludge solids for macronutrient analyticalproblems.
and micronutrientcontents.Table4.4 presentsinformation
on the N and micronutrient contents of the volatile matter
Micronutrient deficienciesare resolved in the same
(VSS) in typical microbial biomass. Becauseactivated
fashionas macronutrientdeficiencies.The limiting micro-
sludgeVSS includes volatile matter other than microbial
nutrient is added to the activatedsludge system and its
biomass, for example, inert biomass and inert organic
responsein terms of treatmentefficiency,sludge quality,
solids, the micronutrient composition data in Table 4.4
and micronutrientcontentis monitored.Figure4.30 shows
the responseof an activatedsludgeplant treating a fface

TypicalBiomassNutrient Concentrations l 600 J

< 2) U t200
Nutrient Concentration,g/kg VSS Ratioto N
j 800
Nitrogen 125 .9 rnn
Phosphorus 25 i ro-' d
Potassium I4 l l x 10-' o

Calcium 14 1. 1x 1 0 - ' H rsn

o -"- U U
Magnesium l0 8 x 10-2 U -F
Sulfur 8.5 6.8x 10r F 100
Sodium 4.3 3.4x l0-2
Chloride 4.3 3. 4x 1 0 '?
Iron 2.8 2.2 x 1O-2 Cooling tower
Zinc 0.3 2. 4 x 1 0 3 t-- blowdown added
Manganese 0. 15 1. 2 x 1 0 3
Copper 0.03 2.4 x 104 123456789
Molybdenum 0.006 4. 8 x 1 0 5 Daysof operation
Cobalt <0.0006 4.8 x 10-6
FIG U RE 4.30 Effect of micronutrientadditionon COD removal
Source: Abstacted from Grady, C.P.L., Jr. et al. (1999),
efficiency at a peffochemical wastewater activated sludge treat-
Biological Wastewater Treatment, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker,
ment plant. (From Sun, P.T. (2002), personal communication.
New York. 109.
With permission.)

108 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

element-deficient industrial wastewaterto the addition of

cooling tower blow-down. A dramatic improvement in a xD O= 0.1-0.5mg/L x DO = 0.5 - 1.0mg/L
TOC removal efficiency occurred within days of the cool- d
e o DO = 0.5 - 1.0mg/L e o DO = 0.5 - 1.0mg/L
ins tower blow-down addition.
E o.o
O n4
B. Low Drssorvro ?, o.z
CorucrNrnnrrorus -il

E ooo
1. G ener al
{J 400
Low DO concentrationscan cause the growth of several 1 zoo
typesof filamentousorganismsin activatedsludge.At low at,
to moderateMCRTs, S. natans,Type 1701, andH. hydros- 0 5 101520253035404550 55 6065
sls are associatedwith low DO bulking. Type 1701 may Dayof experiment
occur at more severeDO limitation than S. natans (Hao,
FIGURE4.32 Temporalvariationof F/M and SVI at aeration
1982;Richardet a1.,1985).At high MCRTs, M. parvicella
basindissolvedoxygenconcentrationsof 0.1 to 0.5 mg/L and
growth is favoredby low DO (Slijkhuis, 1983).
0.5 to 1.0mg/L.(FromPalm, al. (1980),J. WaterPollut.
Palm et al. (1980) conductedlaboratoryexperiments ControlFed.,52, 2484.With permission.)
on low DO bulking using settled municipal wastewater
feed and continuously fed, completely mixed aeration Palm et al. (1980) showedthat low DO bulking could
basins. The DO concentrationrequired to prevent the be causedand cured by manipulatingF/M and DO con-
growth of S. natans was a function of the F/IVI.The higher centrations(Figure 4.32).The onsetof bulking was much
the F/I4, the greater was the DO concentration required. more rapid than its cure. Curing low DO bulking by
These experiments establishedthe DO concentrations increasing aeration basin DO conceniration was achieved
requiredto preventlow DO bulking in a completelymixed by wash-out of the filamentous organism population,
aeration basin over a range of FlN4 values. Figure 4.31 which.requiredtwo or threeMCRTs. Thus for a plant with
definesregions of Fltr{ and DO concentrationwhere bulk- a lO-d MCRT, 20 to 30 d would be requiredto reach the
ing did and did not occur.A safe operatingline has been lower steady-statefilamentousorganismlevel associated
drawn at +0.5 mg DO/L higher than the experimentalDO with the higher DO concentration.This finding empha-
concentrationthat resultedin nonbulkingsludge.A safety sizesthe importanceof having a rapid nonspecificmethod
factor was usedbecausethe SVI of the nonbulkingsludge suchaschlorinationfor lowering the filamentousorganism
in some of the experimentswas at levels that would have population.
been unacceptablein practice. The safe operating line presentedin Figure 4.31 is
specific for the experimentsconducted by Palm et al.
1.8 (1980) and the results should be used only as guidelines
h t.u
Bulking occurred AA for other systems.Lau et al. (1984a and 1984b) showed
I Bulking did not occur
that DO uptake rate was important in determining the
', outcome of the competitive growth of S. natans and an
activatedsludgefloc-forming organism.Palm et al. (1980)
9 r.0 ta bo
developeda relationshipbetweenmixed liquor DO uptake
rate and F/M which allowed their data to be applied to
o 0.8
o other activatedsludge systems.TheseDO uptake rate data
o 0.6
O E were used to construct the scaleon the right axis of Figure
10:3 4.31 so that the DO concentrationsrequired to control low
i "'"^ " A-
DO bulking in a completely mixed activatedsludge system

0 can be determined for a given DO uptake rate.

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 The data presentedabove might seem to indicate that
AerationbasinDO, mg/L the resolution of low DO bulking problems should be
fairly straightforward, i.e., one must either decreaseF/M
FIGURE 4.31 Combinations of F/M and aeration basin dis-
solved oxygen concentrationsat which bulking and nonbulking or increase aeration basin DO concentration. However,
sludges appear in completely mixed, continuously fed aeration while conceptually straightforward, the implementation of
basins.(From Palm, J.C. et al. (1980), J. WaterPolhu. Control these stepsin practice can be difficult, fraught with unde-
Fed., 52,2484. With permission.) sirableconsequences, and uneconomical.For example:
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 109

The ability to raise DO concentration may be limited 400

by the available aeration capacity.

. Raising DO could cause the onset of nitrifica-

tion or, worse still, partial nitrification. Both of
thesefurther increasethe oxygen requirements, a
and partial nitrification causesrapid denitrifica- ta
tion in the secondary clarifier and increased d '
chlorine demand for effluent disinfection. E aa
i 200 ooo
. Lowering F/M could causenitrification and the o
problemsdiscussedabove. a atat '
. Lowering F/N4 will increase MCRT causing 3O

increasedoxygen demand for endogenousres-

. Lowering MCRT requires an increaseof MLSS
concentration to a level that could exceed the
secondaryclarifier solids loading capacity. It is
difficult to do this when the clarifier blanket is 0102030
already so high that the clarifier is overflowing DO uptakerate,mg O2lgVSS,h
FIGURE 4.33 Effect of dissolvedoxygen uptake rate on SVI
of a pulp and paper wastewateractivated sludge treatment plant.
These problems are especially critical for municipal
Monthly averagedata.
wastewatertreatmentplants that treat dilute wastewaterin
well mixed aeration basins at temperaturesabove about was raised to 16 to 20 mg/l-, the levels of Type l70l
23"C and operatein a nonnitrifying mode. Such plants are decreased and sludge settling improved.
unstable becausethey continually juggle MCRT and aer-
ation basin DO to prevent low DO filament growth and b. Pulp and Paper Wastewater Activated
nitrification. Because of these factors it is necessaryto Sludge Plant
The SVI was relatedto its DO uptakerate (Figure 4.33).
The filamentousorganismscausingthe settling problems
. Continue operating at low aeration basin DO were largely the low DO types: H. hydrossis and Type
concentration and control the filamentous 1701.Figure4.33 showsthat SVI increasedapproximately
organisms by chlorination. linearly with DO uptake rate. As observed earlier, SVI
. Consider modifying the well mixed aeration increasedas the mixed liquor temperatureincreased.This
basin to an anaerobicor anoxic selectorconfig- observationis consistentwith the occurrenceof low DO
uration. These types of selectorscan control all bulking becausetemperature causesthe DO uptake rate
types of low DO filamentousorganisms. to increase and the increasedDO uptake rate causeslow
DO filamentous organisms to grow.
2. Case Histories
c. City of Woonsocket, Rl
a. Orange County Sanitation District Plant, An interesting approach combining chlorination for low
Fountain Valley, CA DO bulking control and energy savings for aeration was
This high purity oxygen activated sludge plant treated usedby Banoub(1982) at this l6-MGD (0.69 m3/s)design
mixed municipal and industrial wastewaterscontaining, flow activated sludge plant. At the time of Banoub's work,
on occasion, citrus-processingwastewater.DO uptake plant flow was 8.5 MGD (0.42 m3/s).Becauseof the high
ratesin the first aerationbasin compartmentreachedvalues cost ofelectrical energy($0.08/kwhincluding fuel adjust-
of approximately 2OOmg Oy'g VSS/h. When the plant was ment) it was decided to economize on aeration energy by
operated at DO levels of l0 to 12 mglL, bulking due to maintaining low aeration basin DO. This encouragedthe
the low DO Type 1701 occurred even though the DO was growth of low DO filamentous organisms and increased
l0 to 12 mg/L because the very high DO uptake rates SVI. RAS chlorination at 3 kg CI2/103kg MLSS/d was
required very high bulk DO concentrationsto prevent the used to reduce the SVI to below the target value of
growth of low DO filaments. When the DO concentration 225 mL/g on the few occasions when it was exceeded.
1 10 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

Chlorination took "a couple of days" to reduce the SVI 300

to the target value.
Previous operation to maintain an aeration basin DO
of 2.0 mg/L required the operation of one aeration blower g 2oo
at maximum amperage(330 amps) during the winter and -.,1
an additional aeration blower during the summer. When n o
operatingat low DO (0.2 to 0.5 mg/L), only one aeration
blower operating at its minimum amperage (240 amps)
2 too 3t.t N=rol--:>
was required year-round,resulting in an annual savings 'a'
of more than $41,000(averageof $1 12ld). On days when
RAS chlorination was necessary,approximately 85 lb 0r0203040s0
(39kg) Clrld was usedat a daily cost of lessthan $10. Number
of equivalent
Banoub(1982) pointed out that extremecare must be
taken when operatingin sucha mode.Frequentsettleabil- FIGURE4.34 RelationshipbetweenSSVI3.'andaeration
mixingcharacteristics. E.J.andChambers, B.
ity monitoring and microscopicexaminationsof the acti-
(1978b),TechnicalReportTRl22, WaterResearch Centre,
vated sludge were made. Banoub also pointed out the
U.K. With permission.)
exceptionallyhigh effluentquality (on the order of 5 mg/L
each of BOD. and SS and turbidity of 2 FTU) attainable
from a high SVI sludge.It should be remembered,how- low loaded, completely nitrifying oxidation ditches and a
ever,that this plant was receiving approximately50Voof 24-h fill- and-draw laboratory batch activated sludge unit,
its designflow so that amplesecondaryclarificationcapac- showedthat the SVI was 500 to 600 mllg for a continuously
ity was availableto accommodatethe high SVI sludge. fed oxidation ditch, 100 to 150 mllg for an oxidation ditch
fed discontinuously,and 40 to 50 ml-/g for the laboratory
C. Errrcr oF AERATToN
Blsrru CorrrcuRATroN, batch unit fed once per day. When an oxidation ditch was
Wasrrwarrn FrrorrucMrrHoo, AND REDox precededby a small anoxic mixing tank (averagehydraulic
CoNorrrons oN AcnvATEDSruDcE SrrrlrNc detentiontime = 15 min) through which both the RAS and
Cnnmcrrnrsrcs wastewaterpassed,the SVI was less than 70 ml/g.
The occurrenceof bulking in completely mixed sys-
1. Effect of Aeration Basin Configuration tems and not in plug-flow or intermittently fed systems
has been explained in various ways. Chudoba et al.
In general,activatedsludgesystemsthat are continuously
(1913a) proposed that filamentous organisms possess
fed and have well mixed aerationbasinsthat are always
lower half-saturationcoefficients(K.) than floc-forming
aeratedthroughoutwill producepoorer settling activated
microorganismsfor organiccarbonsubstrates. This allows
sludge than systemsthat are fed intermittently or have
them to be selectedin completelymixed, low F/lM systems
compartmentalizedaeration basins and relatively high
where the carbonaceoussubstrateconcentrationis low
wastewaterconcentrationat the point where RAS and
influent wastewatermix (Heide and Pasveer,1974; Ren- throughout the aerationbasin since the influent wastewater
sink et al., 1982;Tomlinson,1982;and Chiesaand Irvine, is dispersedthroughoutits entire volume.This hypothesis
1985). Furthermore,activatedsludge settling usually is cannot completely account for the suppressionof bulking
poorer if this initial mixing or contactzone betweenRAS achievedby allowing activatedsludge to pass through a
and influent wastewatercontains DO and/or is aerated short hydraulic residencetime zone ofhigh carbonaceous
rather than being devoid of DO and/or unaerated(Chiesa substrateconcentrationbefore entering the aerationbasin.
and Irvine. 1985). It hasbeenproposedthat the effectiveness of suchsystems
Tomlinsonand Chambers(1978b)conducteda survey in suppressing bulking is that they favor the growth of
of full-scale activatedsludge plants in Great Britain and floc-forming organisms that have higher substrateuptake
measuredSSVI35 and the distribution of hydraulic resi- rates and storage capacities (a transient, unbalanced
dencetimes in the aerationbasins(not including second- growth response) than filamentous organisms (van den
ary clarifiers and RAS streams).The tracer study results Eynde et al., 1982b; Grau et a1.,1982) or floc formers that
for hydraulic residencetime distribution were interpreted have greater starvation resistancethan filamentous organ-
using a "completely mixed tanks in series" model (one isms (Chiesaand Irvine, 1985).
tank in series representeda completely mixed basin and Control of bulking has been obtained consistently in
an infinite number of tanks in seriesrepresenteda plug laboratory studies by compartmentalizing aeration basins
flow basin). As the degree of plug flow increased,the to approach plug flow (Chudoba et al., 1973a;1913b;
SSVI3s generallytendedtoward lower, less erratic values 1974; Rensink et a1., 1982; Spector, 1977), intermittent
(Figure 4.34). Heide and Pasveer(1914), working with feeding of wastewaters(Houtmeyers,1978; Houtmeyers
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 111



FIGURE4.35 Selector-activated

et al., 1980;Verachtertet al., 1980; van den Eynde et al., with hydrolysis of stored inorganic polyphos-
1982a; 1982b),use of small mixing tanks where RAS and phate or fermentation of stored glycogen are
influent wastewater mix prior to reaching the aeration the major metabolicactivitiesremoving soluble
basin (Lee et al., 1982; Grau et al., 1982), or fed-batch substrate.
operation(Goronszy,1979; Goronszy and Barnes, 1979;
Barnesand Goronszy,1980;Chiesaand Irvine, 1985).All The aeration basin configuration of initial anaerobic
thesemeasuresproducea carbonaceous substrateconcen- zonesfollowed by aeratedor oxic zonesis also used for
tration gradient in the aeration basin or a high substrate enhancedbiological phosphorusremoval (EBPR) by acti-
concentration at the point where RAS and influent waste- vated sludge.Indeed one EBPR patenttitled "Production
water enterthe aerationbasinsystem,followed by a close- of Non-Bulking Activated Sludge" (Spector, 1977) pro-
to-zero soluble substrate concentration thereafter in the videsthe basisfor the A/O process- a configurationthat
aerationbasin. usually producesactivatedsludge with excellent settling
properties(Honget al., 1984;Deakyneet al., 1983).Tracy
2. Selectors et al. (1986) showedthat initial anaerobicconditionspro-
vided a further improvementof settlingpropertiesbeyond
Chudoba et al. (1973b) devised the term selector to that afforded by aeration basin compartmentalization.
describean activatedsludgesystemcontainingsmall sep- They operatedfill-and-draw activatedsludge systemsin
arateinitial mixing zonesfor RAS and influent wastewater which the feedingconditionswere anaerobic,aerobic,and
(Figure 4.35).The term refersto the role of such a device oxygen-limited.Feedperiodswere all followed by aerobic
in selectingactivatedsludgeorganismswith desirableset- periods, settling, and effluent withdrawal. With initial
tling characteristics.The need to compartmentalizethese anaerobic contact, the SVI averaged55 to 65 ml-/g; with
initial contact zones was stressed.The beneficial effects the initial aerobic contact period, the SVI averaged
of anaerobic or anoxic conditions in the initial contact 100 ml/g; when the initial contact period was oxygen-
zones were recognized in some of the early work on the limited, the SVI averaged300 ml/g, (most likely due to
effect of aeration basin configuration on activated sludge low DO filamentous bulking). Similar results were
settling.For the purposesof this discussion,the following obtained by Watanabeet al. (1984); Chiesa and Irvine,
definitions will be used' (1985)and Inamori et al. (1986).
Even if the conditions for EBPR do not exist in an
. Aerobic or Oxic - DO is presentand supplied activatedsludgesystem,solublesubstratecan be removed
in sufficient quantities to meet metabolic and storedin an initial anaerobiczoneby G bacteria(Cech
demands. Storage and aerobic respiration are and Hartman, 1993:Liu et al., 1996 1997:Nielsen et al.,
the primary mechanisms of soluble substrate 1999; Seviour et al., 2000). These organismsuse energy
removal. produced by the fermentation of stored glycogen to drive
o [n61lg - DO is absent;NO.-N is presentand the anaerobic uptake and storage of soluble substrate
supplied in sufficient quantities to meet meta- (Mino et al., 1998).
bolic demands. Storage and denitrification are Initial anoxic zones were found to control bulking
the primary mechanisms of soluble substrate when NO,-N was generated in the aerated part of the
removal. aerationbasin(Cooperet al., 1977).Tomlinsonand Cham-
. Anaerobic - DO and NO,-N are both absent. bers (1979) concludedthat an initial anoxic zone placed
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) storage coupled in a nitrifying activated sludge system improved settling
112 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

properties by being anoxic and by reducing longitudinal much faster than the CSTR activatedsludge (Figure 4.36).
mixing. Wagner (1982) improved activatedsludge settling The DO uptake rate increaseswhile the rapid soluble COD
in nitrifying activated sludge by introducing a predenitri- uptake is occurring in the selector activated sludge
fication reactor. Hoffman (1987) showed that compart- (Figure4.37). Measurementsof the total mass of soluble
mentalized aeration basins with initial anoxic zones pro- COD taken up and the total mass of DO consumedby the
duced better settling activated sludge than an equally selector activated sludge during this initial period show
compartmentalized,totally oxic system.Chiesa and lrvine that only a small fraction of the soluble COD that disap-
(1985) and Ip et al. (1987) demonstratedfilamentous pears from solution (usually less than 257o and often as
organism suppressionin sequencing batch reactors with little as l07o) can be accountedfor by oxygen consump-
anoxic fill periods. tion. This meansthat most of this soluble COD is stored
rather than oxidized.
3. Selector Effect
b. Selector Mechanisms
a. GeneralObservations It is important to understandthat selectorsystemsnot only
When activatedsludgeis subjectedto a sequenceof envi- select againsl some types of filamentous organism, but
ronmental conditions where it is first fed and then starved also that they select/or certain types of organisms(mostly
as in a compartmentalized reactor, a batch fill-and-draw nonfilamentous) that can take up soluble substraterapidly
system,or a selectorsystem,the microbial make-upof the and store it. To survive in a selector system (and therefore
sludgeadjuststo the situationby developingthe ability to be selected)an organism must have a high soluble sub-
rapidly take up soluble substrateand store it internally for strate uptake rate and large substrate storage capacity.
use during the starvationperiod. This soluble substrate These characteristicsare not evident in the floc-forming
uptakeand storageability is the basisofthe selectoreffect microorganismsthat grow in a completely-mixed, contin-
becausemany filamentous organismsare less able to per- uously fed activatedsludge system.
form in this way than some members of the floc-forming Therefore,it must be assumedthat selectorschange
community.The selectoreffect is illustratedin Figure4.36 the metabolisms(and possibly the types) of floc-forming
and Figure 4.37. organismsand selectagainstfilamentousorganisms.Evi-
The curvescomparethe time courseof solublesubstrate denceior this was providedby van Niekerk et al. (1987b)
concentration(soluble COD) and respiration rate (DO who showedthat, in aerobic selectors,large numbers of
uptake rate) in a batch test on activatedsludge taken from amorphouszoogloealcoloniesdeveloped.Thesecolonies
a selector activated sludge system and from a completely were not seenin CSTR-activatedsludge;the colonieswere
mixed (CSTR) activatedsludgesystem(van Niekerk et al., isolatedand shown to have high soluble substrateuptake
1987).The selectoractivatedsludgetakesup solubleCOD rates and large substratestoragecapacities.


o Completely mixed
d )nn Aerobic selectors

o l {n

E r no
tr <fl

1.5 3.0

FIGURE 4.36 Soluble chemical oxygen demand uptake during batch substrate uptake experiments with completely mixed and
aerobic selector activated sludges. (From van Niekerk, A.M. et al. (1987), J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 59,262. Wirh permission.)
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 113

O-O Completely mixed

60 A--{ Aerobic selectors


*4 5


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


FIGURE 4.37 Respiration rates during batch substrate uptake experiments with completely mixed and aerobic selector activated
sludges.(From van Niekerk, A.M. et al. (1987), J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 59,262.Wirh permission.)

selector-activatedsludge. Type 021N is a filamentous

organism that grows well on acetateand can causebulking
in activated sludge treating wastewaterscontaining high
soluble COD concentrations(such as septic sewage,food
l6 processing wastewaters and brewery wastewater). The
acetateuptake rate of Z. ramigera is higher than that of
Type 02lN over most of the growth rate range tested.
Figure 4.38 predicts that under intermittent feeding con-
I ro
o ditions (typical of a selector), Z. ramigera almost always
oo would be able to take up and sequesterthe acetatebefore
'Ilpe 02lN
Type 021N had a chanceto get at it. The picture is quite
E different when acetate is fed continuously (typical of a
steady-stateCSTR-activated sludge system).
Figure 4.39 shows that at low acetateconcentrations,
Type 021N can out-compete Z. ramigera. van Niekerk
44 et al. (1987) showed that these competitive advantages
could determine which of these organisms dominated in
a mixed chemostatculture grown at a steady state growth
rate designed to favor the Type 021N filamentous organ-
ism. When low frequency, intermittent feeding of acetate
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 was employed, Z. ramigera dominated (nonbulking).
Dimensionless When the feeding was continuous or intermittent with a
short interval between feedings, Type 021N dominated
F|GURE4.38 Maximum acetateuptakeratesof Z. ramigera (bulking) (Figure 4.40).
and Type 02lN in batchtests.(From van Niekerk,A.M. et al.
(1987),J. WaterPollut.ControlFed.,59,262.
Withpermission.) The precedingdiscussionof selectormechanismssug-
gests that selectorsonly influence the uptake and storage
Figure 4.38 illustrates the abilities of two types of of soluble substrate.With one currently known exception
organismsisolated from activatedsludgeto take up acetate (see Chapter 5), it appears that selectors function by
(a simple, soluble substrate)in batch culture - conditions removing low molecular weight, readily metabolizable
that simulate a selectorreactor (van Niekerk et al., 1987). organic substancesthat can be readily transported across
Z. ramigera is a floc-forming bacterium found in aerobic cell walls. This point is illustrated in Figure 4.41 and
114 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti v atedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

soluble substrateis measuredas soluble COD (0.45 pm

filtered COD), a selector effluent concentration of up to
about 60 mg/L will allow an SVI of <100 ml-/g to be
achieved (Figure 4.41). However, if the low molecular
weight readily transportable and metabolizable organic
componentsof the soluble COD are measuredin the selec-
tor effluent,one seesthat thesemust be almostcompletely
*4 Type021N
E removed(<1 mg/L) to achievean SVI of 100mllg (Figure
4 4)\
When organic substratesare transported into micro-
bial cells and transformed into storage products, sources
of energy and reducingpower are required.Selectorscan
o be designatedaerobic,anoxic, or anaerobicon the basis
of the method of achievingthis oxidation. If DO is used,
the selector is aerobic and aerobic respiration occurs
(Figure4.43); if NO..-N is used,the selectoris anoxic and
denitrificationoccurs(Figure 4.44). lf hydrolysisof inter-
nally storedhigh energyinorganicpolyphosphateis used,
the selector is anaerobic and release of orthophosphate
occurs (Figure 4.45); and if storedglycogenis fermented
0 12 34 5
to produceenergy,the selectoris anaerobic(Figure 4.46).
mg acetate/L
When inorganic polyphosphatehydrolysis provides
FIGURE 4.39 Predictedrelationshipof steadystategrowth rate the energyfor substrateuptakeand storage,EBPR occurs
and acetateconcentrationfor Type 02 1N and Z. ramigera. (From becausethe anaerobicallyreleasedorthophosphateand
van Niekerk, A.M. et al. (1988), J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., influent orthophosphateare taken up aerobically in the
60, 100. With permission.) main aerationbasin using energygeneratedfrom the oxi-
dation of the stored substrate.When glycogen provides
the energy for anaerobicsubstrateuptake and storage,the
Feedingfrequency,times ld
A processcompeteswith the polyphosphate-based reactions
describedabove and consequentlyinterfereswith EBPR.
In effect, it robs the EBPR organismsof substrateso less
1 00
is available for performing the reactions necessaryfor
The selectorsubstrateuptake mechanismsdiscussed
E?5 above are virtually mutually exclusive because of the
highly competitive environment that exists in activated
sludge.The energyreleasedby oxidizing an organic sub-
strateby aerobic oxidation (where Or is the terminal elec-
tron acceptor)is greaterthan for denitrification (where NO.
is the terminal electron acceptor),and in tum this is greater
o----4 Z. ramigera
than for the polyphosphatehydrolysis and glycogen fer-
25 mentation carried out respectivelyby the EBPR organisms
o_r Type02lN
and G bacteria under anaerobicselector conditions. Thus,
in the presenceof DO, a mixed microbial community such
as activated sludge will become dominated by microor-
0 48 12 16 20 ganisms that perform aerobic oxidations. Denitrification
Numberof MCRTs will not occur, even if NOr is present,becauseit is less
efficient than aerobic oxidation. Denitrification will only
FIGURE 4.40 Dual culture chemostatgrowth of Z. ramigera
occur when no DO is available.Likewise, the presenceof
and Type 02lN with intermittent feeding of carbon substrate.
(From van Niekerk, A.M. et al. (1988), J. WaterPollut. Control both DO and NO, will suppresspolyphosphate storage,
Fed.,60, 100.With permission.) hydrolysis,and glycogen fermentationmetabolism.
In many instances, however, more than one type of
Figure 4.42 (Shao and Jenkins, 1989) that show the rela- metabolism can occur in different portions of the same
tionship between the soluble subsffate concentration leaving basin. For example,both aerobic and anoxic oxidations
an anoxic selector and the SVI of the activated sludee. When can occur in an initial mixins cell that is not uniformly
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 115

a ShaoandJenkins(1988),20'C aa tl
500 I Shao and Jenkins(1988),25'C
A Daigger et al. (1985)
A Wheeler et al. (1983)
400 O Lee et al. (1982)
u lomllnson ano LnmDers I tyly,

i 300 On
100 a

0 25 50 75 100 t25 150 175

SolubleCOD, mg/L

FIGURE 4.41 SVI as a function of anoxic selector effluent soluble COD concentration. (From Shao, Y.J. and Jenkins, D. (1989),
Water Sci. Technol.,2l:ll, 609. With permission.)

I Acetare(ShaoildJenkins. 19891
O Acetate (Chambers, 1982)
500 A Glucose (Shao and Jenkins, 1989)

) 400
300 A

200 ,r l

s0 100 150 200

Acetateor glucoseconcentration,

F|GURE4.42 SVlasafunctionofanoxicselectoreffluentacetateorglucoseconcentration.(FromShao,Y.J.andJenkins,D.(1989),
Water Sci. Technol.,2l:11, 609. With permission.)

aerated. Likewise, anoxic metabolism may occur in the to rapidly take up and store substrate.This type of selec-
upstream portion of a mixed unaerated initial contact tion has been called kinetic. When anoxic or anaerobic
basin, and anaerobic metabolism may occur in the down- conditions are imposed on the selector,the kinetic selec-
stream portion if the supplied NO3-N is exhausted and tion is supplementedby a "metabolic" selection, i.e., the
readily degradable soluble substrate remains. The acti- ability to denitrify, store, and hydrolyze intracellular inor-
vated sludge floc itself may provide an environment where ganic polyphosphate or the ability to store and ferment
more than one type of metabolism can occur concurrently. intracellular glycogen. The denitrification rates of some
For example, in a highly loaded, poorly aerated initial filamentous organismsare much lower than those of floc-
contact zone, aerobic oxidation can occur in the bulk forming bacteria (2. ramigera) growing in selectors(Thble
liquid and at the floc surface while denitrification, and 4.8; Shaoand Jenkins,1989;Blackall et al., 1991).More-
possibly anaerobicphosphaterelease,take place inside the over, someof thesefilamentousorganisms(e.g.,Type 021N
activated sludge floc. and G. amarae) only reduce nitrate to nitrite rather than to
Another aspect of the type of energy metabolism nitrogen gas, as Z. ramigera does (Blackall et al., 1991).
occuring in the selector is its effect on the selection pro- Some types of floc-forming bacteria (e.g., Rhodocy-
cess itself. Most activated sludge filamentous organisms clus-like organisms; Zllles et al., 2002) can take up and
are aerobes.Thus, in an aerobic selector,selection occurs store substrateusing inorganic polyphosphatehydrolysis
only becauseof the relative abilities of the microorganisms for energy generation. It is suspectedthat many types of
116 Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

Aerobic selector Main aeration basin


SolubleCOD CO, + H2O

CO2+ HrO
Cell wall

FTGURE4.43 Aerobic selector activated sludge substrateuptake and utilization mechanisms.

Anoxic selector Main aeration basin

CO2+ HrO



CO2+ HrO Cell wall

FIGURE 4.44 Anoxic selectoractivatedsludge substrateuptake and utilization mechanisms,

filamentousorganismsare unable to do this. Blackall et selectorwith diminishedstoragecapacity.Eventuallythis

al. (1991) showedthat G. amarae could not take up sub- situationcould lead to saturationof storagecapacity and
strateanaerobically. soluble organic substratepassingthrough the selectorto
In discussingthe selectoreffect, we have made refer- the aeration basin. If this occurred, the feed-and-starve
ence only to eventsocculring in the initial contact zone. cycle requiredfor the selectoreffect would be eliminated
For proper functioning, events that occur in the aeration and filamentousorganismgrowth could be expected.It is
basin also are very important.The fact that carbonstorage therefore important to size a selector correctly to encour-
takes place in the selector can be demonstratedin several age rapid uptakeof the dissolvedorganiccompoundsand
ways. Shao and Jenkins(1989) measuredthe decayrates also designthe aerationbasin so that it can provide proper
of various types of activated sludge activity for sludges conditionsfor utilizing the substratestoredby the micro-
developedin anoxic selectorsand CSTR systemswhen organisms.Becausean anoxic selectorrequiresnitrate,the
they were aeratedin the absenceof exogenous substrate mixed liquor (containingnitrate) must be recycledto the
(as they would be in the aerationbasin following a selec- upstreamanoxic selector.Therefore, the controlling crite-
tor). As Table4.5 shows,the anoxic selectorsludgeactiv- rion for sizing the main aeration basin is to provide an
ities persistedlongerthanin the CSTR sludges.The MLSS aerobic MCRT (solids inventory in the aerobic zone
decay rate for anoxic selector sludge also was lower than divided by process solids wasting rate) that will allow
for CSTR sludge.Theseobservationssuggestthat storage nitrifying microorganisms to become established (Grady
products allow the selector sludge floc formers to survive et al., 1999).
for longer periods in the absenceof exogenoussubstrate The successfulfunctioning of an anaerobicselector in
than the CSTR floc formers. which inorganic polyphosphate hydrolysis (EBPR) takes
In addition to the ability to better survive in the aer- place requires main aeration basin conditions that favor
ation basin under starvationconditions, the organismsthat the growth of microorganisms capable of polyphosphate
take up and store substratein the selector must be able to storage. These microorganisms grow more slowly than
utilize their stored products in the main aeration basin. If other heterotrophic microorganisms(Mamais and Jenkins,
this does not occur, the organisms will be returned to the 1992).
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eBu l k i n ga n d Oth er S ettl i ngP robl ems 117

Anaerobic selector Main aeration basin

COr + HrO


Cell wall

FIGURE 4.45 Anaerobic selectoractivatedsludgesubstrateuptake and utilization mechanisms involving polyphosphate hydrolysis
and synthesis.

Anaerobic selector Main aeration basin

SolubleCOD CO2+H20

Cell synthesis

Cell wall

tIGURE 4.45 Anaerobicselectoractivatedsludgesubstrateuptakeand utilization mechanismsinvolving glycogenfermentationand


Comparisonof Decay Ratesfor ActivatedSludgefrom CompletelyMixed
and Anoxic SelectorSystemsunder StarvationConditions
FirstOrder Decay Rate(d-t)
ActivatedSludgeType MLSS COD Uptake Rate Oxygen Uptake Rate NO3-N Uptake Rate

CSTRsystem 0.050 0.39 0.38 0.57

system 0.034 0.25 0.22 0.29

Source: From Shao,Y.J. and Jenkins,D. (1989), Water Sci. Technol.,21:'11,609.With permission.

The growth rates of both the nitrifiers and EBPR of this for selectors is that at higher temperatures the
organisms are influenced by temperature.Figure 5.23 selectormechanismmay well be a mixture of anaerobic
shows the effect of temperature on the minimum (wash- and anoxic processes.
out) aerobicMCRT for both groups.Actual aerobic MCRT
valuesused for selectorsystemdesign will be somewhat c. Effects of Selectors
longer than these minimum values to allow development From the previousdiscussion,it can be deducedthat selec-
of an adequate and stable population of the required tors should be generally effective against filamentous
microorganisms. organismsthat grow on simplesolubleorganiccompounds
It is interesting to note that as the temperature (such as are removedin selectors),filamentousorganisms
increases,the zone of the MCRT in which one can obtain that do not have high soluble substrateuptake rates, and
EBPR without nitrification diminishes markedly. For tem- filamentous organisms that do not have high substrate
peraturesof 26"C or higher, it is almost impossible to have storagecapacities.In addition, filamentous organismsthat
EBPR without at least some nitrification. The implication do not denitrify rapidly or completely (or at all) will be
118 Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

of Selectorsin Controlling
Effectiveness Max SVI 2.5
FilamentousOrganisms ^" 300
Effective Not Always Effective
s 200
S- natans Type0041 Ch
Type 1701 Type0675
Type02lN Type0092 100
Thiothrix spp.. M. panicelLa
N. limicola
H. hydrossis
0 20 40 60 80 100
Type 1851
Nocardioform organisms--

- Not when caused by nutrient deficiency. FIGURE4.47 Relationship of SVI'., to relativesizeof initial
-'Aerobic selectorsnot alwayseffective;anoxicselec- aerationbasincompartment. V, = total aerationbasinvolume;
tors effective. V, = initial aerationbasinvolume.(FromLee, aL.(1982),
WaterSci.Technol., 146-7,407.With permission.)
Source:From Cha, D.K. et al. (1990), WaterEnviron.
R e s . ,6 4 , 3 7 .
and initial contactzoneorganicloading (Figure 4.48).These
data suggest that (F/l\4)' values greater than about 3 kg
out-competedin anoxic selectorsand those that are unable BODr/kg MLVSS/d will produceSVIs of 100to 150mllg.
to take up substratecoupled with anaerobic inorganic The selectorshould be sized to allow sufficienttime
polyphosphatehydrolysis or glycogen fermentationwill to remove all soluble,readily metabolizableorganicmat-
be out-competedin anaerobicselectors.No type of selec- ter. Since it may not be possibleto measurethe amount
tor is effective againstthe growth of filamentousorgan- of this type of organic matter, soluble COD is used as a
isms causedby low pH, septicor other sulfide-containing surogate parameter.The data of Shaoand Jenkins(1989)
wastewaters,and nutrient (N and P) deficiencies. suggestthat (for a municipal wastewater)a selector efflu-
Table 4.6 lists the types of filamentous organisms ent soluble COD of approximately 6O mglL will produce
against which selectorshave been successful.The table an SVI of about 100 ml-/g (Figure 4.41). Selectordesign
also lists filamentousorganismsagainstwhich selectors practice in Czechoslovakiaand Austria (Chudoba and
are not consistentlyeffective.The reasonsfor the inability Wanner, 1987) usesa COD removal criterion of 80% of
of selectorsto control these filamentousorganismswill the removable COD (defined as influent soluble COD
be discussedat the end of this section. minus secondaryeffluent soluble COD).
The selectorshould consistof at least three compart-
4. Selector Design (Sizing) ments. This establishesa substrategradient (enhances
kinetic selection), reduces longitudinal mixing, and
a. Ceneral accommodateswastewaterflow and strength variations.
Early approachesto selectordesigninvolved using selec-
c. Aerobic Selectors
tors sized on the basis of a certain fractional volume of
the aeration basin. This was derived from the work of For aerobic selectors the initial contact zones should be
investigatorssuch as Lee et al. (1982) who showed that sized so that first compartmentF/lM = 10 to l2kg COD/kg
activated sludge settling characteristicswere functions of MLSS/d and overall selector FAyI = 3 to 4 kg COD/kg
fractional selectorsize (Figure 4.47). This approachhas MLSS/d. An-effective alrangementthat yields these load-
been refined considerably in recent years. The general ing relationships is a three-compartmentselector with the
criteria presentedbelow may be used when site-specific first two compartments equal in size and the third com-
data are not available. However, specific experience and partment double the size of the first two. Initial contact
data will allow refinement of the selector design and the zone organic loadings much in excess of these values
performance achieved. should be avoided (especially with wastewatercontaining
significant amounts of readily available organic matter)
b. lnitial Contact Zones because viscous activated sludge may be produced. For
The initial contact zone organic loading or (FAvI)' should example, in the first compartmentsof aerobic selectorsin
be high enough to produce rapid soluble organic matter plants treating brewery wastewaterand soft-drink bottling
uptake rates.Especially useful in this regardis the work of wastewater,DO uptake rates in excess of 200 mg Or/g
Tomlinson (1916) showing the relationship between SVI VSS/h were produced and viscous (slime) bulking
Cont r olof A c t iv a te dS l u d g eBu l k i n ga n d O th e r S ettl i ngP robl ems 119


500 a

{ aoo a
ao a
(D 300 t r
-o t a
-a o
200 aa
faa a o I I- ar lo a
olo o o
100 a
a' aa- '

Initialcontactzone(F/M)i,kg BOD5/kgVSS,d

FICURE 4.48 Effect of initial contact zone F/M on SVI for aeratedinitial contactzones.(From Tomlinson,E.J. (1976), Technical
Report TR35, Water ResearchCentre, Stevenage,U.K. With permission.)

resulted.Bypassing some of the wastewateraround the aerationrates,and/orinefficientaerationdevices.The acti-

selectoreliminatedthe viscousbulking. vated sludge system must nitrify and sufficient NO3-N
For aerobicselectors,a supply of oxygen is required. must be introducedinto the selectorin the RAS streamor
While DO uptakeratesof 50 to 60 mg O2/gMLVSS/h or by internalmixed liquor recycle.If sufficientNO.-N can-
more may be encountered,the amountof oxygenrequired not be introducedinto the selectorto removethe necessary
is only a small fraction of the soluble COD removed- soluble COD, then the selectoreffect can be achievedby
typically 15 to 25Vo.The DO concentrationshould be making only part of the selector anoxic. Typically, the
b et weenl and2 mg l L . initial portion of the selectorwould be anoxic and utilize
the supplied NO.,-N; the downstreamportion would be
d. Anoxic Selectors anaerobicdue to the depletion of the supplied NO.,-N.
The (FAvI), values for anoxic selectors can be reduced Alternatively,if the first part of the selectoris anoxic, the
becausethe selectorutilizes both kinetic and metabolic secondpart may be aerobic.In anotheroption, if the first
selection (ability to denitrify) to combat filamentous part of the selectoris anaerobic(i.e., containsonly RAS
organisms.To optimize denitrification and selection, a which is very low in NO.-N and influent wastewater),the
selectorshould have initial contact zone loadings as fol- secondpart can be anoxic with mixed liquor recyclecould
lows: first compartmentFAvI = 6 kg COD/kg MLSS/d and be introducedinto the anoxiccompartment.
overall selectorFAvI= 1.5 kg COD/kg MLSS/d. An effec- Due to variationsin the relative proportionsof COD
tive arrangementthat providestheseloadingrelationships that are oxidized and stored, values for the amount of
is a three-compartment selector with the first two com- soluble COD that can be removedby I mg NO.-N vary
partments equal in size and the third compartment double considerably.For influent domestic wastewatera typical
the size of the first two. value is 8 mg soluble COD/mg NO3-N if little or no
If only a singlebasin is availablefor use as an anoxic storageoccurs (essentiallyall soluble COD is being
selector, its FA4 should be <1 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d for metabolized).Higher valueswill be observedif significant
wastewatertemperaturesof <18"C and <1.5 kg BODr/kg storageoccurs.
MLSS/d for wastewater temperaturesof >l8oC (Marten The overall sizing of an anoxic selectormust allow
and Daigger, 1997).For singlecompartmentanoxic selec- sufficient time for denitrification to take place to such a
tors, an alternative method of sizing is to use anoxic degreethat it reducesthe soluble COD to the targetselector
MCRT. To calculate anoxic MCRT, divide the mass of effluentvalue (e.g.,60 mg solubleCOD/L). Denitrification
MLSS in the anoxic selector by the total mass of SS rates for the readily metabolizable soluble component of
wasted each day. For single basin anoxic selectors,the influent domestic wastewater- the material required to
anoxic MCRT should be in the range of I to 2 d (Marten be removed in a selector typically on the order of
and Daigger, 1997: Clark et al., 2001). 5 to 10 mg NO,-N/g MLSS/h at 20"C. Note that the
Becausean anoxic selectorremovessoluble COD by objective in an anoxic selectoris not the complete removal
denitrification, its DO concentration must be low. The of NO.,-N; it is the use of NO,-N to removesolubleCOD
selector contents should be mixed by mixers, very low down to a level of approximately60 mg/L. If denitrification
12O M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac t i vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

is an additional objective to bulking control, a greater

fraction of the initial zone of the aeration basin may have TABLE4.7
to be anoxic. As indicated, staging of the selector will Design,Operating Parameters, and Resultsof
enhancethe overall nitrogen removal rate and efficiency. SelectorActivatedSludgeProcessat the
Leopoldsdorf SugarMill, 1985 Season
e. Anaerobic Selectors
Anaerobic selectors utilize both kinetic and metabolic Parameter Unil Value

selectionprocesses.The overall sizing is dictatedby the Wastewater flow MGD 12

rate at which soluble organic matter is taken up and ortho- Selector volume MG 0 .1
phosphateis releasedunder anaerobic conditions. For Aeration basin volume MG 4.3
domestic wastewaters,the total anaerobicselectorhydrau- Selector hydraulic residence h 0.2
lic retentiontime is usually in the range of 0.75 to 2.0 h. tlme
The selectorshould be divided into at least three compart- Aeration basin hydraulic h 8.7
residence time
ments with the same(F/M), relationships as for the anoxic
MLS S rnglL 10,000
selector. For a completely anaerobic selector, DO and
NO3-N must be excluded. For a nitrifying activated mL/g 50
sludge,this may require an anoxic zoneat some location COD removal in selector 7o of COD,,,,removed 72
in the flow scheme. Oxygen consumedin selector 7o of total oxygen 8.5
f. Main Aeration Basin Influent total COD mg/L 450
Conditions in the main aeration basins (aerobic zones) Effluent soluble COD mg/L 45
downstreamfrom the selectorcan also affect sludge set- Effluent total BOD mglL 340

tleability. SVI values will be minimized if the aerobic Effluent soluble BOD mglL 10

zones are compartmentalizedand if fully aerobic condi- Source: From Kroiss, H. (1985), Wien. Mitt. Band.,56, 81. With
tions (>1 to2mg DO/L) are maintained. permission.

5. Selector Case Histories

b. Hamilton, OH
a, Leopoldsdorf Sugar Mill, Austria This casehistory describesaerobicand anoxic selectors.
The activatedsludgeplant is a 25-MGD (l.lm3/s) facility
This is an aerobicselectorcasehistory.In Czechoslovakia
that, at the time of this work, was treating approximately
and Austria, the following designcriteria apply to aerobic
19 MGD (0.8 m3/s)of wastewaterconsistingof approxi-
selectordesign (Chudobaand Wanner, 1989):
mately 7.5 MGD (0.3 m3/s)of domesticwastewater;the
remainder is paper manufacturing wastewater.
Number of compartments:four, equal-sized Following primary clarification, the primary effluent
Total selectorF/M: 3 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d is split between(l) a plant constructedin 1958consisting
Initial selectorcompartmentF/\4 or (F/M)': 12 kg of an aerated channel with a hydraulic retention time of
BODr/kg MLSS/d approximately 8 to 12 min in which a mixed RAS and
Selectoroxygenationcapacity:4 kg Orlm3ld primary effluent stream flows prior to entering three dif-
fused air aerationbasins(T3) and (2) a plant constructed
Total systemF/M: 0.3 kg BOD./kg MLSS/d
in 1977, consistingof four single passmechanicallyaer-
MLSS: 3300 mg/L
ated aerationbasins(T2A and T2B) (Figure 4.49). These
Total systemoxygenationcapacity:2 kg Ot/m3/d basinswere designedto operateconventionally,by step-
feed, or completely mixed with separateintroduction of
Using thesedesigncriteria,Kroiss (1985) designedan RAS.
aerobic selector for the Leopoldsdorf beet sugar mill in In 1982,when study of the Hamilton plant was initi-
Marchfield, Austria and obtainedthe resultsshown in Table ated(Wheeleret a1.,1984),the SVI of the T3 systemwas
4.7 during the 1984 season.This activatedsludge system usually in the range 80 to 150 ml/g. In the T2A and T2B
had beenpreviously plaguedwith severebulking problems systems,SVIs below 200 mLlg were rarely encountered.
due to Type 021N. The selector system had an (F/I\4)' of The bulking was largely due to Type 1851,N. limicolall,
approximately 4.0 kg BODrlkg MLSS/d (overall F/Ir4 of Type 0675 , and Type 0041 filamentous organisms.In late
0.10 to 0.15 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d). The selectorremoved 1982, the T2A and T2B systems were repiped so that
727o of the total COD, only 8.57o of which could be primary effluent and RAS flowed together in the step-feed
accountedfor by oxygen uptake. SVI values of 50 ml-/g channel before entering the aeration basin. This channel
were obtained at MLSS concentrationsof 10.000 ms/L. was aerated gently and it provided an averagehydraulic
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 121

To clarifier To clarifier

To clarifier To clarifier
T6 T6

(al (b)

To clarifier - - - - - .- - .;. Infl uent - - - - - ,- - - > Effl uent

-----.-> RAS O Aerator
- CombinedinfluentanJ
To clarifier


FICURE 4.49 Modification of influent and RAS introduction points to aeration basins, Hamilton, OH: (a) original system, (b)
modification of both systemsto selectorconfigurationwith a hydraulic detentiontime of approximately4 min, and (c) modification
of systemT2A to provide a selectorwith a hydraulic detentiontime of approximately7 min. (From Wheeler,M. et al. (1984), Water
Sci.Technol.,16:10-11, 35. With permission.)


) 4oo




1982 1983 1984 I 985 r987

FICURE 4.50 Monthly averageSVI, Hamilton, OH, 1982 through 1989

retention time of approximately 7 min at averagesewage during this period suggestingthat the selector(now with
flow. Figure 4.50 shows that, following selectorinstalla- an averagehydraulic retentiontime of approximately5 min)
tion, the SVI decreasedgradually over an approximate was overloaded and soluble organic matter was breaking
7-month period and by mid-1983 reachedthe same SVI through into the main aeration basin. Once the T3 system
rangeexperiencedby the T3 system.Over the ensuing6 y, was returned to service,the SVI values gradually returned
two noteworthy events took place. to their previous levels. This suggeststhat the T2 system
First, during 1985, the T3 system was taken out of selectorwas sized very close to the limit for providing
servicefor rehabilitation.For about 6 mo, the entire sewage effective soluble organic matter removal, and may also
flow was treatedin the T2A and T2B systems.Figure 4.50 explain the long period initially required for it to reduce
(and in more detail Figure 4.51) show an increasein SVI SVI.
122 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSIudgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

c. Davenport, IA
This casehistory illustrates the use of aerobic and anoxic
n rR selectors.Albertson (1990) reported results of 2.5 y of
work on the use of aerobic selectors for bulking sludge
f1 6 control at Davenport. The plant has an aeration basin
consisting of eight completely mixed cells aeratedby tur-
bines. The aeration cells can operate as a completely
mixed system with influent wastewaterfed to each aera-
tion cell; it can also operate in a seriesmode with two to
8 eight aerationcells in series.
Even though the plant was operated in series mode
200 with eight compartments in series, sludge bulking inci-
b0 dents due to Types 0675,1701, and 0041 occurred and
! rso the SVI reachedvalues in excessof 300 ml/g. Nocardio-
form organisms were also present. The bulking sludge
K 1oo limited the plant peak flow to 20 to 25 MGD (0.88 to
1.1 m3/s) - far below the design value of 40 MGD
(1.8 m3ls).In late 1987, the plant staff startedto control
DO levels in the first aeration stage (the initial contact
Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun zone or ICZ) while operating the aeration basin in two
I 985 19 8 6 trains of three compartments each. When the ICZ was
Time operated with a very low aeration rate to produce a DO
concentrationof close to zero, the SVI decreasedfrom
FICURE4.51 Effectof influentflow on T2 systemSVI,Hamil-
over 300 ml-/g to less than 100 mllg over a l-month
period (Figure 4.52). Further studiesin 1988 showedthat
The secondevent was the failure in May 1985 of the reinstating full aeration inthelCZ induced bulking again.
air compressorused to generateair for selectoraeration. When the ICZ was operatedwith no aeration, an SVI
It was not replaced. Since the Hamilton plant nitrified of 40 to 50 ml-/g resulted and led to dispersed floc and
completely, the selector became an anoxic rather than elevatedsecondaryeffluent SS concentrations.In 1989,
aerobic selector.From Figure 4.50, it appearsto function the practice of aerating the ICZ for 4 to 12 hl d to maintain
anoxically as well as (or betterthan) when it was aerated. the SVI to between80 and 100 mllg was adopted.When
The additional metabolic selectionprovided by the anoxic the SVI fell below 80 ml/g, the ICZ aeration period was
conditionsmay explain this. increased;when it exceeded 100 ml/g, theICZ aeration




^" 240
a 200

,h 160




o 7o l4o 28o 3so
mn ot u#

IA plant.(FromAlbertson,
FIGURE4.52 BulkingcontrolatDavenport, O.E.(1990),WaterSci.Technol.,23:44,835.
With permission.)
Control of ActivatedSludgeBulkingand Other SettlingProblems 123

Mixed liquor recycle

effluent OO OO OO OO OO To
.O . o oO o o rO r o
.O . o rO o o
Retum .o o
vo o - vo vo vo
activated l .tn l .'n clarifiers
r o
r o ' .'^ l ^ I
o l^
ror.i l ^ r o
sludge ao
o- - oo ^ 0 o- " oo ^ o -o o ^ O el oo
;o % o o

o o"
-----7r-- -*-o- ---o- o o" 'o ot
-----n- ----7T-


FIGURE 4.53 Configuration of an anoxic selector system at the Tri-City plant, Clackamas County, OR. (From Daigger, G.T. and
Nicholson, G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 62,676. With permission.)

period was decreased.Using this mode of operation,the Diffused air aeration is provided throughout the basin.
plant was able to operatewith peak flows in excessof The initial 20Voof the basin volume (selector) is baffled
40 MGD (1.8 m3/s)and producea secondaryeffluentwith from the rest and contains both mechanical mixing and
cBOD5 of 7.4 mgtL and SS of 13.5mg/L (20-monthaver- diffused aeration equipment. Anoxic conditions are pro-
age values).The (F/IM),was typically in the range0.64to vided by operating the mixing equipment (but not the
1.2 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d. aeration equipment) in the initial zone and returning nitri-
fied mixed liquor from the effluent end of the aeration
d. Tri-City, Clackamas County, OR
basin.An internal mixed liquor recyile pumping capacity
This casehistory illustratesthe use of an anoxic selector. of l00%oof the designdry weatherflow is provided.Fully
The Tri-City operation is a 13.5-MGD (0.59 m3/s) aerobic treatment is provided by turning off the mixer and
advancedsecondarywastewatertreatmentplant consisting providing diffused air to the selector.
of preliminary treatment, primary treatment, activated The datareportedhere are for anoxic selectoroperation
sludge, and effluent chlorination. Typical secondarytreat- over three dry seasons(June through October); an average
ment (effluent BOD, and TSS both <30 mg/L) is provided SVI of 79 mL/g was achieved.Average selectorhydraulic
during the winter, while advanced secondary treatment retention time was 86 min and selectorF/lvI (kg BODr/kg
(effluentBOD, andTSSboth <20 mg/L) is providedduring
MLSS/d) was 0.72.
the summer.Becausethe plant nitrifies during the summer The effectiveness of the selector was confirmed by
and influent total alkalinity is low, an anoxic selector was operating the aeration basin in both the anoxic selector
incorporatedinto the aerationbasin to reducetotal alkalin- and fully aerobicstep-feedmodes.Figure 4.54 showsthat
ity consumptionand providebulking control (Figure4.53).

flow anoxic flow anoxic flow anoxic


Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Ap. Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct
1986 1987 1988
Month and yed

FIGURE 4.54 Performance of an anoxic selector at the Tri-City plant, Clackamas County, OR (From Daigger, G.T. and Nicholson,
G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 62,676. With permission.)
124 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

the SVI increased whenever the aerobic step-feed mode

was used and decreasedwheneverthe anoxic selectorwas
used. Aeration of the selector, practiced in August and
September1987,alsoincreasedthe SVI. The anoxic selec-
tor at Tri-City has sometimesbeen too effective. On occa-
sion it has reduced the SVI as low as 20 to 30 ml-/g and
a turbid effluent resulted. This was countered by periodi-
cally providing a low level of aeration in the anoxic zone
to encourage the growth of some low DO filamentous
organismsand increasethe SVI. Anaerobic
e. Fayetteville, AR
This casehistory illustratesthe use of an anaerobicselec-
tor. The current Fayetteville plant commenced operation
in March 1988 and replacedan existing activatedsludge
systemwith a completelymixed aerationbasin that had a
long history of producing bulking sludge. The current
facility was designedto nitrify and provide EBPR (sup-
plemented by alum addition) and also provide bulking Primary
sludgecontrol.The plant treatsa mixture of domesticand effluent
food processingwastewaters. activated To
The aeration basin is configured so that it can be sludge secondary
oper at ed in b o th a n a e ro b i c /a e ro b i c a n d anaero- clarifiers
bic/anoxiclaerobic modes. Operation in the anaero-
FICURE4.55 Configurationof anaerobicselectoractivated
bic/anoxic/aerobicmode is accomplishedby using the
sludgesystemat Fayetteville,
mixed liquor recyclepumps.The anaerobic/aerobic mode
is typically used.In this mode,the anaerobicselectorcon-
sists of six completely mixed cells in series,followed by 450 MGD (19.6 m3/s).Each moduleconsistsof threeacti-
an aerationbasinconsistingof four completelymixed cells vated sludge trains and four secondaryclarifiers. Each
in serieswith mechanicalsurfaceaerators(Figure4.55). activatedsludge train consists of four cells, the first of
Mixed liquor recyclecapabilitywas also providedbut was which is 54 ft (16.4 m) wide, 108 ft (32.9 m) long, and
not used during the evaluationperiod reportedhere. 30 ft (9.1 m) deepwith a 25 ft (7.6 m) waterdepth.This
From June I 988 throughAugust 1989, the Fayetteville cell had two 125-hp(93.5 kW) draft tube surfaceaerators.
plant operated with an initial selector zone hydraulic Each of the following three cells is 54 ft (16.4 m) wide
residencetime of 15 min and an initial selector zone and long, 30 ft (9.1 m) deep with a 25 tt(7.6 m) water
organic loading of 1.6 kg BOD./kg MLSS/d. Total aera- depth and is equippedwith a 7.5-hp (56 kW) draft tube
tion basin hydraulic residencetime was t h and F/M was surface aerator.
0.045 kg BOD,/kg MLSS/d. Immediately following start-up, significant foaming
Since start-up of the anaerobicselector system,the problems due to nocardioform organismsarose.To combat
SVI at Fayetteville has averaged 86 mLlg and has not this problem, the MCRT was lowered and SVIs well in
exceeded185 mllg. With the plant configurationprior to excess of 200 ml-/g resulted. Because of this, it was
anaerobic selector installation, chlorination was used decidedto test the possibility of operatingthe plant as an
almostcontinuouslyto maintainthe SVI below 150 ml-/g. anaerobic selector system to allow the control of both
The highest SVI values were observedduring periods of nocardioform organismsand the filamentous organisms
rainfall when dilute, highly oxygenatedwastewatercaused that causedpoor settling.Two of the nine modules were
the biological system influent to have a DO of 8 to l0 modified to anaerobic selector operation by dividing the
mg/L. Under these conditions, low DO filaments appar- first cell into two compartmentsof equal size by construct-
ently grow in the anaerobic selector. ing a wall between the two halves. The draft tube aerator
was removed from the first compartment and replaced
f. Hyperion Treatment Plant, Los Angeles, CA with a 25-hp (18.7 kW) submergedmixer. The result was
This casehistory describesthe useof an anaerobicselector a stagedsystemconsistingof five equal sizedcells- the
(Cheng,2002). Nine high purity oxygen activatedsludge first mixed and the remaining four aerated.The two mod-
modules were constructedat the Hyperion treatment plant ified modules were operatedin parallel with the existing.
to upgradethe existing primary and partial secondaryplant unmodified modules to determine the effectivenessof the
to full secondary treatment with a total capacity of modifications in improving settleabilty.
Cont r olof A c t iv a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth e r S ettl i ngP robl ems 125


Z roo


May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan


FIGURE 4.56 Effect of an anaerobicselectoron the SVI of the Hyperion oxygen activatedsludgeplant in Los Angeles,CA. (From
Cheng, P. (2002), personalcommunication.With permission.)

Figure 4.56 presentsa comparison of the activated Type 1701,S. natans,andH. hydrossisfilamentousorgan-
sludgesettleabilityin the unmodifiedmodule(control)and isms and also by Thiothrix spp. and Type 021N. High rate
the modified module (selector).The operatingconditions operationalso causedthe oxygen transfercoefficient(a)
for both modules were as follows: averageinfluent flow = to be very low; valueson the order of 0.21 were estimated
53 to 55 MGD (2.3 to 2.4 m3ls);SRT = 1.5 d; MLSS = and O, transferefficiency was approximately6.97o.
1200to 1350mg/L; mixed liquor temperature>20nC,and High rate operation was conducted in the four-pass
F/M = approximately0.9 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d. Neither aerationbasinsby stepfeeding primary effluent to PassesI
module nitrified. The F/M in the initial aeratedcompart- and 2 becauseof oxygentransferlimitations(Figure4.57a).
ment of the control system was approximately 2.4 kg In this mode,the plant could treat about 24MGD ( I .0 m3/s).
BODr/kg MLSS/d, while in the unaeratedselectorsystem In late 1989 through early 1990, the plant was con-
compartment it was approximately 4.3 kg BODr/kg verted by operations staff to a nitrification-denitrification
MLSS/d. Figure 4.56 demonstratesthat the increasein plant incorporatingan anoxic/aerobicselectorsystem.The
(F/tr4),and the change from aerobic to anaerobic condi-
plant was configured as a four-passaerationbasin with
tions in the first compartmentresulted in a decreasein the RAS and primary effluentfed to the headend of the first
SVI from 2200 mL/g to about 100 ml/g. pass.Mixed liquor was recycledfrom the fourth passof the
g. 23rd Avenue Plant, Phoenix, AZ aerationbasin to the head end of the first pass.The first and
This casestudy is discussedbecauseit illustratesthe abil- second passeswere compartmentalized(Figure 4.57b) to
ity to convert a high rate, nonnitrifying activated sludge form a five-compartment anoxic/aerobic selector system.
plant with bulking sludge to a nitrification-denitrification The first three selector compartments were mixed by
plant producing effluent with a total inorganic nitrogen of coarse bubble aeration; the fourth was provided with a
<7 mg/I,, without additional aeration basin volume or air combination of medium and coarse bubble aeration to
supply (Albertson and Hendricks, 1992). allow either anoxic or aerobic operation; the existing fine
The 23rd Avenueplant was designedto handle37 MGD bubble diffusers were relocated from the first oass to the
(1.6 m3/s), and was operated for many years at very low secondpass.
MCRT (0.8 to 1.3 d) and thereforevery low MLSS con- Figure 4.58 shows the dramatic improvement in oper-
centrations (400 to 600 mg/L) to avoid nocardioform ation and performance that occurred following selector
organism growth, foaming, and partial nitrification. This systeminstallation. The SVI decreasedfrom routine values
mode of operation resulted in severe bulking sludge of about 300 ml-/g (often exceeding600 mL/g) to approx-
(SVI = 300 to 600 ml/g) causedtypically by the low DO imately 80 to 120 mllg. This improvement allowed the
126 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

To secondary
clarihers 1680FB

l 820FB liquor
2 1 0 0F B RAS OX 1A X 4
I C B /610M
Primary ttl
effluent rzort rzort i
l :ortl oort I I
(a) (b)
AX = Anoxic
OX = Oxic
FB = Find bubble
MB = Medium bubble
CB = Coase bubble

FIGURE 4.57 Modification of aerationbasin to an anoxic selectorconfigurationat the 23rd Avenue wastewatertreatmentplant,
Phoenix,AZ. (From Albertson,O.E. and Hendricks,P. (1992), Water Sci. Technol.,26, 461. With permission.)

Selectorsystem will increase{lt values,typically to a range of 0.4 to 0.6.

installed Combinedwith this effect, an anoxic selectorprovidesan
environment where soluble organic matter is removed in
l t0 the absenceof aeration.Therefore, the zone that contains
Air use m3/kg BoD
90 high soluble organic matter concentrations(which reduce
oxygen transfer efficiency) does not require aeration.The
combined effect of these factors allowed the plant to treat
50 a given BOD, load with the same amount of air (m3 air)
Flow L/s x 102
SVI x l0r ml-/g
in ths nitrification-denitrification (selector) mode and
achieve total inorganic nitrogen removal to <7 mg/L sup-
plied/kg BOD, removed that was required in the high rate
non-nitrogenremoval mode (Figure 4.58).
In the nitrification-denitrification anoxic selector
RAS, SS x 103mg/L mode, the fine bubble diffuser oxygen transfer efficiency
MLSS mg/L x 102
increasedto l27o with an averagecr value of 0.47; in the
last two passesthe c, value was 0.52.
tiirl"r run sepNov ti;#* JunSepNov
'"" '- "" "':ny,"t 6. Situations Where Selectors Are Not Effective

Filamentousbulking problems that are not amenableto

FIGURE4.58 Effectot r"r".,i, ,rrtem on SVI, MLSS,RAS resolution by the straightforward application of selectors
SS,and air useat the 23rdAvenuewastewater occur most often in activated sludge plants with aerobic
Phoenix,AZ. (FromAlbertson,O.E.(1990),Water Sci.Technol., and anoxic zones that are operatedat high MCRT values
23:4-6,835.With permission.) (above approximately 12 d). Since this type of plant
includes nitrification-denitrification. EBPR. and BNR
plant to operateat MLSS valueson the order of 3000 mg/L activatedsludge systemsthat are becoming more common
(with RAS SS of 9000 mg/L or more). The plant could treat in the U.S., the bulking problems assumegreat impor-
wastewaterflows of approximately33 MGD (1.45m3/s) tance, particularly the growth of the M. panicella fila-
and produced an effluent with averageconstituentconcen- mentous organism that can lead to increasesin SVI and
trations of cBOD, = 5.4 mg[,, SS = 6.6 mg/L, and total foaming problems. The current knowledge of the causes
inor ganic N= 5 .8 m g /L . and controls for M. parvicella growth and the resulting
Converting to an anoxic/oxic selector system also bulking and foaming are presentedin Chapter 5.
improved oxygen transfer efficiency by providing condi- Other filamentous organisms that appear in high
tions that increased the cx value. In a high rate activated MCRT systemsincorporating anaerobicand anoxic zones
sludge system (MCRT <2 d), u values are suppressed, and are not significantly affected by selectors are Types
most likely because of the presenceof surface-active 0041,0615, and 0092. Types0041 and 0675 do not often
soluble organic matter in the mixed liquor. Reducing F/M grow to levels that causebulking problems. Eikelboom et
(increasingMCRT) to provide a nitrifying activatedsludge al. (1998) associatedincreasedlevels of Type 0041 with
Cont r olof A c ti v a te dSl u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth er S ettl i ngP robl ems 127

plants that have initial anaerobic selectorsin which RAS order of magnitude as the selector floc-former Z. ramig-
and raw (unsettled) wastewatermix followed by an acti- era. Because most of these filamentous organisms grow
vated sludge system that provides alternating anoxic and inside the flocs (producing diffuse floc structures), their
oxic conditions, e.g., the Danish Bio-Denitro activated control by RAS chlorination can require high and pro-
sludge modification. longed chlorine doses that can cause some deterioration
Type 0092 can causesevereepisodesof bulking. This in effluent quality and compromise EBPR. Experience
filamentous organism grows at high MCRT in activated indicatesthat the following approachescan help to control
sludge systemsthat have anoxic zones,and especiallyif the growth of these filaments:
the anoxic zones alternatewith aerobic zones as in an
oxidation ditch. Gabb et al. (1990) showedthat a contin- . Stagethe anaerobic,anoxic, and aerobiczones.
uously fed, intermittently aerated laboratory activated Staging produces substrate concentration gra-
sludge system (simulating an oxidation ditch) and oper- dients and allows kinetic selectionto exert its
ated at an MCRT of 20 to 30 d bulked severely due to the effect in controlling the growth of these slow-
proliferation of Type 0092 and M. parvicella. The instal- growing microorganisms.
lation of an aerobic selector ahead of the intermittently . Operate at the minimum possible aerobic
aeratedbasin did not eliminate these filamentousorgan- MCRT. Experienceindicatesthat the growth of
isms. When the aerationbasin was continuouslyaerated, theseorganismsis encouragedby operationat
bulking due to both Type 0092 and M. parvicella was higher aerobic MCRTs than necessaryfor
cured. These results suggestthat Type 0092 is a slow achievingprocessobjectives(Marten and Daig-
growing filamentous organism that gains a competitive ger, 1997).Apparently the higher than neces-
advantageunder nitrifying-denitrifying conditions. sary MC R T al l ow s these sl ow growing
The following ideas have been proposedas possible microorganismsto becomeestablished.
reasonsselectorsare unable to control this group of fila- . Avoid low DO concentrationsin the aerobic
mentousorganisms: zone. It appearsthat some of these organisms
are ableto grow well at low DO concentrations,
. The filamentous organismshave high substrate and especially when the DO concentrations
uptake and storagecapacity (possibly M.parvi- cycle betweenlow and high values.A DO con-
cella). centrationof at least 2 mg/L should be main-
. The filamentousorganismsgrow on eithercom- tainedconsistentlythroughoutthe aerobiczone.
plex organic matter or particulate material Special attention should be paid to providing
whose concentrationis not influenced in a sufficient aeration capacity to maintain DO
selectorsystem (possiblyTypes 0675, 0041, where the selectorcontentsflow into the main
and 0092). aeration basin. The DO uptake rates can be
. The filamentousorganismsdenitrify (possibly quite high at this point (up to approximately
M. parvicella and Type 0092). 60 mg Orlg SS/h).

Table 4.8 shows that the denitrification rate of an

activatedsludsedominatedbv M. parvicella is of the same
A. Grrurnnl
TABLE4.8 Earlier in this chapter,it was noted that secondaryclari-
Denitrification Ratesfor Type021N, G. amarae fiers provide the functionsof clarificationand thickening.
Strains,Z. ramigera,and an ActivatedSludge Thickening failure can produce elevated effluent SS
Dominatedby M. parvicella becausethe clarifier lills with sludge,causingthe sludge
blanket to spill into the effluent.In contrast,clarification
DenitrificationRate failure can result in elevatedeffluent SS concentrations
Strain Typeof Oganism (mg NOr-N/g SS/min)
when the sludge blanket is low. Clarification failure is
Type 02lN Filament (bulking) 8.3x l0r relatedto the inability of the clarifier to settleand remove
G. amarcte ASF3 Filament (foaming) 3.2x 10r the clarifier influent SS.
G. amarcte ASACI Filament (foaming) 2.4 x 10:r The clarification function is affected by many factors,
Z. ramigera Selector floc former 3.3x10 I including clarifier hydraulic loading and configuration,
M. pawicella- Filament (bulking 1. 8t o 2 . 7x l 0 r density currents, short-circuiting etc. (Ekama et al., 1997;
dominated and foaming)
Clarifier Design, 1985).Elevatedeffiuent SS also can occur
activated sludge
if the mixed liquor enteringthe secondaryclarifier is poorly
128 M anualo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P roblem s

flocculatedandcontainsparticles that are too small to settle arise from a variety of causes such as low
in the clarifier. Poor flocculation can result when the mixed MCRT or the presenceof a dispersant,surfac-
liquor is poorly flocculated in the aeration basin or tant. toxicant. or unfavorable monovalent:diva-
becomes poorly flocculated (floc break-up) as it is con- lent cation ratio in the wastewater.
veyed to the clarifier from the aeration basin (Das et al., . High ESS, intermediateDSS,,low FSS-This
1993). In some cases,poorly flocculatedsludge can be result indicates both bioflocculation and
flocculated prior to settling in a secondary clarifier to hydraulic problems.
reduceits dispersedSS content and therebyreduceeffluent
SS concentrations(Wahlberg et al., 1994). 3. Problem Resolution

B. PnosLrA
DrrrurrroN a. Inadequate Flocculation, Floc Break-Up
(High ESS,High DSS,, Low FSS)
1. Methodof Investigation
Mixed liquor can havehigh DSS,and low FSS becauseof
Procedures(describedin Chapter2)have been developed inadequatetime or conditions for flocculation or from the
to determinewhether effluent SS is a result of biofloccu- break-up of already-formed flocs by shearing.Flocs con-
lation failure, floc break-up, or secondaryclarifier hydrau- taining no filaments or with very low filamentousorganism
lic problems.(Wahlberg,2001; Wahlberget al., 1995).A levels can be especially prone to theseproblems resulting
dispersedSS test can be performed at severallocations in pin floc.
including the secondaryclarifier inlet (DSS'), the liquid Sludgeflocculationcan be accomplishedby reducing
leaving the clarifier center well, and the clarifier effluent the mixed liquor energyinput from a level that causesfloc
weir (DSS").A flocculatedSS testis performedon a mixed shear(G > 125s-r;Das,l993)to onethat allowsthe sludge
liquor sample(FSS).An effluent SS analysisis made on particlesto aggregate(25 < G < 100 sr). Shearlevelscan
a secondaryclarifier effluent sample (ESS) taken at the be reducedin a diffused air systemby reducingthe aera-
sametime as the samplesfor DSS" measurement. tion rate at the effluent end of the aeration basin (i.e..
2. Results Figure 4.59 shows the effect of energy input from
diffused air aerationon the DSS level in activatedsludge.
The data obtainedby the above methodscan be used to For activatedsludge systemswith mechanicalaeration,
diagnosethe causesof poor secondaryclarifier perfor- the mixed liquor discharge to the secondaryclarifiers
mance(i.e.,high ESS) as follows: should be locatedas far as possiblefrom an aeratorsince
these devices produce high localized velocity gradients.
. High ESS, high DSS,.low FSS - The mixed Large hydraulic drops, mixed liquor pumping, and tortu-
liquor doesnot haveadequatetime to flocculate ous piping/valvingduring mixed liquor conveyanceto the
after it leavesthe aerationbasin or some con- secondaryclarifier shouldbe avoided.Shouldany ofthese
veyance structure between the aeration basin conditions be unavoidable,a properly designedfloccula-
and secondaryclarifier (e.g.,pump, free fall, or tion zone should be installed.
tortuouspiping network) is causingfloc disrup-
tion. The DSS test can be repeatedat several
placesin the aerationbasin,in the mixed liquor
flow scheme.and at the effluent weir to locate
the sourcesoffloc disruption.This type ofresult ;30
suggeststhat the ESS can be loweredby elim- E
inating floc breakup and/or by incorporating a)n
reflocculationprior to settling.
. High ESS, low DSS' low FSS - The mixed F
liquor entering the secondary clarifier is well (h

flocculated and the high ESS are most likely

due to hydraulic problems in the secondary r00 150 200 250 300
0 50
clarifier. If the ESS value is higher than the
G, s-l
DSS, value and the sludge blanket is not high,
scouring of the sludge blanket is indicated. FICURE 4.59 Variation of supernatant suspendedsolids con-
. High ESS, high DSS,,high FSS- This result centration with mean velocity gradient (G) for diffused air acti-
indicates a bioflocculation problem leading to vated sludgeplants.(From Das, D. et al. (1993), WaterEnviron.
dispersedgrowth. Bioflocculation problems can Res.,65,138.With permission.)
Cont r olof A c t i v a te dS l u d g eB u l k i n ga n d Oth e r S ettl i ngP robl ems 129

DSS,FSS,and ESSConcentrationsbefore and after Clarifier TestResultsfrom the
Clarifier Modificationsat Creeley,CO (mg/t) Central Marin Sanitation
Agencyin California (mg/L)
Clarifierlnlet Effluent
Clarifier Condition DSS(DSS') Weir DSS FSS ESS Location DSS ESS

Before modifications ,a 22 8.2 26 Center well, inlet l0

After modifications t7 5.3 7.0 6.3 Center well, outlet il
Source: From Brischke, K. et al. (1997), Proc. Water Environ. Fed. 70th
Effluent weir 3.6 8.5
Ann. Conf., p. 237. With permission. Soarce:From Parker,D.S. et al. (2000), Water
Sci.Technol.,4l:9, 201.With permission.

Such a zone, with an averagehydraulic retention time The results of an investigation on the secondaryclar-
of about 20 min, can be provided within the secondary ifiers at the Central Marin Sanitation Agency plant in
clarifier. No mechanical mixing is required in this floccu- California illustrate a combination of flocculation and
lation zone because the energy resulting from the dissi- cl ari fi er hydraul i c probl ems (P arker et al . , 2000;
pating momentum of the influent flow is sufficient to cause Table4. l0). No FSS datawere compiledduring this inves-
flocculation(Parkerand Stenquist,1986).In circular sec- tigation. The results show that the very small center well
ondaryclarifiers,sucha zonecan be providedby enlarging did not provide for flocculation and deflocculation
the centerwell and designingfor mixing using a tangential occurred in the secondaryclarifier. ESS were significantly
mixed liquor input. Further discussion of this topic higher than effluent weir DSS, showing that hydraulic
appears elsewhere (Grady et a1., 1999; Wahlberg et al., inadequaciesin the secondaryclarifier causedflocculated
1994; Das et al., 1993; Ekama et al., 1997). and settleableTSS to passinto the effluent.
Parker et al. (2000) report on the use of the Wahlberg
c. Bioflocculation Problems (High DSS,,
(1995) techniquesto investigateand rectify a problem of
inadequateflocculationat the Greeley,CO plant. DSS/FSS High FSS,High ESS)
testing of the existing secondary clarifiers (Table4.9) High valuesof FSS,DSS,,and ESS suggestthat no matter
showed poorly flocculated clarifier influent solids and how good the flocculation and settling conditions are, a
inadequateflocculation in the clarifier. After the clarifiers sludge cannot produce a low ESS becausesomethingis
were modified by converting the inlet structure to a floc- amisswith its ability to flocculate.This is the leastunder-
culator centerwell (Parkeret al.,1966), the effluent weir stood area of activated sludge SS separation,although
DSS (5.3 mg/L) and ESS (6.3 mg/L) valueswere closeto some advancesin our understandingof the fundamental
the FSS value(7.0 mg/L;Table 4.9). mechanismsof bioflocculationarebeginningto shedsome
light on it. Becauseof this poor understanding, a common
b. Clarifier Hydraulic Problems (High ESS, approach to dealing with poor bioflocculation is to add a
Low DSS, Low FSS) chemicalflocculatingagent(e.g.,the salt of a hydrolyzing
In this condition,the mixed liquor entersthe clarifier with metal ion such as Fe3+,Al3+,or an organic polymer) to take
low DSS; its low FSS level indicatesno difficulties with the place of biologically producedflocculatingagents.
bioflocculation,but the ESS valuesare high. Theseobser- Causesof dispersedgrowth include the presencein
vationsmean that some physical or mechanicalcondition the wastewaterof poorly biodegradableor nonbiodegrad-
in the clarifier produces high ESS from activated sludge able surfactantsand dispersants.toxic compoundsin the
that should produce a low ESS. influent, wastewaterswith high monovalentcation (Na*,
A detaileddiscussionof secondaryclarifier mechan- K*, NHl*) to divalent cation (Ca2*,Mg2*) ratios, activated
ical and hydraulic problems and their resolution is beyond sludge with a low MCRT (Figure 4.60), high aeration
the scope of this manual. Factors such as shape, depth, basin temperature, and overchlorination of activated
weir placement, center well and inlet structure design, sludge during bulking control.
sludge removal mechanisms, hydraulic and solids load- Murthy et al. (1998) reported the effects of adjusting
ings, and baffling can be important. Comprehensivecov- the monovalent:divalentcation ratio of an industrial waste-
erageof thesetopicscan be found in Wahlberget al.,1995, water on the settleability and dewatering characteristics
Ekama et al., 199"7;Daigger and Butz, 19981,Design of of activated sludge. Poor settling occurred in the absence
MunicipalWastewater TreatmentPlants, 1998, and Wahl- of filamentous organisms and was accompaniedby copi-
ber g, 2001. ous dispersed growth. The major component of the high
130 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

20 1000

3 16
18 o BisogniandLawrence
o Choa andKeinath
(1971) E aoo

MgSOa r
b 14 E 600 addition rtr
s12 r
a begins
(^ 10 a E 400 .J-
EU a -.L .-
9K a I zoo
O/ 6l
'a a
E2 0
02468r 0 1 2 Time, d

Mean cell residencetime, d

FICURE4.61 Effect of MgSOoadditionon 2-hour activated
timeon dispersed
FICURE4.60 Effectof meancellresidence sludge settledvolumeduringfield trials. (FromMurthy,
al. (1998),WaterSci.Technol.,38:3, 119.With permission.)
solidsin activated

strength(10,000mg COD/L) wastewater was2000mg/L sludge settling occurredwithin 2 wk (Figurc4.6l). Murthy

of aceticacid.To preventvolatilizationof the aceticacid, et al. (1998) suggest that the use of MgSOo in place of
the influentpH was adjustedwith sodiumhydroxideso some NaOH may be a more economical method of pro-
thatthemixedliquor pH was8.8.Duringfield trials,some ducing well settling activated sludge than using organic
of the NaOH used for pH adjustmentwas replacedby polymers to improve the activatedsludge solids separation
magnesiumsulfate(MgSO). Improvementsin activated characteristics.
5 ActivatedSludgeFoaming
and Control
They row'd her in across the rolling foam, India ink stain will reveal poor floc penetration
The cruel crawling foam, by the carbon black particlesof the ink.
The cruel hungry foam, . Foaming or scum formation along with produc-
To her grave besidethe sea. tion of a turbid effluentmay result from excessive
But still the boatmenhear her call the cattle home, recycling of flne solids from anaerobically
Across the sandsof Dee. digestedsludgesolids handlingprocesses(e.g.,
anaerobicdigestersupernatant, vacuumfilter or
Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875, "The Sands of Dee" belt pressfiltrate, and centrifugecentrate).This
type of foam has a volcanic or pumice-like
appearance.Microscopic examinationwill reveal
SLUDGEFOAMING that it contains large amounts of amorphous
inorganic and organic particles.
A. TYprsor AcrrvRrroSluocr Fonpr . Scum can be producedon secondaryclarifiers
or in the anoxic zones of nitrifying activated
The formation of foam or scum on the surfacesof activated
sludge plants by denitrification.Small bubbles
sludge aeration basins and secondaryclarifiers will be
of nitrogen gas attach to the activated sludge
discussedin this chapter. Their formation has been
flocs and carry them to the surface.This phe-
ascribedto a variety of causesincluding:
nomenon in secondary clarifiers is referred to
as sludgerising or blanket rising.
. White, frothy foam is observed during the . A stable, usually brown, foam or scum seen
start-up (usually after 3 to 4 d) of activated widely on activatedsludgeaerationbasinsand
sludge plants, possibly due to the presenceof secondaryclarifiers ("Milwaukee Mystery,"
undegradedsurface-activeorganic matter or to 1969; Wells and Garrett, l97l; Lechevalier,
the growth of Type 1863 in the aerationbasin. 1975;Pipes,1978b;Dhaliwal, 1979)has been
This type of foam usually disappearswhen the associatedwith largenumbersof actinomycetes
containingmycolic acidsin their cell walls. We
. When poorly biodegradable,branched-chain, will refer to these organisms collectively as
alkyl benzene sulfonate-based,household nocardioforms or nocardioform organisms.
detergents were marketed, persistent, volumi- They are taxonomically diverse (Lechevalier,
nous, frothy, white foams were produced on 1975;Lemmer and Kropenstedt,1984; Soddell
aerationbasins.Since the introduction of bio- et al.,1992; Schuppleret al., 1995;Goodfellow
degradablehouseholddetergents,this type of etal ., 1996) and contai n members of t he
foam no longer appearsin domestic wastewater Corynebacterium, D i etzia, Gordona,My cobac-
treatment plants. Foaming due to the presence terium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus,Skermania,
of slowly biodegradablesurfactantsoccursduring and Tsukamurella genera. A similar type of
the treatment of some industrial and municipal foam was observedin the presenceof Micro-
wastewatersespeciallywhen the wastewateris thrix parvicella, a filamentous actinomycete
cold. Often theseare nonionic surfactantsin the distantly related to nocardioforms (Blackall
alkyl phenol ethoxylate(APE) or nonyl phenol et al., 1994, 1996).
ethoxylate(NPE) families of compounds.
. A sticky, viscous foam may appear when acti- In previouseditionsof this text and in most literature,
vated sludge is nutrient-limited, probably due this type of foam has been referred to as nocardia foam.
to the presence of surface-active exocellular Sincemany other typesof organismscan causeit, we will
polymeric material formed by activated sludge adopt the phrase nocardioform foams (Soddell et al.,
microorganisms.Microscopic examinationusing r998).

132 Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

I I . NO C A R D IO F OR M F O A M IN G describedin Table 2.l5.The averagenumerical scalerating

for plants indicating a foaming problem was 4.2 (common)
A. oF Pnoslrlas
ExrrrurAND SrcNrFtcANcE compared to 2.1 (few) for those not indicating foaming
problems. N. amarae (now G. amarae) was determined
1. Foaming Organism Surveys by Lechevalier and Lechevalier (1974) to be the most
common actinomycete present in activated sludge foam
Surveys of nocardioform organism incidence in activated
in the U.S. This organismhas not been reportedin envi-
sludge were conductedby Richard et al. (1982), Strom
ronments other than activated sludse.
and Jenkins (1984), Blackbeard et al. (1986), Seviour
etal. (1994), and Goodfellow et al. (1996) in conjunction
2. Foaming Problems
with surveysof filamentousorganismsin bulking activated
sludge. Nocardioforms were some of the most commonly
a. Activated Sludge
observed filamentous organisms in activated sludge; they
were the dominant filamentous organisms in approxi- Significantquantitiesof a nocardioformfoam can cause
mately 3OVaof U.S. samplesand approximately l4%oof severeoperatingproblems(Figure 5.2).In aerationbasins
South African samples.In the Australian samples,they with submerged effluent structures, foam tends to accu-
were the third most common fllamentousorganisms. mulate in the basins.It can accumulateto such an extent
that it overflows the basin freeboardand coverswalkways,
Some surveys were directed specifically to foaming
handrails,and surroundingareas,creatinghazardous,slip-
activatedsludge or to nocardioform organism incidence
pery conditionsand limiting accessto equipment.In cov-
in activated sludge. Seviour et al. (1990) surveyed 129
activatedsludgeplants in Queensland,New SouthWales, ered aeration basins, nocardioform foams have been
and Victoria,Australia and found that 66 of the plantshad known to accumulate to such a degree that the water
foam problemsat the time of the survey.The most com- contentof the foam trappedin the basinexceedsthe avail-
monly found filamentousorganismsconcentratedin the able head for gravity flow of peak wastewater flows
foam over their levels in the mixed liquor were M. parvi- throughthe aerationbasin.
cella, Gordona amaree, and Skermania pinensis (previ- Processcontrol becomesextremely difficult if a sig-
ously Nocardia pinensis - "pine-tree-like-organism"or nificant fraction of the solids inventory is presentin the
PTLO;Blackall et al., 1989;Figure5.1d).The foamsalso foam trapped in the aerationbasin. In one plant, it was
contained other filamentous organisms such as Types estimated that the foam contained 40 to 457o of the total
0092, 0914,0041, and 0675 but these were present at activated sludge suspendedsolids inventory. Hao et al.
concentrationsno greaterthan in the mixed liquors from ( 1988)estimatedthat for a 4.5 m deepaerationbasin with
which they were formed. an MLSS concentrationof 3000 mg/L and a 7.5 cm deep
Wanneret al. (1998) surveyedthe filamentousorgan- foam containing 5VoTSS, some 2OVoof the total sludge
ism population of the majority of the activated sludge inventory would be in the foam.
plants in the Czech Republic and found that M. parvicella When foam escapesfrom an aeration basin into a
was one of the most dominant in mixed liquors and the secondaryclarifier, it may overwhelm surface scraping
most common in foams. Eikelboom etal. (1998) found devicesand enterthe secondaryeffluent,elevatingeffluent
that M. parvicella was by far the most important filamen- TSS (and BOD') levels. In cold climates, nocardioform
tous organism in nutrient removal plants in a survey of foam can freeze on the secondaryclarifier surfaces,mak-
more than 200 such systems in Denmark, Germany, ing scum removal devicesinoperative.Some plants rou-
Greece,and The Netherlands.Pujol et al. (1991) surveyed tinely remove secondaryclarifier surface scrapersprior to
some 6000 activated sludge plants in France and found winter freezing to prevent damage by frozen foam. In
that 2O7oof all plants and 87Voof the extended aeration warm climates, the accumulated foam rapidly becomes
plants had foaming problems at one time or another. Of odorous.
the 58 activatedsludgesexaminedmicroscopically,45Vo A survey of U.S. plants with anaerobicdigester foam-
contained M. parvicella as the dominant filamentous ing problems by van Niekerk et al. (1987) showed that
organism. many digester foaming incidents can be attributed to the
Pitt andJenkins(1990)conducteda nationwidesurvey presenceof nocardioforms in the waste activated sludge
of activated sludge foaming in the U.S. Of the 114 fed to the digester.In laboratory-scaleanaerobic digester
responses,75 (66Vo)indicated that they experiencedsome experiments,van Niekerk et al. also showedthat digesters
type of foaming at one time or another. As part of this fed with primary sludge alone did not produce stable
survey, the nocardioform levels in foam and mixed liquor foam; when waste activated sludge containing nocardio-
samples were determined for the plants in terms of a forms was digestedwith the primary sludge, a stablefoam
numerical scale rating based on the subjective scoring was produced.
7', \

Activated Sludge Foamingand Control 133

FICURE5.1 Phasecontrastmicrographsof nocardioformandM. pamicellafoams;(a) and(b) nocardioforms (possiblyG. amarae),

(c) and (d) S.pinensis,and (e) nd (f) M. panicella. (Originalmagnification100x,(a), (c), and (e); 1000x,(b), (d), and (0.) (See
color insertfollowing page70.)

b. Anaerobic Digesters Foam penetrationbetweenfloating coversand

Anaerobic digester foaming due to nocardioforms has digesterwalls leadingto overflowof foamonto
caused the following operating problems in wastewater the floatingcoveror ontothe groundsunound-
treatment plants: ing the digester(Figure5.2)
Pressurization of digesterdue to blockedgas
. Blockage of gas mixing devices leading to piping and pressurerelief valves leading to
escapeof gas through water seals
structuralfailure of fixed roof.
. Inversion of digester solids profiles
Tipping of floating coversleadingto damageto
. Gas binding of sludgerecirculation pumps lead- gasmixing equipment
ing to an inability to heat the digesters Destructionof sludgelagoon coversand gas
. Entrapment in, and fouling, of gas collection collectionequipment(Figure5.2)
134 P r oblem s
M anualo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

FIGURE 5.2 Nocardioform foaming in activatedsludge:

(a) foam overflowingaerationbasins,(b) operatorswading
through foam on walkway between aeration basins,
(c) foam escapingfrom plant into roadway,(d) anaerobic
digester overflowing with foam, (e) secondary clarifier
covered with thick foam layer, and (f.) sludge lagoon cover
and sludge withdrawal equipment destroyed by foam.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 135

,,,,,, ,-';ffi'"iy*:*
+6daa66da66adDr ,ko6ddbd6aa6dd6
(a) (b)

Hydrophobic particles

FIGURE 5.3 Air-in-water foams of varioustypes: (a) without surfactant,(b) surfactantaccumulatingat air-water interface,and (c)
hydrophobic solids accumulating at interface. Note that solid particles can bridge acrossthe air bubble and prevent drainage of water.

c. PathogenicNocardioforms age (gravity flow) and evaporation.Foams can be stabi-

Some of the actinomycetesisolated from activated sludge lized by surfaceactive agents(surfactants)- molecules
foams are opportunistic human pathogens (N. caviae, attracted to the air-water interface (Figure 5.3b). In a
N. brasiliensis, N. asteroides, and strains of Mycobacte- sense,thesemoleculesstrengthenthe water fllm between
rium; Lechevalier, 1975; and N. farcinica; Stratton et al., the air bubbles and allow it to become thinner before it
1996). Although no incidents of human infection with ruptures.Foamsgeneratedfrom solutionscontainingsur-
nocardioforms from wastewater treatment plants have factants therefore last longer than those produced in the
been reported, the potential exists that aerosolsgenerated absenceof surfactants.
by aeration systemscan dispersetheseorganismsto where b. Solids-ContainingFoams
they come in contact with treatment plant workers or
Another way to stabilize foams is by the addition of hydro-
inhabitants of areas surrounding wastewater treatment
phobic particles (particles that are poorly wetted by
plants. The significanceof this potential should not be
water). This producesa three-phasefoam consisting of
underestimated, especiallywith the increasingnumbersof
dispersedphasesof air, a hydrophobic solid, and a con-
immunologically suppressedindividuals in the general
tinuouswater phase.The hydrophobicsolid particlestend
to congregateat the air-water interface,again making it
stronger.If the hydrophobic panicles are large enough,
B. Pnoposro Mtcnnxtst*,tsor Fo*rlntc
they may bridge the water film, effectivelycreatinga dam
1. Introduction that impedesliquid drainageand film thinning that even-
tually resultsin film rupture (Figure 5.3c).
Factors that affect nocardioform foaming can be grouped It has been proposed that nocardioform organisms
into those that encouragethe growth of nocardioforms in have hydrophobiccell walls due to the presenceof long
activated sludge and those that encourage foaming. chain mycolic acids on their surfaces(Minnikin, 1982).
Although interrelated,the former are largely microbiolog- Recent work suggeststhat other factors may also be
ical and the latter are mainly physical/chemical.The foam- important in determining nocardioform cell-wall hydro-
causing factors will be addressedfirst. phobicity (Stratton et al., 1998). If nocardioform organ-
isms grow in sufficientnumbersin activatedsludge,they
2. Physical/ChemicalFactors will render the flocs hydrophobic enough to attach to
air-water interfaces(e.g., bubbles in an aeration basin)
a. Nature of Foam and be carried to the basin surface. At the surface, the
Some foams are two-phasedispersionsof gas (air) bubbles foam will drain and the scum or foam will becomemore
in a liquid (water) or solid (Styrofoam). For air-in-water concentratedin terms of SS and nocardioform organism
foams, the air is the dispersed phase and water is the content than the mixed liquor. SS concentrationsas high
continuousphase(Figure 5.3a). Foams collapsethrough as 4 to 6Vohavebeenobservedin collapsednocardioform
thinning of the water layer separatingthe air bubble from foams.
the surrounding air to the point where the pressureinside Pitt and Jenkins (1990), in their survey of U.S. acti-
the bubble is great enough to rupture the liquid film and vated sludge plants, found that aeration basin foams
burst the bubble. Liquid film thinning takesplace by drain- always had higher numerical nocardioform organism
| 36 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

abundancethan the mixed liquors from which they were 4000

derived. Wheeler and Rule (1980) reported that mixed J
Total suspendedsolids before foaming tesl
liquor contained up to 106 nocardioform microcolo-
.; 3500
nies/ml and that the foam generatedfrom it contained up E

to 1012nocardioform microcolonies/ml. Vega-Rodriquez

(1983) observedthat when activated sludge containing E :ooo

nocardioform organisms was aerated in the laboratory, Total suspendedsolids after foaming test

typically '75 to 9OVoof the nocardioform filaments (on a d zsoo

filament length basis) were transferred into the foam. E

c. Roles of Surfactants 01234567
The presenceof surfactantsenhancesthe amount of foam CTASconcentration,
producedby an activatedsludgecontaining nocardioforms
FIGURE5.5 Effectof foamingon mixedliquorsuspended sol-
and increasesfoam stability. For surfactantsto exert this ids containingvariousamountsof Igepal C-620 at EBMUD.
effect, they must be poorly or slowly biodegradable so Nocardioformswere not present.(From Ho, C.F. and Jenkins,
that they persist in the aeration basin. Ho and Jenkins D. (1991),WaterSci.Technol.,23:4-6,879.With permission.)
(1991) demonstratedthis effect by conducting foaming
experiments on mixtures of various amounts of a slowly minerals of commercial value are separatedfrom nonva-
biodegradablenonionic surfactant - an alkyl phenol luable material (gangue)by flotation.A chemical(collec-
ethoxylateknown as Igepal C-620, using (l) an activated tor) is added to the ground-up mixture of mineral and
sludge that contained nocardioform organisms from the ganguein water.The collector specificallyadsorbson the
Victor Valley, CA activatedsludge system and (2) an acti- mineral particles and renders them hydrophobic. A sur-
vated sludge that did not contain nocardioform organisms factant is also added to enhance foam production upon
from the East Bay Municipal Utility District activated aeration.The hydrophobic mineral-collector combination
sludgesystemin Oakland,CA (Figure5.4 and Figure5.5). attachesto air bubbles and is floated to the surface. The
The Victor Valley sludge revealed considerabletrans- surfactantstabilizesthe float so that it can be skimmed off.
port of SS from the activated sludge during foaming and In'activated sludge, nocardioform and M. parvicella
the foam height increasedsignificantly as the surfactant filaments can be regarded as the hydrophobic collectors
concentrationincreased.A stable,brown, SS-containing for activatedsludge flocs. The aerationair producesa float
foam was produced.In the East Bay activatedsludge,the of activated sludge flocs stabilized by poorly degraded
SS contentdid not decreasesignificantlyduring foaming. influent surfactantsor biologically produced surfactants.
A small amount of very unstablewhite foam containing In this sense,it is betterto view nocardioformfoaming as
little SS was produced.Foamingof activatedsludgecon- a flotation processrather than a foaming process.
taining nocardioform organismsreducedthe nocardioform In many instances of nocardioform foaming in acti-
level in the activatedsludge almost three-fold. vatedsludgeplants,anecdotalhistoryofthe foaming prob-
Theseobservationssuggestthat a useful analogycan lem often revealsthat modestamountsof foam are present
be drawn between nocardioform and M. parvicella foam- much of the time and very severefoaming incidents with
ing in activated sludge and the processof mineral benefi- rapid onsets(in a matter of hours) occasionallyoccur. It
ciationby flotation(Willis, 1988).In mineralbeneficiation, is possible that the severe foaming events are related to
increasedsurfactant levels. Thus, one could reason that a
4000 ROO nocardioform-containing activated sludge in the absence
J of surfactant could produce a modest amount of foam. A
u ,Jotal suspendedsolids before foaming test

__t __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:0 slug discharge of poorly biodegradable surfactant (e.g.,

= 3000 700 : from clean-up processesin an industry) to this system
could provide foam stabilization that would causea rapid
o o
E onset of severenocardioform foamine in the wastewater
B 2000 600; treatment plant.
o It is possible that surflactantsplay a biological role in
6 o Total suspendedsolids after foaming test
'5 addition to a physical/chemical one in stabilizing foam.
1000 500< Bendt et al. (1989) showed that a pilot plant activated
01 23 45 sludge system operatedat a 6-d MCRT and 15 to 18oC
and fed with wastewatercontaining 30 to 150 mg lipids/L
FIGURE 5.4 Effect of foaming on mixed liquor suspendedsol- containedvery few nocardioforms.When the influent lipid
ids containing various amounts of lgepal C-620 at Victor Valley, concentration was increasedto 250 mg/L by adding veg-
Nocardioforms were present. etable oil, and 10 mg/L of a surfactant was added, the
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 137

Primary Primary
sfflusnl RAS gfflugn1RAS


r)t )t

Aeration basin Aeration basin

*os *l J urou.n, nos*--l

(a) (b)

FIGURE 5.6 Details of aerationbasin outlets and secondaryclarifier overflows: (a) foam-trappingunit and (b) nontrappingunit.
(From Cha. D.K. et al. (1992), WaterEnviron. Res.,64,37. With permission.)

nocardioforms became the predominant microorganisms e. Foam Trapping and Recycling

in the activated sludge. Bendt et al. suggested that the Nocardioform foam problems increaseenormously when
surfactantemulsified the lipids, making them more readily the floated material is trapped on the surfacesof treatment
accessibleas substratesfor nocardioform organisms. units and especially when the trapped foam is removed
d. Anaerobic Digester Foaming and recycled through the treatment plant. Foam trapping
occurs whenever the free water surface is intercepted by
One prerequisite for the production of foam or a float is
a structure(e.g., a wall or baffle) that makes the water
the presenceof a gas phase. Since all activatedsludge
leave the treatment unit by a subsurfaceroute rather than
systemsare aeratedin one way or another,it is not possible
by an overflow.
to eliminate the gas phase from an aerationbasin. This
approach however is a viable method for reducing nocar- Cha et al. (1992) compared the nocardioform popula-

dioform foaming in anaerobic digesters. All anaerobic tions in laboratory activated sludge systems with the two
digesters produce gas from digestion, but a far greater aerationbasin and secondaryclarifier configurationsillus-
volume of gas is passedthrough the digesting sludgeby trated in Figure 5.6. The trapping configuration had a
gasmixing devicesthanby the gasproducedby digestion. subsurfaceaeration basin draw-off and a scum baffle pre-
van Niekerk et al. (1987) showedthat the foam level ceded the secondaryclarifier weir. The nontrapping con-
produced in laboratory anaerobic digestersfed a mixture figuration had an overflow aeration basin outlet and no
of primary sludge and waste activated sludge containing secondaryclarifier scum baffle. Figure 5.7 shows that
nocardioform organisms was a function of the digester nocardioform populations in the trapping unit were up to
mixing method. The most foam was produced by fine five times higher than those in the nontrapping unit. This
bubble gas mixing followed by coarsebubble gas mixing nocardioform population increase was due only to foam
followed by mechanicalmixing (Figure 5.38). trapping since Cha and coworkers wasted both foam and
mixed liquor in the same proportions. The recycle of
These results suggestthat nocardioform foaming in
wasted foam would increase nocardioform levels even
digesters may be minimized through the use of a mixing
system that does not introduce small- to medium-size
bubbles into the digester. Several anaerobicdigester mix- The effect of foam trapping can be observed in full-
ing methods can achieve this objective. External pump scale plants by comparing the amount of foam accumula-
mixing does not add any gas bubbles. tion on aeration basins with and without foam trapping
Anaerobic digester foaming due to nocardioforms can features. Figure 5.8 shows an aeration basin with three
occur prior to appearingon the aerationbasinsfrom which passes.The first two passesare connected by subsurface
the WAS is fed to the digester. This most likely occurs outlets, while the third pass has an overflow weir as an
because the TSS concentration in the digester is much outlet. Foam accumulateson the surface of the first two
higher than in the aeration basin. Thus, a given volume of passeswhile the third passretains very little, if any, foam.
anaerobic digester contents contains more nocardioform One often hearsthe following questionposedconcern-
filaments (and therefore more foam-producing hydropho- ing nocardioform foaming: Why is nocardia so common
bic surface) than the mixed liquor. now in the U.S. when it never was before? Perhapsthe
138 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

IMCRT= 10d---------------- MCRT= 5 d!
,r ) Foam : : Foam
E oo12 - - --.-- -----rlr- -- foam
No - traooine -+
? s- tr a p p r n g : "- i
ov :
F x10

fr'5 s
o tr o

Rb a
i. e-

Day of experiment

FIGURE 5.7 Effect of foam trapping on nocardioform organism populations in bench-scaleactivated sludge units. (From Cha, D.K.
et al. (1992), Water Environ. Res., 64, 37. With permission.)



Subsurface secondary
poft clarifier -

FIGURE 5.8 Effect of foam trapping outlets on surface accumulation of foam on passesof an aeration basin.

answerlies in the foam trapping and recycle issuediscussed Incineration (1.37o)

above. In modem activated sludge plants, it is common Gravitythickener(5.37o)
practice to place scum baffles ahead of the weirs in
Landnll (2.
secondary clarifiers. Anything that floats in a secondary Beltfilter(1.3%
clarifier, (including nocardioform-rich activated sludge Headwo*s (27.1Vo\
Anaerobic digester (8.07o
particulates)is trapped by the scum baffles, removed, and
often recycled back through the treatmentplant. This recy-
cling of nocardioforms provides them with a significant
competitive advantage. In secondary clarifiers without
scum baffles, any floating material is washed over the (1.3%
weirs into the effluent. In this type of secondaryclarifier, WAS wet well (6. Aerobicdigester( 167o)
floatation is disadvantageousfor microorganisms. RAS wet
Pitt and Jenkins (1990) in their survey of foaming well1o.3%o\

problems in activated sludge plants found that many of

FIGURE 5.9 Methods of disposal of foam removed from treat-
the foam disposal methods recycled the material directly ment basins. Methods represented by shaded areas can recyle
or indirectly back through the plant. Figure 5.9 showsthat foam.(FromPitt,P.A.andJenkins,D. (1990),Res.J.WaterPollut.
65Vo of the methods used recycle the foam (i.e., to the ControlFed.,62, 143.With permission.)
headworks, gravity thickeners, WAS wet well, RAS wet
well, aerobic digester). chemostatconfigurations shown in Figure 5.10 produced
An additional effect of foam trapping was suggested significantly different G. amarae growth forms. When the
by the results of pure culture chemostat experiments on chemostat culture effluent was drawn off by an overflow
G. amarae strains isolated from San Francisco and Sac- weir, the G. amarae culture grew largely as clumps with
ramento activatedsludges(Blackall et at., 1991). The two diameters of up to 500 mm suspendedin a relatively clear
t_ ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control t 39


Aeration by surface 02 of culture

of culture

Aeration by bubbling air

( a) (b)

FIGURE 5.10 Chemostatconfigurationsand their effects on G. amarae growth: (a) head-spaceaeration and subsurfaceculture
withdrawal producedispersedG. amaraegrowth and (b) bubble aerationand surfaceoverflow culture withdrawal produceclumped
G. amarae growth. (From Blackall, L.L. et al. (1991), Res.J. WaterPollut. Control Fed.,63,44. With permission.)


liquid. When the chemostatculture withdrawal system Recent work by Narayanan(2002) has shown that the
was changedto a subsurfacewithdrawaldevice(Koopman amount of foam produced by activated sludge can be
et al., 1980), the G. amarae grew almost completely in directly relatedto the concentrationoffree-floating nocar-
f -.-
the form of dispersedfilament fragments. Merely chang- dioform filaments but does not bear any relationshipto
ing the configuration of effluent withdrawal allowed the floc-associated nocardioformfilament level. The rela-
switching back and forth betweenthesetwo greatly dif- tive abilitiesof floc-boundand free-floatingnocardioform
ferent culture morphologies.These observationscan be filamentsto producefoam is most likely the reasonShao
explained by the fact that the hydrophobic G. amarae et al. (1997) were ableto eliminateactivatedsludgefoam-
filaments tend to float. With an overflow culture with- ing by adding a cationic polymer at the Terminal Island
drawal, floating filamentswill be selectivelyremoved.If plant in Los Angeles.The polymer may act to flocculate
the filaments are able to aggregateand form clumps that the free-floatingnocardioformfilamentsinto the activated
settlefasterthan they float, the clumps will be selectively sludge flocs.
retainedin the chemostat.Hence, a clumped culture will
f. Foaming Tests
develop in a chemostat with a surface overflow culture
withdrawal. Caution must be paid in applying the resultsof laboratory
When the culture withdrawal is subsurface,floating foaming teststo full-scale activatedsludge systems.In a
f,laments will not be removed selectively.A dispersed laboratoryfoaming test,the maximum depthof liquid used
culture will be formed under thesecircumstancesbecause is on the order of I to 2 ft. In an aerationbasin,the liquid
growth in a dispersedform no longer offers the disadvan- depth is usually 15 ft or more. In a foaming test, flocs
tage of loss from the culture by floating and, compared to containing nocardioform organisms are brought to the
growth as clumps, dispersedcells have better accessto liquid surface.Becausethe length of the column of liquid
the substrate. below a given areaof liquid surfaceis much greaterin a
These data can be applied to observations made in full-scaleaerationbasin than in a laboratoryfoaming test,
activated sludge systems.When foam trapping occurs in it takes fewer nocardioform organismsto produce a stable
activated sludge, free-floating nocardioform fi laments are foam in a full-scale aeration basin than in a laboratory
usually seenin the bulk liquid outside the activatedsludge foam test. Therefore, the typical laboratory foam test is
flocs. Since free-floating nocardioform filaments expose an insensitiveindicator of foaming in prototype aeration
a greater amount of hydrophobic surface to the aqueous basins(Figure5.11).
phase than the filaments inside the flocs (nonfoam trap- The previousdiscussionsof nocardioform foam forma-
ping), they will provide greater enhancementof foaming. tion and the influences on it of various physical/chemical
Therefore, foam trapping increasesnocardioform levels in factors and reactor design indicate that foaming tests are
activated sludge and produces a culture with more free- poor methods for estimating nocardioform populations in
floating nocardioform filaments and a greater propensity activated sludge. Too many factors other than nocardio-
to foam. form population are involved in foaming. For this reason,
140 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

Foam test column Aeration basin actinomycetesin activatedsludge.Nocardioforms can use

a wide variety of organic substratesas carbon sources.
Theseinclude readily degradablecompoundssuchas sugars
and low molecular weight fatty acids and slowly biode-
gradable, high molecular weight compounds such as
polysaccharides,proteins,pesticides,and aromatic com-
pounds(Lemmer and Kroppenstedt,1984).
Some nocardioforms can grow saprophytically on

dead cell material. The cell yields of nocardioforms were
found to be proportional to substrateconcentrationsover
a very wide range from "several" mglL to 15,000 mg/L
(Segerer,1984).Lemmer (1986) postulatedthat nocardio-
forms used these growth capabilities to produce the high
populations associatedwith activatedsludge foaming. She
proposed that the ability to grow on slowly degradable
complex organic matter provided nocardioforms a niche
that other activated sludge heterotrophs were unable to
occupy; growth on thesesubstrates(at low concentrations)
was slow and a small population of nocardioforms

resulted. When high concentrationsof readily biodegrad-
able substratebecome available, it was proposed that the
ability of nocardioforms to produce cell material propor-
tional to substrate concentration over a wide range of
substrate concentrations allowed their populations to
FIGURE5.11 Relativeamountsof foamproduced on the sur-
increase to the high levels characteristicof foaming acti-
faceofa 2-footdeepfoamtestcolumnanda l5-foot deepaeration
vated sludge.
basinwith the samenocardioformorganismconcentrations.
Some doubt has been cast on the validity of this
Pitt and Jenkins ( I 990) developeda nocardioform filament hypothesisby the pure culture chemostatdata of Blackall
counting method (Table 2.3) based on the work of Vega- et al. (1991) on the growth of two strains of G. amarae
Rodriguez (1983). This technique can be replicated by (ASF3 from San Franciscoactivatedsludge and ASAC1
observersof the samesamplewith a coefficient of variation from Sacramentoactivated sludge) on acetate.Table 5.1
of about 20Vo.A similar method for M. parvicella was shows that maximum growth rates of G. amarae strains
developedby Mamais et al. (1988). were of the same order as those of floc-forming het-
erotrophic bacteria from a completely mixed activated
3. MicrobiologicalFactors sludge plant and for the filamentous organism Tlpe 021N.
Comparedto the floc-formingZoogloea ramigera bacteria
a. Factors Affecting Crowth from a selector activated sludge system, the G. amarae
It is probably fair to state that more is known about how strains were poor competitors both at low growth rates
to preventnocardioforms from growing in activatedsludge (low substrate concentrations) and at growth rates close
than what causestheir growth. Lemmer (1986) presented to the respective maximum growth rates (high substrate
severalpostulatesconcerning the growth of scum-causing concentrations;Figure 5. I 2).

SteadyStateKinetic Data lor G. amaraeStrains,Type021N, and Z. ramigera
Strain p,", (d) Ko"(mg acetate/L) Koo (mg O./L) Y (g SS/gacetate)

G. amaraeSF3 2.8 0.49 0 .l 3 0.42

G. amaraeASACI 3.0 2.5 0.41
Type021N 3. 8 0.07 0.06 0.38
AS2" 2.5 0.36
Z. ramigera 5.5 0.30 0.12 0.41
u Average of floc formers from a completely mixed activated sludge system (van Niekerk et al., 1987).

Source: From Blackall, L.L. et al. (1991), Res. J. Water Pollut. Control Fecl.,63,44. With permission.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 141

paper wastewatersusually have no oil and greasecompo-

nents and, in our experience, nocardioforms are rarely
observed in activated sludge systemstreating this type of
wastewater.However, on occasion, severe nocardioform
foaming has occurred due to an increasein oil and grease
from spills of hydraulic oil and from the use of oil-based
defoamers. Since there are many instances of nocardio-
form foaming in wastewaterwith low oil and greasecontent,
these substratescannot be the sole reason for excessive
nocardioform growth in activated sludge.

b. MCRT and Temperature

Anecdotal information suggests that the presence of
nocardioformsin activatedsludgeis associatedwith high
temperaturesrather than low temperaturesand with high
MCRT valuesratherthan low MCRTs. Pipes (1978) sug-
G. amarae ASACI
gested that nocardioform growth and foam formation in
activated sludge were problems associatedwith high
MCRT (>9 d) and high temperatures(>18'C). Wilson
et al. (1983)reportedthat successfulnocardioformcontrol
by wash-out was achievedat the 23rd Avenue plant in
012345 Phoenix, AZ only when the MCRT was decreased to
Substrate mgacetate/L
concentration, approximately I d. Summer wastewater temperaturesat
FICURE5.12 Predicted relationshipof growthratesto acetate this plant reached28oC.
for G. amaraestrains,Type021N,andZ. ramig'
concentration Beebe (1983) reportedthat nocardioformfoaming in
era. (From Blackall,L.L. et al. (1991),Res.J. WaterPollut. the first stage of the two-stage activated sludge system at
ControlFed.,63, 44. With permission.) the San Jose/SantaClara plant could be controlled by
increased sludge wasting (increasedF/M, decreased
MCRT) accompanied by chlorination of the RAS for a
Lemmer (1986) and Soddellet al. (1998) further pos- short time. Typical successfuloperating parametersfor
tulated that nocardioforms, becauseof their hydrophobic this techniquewere increasingF/M from 0.35 to 0.5 kg
properties and propensity to float in aeration basins, have BODr/kg MLVSS/d and chlorinatingthe RAS at approx-
selectiveaccessto substrates that float, includingoils, fats, imately 4 kg ClrllO3kg MLVSS/d for 4 to 5 d.
and greases.Soddellet al. (1998) showedthat nocardioforms
Pitt and Jenkins(1990) and Cha et al. (1992) conducted
can grow on vegetable oils and paraffin hydrocarbons.
laboratory scale activatedsludge experimentsto determine
Nocardioforms have often been observedadhering to and
the relationship between activated sludge nocardioform
even penetrating oil droplets (Marshall and Cruickshank, populationsand MCRT for a rangeof temperatures.In both
1973; Soddell et al., 1998) and, when grown on hydro- studies, completely mixed activated sludge units that
carbons, they can produce biosurfactants that emulsify employed the foam trapping features illustrated in Figure
nonpolar substrates(Margaritis et al., 79791,MacDonald 5.6a were used. Pitt and Jenkins'experimentswere done
etal., 1981; Cairns etal., 1982) and may also help in at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant in San
concentrating substratesat the air-water interface. Francisco. Cha and coworkers' experiments were con-
The role of externally added surfactants in making ducted at the SacramentoRegional WastewaterTreatment
nonpolar substratesavailable to nocardioforms has been Plant. The results of these studies are presentedin Figure
discussedpreviously (Bendt et al., 1989).Further,nocar- 5.13 and show that nocardioform populations generally
dioforms are adapted to dryness (Dommergues et al., increase with increasing MCRT over the entire range of
1978) and can protect themselvesagainst solar radiation MCRT tested(approximately 1.5 to 20d). For the 16"C
by producing pigments (Krinsky, 1979). Taking all these Sacramentoreactor,nocardioform populations declined to
factorsinto accountsuggeststhat surfacefoam may provide undetectablelevels (<104 intersections/gVSS) at an
an environment where nocardioforms can compete well MCRT of 2.2 d; for the 24oC Sacramentoreactor, wash-
in terms of substrateavailability and survival. out occurredat an MCRT of 1.5 d.
In support of these postulates,Matsche (1980) and In the San Francisco reactors, the same pattern of
Pipes (1987) both reported that the discharge of wastes increasing nocardioform organism populations with
high in oil or greaseto an activatedsludge plant can cause increasing MCRT and temperature was observed, but it
a rapid increase in nocardioform populations. Pulp and was not possible to obtain a wash-out of nocardioforms
142 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

:- San Francisco
=6 25'C H
20"C H
lgoc a.--a
€g l3"C o---o

o Sacramento
24oC a
16oC H

05101520253 0

FIGURE 5.13 Comparisonof nocardioformorganismpopulationsat a rangeof MCRTs and temperaturesin bench scale-activatedsludge
units at San Franciscoand at Sacramentoin Califomia. (From Cha, D.K. etal. (1992),Water Environ. Res.,64,37. With permission.)

Influent lnfluent



FIGURE 5.14 Schematicdiagram of scum flows and recycle streams(a) Southeastplant, San Francisco,CA and (b) regional
wastewater treatment plant in Sacramento,CA. (From Cha, D.K. et al. (1992), Water Environ. Res., 64,37. With permission.)

to undetectable levels nor discern any difference in the retention basinsand subnatantfrom the dissolvedair flota-
MCRT at which nocardioform populations began to tion units were both returned to the headworks.These dif-
decline from their levels at very high MCRTs at tempera- ferencesin foam handling and recycle streamssuggestthat
tures of 18, 20, and 25"C,. Furthermoreall the Sacramento seeding of the influent with nocardioforms from removed
nocardioform counts were below the "no nocardioform and recycled foam and from solids treatmentprocessrecy-
growth" level (at 13"C) at SanFrancisco.It was concluded cle streamswas the causeof the higher nocardioform pop-
that the difference between these data sets was due to the ulations and the inability to wash out nocardioformsin the
different practices employed at the two plants for dealing San Francisco activated sludge. Attempts to confirm this
with removed foam and the recycle streamsfrom the solids by detectingnocardioform filaments in the primary effluent
handling processes(Figure 5.14). entering the San Francisco activated sludge system were
At the time of the study in San Francisco, the foam not successful(Pitt and Jenkins, 1990).
from the mixed liquor channelswas returned to the head- The MCRT values obtained for nocardioform washout
works. At Sacramento,secondary scum from the mixed in thesestudies agreedvery well with those that employed
liquor channel was first sent to the WAS-dissolvedair flo- at the Sacramento and San Francisco plants to control
tation thickenersand thenceto the anaerobicdigesters.After foaming. Table 5.2 presents these data, and Figure 5.15
anaerobic digestion, all the digester contents were trans- shows an Arrhenius equation plot for a combination of the
ferred to solids retention basins that had sludge residence Sacramentopilot plant data and the full-scale plant data.
times on the order of 5 y. Supematant from the solids These data can be utilized to determine the MCRT
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 143

Wash-outMCRT (MCRTUsed for NocardioformOrganism
Control) at ActivatedSludgePlants
Source of Data Temperature(oC) MCRT (d)
Sacramento,CA - Pilot Plant 16 2.2
Sacramento,CA - Pilot Plant 24 1.6
Sacramento,CA - Full Scale (Summer) 22 1.8
Sacramento,CA - Full Scale (Winter) 18 2.2
San Francisco, CA - Full Scale 20 1.1
u Maximum month flow

Source: From Cha, D.K. er al. (1992), Water Environ. Res., 64, 37. With permission.

Temperature, oC
16.8 12.7

iE -0.2
) -nd 1.5 e

I -
E -n6 1.8>

! -r.s 2.2

- 1. 0
3.35 3.40 3.45 3.50
l/temperaturex 103

FIGURE5.15 Relationship of nocardioform (From Cha,

organismmaximumnet growth rate in activatedsludgeto temperature.
D.K. et al. (1992),WaterEnviron.Res.,64,37.With permission.)

required to wash out nocardioforms from activatedsludge mixed laboratory activated sludge units operated over a
over a range of temperatures. rangeof pH valuesbetween6.0 and 7.5 and at MCRT values
Soddelland Seviour(1995)suggestthat cautionshould of 3 and 8 d. Figure 5.16 shows that at both MCRTs, pH
be used when employing such an Arrhenius plot to predict influencedthe nocardioform counts in the activatedsludge.
the growth rate (MCRT) at which nocardioformswill wash This influence was greater at the 8-d MCRT and indicated
out from activated sludge becausethey showed that some an optimum in the region of pH 6.5; a similar trend was
nocardioforms isolated from activatedsludge grew at tem- evident in the data at an MCRT of 3 d. The value of the pH
peraturesof 4oC and others grew at temperaturesbetween optimum is significant from the viewpoint of nocardioform
40 and 50'C. They argued that changing the temperature occurrencein full-scale activatedsludge systems.
of an activated sludge to eliminate nocardioforms may In their survey of nocardioform foaming in prototype
actually result in the replacementof one nocardioform by activatedsludge plants, Pitt and Jenkins (1990) found that
another and a continuation of the foaming problem. They every one of the six oxygen-activated sludge plants
indicated that Rhodococcus spp. grew better than other responding to their questionnaire experienced nocardio-
nocardioforms at low MCRTs and low temperatures. form foaming. The averagemixed liquor pH value of the
Despite this argument, it has been our experiencethat the air-activatedsludge plants was 7; for the oxygen-activated
use of low MCRT for eliminating nocardioforms from sludge plants the averagepH value was 6.5. Lower mixed
activatedsludgehas been uniformly successfulin practice. liquor pH values are typically encounteredin oxygen-acti-
vated sludge plants becausethe mixed liquor is in contact
c. pH with a gas phase high in COr. In addition, it is important
Cha et al. (1992) examined the effect of pH on nocardio- to note that the aerationbasins in oxygen-activatedsludge
form populations in activated sludge using completely systems always have subsurface withdrawal of mixed
1 44 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

M C R T =8 d o . . . o
v) l MCRT=3d o--o
=-< 6

ix s T.


z+ ?
0. 1
5. 5 6.0 6.5 '1-0 7.5 8.0

FIGURE 5.16 Effect of pH on nocardioform organism populationsin bench scale-activatedsludge units. (From Cha, D.K. etal.
(1992), WaterEnviron. Res.,64,37. With permission.)

liquor so that foam trapping occurs. The relative impor- Blackall et al. (1991) grew G. amarae ASF3 and
tance of foam trapping and mixed liquor pH on the high ASACI in a chemostatwith acetateas a solecarbonsource
occurrenceof nocardioform foaming in oxygen-activated over a wide range of dilution rates. The organisms were
sludge is not known precisely.However,an examination removedfrom the chemostatand their batch acetateuptake
of Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.16 suggeststhat foam trapping rates determinedunder aerobic conditions (DO present),
might well be the more important factor. Figure 5.7 sug- anoxic conditions (no DO present;NO;-N or NO|-N
gests that the installation of trapping features in the labo- present) and anaerobicconditions (no DO, NOf-N, or
ratory pilot plant increasedthe nocardioform count approx- NOt-N present).Batch substrateuptake rates suggest
imately ten-fold.Figure 5.16 suggeststhat a changein pH how well an organismwill fare in a selector;high substrate
from about7.0 (typical pH of air activatedsludgesystems) uptake rate provides a competitive advantage.
to 6.5 (typical pH of oxygen activatedsludge systems)
would resultin an increasein nocardioformcount ofabout 2. Aerobic Selectors
2O7oor about 1/50 of the effect on nocardioform count due
to foam trapping.The occurrenceofboth low pH and foam In Figure 5.17, the aerobicbatch acetateuptakerates for
trapping in the same system should provide excellent con- G. amarae are comparedto thoseof Zoogloea ramigera -
ditions for nocardioform growth and retention. a floc former found in selectoractivatedsludge and shown
It is often observed that nocardioform foaming inci- by van Niekerk et al. (1987)to be responsiblefor the rapid
dents often coincide with the onset of nitrification. This uptake of soluble COD in an aerobic selector.The varia-
observation can be explained in terms of both MCRT and tion of batch acetate uptake rate with organism growth
pH effects.First, the onset of nitrification indicatesthat rate (dilution rate) is quite different for these two organ-
the aerobicMCRT is sufficientlyhigh to allow the growth isms. Of significance for nocardioform organism control
of nitrifying bacteria.Second,the consumptionof alka- is the observation that only at very low dilution rates is
linity by nitrification can result in depressedpH which the G. amarae ASF 3 unbalanced growth acetateuptake
also favors the growth of nocardioforms. rate greater than that of Z. ramigera.
It should be recognized that the organism dilution
III. NOCARDIOFORM CONTROT rates usedin thesestudies(range I to 5/d) are significantly
higher than those used in most full-scale activated sludge
A. NocnnororoRM
Sruocr systems.Also, the uniform growth environment provided
in a chemostat differs from the temporally and spatially
1. lntroduction
variable environment provided in a full-scale system.This
The abilities of the varioustypes of selectors(aerobic, latter factor may result in differences in the physiological
anoxic,andanaerobic)to controlnocardioformgrowthin stateof the organisms.Nevertheless,the data presentedin
activatedsludgehasbeenexaminedby a combinationof Figure 5.17 suggestthat an aerobicselectormay be more
pure culture experimentson G. amarae and activated effective in controlling nocardioforms in activated sludge
sludgeexperiments at laboratory,pilot andfull-scale. at a moderate MCRT than at a hish MCRT.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 145

ondary clarif,er weir. The aerobic selector was judged to

be functioning properly on the basis of its rapid soluble
COD uptake rate in a batch test, control of SVI, and
observation of typical amorphous zoogloeal colonies in
the flocs.
1J Figure 5.18 shows that at a 5 d MCRT, the nocardio-
d form count in the completely mixed control unit increased
from an initial value of 106intersections/gVSS to 5 x 106
. ! : lo
after about 2 or 3 MCRTs and thereafterremainedbetween
3.5 x 106and 6 x 106until the end of the experiment (after
Eg 7.5 MCRTs). The nocardioform count in the aerobic selec-
tor unit, on the other hand, declined gradually from its
!2 =,
EE6 initial value of 106 to a value of 105 at the end of the
experiment. The results indicate that, at a 5-d MCRT, the
aerobic selector controlled nocardioforms.When the aer-
L Z. ramigera obic selectorwas operatedat a 10-dMCRT (Figure 5.19),
O G. amarae ASF3 effective nocardioform control was not observed.After one
o G. amarae ASACI MCRT, nocardioform counts in the CSTR control system
fluctuatedbetween 107and 1.7 x lO7.while those in the
01234 5 aerobic selector unit were somewhat lower (in the range
rate,d-l of 5 x 106to 107intersections/gVSS) over the 9-MCRT
experiment.While the aerobic selectornocardioform pop-
FIGURE5.17 Comparison of G. amaraeandZ. ramigeratran- ulations were in a somewhatlower range than those in the
sient stateacetateuptakeratesover a rangeof dilution rates. control system, Figure 5.19 shows that toward the end of
(FromBlackall,L.L. et al. (1991),Res.J. Pollut.ControlFed.,
the experiment (from 7 to 9 MCRTs), the nocardioform
63, 44. With permission.)
counts in both units were very close. On this basis, it can
be stated that effective nocardioform control was not
Cha et al. (1992) investigatedthe ability of an aerobic achievedby an aerobic selector at an MCRT of l0 d.
selector to control nocardioform populations in activated Operating results from the 27 -MGD Upper Occoquan
sludge at MCRTs of 5 and l0 d using a four-compartrnent Sewage Authority (UOSA) Water Reclamation Plant
selectorat a temperatureof 20'C. A DO concentrationof at (WRP) in Centreville, VA are consistent with the results
least5.0 mg/L was maintainedin all selectorcompartments of Cha etaL (1992)'.The UOSA WRP utilizes aerobic
and in the main aerationbasin.All units had nocardioform selectorsto control filamentousbulking (Daigger et al.,
foam trapping features, i.e., subsurfaceaeration basin 1985;Daigger and Nicholson, 1990).The effectivenessof
mixed liquor withdrawal and a baffle in front of the sec- the selector in controlling the growth of filamentous

(t MCRT=5d CSTRcontrol o----o

;) Aerobic selector o------o




No. ofMCRTs

F|GURE 5.1 8 Effect of aerobic selector on nocardioform organism population at a 5-day MCRT. (From Cha, D.K. et al. (1992),
Water Environ. Res., 64,37. With permission.)
146 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

MCRT = 10d CSTRcontrol o------r

U) Aerobic selector o-----o

s .9


No. ofMCRTs

FIGURE 5.19 Effect of aerobic selector on nocardioform organism population at a l0-day MCRT. (From Cha, D.K. etal. (1992),
WaterEnviron. Res.,64,37. With permission.)

organisms is demonstrated by SVIs routinely below dioform control. This possibility was investigatedby Cha
100 mllg in the full-scale system.Operatingexperience etal. (1992) at an MCRT of 12 d. The anoxic selector
indicates that the selectors are effective in controlling design described earlier was used. It was shown to func-
nocardioform foaming in the summer (wastewater tem- tion satisfactorily as a selector by soluble COD uptake
perature generally above 20"C) when the MCRT is main- and NOr-N removal over the selector of approximately
tained within the 5- to 8-d range. However, nocardioform 40 mglL and approximately 5 mg/L, respectively,control
foaming occurs when the MCRT exceeds l0 d, even ofSVIto <100 mllg, and presenceofamorphous zoogloeal
though the selector is operated. Nocardioform foaming colonies in the activated sludge.
does not generally occur in the winter (wastewater tem- Figure 5.20 shows that the CSTR control unit exhib-
perature l5oC or lower), even though MCRTs of 10 to ited nocardioform counts that ranged from 106to 4 x 106
15 d are maintained. intersections/gVSS over a period of 7 MCRTs (generally
increasingthroughout the experiment).In the sameperiod,
3. Anoxic Selectors
the anoxic selector system nocardioform count remained
At MCRT values >10 d, activated sludge systemsoperat- between 5 x lOs and 106intersections/gVSS. After 66 d
ing at temperatures of >20oC usually will nitrify. This (5.5 MCRTs), the contents of the reactors were inter-
offers the opportunity to use an anoxic selectorfor nocar- changedso that the CSTR control aerobic activatedsludge

MCRT= 12d q
a CSTRcontrol H .E
-r) Anoxic selectorG--o
E{9 !l





No. ofMCRTs

FIGURE 5.20 Effect of anoxic selector on nocardioform organism populations. (From Cha, D.K. et al. (1992),Water Environ. Res.,
64, 37. With permission.)
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 147

t20 Results from other full-scale plants utilizing anoxic

selectors indicate the dual impact of an anoxic selector
tr and of foam trapping and recycling. The 17-MGD
o (0.74 m3/s)Rock Creek,OR plant usesan anoxic selector
trn for filament control and alkalinity recovery (Daigger and
Nicholson, 1990).An accumulationof nocardioformfoam
is observedduring periodswhen secondaryscum is recy-
AA cled to the plant headworks. Similarly, nocardioform
foaming was observed during pilot studies for the
40-MGD (1.75 m3/s)VIP plant in Norfolk, VA (Daigger
'a et al., 1988)and in the completedfull-scalefacility. Both
Aerobic rate anoxic and anaerobicselectorswere incorporated into the
VIP pilot and full-scalefacilities.Foam trappingoccuffed
;,4 0
in both the pilot and full-scale units and may explain the
nocardioform foaming incidents. Nocardioform foaming
at other full-scale nutrient removal plants that incorporate
A Anoxic (NO2)
o Anoxic (NOj) anoxic zones for nitrogen removal is often attributed to
tr Anaerobic foam trapping causedby the placementof baffles.Taken
together,theseresults indicate that anoxic selectorsmay
help to control nocardioform growth but their positive
05101 5 2 0
Time,h effects may be offset by foam trapping and recycling.

FICURE5.21 Transientstateacetateuptakeby G. amarae 4. Anaerobic Selectors

ASF3 underaerobic,anoxic,and anaerobic conditions.(From
Blackalf, L.L. et al. (1991),Res.J. WaterPollut.ControlFed., Data on the effectivenessof anaerobicselectorsin con-
63, 44. With permission.) trolling nocardioformgrowth in activatedsludge are not
asextensiveas datafor aerobicand anoxic selectors.How-
ever, as a result of the work of severalinvestigators(Pitt
was placed in the anoxic selectorsystem and vice versa. and Jenkins,1990;Blackall etal., 1991;Mamais, 1992;
The nocardioformcount in the activatedsludgefrom the and Fainsodet al., 1999), it is possibleto conclude that
control unit immediately and rapidly decreasedunder anaerobic selectors intended to control nocardioform
anoxic selector conditions; the anoxic selector sludge growth in activatedsludge must be operatedto allow the
placedin the CSTR control unit showeda gradualincrease establishment of EBPR.
in nocardioform count to levels above those observed This can be judged using several criteria including
while this sludge was in the anoxic selectorunit. These efficient phosphorusremoval, initial anaerobicreleaseof
experiments suggestthat properly designed anoxic selec- dissolvedorthophosphate from activatedsludgeaccompa-
tors should be effective in controlling nocardioforms in nied by dissolved COD uptake, presence of Neisser-
activatedsludge.They are also consistentwith the pure positivecell clumps in activatedsludgeflocs, and elevated
culture data of Blackall et al. (1991) on G. amarae who activatedsludge total P content (>27o PIYSS). The con-
showedthat G. amarae could not take up acetatein anoxic clusionis supportedby the following experimentalresults.
batch tests(Figure 5.21) and that it denitrifled at rates two Blackall et al. (1991) showedthat G. amarae neither
to three orders of magnitude lower than for Z. ramigera took up acetate(Figure 5.21) nor grew under anaerobic
(van Niekerk et al., 1987) and only incompletely to conditions, indicating that anaerobic selectors should
NO2-N, rather than N, gas (Table 4.8). provide conditions where nocardioforms can be out-
Sezgin and Karr (1986) convertedthe first passof a competed by microorganismsthat can accesssubstrate
four-pass aeration basin in a nitrifying activated sludge anaerobically.
plant at Utoy Creek, GA to an anoxic zone by reducing Laboratory-scaleexperiments(Pitt and Jenkins,1990)
the air flow to the coarsebubble diffusers. On three occa- at the San Francisco South East Water Pollution Control
sions out of five, Richardset al. (1989) reportedthat this Plant failed to demonstrateconsistentcontrol of nocardio-
was successfulin reducing foam coverageof the aeration form organisms by an anaerobic selector. Their experi-
basins.A truly anoxiczonewas not obtained(0.2 to 0.5 mg ments were confoundedby the growth of Thiothrix spp. in
DO/L was present)becauseof the use of aerationfor mix- the test system activated sludge. Pagilla (1994) overcame
ing; also low aeration rates in the anoxic zone limited the thesedifficulties,using the findings of Gabb et al. (1989)
extent of nitrification in the plant, meaning that less NO,- to eliminate filamentous organism seeding by S. natans,
N was recycled back to the anoxic zone in the RAS. Type 1701andThiothrix spp.from feed transmissionlines
148 M anu a lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac t i vatedS IudgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng, Pr oblem s
and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

and storagevessels.Pagilla's experimentsutilized 40-L mixed liquor channel.The RAS cross-contamination was
reactors consisting of a control reactor with four aerated rectifiedfor the 1988testing.
l0-L compartments in series and an anaerobic selector Nocardioform organism counts, secondary clarifier
reactor with a four-compartment selector (2.5 L, each foam coverage,and foam height in a foam test were some-
compartment) followed by three aerated 10-L compart- what lower in the anaerobic selector system than in the
ments in series.Anaerobic selectortotal HRT was 50 min. control first stage.A small (0.8 to 2.4 mg P/L) soluble
Anaerobic selectorcontentswere mixed and kept free ortho-P releaseoccurred in the anaerobic selector system
of DO by purging with zero gradeNr gas in all four stages. but not in the control. At no time did the control or anaer-
DO was 8 mg/L in the first aeration basin stageand about obic selector systems show any differences in overall
4.0 mglL in the final stage.The aerationbasinsand sec- phosphateremoval.
ondary clarifiers had the following foam trapping features: The full-scale anaerobicselectortest was repeatedin
subsurfacemixed liquor transfer between aeration basin summer 1988 using the following anaerobicselectorcon-
and secondary clarifiers; scum baffle in secondary clari- ditions: initial F/Ms of 1.5, 1.6, and 2.1 kg BOD./kg
fier; and secondary clarifler scum returned to aeration MLVSS/d, hydraulic detentiontimes of 9, 10, and 13 min,
basin. Once bulking-free operationhad been established and overallMCRTs of 1.6,2.1. and 1.5 d. Cross-contam-
ination due to foam spilling from the control systeminto
in the control and EBPR had beenestablishedin the anaer-
the anaerobicselectorsystemoccurredfor the first 5 wk
obic selector, nocardioform filament counts remained
of the experiment.
below the level of detectionof lOaintersections/gVSS in
The 1988 results again showed that the anaerobic
the anaerobic selector system. In the control, they
selectorhad slightly lower nocardioformorganismcounts,
increasedfrom below detection levels to the 105to 106
secondaryclarifier foam coverage,and foam height in a
intersections/gVSS range. These experiments demon-
foaming testthan in the control system.Anaerobicsoluble
stratedthat an anaerobicselectorexhibiting EBPR (and
ortho-Preleasewasonly 2.1 to2.9 mgPlL in theanaerobic
operatedunder conditions of MCRT = 2.4 d, temperature=
selector system and the two systems again showed no
20"C, pH = 6.3, anaerobicselectorHRT = 50 min, and
differencesin overall phosphateremoval efficiency.
total reactorHRT = 3.3 h) can control nocardioformorgan-
Both the aboveanaerobicselectorexperimentsof Pitt
ism growth in an activatedsludge plant that has foam-
and Jenkins (1990) were carried out at MCRT values in
trapping features.
the range 1.4 to 2.3 d - operatingvaluesthat had been
Full-scale anaerobicselectorexperimentswere con- employedby plant staff to provide some degreeof foam-
ducted at the San FranciscoSouth East Water Pollution ing control by nocardioformorganismwash-out.
Control Plant (SEWPCP) from May through October EBPR is usually accompaniedby the uptake of bio-
1987,May throughOctober1988,1992,and1994through degradablesoluble organicsin an anaerobicselectorand
1995 (Pitt and Jenkins, 1990; Mamais, 1992; Fainsod without this uptake of soluble organics (and therefore
et al., 1999).The SEWPCPmixed liquor pH and temper- without EBPR), the beneficialeffectsof the selectorwill
ature during thesestudieswere in the rangesof 6.3 to 6.8 not be exhibited.Mamais and Jenkins(1992) determined
and l7 to 19"C, respectively).This oxygen-activated the minimum MCRT at which activatedsludgewill exhibit
sludgeplant includessix equal-size-compartment aeration enhancedbiological phosphorusremoval (EBPR) over a
basinsand eight treatmenttrains. For the experiments in range of temperatures(Figure 5.22). These data can be
1987 and 1988. four trains were convertedto the A/O usedto establishthe minimum MCRT at which an anaer-
process by making the first compartment anaerobic obic selectorrelying on EBPR can be operatedfor a range
(replacing the 50-Hp aerator with a 10-Hp submersible of temperatures.Figure 5.23 shows that the wash-out
mixer and feeding the Or gas to the secondcompartment). MCRT for nocardioforms in activated sludge (Cha et al.,
The sizes of the interstageopenings were decreasedto 1992) is very close to the wash-out MCRT for EBPR at
preventback-mixing betweenstages. a given temperature.Thus, a plant operatedat a low MCRT
During 1987, the three following anaerobicselector for nocardioform organism control (such as the San Fran-
operatingconditionswere examined:MCRTs of 1.4,2.0, cisco plant during Pitt and Jenkins' 1990 experiments)
and 2.3 d; initial selectorF/Ms of 6.6,'7.8,and 13.2kg will very likely be unable to consistentlysupportEBPR
BOD./kg MLVSS/d, and average hydraulic detention and therefore would not provide satisfactory conditions
times of 13, 19, and 25 min. While it was possible to for an anaerobic selector.
separatethe plant into two halves, the results were con- To test this hypothesis Mamais (1992) operated the
founded by cross-contaminationbetween the control and SanFranciscoplant at MCRT valuesranging from approx-
the anaerobic selector systemsby spilling of control RAS imately 1.5 to 2.5 d and with anaerobicselectorHRTs in
over a common wall into anaerobic selector RAS and the range of 15 to 25 min. By the time of these experi-
spilling of fbam from the control mixed liquor into the ments,the entire facility had beenconvertedto an anaerobic
anaerobicselectormixed liquor over a dividing gate in the selectorplant so that a side-by-sidecontrol and anaerobic
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 149

Temperature, oC
25.5 21 t'7
0.0 1.0

ln (netp.u*) = 4366(IIT) + 14.2 t.2 E

b Slope= E"rR-+ Eu= 36.3L17.o1" I
-0.4 1.5u

> -0.6 l .d E


- 1. 0

33.5 34.0 34.5 35.0 35.5
x 104,l/oK

FIGURE 5.22 Effect of temperatureon the washoutMCRT for enhancedbiological phosphateremoval in activatedsludge.(From
Mamais, D. and Jenkins,D. (1992), Water Sci. Technol.,26:5-6,955. With permission.)

the range from 2.1 to 3.2 d (average,2.5 d). Period 2 had

MCRTs in the range from 2.6 to 3.7 d (average,3.2 d).
l0 r-r Period 3 had MCRTs in the rangefrom 2.8 to 4.6 d (average
3.5 d). Periods 1 and 2 had influent flows averaging 61
€ MGD and rangingfrom 50 to 96 MGD (average,2.7 m3ls:
EBPR and nitrification range,2.2 to 4.2 m3ls)typical of the dry season.Period 3
influerlt flows were strongly influenced by rainy weather;
the averagewas 93 MGD and rangedfrom 54 to 211 MGD
no nitrification
(average,4.1m3/s;range,2.4to 9.2 m3/s).Secondaryefflu-

L- No EBPR:-=:
no nitritication
ent temperatureaveraged20'C (range, 17.5 to 21.7.'C) and
with no trends observedthroughout the experiment.
lo t2 t4 16 24 26 28 30 EBPR occurredto some degreethroughoutthe entire
,:t experiment.The effluent soluble ortho-P concentration
decreasedfrom PeriodsI and2 (averages,1.3 and l.l mg
FIGURE5.23 Limiting MCRT valuesfor nitrification,EBPR,
P/L, respectively)to Period 3 (average,0.4 mg P/L), indi-
and nocardioformgrowthover a rangeof temperatures.
cating that EBPR becamebetterestablishedas the MCRT
selector comparison was not possible. As the overall increased.The anaerobicselectorsoluble ortho-P release
MCRT increasedfrom 1.5 to 2.5 d, EBPR becameestab- did not show the sametrend and may have been influenced
lished with anaerobic ortho-P release increasing from by changesin influent solubleortho-Pconcentrationsaris-
approximately 0 to 10 mgPlL and effluent P concentration ing from influent dilution by storm water (especially in
decreasingfrom approximately 4 to 2 mg P/L. Nocardio- Period 3).
form organism counts averaged approximately 3 x 106 During Periods I and 2, the activated sludge total P
intersections/gVSS) which is significantlylower than val- content gradually increasedfrom 1.3 to 4Voby weight on a
ues obtainedby Pitt and Jenkins(1990). VSS basis.This provided further evidenceof the establish-
ln 1994 and 1995, Fainsod etal. (1971) conducteda ment of EBPR as the MCRT was raised from 2.5 to 3.2 d.
fourth series of full-scale anaerobic selector experiments The lowest nocardioform filament count (0.9 x 106inter-
on nocardioforrn organism control at the San Francisco sections/gVSS) and the lowest averagesecondaryeffluent
plant. The MCRT of the entire anaerobic selector plant soluble ortho-P concentration(0.4 mg P/L) were both asso-
was gradually raised from 2.3 d to 3.5 d. ciated with the highest averageMCRT tested(4.6 d).
Figure 5.24 shows a series of plots of all 1994 and The mixed liquor nocardioform filament counts
1995 datapoints for influent flow, MCRT, soluble ortho-P decreasedfrom their values in Periods I and 2 (Period I
(primary effluent, secondaryeffluent, and anaerobicselec- average,2.9 x 106intersections/g VSS; range, 1.3 to 5.2x
tor release), and mixed liquor nocardioform filament 106 intersections 1 g VSS; Period 2 average,2.6 x 106
counts. The experimental data can be divided into three intersections/gVSS; range, 1.8 to 3.5 x 106intersections/g
periods on the basis of MCRTs. Period t had MCRTs in VSS) to thosein Period 3 (average,1.4x 106intersections/g
1 50 Pr oblem s
M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on

U lA.
z ^AA
Period 1
2 Period 3

i 200

Ej too il,

Primary effluent
20 I st stagerelease
I,NV!; :\- r -
j _ "/\
r i ,.* ..-
----' - ,- - - - 'l -
.A .lL " ,
--i - ,- ,:" -_ a .* ._ -s -
0 ^

Ea 4
fr.= I

z= Jun Aug Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec

+ 1994 tgg5 1996


FIGURE 5.24 Resultsof full scale anaerobicselectorexperimentsconductedat San Franciscoin 1994 and 1995. (From Fainsod,
A. et al. ( 1999),Water Environ. Res.,71, 1I 5. With permission.)

VSS; range,0.9 to 2.8 x106intersections/g VSS). Increas- counts could not be reduced to below detectablelevels.
ing the overallMCRT from 2.5 to 3 .5 d in the SanFrancisco However,at the sametemperature(20"C) and at an MCRT
anaerobic selector plant greatly reduced nocardioform of 2.4 d, nocardioform organismswere reduced to below
organismlevels and nocardioform-associatedproblemsbut detectablelevels in the Sacramentopilot plant system.
it was never possible to reducethe nocardioform organism Possibledifferencesbetweenthe pilot-scaleoperating
levels to nondetectableas was achieved in the laboratory conditionsat the Sacramentoplant and thoseat San Fran-
experimentsof Pagilla (Fainsod etal., 1999). cisco plant that might accountfor theseresultsinclude the
Figure 5.25 presentsthe entire set of datafrom all the following pilot-scaleexperimentalconditions:
full-scale experiments at San Francisco. The average
MCRTs and operating temperaturesof all the nocardio- . Absence of nocardioform-organism containing
form organism control experiments (laboratory and full- return streamsin the influent
scale) are plotted in Figure 5.26 together with (1) their . Higher anaerobic selector HRT
successat reducing nocardioform counts to below detect-
. More effective compartmentalization in the
able levels and (2) the ranges at which EBPR and nitrifi-
cation occur in activated sludge. anaerobic selector
The open symbolsin Figure 5.26 representexperiments
in which nocardioformscould still be detectedin the acti- All these factors may be significant. The influence of
vated sludge.Solid symbolsrepresentexperimentsin which nocardioform recycles has already been discussed.The
nocardioform organismswere reducedto below detectable anaerobic selectorsemployed in the San Francisco plant
levels (nocardioform filament counts <104 intersections/g experiments consisted of only one compartment with an
VSS). At the San Franciscoplant, at a temperatureof 20'C, HRT of only 17 to 24 min. In the Sacramentopilot plant,
the full-scale experimentsspannedthe entire MCRT range the anaerobic selectorscontained four equally-sized com-
for EBPR without nitrification and nocardioform f,lament partments in series with a total HRT of 50 min.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 151

5 Average for period


$ zoo
i 150
E 100

E so

Primary effluent

S 20 I st stagerelease
bo Secondary effluent

o lu

V) l''i,'r
7 T .-...
Average for period

Apr Dec Aug Apr Dec Aug Apr Nov Jul Mar Nov Jul Mar Nov

- 87 -{- 88 --.r- 89+ 90 + 9t + 92 + 93 + 94 -F95 + 96-

Month andYear

FIGURE 5.25 Resultsof all full scaleanaerobicselectorexperimentsat San Franciscofrom 1987 through 1995.(From Fainsod,A
et al. (1999),WaterEnviron.Res.,7l,ll5. With permission.)

These results suggest that a properly designed and of minerals from ores by selectiveflotation. This principle
sized anaerobic selector activated sludge system exhibit- has been used to remove nocardioform organisms from
ing EBPR in a systemwithout nocardioform recycling can activated sludge. Pretorious (1987) suggestedthat the
control nocardioform organisms in an activated sludge buoyancy of nocardioforms could be used to selectively
system with foam-trapping features. The association of float them from settleableactivatedsludge flocs in a "clas-
EBPR effectivenesswith nocardioform control ability is sifying selector."He suggestedthat if the float from such
illustrated in Figure 5.2'7; as effluent soluble ortho-P a selector were not returned to the aeration basin, nocar-
decreases,so do the activatedsludge nocardioform counts. dioforms would be eliminated.
Pretoriousand Laubscher(1987) investigatedthis prin-
5. Classifying Selectors and Selective ciple in 200-L mechanicallyaeratedactivatedsludgeplants,
Foam Wasting one of which was equipped with a 16.7-L fine bubble flo-
tation cell between the aeration basin and the secondary
Reference was made earlier to the analogy that can be clarifier. Foaming in the classifying selector system was
drawn between nocardioform foaming in activated sludge virtually eliminated after about 2 d while the control system
and the use of hydrophobic collectors for the separation continued to foam severely.While the flotation cell had no
152 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

- O - Nocardiofom orgmism washout

Region III (cha, et al., 1992)
(EBPR md nitrification)
I Pagilla,1994
D Mmais, 1992
8 A Pitt md Jenkins, 1987
O Pitt and Jenkins, 1988
O Period l,1994-1995
O Period 2, 1994-1995
V Period 3. 1994-1995

Region II
(EBPR; no nitrification)


Region I
(no EBPR; no nitrification)

t0 t2 t4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

FICURE 5.26 MCRT and temperature regions for EBPR, nitrification and nocardiofonn growth in anaerobic selector activated
sludge. Solid symbols represent experiments in which nocardioforms were not detected. Open symbols represent experiments in
which nocardioformswere detected.(From Fainsod,A. et al. (1999), Water Environ. Res.,'71,115. With permission.)




o Effluent soluble orthoP
o Nocardioform counts
1. 5 2.0 4.0

FIGURE 5.27 Variation of average nocardioform counts and effluent soluble orthoP concentrations with MCRT for full scale
anaerobicselectorexperimentsat San Francisco.(From Fainsod,A. et al. (1999), WaterEnviron. Res.,7l,l15. With permission.)

long-term effect on the MLSS level, a decrease(from about first pass of the aeration basin. Foam was allowed to pass
4500 to 4000 mg/L) was noted during the first few days from the aeration basin into an unusedbasin where it was
after the installation of the flotation cell. This observation concentratedby collapsing. Foam SS concentration was
suggeststhat a flotation cell applied to a long-standing 2 to 3Voand dewateredwell using the centrifugesnormally
severenocardioform foaming problem with much accumu- used for WAS. Using selective foam wasting to control
lated foam may initially waste out more than the desirable foam allowed the plant to increaseaerationrate and MCRT
amount of solids inventory. In such cftcumstances,it may values (from 6 to 2O d) so that complete nitrification was
well be good practice to vacuum off as much accumulated possible for the first time. Once the MCRT was increased
foam as possible,then start using the flotation cell. to >20 d, the severe foaming ceased and foam wasting
Selectivefoam wasting was employed successfullyby was not necessary.From a previous article about this plant
Richards et al. (1990) at the Utoy Creek, GA activated (Sezgin and Karr, 1986), it is suspectedthat an industrial
sludge plant. This plant was operated in a sludge reaera- waste containing a slowly degradable surfactant was
tion/step-feed mode (Figure 5.28) with RAS only in the present which was only degraded completely at high
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 153

direct foam, where the liquid level does not vary greatly,
and where surface turbulence is not excessive.
One or more removal locations may be required and
foam trapping at locations other than where it is removed
should be avoided. Surface wasted material should be
combined with WAS for treatment and the solids con-
tained in it should be accounted for in sludge wasting
calculations. Any collection sump for removed surface
material should be designed to allow for its complete
removal when emptied. Failure to do this will transfer a
foaming problem from one location to another (the col-
7 lection sump). If pumping is required to empty the col-
lection sump, the pump should be able to break suction
rather than to allow vortex development that would pre-
vent floating material removal. The pump should be able
FIGURE5.28 Planviewof aeration basinswith selectivefoam
to pass liquid containing entrained air. Suitable pumps
wasting,UtoyCreek,GA. (FromRichards, T. et al. (1990),Res.
J. WaterPollut.ControlFed.,62,914.With permission.) include submersiblesolids handling, positive displace-
ment diaphragm, self-priming, and air-lift types. Pump
MCRT. The nocardioform foaming may have been stabi- capacitymustbe high enoughto pump down the collection
lized by the presenceof the surfactantat the lower MCRT. sump, break suction, and remove floating material at all
Parker et al. (200 I , 2003) reported the use of selective but peak flows. Pump control devices must be able to
foam wasting (classifying selectors) at seven activated function in liquids containing entrained air.
sludgeplants(Table5.3). They emphasizethe importance Parkeret al. (2001, 2003) showedthat the installation
of removinga small amountof liquid almostcontinuously of a classifying selector on the RAS channel of the
from the top 1 to 3 cm of a mixed liquor or RAS stream. 29-MGD (1.3 m3/d) Haskell R. Street plant in El Paso,
This layer can be removed through devices such as down- TX virtually eliminated activated sludge foaming and
ward opening gates or side weirs on channels. Such reduced nocardioform organism counts from I to 2 x 106
devices are best located where the natural flow tends to intersections/eVSS to 6 xl04 intersections/sVSS.

ActivatedSludgePlantswith SurfaceWastingin Operation
MMF" Capacity, Aeration Basin Surface Waste
Plant Location MGD (m3/d) or Channel Type Surface Wasting Location Disposal Location

Sacramento,CA 180( 8. 1) Oxygen/coarse bubble MLb distribution channel, WAS line, then DAFd
RAS channel
Appleton, WI 22 ( t . o) Fine bubble/coarsebubble MLb distributionchannel Altemative WAS wasting system to
President Street, 27 ( t . 2) Fine bubble/Ml channels Aeration basin Combined with WAS and primary
Savannah,GA sludge prior to DAF
South Cobb County, GA 40 ( 1. 8) Fine bubble/coarsebubble AB" effluent collection
Metro plant, 80 (3.6) Fine bubbleicoarse bubble RAS re-aeration basin, end Combined with WAS prior to DAF
St. Paul, MN of aeration basin passes
Haskell R. Street plant, 29 ( 1. 3) Fine bubble/coarsebubble RAS channel Combined with WAS prior to DAF
El Paso, TX
Utoy Creek, Atlanta, GA 45 (2.0) Fine bubble/coarsebubble MLb distribution channel Combined with WAS ahead of
thickening centrifuges

o Maximum month flow.

b Mixed liquor.

' Aeration basin.

d Dissolved flotation.

Source:From Parker,D.S. et al. (2003), Water Environ. Res.,75,83. With permission.

154 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

-r chlorinated
-l water spray
(Clt=2-3 t11',


I Direction of
50-250mm mixed liquor flow
scum ( a) (b)

FICURE 5.29 Nocardioformfoam control devicefor surfacechlorinationat the 23rd Avenuewastewatertreatmentplant in Phoenix.
AZ: Gl side view and tb) top view.

6. Chlorination basins.This method of nocardioform organism control did

not compromisethe quality of the BNR effluent in any way.
RAS chlorination is not very effective for controlling It may be possibleto enhancethe effectivenessof a
nocardioformsin activatedsludge becausethe nocardio- chlorine surface spray by installing fine bubble aeration
form filaments are largely contained inside the activated to enhance the nocardioform foaming just prior to or
sludge flocs. Thus, they are inaccessibleto the chlorine within the chlorine surface spray system. When using
unless a high enough dose (actually an overdose) is surface spray chlorination, it is important to avoid dis-
applied to break up the flocs. Such dosesare not recom- persal of the sprayed(misted) chlorine solution because
mended becausethey degradeeffluent quality and dimin- ofits hazardousand corrosivenature.Further,when using
ish treatmentcapacity.Some benefit from RAS chlorina- a NaOCI solution spray,flushing with water is necessary,
tion in controlling nocardioformscan be achievedin a especiallyprior to shut-down,to preventblockageof solu-
system with an aerationbasin that has subsurfacewith- tion lines and sprayswith the sparingly soluble precipitates
drawal becausethis generatesfree-floatingnocardioform that can form by interactionof the alkaline NaOCI with
filamentsthat are accessibleto the chlorine. water and the atmosphere.
A far more effective use of chlorine in nocardioform
control is to apply a chlorinesolutionas a fine spray(mist) 7, Cationic Polymer Addition
directly to the aerationbasin surface.This approachhas
been successfulat severalplantsin the U.S. including the In the discussionof the effect of reactorwithdrawal con-
23rd Avenue plant in Phoenix; Stamford, CT; Ocean figuration on nocardioform growth form, it was shown that
County,NJ; Trenton,NJ. (Albertson,1991);and SanJose, in pure cultures of G. amarae, an overflow outlet tended
CA (Ekster and Jenkins, 1999).At the 23rd Avenueplant to produce clumped growth while a subsurfacewithdrawal
in Phoenix,sprayhoods (Figure 5.29) were placedacross configuration tendedto producedispersedfilaments.These
the end of the third pass of the four-pass aeration basin. sameeffectscan be observedin activatedsludgecontaining
As the foam entered the hood with the mixed liquor flow, nocardioforms. Indeed the microscopic observation of
it was sprayed at a rate of approximately l0 L/min with free-floating nocardioform filaments in a mixed liquor
a chlorine solution (from a gas chlorinator) containing 2 to samplecan be used as an indication that the aerationbasin
3 mg Cl,rlL. Using a chlorine dose in the range 0.5 to has a subsurfacewithdrawal and that foam trapping and
1.0 mg Clrll- basedon the wastewaterflow, nocardioform an accumulationof foam will occur on the aerationbasin.
foam was eliminated on severaloccasionswithin I to 2 d Because the hydrophobic nocardioform organism
without any effluent quality deterioration or loss of treat- surface causes foaming, the presence of free-floating
ment efficiency. nocardioforms will enhancefoaming over the levels that
At the San Joseplant, a fine mist spray of NaOCI (3 g would be produced by nocardioforms buried inside acti-
Clrll-) solution was applied through a shroudedspray bar vated sludge flocs (Narayanan,2002). A subsurfaceaera-
to the surfaceof one aeratedcompartmentof a 4-compart- tion basin outlet producesfree-floating nocardioforms that
ments-in-series,step-feedBNR activatedsludge system. foam more efficiently. The foam builds up on the basin
At dosesof 0.5 to 1.0mg Clrll- (basedon wastewaterflow), surfacebecauseit is trappedby the subsurfaceoutlet. Shao
this systemcontrolled nocardioform foam without altering etal. (1997\ found that the addition of small amounts
bulk mixed liquor nocardioform organism levels, suggest- (0.5 mg/L basedon wastewaterflow) of a cationic poly-
ing that it only kills nocardioforms at the surfacesof the acrylamidepolymer (e.g., Polydyne Inc. Clarifloc-C34l,
A c t iv at edS lud g eF o a mi n ga n d C o n tro l 155

100 IOO (,


' 6t, 80 e,

!60 60*

b40 40 .2
d 90

o lt) 20E
ri '" a

Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb
9 t6 30 6 t- 1


FICURE 5.30 Effect of cationic polymer additionon nocardioformconcentrationand aerationbasin foam coverage,Terminal Island
Plant, Los Angeles,CA. (From Shao,Y.J. et al. (199'7),Water Environ Res.,69,25. With permission.)

aminomethylatepolyacrylamide, low charge density,

molecular weight 20 to 30 x 106)to the aeration basin tr
eliminatednocardioformfoam. Figure 5.30 showsthat the
reductionof aerationbasinfoam coveragewas not accom-
paniedby a proportionaldecreasein nocardioformorgan-
ism counts.Shaoet al. (1997) postulatedthat the polymer EX

flocculates the free-floating nocardioforms back into the

activatedsludge flocs, thereby decreasingthe amount of 'E-

hydrophobic surface available for attachment to air bub- o:

bles and thencedecreasing foam formation.

By eliminating the nocardioform foam, the polymer
addition reincorporatesthe nocardioformorganismscon- 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
centratedin the foam back into the mixed liquor. Here
they are lesslikely to causefoaming and are accessibleto FIGURE5.31 Effecton aerationbasinfoamcoverage of dosingI
wasting in WAS so that they can be eliminatedfrom the mg/Lcationicpolymerat activated sludgeplantin Frankenmuth, MI.
activated sludge at the samerate as other activated sludge
microorganisms. ary through March 1997), a polymer dose of 0.2 mglL
Polymer addition to control nocardioform foam has controlled foaming most of the time but was inadequateto
been practiced at severaltreatmentfacilities subsequent completely eliminate it. Increasingthe polymer dose to 0.4
to the initial trials at the Terminal Island plant in Los to 0.5 mg/L controlled the foam. During the third test period
Angeles. For example, nocardioform foam on the aeration (April 1997),foam and scum were controlled rapidly using
basins at the plant in Frankenmuth, MI was reduced from a polymer doseof 0.35 mg/L (Eksterand Jenkins,1999).
75%osurface coverage (2 in. deep) to a l07o coverage One of us (DJ) was told an interestinganecdoteduring
(0.25 in. deep) by the addition of I mg/L of polymer for a discussionof the use of polymer for nocardioformfoam
4l d (Figure5.31). control. On hearingaboutthis methodand our hypothesis
The polymer can be dosed either to an RAS wet well for how it works, a treatment plant operator replied, "So
or to a mixed liquor channel.Polymer dosing periods of 3 that's why my foam goes away when I overdosepolymer
to 10 d were usedat San Joseto control nocardioform foam to my belt presses!" [Languageparaphrasedto remove
on three occasions.During the first test period (July 1996), certainAnglo-Saxonadjectivesand verbs.l This very per-
aerationbasin foam and scum levels in the secondaryclar- ceptive operator figured out that the type of polymer used
ifier feed channelwere noticeablyreducedafter I d ofinter- for sludgethickening by gravity belts, belt filter presses,
mittent polymer dosing at 0.5 mg/L. After 2 to 3 d of centrifuges, etc. is the same type that works for nocardio-
continuouspolymer dosing at 0.5 mg/L, the foam and scum form foam control and that an overdoseof polymer to his
virtually disappeared.During the secondtest period (Janu- belt pressesresulted in a recycle of polymer to the aeration
156 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

'70 isms, M. parvicella organismsappearto have hydrophobic

Averase MCRT 1996= 5.1 d cell walls and they can stabilize brown, high-solids foam
60 AverageMCRT 1997= 613d
on activated sludge. BecauseM. panticella filaments are
much longer than nocardioform filaments, they can
decreaseactivatedsludgesettling ratesby bridging between
.. +v
flocs. The morphology of M. panicella is stch that very
large populations are needed to cause severebulking. A
>JU curved and coiled filament usually grows throughout and
wraps around the activated sludge flocs, rather than pro-
truding rigidly from the floc surfacesinto the bulk solution.
M. parvicella was first describedby van Veen (1973)
and first isolated by Slijkhuis (1983a and 1983b). Like
nocardioforms, it is strongly Gram-positive and contains
Nov 16 Dec17 Jan16 Feb15 Mar 16

FIGURE 5.32 Comparisonof manual control (1996) and auto- 2. Substrates

matic control (1997) of MCRT at the SanJose/Santa
Clara plant.
(From Ekster,A. and Jenkins,D. (1999), Proc. Water Environ. The original isolate of M. parvicella required long chain
Fed. Conf. WEFTEC '99. With permission.) fatty acids(e.g.,oleic acid) or theirTween estersfor growth.
More recentstudies(Wanner,1994;Holmstromet al.,1996:
basin in the filtrate and that this was what eliminated the Tandoi et al.,1997) show that simple carbon substratessuch
aeration basin foam. as glucose,acetate,and ethanol can support the growth of
M. parvicella. Because M. parvicella-dominated sludge
B. Automatic MCRT Control
formed in a predenitrification activatedsludge system fed
Recentwork at the San JoseBNR plant indicatesthat on- with substratessuch as glucose and ethanol, Wanner and
line instrumentalmeasurements of activatedsludgeMLSS Grau (1988) suggestedthat it could denitrify and form stor-
and RAS SS togetherwith automaticcontrol of wasting age products from simple carbon substrates.
may be betterthan manual(laboratory)SS measurements Neilsen et al. (2001) showed that M. parvicella can
and manual activatedsludge wasting for preventingacti- take up and store long chain fatty acids such as oleic acid
vated sludge foaming. Online instrumental MLSS and under anoxic and anaerobicconditions.They suggestthat
RAS SS analyseswith the datausedfor automatedMCRT a surface-associatedlipase breaks down the oleic acid at
control eliminated nocardioform foaming from the San the hydrophobic filament surface and facilitates its trans-
Jose plant and the need to use surfacemist chlorination port into the cell and storageas neutral lipids. Neilsen et al.
or polymer addition for foaming control. (2001) postulatedthat theseabilities give M. parvicella a
It is possiblethat MCRT control with automatic sludge competitive advantagein anaerobicand anoxic conditions
wastingandcontinuousTSS analysesallows for much less where hydrolysis rates of particulate organics by the acti-
variationin discreteMCRT values.This point is illustrated vated sludge community as a whole are much lower than
by the MCRT datain Figure 5.32. Note how the manually under aerobicconditions(Dold and Marais, 1986).Under
controlled sludgewasting basedon laboratoryTSS anal- aerobic conditions, floc-forming microorganisms can
yses (1996 data) includes many incidents of very high metabolizelipid substratessuch as oleic acid. Nielsen et al.
MCRT. It is possible that such incidents encouragethe (2001) suggestthat this ability allows floc formers to out-
growth of nocardioforms that then are retained in the compete M.parvicella in well mixed, completely aerated
activated sludge system by surface foam trapping even activated sludge and in aerobic selector systems.
when MCRT is lowered. It was possible to operate in a
nocardioform-free condition at a higher average MCRT 3. OperatingConditions
(6.3 d) than with manual activatedsludge wasting based
on laboratoryTSS analyses(5.1 d). M. parvicella is not currently a common dominant fila-
mentous organism in activated sludge in the U.S.
IV. MICROTHRIX PARVICELLA (Table2.1). We have observedit mostly in high MCRT
plants in upper tier states,(Michigan, Wisconsin,Minne-
A. FacronsArrrcrrrucM. penwcruACRowrH sota,Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado) especially during
the winter. In many other parts of the world (Northern and
1. General
SouthernEurope, South Africa) it is by far the most com-
Excessivegrowth of M. parvicella in activatedsludge can mon dominant filamentous organism in activated sludge
causeboth bulking and foaming. Like nocardioform organ- systems. This is likely due to the presence of a higher
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 157

percentageof high MCRT BNR plants in these areasthan even at <12 to 15oC.Before disappearingfrom the acti-
in the U.S. While the specific causes for excessive vated sludge, the M. parvicellafilaments formed rope-like
M. parvicella growth in activated sludge are not com- bundles that did not cause as much interference with set-
pletely understood,the four most commonly cited condi- tling and SVI valuesdecreasedto <150 ml/g.
tions associatedwith its srowth in activated sludge are: Mamais et al. (1998) investigatedthe effects of reactor
mixing conditions and the presenceof anoxic zones on
. High MCRT bulking due to M. parvicella. Using pilot-scale activated
. Low DO sludgeoperatedat MCRT = 18 d, F/M = 0.2 kg COD/kg
. Low temperature VSS/d, and temperature= 14 to 20oC on municipal waste-
. Presence of anoxic. anaerobic. and intermit- water, the following conditions were examined:
tently aeratedzones such as those used in BNR
plants and presentin mechanically aeratedaer- . Completely aerobic plug flow
ation basins . Plug flow predenitrification (an anoxic selector
followed by a plug flow aerobic basin with
As high MCRT BNR plants become more common
internal recycle from the end of the aerobic
in the U.S., the incidenceof M. parvicella is cerrainto
basin to the anoxic zone)
increase. . Completely aerobic,completely mixed
Wentzel (1992) reported that at the five-stageBarden-
. Completelymixed, intermittentlyaerated,nitri-
pho JohannesburgNorthern plant (South Africa), M. par-
vicella was the dominantfilamentousorganismin the win- fi cation-denitrifi cation
ter. In the summer, Type 0092 became dominant.
Knoop and Kunst (1998), in pilot plant and full-scale All reactors had foam-trapping features in their aera-
experimentson municipal wastewatertreatment plants tion basinsand secondaryclarifiers.The best settlingwas
containinganoxic and/or anaerobiczones,found that the obtained from systems with plug flow aerobic basins
best growth of M. parvicella occurredat <12 to l5oC and (Figure 5.33). The two sludges contained very few
with F/M values of 30.1 kg BOD./kg MLSS/d. Under M. parvicella filaments. The activated sludge from the
these conditions, M. parvicella filaments were 200 to completelymixed nitrification-denitrification systemwith
500 pm long and SVI values were as high as 490 mLlg CSTR basinsshowedthe poorestsettling and M. parvice'
(average, 250 mLlg). At >20"C and the same F/M, the lla was dominant. The completely aerobic, completely
M. parvicella filaments fragmentedinto 30- to 80-pm long mixed system settled better than the completely mixed,
pieces, then gradually disappearedfrom the activated nitrification-denitrificationsystembut poorerthanthe sys-
sludge.The filament fragmentationwas accompaniedby tems with plug flow aerationbasins.
an SVI decreaseto approximately 150 ml-/g. When the Gabb and coworkers (1991, 1997a, 199'lb) worked
F/M was increasedto >O.2kg BODr/kg MLSS/d, M. par- with continuously fed and intermittently fed laboratory
vicella was gradually eliminated from the activatedsludge activated sludge systems with a range of aerobic and


^O eAa
o€ *
euI eaaaa^aAAr ,otooo*o?oooo
}E D Ja"
> .:
o Aerobic plug-flow
!E o
na ^^"- o PTeNDN plug-flow
40 $a
qP X
vu a Aerobic completely mixed
o-; ^o
-F x Intermittent aern, NDN
,' completely mixed
f oo"',,"u.?*
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
DSVI, ml-/g

FICURE 5.33 Effect of unaeratedzones and aeration basin configuration on the settling of activated sludge dominated by
M. parvicella. (From Mamais, D. and Jenkins,D. (1992), Water Sci. Technol.,26:5-6,955. With permission.)
158 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

anoxic conditions treating settled municipal wastewater. 5. Case Histories

MCRT valueswere 20 to 30 d, F/M was 0.28 to 0.31 kg
COD/kg VSS/d, and temperaturewas 20'C. Completely The following two examples illustrate how the presence
aerobic systems did not bulk and did not support the of alternating anoxic and aerobic zones in an aeration
growth of low F/M filamentous organisms (including basin stimulatesthe growth of M. parvicella and how their
M. parvicella) whether or not they had selectors. elimination and the use of an aerobic selector controls
M. parvicella.
Continuously fed, intermittently aerated activated
sludge (simulating an oxidation ditch type of aeration a. Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority (UOSA), VA
basin) had high SVIs due to proliferation of Type 0092 The UOSA Regional Water Reclamation Plant is a
and M. parvicella. The installation of an aerobic selector 2'7-N4GD(1.2 m3/s) facility utilizing preliminary treat-
aheadof the intermittently aeratedbasin did not eliminate ment, primary treatment,and single sludge nitrification.
thesefllamentousorganisms.When the aerationbasinwas Extensivephysical/chemicaltreatmentof the nitrified sec-
continuouslyaerated(i.e., the units were completelyaer- ondary effluent is provided to allow discharge of the
obic), bulking due to Type 0092 and M. parvicella was treated effluent to a drinking water reservoir. Effluent dis-
eliminated. charge standardsand plant reliability and redundancy
requirements are extremely stringent, resulting in a con-
4. Control servativedesignfor the biological treatmentfacilities with
a relatively long hydraulic residencetime, low organic
The growth of M. parvicella tn activatedsludge can be loading rate, and low secondaryclarifier overflow rate.
reducedby: The biological treatment plant was upgraded and
expandedfrom an existing completely mixed activated
. ReducingMCRT to as low a value as possible sludge system that historically experiencedseverebulking
consistentwith achievingtreatmentobjectives problems with SVIs as high as 600 ml-/g that restricted
. Providing plug flow basinsin both anoxic and treatment capacity. Poor settleability resulted in reduced
aerobiczones MLSS concentrations,reducedMCRT, andreducedcapacity
. Avoiding intermittentaerationor zonesof low to nitrify. Periodic identification of the filamentous organ-
DO (<1 to 2 mglL) in aerobiczones,especially isms presentindicated that M. panicella was typically pre-
at the point where mixed liquor from an anaer- dominant,especiallyduring cold weather.A bench-scale
obic or anoxic zone entersan aerobiczone evaluation was conducted of an aerobic selector (DO
. Eliminating foam trapping features )_2mglL) for conection of the filamentousbulking problem.
. A full-scale aerobicselectorwas subsequentlyincorporated
Addng a polyaluminum chloride-basedfloccu-
into the design of the expandedactivatedsludge system.
Figure 5.34 is a schematicof the expanded,upgraded
full-scale, system. The selector consists of an aerated
Recent work in The Netherlandsand Japan (Eikel-
channel(length:widthratio of 5:l) with a hydraulic resi-
boom, 1997;Hwang et al., 1998;Roels et al., 2002) has
dencetime of 11 min basedon influent flow. Dye testing
shown that M. parvicella bulking and foaming was con-
indicated that the hydraulic flow pattern in the selector
trolled by the addition of polyaluminum chloride
could be approximatedas three equal-sizedcompletely
(PAX-14, Kemwater B.V., Rozenburg,The Netherlands)
mixed tanks in series.Following the selectorare two sets
to the aeration basin. Dose rates for low MCRT activated
of activatedsludgeaerationbasinsin series.The first set
sludge systemswere functions of MCRT (60/MCRT =
comprises newly added diffused air basins required to
PAX-14 dose,g as Al/kg MLSS). Using this criterion and
an extended aeration activated sludge system with
Primary effluent
MCRT =20 d, HRT = I d, and MLSS = 3000 mg/L would RAS
resultin an aerationbasininfluentPAX- 14 doseof approx- Mixed 5.1".1o.
imately 0.5 mg Al/L. That amount is on the same order liquor
of magnitudethat is effective for controlling nocardioform
foaming with cationic polyelectrolyte. To secondary
Roels et al. (2002) report that control is achievedafter claritiers
about I to 2 weeksof PAX-14 dosing.It was also reported air
that PAX-14 addition seemsto affect M. parvicella stain-
Aeration basin
ing propertiesand filament morphology, suggestingthat
someinhibitory toxic effectin additionto flocculationmay FIGURE 5.34 Aeration basin and selectorsystem,UOSA, VA.
occur. PAX-14 addition appeared to have no effect on (From Daigger,G.T. and Nicholson,G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water
nocardioforms or N. limicola. Pollut. Control Fed.. 62. 676. With oermission.)
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 159


600 Selector
500 Voperatlonal
il 7
) +oo y' related
<---+ difficulties
F 3oo



t98'r 1988 1989 I 990 l99l

FIGURE 5.35 Effect of selectoroperationon SVI at UOSA, VA. (From Daigger, G.T. and Nicholson, G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water
Pollut. Control Fed., 62,676. With permission.)

accomplishthe plant expansionand the secondcomprises Both techniques produced similar results and indi-
the existing completely mixed basins using slow speed, cated an oxygen requirement in the selector of approxi-
surface mechanical aerators.The volumes of the new dif- mately 0. 1 mg Orlmg soluble BOD, removed.The DO
fused air and existing mechanical aeration basins are concentrationsin the selectorhave been maintainedcon-
approximately the same. sistently above2 mg/L, suggestingthat DO doesnot limit
Excellent sludge settling,as indicatedby an average the rate of oxidation of carbonaceousmatter. This rela-
SVI of 14 mLlg, was obtained with the expandedand tively low oxygen requirement suggeststhat storage,
upgradedsecondarytreatmentsystemwhile operatingin rather than oxidation, is the predominant fate of removed
excessof designorganic loading and with periodsduring soluble organic matter in the selector. The F/M for the
which hydraulicloadingwas equalto the maximum month entire selector was 4.9 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d while the
design value.Figure 5.35 presents4 y of data illustrating F/M, for the first selector compartment was 14.8 kg
the impact of the aerobicselectoron sludge settleability. BODr/kg MLSS/d.
Before March 1988,the existingcompletelymixed basins Becausetwo changeswere made when the UOSA
using surfacemechanicalaerationwere in service.Severe plant was upgraded- installationof the aerobicselector
sludgebulking (and some foaming) problemswere expe- and addition of a diffused air aerationbasin upstreamof
riencedregularly,and SVIs typically were>150 ml-/g and, the existing mechanically-aerated aerationbasin - it is
on occasion,as high as 600 ml/g. The predominantfila- not possibleto determinethe relativecontributionsof each
ment was M. parvicella. In March 1988,the aerobicselec- modification to improving the sludgesettling characteristics
tor and diffused air aerationbasinswere brought on line and controlling M. parvicella. Howevertheseobservations
and the existing mechanicallyaeratedbasinswere taken are consistentwith the findings of Mamais et al. (1998)
off line. The aeration basin hydraulic residence time and Gabb et al. (1991,1997a,1997b)that M. parvicella
remained about the same becausethe volumes of the growth is controlled by completely aerobicselectorsand
mechanicallyaeratedand diffusedair aerationbasinswere aeration basinsbut not by aeration basins that contain low
about the same. The result of the change in reactor con- DO zones.The following case study provides additional
figuration was a rapid decreasein SVI (Figure 5.35) as insight.
M. parvicella was eliminated from the system.The SVIs at
b. Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant,
UOSA haveremainedlow since installation of the selector,
exceptfor a brief period in late 1988 when construction- Tulsa, OK
relatedproblemsresultedin unusualoperatingconditions. This plant provides preliminary treatment, primary treat-
Operatingconditionswithin the selectorwere charac- ment, and secondary treatment using the complete-mix,
terized in February 1989. Direct measurements indicated air-activated sludge processwith mechanical surface aer-
soluble BOD, removalsof approximately 6OVoand soluble ators. Initially the plant provided 28 MGD (1.2 m3/s)of
COD removals of approximately 457o through the selec- capacity using two aeration basins. Nitrification occurred
tor. Oxygen requirements exerted in the selector were periodically, but the capability to achieve consistentnitri-
determinedby (1) measurementof the oxygen uptake rates fication was limited by chronic filamentous bulking prob-
of samples withdrawn from the selector and (2) direct lems with SVI values as high as 500 ml-/g for periods of
calculation from measuredair flow rates using measured several consecutive weeks. M. parvicella was often the
DO concentrationsand oxygen transfer efficiencies deter- predominant fi lamentous microorganism causing bulking
mined by using an off-gas analyzer. durine cold weather.
160 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti v atedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P roblem s



Diffused air


FICURE 5.36 Northside plant aerationbasin with aerobic selector,Tulsa, OK. (From Daigger, G.T. and Nicholson, G.A. (1990),
Res.J. WaterPollut. Control Fed., 62.676. With permission.)

Expansion of the plant required reliable, consistent A comparison of UOSA and the Tulsa Northside aer-
year-round nitrification. Two additional aeration basins obic selectorperformancessuggeststhat an aerobicselec-
with essentiallythe same configurationsas the existing tor alone is not capable of controlling sludge bulking
basins were to be provided. To addressthe persistent caused by M. parvicella. The configuration of the main
sludge bulking problems, an aerobic selectorwas to be aeration basin also seems to affect the occurrence of
providedalong with the two new aerationbasins.The new M. parvicella. A main aeration basin with uniform aera-
basins were square and equipped with nine slow speed tion (such as a floor covered with fine bubble diffusers)
mechanicalsurfaceaeratorsand influent piping networks seemsto provide greater control of M. parvicella growth
that distributedthe influent throughout the basins.Each than a basin with point sourceaerationdevices(such as
basin had an aerobic selector consisting of a two-pass mechanicalsurfaceaerators).
channel with a length:width ratio of 17:1 that received
primary effluent and RAS (Figure 5.36). The selector V. ANAEROBIC
HRT, basedon a design flow of 14 MGD (0.61m3/s)per
basin.was l6 min: the HRT in the aerationbasinwas 5.5 h. Various aspectsof anaerobic digester foaming causedby
nocardioformorganismshavebeendiscussedin this chap-
The new aerationbasinswere startedup in January1988
ter. In summary:
and, after a 6-mo acclimationperiod, the performanceof an
aerationbasin with an aerobicselectorwas comparedto the . Anaerobic digester foaming problems due to
performanceof an existing aerationbasin with no selector. nocardioforms and M. parvicella originate in
Contrary to the experienceat UOSA, the aerobic selector aerationbasins(where theseorganismsgrow).
system settling characteristicswere no better than those in The foam-causing microorganismsare intro-
the systemwithout an aerobicselectorover an I 1-mo period duced into the anaerobicdigesterin the WAS.
when the two systemswere operatedwith the sameprocess . Foaming due to these filamentous organisms
loadings and operating parameters.M. parvicella was the can occur in anaerobic digesters before nui-
predominantfi lamentousorganism causingbulking. sancefoams appearon aerationbasinsbecause
In the aerobic selector system, the SVI averaged the filamentous organism concentrationper unit
152 mLlg. In the UOSA aerobicselectorsystem,the aver- volume can be higher in an anaerobic digester
age SVI was 72 ml/g. The overall F/M in the Nonhside than in the mixed liquor becausethe SS content
selectorwas 3.2 kg BOD.ikg MLSS/d- somewhatlower of the WAS fed to the digester is higher than
than the value of 4.9 kg BOD./kg MLSS, d at UOSA. The the MLSS, especiallysince the WAS feed has
very high length:width ratio of the Northside selector usually been thickened.
makesit likely that its initial contactzone F/M is compa- . Serious operating and equipment problems can
rable to or greater than that at UOSA. The Northside be causedby nocardioform foaming in anaero-
selector removed the same fraction of soluble BOD. bic digesters.Figure 5.37 shows the resultsof
(607o)as the UOSA selectoralthoughoxygen uptakeand liquid phase percent total solids and tempera-
airflow rate data suggestedthat more of the soluble BOD, ture profiles of the contents of an anaerobic
was oxidized rather than stored. digester at the San Francisco South East plant.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 161


6.3 84 Fine bubble gas mixing
5 .5 9t
4.1 94
5.0 89
4.5 93 .90n1



Total solids,To Temperature,oC d

FIGURE 5.37 Nocardioformfoam effectson percenttotal solids Coarse bubble gas mixing
and temperature profiles in an anaerobic digester, South East
plant, San Francisco,CA.
F o.t

Note the large fraction of digestervolume occu- Mechanicalmixing

pied by nocardioform-induced foam, inversion
ofTS concentrations(higher on the top than on 2468101214
the bottom of the digester), and temperature Time.min.
decreaseof the liquid in the foam layers.
Nocardioforms and M. parvicella both lose FIGURE5.38 Foamaccumulation ratein experimentalanaer-
their Gram-positive staining properties and obic digestersas a function of mixing technique.(From van
their Neisser-positivegranulesduring anaero- Niekerk,A.M. et al. (1987),J. WaterPollut.ControlFed.,60,
bic digestion. Nocardioform fi lamentsfragment 100.With permission.)
and the long coiled M. parvicella filaments
the digestion processcan produce foam without
break into shorter, thicker filaments. Generally
mixing. This is most evident immediately after
these changesmake it more difficult to micro-
feeding the digesterwhen gas productionusu-
s c opic a l l y re c o g n i z e n o c a rd i o fo rms and
ally increases.Figure 5.38 showsthat fine bub-
M. parvicella in anaerobic digesters than in
ble gas mixing devices(unconfinedgas mixers,
activated sludge. For this reason, Hernandez
gas lances,etc.) producethe greatestamountof
et al. (1994) developed an immunofluorescent
foam; coarsebubble types of mixers produce
antibody staining method for G. amarae that
less foam; external mechanical mixers and
made it possible to count these organismsin
pump mixing have the least foam-producing
anaerobically digesting sludge. Using this
potential.Becausethey have much smaller top
method and a dehydrogenaseenzyme method
for viability determination, Hernandezand Jen- liquid surfaces, egg-shaped digesters tend to
kins (1994) showedthat the viability of G. ama- allow smaller accumulations of foam than
r ae de c re a s e d o n l y v e ry s l o w l y duri ng cylindrical digesters.
anaerobicdigestion(decayrate = 0.04/d).Thus, . The best method for controlling nocardioform
recycle streams from digested sludge process- or M. parvicella foaming in anaerobicdigesters
ing (e.g., centrate, filtrate, and supernatant) is to eliminatecausativefilamentousorganisms
could seed the activated sludge plant with from the activated sludge system so that they
noc ar d i o fo rms . T h e fo a m i n g p ro p erti es never reach the anaerobicdigesters.The use of
decreasedeven more slowly than the viability mechanicalmixing, external pump mixing. or
during anaerobic digestion, suggestingthat the coarse bubble mixing rather than fine bubble
tendency to foam is retained by nonviable mixing will reducefoaming potential. Westlund
G. amarae cells or cell walls. et al. (1996, 1998a, 1998b)found that a mixer
The amount of foam produced by nocardio- placed in the gas space above the digesting
forms in anaerobic digesters is greatly influ- sludge can be used to collapse foam. Mixers
enc ed b y d i g e s te r mi x i n g m e th o d s and that spray sludge onto the surfaceofthe digest-
geometry. The production of CO, and CH, by ing sludge can help collapse foam.
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ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 151

5 Average for period

2 A

ai 200

t 150

E 100


Primary effluent
1st stagerelease
S 20
oo Secondary effluent

E ro

E ,.G1
c/) ''_r. I
7 T
6 I -_-...
U) t) I
Average for period
= cn ll
obo 5 ll
E fl

Apr Dec Aug Apr Dec Aug Apr Nov Jul Mar Nov Jul Mar Nov
-8 7 + 8 8 + 89--i- 90 + 91 + 92 -+- 93 -l-94 -1-95 +96 -

FIGURE 5.25 Resultsof all full scaleanaerobicselectorexperimentsat San Franciscofrom 1987 through 1995.(From Fainsod,A.
et al. (1999), Water Environ. Res.,7l, I15. With permission.)

These results suggest that a properly designed and of minerals from ores by selectiveflotation. This principle
sized anaerobic selector activated sludge system exhibit- has been used to remove nocardioform organisms from
ing EBPR in a systemwithout nocardioform recycling can activated sludge. Pretorious (1987) suggestedthat the
control nocardioform organisms in an activated sludge buoyancy of nocardioforms could be used to selectively
system with foam-trapping features. The association of float them from settleableactivatedsludge flocs in a "clas-
EBPR effectivenesswith nocardioform control ability is sifying selector."He suggestedthat if the float from such
illustrated in Figure 5.27; as effluent soluble ortho-P a selector were not returned to the aeration basin, nocar-
decreases,so do the activatedsludge nocardioform counts. dioforms would be eliminated.
Pretoriousand Laubscher(1987) investigatedthis prin-
5. Classifying Selectors and Selective ciple in 200-L mechanicallyaeratedactivatedsludgeplants,
Foam Wasting one of which was equipped with a 16.7-L fine bubble flo-
tation cell between the aeration basin and the secondary
Reference was made earlier to the analogy that can be clarifier. Foaming in the classifying selector system was
drawn between nocardioform foaming in activated sludge virtually eliminatedafter about 2 d while the control system
and the use of hydrophobic collectors for the separation continued to foam severely.While the flotation cell had no
152 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

. O . Nocmdiofomorgmismwashout
Region III (Cha,et al., i992)
(EBPR md nirification)
I Pagilla,1994
tr Mamais,1992
8 A P i ttandJenki ns,1987
€ O P i nandJenki ns,1988
'd. Q Periodl,1994-1995
6 O Period2, 1994-1995
V Period3, 1994-1995

Region II
(EBPR; no nitrification)


Region I
(no EBPR; no nitrification)

t2 l6 l8

FIGURE 5.26 MCRT and temperature regions for EBPR, nitrification and nocardiofonn growth in anaerobic selector activated
sludge. Solid symbols represent experiments in which nocardioforms were not detected. Open symbols represent experiments in
which nocardioformswere detected.(From Fainsod,A. et al. (1999), WaterEnviron. Res.,7l, 115. With permission.)




o Effluent soluble orthoP o

o Nocardioform counts
I 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

FIGURE 5.27 Variation of average nocardioform counts and effluent soluble orthoP concentrations with MCRT for full scale
anaerobicselectorexperimentsat San Francisco.(From Fainsod,A. et al. (1999), WaterEnviron. Res.,71,ll5. With permission.)

long-term effect on the MLSS level, a decrease(from about first pass of the aeration basin. Foam was allowed to pass
4500 to 4O00 mg/L) was noted during the first few days from the aeration basin into an unusedbasin where it was
after the installation of the flotation cell. This observation concentratedby collapsing. Foam SS concentration was
suggeststhat a flotation cell applied to a long-standing 2 to 37oand dewateredwell using the centrifugesnormally
severenocardioform foaming problem with much accumu- used for WAS. Using selective foam wasting to control
lated foam may initially waste out more than the desirable foam allowed the plant to increaseaerationrate and MCRT
amount of solids inventory. In such circumstances,it may values (from 6 to 20 d) so that complete nitrification was
well be good practice to vacuum off as much accumulated possible for the first time. Once the MCRT was increased
foam as possible,then start using the flotation cell. to >20 d, the severe foaming ceased and foam wasting
Selectivefoam wasting was employed successfullyby was not necessary.From a previous article about this plant
Richards et al. (1990) at the Utoy Creek, GA activated (Sezgin and Karr, 1986), it is suspectedthat an industrial
sludge plant. This plant was operated in a sludge reaera- waste containing a slowly degradable surfactant was
tion/step-feed mode (Figure 5.28) with RAS only in the present which was only degraded completely at high
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 153

direct foam, where the liquid level does not vary greatly,
and where surface turbulence is not excessive.
One or more removal locations may be required and
foam trapping at locations other than where it is removed
should be avoided. Surface wasted material should be
combined with WAS for treatment and the solids con-
tained in it should be accounted for in sludge wasting
calculations. Any collection sump for removed surface
material should be designed to allow for its complete
removal when emptied. Failure to do this will transfer a
foaming problem from one location to another (the col-
foam lection sump). If pumping is required to empty the col-
lection sump, the pump should be able to break suction
rather than to allow vortex development that would pre-
vent floating material removal. The pump should be able
FIGURE5.28 Planviewof aeration basinswith selectivefoam
to pass liquid containing entrained air. Suitable pumps
wasting,UtoyCreek,GA. (FromRichards, T. et al. (1990),Res.
J. WaterPollut.ControlFed.,62,914.With permission.) include submersiblesolids handling, positive displace-
ment diaphragm, self-priming, and air-lift types. Pump
MCRT. The nocardioform foaming may have been stabi- capacitymust be high enoughto pump down the collection
lized by the presenceof the surfactantat the lower MCRT. sump, break suction, and remove floating material at all
Parkeret al. (2001, 2003) reportedthe useof selective but peak flows. Pump control devices must be able to
foam wasting (classifying selectors) at seven activated function in liquids containing entrained air.
sludgeplants(Table5.3). They emphasizethe importance Parkeret al. (2001, 2003) showedthat the installation
of removinga small amountof liquid almostcontinuously of a classifying selector on the RAS channel of the
from the top 1 to 3 cm of a mixed liquor or RAS stream. 29-MGD (1.3 m3/d) Haskell R. Street plant in El Paso,
This layer can be removedthroughdevicessuchas down- TX virtually eliminated activated sludge foaming and
ward opening gates or side weirs on channels. Such reduced nocardioform organism counts from 1 to 2 x 106
devices are best located where the natural flow tends to intersections/gVSS to 6 x104 intersections/gVSS.

ActivatedSludgePlantswith SurfaceWastingin Operation
MMF" Capacity, Aeration Basin Surface Waste
Plant Location MGD (m3/d) or Channel Type Surface Wasting Location Disposal Location

Sacramento,CA 180( 8. 1) Oxygen/coarse bubble MLb distribution channel, WAS line, then DAFd
RAS channel
Appleton, WI 22 ( 1. 0) Fine bubble/coarsebubble MLb distribution channel Alternative WAS wasting system to
President Street, 27 ( 1. 2) Fine bubble/Ml channels Aeration basin Combined with WAS and primary
Savannah,GA sludge prior to DAF
SouthCobbCounty,GA 40 (1.8) Fine bubble/coarsebubble AB'effluent collection
Metro plant, 80 (3.6) Fine bubble/coarsebubble RAS re-aeration basin, end Combined with WAS prior to DAF
St. Paul, MN of aeration basin passes
Haskell R. Street plant, 29 ( 1. 3) Fine bubble/coarsebubble RAS channel Combined with WAS prior to DAF
El Paso, TX
Utoy Creek, Atlanta, GA 4s (2.0) Fine bubble/coarsebubble MLb distribution channel Combined with WAS ahead of
thickening centrifuges

u Maximum month flow.

b Mixed liquor.

' Aeration basin.

d Dissolved flotation.

Source:From Parker,D.S. et al. (2003), Water Environ. Res.,75,83. With permission.

154 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

water spray
(Clr=2-3 t11-,

Direction of
50-250mm mixed liquor flow
scum (a) (b)

FIGURE 5.29 Nocardioformfoam control devicefor surfacechlorinationat the 23rd Avenuewastewatertreatmentolant in Phoenix.
AZ: (a) side view and (b) top view.

6. Chlorination basins.This method of nocardioform organism control did

not compromisethe quality of the BNR effluent in any way.
RAS chlorination is not very effective for controlling It may be possibleto enhancethe effectivenessof a
nocardioforms in activated sludge becausethe nocardio- chlorine surface spray by installing fine bubble aeration
form filamentsare largely containedinside the activated to enhance the nocardioform foaming just prior to or
sludge flocs. Thus, they are inaccessibleto the chlorine within the chlorine surface spray system. When using
unless a high enough dose (actually an overdose) is surface spray chlorination, it is important to avoid dis-
applied to break up the flocs. Such dosesare not recom- persal of the sprayed(misted) chlorine solution because
mendedbecausethey degradeeffluentquality and dimin- ofits hazardousand corrosivenature.Further,when using
ish treatmentcapacity.Some benefit from RAS chlorina- a NaOCI solution spray,flushing with water is necessary,
tion in controlling nocardioformscan be achievedin a especiallyprior to shut-down,to preventblockageof solu-
system with an aerationbasin that has subsurfacewith- tion linesand sprayswith the sparinglysolubleprecipitates
drawal becausethis generatesfree-floatingnocardioform that can form by interactionof the alkaline NaOCI with
filamentsthat are accessibleto the chlorine. water and the atmosphere.
A far more effective use of chlorine in nocardioform
control is to apply a chlorinesolutionas a fine spray(mist) 7. Cationic Polymer Addition
directly to the aerationbasin surface.This approachhas
been successfulat severalplants in the U.S. including the In the discussionof the effect of reactorwithdrawal con-
23rd Avenue plant in Phoenix; Stamford, CT; Ocean figuration on nocardioform growth form, it was shown that
County,NJ; Trenton,NJ. (Albertson,l99l); and SanJose, in pure cultures of G. amarae, an overflow outlet tended
CA (Ekster and Jenkins,1999).At the 23rd Avenueplant to produce clumped growth while a subsurfacewithdrawal
in Phoenix,spray hoods (Figure 5.29) were placedacross configuration tendedto producedispersedfilaments.These
the end of the third passof the four-passaerationbasin. sameeffectscan be observedin activatedsludgecontaining
As the foam enteredthe hood with the mixed liquor flow, nocardioforms. Indeed the microscopic observation of
it was sprayed at a rate of approximately 10 L/min with free-floating nocardioform filaments in a mixed liquor
a chlorinesolution(from a gaschlorinator)containing2 to samplecan be used as an indication that the aerationbasin
3 mg ClrlL. Using a chlorine dose in the range 0.5 to has a subsurfacewithdrawal and that foam trapping and
1.0 mg Clrll- basedon the wastewaterflow, nocardioform an accumulationof foam will occur on the aerationbasin.
foam was eliminatedon severaloccasionswithin 1 to 2 d Becausethe hydrophobic nocardioform organism
without any effluent quality deteriorationor loss of treat- surface causes foaming, the presence of free-floating
ment efficiency. nocardioforms will enhance foaming over the levels that
At the San Joseplant, a fine mist spray of NaOCI (3 g would be produced by nocardioforms buried inside acti-
Clrll-) solution was applied through a shroudedspray bar vated sludge flocs (Narayanan,20O2).A subsurfaceaera-
to the surfaceof one aeratedcompartmentof a 4-compart- tion basin outlet producesfree-floating nocardioforms that
ments-in-series,step-feedBNR activatedsludge system. foam more efficiently. The foam builds up on the basin
At dosesof 0.5 to 1.0mg Clrll- (basedon wastewaterflow), surfacebecauseit is trappedby the subsurfaceoutlet. Shao
this systemcontrolled nocardioform foam without altering etal. (199'7\ found that the addition of small amounts
bulk mixed liquor nocardioform organism levels, suggest- (0.5 mg/L basedon wastewaterflow) of a cationic poly-
ing that it only kills nocardioforms at the surfacesof the acrylamidepolymer (e.g., Polydyne Inc. Clarifloc-C341,
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 155

100 q

ge0 il
oRO 80 o

Ato ;

!6 0 60
d 1tl
b 40 40
8zo 20
8 ro E
0 z
Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb


FIGURE 5.30 Effect of cationic polymer additionon nocardioformconcentrationand aerationbasinfoam coverage,Terminal Island
Plant, Los Angeles,CA. (From Shao,Y.J. et al. (1997), WaterEnvirctnRes.,69,25. With permission.)

aminomethylatepolyacrylamide, low charge density,

molecular weight 20 to 30 x 106)to the aeration basin c
eliminatednocardioformfoam. Figure 5.30 showsthat the '' ,.
reductionof aerationbasinfoam coveragewas not accom-
panied by a proportional decreasein nocardioform organ-
ism counts.Shaoet al. (1997) postulatedthat the polymer EX

flocculates the free-floating nocardioforms back into the oE

activatedsludge flocs, thereby decreasingthe amount of
hydrophobic surfaceavailablefor attachmentto air bub-
bles and thencedecreasingfoam formation. t
By eliminating the nocardioform foam, the polymer
addition reincorporatesthe nocardioform organisms con- 05t015202530354045
centrated in the foam back into the mixed liquor. Here
they are lesslikely to causefoaming and are accessibleto FICURE5.31 Effecton aerationbasinfoamcoverage of dosingI
wasting in WAS so that they can be eliminated from the mg/Lcationicpolymerat activated sludgeplantin Frankenmuth, MI
activated sludge at the samerate as other activated sludge
microorganisms. ary through March 1997), a polymer dose of 0.2 mglL
Polymer addition to control nocardioform foam has controlled foaming most of the time but rvas inadequateto
been practiced at several treatment facilities subsequent completely eliminate it. Increasingthe polymer dose to 0.4
to the initial trials at the Terminal Island plant in Los to 0.5 mgll- controlled the foam. During the third test period
Angeles.For example,nocardioformfoam on the aeration (April 1997),foam and scumwerecontrolledrapidly using
basins at the plant in Frankenmuth, MI was reduced from a polymer doseof 0.35 mg/L (Eksterand Jenkins,1999).
'757o surface coverage (2 in. deep) to a l07o coverage One of us (DJ) was told an interestinganecdoteduring
(0.25 in. deep)by the addition of 1 mg/L of polymer for a discussionof the use of polymer for nocardioformfoam
41 d ( F igur e5. 3 1 ). control. On hearingabout this method and our hypothesis
The polymer can be dosed either to an RAS wet well for how it works, a treatment plant operator replied, "So
or to a mixed liquor channel.Polymer dosing periods of 3 that'swhy my foam goes away when I overdosepolymer
to 10 d were usedat SanJoseto control nocardioform foam to my belt pressesl" [Language paraphrasedto remove
on three occasions.During the first test period (July 1996), certainAnglo-Saxonadjectivesand verbs.l This very per-
aerationbasin foam and scum levels in the secondaryclar- ceptive operator figured out that the type of polymer used
ifier feed channelwere noticeablyreducedafter I d of inter- for sludgethickening by gravity belts, belt filter presses,
mittent polymer dosing at 0.5 mg/L. After 2 to 3 d of centrifuges, etc. is the sametype that works for nocardio-
continuouspolymer dosing at 0.5 mg/L, the foam and scum form foam control and that an overdoseof polymer to his
virtually disappeared.During the secondtest period (Janu- belt pressesresultedin a recycle of polymer to the aeration
156 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac tivatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P r oblem s

70 isms, M. parvicella organismsappearto have hydrophobic

Average MCRT 1996= 5.
Averase 5.1I d l---I9%-l cell walls and they can stabilize brown, high-solids foam
AverageMCRT 1997= 6ib d | ""' l9e7 |
60 on activated sludge. BecauseM. parvicella filaments are
much longer than nocardioform filaments, they can
decreaseactivatedsludgesettlingratesby bridging between
tr flocs. The morphology of M. parvicella is such that very
- ^^
large populations are needed to cause severe bulking. A
>JU curved and coiled filament usually grows throughout and
wraps around the activated sludge flocs, rather than pro-
truding rigidly from the floc surfacesinto the bulk solution.
t0 M. parvicella was first describedby van Veen (1973)
and first isolated by Slijkhuis (1983a and 1983b). Like
nocardioforms,it is strongly Gram-positiveand contains
Nov 16 De c 1 7 Ja n 1 6 Feb 15 Mar 16

FICURE5.32 Comparison of manualcontrol(1996)andauto- 2. Substrates

maticcontrol(1997)of MCRTat theSanJose/Santa
(FromEkster,A. andJenkins,D. (1999),Proc.WaterEnviron. The original isolate of M. parvicella required long chain
Fed.Conf.WEFTEC'99.With permission.) fatty acids(e.g.,oleic acid) or their Tweenestersfor growth.
More recentstudies(Wanner,I 994; Holmstrom et al., I 996;
basin in the filtrate and that this was what eliminatedthe Tandoiet a1.,1997)show that simple carbon substratessuch
aerationbasin foam. as glucose, acetate,and ethanol can support the growth of
M. parvicella. Because M. parvicella-dominated sludge
8. Automatic MCRT Control
formed in a predenitrification activatedsludge system fed
Recentwork at the San JoseBNR plant indicatesthat on- with substratessuch as glucose and ethanol, Wanner and
line instrumentalmeasurements of activatedsludgeMLSS Grau (1988) suggestedthat it could denitrify and form stor-
and RAS SS togetherwith automaticcontrol of wasting age products from simple carbon substrates.
may be better than manual (laboratory) SS measurements Neilsen et al. (2001) showed that M. parvicella can
and manual activated sludge wasting for preventing acti- take up and store long chain fatty acids such as oleic acid
vated sludge foaming. Online instrumental MLSS and under anoxic and anaerobicconditions.They suggestthat
RAS SS analyseswith the datausedfor automatedMCRT a surface-associated lipase breaksdown the oleic acid at
control eliminated nocardioform foaming from the San the hydrophobic filament surface and facilitates its trans-
Jose plant and the need to use surfacemist chlorination port into the cell and storageas neutrallipids. Neilsenet al.
or polymer addition for foaming control. (2001) postulatedthat theseabilities give M. parvicella a
It is possiblethat MCRT control with automaticsludge competitive advantagein anaerobicand anoxic conditions
wastingandcontinuousTSS analysesallows for much less where hydrolysis rates of particulate organics by the acti-
variationin discreteMCRT values.This point is illustrated vated sludge community as a whole are much lower than
by the MCRT datain Figure 5.32. Note how the manually under aerobicconditions(Dold and Marais, 1986).Under
controlled sludgewasting basedon laboratoryTSS anal- aerobic conditions, floc-forming microorganisms can
yses (1996 data) includes many incidents of very high metabolizelipid substrates suchasoleic acid.Nielsenet al.
MCRT. It is possible that such incidents encouragethe (2001) suggestthat this ability allows floc formers to out-
growth of nocardioforms that then are retained in the compete M.parvicella in well mixed, completely aerated
activated sludge system by surface foam trapping even activated sludge and in aerobic selector systems.
when MCRT is lowered. It was possible to operate in a
nocardioform-free condition at a higher average MCRT 3. OperatingConditions
(6.3 d) than with manual activatedsludge wasting based
on laboratoryTSS analyses(5.1 d). M. parvicella is not currently a common dominant fila-
mentous organism in activated sludge in the U.S.
IV. MICROTHRIX PARVICELLA (Table2.1). We have observedit mostly in high MCRT
plants in upper tier states,(Michigan, Wisconsin,Minne-
A. FncronsArrrcrrNc M. penwcruAGRowrH sota,Wyoming, Montana,and Colorado)especiallyduring
1. the winter. In many other parts of the world (Northern and
SouthernEurope, South Africa) it is by far the most com-
Excessivegrowthof M. parvicellain activatedsludgecan mon dominant filamentousorganism in activatedsludge
causebothbulkingandfoaming.Like nocardioform organ- systems.This is likely due to the presenceof a higher
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 157

percentageof high MCRT BNR plants in these areasthan even at <12 to l5oC. Before disappearingfrom the acti-
in the U.S. While the specific causes for excessive vated sludge, the M. parvicella filaments formed rope-like
M. parvicella growth in activated sludge are not com- bundles that did not causeas much interference with set-
pletely understood,the four most commonly cited condi- tling and SVI valuesdecreasedto <150 ml-/g.
tions associatedwith its srowth in activated sludqe are: Mamaiset al. (1998)investigatedthe effectsof reactor
mixing conditions and the presenceof anoxic zones on
. High MCRT bulking due to M. parvicella. Using pilot-scale activated
. Low DO sludgeoperatedat MCRT = 18 d, F/M = 0.2 kg COD/kg
. Low temperature VSS/d, and temperature= 14 to 20oC on municipal waste-
. Presence of anoxic. anaerobic. and intermit- water, the following conditions were examined:
tently aeratedzonessuchas thoseusedin BNR
plants and present in mechanically aeratedaer- . Completely aerobic plug flow
ation basins . Plug flow predenitrification (an anoxic selector
followed by a plug flow aerobic basin with
As high MCRT BNR plants become more common
internal recycle from the end of the aerobic
in the U.S., the incidenceof M. parvicella is cerlain to
basin to the anoxic zone)
increase. . Completely aerobic, completely mixed
Wentzel (1992) reported that at the five-stageBarden-
. Completelymixed, intermittentlyaerated,nitri-
pho JohannesburgNorthern plant (South Africa), M. par-
vicella was the dominantfilamentousorganismin the win- fi cation-denitrifi cation
ter. In the summer, Type 0092 became dominant.
Knoop and Kunst (1998), in pilot plant and full-scale All reactors had foam-trapping features in their aera-
experimentson municipal wastewatertreatment plants tion basinsand secondaryclarifiers.The best settlingwas
containinganoxic and/or anaerobiczones,found that the obtained from systems with plug flow aerobic basins
best growth of M. parvicella occurredat <12 to 15'C and (Figure 5.33). The two sludges contained very few
with F/M values of (0.1 kg BOD./kg MLSS/d. Under M. parvicella filaments. The activated sludge from the
these conditions, M. parvicella filaments were 200 to completely mixed nitrifi cation-denitrifi cation systemwith
500 pm long and SVI values were as high as 490 ml'lg CSTR basins showed the poorest settling and M. parvice-
(average, 250 mLlg). At >20"C and the same F/M, the lla was dominant. The completely aerobic, completely
M. parvicella filaments fragmentedinto 30- to 80-pm long mixed system settled better than the completely mixed,
pieces, then gradually disappearedfrom the activated nitrification-denitrificationsystembut poorerthanthe sys-
sludge. The filament fragmentation was accompaniedby tems with plug flow aerationbasins.
an SVI decreaseto approximately 150 mllg. When the Gabb and coworkers (1991, 1997a, 1997b) worked
F/M was increasedto >O.2kg BODr/kg MLSS/d, M. par- with continuously fed and intermittently fed laboratory
vicella was gradually eliminated from the activatedsludge activated sludge systems with a range of aerobic and


80 oS -^uA&.. I
}E tr *as
60 tr ^oo
qn' = ot"
^- o Aerobic plug-flow
9r tr ^"
trO A ^ o PTeNDN plug-flow
*9) o ,; loPreNr
A I r Aerob
Aerobic completelymixed
x Intermittent aern, NDN
I mixed

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

DSVI, ml-/g

FIGURE 5.33 Effect of unaeratedzones and aeration basin configuration on the settling of activated sludge dominated by
M. parvicella. (From Mamais, D. and Jenkins,D. (1992), Water Sci. Technol.,26:5-6,955. With permission.)
' 158 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f A c ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
Pr oblem s

anoxic conditions treating settled municipal wastewater. 5. Case Histories

MCRT valueswere 20 to 30 d, F/M was 0.28 to 0.31 kg
COD/kg VSS/d, and temperature was 20'C. Completely The following two examples illustrate how the presence
aerobic systems did not bulk and did not support the of alternating anoxic and aerobic zones in an aeration
growth of low F/M filamentous organisms (including basin stimulatesthe growth of M. parvicella andhow their
M. parvicella) whether or not they had selectors. elimination and the use of an aerobic selector controls
M. parvicella.
Continuously fed, intermittently aerated activated
sludge (simulating an oxidation ditch type of aeration a. Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority (UOSA), VA
basin) had high SVIs due to proliferation of Type 0092 The UOSA Regional Water Reclamation Plant is a
and M. parvicella. The installation of an aerobic selector 27-MGD (1.2 m3/s) facility utilizing preliminary treat-
aheadof the intermittently aeratedbasin did not eliminate ment, primary treatment, and single sludge nitrification.
thesefilamentousorganisms.When the aerationbasin was Extensivephysical/chemicaltreatmentof the nitrified sec-
continuouslyaerated(i.e., the units were completely aer- ondary effluent is provided to allow discharge of the
obic), bulking due to Type 0092 and M. parvicella was treated effluent to a drinking water reservoir. Effluent dis-
eliminated. charge standardsand plant reliability and redundancy
requirementsare extremely stringent,resulting in a con-
4. Control servativedesign for the biological treatmentfacilities with
a relatively long hydraulic residencetime, low organic
The growth of M. parvicella in activated sludge can be loading rate, and low secondaryclarifier overflow rate.
reducedby: The biological treatment plant was upgraded and
expanded from an existing completely mixed activated
. ReducingMCRT to as low a value as possible sludge system that historically experiencedseverebulking
consistentwith achievingtreatmentobjectives problems with SVIs as high as 600 ml-/g that restricted
. Providing plug flow basinsin both anoxic and treatment capacity. Poor settleability resulted in reduced
aerobiczones MLSS concentrations,reducedMCRT, and reducedcapacity
. Avoiding intermittentaerationor zonesof low to nitrify. Periodic identification of the filamentousorgan-
DO (<l to 2 mglL) in aerobiczones,especially isms presentindicated that M. parvicella was typically pre-
at the point where mixed liquor from an anaer- dominant, especially during cold weather.A bench-scale
obic or anoxic zone entersan aerobiczone evaluation was conducted of an aerobic selector (DO
. Eliminating foam trapping features >2 mg[-) for correctionof the filamentousbulking problem.
. A full-scale aerobicselectorwas subsequentlyincorporated
Addng a polyaluminum chloride-basedfloccu-
into the design of the expandedactivatedsludge system.
Figure 5.34 is a schematicof the expanded,upgraded
full-scale, system. The selector consists of an aerated
Recent work in The Netherlandsand Japan (Eikel-
channel(length:widthratio of 5:1) with a hydraulic resi-
boom, 1997;Hwang et al., 1998;Roels et al., 2002) has
dencetime of I I min basedon influent flow. Dye testing
shown that M. parvicella bulking and foaming was con-
indicated that the hydraulic flow pattern in the selector
t r olled by t he a d d i ti o n o f p o l y a l u mi n u m chl ori de
could be approximatedas three equal-sizedcompletely
(PAX-14, Kemwater B.V., Rozenburg,The Netherlands)
mixed tanks in series.Following the selectorare two sets
to the aeration basin. Dose rates for low MCRT activated
of activated sludge aeration basins in series.The first set
sludge systemswere functions of MCRT (60/MCRT =
comprises newly added diffused air basins required to
PAX-14 dose,g as Al/kg MLSS). Using this criterion and
an extended aeration activated sludge system with
Primary effluent
MCRT =20 d, HRT = I d, and MLSS = 3000 mg/L would RAS
resultin an aerationbasininfluentPAX- 14 doseof approx- Mixed 9.1."1o.
imately 0.5 mg Al/L. That amount is on the same order liquor
of magnitudethat is effective for controlling nocardioform
foaming with cationic polyelectrolyte. To secondary
Roels et al. (2002) report that control is achievedafter clarifiers
about I to 2 weeksof PAX- 14 dosing.It was also reported air
that PAX-14 addition seemsto affect M. parvicella stain-
Aeration basin
ing properties and filament morphology, suggesting that
someinhibitory toxic effect in addition to flocculation may FIGURE 5.34 Aeration basin and selectorsystem,UOSA, VA.
occur. PAX-14 addition appeared to have no effect on (From Daigger,G.T. and Nicholson, G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water
nocardioforms or N. limicola. Pollut. Control Fed., 62,676. With permission.)
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 159

500 V operational
d 7
) +oo y' related
<-----> difficulties
F 3oo


1986 1987 | 988 I 989 1990


FIGURE 5.35 Effect of selectoroperationon SVI at UOSA, VA. (From Daigger, G.T. and Nicholson, G.A. (1990), Res.J. Water
Pollut. Control Fed., 62,676. With permission.)

accomplishthe plant expansionand the secondcomprises Both techniques produced similar results and indi-
the existing completely mixed basins using slow speed, cated an oxygen requirement in the selector of approxi-
surface mechanical aerators.The volumes of the new dif- mately 0. 1 mg Orlmg soluble BODr removed.The DO
fused air and existing mechanical aeration basins are concentrationsin the selectorhave been maintainedcon-
approximatelythe same. sistently above2 mg/L, suggestingthat DO doesnot limit
Excellent sludge settling, as indicatedby an average the rate of oxidation of carbonaceousmatter. This rela-
SVI of 14 mLlg, was obtained with the expandedand tively low oxygen requirement suggeststhat storage,
upgraded secondarytreatment system while operating in rather than oxidation, is the predominant fate of removed
excessof designorganic loading and with periodsduring soluble organic matter in the selector. The F/M for the
which hydraulicloadingwasequalto the maximum month entire.selector was 4.9 kg BODr/kg MLSS/d while the
designvalue.Figure 5.35 presents4 y of dataillustrating F/M, for the first selector compartment was 14.8 kg
the impact of the aerobic selectoron sludge settleability. BOD./kg MLSS/d.
Before March 1988,the existingcompletelymixed basins Becausetwo changeswere made when the UOSA
t_ using surfacemechanicalaerationwere in service.Severe
sludgebulking (and some foaming) problemswere expe-
plant was upgraded- installationof the aerobicselector
and addition of a diffused air aeration basin upstream of
riencedregularly,and SVIs typically were>150 ml-/g and, the existing mechanically-aerated aerationbasin - it is
on occasion,as high as 600 ml/g. The predominantfila- not possibleto determinethe relative contributions of each
ment was M. parvicella. In March 1988,the aerobicselec- modification to improving the sludgesettlingcharacteristics
tor and diffused air aerationbasinswere brought on line and controllin g M. parvicella. However theseobservations
and the existing mechanically aeratedbasins were taken are consistentwith the findings of Mamais et al. (1998)
off line. The aeration basin hydraulic residence time and Gabb etal. (1991,1997a,1997b)that M. parvicella
remained about the same becausethe volumes of the growth is controlled by completely aerobic selectorsand
mechanically aeratedand diffused air aerationbasinswere aerationbasinsbut not by aerationbasinsthat containlow
about the same. The result of the change in reactor con- DO zones.The following case study provides additional
figuration was a rapid decreasein SVI (Figure 5.35) as insight.
M. parvicella was eliminated from the system.The SVIs at
b. Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant,
UOSA haveremainedlow since installation of the selector,
except for a brief period in late 1988 when construction- Tulsa, OK
related problems resultedin unusualoperating conditions. This plant provides preliminary treatment, primary treat-
Operating conditions within the selectorwere charac- ment, and secondary treatment using the complete-mix,
terized in February 1989. Direct measurementsindicated air-activated sludge processwith mechanical surface aer-
soluble BOD. removalsof approximately 6OVoand soluble ators. Initially the plant provided 28 MGD (1.2 m3/s)of
COD removals of approximately 457o through the selec- capacity using two aeration basins. Nitrification occurred
tor. Oxygen requirements exerted in the selector were periodically, but the capability to achieve consistentnitri-
determinedby (1) measurementof the oxygen uptake rates fication was limited by chronic filamentous bulking prob-
of samples withdrawn from the selector and (2) direct lems with SVI values as high as 500 ml-/g for periods of
calculation from measuredair flow rates using measured several consecutive weeks. M. parvicella was often the
DO concentrationsand oxygen transfer efficiencies deter- predominant fi lamentous microorganism causing bulking
mined by using an off-gas analyzer during cold weather.
1 60 M anua lo n C a u s e sa n d C o n tro lo f Ac ti vatedS l udgeB ul ki ng,Foami ng,and Other S ol i dsS eparati on
P roblem s

Return clarifier

Diffused air

Aeration basin

FIGURE 5.36 Northside plant aerationbasin with aerobic selector,Tulsa, OK. (From Daigger, G.T. and Nicholson, G.A. (1990),
Res.J. WaterPollut. Control Fed.,62,676. With permission.)

Expansion of the plant required reliable, consistent A comparison of UOSA and the Tulsa Northside aer-
year-round nitrification. Two additional aeration basins obic selectorperformancessuggeststhat an aerobic selec-
with essentiallythe same configurationsas the existing tor alone is not capable of controlling sludge bulking
basins were to be provided. To addressthe persistent caused by M. parvicella. The configuration of the main
sludge bulking problems, an aerobic selectorwas to be aeration basin also seems to affect the occurrence of
providedalong with the two new aerationbasins.The new M. parvicella. A main aeration basin with uniform aera-
basins were square and equipped with nine slow speed tion (such as a floor covered with fine bubble diffusers)
mechanical surface aeratorsand influent piping networks seemsio provide greater control of M. parvicella growth
that distributedthe influent throughout the basins.Each than a basin with point source aeration devices (such as
basin had an aerobic selector consisting of a two-pass mechanical surface aerators).
channel with a length:width ratio of l7:l that received
primary effluent and RAS (Figure 5.36). The selector V. ANAEROBIC
HRT, basedon a design flow of 14 MGD (0.61m3/s)per
basin.was l6 min: the HRT in the aerationbasinwas 5.5 h. Various aspectsof anaerobic digester foaming causedby
nocardioform organismshave been discussedin this chap-
The new aerationbasinswere startedup in January1988
ter. In summary:
and, after a 6-mo acclimationperiod, the performanceof an
aerationbasin with an aerobicselectorwas comparedto the . Anaerobic digester foaming problems due to
performanceof an existing aerationbasin with no selector. nocardioforms and M. parvicella originate in
Contrary to the experienceat UOSA, the aerobic selector aerationbasins(where theseorganismsgrow).
system settling characteristicswere no better than those in The foam-causing microorganisms are intro-
the systemwithout an aerobicselectorover an 1l-mo period duced into the anaerobic digester in the WAS.
when the two systemswere operatedwith the sameprocess . Foaming due to these filamentous organisms
foadings and operating parameters.M. parvicella was the can occur in anaerobic digestersbefore nui-
predominantfi lamentousorganism causingbulking. sancefoams appear on aeration basins because
In the aerobic selector system, the SVI averaged the filamentous organism concentrationper unit
152 mLlg.In the UOSA aerobicselectorsystem,the aver- volume can be higher in an anaerobic digester
age SVI was J2 ml/g. The overall F/M in the Northside than in the mixed liquor becausethe SS content
selectorwas 3.2 kg BOD./kg MLSS/d- somewhatlower of the WAS fed to the digester is higher than
than the valueof 4.9 kg BODr/kg MLSS, d at UOSA. The the MLSS, especially since the WAS feed has
very high length:width ratio of the Northside selector usually been thickened.
makes it likely that its initial contact zone F/M is compa- . Serious operating and equipment problems can
rable to or greater than that at UOSA. The Northside be causedby nocardioform foaming in anaero-
selector removed the same fraction of soluble BOD, bic digesters.Figure 5.37 shorysthe results of
(607o)as the UOSA selectoralthoughoxygen uptakeand liquid phase percent total solids and tempera-
airflow rate data suggestedthat more of the soluble BOD, ture profiles of the contents of an anaerobic
was oxidized rather than stored. digester at the San Francisco South East plant.
ActivatedSludgeFoamingand Control 161


6.3 84 o Fine bubble gas mixing
5 .5 9l
4.'t 94
5.0 89
20 4.5 93 .100i
'- -

24 F1
32 J

Totalsolids,7o Temperature,"C

FIGURE 5.37 Nocardioform foam effects on percenttotal solids Coarse bubble gas mixing
and temperature profiles in an anaerobic digester, South East I nl
plant, San Francisco,CA.

Note the large fraction of digestervolume occu- Mechanicalmixing

pied by nocardioform-induced foam, inversion
ofTS concentrations(higher on the top than on 246810t214
the bottom of the digester), and temperature Time,min.
decreaseof the liquid in the foam layers.
Nocardioforms and M. parvicella both lose FIGURE5.38 Foamaccumulation ratein experimentalanaer-
their Gram-positive staining properties and obic digestersas a functionof mixing technique.(From van
their Neisser-positive granules during anaero- Niekeik,A.M. et al. (1987),J. WaterPollut.ControlFed.,60,
bic digestion, Nocardioform filaments fragment 100.With permission.)
and the long coiled M. parvicella filaments
the digestion processcan produce foam without
break into shorter, thicker filaments. Generally
mixing. This is most evident immediately after
these changes make it more difficult to micro-
feeding the digester when gas production usu-
s c opic a l l y re c o g n i z e n o c a rd i o fo rms and
ally increases.Figure 5.38 showsthat fine bub-
M. parvicella in anaerobic digesters than in
ble gas mixing devices(unconfinedgasmixers,
activated sludge. For this reason, Hernandez
gas lances,etc.) producethe greatestamountof
etal. (1994) developed an immunofluorescent
foam; coarse bubble types of mixers produce
antibody staining method for G. amarae that
less foam; external mechanical mixers and
made it possible to count these organismsin
pump mixing have the least foam-producing
anaerobically digesting sludge. Using this
potential. Becausethey have much smaller top
method and a dehydrogenaseenzyme method
for viability determination, Hernandezand Jen- liquid surfaces, egg-shaped digesters tend to
kins (1994) showedthat the viability of G. ama- allow smaller accumulations of foam than
rae decreased only very slowly during cylindrical digesters.
anaerobicdigestion (decay rate = 0.04/d). Thus, . The best method for controlling nocardioform
recycle streams from digested sludge process- or M. parvicella foaming in anaerobicdigesters
ing (e.g., centrate, filtrate, and supernatant) is to eliminate causativefilamentous organisms
could seed the activated sludge plant with from the activated sludge system so that they
noc ar d i o fo rms . T h e fo a m i n g p ro p erti es never reach the anaerobicdigesters.The use of
decreasedeven more slowly than the viability mechanical mixing, external pump mixing. or
during anaerobic digestion, suggestingthat the coarse bubble mixing rather than fine bubble
tendency to foam is retained by nonviable mixing will reducefoaming potential. Westlund
G. amarae cells or cell walls. etal. (1996,1998a,1998b) found that a mixer
The amount of foam produced by nocardio- placed in the gas space above the digesting
forms in anaerobic digesters is greatly influ- sludge can be used to collapse foam. Mixers
enc ed b y d i g e s te r m i x i n g m e th o d s and that spray sludge onto the surfaceofthe digest-
geometry. The production of CO, and CHo by ing sludge can help collapse foam.
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Eberhard,W.D. and Nesbitt,J.B. (1968),ChemicalPrecipitation Fanah, S.R. and Unz, R.F. (1976),Isolationof ExocellularPoly-
of Phosphorusin a High RateActivatedSludgeSystem, mer fromZoogloea StrainsMP6 and 106 and from Acti-
J. Water Pollut. Control Fed.. 40, 1239. vated Sludge,Appl. Environ.Microbiol., 32,33.
Eikelboom, D.H. (1975), FilamentousOrganismsObservedin
Faust,L. and Wolfe, R.S. (1961),Enrichmentand Cultivation of
Bulking ActivatedSludge,Water Res.,9,365.
Beggiatoaalba, J. Bctcteriol.,87,99.
Eikelboom, D.H. (1977), Identificationof FilamentousOrgan-
Finger, R.E. (1973), Solids Control in Activated Sludge Plants
isms in Bulking Activated Sludge,Progr. Water Technol.,
with AIum, J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 45,1654.
8,1 53 .
Eikelboom, D.H. (1982a),Biosorption and Preventionof Bulk- Finstein, M.S. and Heukelekian,H. (19'74),Gross Dimensions
ing Sludgeby Meansof a High Floc Loading, in Bulking of Activated Sludge Flocs with Reference to Bulking,
of Activated Sludge: Preventative and Remedial Meth- J. Water Pollut. Control Fed.. 39. 33.
ods, Chambers,B. and Tomlinson,E.J.,Eds., Ellis Hor- FMC Corporation(1973), Bulking Control with Hydrogen Per-
wood, Chichester,chap. 6. oxide: Case History, Water Pollution Control Plant, City
Eikelboom, D.H. (1982b), Biological Characteristicsof Oxida- of Petaluma,CA,Tech. Data Pollut. Control,Release 47.
tion Ditch Sludge, in Oxidation Ditch Technology,CEP FMC Corporation(1976), SludgeBulking Cure: Hydrogen Per-
ConsultantsLtd., Edinburgh. oxide,Tech. Data Pollut. Control, Release 95.
lndex 183

bacterial colonies, 15-16 sampling,l0

cell dispersion, 16 "TheSandsof Dee,"131
characteristics, 15 secondary clarifierand, 132
filamentous organism effects, 17 suspended solidsconcentrations, 135
macroorganisms, 15 suspended solidsinventory 132
m i c r o g r a p h s, 3 .2 0 ,2 l surfactants and,64, 131, 135, 136-137,152-153
nonbiological particles, 15 temperature and,73
size, 15 tests,50, 54,139-140
nonbiological components, I trappingandrecycling,137-139,Seealso Foamtrapping
open structure, 17 types,131
p i n f l o c , 2 , 4 , 6 ,6 3 , 1 2 8 Foamingmanagement
poor diversity, 22 anaerobicdigesters,161
selector flocs, 66{7 classifyingselectors,l5 1-152
shear conditions and, 3 continuoussurfacewasting,153
solids separation problems, 3--7, See also specific problems flotationcel1,151-152
dispersed growth, 3 mixingregime,161
filamentous bulking, ut-5 nocardioforms,144-156,Seealso Nocardioformcontrol
foam and scum, 5-7 selectivefoam wasting,152-153
pin floc, 4
viscous bulking, 3-4 Foamingtests,50, 54,139-140
Floc Characterization Worksheet. 25-26
Flocculants,ST,88, 129, 158
anaerobicselectorand, 148
Flocculated suspendedsolids (FSS), 5L-52, 55, 128
Flocculation, See also Floc
filamentousorganismgrowthand,72, 73
clarifier performance and, 128-129
Microthrixpamicella growthand, 158
dispersed microorganism removal, 62
Food-to-microorganism ratio (F/fvI),126,Seealso Nutrientdeficiency
Microthrix parvicella growth and, 158
protozoa, 46
DO level and,73
Flocculation zone, 128-129
Flotation cell, classifying selector, 15l-152
Fluorescent in situ hybidization (FISH), 44, 47
indi'catororganisms, 49
F lM, See Foodto-microorganism ratio
low dissolvedoxygenbulkingand, 108,109
Foaming, 131-161, See also Nocardioform foaming
Microthrixparvicella growthand, 157
activated sludge, 132
aeration basin accumulation, 132
samplingissues,I I
aeration basin gas phase and, 137
selectordesignand,118, I 19
anaerobic digesters, 132-133, 137, 160-16l
FountainValley,CA, 109
bacterial steady-statekinetic data (table), 140
Free-swimming ciliates,47, 48, 49
causes.2. 131 Frozenfoam, 132
control, See Foaming management Fungi
facility start-up, 124, l3I internationalcomparisonfor sludgesettlingproblems,61
factors affecting nocardioform growth, 140-14 1 microscopicidentification,43-44,45
filamentous organisms and,6, See also Filamentous organisms: pH and,73
Nocardioform foaming upsffeamseedingsources,73
abundancecomparisons (table), 60
s u r v e y s , 5 9 ,1 3 2
t- G
floating substrates,141
floc-bound vs. free-fl oating nocardioforms, I 39
Gasterotrichs,48, 51
floc structure and, 5-7
flotation process, 136
G bacteria. 65-66.111
foaming organismsurveys,59, 132
freezing,132 Glycogenfermentation,111, 114
gas-solid aggregates,5-6 Gonidia,22-23,68,69
international comparison of dominant fi lamentousorganisms (table), micrograph,35
6l Gordonaamarae,116
MCRT and. l4l-144.156 anaerobicdigestionand, 161
M ic rothrix parvic ella and, 136, 156-160 foaming,132,133
nocardioform seeding, 141 pureculturechemostat , 154
nutrient limiting and, 103, 131 steady-state kineticdata(table),140
particlesand, 131, 135-136 Gramstaining,12, 13
pH and, 143-144 filamentousorganismcharacteristics, 2 l-22
photos, 134 micrographs,33
physicaVchemical factors, 135 procedure,15
proposed mechanisms, 135-140 variable-staining organisms,23
pure culture chemostat experiments, 138-139, 140, 144, 147, 154 G r e a s e , 6 1 , 6 12 4, 1
184 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

H Magnesium sulfate (MgSOa), 130

Mean cell residence time (MCRT)
Haft,62 automated control, 156
Haliscomenobacter hydrossis, 7 , 27, 38 ciliates as indicators. 48
aeration basin configurations and, 71 dispersed growth, 62
bulking control case histories, 125 dispersed suspendedsolids and, 129,130
dispersed growth, 65 dissolved oxygen concentration and, 108, 109
DO level and, 73 filamentous organism growth and, 7 1, 77-:78, 127
international comparison in bulking and foaming activated sludge, 61 Microthrix parvicella growth and, 157-158
low dissolved oxygen bulking and, 108, 109 nitrification and,144
MCRT and F/1\{ ranges, 71 nocardioform control
micrograph, 40 aerobic selector, 145
nutrient deficiency and, 68, 69, 103 anaerobic selectors, 148-15 1
organic substrates,69 automatic MCRT control and, 156
selector effectiveness, I 18 conditions of selector ineffectiveness. 126-127
staining reactions, 22 nocardioform growth and foam formation, l4I-145
taxonomy,46 sampling issues, I I
wastewater feeding regime and, 72 selective foam wasting, 152-153
Halistilus natans, I7 temperature effects, 117
Hamilton. OH. l2Vl22 Microbial adhesion, 2
Heavy metal toxicity, 65 Micronutrients, 107-108
Hockey puck cell shape, 19 Microscopes,12-13
Hydraulic residence time (HRT), 7, 93 Microscopic examination, 9
Hydraulic short circuiting effects, 7 algae, 68
Hydrogen sulfide, 60, 70 applications and results, 57-75
Hyperion featment plant, 124-125 bacterial motility, l6
Hyphomicrobium sp.,67 chlorination effects. 94. 100
"do's and don'ts." l4
I exocellular material, 67-68
filament counting,9-12,57-58, Seealso Filament counting methods
IgepalC-620,136 filamentous organisms, 17-23, 69, See also Filamentous
Immunofluorescent antibodystaining,161 microorganisms, microscopic examination
India ink reversestaining,l6 floc characteristics, 1zt-17
nutrientdeficiencyanalysis,69, 103 higher invertebrates,48, 51
viscousflocs.4. 5 Flexibacter spp.,67
Initialcontactzones,11l-1 12, ll8, 122 limited diversity, 61-62
Intermittentwastewater feedingregimes,72, 110 Neisser-positive cell clumps, 65-66
selectorsystems,111-127, Seealso Selectorsystems nonmicrobial particles, 60-64
Iron, phosphorus interaction,lM nutrient deficiency, 68, 103
Iron sulfide,60, 63 Spirillum spp.,67
Irregularcell shape,19,31 powdered activated carbon treatment, 61
protozoa and metazoa, 4647
sample preparation, 13-1+
K sampling frequency, 11
samplingpoints, 1G-11
Kinetic data (table), 140
solids recycling, 60
Kinetic selection,115
troubleshooting guide, 14
viscous bulking, 4
L yeast, 66
Lagoons, algae growth in, 68 zoogloeas, 66
Leopoldsdorf sugar mill, Austria, 120 Microthrix parvicella, 32, 37, 39
Lipase, 70 aeration basin configurations and, 72
Lipid uptake and metabolism, T0, 156 aerobic digesters and, 70
Los Angeles, CA, 124-125 aerobic selector and, 158-159
Lowry method (modified), 19 anaerobic digester foaming, 160-161
bulking and, 156
casehistories, 158-160
M chlorination effects, 94
compaction and settling interference, 7
Macrobiotus sp., 48, 5l control, 158
Macronutrients, See Nitrogen; Nutrient deficiency; Phosphorus aerobic selectors, 158-160
Magnesium ion (Mg2+), 63 operating conditions effects on growth, 156-158
dispersed growth and, 3, 129 selector effectiveness, 118, 126, 127
floc formation and, 2 DO level and, 73

lndex 185

filament counting method, 9, 140 Nitrospora,4T

foaming,5, 131-133, 136, 156-160, 5, See also Nocardioform Nocardia, ^SeeNocardioforms; specifc microorgarusms
foaming Nocardia amarae, See Gordona amarae
temperature effects,T3-74 Nocardia asteroides, 135
foam trapping and,'72,'73 Nocardia brasiliensis, 135
Gram stain, 33 Nocardia caviae, 135
international comparison in bulking and foaming activated sludge, 6 I Nocardia farcinica, 135
lipid uptake and storage, 70, 156 Nocardia pinensis, See Skermania pinensis
low dissolved oxygen bulking and, 108 Nocardioform control, 144, See also Nocardioforms; Selector systems
MCRT and F/I\{ ranges, 71 aerobic selectors,144-146
micrographs, 33,34,44, 133 anaerobic selectors, 147-l5l
Neisserstain. 34 anoxic selectors,146-147
staining reactions, 22 automatic MCRT control, 156
substrates,156 cationic polymer addition, 154-155
taxonomy,46 chlorination' 154
temperature and filamentous organism dominance switching, 73-74 "classifying" selectors, 151-152
wastewater feeding regime and, 72 MCRT and' 145
Mixed liquor suspendedsolids (MLSS) polymer addition, 87
bulking control by reducing concentration, 85-87 selective foam wasting, 152-153
bulking control by reducing inventory,85 Nocardioform foaming, 131-161, See also Foaming
on-line measurementand foam control, 156 aerationbasins, 135-136
Monas, 48 anaerobicdigesters'137,160-161
Monochloramine,gl-92 cell-wall hydrophobicity,135
. Motility (bacterial), 16, 18 control, see Foaming management;Nocardioform control
M y c o b a c t e r i u m , l 35 d iffe r e n tia tio n ,6 - 7
"floating" substrates,141
floc-bound vs. free-floating filaments, 139
N floc structure and' 5-7 5-'7
L '
flotation process, 136
Nals sp.,48 growth-affectingfactors, 140-141
Neisser-positive tetrads, 65-66, 68 MCRT and, 141-145,156
Neisserstaining, 12, 13 miciographs,133
filamentousorganismcharacteristics,2l-22 Microthrix pawicellafoamingvs., 136
micrographs,34 organismsurveys,132
procedure,15 pH and,143-144
N e m a t o d e s , 4 85, l photos,134
Nitrate, 104 pure culture chemostatexperiments,138-139, 140,144,147,154
colorimetric tests, 107 seeding,142
selector oxygen state and, I 14 selective foam wasting, 152-153
selector systems, 116 steady-statekinetic data (table), 140
Nitrification, See also Denitrification testing, 139-140
chlorination effects, 89-90 Nocardioforms, 37, 39
DO and, 109 aerationbasin configurationsand, 7l
filamentous organism identification,44-45 aerobic digesters and, 70
foaming and,144 branching,37
N oversupply, 104 bulking control case histories, 122
ozone and, 102 disPersedgrowth, 65
Nitrification-denitrification plant,125-126 factors affecting growth, 140-141
Nitrifying bacteria, 67, See also Nitrification filament abundancein bulking or foaming facilities, 60
in situ identification, 47 filament counting, 9, 1l, 140
micrograph,22, 47 foaming, See Nocardioform foaming
Nitrite, chlorine reaction,92 foam trapping and, 72
Nitrite oxidizers, 44 Gram stain, 33
Nitrobacter 4445 international comparisons, bulking or foaming sludges, 61
Nitrogen MCRT and F/)\{ ranges, 71
availability, 103-104 micrograph,44
deficiency, 69, See also Nutrient deficiency Neisser stain, 34
fertilizer, 104 organic substrates,140
mixed liquor concentrations, 106 pathogens, 135
oversupply,104 prevalenceissues' 137-138
requrrements, 103 selector effectiveness' 118
residual concentrations,106-107 taxonomy,46
supply and demand, 104-105 Nonfilamentous bulking, 4, See also Viscous bulking
volatile matter, 107 Nonyl phenol ethoxylate (NPE)' 64' 131
Nitrosococcus mobilis, 44, 4':. Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant, Tulsa, OK, 159-160
Nitrosomonas, 4445 Nostocoida limicola

186 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

dispersed growth, 65 Orthophosphate, 107, ll4

selector effectiveness, 118 Oscillatoria sp.,45
Nostocoida limicola I, 30, 32, 38 Oval cell shape,19, 31
compaction and settling interference, 7 Oxygen, dissolved, See Dissolved oxygen
international comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 6l Ozone, 102
micrograph, 42
staining reactions, 22
taxonomy, 46 P
wastewater feeding regime and, 72
Nostocoida limicola ll, 23, 32, 38 P A C T.61. 88
aeration basin configurations and, 71 Paper fibers, 60, 62, 88
bulking control case histories, 120 Paramecium sp.,49
case study, 98 Particles. 60-61.70
compaction and settling interference, 7 floc microscopic examination, 15
Gram stain, 33 foami ngand, 131, 135-136
intemational comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 61 micrographs, 62-64
MCRT and F/1VIranges, 71 Pathogenic nocardioforms, 135
micrograph,33,34,42 P A X -14, 158
Neisserstain, 34 Peroxide, 100-101
organic substrates,69-70 Petaluma. CA. 102
pulp and paper facility bulking case study, 70-71 pH
staining reactions, 22 adjustment, 130
taxonomy,46 foaming and,,143-144
wastewater feeding regime and, 72 fungal bulking and, 73
Nostocoida limicola III. 33. 39 yeast growth and, 66
compaction and settling interference, 7 Phase contrast microscope, 12-13
international comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 6l Phase contrast microscopy, See Microscopic examination
micrograph, 42 PHA staining, 13,21,69
nutrient deficiency and, 69, 103 method, 17
organic substrates,69-70 micrograph, 32
pulp and paper facility bulking case study, 70-71 PHB granules, 68
staining reactions, 22 Phoenix, AZ, 125-126, 141
Nostocoida spp., chlorination effects, 94 Phosphorus
Nutrient deficiency, 69, 103-108, Seealso Food-to-microorganism ratio; availability, 103-104
specific nutrients colorimetric analysis, 106
associatedfi lamentous organisms, 103 deficiency, 69, 103, See also Enhanced biological phosphorus
bulking and, 68 removal; Nutrient deficiency
completely aerobic vs. anaerobic-aerobicsystems, 105-106 discharge limits, 105
diagnosis,103 iron interactions, 104
foaming and, 103, 131 mixed liquor concentrations, 106
intermittent-feeding-based selectors, ll l-127, See also Selector removal, Sae Enhanced biological phosphorus removal
systems requirements, 103
macronutrient availability, 103-104 residual concentrations, 106-107
macronutrient requirements, 103 supply and demand, 105-106
management approach, 77 uptake, aerobic vs. anaerobic-aerobicsystems, 105-106
micronutrients,107-108 yeast growth and, 66
microscopic observation, 68 Pine+reelike organism (WLO, Skermania pinensis),3'7, 132, 133
mixed liquor macronutrient concentrations, 106 P i n fl oc, 2,4,6,63,128
Neisser-positivetetrad.65 Plant duct particle,62
phosphorus removal, See Enhanced biological phosphorus removal Plastic manufacturing facility wastewater,WY 98-100
residual macronutrient concentrations, 106-107 Plug flow, 110
satisfying macronutrient demands, 104-105 Microthrix parvicella growth and, 158
scum, 7 Podophyra sp.,49
Nutrient dischargelimits. 105 Poly-p-hydroxylalkanoates (PHAs), 13, See PHA staining
Polyaluminum chloride, 158
Polychaos sp.,48
o Polymer addition
nocardioform control, 154-155
Oakland,CA, 136 RAS chlorination vs., 88
oit,61,64, t4I settling rate management approaches,87-88
Openfloc structure,17 Polyphosphate metabolism, 114-116, See also Enhanced biological
Operculariaspp.,48, 50 phosphorus removal; Phosphorus
OrangeCountySanitationDistrict Plant,CA, 109 Potassium ion (K+), dispersed growth and, 3,63,65, 129
tetradand,65 Powdered activated carbon treatment (PACT), 61, 88
Organicloading,SeeFood-to-microorganism ratio Primary clarifiers, 1, 88
69-70 Processheat losses, 65
lndex 187

Protein content, 68 capaci|y, T9

test, 13, 19 fl occulation zone, 128-129
Protozoa,454'l foam effects, 132
"bioaugmented" bacteria consumption, 44 mixed liquor flocculation and, 127-128
bioindicator, 48-49 operating diagram, 81-82
biomass flocculation, 46 operating principles, 78
microscopic observation, 15, 447 performance problems, l2'7 -130
taxonomy, 47-48 investigation, 128
toxicity and, 49, 65 problem resolution, 128-1 30
Pseudomonas,floc, I resul ts,128
Pulp and paper wastewater activated sludge systems thickening capacity, 78-83, See a/so Sludge thickening
bulking casehistories,7U71, 109 process operating relationships, 78-79
intentional waste solids wasting, 89 scum baffles, 138
nonmicrobial particles, 60 scum formation, 131
storm flow management, 87
surface scrapers, 132
R thickening failve, 127
Secondary effluent suspendedsolids, See Effluent suspendedsolids
RAS, See Return activated sludge
Selective foam wasting, 152-153
RAS chlorination, 90-91, See also Chlorination
Selector effect, 1
bulking control, 90-98, See also under Chlorination
Selector flocs, 66-67
chemical interactions, 9 1-92
Selector systems, lll-127
polymer addition vs., 88
aeration basin configuration, 116, 124
pumps, 97
aerobic,anoxic, and anaerobic,111-112,114, Seealso Aerobic
selectors;Anaerobic selectors;Anoxic selectors
R e c t a n g u l acr e l l s ha p e .1 9 , 3 L

air compressor failure, 122
Recycled digested sludge solids, 60
approach for difficult filaments, 127
Resin beads,61
bulking control. 145
Retum activated sludge (RAS)
case histories, 120-126
chlorination, See RAS chlorination
aerobic selectors,158-159
clarifier thickening capacity and, 80
aerobic and anoxic selectors. 12V123. 125-126
flow rate and SS concentration, 83-85 'anoxic
selectors, 123-126
on-line SS measurementand foam control, 156
conversion to nitrifi cation-denitrifi cation planr, 125- 126
required flow rate calculation, 79
"classifying" selectors,l5 l-153
sampling issues,11
compartmentalization,I I 1-l 12
secondary clarifier operation, TS-79, See also Secondary clarifier
CSTR comparison,112, 1l6
storm flow management, 87
desi gn,l l 8-120
Reverse staining, Sea India ink reverse staining
aerobic selectors,I l8-1 19
Rhodococcusspp., 143
anaerobic basin, 120
anaerobic selectors, 120
Rosettes,22-23, 28, 68, 69
anoxic selectors, 1 19-120
micrograph, 35
initial contact zones, 118
Rotifers,48, 49
effectsof, 117-118
micrograph, 50
energymetabolism,I l4-l l5
filamentous organisms weakly affected by, 126*127
s initial contact zones, I 11-l 12, 118,122
initial oxygen and nitrogen conditions, lll-112
Sampling, 10-14 kinetic selection,1l5
common mistakes,12 mechanisms, 112-117
frequency, I 1 nocardioform control, 144-152
locations,l0-11 aerobic,144-146
sample preparation, l3-14 anaerobic, 14'7-151
transport and storage, 1l-i2 anoxic, 146-147
San Jose/SantaClara, CA,96-97 classifying selectors, 151-152
Sausagecell shape,19, 31 si zi ng,116, 118-120
Scrapers,132 substrateuptake and metabolism, 1I t-l 16
Scum, See also Foaming temperature effects, I 17
c a u s e s ,l 3 l Septic wastewater management approach, 77
denitrification, 5-7 Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), I
floc structure and,5-7 chlorination, 94
nutrient deficiency, 7 filamentous organism growth and, 71-72
sampling, 10 Settling rate management,See Bulking control
Scum baffles, 138 Settling testsor indices, 50, 52-55, 81, 83, See Sludge volume index;
Secondary clarifier, I specific tests or indices
analysis and operation, 83-85 applications, 57-58
blanket rising, 131 chlorination effects monitoring, 94

lBB Manualon Causes

andControlof Activated

Settling zone, 79-80 low dissolved oxygen bulking and, 108

Sheaths MCRT and F/IvI ranges, 71
individual filamentous organism descriptions, 24-53 micrographs, 27,30,40
microscopic examination, 18-19 nutrient deficiency and, 69, 103
micrograph, 30 organic substrates,69
staining, 13, 17 selector effectiveness(table), 118
peroxide effects, 101 sheaths,30
Slime formation, causes and effects (table), 2 taxonomy, 46
Sludge bulking, See Bulking upstream seeding sources,73
Sludge lagoons, algae growth in, 68 wastewater feeding regime and, 72
Sludge rising, 131, See a/so Foaming Spirillum spp., 16, 67
Sludge settling problems, See Bulking; Foaming; Solids separation Spirochaetes, 16, 67
problems Squarecell shape,19, 31
Sludge thickening, 78 Staining, 13, 15,21-22, See also Gram staining; India ink reverse
clarifier failure effects, l2l staining; Neisser staining
RAS flow rate manipulation and, 83-85 anaerobic digestion study, 161
state point analysis, 81 specific filamentous organism descriptions, 24-43
theory 79-83 micrographs,33-34
Sludge volume index (SVI), 50, See also Diluted sludge volume index; sample preparation, 13-14
Stined sludge volume index Starch decomposition, 71
aerobic selector case history, 159 Starch granules, 61, 64
alum addition and, 88 Start-up foaming, 124,131
chlorinationeffects,89, 90,94-100 S test, 21, 70
comparison with other settling indices, 83 Stined sludge volume index (SSVI or SSVI3.5), 50, 81, 83
continuous vs. intermittent wastewater feed, I 10, 157-158 aeration basin configuration and, I 10
filament count and, 57-59 clarifier operating diagram, 82
initial aerobic or anaerobic conditions, 11I method, 52
method, 52 Storm flows, 87
Microthrix pamicella growth and, 157 Stroh Brewing Co., Longview, TX, 97-98
ozone effects, 102 Sugar mill, 120
peroxide effects, 101-102 Sulfides,60
RAS flow rate and SS concentration, 83-85 chlorine interactions, 92
secondary clarifier thickening analysis, 8l-83 oxidation, filamentous organism descriptions, 24-43
selector effects, case histories, 120-126 oxidation test, 13, 16
selectorsystemand, I 14 utilization, 70
toxicants and, 65 Sulfur
viscous bulking and, 4 oxidation test, 16
Sodium hydroxide, 130 granules,21,23,70
Sodium hypochlorite, 89, See also Chlorination micrographs, 32,40,41
Sodium ion (Na+), dispersedgrowth and, 3,63,129 S test, 21, 70
Solids recycling, 60 Surfactants
Solids separationproblems, 1, See also specific problems deflocculation and dispersed growth, 3
application of microscopic observations,57-75 floc dispersion and,63-64
bulking, Saa Bulking foaming and,64, l3l, 135-137, 152-153
causesand effects (table), 2 Suspendedsolids
control, See Bulking control; Foaming management analytical methods, 128
dispersed growth (table), 2, See also Dispersed growth automated measurementand foam management, 156
filamentous organism levels and, 57 chlorination effects, 100
floc and, l-'l , See also Floc dispersed (DSS), 5 I, 55, 128-129
foaming, See Foaming effluent (ESS), 52
general correction approach, 77-78 clarification problems and,,127-130
microbiological vs. process-relatedproblems, 7,51-52 microbial vs. process-relatedeffects, 7
microscopic methods for diagnosis, 57-75, See Microscopic flocculated (FSS), 51-52, 55, 128
examination foam effects, 132
secondary clarifier performance problems, 127-130 loading rate manipulations for bulking control, 85
Sphaerotilusnatans, 3,24,38 mass balance,79
aeration basin configurations and,7l mixed liquor (MLSS)
anaerobic selector, 147 bulking control by reducing concentration, 85-87
branching,l7,27 bulking control by reducing inventory, 85
bulking control case histories, 125 on-line measurementand foam control, 156
compaction and settling interference, 7 nocardioform foaming and, 137
DO level and,73 secondary clarifier performance problems, 80-82,127-130
dominance conditions (table),14 volatile (VSS), micronutrient concentrations, 107
international comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 61 SVI, See Sludge volume index
I ndex 189

t_ Tardigrades, 48, 5l
Taxonomic classification, 46-48
Temperature effects
dispersed growth, 65

fi lamentous organism growrh, 73-:74

Turbulence, effluent SS concentrations and, 7
23rd Avenue plant, Phoenix, AZ, 125-126, 141
Type 0041, 35,37,39
aeration basin configurations and, 72
aerobic digesters and, 70
bulking control case histories, 120,122
filament abundancein bulking or foaming facilities, 60
minimum aerobic MCRT, l17 floc structure, 7
selector systems and, I 17 foaming, 132
Tessaracoccus,65 intemational comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 6l
Testate amoebae,47 MCRT and F/IVI ranges, 71
Thickening, See Sludge thickening micrographs, 30, 33, 34, 43
Thiotrix l,27-28,38 nutrient deficiency and, 68
compaction and settling interference, 7 selector effectiveness, 118, 126
chlorine effect,94 sheath, 30
gonidia, 35 slowly biodegradable substrates,70
micrograph, 41 staining reactions, 22
rosettes, 28 Gram stain, 33
staining reactions, 22 Neisser stain, 34
sulfur granules, 4l variability, 23
taxonomy, 46 taxonomy, 46
Thiotrix Il,28-29,38 wastewater feeding regime and, 72
compaction and settling interference, 7 'Ilpe0092,32,35,39
gonidia, 35
micrograph,35, 41
staining reactions, 22
floc structure,7
sulfur granules,4l
taxonomy, 46
Thitorix spp.
MCRT andF/IVIranges,71
aeration basin configurations and, 71
micrographs, 34,42
anaerobic selector, 147
L branching, 17
bulking control case histories, 125
chlorination effects. 94. 95
slowly biodegradable
1I 8, 126-127
filament abundancein bulking or foaming facilities,60
gonidia or rosettes, 68, 69
temperature andfi lamentousorganismdominanceswitching,
international comparison, bulking and foaming sludges, 6l
MCRT and F/1\4ranges, 71
wastewater feedingregimeand,72
'I\pe 0211,43,44
motility, 18
Tlpe 021N,27, 38
nutrient deficiency and, 69, 103
abundance in bulkingor foamingfacilities,60

organic substrates,69-70
pulp and paper facility bulking case study, 7G-71
aerationbasinconfigurations and,71
rosettes or gonidia, 22-23

selector effectiveness, I 18
sulfide utilization, 70
sulfur granules,21, 32 floc structure,7
upstream seeding sources,73 internationalcomparison, bulking andfoamingsludges,6l
wastewater feeding regime and, 72 macronutrient demands,l0,t-105
Tokophyra sp.,49 MCRT andF/]\,Iranges,7l
Total extended filament length (TEFL), 57 micrographs, 30, 32, 34, 35, 40
Total suspendedsolids (TSS), See also Suspendedsolids motility, 18
automated measurementand foam manasement. 156 nocardioformgrowthcomparison,140
chlorination effects, 100 nutrientdeficiencyand,69, 103
foam effects, 132 organicsubstrates, 69-70
nocardioform foaming and, 137 rosettesor gonidia,22-23, 35, 68, 69
Toxicity indicators, protozoa, 49 selector system,113,118
Toxic substances,dispersed growth and,65, 129 sheaths,30
Tri-city, oR, 123-124 stainingreactions,22
Tricklingfilter/solids (TF/SC),
contact 62 Neisserstain,34
True branching, 17,27 steady-state kineticdata(table),140
Tulsa. OK. 159-160 sulfideutilization,70
Turbidity sulfurgranules, 21,23,32,40
chlorination effects, 100 taxonomy,46
dispersed growth, 16 wastewater feedingregimeand,72
pin floc, 4 Type04ll,34,39
190 Manualon Causesand Control of ActivatedSludgeBulking,Foaming,and Other SolidsSeparationProblems

MCRT andF/IVIranges,7l taxonorny,46

micrograph,42 upsEqrmseedingsources,73
organicsubstrates,70 wastewaterfeedingregime and, 72
Tlpe 0581,35,39 "l\pe 1702,23
floc structure,7 casestudy,98
internationalcomparison,bulking and foaming sludges,6l Typ€1851,37, 39
MCRT andF/I\tlranges,71 aerationbasin configurationsand, 7l
micrograph,42 bulking control casehistories, 120
taxonomy,46 floc structure,7
\\pe 0675,37, 39 Gram stain, 33
aerationbasinconfigurationsand, 72 internationalcomparison,bulking and foaming sludges,61
aerobicdigestersand,70 MCRT andF/M ranges,7l
bulkingcontrolcasehistories,120,122 micrograph,33, 43
floc structure,7 organicsubstrates,69-70
foaming,132 selectoreffectiveness,I 18
internationalcomparison,bulking and foaming sludges,61 stainingreactions,22
MCRT andF/M ranges,71 taxonomy,46
micrograph,43 wastewaterfeedingregime and, 72
nutrientdeficiencyand,68 T)pe 1852,23
pulp and paperfacility bulking casestudy,70-71 Type1863,37
selectoreffectiveness, 118,126 dispersedgrowth, 65
slowly biodegradable substrates,70 foaming,5, 7, l3l, Seealso Nocardioformfoaming
stainingreacdons,22 MCRT and Fn\,i ranges,71 !
taxonomy,46 micrograph,44
wasrcwabrfeedingregime and, 72 taxonomy,46
Tlpe 0803,37, 39
floc structure.7
intemationalcomparison, bulkingand foamingsludges,6l
MCRT andF/lvI ranges,7l
micrograph,43 Ultravioletdisinfection,89
UpperOccoquanSewageAuthority (UOSA),VA, 145, 158-159
Tlpe 0914,29-30, 38 Urea. 104
complementary bacteria,30 Uronemasp,,68
dispersedgrowth, 65
floc structure,7
internationalcomparison, bulkingandfoamingsludges,61 Victor Valley,CA, 136
MCRT andF/1\tlranges,71 Viscousbulking
micrographs, 32, 41 chlorinationeffects,94
organicsubstrates,70 floc structureand, 3-4
pulp and paperfacility bulking casestudy,7G7l micrograph,5
stainingreactions,22 nutrientdeficiencyand,68
sulfideutilization,70 Volatilesuspended solids(VSS),micronutrientconcentrations,
sulfur granules,21, 23, 32, 4l Vorticellaspp.,48, 50
Tlpe 0961,34-35,39 w {
floc structure,7
intemationalcomparison,bulkingandfoamingsludges,61 Wet weatherflows,87
micrograph,42 Woonsocket,RI, 109-1l0
taxonomy,46 Worms,48,5l
T}pe 1701,24-25,38
aerationbasin configurationsand, 7l
Yeast,66, 67
DO level and.73 z
filament abundancein bulking or foarning facilities, 60
floc structure,7 Zone settling, 79-80
intemationalcomparison,bulking and foaming sludges,61 Zoogloealbulking, SeeViscousbulking
low dissolvedoxygenbulkingand, 108, 109 hogloea ramigera,I, ll3, 115, 140, 144
MCRT and F/lvI ranges,7l Zoogloeas, 1,66
micrograph,40 aerobicselectorsand, 112
organic substrates,69-70 micrographs, 2l
selectoreffectiveness. I 18 "selectoreffect" and, I

G.Richud GlenT.Daigger

The most common activated sludge operating problems causing poor plant performance are related to solids
separation.Especiallycommon are bulking and foaming.'Without a proper scientific foundation to support the
efforts of wasrewatertreatment plant management,many attempts to thwart bulking and foaming have failed.

Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation
Problems provides the critical scientific and practical underpinnings needed to understand and combat these
problems. The third edition of this flagship text is a comprehensive,conciseguide to the microbiological and
technical aspectsof controlling all rypesof solid separationproblems.

The scientific theory is applied to real-world scenarios,greatly increasing the number of real-world examples
of successfulcontrol methods. New information is also included on filamentous organism growthand its
application in the control of sludge bulking and foaming. Now plant operators, regulators and wastewater
engineershave a complete guide for battling theseformidable design and operating problems.

What's New in the Third Edition:

. Discussionof the mechanismsof bioflocculation involved in the formation of activatedsludge flocs
. Many new casehistories of the practical diagnosisand resolution of activated sludge solids separationproblems
. Reexaminationof the filament backbone concept of floc structure, with additional focus on strong flocs that
are devoid of filamentousorganisms
. Analysis of bulking and foaming causedby nocardioform organisms and Microthrix paruicelk,
with emphasison their origins and control methods '
. New photographs and descriptionsof filamentous
organismsresponsiblefor bulking and foaming
Ll,b' +?
rsB N r-5bb7D- bq?- 5

. Results of recent studies of activated sludge and
previously unknown microorganisms- and the
potential'use of molecular biJogical tools in
diagnosingbulking and foamingproblems
LeWiS Publishers
www. c r c p r e s s . c o m llilililil

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