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The famous person I chose was JuiceWRLD, He was known for his incredible free-styling

capabilities and rapping. Then His birthday is on December 2 nd, 1998. He died December 9th, 2019. His
death was caused from an accidental overdose of codeine and oxycodone. He was on a flight and
needed to get through security without them finding the drugs he had on him. So, in a split-second
decision he decided to swallow multiple pills of what seemed to be Percocets (Very powerful pain killer).
Then once he got off the plane he was in the airport and started to have a seizure and was driven to the
hospital. Then a few hours later he had been pronounced dead.

The drug Percocet is intended for to be used as an immense pain killer. The DEA classifies
Percocet’s as highly at risk for abuse. Common names used for Percocet’s include 512’s, Percs, No
Buffers, Blue Dynamite, and Bananas. The Slackers, owners of Purdue Pharma made the drug. There was
a total of 16,000+ deaths from Percocet’s in 2021.

(Photo of Juice, Source: TMZ)

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