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(HRM:policies practices and system that influence human behaviour.ability-enhancing,motivation,opp.Hr connection btw empl performance-org.goals.

) JobAnalysis:process for gathering,documenting and analyzing info ab.a job in order to

determine the activities and responsibilities like importance to oth jobs ,qualifications and conditions. It should provide job description(list of tasks)and job specification(KSAO).conduct it 1.position analysis questionnaire-194 2.public
taxonomies. Job Design: process of defining how work will be performed+the tasks required. 4 approaches: 1-Mechanism: max efficiency by increasing simplicity,specialization and repetition-ppl are replaceable, cons-boredom,fatigure-
antitode:job/task rotation(periodic shift of respons. And tasks btw empl. 2-Motivational:job charac. that increase meaningfulness;model includes skill variety,task identity,task significance (+imp),autonomy,feedback.mean. can be increased by
job enlargement, enrichment,self-managing teams.prosocial impact.3-Biological:physical demands (capabilities/limitations),ergonomics(mente ppl con lavoro),ob è ridurre dolore (dir/ind).4-perceptual: mental capacity/limi. Ob. È ensure non
superaano ppl’mental cap. Improves reliability,safety+user reactions to reduce their info-processing requirement. SELECTION:methds 1-reliability (consistency of measurement) zero/perfect/perfect inter-judge/imperfect 2-Validity:the
techniques measures the intended KSAO requirements;higher validity,if not valid (don’t meet ksao are useless); 2 val. 1-content:quanto un lavoro riguarda un task cioè reflect job content(skill need for job),change env. È imp 2-criterion:how
well a performance predicts actual job perfor. (job performance). 2 criterios->a.predictive: whether scores predict/correlate with future per. (ie. IQ now-same 1y.) b.concurrent: if scores on a selction measures are related to job p levels,
measured same time (ie. Humor-intelligence test). Concurrent is easy+quick but problematic to apply if current workers don’t represent current job applicants.Predictive needs large sample.Predicts well means whether a selection method has
validity or not, cioè se it correlates or not w/job perfo. Content vs criterion: ideally we want a selection refelecting aspect of job (content) and predict job performance (criterio). But content is necessary but not sufficient bc high content
validity may not predict criterio. Reliability vs Validity: test not reliable cannot be valid. Test reliable may not be valid (ex. Iq test for musica).3-Utility:economic value, depends on: -cost(time,money,effort)-variability of job performance (high
applicant pool var. cioè tutti risultati diversi allora test piu utile) -selection ratio (alta 1:1 hire all) low (more sense selection). 4-Legality:reduce change,against none. TYPES OF SEL.MET.: 1Cognitive ability test-mental ability, intelligence
Misurata con fattori s (+51). 2.Personality Tests ne ha 3; 2.1-Big 5:openness,conoscientiousness(+20, but depends on job),extraversion,agreeableness,neuroticism. 5 traits quantify people’s personalities, reflecting ppl thoughs,
feelings,behaviours. 2.2MBTI(myers-brigss):help empl understand themselves or their colleagues. Problems: r ppl thinkers or feelers? Sbagliato xkè se pensi bene riconosci di piu; weak reliability (ppl change), predictive validity mbti dont
predict well, it’s mixed and inconsistent, only gives positive results, vague descriptions. 2.3.Dark Traits:Narcisismo,psycho,macchiavelli ckè increase level of counterproductive workplace behaviour,empl mustn’t hurt colleagues. 3.Integrity
Test: can be a-Over:ask ab attitudes(theft), wrongdoing b-personality-oriented: ab dependability, conscientiousness,social conformity,trhill seeking(ie.Personal Reaction Blank) c-Conditional Reasoning:based on pl interpret situa you can say
how aggressive they are. You ask situations and see how they’d react. Problems: Faking/Coaching->faking answers and receive coaching equally improbe integrity scores but better at predicting bad work. Correlation j.per (41), with counterpr
(47). 4.Interviews: structured(formal-51)/Unstructured less related to job (38)/semi-stru. 5.Reference letters:usually overwhelmingly positive,little neg. info may be redundant. To improve: content approach:analyze traits and relevance to
job, move away from a broad questions towards relevant job skills 6. Work sample:for technical/practical expertise. Empl perform the same tsk. High reliability and validity. +alta Correlation (54). 7.Other Tests:physical,lingue,drug,assessment
center. How to pick?cognitive 8xkè piu easy, most validated,highest predictive validities,applied to different jobs+un altro test.Validity of r: what would be the predictive validity of the selection method. Multiple of r: combination. Biases and
Errors: 1.Perceptual errors:decoy effect->irrelevant 3 option influence how ppl decide btw 2 viable options. Succeede due contest, dominance heuristic. 2.Social Desirability:we say what we think ppl wanna hear,small effects but males and
older higher desirability. 3.Social Perceptions Errors: 1-Fundamental attribution error: attribute behaviours to traits and personality senza considerare situazioni. Person situation interactionist view dice che behaviour dipende da persona e
situa. 2-Halo:tendency to rate favorably on one aspect bc high rating on different aspect (ti acchitti=sei bravo). 3.Horns:contrario di Halo 4.Similarity:like who is similar. Applicant reactions:Face Validity->appl’s perception test is relevant and
fair. Applicant think inter+worksample>cognitive>personality inventories>interity and grapholoy. Perceived fairness has effect on intention to accept. Effects of face validity: a-Employer Branding:recommend the employer to others(se unfair
not recommend). B-View the organization favorably: if process unfair, firm bad view. C-affect future intentions or purchase products. PERFORMANCE MAN.:process ensuring employees’activities and outputs are congruent w/org.’goals.
Includes providing coaching,feedback, measure/evaluate performances. It’s cyclical (never-ending) has 6 steps: 1.Define performance and outcomes for company division/department 2.Develop employee goals,behaviour,actions to achieve
outcomes (helps to set individual expectations to be tied w/goals). 3.Provide support and ongoing performance discussion. Should be frequent check and being given the tools (may overlap with training). 4.Evaluate Per-judge employees
perfor with expectations (biases may affect). 5.Identify improvements needed-measure performance and evaluate to inform talent decisions. 6. Provide consequences for per. results. Perfor Man vs Per apprails/evaluation: 1 is the broad
collection of activities designed to maximize individual and org. performance. Purpose is to align individual efforts to achieve org. goals. 2 is assessment of past performance within given time frame, by completing rating tools/forms and
having formal conversation col capo. Per eva360 degree feedback can be self appraisal (da te), managerial (capo), peer (amici),subordinates o esterni. Per man has 2 functions: Devel->imporve employe perfomrnacr Adm-> decisions ab
work conditions like promotions. An effective per should 1 cycle: run improvements,2cy: decisions/consequences. APPROACHES to PM->1Comparative:ti paragona tuo lavoro co altri, categorize ppl into different grades(good-reward;low
punished/improve). Cons: threatens, sabotage,ignore middle perf. Should use when there are huge discrepancies in perf and job doesn’t benefit from collaboration. 2 Attribute:rate ppl on quality(1-5) pro:easy cons:some attr. Are ambiguous,
conscious/unc biases, reliability and standards vary a lot, focus on person not on perf. 3.Results:use quantifiable/obj data. Cons: external actors 4.Behavioural:define beh. empl must exhibit to be effective, building rating scale (ie BARS-for
qual/quant for concrete example,BOS key task for part job, how often they perform the beh required) cons:tedious to develop bc need to cycle through lot incidents pro:high validity,acceptance among empl in using this to assess perf.,
congruence and clarity.How to develop these beh skill?Crticial incidents techniques. 1.identify key incidents of per issues 2. Review+find info ab them 3.double-check w/others4.using incid+beh that generate agreement,then build a scale to
assess these per-rele beh. BIASES in PM:1.Rater Responding:a)leniency(consider only end scale) b)Central tendency: middle 2.perceptual a)contrast effect:uno normale vicino uno wow sembra peggiob)recency:item near end easier to recall
c)primacy:items at the beginning of a sequence are next easiest too the middle the least. 3)social bias a):fundamental,halo,horn,similarity b)confirmatory bias:se pensi uno è bravo qualsiasi cosa fa te lo fa pensare, we look for
evidence that confirms our beliefs c)implicit:we’re unware,make quick judgement ab person/situations/backgrounds..4)rate bias:knowing the limit of your knowledge:Dunning Kruger effect/unaware/unskilled. Implications: cazzi per
feedback se per di merd, spotlight se per è buona. Compensation Management:quanto pagare.9 steps: 1)Pay philosophy:Create it and be consistent.consider market forces for ur strategy: lead the market(pay above market rate)/match the
mkt/lag behind(if attractive employer branding otherwise ppl reject job). 2)Job analysis 3)Group jobs:based on similar functions or different divisions or geographic4)Rank positions:using Job Evaluation method:define compensable factors-
>characteristics that organization pay for and assign to each job a scor considering relative importance/worth(ie.respo,know requi,work condit,physicalreq). 5) conduct market research:how competitors pay for same jobs,you can benchmark
it against market research.creation of SalaryLine:pointsvswages) 6)create job grades 7)Create salary range for each hob gradeconventional pay structure(2 similar jobs=same grade=same pay range but also consider tenure and
progression(hierarchy)+how long lavori la. 8)how to deal with salaries not within the range(pay increase if wage below min.rate empl has established/pomotions if above the established)more overlap more cost-effective, less
overlap require larger pay increase.Adjust pay toa performance bonus to make empl recognize perfo 9)Review and update pay: pay is affect by macro factors so needs to be updated.
PAY INCENTIVES or Variable Pay(tabella): types: (1)MERIT,(2)INCENTIVE,(3)PROFIT SHARING,(4)OWNERSHIP,(5)GAIN SHARING,(6)SKILL-BASED. 1-2-6:individual,3-4-5:group. Payment methods:1-changes in base pay,2-3 bonus,4-equity
changes,5-bonus,6changeinbasepay. Frequency:1-anno2-set3-semi/an.4-when stock sold 5-mese/quart 6-when got a skill. Performance Measures:1-supervisor,2-individual output,3-company profit,4-company stock returns,5-production of
controllable costs,6-skill acquisition. Consequences:Perfo.motivation:1-relation varies,2-clear pay-perf connection,3-4-5-stronger in smaller firms,6-encourgaes learning. Retention Mechanism:1-over time,better performers are retined,2-
equal but w/out time 3-all workers, 4-can help lock in employees,5-all workers if plan pays out,6-attracts learning oriented employees. Culture that it foster: 1-2individual competition,3-knowledfe business+cooperation,4-sense ownership
and coop,5-coop+problem solving,6-learning+flexible organization. Costs: 1-well developed performance appraisal system,2-5efforts in setting+maintaining acceptable standards,3-4-monetary costs in the organizations’ ability to pay out,6-
costs of training+certification(ensure standardization). Contingencies(it will work well depending on):Management style:1-some participation desirable,2-control,3-4-5-6-fits participation style. Type of work:1-individual unless group
appraisals done,2-stable individual easily measureable,3-4-5-all types,6-significant skill depth or breadth. Indirect compensation/benefits:it’s non-monetary compensation (ie. Insurance,family policies,retirement..).ppl get burn out and the
main consequence is turnover(quitting) and this has personnel costs(training,rehiring). GENDER DISTRIBUTION relates to burnoutin a study moving to higher hierarchy decreased num of women. Why? Men spend more time doing research.
STANDFORDMEDICAL STUDY->solution to gender gap: 1)look at activities not typ recognized (ie assistants)2)get credits to make up for time loss3)use credits.Results:junior eran more credits+promote gender equality(more men
teaching,mentoring-women support to further career)-reduce turnover(to 0).benefits can be also useless(ie pingpong). Employees REACTION TO PAY:most ppl not rate pay as 1 import bc of social desirability(we respond in a way we think ppl
want us to do)+ social norms: contribution to society more imp.but pay has the strongest effect on behaviour bc is fungible+social status.Pay is important when we can compare: w/ others,within our company,w/our past-selves:EQUITY th->
what is perceived as fair exchange-the reward/effort ratio deve be equal co altri insider/outsider . 3 equity:external(alter frim),internal(altri job),individual(co-workers).fair/unfair led to increase/decrease outuput,effort,outcome,sabotage.
Paycuts->employee theft to reach appropriate effort.if paucuts: explain. TRAINING DESING: facilitate learning job-related knowledge,skill,behave.Training focus on bridging gaps for what is needed now. Development has a future orientation.
Training is an investment in employees-utilitarian function-and who receive training perceive org is fulfilling its unspoken obligations. Org often lose money on training bcs: -is poorly designed and fails to transmit skills/ hasn’t a real/deep
purpose/not linked to a performance/prb /training outcomes are not properly evaluated so poor training designs are not discovered and the bad practices gets inherited. HOW TO AVOID? USE A CORRECT TRAINING DESIGN: STEP 1:Need
assessment: we search reasons (or pressure points) for the training(ie.legislation/lack of skill/new tech..).Training as a part of legal requirements/industry standards;it addresses directly lack of basic skills/perf gaps; it relies on new procedures
and response to change. Then we must understand what are the needs for training on 3 levels: Organizational analysis: involves understanding the context/strategic relevance (ie.resource,costs,efforts..)Task analysis: in what exactly
employees need training(which knowledge/Skill to emphasize in training). Person analysis: Identify the target of the training, identificare se le carenze di performance sono dovute a lack of knowledge(a training issue) o motivazionali. Bisogna
anche pensare al training outcome desiderato quando si disegna il training. STEP 2:Ensuring empl readiness,prepare employees to be receptive for training. HOW?5 modi: Ensure they have a sense of self-efficacy:they feel they will master the
skill of the training(by mostrare successo di altri,dire che è opportunità,ilmotivo).2-Communicate benefits of training (realist long-short ben). 3-Raise awareness of training needs,career interests and goals (why they need,share
perf,strength/weak) 4-Set basic skill:make the training accessibile to everyone who’s attending(prerq.skill, remedial training,modify,use visual training). 5-Create a learning goal orientation deemphasizing competition+safe environment to
fail. STEP 3. Creating a learning environment: HOW? Communicate clearly objectives and outcomes, have meaningful content related to job task,create opportunities for practicing what they learn, give feedback(through
videotaped,trainer’s feedback,other trainer), have an active and social learning (learn by doing,gain new perspectives,sharing experiences),good coordination+administration(no distrazioni,comfort,giusto luogo) STEP 4: ensuring transfer of
training: (ab signals+org. gifts to support empl.)create a work environment that facilitate the use of trained skills and behavior to make empl perceive the work environment can facilitate the use of trained skills. How to build this climate?
a.Manager support and emphasize the importance of training.b. Peer support:support network of trainees who share their own progress. c.Creaty opportunities to use learned capability. d.Technological support.(LMS) e.Self-management
skills (managers should get trainees to set goals,identify conditions, identify pos and neg consequences,monitor their own use,create reward system) F.Surrounding HR practices that sustain and support the training. STEP 5:Select
training method.-3 options:1- Presentation Methods: trainees are passive and can be w/ Instructor-led classroom; Audiovisual Techniques: PROS: Easy to deploy,Less time to design and ease in revising content,Distance-learning,Wide range
of audience sizes,Presence of trainer gives more assurance that the trainees can complete the training. CONS:less engaging,less effective than hands-on method. RECOMM:keep content simple,use if failure to learn has low consequences. 2-
Hands-on methods trainees are active,can have 6 ways: 1)On the job training:by obersivng peers;PROS:less invest and time.CONS:bad works habit can be passed from trainer to trainee.RECOMM:Trainer needs to be credible,communicate
clearly,give feedback. 2)Apprenticeship:by work-studying method with OJT+classroom training (ex.plumber,electrician).PROS:learners get paid, 1to1 enviroment,skill are aligned to org needs. CONS: 1to1 requires good relationship, no
guarantee that jobs are avail post training, specialization may be obsolete.RECOMM:method is high investment but payoff can be huge . 3)Simulations:real-life situationPROS:perfect for dangerous or costly learning(pilota), allows for repeated
practice,immediate feedback.CONS:cost can vary and there can be tech difficulties,potential malfunctioning,dehumanizing effect. RECOMM:use when failure to learn has big consequences, when applied learning is necessary, provide
immediate feedback. 4)BusinessGames and case study: situations that trainees study+discuss,make decisions.PROS:low-risk low-cost, can train tanti simultaneamente.CONS: Development of a good case for learning is very effortful: requires
authentic material similar to work environment.RECOMM: Suited for the situations where learners have some prerequisite knowledge but could benefit from the applied nature of the training . 5)Role Play: trainees assume a character and act
out the role:PROS: -Provides trainees with the opportunity to apply the content to a simulated situation, allowing to practice without the possibility of failing on the job. CONS: -No consequence, thus risk that the content will be taken very
lightly, Stress of performance may deter some learners and ultimately inhibit their learning.RECOM: Incorporate chance for trainees to collectively reflect,useful for content of sensitive nature. 6)E-learning/Gamification(fun,just in time
content,reinforce learning though actions). 3.Group Method: 1.Team- Building/2.Adventure (try to nlearn all together +physical activities)3.Learning/Action Learning(get actual business problem and work solving it) PROS:helps to develop
social skill and camaraderie within a team.CONS:all members of the team need to engage in the training, resistance from one member negative impacts everyone.RECOMM: Good when employes have to work as a team in the workplace, get
entire team on board in the training. Selecting appropriate training methods-> formal needs assessment to determine what kind of training are relevant, must be guided by local conditions+contexts,diverse learning styles+needs of
trainees(hybridization of training methods bc ppl need different cose). STEP 6:Evaluating training design:evaluate whether training are effective or not+quantify how well they are.we need to assess if training is effective(determine strengths
and weaknesses, cost-benefit analysis) and identify for whom it would be beneficial.prbolem:the costs of the training are not justified. 4methods to evaluate:1)Measue key outcomes pre and post training, 2)Fai 2 gruppi e in uno fai training
nell altro no e compare.3) misuri outcome su due gruppi(uno riceve training l altro no) sia prima che dopo aver fatto training e compare changes between the groups COME DECIDERE CHI è NEL GRUPOP CHE FA TRAINING? Assigned
randomly bcs se ci sono volontari sono quelli piu motiviati nel fare training. Alternatives (xkè poi alcuni non ce l’hanno): waitlist control:give the training to a later date to the non-training group. 4)Longitudinal data:measure key outcomes
several times, can be done by either-evaluating only training,or comparing with nontraining. OUTCOMES OF INTEREST WHEN EVALUATING?: 1)affective outcome(motivation/satisfaction):best measured in interviews/focusgroup/Attitude
surveys. Top for diversity training program.2)Cognitive(acquisition of knowledge):measured with exams/worksample tests. Ex are rules, principles,procedures 3)Skill-based(beahviour/skill required for job):measured by observation by
manager/peer ratings. Ex are coaching skills, listening skills,airplane landing 4)results: Measure performance metrics, measured best with observation/data from info systems, ex a training supposed to reduce accidents->look at report.
5)ROI(return on invest outcome) :measured with cost benefit analysis, economic value. CAREER DEVELOPMENT: 3 TYPES: 1-Traditional=comprende sequence of positions 2-Protean=based on
self.direction w/the goal of physchologial success(include feeling pride qquando raggiungi ob,it’s self-determined) 3-Strategic value=meet future HRM needs. Training+development is fullfillment of pyshocologial contract, employees
reciprocate to this full. 4 approaches: 1-Assessment:involves collecting info+provide feedback to empl ab their beh. by personality tests or 360 degree feedback)+assessment center:multiple evaluators by role-play,interview,in-basket-
leaderless group dicussison. USED for:a-identify employees w/potential,measure strength/weakn;b-when move to higher position;c-for temas to identify str/weakn of individual team member. Can help understand tendencies,needs,work
wnvironment, what they prefer. 2-Provide Formal Education:include off-site/on-site rograms(ie.short chourses,lectures by big ppl).help to train high potential talent. 3-Job experiences: job enlargement (+respon/challenges); job
rotation(diversa area,aiuta a increase network,goals); transfer (diversa area azienda, lateral move); promotion(+ respons + authority); downward (il contrario);employee exchange(swap btw 2 companies); sabbatical (nfai ncaz, reduce stress,
ex writing book); volunteer assignments(opportunity to manage change, teach, respo for projects) 4-interpersonal relationships: interact w/ more experienced organizational member: the mentor.mentoring process->a senior to less
experienced,informal has more success, provide 2 forms of support: a-career support:mentor being able to coach, offer protection,endorse sponsor,recommend challenging assignments,promote right exposure b-
physchosocial:amico+modello guida, ci parli dell’ansia. Ppl w/mentor have higher rates of promotions,salries,influence. Managing your career: the psychometric paradigm (or person-jobFit)focuses on assumptions that:-ppl don’t chanhe,
they possess attributes+KSAO,job doesn’t change bc has specific tasks,job per is measured in terms of ouput+value,job tasks have specific attributes that ppl can match, selection is done just by firm to employees->BUT RETHINK this in career
devepm. Person Organization Fit paradigm:value congruence btw employees+employer.more person organization fits,better is. Assumption ppl choose org based on core values (ex. U ar very competitive, firm w/ competitive envir.). Values
represent basic convictions,beliefs.For the organization attracting talent w/value congruence is important. Value congruence has moderate relationship w/performance,organizational citizenship behaviours and turnovers:more congruent
value,better performance.Employee role for career planning-> self-assessment:identify opportunity+improve,reality check:identify what needs are realistic to develop, 3. Goal setting:goal and determine progress,4.action planning:identify
steps+time. Company->1-identify strength/weak,2-communicate perf evalu,3-ensure goals are SMART (specific,measurable,attainable,relevant,timely),4-action planning:identify resources+needs for goals.

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