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1. Personally, I think when a man is in Christ, the old person who used to sin and do all ungodly things
dies. For instance, if I used to drink, go to clubs, wear undignified clothes, etc., I’ll have to stop doing
that because now I have Christ in me. I became a new creation that lives by the word and doesn’t do all
the ungodly things. It’s more like one lives in an isolated world where it’s him, the Bible, and Christ only

2. Yes, I can still be assured of my salvation, even though the flesh will want earthly things, but a person
in Christ stays pure by repenting or having someone to confide in, always. This can help one live a pure
salvation life that is free from sinning and impurity. Thus, as Galatians 5:16–26 says, "Those who belong
to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."

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