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Chapter 3.

He wrote
Ele escreveu

She paid
Ela pagou

He had to buy her

Ele tinha que comprar para ela
He was worried
Ele estava preocupado

She thought she could

Ela pensou que ela poderia…
He got happy
Ele ficou feliz

I should study more

Eu deveria estudar mais
He lived near/far from the ocean
Ele morava perto/longe do oceano
Once upon a time… There was a boy who was
named Norman.
He wanted to buy a blouse for Katy Perry.
Norman lived
near the Detroit
River in Big
Rapids, Michigan.
The boy adored Katy. He had
to buy her the perfect blouse.
He was worried because…
…he wanted to buy the perfect blouse for Katy.
He wrote an email to the famous singer:

For : Katy Perry

Katy, I want to buy you a

blouse, but I don’t know
what you like.

Katy wrote to Norman:

For : Norman

You should buy me a blue


When the boy received the email…
When the boy received the email…
…he got very happy.
He left quickly because he wanted to go to
Beverly Hills. He arrived in less than nine hours.
He left on Sunday and got there
on Monday morning.
At six in the morning,
he went to the Bebe store in Beverly Hills.
He entered the Bebe store.
He looked for the perfect blouse for Katy.
He thought he could find the perfect blouse for
Katy there.
He spoke with a person in the store.
He said to her:

Hello. I am looking
for a blouse for Katy
We have a
blouse for
Norman bought the blouse.
He paid forty CIA dollars for the blouse.
He went to Katy’s house.
He arrived in two hours.
He knocked on the door. He said to her:

Katy, I have a
blouse for you.
When Katy saw the blouse
she was very happy.
She saw that it was her favorite color and that
it was the perfect blouse for her.
Norman gave her the blouse.
Katy left the blouse in her room.
She was very happy
to have a perfect

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