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Questions and Answers - For Revision

NOTE: This set of questions and answers is meant to just help you revise/review
the topics that have ever been discussed before. You are highly recommended to
learn the OTHER materials discussed before in the lectures. You are highly
recommended to use MORE COMPLETE answers during the final-semester exam.

How can a socialization process benefit an organization and the employee?

Good socialization adds continuity and stability to an organization. Communication is

facilitated, as members share visions and values. Goals are easier to set with a shared sense of
purpose for the organization and are easier to attain when workers agree that the business in
which they are engaged is worth doing. Employees also learn about the organization and get to
know their fellow employees easier.

By giving new hires learning opportunities, organizational socialization is an essential

process for assisting people in better understanding corporate goals, behavioral standards,
and duties as well as helping them become insiders of the organization.
An organization benefits from good socializing by adding continuity and stability. As members
express their visions and ideals, communication is facilitated. Setting goals is simpler when
there is a common understanding of the organization's purpose, and achieving them is simpler
when employees concur that the work they are doing is worthwhile. Employees also get
knowledge about the company and have an easier time getting to know one another.

What are the similarities and differences between training and development?

Training is more present-day oriented; it focuses on individuals’ current jobs, enhancing those
specific skills and abilities needed to immediately perform their jobs. Development generally
focuses on future jobs in the organization and employee development efforts prepare you for
those jobs. Both focus on having you learn more about the organization and how to perform jobs
within the organization.

Training is more instantly applicable; it concentrates on helping people do their current tasks
better by honing the specialized skills and competencies required. Employee development
initiatives typically concentrate on preparing you for future employment within the firm. Both
emphasize your learning more about the organization and how to carry out tasks inside it.
Explain the effects a learning organization may have on employees in today’s
organizations. What are the HRM implications of these effects?

In a learning organization, employees practice knowledge management by continually acquiring

and sharing new knowledge and willingly apply that knowledge in making decisions or
performing their work. Employees feel a strong sense of community, caring for each other, and
trust. They also feel free to openly communicate, share, experiment, and learn without fear of
criticism or punishment. This produces an environment that adapts readily to change making
HRM’s job much easier.

Building a better community, empowering team members to take pleasure in their job, and
encouraging employees to become more involved are all goals of learning organizations..
Employees that work in learning organizations actively pursue, share, and use new knowledge
when making decisions or doing their jobs. This is known as knowledge management.
Employees have a strong sense of trust, care, and community. Additionally, they are unafraid of
judgment or punishment and can speak openly, share, explore, and learn without restriction. This
results in a climate that is flexible and adaptable, which makes HRM's job much simpler.

What are the five traditional career stages?

The five career stages are exploration, establishment, mid-career, late career, and decline (Late

Exploration, Establishment, Mid-Career, Late-Career, and Decline (Late Stage) are the five
career stages.

What are some of the major factors that distort performance appraisals?

Performance appraisal might be distorted for a number of reasons, such as leniency error, halo
error, similarity error, central tendency, low appraiser motivation, inflationary pressures, and
inappropriate substitutes for performance.

A number of factors, including leniency error, halo error, similarity error, central tendency, low
appraiser motivation, inflationary pressures, and improper performance substitutes, can lead to
erroneous performance appraisal.

"Using an invalid performance evaluation instrument is a waste of time." Do you agree or

disagree with this statement? Discuss.

I agree. Such a process can be more than a waste of time. It can damage trust, loyalty,
commitment and performance for both employees and managers, if individuals believe that the
ratings are unfair or meaningless. If personnel actions are based on these ratings, there could
also be potential legal liabilities.
I disagree. It depends on how the evaluation instrument is used. If ratings are primarily used to
stimulate an honest discussion between manager and employee, the quality of the ratings
themselves is not as important as the usefulness of the communications process. Even if ratings
are the basis for decision-making, no form is perfectly valid but ratings can be improved by
using multiple raters, training raters, and providing behavior-based guidelines to help raters make

I concur. Such a procedure might not just be a time waster. If people think the ratings are unjust
or useless, it can harm trust, loyalty, dedication, and performance for both employees and
managers. There may also be potential legal repercussions if personnel decisions are made based
on these scores.
I am opposed. The use of the evaluation tool will determine this. The quality of the ratings
themselves is less significant than the value of the communication process if evaluations are
primarily used to encourage an open dialogue between management and employee. No rating
system is flawless, but ratings can be strengthened by using multiple raters, training raters, and
offering behavior-based recommendations to aid raters in making judgments.

Contrast intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

Intrinsic rewards are those things that are internally satisfying to the individual worker, such as
satisfaction with the work or meaning of the job itself. Extrinsic rewards are external to the work
itself –– money, promotions, benefits.

.Intrinsic rewards is the inner drive for success and personal development that drives your
desire to complete tasks. worker receives intrinsic rewards when they experience something
that personally satisfies them, such as job satisfaction or the purpose of their work. Extrinsic
rewards, expressed simply, is the behavior of a person who receives external rewards for
carrying out a task or picking up a new ability. Money, perks, and promotions are examples
of extrinsic rewards that are not related to the task itself.

How do financial and nonfinancial rewards differ?

Financial rewards are wages, bonuses, profit sharing, pension plans, vacations, sick leaves that
increase and ensure stability in the financial position of the employee. Nonfinancial rewards are
such things as perks and status which make life on the job more attractive.

Wages, bonuses, profit-sharing, pension plans, vacations, and sick days are all financial
incentives that improve and stabilize the employee's financial situation. Non-financial rewards
include benefits and status that improve the allure of working life.

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