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TMF1214/TMC1214 Computer Architecture

Semester 2 2022/2023
Tutorial 2 (Number Systems and Digital Logic)

(Question 1 – 10 is related to the Number Systems. Please show all calculation steps in your
answers for questions 1 - 10)

1. Convert the following binary numbers to their decimal equivalents:

a. 001100
b. 000011
c. 011100
d. 111100
e. 101010
2. Convert the following binary numbers to their decimal equivalents:
a. 11100.011
b. 110011.10011
c. 1010101010.1
3. Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalents:
a. 64
b. 100
c. 111
d. 145
e. 255
4. Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalents:
a. 34.75
b. 25.25
c. 27.1875
5. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to their decimal equivalents:
a. C
b. 9F
c. D52
d. 67E
6. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to their decimal equivalents:
a. F.4
b. D3.E
c. 1111.1
d. 888.8
e. EBA.C
7. Convert the following decimal numbers to their hexadecimal equivalents:
a. 16
b. 80
c. 2560
d. 3000
e. 62,500
8. Convert the following decimal numbers to their hexadecimal equivalents:
a. 204.125
b. 255.875
c. 631.25
d. 10000.00390625
9. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to their binary equivalents:
a. E
b. 1C
c. A64
d. 1F.C
e. 239.4
10. Convert the following binary numbers to their hexadecimal equivalents:
a. 1001.1111
b. 110101.011001
c. 10100111.111011

(Question 11 – 17 is related to the Digital Logic)

11. Construct a truth table for the following Boolean expressions:

12. Simplify the following expressions according to the commutative law:

13. Apply DeMorgan’s theorem to the following equations:

14. Simplify the following expressions:

15. Construct the operation XOR from the basic Boolean operations AND, OR and NOT.
16. Given a NOR gate and NOT gates, draw a logic diagram that will perform the three (3) input AND
17. Write the Boolean expression for a four (4) input NAND gate.


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