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By Professor Abubakar M. Kundiri (GOSA Set 1981) Federal University Wukari Taraba State Professor Abubakar Musa Kundiri (GOSA Set 1981) Vice-Chancellor Federal University Wukari, Taraba State PROFESSOR ABUBAKAR MUSA KUNDIRI VICE-CHANCELLOR, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY WUKARI, TARABA STATE Professor Abubakar Musa Kundiri who is an internationally acclaimed Scholar, a Professor of Soil Science and Water Resource Management was born 53 years ago in Yejiwa, Borno State, precisely on the 20th of March 1964. He is anative of Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State, North-East Nigeria. Prof. Kundiri passed out of the prestigious Gindiri Boys Secondary School, Gindiri in Plateau State with flying colors in 1981. He also graduated from the University of Maiduguri where he bagged a Second Class Honors Degree [Upper Division] in Agriculture in 1987. He obtained an M.Sc. in Soil and Water Management in 1991 from the same University after which he also proceeded to Cranfield University, United Kingdom, where he excellently performed and was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Soil and Water Management in 1995. This Cranfield trained scholar of our contemporary age is digitally versatile having attained series of programs on ICT over the last three decades in and outside Nigeria. Prof. Kundiri has also for a long time enjoyed the recognition of the country's principal Universities regulatory body, the National Universities Commission [NUC] when he was made to be a key figure on many visitation and accreditation teams to several Nigerian Universities. Prof. A. M. Kundiri was a member of Curriculum Review and Development Committee for Nigerian Universities under the auspices of the National Universities Commission. Prof. A. M. Kundiri was a member of the FUD Academic Brief Committee. He therefore aided in scripting the document that fashioned what is FUD today and what it will be tomorrow - a great University and a bastion of learning and scholarship. Prof. Kundiri is a recipient of several awards. He has received over thirty national and international awards and honors and these includes most outstanding Dean of students award University of Maiduguri [UNIMAID] and others such as the Fellowship of the Soil Society of Nigeria, Global Water Partnership, Membership of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria, Membership of the British Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science. The greatest dream of many accomplished academics is to emerge as a Professor and to attain the post of Vice- Chancellor. By providential grace, on the 19th of November, 2015, Prof. A. M. Kundiri was announced as FUD's second. Vice-Chancellor, succeeding an erudite Professor of Veterinary Medicine and a consummate University Administrator, the pioneer Vice-Chancellor, Prof. J. D. Amin OFR, by the Chairman of the FUD Governing Council, Prof. Tauheed Adedoja. Prof. A. M. Kundiri's tenure as the second VC of FUD is from the 16th of February, 2016, following the expiration of Prof. J. D. Amin's tenure. He was then posted to the Federal University Wukari where he resumed duty in March 2016. He has since then settled into the business of administration with the commitment to offer better services and transformational policies to the university. Professor Kundiri is happily married and is blessed with five beautiful children; a lover of sporting activities such as golf and hockey. ALUMNI Hee ORIATIONS EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Professor Abubakar M. Kundiri (Set 1981) Vice-Chancellor Federal University Wukari Taraba State Being a Paper Delivered at the Annual Convention of the Gindiri Old Students Association (GOSA) INTRODUCTION lam highly pleased to be here among the great mates and friends of our great schools. I am even further pleased and honoured to have the opportunity to stand before you to share ideas which hopefully will further help to solidify the reputation of our institutions as a producer of great minds, committed to the dynamism of the global society. A gathering like this not only brings back memories, but also provides opportunity to catch up with old friends and associates as well as provide a forum to mutually share ideas. It is an opportunity to honour those that honour is due. It is an opportunity to appreciate our schools for what they have done for us by helping to build the foundations and set the stage for our future roles in society. It is also an opportunity for us to return to these environments and assess their states and see if there are ways we can supports their continuous quest for dynamism. Our schools are great institutions! Briefly going through memory lane, the genesis of our great schools is traced to the establishment of a centre in Gindiri by the Sudan Mission in 1934 under the leadership of Mr. W. M. Bristow. The Centre was for the purpose of training for spiritual and educational upliftment of the emerging Christian population in the area. The priority given to education led to the establishment of the secondary school for boys in 1950 and that for the girls in 1958. The rest of the great journey, since then as they say, is history. Today, we are gathered as the alumni group of these great centres of learning. In the next few moments, we shall be exploring how alumni associations can support the 4 development of education in our society. We will start by taking a look at the role of education in national development and that of schools in education. We will have the opportunity of discussing alumni associations and their role in educational development with particular reference to support for their alma maters. We shall go further by examining the role that GOSA can play in supporting our dear schools in their quest to continue to be a major player in the production of high quality individuals for the Nigerian and global society. EDUCATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Education is the key requirement for building nations. Through education, societies are able to develop their citizens to be assets and to serve their interests. It is the basis for ensuring that nations gain competitive advantage for it is through edycation that we acquire the knowledge and the necessary accompaniments that lead to progress. Education is also a requirement for ensuring social cohesion. Through the education process, individuals are supported to develop their potentials. These are then further put into use to support personal and professional aspirations. Opportunities offered by education creates environment for people to advance in different ways in meeting set objectives. With education, citizens have the opportunity to perform various satisfying roles which complement those of others and ultimately lead to harmony and further growth of the society. Education is a key ingredient for enhancing democratic process. Democracy gives citizens the opportunity to participate in the election of those that will to manage their affairs. With education, citizens are properly 5 informed about their country, issues at hand and their role in ensuring responsibility in managing public affairs. As a result of the importance of education, nations all over the world give attention to developing a system that is able to meet their national education goals. These goals are normally tied to the goals of the wider society. As a result of this, the goals of education usually mirror the goals of the nation. The reason for these being that if the education system is efficient in the performance of the roles required of it, the result impacts the wider community in meeting its needs. In the light of these, education is a sector which needs attention in terms of investment in diverse elements that enable its success. These include both human and material resources of different kinds. Nigeria for some time now, unfortunately been faced with challenges of quality in education outcome at all levels. This is continually affects the nation's ability to take its proper place in the global society in terms of economic and social development. It is therefore necessary that in a gathering like this, we explore ways through which we can address these challenges either through individual or collective efforts. THE ROLE OF SCHOOLS IN EDUCATION As already noted education is the basis for moulding the future of nations. Schools are the vehicles that these nations use in the education process. They ‘are established to implement the education goals through the curriculum. The curriculum, which is the bedrock of the education system, contains the components that students or participants in the process are meant to study in line with education goals of the society. 6 Schools therefore communicate the curriculum in such a way that students are able to progressively acquire knowledge and skills which they can use in the wider society. Apart from teaching, there are other functions that schools perform to support growth and harmony in society: 1. Socialization This supports individuals in the acquisition of identity, knowledge, language and social skills that they require to interact with others. The socialization process does not involve just the learning communicated through the curriculum but also certain social rules and expectations involving other members of the society. It also has to do with understanding principles of right and wrong especially as it involves dealing with others and the wider society. 2. Cultural Transmission The school being a major force in moulding the children is also an agent for the transmission of cultural norms and values. This includes those things that are shared by the society and the expectations from the wider society. Through these, students become aware of a number of rules and also the civil requirements relating to patriotism and also the importance of participating actively in the democratic process. In addition to socialization and cultural transformation, schools also provide guidance to students and parents in relation to their personal and professional goals through guidance and counselling services. In the same vein, the school is the environment where at most times, long term friendships of personal and professional nature develop that ultimately supports career advancement in diverse % fields. In order for schools to be effective in performing their functions, they must have the’ necessary facilities required to ensure quality education outcome. Among requirements towards delivering of quality are: 1 Infrastructure An institution must have the necessary infrastructure required to deliver quality education. These include buildings that house classrooms, laboratories, libraries, student residences and convenient accommodation for staff. There must also be water, sanitation and other municipal services that will strengthen the quality of the school environment. 2. Teaching-Learning Resources The school must have the necessary resources for teaching and those to aid students in learning. The laboratories, libraries and information technology services must be such that they strengthen the teaching and learning process. 3. Teachers The teachers are responsible for communicating the curriculum. In the light of this, schools must always give emphasis to recruiting and retaining quality teachers who have the capacity to guide students not only in attaining academic excellence but also in supporting their aspirations for the future. These teachers also need to’be supported to continually develop their capacities I in the application of current teaching methods. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Having taken a brief look at education and its importance, it is now necessary to look at the way that alumni associations can support the development of education. An alumni association is basically the association of former students of a school or institution. Such association provides opportunity to continue to the linkage started during school days but also opportunities to engage in activities that would be of mutual benefit to members as well as the wider society. All over the world, alumni associations have come to play significant roles in supporting the’advancement of their former schools. Alumni associations are usually keen to project the image of their former schools because of the foundation or support such institutions have provided in the success of their personal and professional life. As a result, such associations are not only a key link to the institution but also an opportunity to project the uniqueness of the institution and their graduates to the society. In societies like Nigeria, alumni associations can be key players in the drive for educational development. This is especially in the current situation where there are challenges of resources to support quality education delivery. In the light of this, it is necessary to identify a few of the key areas that alumni associations can support their alma mater. However, it needs to be noted that institutions should be at the forefront of helping their graduates to be properly organized by ensuring that they have accurate information about them which are then made available to the graduates through a well-organized alumni relations office. It is therefore necessary that in order to get the best out of past students, an institution must provide a mechanism for communicating with them. 9 Some of the areas that a well-organized alumni association can support their former schools include: tT Infrastructural Development and Rehabilitation This is an area that alumni can support institutions so as to ensure that infrastructural facilities in the institution meet the standard for quality learning. Such infrastructure could be newly constructed ones or the rehabilitation of existing ones to meet teaching-learning standard. 2. Resource Mobilization The reality in Nigeria at the moment is that schools are facing challenges. Growth in population has not led to commensurate growth in economic and _ financial resources to meet social needs. As a result, there continues to be competition among different sectors for scarce resources. The education sector hardly gets provisions to meet the challenges of quality. The alumni can therefore be a good source for mobilization of resources using diverse means to support the school. Diverse interventions such as endowments, appeal funds and other strategies for raising funds could be used by the alumniin supporting their schools. 3. Teaching-Learning Resources The ability of schools to effectively communicate the curriculum is dependent on the availability of teaching- learning resources. Such resources include laboratory equipment, library materials of all types. Specifically, the importance of technology in education in the 21st Century means that it should be emphasized in resources that need to be provided. The Alumni, in line with their commitment, to the development of their school and education in general are key partners in the provision of 10 these. 4: Teachers and their Development Teachers are the agents for the communication of the curriculum. Current challenges include recruitment and retention of qualified ones. Alumni associations can step in by supporting schools in recruiting teachers, especially in areas of Science, Technology and Mathematics. These are the areas that are usually in short supply. THE GINDIRI OLD STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (GOSA) AND OUR MOTHER SCHOOLS, THE GINDIRI BOYS SECONDARY AND THE GINDIRI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOLS lam going to use the final part of this presentation to take a close look at how the Gindiri Old Students Association (GOSA) can continue to support our mother schools, the Gindiri Boys Sceondary School and the Gindiri Girls' High Schools. GOSA is the alumni association of these schools. These Schools are great institutions because they have produced great individuals Is anyone aware ofcany area of human endeavour in Nigeria or the world'that graduates of these schools are not involved? Have graduates of these schools not continually played roles in diverse areas of national life in Nigeria? Have our graduatesinot been reference points in the management of diverse organizations and resources around the world? So, these are schools that in line with the founding principles have helped to raise young boys and girls into aT men and women who have followed the tenets that the institutions helped them develop, In this doing, they have moved on to higher education, excelled and then further branched to diverse professional callings where they have and continue to excel, As we the graduates of these schools recognize their greatness and the wider society also recognizes their greatness through the impact we are making, it is necessary that the schools must continue to excel in the role of breeding individuals that will work to address the challenges of the society in the present and future. Itis for this reason that we need to carefully look at the schools and as good ambassadors of our alma mater, device ways of supporting them to continue to excel. To show the pride that we have of these great institutions, we should support the administrations towards re- positioning them for the 21“ Century and beyond. Questions that we need to ask is: considering the challenges of education for the future, do the facilities in these schools measure up to current trends as during our own time? Depending on the answer, we should then work closely to support quality outcome. I believe that without attempting to provide an obvious answer to the above question that a cursory look at the institutions would show that there is work to be done to support our mother schools. _ It is for this reason that I am putting forward the following towards further positioning the schools to support the education development of Nigeria and the wider world: 12 te Develop a Strategic Plan There is a need, working in collaboration with the school authorities and the wider community to develop a long- term strategic document. © This will clearly identify current challenges in relation to providing education for the future. The plan will represent a Strategy for the future and thereby a co-ordinated direction to addressing identified challenges. . 2. Infrastructure GOSA as part of its strategic approach to supporting the schools should help explore avenues for helping to provide new infrastructure as well as rehabilitate existing ones. It is necessary that these schools, in terms of facilities, must move from the mid-20" Century when they were established to the 21" Century. There must be the provision of necessary facilities to enrich learning including municipal facilities. 3 Teaching and Learning Resources As in infrastructure, current and future students must be supported in the use of latest facilities for teaching and learning. Specifically, modern technology need to be deployed as a result of the advantages it offers in education in the 21“ Century. 4. Teachers We also need to support our schools in the areas of teacher recruitment and their professional development. In working closely with the schools and parents, the importance of having teachers for all subjects must be emphasized. Where necessary, support can be provided for the recruitment of part-time teachers or teachers-on- demand. 13 5. Resource Mobilization To develop its facilities, there need to be access to resources from diverse sources. GOSA should take the lead in mobilization resources through their contacts both directly and indirectly. Government at all levels, the private sector, non-government organizations and development agencies should be among targets tov mobilizing funds. STRENGTHENING ALUMNI RELATIONS We need to work closely with the schools to strengthen alumni relations. The use of technology should be among areas for attention. It should also include the strengthening of the unit responsible for dealing with alumni in the schools. Such actions will enhance both communication and the ability to be constantly on top of efforts towards liaison and support for the schools. CONCLUSION Education is critical to human development. Schools are society's agent for education, turning citizens into assets for growth. Alumni associations are groupings of former students of schools. All over the world, these groups play important roles in supporting their former schools in diverse ways. These include helping with infrastructural and other developments. Such associations also provide avenue for personal and professional growth through contacts with old classmates and associates. The Gindiri Old Students Association is the umbrella alumni association for the Gindiri Boys Secondary School and the Gindiri Girls High School. These Schools, established in 1950 and 1958 respectively have produced individuals that have continued to excehin different fields of human endeavour around the world. In line with the 14 need for the schools to continue to build the foundations of children for the future, GOSA needs to provide support both directly and indirectly to ensure that they maintain the reputation of excellence that the schools are known for. We need to support the schools in re-positioning for the 21" Century. This is because considering the calibre of the graduates of the school, society expects more from them. They must therefore not disappoint in relation to quality outcome. So approaches must be developed to enhance educational development of our country through collaboration between GOSA and the schools. I sincerely thank you for your attention. Pelicitation to GOSA I take this time to celebrate GOSA: : For what we represent! For who we are! « For where we have been so farll! For when we started our journey!tI! For Why we do the things we doll!!! ‘And for how we became achievers for our.selves and our Alma Matall!II! In this 2017 Convention, my sincere prayer is for us to reflect on our past and innovate for the future. Happy Convention, Dinner and Reunion Service. HON. PHARM. GIDEON DASHE MEMBER, PLATEAU STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY FROM WIFE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR OF PLATEAU STATE On behalf of myself and my family, I bring warm greetings to the entire GOSA family. I salute the consistency of Members in ensuring that our Association remains a Colossus excellence and a refrence point for others. I equally identify with the current leadership of the association and wish us well as we chart a new course in this year’s Convention activities. I congratulate Barr. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) and Capt. Yop Wash Choji on their Presidential Award for Excellence by GOSA being the First Senior Advocate of Nigeria from Plateau State and First Female Pilot in Plateau State respectively. Permit me to also felicitate with my classmates - set of 1977 - who are celebrating 40 years of graduation and to those to be awarded by the class - Mrs. Ladi Dakwo. Arc. Terver Gemade, Engr. Ezekiel Zang. Barr. G. S. Pwul, Bidr. Toro Umaru, Mr. Japheth Akyam, Arc. Lawson Yakwal and Mrs. Bosede Haruna. May we all excell in our endeavours. Finally, I salute the Guest Lecturer for this Main Convention - Prof. Musa Kundiri. May we all have safe journey to our destination. Amen. Signed by: Wife of Deputy Governor, Plateau State MRS. ABIGAIL ABIKE TYODEN Sa a RKP MTP Cele)

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