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Diskusi 2 Basic Reading BING4121

1. From my point of view, a Prefixes is an affix word that begins the root of the word and gives additional
meaning to the word in its form. The Prefixes can be written in different forms, and can change shape or
follow the first letter of the word that follows it.


1.IM -> Possible -> Impossible, (I think that nothing is impossible for us to build an empire).

2.IR -> relevant -> Irrelevant, ( in this case, it Irrelevant).

2. While suffixes are the opposite, namely affixes located behind sentences. And it is used to signify the
type of a word and convert a word into adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs.


1. LY -> Quick -> Quickly , ( Class will start soon, come quickly ).

2. FUL -> pain -> painful , ( This breakup is so painful).

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