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Service Station Area Dining Area

☐ Station clean and tidy ☐ Clean brushes/mops only

☐ Utensils and cutleries clean and tidy ☐ Tables cleared and cleaned

☐ Condiments stocked ☐ Floors mopped regularly

☐ Kitchen supplies stocked ☐ Customers not disrupted

☐ Cash registers open ☐ Spills mopped immediately

☐ Adequate change ☐ Waste Bins Emptied

☐ Showcases stocked ☐ Furnishings clean

☐ Gas level checked ☐ Paper Napkins stocked

☐ Paper Napkins stocked ☐ Stainless steel accessories polished regularly

☐ Packaging materials stocked ☐ Front and sides of store free of liter

☐ Floor clean ☐ Fire extinguishers free of obstruction

Employees Toilet Facilities

☐ Staff uniforms clean ☐ Checked every 1 hour

☐ Hygiene policies followed ☐ Handwash and Tissue roll OK

☐ Courtesy at all times ☐ Toilets and Handwash sink cleaned

☐ Helping people ☐ Waste Bins emptied and cleaned


Checked By:_______________________


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