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General law

The current legal system of Vietnam is civil law with modifications from maxisit-leninist ideology

The legal system of the socialist republic of Vietnam has significantly changed since introduction of
Doimoi (renovation) in 1986

The legal system of Vietnam was formed gradually under the leadership of communist party and
democratic centralism principle

Vietnamese law cannot conflict with the Party’s policies

With international cooperation, legal sysytem in Vietnam has some new features

The principle of the state of Vietnam is democratic centralism

The national assembly of the republic socialist of Vietnam is the highest representative organ of people

The president of the republic socialist of Vietnam is elected by national assembly for a term of 5 years

The basic functions of government are administration of laws, enforcement of laws

People’s council is the local organ of state power

People’s committee is a local executive body

According to the patriarchal theory the origin of state evolve from the enlargement of family under the
authority of the parents

According to the natural theory the origin of state evolve from the enlargement of social group

According to the force theory, states are created through constant wars and invasions

According to the divine theory, states are created by god

According to the social contract theory, states are created by people who organize a new

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