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Is It Better to Have a Strict Teacher or a Fun

Teacher? Strict, Believe It or Not

In my opinion, strict teachers are the key to academic success. Here’s why…

Imagine a student just starting Year 12.

She’s aiming for an ATAR of 98. She desperately wants to study law at uni and
become a highly acclaimed solicitor for a major Australian law firm. She has her
future planned out in her head, is willing to work hard and knuckle down in school for
the best results possible, is strong and committed, and has begun reading ahead in
all of her subjects.

Then, the first day of school arrives and she’s handed her timetable. With a buzz of
excitement and anticipation, she opens the envelope and sees the teacher code next
to ‘legal studies’, only to discover she’s landed the funniest, most relaxed teacher in
the school… who also happens to be the most lenient, unfocused, unmotivated
teacher too!

There is nothing wrong with a funny, relaxed teacher—they can still be great!
However, if you are aiming to do well in school, it will be necessary to get work done
in class. Often without a strict teacher, the class can get out of hand and be too
rowdy for anyone to use their time wisely. This can be extremely frustrating to the
students who are aiming high in their VCE (or HSC or WACE or whatever).
Some aren’t concerned about their ATAR, as they are looking at alternate pathways
to university after VCE—and that is totally okay too! But, some people are very
focused on their ATAR, and without a strict teacher, it is unlikely the students around
them will respect the fact they are interested in learning to the best of their ability.

The success of a student is largely reliant on the effort and energy they put into their
own education through extra study and work; however, the teacher plays a large role
in their achievement also. Teachers are there to inspire students and help them
understand prescribed content, and from my experience, the teachers that are best
at this are the strict ones. Often when a teacher is strict, they have the whole class
engaged, allowing students the opportunity to do their best. This creates a learning
environment where students are willing to get work done and help one another.

Strict teachers don’t have to be mean though! Strict teachers can bring out the best
in students by teaching them to adhere to deadlines in an engaging and effective
manner, and not tolerating bad behaviour. Strict teachers treat all students the same,
and create equal opportunity for all. Strict teachers are friendly and approachable
outside of class, but there to help you reach your potential in class.
That’s why I definitely prefer strict teachers, as they have my best interests at heart
and care about my learning.



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