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CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN

CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385


1. This animal has long ears. It can run very fast. It likes to eat carrots and clovers. What is it? __
2. I can fly, and I’m living in Neverland. My best friend is Tinkerbelle. Who am I? __ Peter Pan
3. I'm green outside and red inside. I have stripes. I have black seeds inside. I’m more popular in
summer. What am I? __ Watermelon
4. It is raining outside. What do you bring with you if you don't want to be wet? Umbrella
5. What key doesn’t lock the door? Music key
6. Where does June come before May? Dictionary
7. Which can you keep after giving it to your friends? promise
8. What goes up but never comes down? Age
9. How many days are there in a normal year? Answer: 365 (not a leap year)
10. Which animal is known as the ‘Ship of the Desert? Answer: Camel
11. How many consonants are there in the English alphabet? Answer: 21
12. How many sides are there in a triangle? Answer: Three
13. Which month of the year has the least number of days? Answer: February
14. Which are the vowels in the English alphabet series? Answer: A, E, I, O, U
15. Which animal is called King of Jungle? Answer: Lion
16. How many primary colors are there? Answer: Three (red, yellow, blue)
17. How many days are there in the month of February in a leap year? Answer: 29 days
18. What do you call a house made of ice? Answer: Igloo
19. Which is the tallest animal on the earth? Answer: Giraffe
20. Which festival is known as the festival of colors? Answer: Holi
21. Which festival is called the festival of light? Answer: Diwali
22. What is the top color in a rainbow? Answer: Red
23. What type of bird lays the largest eggs? Answer: Ostrich
24. In which direction does the sunrise? Answer: East
25. Which is the world’s largest flower? Answer: Rafflesia
26. How many zeros are there in one hundred thousand? Answer: Five
27. How many hours are there in two days? Answer: 48 hours (24+24)
28. How many months of the year have 31 days?Answer: 7 (January, March, May, July, August,
October and December)
CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

29. How many weeks are there in one year? Answer: 52

30. Which are the colors in a rainbow? Answer: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red
31. Who was the first man to walk on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong
32. How many millimeters are there in 1cm? Answer: 10
33. Which is the longest river on the earth? Answer: Nile
34. Which is the principal source of energy for earth?Answer: Sun
35. How many lungs does the human body have? Answer: Two
36. What is the standard taste of the water? Answer: Water is tasteless
37. Which is the fastest animal on the land? Answer: Cheetah
38. Which continent is known as ‘Dark’ continent? Answer: Africa
39. Which planet is known as the Red Planet? Answer: Mars
40. Which is the most sensitive organ in our body? Answer: Skin
41. Which is the largest ocean in the world? Answer: Pacific Ocean
42. Which day is observed as World Environment Day? Answer: June 5
43. How many years are there in a century? Answer: One Hundred
44. Which is the largest country in the world? Answer: Russia (By area)
45. Who invented the Computer? Answer: Charles Babbage
46. How many players are there in a cricket team? Answer: 11
47. Which day is observed as World Literacy Day? Answer: September 8
48. Who is the inventor of Radio? Answer: Marconi
49. Which place is known as the roof of the world? Answer: Tibet
50. How many teeth does a healthy adult have including the wisdom teeth? Answer: 32
51. Which gas is most abundant in the earth’s atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen
52. How many people are there in the world? Answer: Over 7 billion
53. Which is the continent with the most number of countries? Answer: Africa
54. Which is the most common non-contagious disease in the world? Answer: Tooth Decay
55. How many strings does a violin have? Answer: Four
56. How many planets are there in our solar system? Answer: 8
57. Which is the hottest continent on Earth? Answer: Africa
58. Which is the smallest continent in the world? Answer: Australia
59. How many years are there in a millennium?Answer: 1000
60. Which country is home to the kangaroo? Answer: Australia
61. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
62. Who invented the telephone? Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

63. What does the Internet prefix WWW stand for? Answer: World Wide Web
64. How much of Earth’s surface is covered by ocean? Answer: 71%
65. Who discovered Penicillin in 1928? Answer: Alexander Fleming
66. How many stars are there in the American flag? Answer: 50
67. What do you call a type of shape that has five sides? Answer: Pentagon
68. How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have? Answer: 2
69. Which is the coldest location in the earth? Answer: East Antarctica
70. Who discovered electricity? Answer: Benjamin Franklin
71. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world? Answer: Mandarin (Chinese)
72. Which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life? Answer: Nose and Ears
73. The largest ‘Democracy’ in the world? Answer: India
74. Who is the inventor of Television? Answer: John Logie Baird
75. Which is the largest plateau in the world? Answer: Tibetan Plateau
76. Which is the instrument used to measure Blood pressure? Answer: Sphygmomanometer
77. What color symbolizes peace? Answer: White
78. Who is the founder of Microsoft? Answer: Bill Gates
79. During which year did World War I begin? Answer: 1914
80. How many Cricket world cups does India have? Answer: 2
81. How many cards are there in a complete pack of cards? Answer: 52
82. What is the name of the biggest rain forest in the world? Answer: The Amazon
83. Which African nation is famous for chocolate? Answer: Ghana
84. What makes up (approx.) 80% of our brain’s volume? Answer: Water
85. Which instrument is used for measuring wind speed? Answer: Anemometer
86. ‘Stars and Stripes’ is the nickname of the flag of which country? Answer: United States of
87. Which language is used by the computer to process data? Answer: Binary language
88. Which is the biggest desert in the world? Answer: Sahara Desert
89. What is the name of the Greek God of music? Answer: Apollo
90. Which is the longest written Constitution in the world? Answer: India
91. What is the largest joint in the human body? Answer: Knee
92. Which is the smallest bone in the human body? Answer: Stapes (Ear bone)
93. Which is the largest continent in the world? Answer: Asia
94. Who is the inventor of the electric Bulb? Answer: Thomas Alva Edison
95. On whose memory Nobel Prize is awarded? Answer: Alfred Nobel

CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

96. Who is the first woman to go to space? Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

97. What is HCl? Answer: Hydrochloric acid
98. What is currency of China? Answer: Renminbi
99. Chameleons have extremely long tongues, sometimes as long as their bodies. Answer: True
100. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. True or False? Answer: True
101. A sneeze is faster than the blink of an eye. Answer: True
102. Pigs can look up into the sky. Answers: False (They cannot)
103. Mark Zuckerburg is the father of modern computers.
Answer: False (Charles Babbage is the father of modern computers)
104. What is the color of the sky? Ans: Blue
105. What is the job of a Doctor? Ans: A Doctor treats sick people.
106. What comes after 10 and before 13? Ans: 12
107. Where does fish live? Ans: In Water
108. What is sun? Ans: Sun is a big ball of fire.
109. Who is Virat Kohli? Ans: Indian Cricketer
110. How many noses do you have? Ans: One
111. Who is the “Queen of Pop”; Answer: Madonna
112. Which country hosted the 1st European cup? Answer: France
113. Which province is Dung Quat economic zone located? Answer: Quang Ngai
114.Which country has 2 capitals Answer: Yemen
115 What is the first national park of Vietnam? Answer: Cuc Phuong
116. Who is the “King of Pop” Answer: Michael Jackson
117 What country is the Casablanca city in? Answer: Morocco
118. Which planet is closest to the sun? Answer: Mercury
119. What is the name of the largest planet in the solar system? Answer: Jupiter(Sao Mộc)
120.When did Vietnam join FIFA? Answer: 1964
121. What is the largest island in the world? Answer: Greenland
122. Which province do Cat Ba island and Bach Long Vy districts belong to? Answer: Hai Phong
123. When did the name of Vietnam appear? Answer: Gia Long-1804/ 1840
124. Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space? Answer: PHAM TUAN (1980)
125. Which ocean is the deepest place on earth? Answer: Pacific Ocean
126. Where is the famous Dong Ho painting village now in Vietnam? Answer: Bac Ninh
127. Of which country is the city of Wellington the capital? Answer: New Zealand

CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

128. Where is the homeland of the Buddha? Answer: Nepal

129. What is “LAN” for the English phrase? Answer: Local Area Network
130. What is the largest country, by area, in the European Union ? Answer: France
131. Which color appears the most on the national flags of countries around the world? Answer:
132. What is the color of Mango? Ans: Yellow
133. In which planet do we live? Ans: Earth
134. What is the young one of a cat called? Ans: Kitten
135. How many years are there in a century? Ans: Hundred
136. Which is the national game of India? Ans: Hockey
137. What is the full form of TV? Ans: Television
138. Which all animals give us milk? Ans: Cow, goat and buffalo
139. What is the home of a lion called? Ans: Den
140. How many days are there in a week? Ans: Seven
141. Where do we deposit money? Ans: Bank
142. What is the place where animals are kept called? Ans: Zoo
143. _________________ deadly disease spread across the world during 2020 and 2021.
Ans: COVID-19
144. Beri-Beri is a disease caused due to the deficiency of Ans: Vitamin B
145. Where do we get coconut from? Ans: from coconut Tree
146. Which state in India is known as “God’s Own Country”? Ans: Kerala
147. Plants make food through the process called Ans: Photosynthesis.
148. What comes after the number five? Answer: The number six
149. During which festival does Santa come to visit? Answer: Christmas
150. How many milligrams make a gram? Answer. 1000
151. Who is the world’s fastest land animal? Answer. Cheetah
152. Who is the world’s largest land animal? Answer. Elephant
153. Which bird has the largest wingspan? Answer. Albatross
154. From which language did the word “Ketchup” come? Answer. Chinese
155. Whose nose grew longer every time he lied? Answer. Pinocchio
156. How many legs do butterflies have? Answer. Six
157. How many legs does a spider have? Answer. 8
158. In which capital city of Europe would you find the Eiffel Tower? Answer. Paris
159. On what continent would you find The River Nile? Answer. Africa

CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

160. What money is used in Germany? Answer. Euros

161. What is the synonym for ‘strange’? Answer. Weird
162. If you freeze water, what do you get? Answer: Ice
163. What colors are the stars on the American flag? Answer: White
164. Who is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend? Answer: Minnie Mouse
165. Where does Santa Claus live? Answer: The North Pole
166. When do leaves die? Answer: In the fall
167. Which animal is the tallest in the world? Answer: Giraffe
168. How many bones do sharks have? Answer: Zero
169. What number doesn’t have its own Roman numeral? 0
170. What is the most popular lucky number? 7
171. What letter does every odd number have in it? E
172. How many lives are cats said to have? 9
173. What covers approximately 71% of the Earth's surface? Water
174. What is the highest number that can be achieved from rolling a pair of dice?_12
175. Which continent does Singapore belong to? _Asia
176. What is the world's largest ocean? Pacific
177. Do male or female mosquitoes bite people? Female
178. What is in middle of Paris? Letter R
179. Tony wants to fly in space. He would like to work with other people in spaceship. What would
he like to be in the future? _ Astronaut
180. Complete the proverb “_________ is the best medicine”
A. Laughter B. Kiss C. Whisper D. Honesty
181. Which continent is the largest on earth?
A. Europe B. Asia C. America D. Africa
182. Of the following, which country do not use chopsticks? Korea, India, China, Japan, Vietnam?
183. What color must be added to yellow to make orange? _RED
184. How many months of the year begin with the letter A? 2
185. What is the 15th letter of the alphabet? O
186. True or false: Sydney is the capital of Australia?_False
187. 333/666 is equal to which of the following percentages: 25%, 50%, 75%?
188. How many equal sides does a scalene triangle have? 0
189. What is the capital of Thailand? Bangkok

CS1: L1, LKV13, Khu đô thị HUD, Thị xã Sơn Tây, HN
CS2: 129 Quảng Oai, Tây Đằng, Ba Vì, HN
CS3: 307 Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN
Hotline: 0969.485.385 hoăc 0966.533.385

190. What is the total number of degrees in a triangle?_ 180

191. What is the freezing point of water? 0°C
192. How many days are there in the month of October? 31
193. What did Cinderella leave at the ball? A shoe
194. How many faces does a cube have? 6
195. Does hot air travel up or down? UP
196. How many wheels does a tricycle have? 3
197. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it (Shorter)
198. The more you take away, the more I become. What am I?_Hole
199. What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left? _Your left hand
200. What is bigger than a grey elephant yet weighs nothing. What is it?
Answer: The elephants shadow.
201. The more there is the less you see. What is it? Answer: Darkness.

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