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My mission is to help you realize that you can do something meaningful to someone within 30

minutes of your time. Utah is in a desperate need of donated blood to help those that are in the
hospital waiting for blood donations.
Every single day people are needing blood for many different types of reasons this can be
anything from diseases to terrible automobile accidents. Almost every person is eligible to
donate blood this can vary because of medical situations you may have that is why it is
important to have people who can donate to donate to your nearest donation center. Like when
I donated to Redcross when they came to my school as I described in my memoir. You don’t
hear much about giving blood to those in need, so I am here to ask you to donate to those in
need of it. More information about blood and its trip after it is take on the “slides” page.
“Are you ready to save someone?” that is this page’s mission statement. Everyone can be ready
to donate and save someone’s life. You don’t need to be in an emergency setting to save
someone today. So, if you witnessed an accident in front of you wouldn’t you jump out to help
those in need? Why not go out and donate to your nearest donation center it’s just a simple
search away to save someone’s life. So, I ask you again are you ready to save someone?

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