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The Videogames: Are they good or bad

Technology has undoubtedly been the most revolutionary invention of all time, and has brought
benefits and progress. Now talking more specifically, video games are an unprecedented thing that has
provided hours of fun to people of all generations, especially children and young people, however, these
are part of the technology that has generated more controversy in people, and in this article we will
analyze both points of view, positive and negative.

Talking about the positive side of video games, we can say that it brings many benefits to the player's
mind, some of these are mental agility, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, reading comprehension
and creativity. Similarly, there are games that offer competitive mode such as Fortnite where if you are
good at playing and are among the best places in tournaments you can get real money, an example of
this is with Kyle Giersdorf, better known as Bugha, who is the current Fortnite solo world champion and
for winning this competition received $ 3 million. Other games that offer this are Clash Royale, League of
Legends and C.S:G.O.

Now talking about the negative points, many people who play video games have tendencies to be very
fat or very skinny, it is also very harmful to the eyesight to spend a long time watching a screen and
powerful graphics, personal hygiene is neglected because of playing. Now talking about non-physical
aspects, it brings problems with family members because of how aggressive they are, they run the risk
of meeting bad people on the Internet, high value equipment such as consoles and PCs are needed to
play and, I say this from personal experience, it takes up a lot of valuable time.

In conclusion, playing video games is fine up to a certain point, because it can become a vice, that is why
it is good to play and even brings both personal and economic benefits, but not too much because it can
have some side effects and take away time that you could be spending with your family or doing
something more productive.

Total words: 350

Alex Ortiz MYP 5 Phase 6

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