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17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Wy Sees Good food when pregnant When you are pregnant, your body needs extra nutrition, vitamins and minerals You can eat most things and it's good to eat varied. Foods that contain a lot of nutrition are, for example, whole grain products, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, beans, fatty fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits, seeds and nuts. You may need folic acid and iron supplements, Both you and the fetus feel good about eating healthy food. Some foad you may need to avoid, The National Food Agency has up-to-date information on what you can eat and drink when you are pregnant. Talk to your midwife if you have any questions about how toeat, You don't have to eat for two Its easy to think you need to eat for two when you're pregnant, but that's not the case, How much extra food is needed depends on what you weighed before you became pregnant and what the weight gain during pregnancy looks like. The midwife at the midwife's office or a dietitian can advise on how much is right for you. Keep in mind that it is not only energy you need more of, but above all nutrition. Ifyou have questions about your lifestyle or are worried that you are gaining a lot of weight or not gaining enough, you can talk to your midwife, Itis good to tell us ifyou have previously had an eating disorder to get support during pregnancy. ILyou feel very unwell and have yy eating at the beginning of your pregnancy, you do not have to worry about getting too little nutrition. If, on the other hand, the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, you should consult with your midwife, Steet county Healthy start - a course in improving your lifestyle habits With Healthy Stark. you get inspiration about healthy living habits and what you as an expectant mather need to know about weight, food and eating habits - and how it affects you and your child ‘The course is mainly aimed at those who are pregnant and who have overweight or obesity, butt can be used by all pregnant women who want to improve their eating habits hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! ant 917122, 818 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Guidelines for each trimester Pregnancy can be divided into three parts, or trimesters. With each trimester, the need for energy and nutrition increases. Everyone experiences pregnancy in different ways, How you feel can change during pregnancy. Some are hungrier at the beginning, others at the end, Some feel so bad that they barely ingest anything at all, while someone else Is just craving a single thing for a period of time, What is described here are guidelines for how much extra your body needs for each trimester during pregnancy: © The first trimester, that is, in the first 12 weeks, almost nothing extra is needed at all One fruit per day covers the increased need, ‘= The second trimester, between weeks 13 and 27, a little more is needed, such as a fruit, a sandwich and a glass of milk or unsweetened vitamin-entiched oat or soy drink extra every day. ‘© The third and last trimester is needed even a little more, the equivalent of two snacks and one fruit extra every day. A good snack can be a sandwich with toppings and a glass of milk, yogurt or vitamin-enriched oat or soy drink or similar. It can also be a plate of porridge or muesli with berries or fruits and milk or fortified oat or soy drink. hitpsshwww. 1177 etStockholmfbam-graviigravietevivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravicitelenora-matnar-du-ar-gravidl ant 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Nutritious food When you are pregnant, you may think alittle extra about what you eat and wonder if, the food contains everything that the fetus needs. It can be good to know what you need to pay extra attention to. Energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates The constituents of food that provide energy are fat, carbohydrates and protein, Everyone is equally important to ingest for the body to feel good. Fatcontain the most energy It can be good to know that fat provides more than twice as much energy as, carbohydrates and protein, For example, what does not look so much on the plate, like sauce, can be very energy-rich. If the body gets too much energy in relation to the need, the weight gain can be too large. To fend this off, t may be helpful to review what you eat. Maybe you need to reduce the portion size or move more. If you increase too little weight or not at all, you can think about whether you eat too litte, or move too much, ‘choose good quay fat Fat quality Is important for both the mother and the fetus. Fat is available of different, varieties: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. During pregnancy, polyunsaturated fat is extra important. Rapeseed oil and olive oll have a good distribution between saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fat and can be happily used in cooking. It is also good if the shortening you use is vitarnin D enriched because vitamin D is an important nutrient that is difficult to get up to the recommended amounts of. ‘Omega 3 fat is 2 polyunsaturated and vital fat found primarily in fish. Therefore, you should feel free to eat fish two-three times a week. Ifyou dont like fish, shrimp and mussels are great options. Toppings such as beech pate and mackerel in tomato sauce are also good sources of Omega 3. Also some algae contain Omega 3. If you never eat fish or shellfish, you should ask your midwife for advice, Walnuts, canola oll and flaxseed oil can to some extent cover the need for the vital polyunsaturated fat The National Food Agency has more information. Enough protein If you eat a mixed diet, i.e, food from both the animal and plant kingdoms, you often get enough protein and other nutrition to cover the need during your pregnancy. For those who eat vegetarian, or vegan diets and exclude all products from the animal kingdom, legumes provide good nutrition. Soybeans and other beans as well as lentils and peas, or ready meals made from legumes, contain protein, iron, folic acid, zinc and selenium and other important nutrition, Excluding eggs , milk and cheese, you can get a lack of calcium, vitamin 812, vitamin D and Omega-3 fat. If you choose alternative dairy products, based on, for example, soy, oats, coconut or nuts, itis important that they are fortified, Many people who eat vegan diets take supplements to get enough nutrients. Contact a dietitian if you are on a vegan diet and feel unsure if you are getting enough nutrition, The dietitian can go through what you eat and give advice to increase your nutritional intake, You can also contact a health centre to check your nutritional status. Then you will find out what you need to supplement with hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! at 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Slow e keep youullonger Just like when you are not pregnant, itis good to choose carbohydrates of a slightly slower variety, that is, those that are not absorbed so quickly in the body, but make you feel full for a longer time. This in turn means that you will not be as eager to snack between meals, Slow carbohydrates have a so-called low glycemic index, a low Gl value. Examples of such foods are bulgur, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, sorghum grains, wholegrain pasta, fiber-rich bread, and other foods high in fiber. Itis good if you can avoid larger amounts of soft drinks, cakes, snacks and sweets, since it mostly contains sugar and has a very high Gl value. The energy is only enough for a short time and your body is not getting enough nutrition. It can make you soon get craving something sweet again The important nutrients - vitamins and minerals itis not only extra energy thats needed during pregnancy, but also nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals. fyou cover the increased energy requirement with extra food, the extra nutrition usally comes along by tse, But sore nutrients can be good! o keep an extra eye on Here are some tips on how to get the most important ofthese vitamins and mineralsin the best way. Vitamin You need to get vitamin D because itis needed for the bones and teeth, as well as many of the body's tissues and functions. Its also important for the body's immune system. ‘Vitamin D is mainly found in fatty fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines. The vitamin is also found in eggs and fortified shortenings and fortified dairy products, as well asin fortified oat and soy drinks. It says on the packaging if a food is vitamin D enriched. Chanterelles and Karl Johan mushrooms also contain vitamin D, In addition to food, sunlight is an important source of vitamin D. Vitamin 0 is formed in the body when the sun’s ultraviolet rays shine on the skin, But since Sweden is a dark country for large parts of the year, food is important for you to get enough vitamin D. ‘Some pregnant women need vitamin D supplements. This is especially true if you have dark skin or wear full-coverage clothing outdoors during the summer months. Talk to your midwife or contact a health centre for testing if you are unsure. Folic acid is a 8 vitamin that is needed for cell division in the body and therefore itis extra important before and during pregnancy. The vitamin is called folate when itis, found naturally in food. You should ingest 500 micrograms of folic acid per day through food. Women who plan to become pregnant are advised to take 400 micrograms of folic acid supplements a day to reduce the risk of spina bifida in the fetus. The National Food Agency recommends continued folic acid supplementation until week 12. After that, you should cover the need through the diet. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, fruits, berries, liver pate and whole grain products, as well as in lentils, peas, cabbage, chickpeas and beans. You will get enough folic acid if you follow the general dietary recommendations. They involve choosing whole grains and eating 500 grams of vegetables and fruits a day. That's the equivalent hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! an 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 of five servings of fruit and vegetables, such as a banana, an apple, a carrot, leaf spinach, and broccoll Vitamin 812 Vitamin B12 is needed, among other things, for the normal development of the child's nervous system, Ifyou eat a mixed diet with elements of meat, fish, eggs or dairy products, you usually get enough vitamin 812. If you are vegan and avoid all foods from the animal kingdom, you need to take extra 812 supplements, and choose 812-fortified foods. tron Iron is extra important during pregnancy and is needed above all for oxygen uptake in the body. Abit into pregnancy, most pregnant women need to take extra iron supplements. The blood value is followed at the midwife’s office and the midwife ensures that you receive iron supplements if necessary. Iron is mainly found in meat, blood pudding and liver pate. tis also found in fish, eggs, whole grains, seeds, nuts and almonds, as well as green vegetables and legumes, ic lentils, peas and beans. In meat and fish there is something called the "meat factor” that makes the iron more easily absorbed into food. If you eat something rich in vitamin C with your meal, such as vegetables or fruits, it will aso be easier for the body to absorb iron from plant foods. Other tart things like vinegar and sourdough bread have the same positive effect. Coffee and tea reduce the absorption of iron, therefore, after a meal it may be good to wait a while before drinking coffee. Or supplement the meal with something vitamin C- rich calcium Calcium is important above all for bones and teeth, You cover the increased need during pregnancy by eating, for example, a bowl of yogurt or calcium-enriched oat or soy drink every day, as well as cottage cheese and a few slices of cheese, or the equivalent of calclun-enriched vegan options, Calcium is also found in spinach, cabbage, legumes, fish, shrimp, mussels, sesame and sunflower seeds. In order for the body to absorb calcium, you need vitamin D, from the sun or food lodine lodine is important for the thyroid gland and is needed for the development of the child's nervous system. Salt, fish and shellfish, as well as sea algae are good sources of fodine. Since iodine may be scarce in food, you should use iodine-enriched salt. You can read on the package whether the salt is enriched with iodine. Itis important not to exceed the recommended upper dally intake of iodine, but this can almost only happen if you eat large amounts of certain sea algae. Read on the package if you eat algae. The National Food Agency advises pregnant and lactating women to be Careful with sea algae products during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Do not exceed the recommended maximum daily dose of 250 micrograms from dietary supplements. hitpsthwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravcitelivsti-och-nalsa-nder-gravicitelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! sit 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Eat seafood from the big seas Fish contains many nutrients such as iodine, selenium, vitamin D and omega-3 fat, which are extra important during pregnancy. In principle, all fish that are factory packed in the shops’ freezers can be eaten during pregnancy. These are fish from large seas, with litle risk of them containing too much environmental toxins, or farmed fish, such as salmon. You can choose freely when It ‘comes to canned fish, such as pickled herring, canned tuna, fish balls, caviar and tube spread, Feel free to eat varied, both fish and shellfish, 2-3 times a week of the safe fish varieties that the National Food Agency recommends. If you don't eat fish Talk to your midwife if you don't eat fish or shellfish, and don’t think you're getting enough omega 3 fat. Then you can get advice on how you should do it. Be careful with fish from the Baltic Sea and lakes ‘Some fish from lakes and the Baltic Sea may contain some environmental toxins, which unfortunately do not disappear during cooking, Therefore, you should limit your intake of these fish, such as herring and halibut. More information about the fish in question can be found on the National Food Agency's website. hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Avoid raw meat, unpasteurized milk and certain fish When you are pregnant, itis extra important that you try to avoid food that may contain parasites and bacteria, This s especially true of the listeria bacterium and the {oxoplasmaparasite, both of which can be harmful to the growing fetus ‘You should refrain from this when you are pregna + raw minced meat + unpasteurized milk + cheese made from unpasteurized milk + graved, dried or cold smoked meat, such as parma ham and salami ‘+ smoked and pickled fish in vacuurn packaging that has been packaged for more than. aweek « sliced sandwich toppings, such as ham and sausage, that have been packaged for more than a week ‘= cold ready-to-eat foods such as patés, salads and stir-ries that are approaching thelr expiration date. ‘Ordinary hard cheeses and soft cheese in a tube or plastic box can be eaten, To get updated information about which cheeses you can eat and which you should avoid, you can read more at the National Food Agency - Diet for pregnant women, Be careful with best before dates on food packaging Try to be careful with the best before date when you are pregnant, and always choose freshly packaged sandwich toppings. Freshly smoked, freshly dug and home-buried fish are safer to eat than packaged. Sushi Is also good if itis freshly made with fresh ingredients. Bacteria die when food is cooked above 70 degrees If you want to eat graved, dried or cold smaked meat, you can freeze it for three days, at least minus 18 degrees. Then the toxoplasma parasite dies. It also dies when you heat your food to over 70 degrees. The listeria bacterium also dies at cooking temperatures above 70 degrees, But the bacterium can grow at refrigerator temperature and it survives freezing, If the bacterium Is given the opportunity to multiply in a vacuum package with several weeks of shelf life, the bacterial amounts can be large. This applies, for example, to sliced sandwich toppings, cold ready-made food and smoked or pickled fish, Therefore, choose freshly packaged food. hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! mm 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Abstain from alcohol and cut down on caffeine and licorice If you drink alcohol when you are pregnant, the alcohol passes to the fetus. No one can answer how much alcohol a fetus can handle without sustaining lasting damage. Therefore, all pregnant women are advised to completely refrain from alcahi Maximum two cups of coffee a day According to the Swedish National Food Agency's recommendation, you should not ingest more than 200 mg of caffeine per day when you are pregnant, That's because high doses of caffeine can affect the fetus. Caffeine is found both in coffee and tea. That means you can drink about two to three ‘small cups of brewed coffee per day, or drink four cups of tea a day. One cup of coffee equals 1.5 dl, and one cup of tea equals 2 dl Caffeine in cola and energy drinks Caffeine is also found in cola drinks, energy drinks and other soft drinks. Therefore, you should not drink too much of it during pregnancy. Energy drinks may also contain other substances that are not good during pregnancy. Water is the best thirst quencher Water is a good drink for meals and as a thirst quencher during pregnancy and when breastfeeding, You can flavor the water with fruits and berries or add bubbles to a carbonation apparatus, Milk and vitamin-enriched oat or soy drink you can also drink with food. Feel free to choose a low-fat milk variant because it contains more vitamin D than fatty milk. Milk, yogurt and vitamin-enriched oat or soy drink also go well to enhance the snacks. Soft drinks and sweets do not contain any nutrients Soft drinks contain only energy and no nutrients and therefore you should not drink any large amounts. The same goes for lemonade, Light drinks are sweetened with sweeteners, the most cornmon are aspartame or sucralose, They provide sweet taste without adding calories and are considered safe ‘even when pregnant. The sweetener steviol glycoside, which is used as an additive in some foods, is also considered safe during pregnancy. ‘Sweets often contain a lot of energy but rarely any nutrition. If you eat your fill of sweets, it can become more difficult to cover your body's need for nutrition, Therefore, eat sweets in moderation Eat no more than 50 grams of licorice a day As a pregnant woman, you may need to think about how much licorice you eat. ‘According to the recommendations of the National Food Agency, you should not eat more than 50 grams of licorice a day when you are pregnant. Its also good to be careful with licorice tea hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! ast 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Special diets and supplements Ifyou eata special diet, or exclude different types of food, it may be good to take the advice of a dietitian, Talk to your midwife at the midwife's office in the first instance. Itis good to review the food you eat so that you know that you are getting the nutrier needed during pregnancy. It may also be helpful to get a review of any supplemer and health preparations, as. some may be inappropriate to take when you are pregnant, such as ginseng, The National Food Agency has advice on dietary sup pres hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! ont 17722, 8:8 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 Useful tips to relieve pregnancy problems How you feel during your pregnancy is very different, Some people think they've never felt so good in their entire life, while others feel sick and vomit throughout their regnancy and just long for it to be over. It is common for you to experience some inconvenience during a period, such as heartburn, nausea or constipation, Don't hesitate to tell others how you feel. Its also good to ask for help. Most people are very understanding and helpful if you have pregnancy problems, ‘Some pregnancy problems are linked to food and you can try to alleviate them yourself Here are some tips that can help: Eat little but often to relieve nausea Nausea is often most severe when blood suger levels are low. Therefore, it can be good to eat alittle often, maybe every two hours. Take fruit or nuts with you in your bag. In the morning, it can be good to have a biscuit or something else edible on the bedside table, can also be good to eat something small before going to bed. Many people think that just dry, slightly salty things quell the nausea, others want something sweet. Some people feel that carbohydrates and cold or cooked food go down better than hot, fried and high-protein foods. Allittle walk or a pinch of air can cause the nausea to ease. Heartburn can be relieved in several ways The upper stomach and intestines are affected by the pregnancy hormones so that the muscles relax, in combination with the growing stomach pressing up against the stomach, Then you can get heartburn when sour gastric juice squalls up into the esophagus. Heartburn symptoms can be alleviated in several ways. You can try the following tps: + Avoid eating and drinking a lot at once. + Do not eat late at night + Avoid fatty and highly spiced foods. + Avoid acidic drinks such as juices. + Try reducing tea and coffee drinking ‘© Try raising the head end of the bed. You can do this by either placing something firmly under the legs of the head end, or putting a couple of pillows under the mattress. If itdoesn't get better, you can check with your midwife if you can get medication that alleviates the symptoms, Reduce constipation symptoms with fiber-rich food, water and movement When you are pregnant, the intestines move more slowly and it gives slight constipation. it can be exacerbated by eating too lite fre and drinking too litle. Movement helps the intestines to work, for example, walking hitpsshwww.1177 etStackholmfbar-graviigravicitelivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravictelanbra-matnardu-ar-gravid! sont 917122, 818 PM Good food when pregnant - 117 This is good to eat to ease the inconvenience of constipation: = Vegetables, fruits and root vegetables of various types are rich in fiber and full of vitamins. Itis good if you can eat 500 grams per day. For example, you can mix vegetables into your food. A couple of handfuls of grated carrots can be used in the minced meat sauce or in the pancakes, Grated white cabbage is well suited for stir- frying and provides not only extra fiber, but also a lot of other nutrition, just like other cabbage plants. Legumes, such as peas, beans and lentils, provide fiber and many nutrients. ‘= Coarse bread, preferably keyhole marked, is fine. Muesli, cereal or porridge, for example, oatmeal porridge, graham porridge or molino porridge contain both fiber and nutrients. + Prunes and prune drinks contain, in addition to fiber and vitamins, also sorbitol, which has a laxative effect. Remember to drink water during the day and with each meal, MORE ON OTHER WEBSITES ~ National Food Agency - Diet for pregnant women Last updated: 2020-02-28 Editor: Louise Engstrom, 1177s, national editorial staff Reviewer: Karin Haby, dietician, Maternal Health Care, Gothenburg. hitpsshwww. 1177 etStockholmfbam-graviigravietevivsti-och-nalsa-under-gravicitelenora-matnar-du-ar-gravidl an

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