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Name: Hannah Claire R.

Work place: Bigaan Elementary School
Batch No. 8

FINAL Learning
OUTPUT gaps caused by COVID-19 pandemic had brought a pause and resulted to an inevitable
change in the life of the learners which caused a huge damage on their academic performance. There is
imbalance between the efficiency, the pace of learning, quality and over all learning experience. Learners had
been affected psychologically by school closure. Teachers are suffering too much and really don’t know
where to start in handling pupils due to this learning gaps. They need to enhance their skills in handling
learners’ behavior and provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for learners. These situations are
huge demand for lifelong learning to cope with the learning losses so it is essential for the educators to
Rationale regain the academic skills of learners basically in reading, writing and arithmetic. This is a call for the
teachers to strategized the teaching and learning process in order to gain the good quality of education.
There is a need to strengthen their implementation of the different programs and activities to ensure the
learners’ high academic achievement and success.
The expected outcome will be the enhancement of teachers in handling learners’ behavior and provide a
safe and inclusive learning environment for learners, ensure learner’s academic performance and
achievement and strengthen teacher’s implementation of the said programs and activities. Teachers will be
capacitated from to execute the development process and add more advanced technology.

Target Beneficiaries Grade 5 -Ilang Ilang ( 39 pupils)

Key Players/ Responsible School Head, Teachers, Learners and Parents
Time Frame/ Schedule March- December 2023
Human Resources
Resources Needed Financial Resources
Material Resources (laptop, educational videos, reading materials, writing sheets and activity sheets)

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