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Good afternoon dear viewers, today we will interview some people, so that they can give us their

points of view on the following topics:

wh words

I can/can't

verb to be

So we'll start with the first topic.

wh words

and we have a person here

Hello, How are you?


Fine, thanks, today I'm asking some questions, and could you give me the definition of Wh words?

Now I'll ask someone for the examples,

Hello, How are you


Well Today I am asking some questions about the wh words, but I want you to give me examples,
can you give me 2 examples of wh words?

Well we finish with the firs topic, wh words

And then we will continue with the next topic


and we will ask a person about it

hi, can you tell me the definition of the can/can´t?

we end with the topic I can/can't

then we will continue with the last topic

verb to be

and we will ask a person about it

Hello, How are you?

I want to ask you a question, can you tell me the definition of the verb to be?



and I want to hear some examples, so I'll ask someone

Can you give me examples of the verb to be?

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