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R : ass. Goodmorning class. How are you all today ?

Sf :

R : well, before we start our lesson today, let’s take a prayer first shall we? Who here wants
to volunteer to lead the prayer?

S/f : yes, i want mrs

R : is the whole class here? Who is absent today? Who is not here today?

S/f :

R : okay then, firda can you help me to stay here to change this slide for me, thank you

F : okay mrs

R : i hope you are ready for your english lesson today. Before we get into the material, i
wanna ask you question, can you tell me about the food that you like the most? What about the
season, what season do you prefer?

Okay today we will learn about expressions of likes and dislikes

R : next, untuk like (i you they we) kalo like(s) itu (she he it)

Begitupun sebaliknya ya dislike juga gitu

Oke next example, i want sandra to read these example please

S :

R : good job, and right now u understand about the difference between like and likes

Okey next example of dislike, tolong mba firda dibacakan

F :

R : verygood, thankyou

Okay sampe sini ada yang mau ditanyakan

F/s : mrs apakah exspresi like an ddislike cuma boleh pkae like and dislike?

R : that nice question, kalo like bisa pake i love i enjoy i crazy abou this chinese food

Dislike bisa pake don’t like, hate, can’ stand

Hope u guys understand

Next slide please

R : i want you guys read this conversation, please. And tell me which part or text, express
likes and dislike

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