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"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right.

Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms -
greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge - has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark
my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
-Gordon Gekko

This set of Charms for the Yozi Isidoros is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis, found in
Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals ​and other sources. I also recommend my E ​ lloge​and ​Isidoros​Charm sets,
as well as a rewritten ​She Who Lives in Her Name​(which includes an Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping
Technique). This document contains the core of the Metagaos Charm set, but feel free to develop your own
Charms for this Yozi using it as a basis. ​Further Charms can be found ​here​.

HIGHWAY TO HELL (Infernal Geomancy Clarification)

The Yozis are egotistical creatures who demand that all conform to their mad dreams, but are sworn never to
extend their corrosive influence into the mortal world. The unbound Green Sun Princes, on the other hand, are
free to warp the fabric of local geomancy. Unless otherwise specified, these Charms convert Wyld-tainted land
into pure Creation, and are not restricted by the surrounding terrain - Holy Land Infliction creates barren deserts,
but can be used in a body of water to create a salt lake or dead sea.

Demesnes in these hellscapes develop appropriate quirks over the years (or decades, or centuries, depending on
their rating) - an Earth demesne in a region of eternal night might shift to focus on the darkness below, for
example. Demesnes with an entirely contradictory aspect - such as a Wood demesne in a Cecelorum blight, or a
Solar demesne in almost any hellscape - instead wither away over this time period, their power flowing
elsewhere. As a result of this alien colonization, any hellscape with a radius greater than five miles becomes a
persistent Blasphemy to which Heaven will respond, sending agents of all stripes to cleanse it from the Loom.

This world-claiming arrogance does not lend itself to co-operation. Different hellscapes cannot coexist, and
whenever one would expand into territory claimed by another, it provokes a roll-off. Each hellscape uses
(creator’s Essence), adding bonus dice equal to the factor by which it outsizes the other hellscape. The Althing
does not know of any Heretical magic that could smooth over clashes. Targeting an existing hellscape with
another geomantic Charm provokes a normal roll-off, so it is more efficient to use countermagic beforehand.

Included in this clarification are some changes to Holy Land Infliction, to help it fit in this model:

HOLY LAND INFLICTION (Unofficial Charm Errata)

This Charm functions as described in ​Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals ​(pp. 125), except that its activation
is a ritual that takes fifteen minutes and produces an initial desert with a radius of (Infernal’s Charisma x 100)
yards. Its expansion occurs as described, but is measured in increased diameter rather than square yards. The
countermagic required to cleanse the blight is not based on the Infernal’s Essence rating - instead, ​Emerald
countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of
up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.



The hunger of Metagaos is impossible to satisfy, an aching need for completion that reaches both within and
without. Some among his priests claim that he was once whole, in the time before the world, but was somehow
divided or wounded, and so seeks fulfilment through decadence and growth. Others say that the All-Hunger
Blossom needs no reason for his sickening appetite – this is the privilege of the Yozi, passed down to their
Exalted servants. This Urge causes the Green Sun Princes to consume without end, until they have claimed all of
Creation for themselves - and through them, their Primordial masters. They steal, seduce and conquer, and
squeeze what they own until there is nothing left but bones – which they then grind to make bread.

Metagaos devours even his own Virtues, leaving himself slothful and unmotivated, but at times they regrow and
the Devil Swamp stirs with strange flowers and motion. His Conviction teaches him to indulge himself in the
face of obstacles and wisdom, while he regards Compassion as a fact of his fertility. When Metagaos feasts well,
everyone profits from his compost, and so he equates his greed with charity. Valor is understood as intoxication,
the passion that tempts others to cavort in mad bacchanalia around the edge of his maw. Temperance is utterly
alien to the All-Hunger Blossom, a restrictive bonsai cage around his sprawling growth.

Examples include:
• Claim the Imperial Throne.
• Impersonate the Righteous Devil, claiming his reputation for the Reclamation.
• Steal the clients of the Southern Guild, bankrupting it.
• Seduce the God of Slavery to gain control of his office.
• Amass the greatest collection of treasures in all Creation.

The Torment of Metagaos​: When an Infernal with a Metagaoiyn Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit he
suffers the Torment of Metagaos. For one full day, the impossibility of finding true fulfilment looms large in his
mind, turning all worldly pleasures into bitter, taunting reminders of his insatiability. He cannot find enjoyment
in food or drink, and will resentfully pick at his meal if he doesn’t simply toss it aside in disappointment.
Similarly, he is untitillated by sensual delights and uninterested in wealth, and reacts to offers of either as though
he had been gravely insulted by some aspect of them. He is petulantly disinterested in keeping hold of his
possessions, unbothered by theft and likely to abandon or damage his assets.


Metagaos sees the selfishness of a world that would deny him his every whim, and is stirred into covetous
activity. Whenever a warlock makes another character aware of the fact that he has stolen something from them,
including abstracts like the love of their husband, roll his Conviction. Each success reduces accumulated Limit
by one (minimum zero). The stolen object must be of no immediate or obvious practical use to the Infernal, and
the character it belonged to must be willing and able to exact meaningful retribution - in the case of items of
little worth, this may require that the Infernal include some kind of insult in his theft.


















































Cost:​1m/die; ​Mins:​Essence 1; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker; Step 2 for defender)
Prerequisite Charms:​None
Metagaos is a ​voracious hunter​who​lurks in plain sight​within the jungle of his body, ​stalking h​is prey until
they are ready to be ​devoured​. He is ​cunning i​n his ​predation​, easily ​tempting​his quarry into the ​deceptive
labyrinth of his bayous and glades, ​ensnaring​them in t​raps​from which there can be ​no escape​. The ​ravening
nature of the All-Hunger Blossom is concealed beneath ​false familiarity​and ​fertile decadence​until it is too late,
allowing him to ​entice​fresh fools into his ​waiting maw​. These ​bloody sacrifices​cannot quell his ​self-indulgent
demands​, for he is ​never satisfied​. The Trackless Quag ​consumes​​everything​within his ​insidious influence​, and
is himself consumed by countless ​diseases​and ​parasites​which ​infect​and ​degrade​body and mind alike,
assimilating​victims as surely as if Metagaos had eaten them whole.

This Excellency aids actions that provide the Infernal with something he wants at ​someone else’s expense,​
helping him to ​seize o​r​seduce a​ppropriate ​offerings​from others, be they wealth, information, or flesh. Attempts
to ​
acquire or improve sustenance​always qualify. Such ​ruthless acquisitions​are ​broken down​and ​merged​with
their new owner, ​cannibalized​for their juiciest parts. This Charm cannot benefit any act that emphasizes prudent
planning over ​immediate indulgence,​as Metagaos ​cannot abstain​from what he desires, even for later gain.


Cost​: —; ​
Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Metagaos Excellency
The hunger of the Infested One gnaws even at his own souls, allowing the Infernal to reduce his anima flare by a
number of levels equal to his stunt rating, in addition to any other rewards. Future peripheral mote expenditure is
tracked from the beginning of his new level.


Cost​: —; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Metagaos Excellency
Metagaos is ever-fertile, though even this sickening abundance cannot stem his own hunger. As a result, he
applies a discount of ten motes and a single point of Willpower (minimum cost five motes and one Willpower)
to spells that create or improve sustenance, such as Food from the Aerial Table, Water from Stone, Fountain of
Fathomless Dreams, or Benediction of Archgenesis. Magic that expands the Infernal’s digestive ability does not
broaden the definition of “sustenance” for the purposes of this Initiation. Spells that apply or aggravate Sickness
effects also benefit, feeding as they do on the vitality of others. However, his laziness increases by one
Willpower the cost of any spell he casts with the primary aim of accelerating a journey, whether through
teleportation, spatial warping or conjured transportation (demon summoning does not count).


Cost​: —; ​Mins​: Essence 5; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Metagaos Excellency
Metagaos devours even the bonds of his own self-restraint. An Infernal who channels his Temperance, or
succeeds on a Temperance roll to determine his behaviour and does not spend Willpower to suppress the Virtue
loses the extra dot of Essence permitted by this Charm for the rest of the scene.


Cost:​4m; ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Simple
Prerequisite Charms:​None
Putrefying offal and fine steak each have their merits, contemplated alongside every flavour by the petal-tongues
of the All-Hunger Blossom. While this Charm is active, the Exalt gains all the benefits of Keen Taste Technique
and Unsurpassed Taste Discipline (​Exalted​, pp. 225-226). He may also receive the benefits of Keen Scent
Technique by flicking out his tongue to sample the spice of the breeze. These benefits apply to all relevant rolls.

Additionally, the Infernal’s palate is refined beyond mortal comprehension, allowing him to ignore deleterious
effects stemming from flavour or smell. Actual taste-based sensory rolls may even reveal basic details normally
restricted to other avenues of perception, allowing the Infernal to determine someone’s height and eye colour by
licking up an errant drop of their sweat.


Cost​ : 2m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Supplemental
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Palate Without Limit
What Metagaos desires becomes his, without fail. There is no escape from his appetite. This Charm supplements
a roll to track or otherwise locate any character or object that the Infernal has tasted (or used this Charm to
track) in the past day. Their flavour fills his mouth, and he is guaranteed to succeed with at least one threshold
success. If another Charm contests this effect, the Infernal benefits from (Essence) automatic successes in the
roll-off. Every scene spent tracking something with the aid of this Charm is a scene spent building an intimacy
of hunger toward the target.


Cost:​— ; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Palate Without Limit
The world is nothing less than a grand buffet for the All-Hunger Blossom. He can match its infinite variety with
as many mouths and more. While this Charm’s prerequisite is active, the Infernal’s bites inflict lethal damage,
and he may spend a single mote in Step 8 of a bite attack to count 10s twice when determining damage.
Additionally, the warlock may reflexively alter any part of his body he wishes into a fully functional mouth. He
can shift fingertips into feeder tendrils, widen pores into lamprey mouths, open baleen filters in his feet, and so
on. These Obvious transformations do not impede normal uses of that body part, though reversing them requires
a miscellaneous action.

This Charm’s transformations allow the warlock to punch with canine-tipped knuckles or kick with a leg that
splits open into a crocodile-mouth, making natural bite attacks without needing to clinch. Though his mouths
usually leave no trace when not manifested, others can detect traces if the warlock suffers any hunger penalties
with Palate Without Limit active, through an Awareness roll at difficulty (6 – hunger penalty), minimum 1.


Human teeth are relatively blunt and not hugely intimidating, so it’s rare for anyone but a particularly vicious
wrestler to bother biting their enemies. However, any character can make a “bite attack” as part of a crushing
clinch. If they have sharp teeth (as per the mutation) it will cause the crush to inflict lethal damage, but
otherwise it is simply a stunt. Some monsters or predatory animals may bite as part of a non-clinch natural
attack, as detailed in their entries.


Cost:​— ; ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Teeth Without Number
There is nothing Metagaos will not use to fill his belly. Even his siblings are not exempt from his hunger, for
pale vines creep through cracks in the basalt of the Demon City and strangle the outer saplings of the
Quicksilver Forest. While Palate Without Limit is active, the Infernal’s teeth become as tough as a magical
material, granting his bite attacks Overwhelming 2 and allowing them to ignore Hardness. Further, he can digest
inorganic materials without any trouble, swallowing bricks and mortar along with bone and muscle. Such fare
offers him no more nutrition than normal. Indestructible objects cannot be digested in this way, but are passed or
regurgitated without causing any harm. Finally, the Infernal is rendered immune to any Poison he ingests.
Cost:​3m (+2m per action); ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Supplemental
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Crippling
Prerequisite Charms:​Teeth Without Number
The Trackless Quag swallows up noise in stinking fog and dense vegetation. This Charm renders a bite attack
completely silent, an ineligible target for hearing-based Awareness rolls. If the attack successfully strikes its
target, they are rendered just as silent as a supernatural Crippling effect, unable to make noise through any
avenue. Their frantic footsteps, pained yell, banging of alarm gongs, and so on, are all silenced. This empty
quiet is an insidious thing, and contrives to seem as natural as possible. The warlock can devour a guard
mid-sentence, and those listening will believe he just thought better of speaking.

This effect lasts until the Infernal’s DV refreshes, at which point the victim’s ability to produce sound returns.
The warlock can silence his victim for up to an additional (Stealth) actions by spending an extra two motes per
action. This Charm’s costs are all reduced by one if it was used previously this action.


Cost:​1m (+5m); ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Supplemental
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Crippling
Prerequisite Charms:​Teeth Without Number
Cutlery and seasoning are the inventions of civilization, and while Metagaos may don culture’s trappings like
the scent of a sundew, his hungry heart drives him beyond such niceties. This Charm enhances any lethal bite
attack, allowing the warlock to instantly devour and digest a portion of his target’s body, as a Crippling effect.
The savaged area is roughly equal to the fraction of their health levels that the attack damaged, including dying
health levels. Killing or destroying the target allows the Infernal to simply swallow them, leaving no trace.

If the Infernal devours at least two health levels’ worth of flesh in this way, he may spend five motes in Step 10
to inflict a Crippling amputation effect (​Exalted​, pp. 152) on his target, enjoying the taste of a whole limb.


Cost:​— ; ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Mutilation Feast Method
Metagaos has great power and great hunger, and with bright teeth converts even the divine to cutlets. Attacks
enhanced by Mutilation Feast Method can now strike immaterial targets, allowing the Infernal to guzzle on the
cumulus flesh of errant cloud gods as his gullet briefly transforms into a fathomless tunnel of anima. Spirits
killed by such an attack are permanently destroyed, and infuse his intestines with rich quintessence, allowing
him to act as though he had a tutor for Infernal Charms appropriate to the spirit’s themes for the next (spirit’s
Essence) days. Mortal souls are similarly devoured (precluding reincarnation or ghosthood), but Exaltations
escape even Metagaos’ desperate maw.

Cost:​3m; ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Counterattack
Prerequisite Charms:​Teeth Without Number
Those who thrust their spears toward a gaping maw might as well be offering themselves up on cocktail sticks.
The Infernal can use this Charm when parrying an attack with a mouth-based stunt, such as catching a staff
between his teeth or licking a blade caught between his palms, allowing him to make a biting counterattack in
Step 9 of that attack. If the initial attack was not unarmed, the counterattack is instead an unblockable and
undodgeable disarm attempt, which allows the Infernal to automatically sunder or seize the offending weapon.

This Charm can be used in response to an attack beyond the range of his bite, but in that case offers no
counterattack. Instead, it allows the Infernal to treat his teeth as a shield with a Defense rating of (Essence x 2)
against that attack, and chews up non-artifact ammunition beyond recovery.


Cost:​3m; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Simple
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Prerequisite Charms:​Teeth Without Number
Metagaos latches on, and refuses to let go. So do all things become part of him. This Charm targets any object
the Infernal owns and can touch, unnatural teeth clamping down to fuse it with his flesh. The warlock no longer
needs to occupy his hands to manipulate the object, and treats it as part of himself for all purposes. He can
channel Touch effects through it, and even warp it through Teeth Without Number, transforming its structure
into inorganic mandibles or opening a fleshy maw in its surface. Close combat attacks made with a fanged
object are lethal bites, and the Infernal can halve the damage bonus of such an attack to add the Clinch tag.

The object cannot be removed except by severing it with a Crippling effect, which forcibly ends the Charm.
Weapons gain the Natural and Martial Arts tags, though they are still considered weapons for the purposes of
Martial Arts Styles. The Infernal can fuse with clothing he is wearing (including light armour) at no mote cost.
Willing mounts owned by the Infernal can also be targeted, if they are infested with his self-seed. This renders
him immune to being dismounted, and allows their attacks to benefit from the effects of Teeth Without Number.


Cost:​— ; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Palate Without Limit
An uncomfortable emptiness eternally gnaws at the innards of the All-Hunger Blossom. He is beyond starvation,
but all the world must be his trough, lest he suffer even a moment of discomfort. The Infernal can no longer die
from hunger or thirst, suffers no negative effects from overeating, and can extract enough fluids from one full
meal to eliminate any thirst penalties, regardless of how desiccated his food was. However, he starts developing
hunger penalties after just (Stamina + Resistance) hours without eating a full meal, at a rate of one point per
hour to a maximum of -10.

The Infernal ignores any hunger or thirst penalties affecting actions that would help him acquire food. This
includes attempts to track or kill prey, forage for edible plants, persuade a grocer to give him leftover stock, and
so on. Only actions that would directly alleviate his hunger benefit. The warlock cannot ignore penalties while
tracking an enemy messenger unless he sincerely intends to devour them (or something in their possession).


Cost​: —; ​
Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Hunger Without Satisfaction
The grumbling hunger of Metagaos is a thing of gory lust and lazy desire, which ever seeks to mask itself in
gluttony. This Charm grants the Infernal an additional peripheral pool capable of holding ten motes. Initially
empty, he adds one mote to this pool for every hour he spends suffering no deprivation penalties of any kind.
Note that no Infernal can possess more than (Essence) additional mote pools granted by Charms such as this.


Cost:​2m; ​
Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Reflexive
Duration:​One scene
Prerequisite Charms:​Hunger Without Satisfaction
Anger does not suit Metagaos. It requires too much effort. The closest he comes is frustration at prey who refuse
to simply wander into his mouth. The Exalt activates this Charm upon rolling to join battle, acquiring a ten-mote
Overdrive pool as anima-steaming drool dribbles from his mouth. This pool contains one offensive mote for
every point of hunger penalties he is suffering at the time of activation. The Infernal adds further offensive
motes to it every time his hunger penalty is reduced, at a rate of one mote for each point of penalties lost -
however, he cannot spend offensive motes except on actions that would help him acquire food.


Cost:​2m; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms:​Hunger Without Satisfaction
Flesh is fuelled by consumption, and Metagaos gnaws away at himself as eagerly as anything else, shifting meat
where it is needed in anticipation of further gluttony. The Infernal heals a single level of bashing damage, or
converts a level of lethal damage to bashing. This Charm can be used up to (Stamina) times per action, but each
use increases the Infernal’s hunger penalty by an amount equal to his base wound penalty, and it cannot be used
while the Infernal’s hunger penalty is greater than (Stamina + Essence).

A second purchase at Essence 3+ allows the Infernal to instead remove a Shaping effect or mutation currently
afflicting him. This version of the Charm inflicts an unsoakable level of lethal damage, as he devours his own
vital tissue to cleanse it of unwanted influence.


Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : Obvious
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Digestion Without Distinction
Throughout the bayous of the Trackless Quag, indistinct faces leer from the spongey bark of emaciated trees,
their branches like rotting fingers. These are the victims of Metagaos, every part of them consumed. This
Charm’s prerequisite can now heal a Crippling effect instead of a health level, the damaged limb withering
before it is replaced by fresh anatomy. This increases the Infernal’s hunger penalty by two, but he can waive
both the mote and hunger cost if he consumed an appropriate body part since his DV last refreshed. Such
replacements are a perfect copy of whatever he ate, so inhuman limbs may be represented by minor mutations.
After (10 - Stamina) hours, the warlock’s new limb fully assimilates and matches the original.

This Charm automatically upgrades at Essence 3+, allowing the Infernal to use Digestion Without Distinction to
manifest body parts he devoured since his DV last refreshed as mutations, at a mote cost equal to half that
mutation’s value. This is usually some variant of the Multiple Limb mutation, but stunts or inhuman victims
open up other possibilities. Mutations produced in this way are temporary Desecrations that are reabsorbed after
(10 – Stamina) hours unless the warlock elects to permanently retain them at the usual xp cost.


Cost:​5m, 1hl; ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Simple
Prerequisite Charms:​Digestion Without Distinction
Metagaos makes others into himself. The reverse is also true. The Infernal can use this Charm to quickly
impersonate any character he tasted in this scene, cannibalizing his flesh into an impenetrable Essence-mask.
This works just like Perfect Mirror (​Exalted​, pp. 228), except that its perfection lasts just (Essence x 2) minutes.
After this point the disguise becomes vulnerable to mundane scrutiny, and loses one threshold success for every
further interval that passes. Once none are left it simply falls apart, leaving the warlock stranded in strips of
stolen skin. The initial perfection extends by an hour for each full health level’s worth of the victim’s flesh that
the warlock consumed this scene, to a maximum of (Larceny) hours.

A second purchase grants the warlock (Larceny) automatic successes on his disguise roll, and softens his flesh
into a malleable mush. He can now impersonate characters up to half as small or half-again as large as himself,
and ignores restrictions on age or Essence. He can also impersonate characters of entirely different body-types,
such as dogs, dragon kings, or non-humanoid demons, their inhuman anatomy represented by up to (Infernal’s
Essence) points of temporary mutations.

A third purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to retain the forms of characters he has tasted past the scene
in which he did so, provided he completely devoured them. Such disguises cannot extend their perfection past
the usual duration.


Cost:​— (1wp); ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Hunger Without Satisfaction
The All-Hunger Blossom desires to partake in every sensation, even those it could not muster the effort to
experience. This Charm enhances Palate Without Limit. The Infernal can already use that Charm to gauge a
character's mood through taste, but can now engage in a full read motive action (​Exalted​, pp. 131). He can do
this even if the part he tastes is no longer attached to his target, such as a strand of hair or a scrap of clothing, or
if they are dead. In this case, the impressions he receives are not current, and instead stem from the scene when
the character lost that part of themselves, or died.

If the Infernal consumes at least one health level’s worth of the target, he can spend one Willpower to taste their
actual memories. He divides successes equal to the consumed health levels between up to (Wits) topics, none
broader than an intimacy, and acquires information roughly equivalent to an Investigation roll with that many
successes. These memories are digested over time, fading from the Infernal’s mind at a rate of one success from
each topic every (Wits) hours, until they are blurred beyond usability.


Cost:​— (1wp); ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Memory Without Time
Who is to say why the mandible-reeds of the Trackless Quag sway and whisper in re-enactment of dances and
conversations from across the Demon City? Perhaps it is a mystery of the Yozi. This Charm allows the Infernal
to freely internalize stolen memories, acquiring an appropriate intimacy in the process. While this intimacy
exists his recollections do not degrade. He also converts stunt dice for social actions into automatic successes
when interacting with someone who closely knew his victim, eerie déjà vu catching them off-guard.

Additionally, the warlock may treat devoured memories as mentors in any Ability, Specialty, Charm or other
“technique” that the original character possessed at a higher rating. The memories in question must relate to the
skills the warlock is training in. If he completely devoured the victim and internalized their memories he may
spend a point of Willpower to instantly acquire the trait as a Training effect.


Cost:​— ; ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​Palate Without Limit
The belly remembers no past favours or future promises, but demands to be filled now. The warlock requires
just one scene to develop intimacies of hunger (literal or otherwise), and if he has Conviction 3+ must roll to
avoid accepting, indulging or acquiring any material good that is offered or otherwise made easily available.
However, he can channel Conviction to acquire or enjoy material pleasures and goods, even at the expense of
his long-term goals. He converts dice from channeling Conviction into automatic successes when persuading
others to help him gain such delights.
Cost:​4m; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Supplemental
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Emotion
Prerequisite Charms:​Greed Without Restraint
The devil-priests of the Trackless Quag attribute swathes of prehistory to his majestic effort, defending their
mad records with terrified fervour. This Charm enhances any attempt to take or retain possession of something,
the silent snarls of a hundred mouths echoing out to any who oppose this distribution of wealth. Any characters
with a Dodge MDV lower than the warlock’s (Manipulation + Larceny), are struck by a fear-based Emotion
effect convincing them that the wiser course is to step aside. Characters can reject this unnatural mental
influence by spending three points of Willpower, or one point if the object in question actually belongs to them.


Cost:​8m; ​ Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Supplemental
Prerequisite Charms:​Greed Without Restraint
When a district of the Brass City is flooded by Cawecaweau, Unquestionable of the All-Hunger Blossom, the
streets are filled with the ceaseless chatter of bone-abaci and teeth-dice and all fools are left poorer. This Charm
can be purchased multiple times, each purchase providing a different way of enhancing projects in the
Creation-Ruling Mandate system. Any project enhanced by a variant of this Charm converts dice or penalties
stemming from organizational intimacies of greed or envy into automatic successes or external penalties,

Capital Demands Competition:​This enhances an Attack Asset action intended to repurpose its target for the
attacking organization’s use, reducing its Interval by a factor of (Essence) and halving its Difficulty, rounded
down to a minimum of one. Alternatively, it can enhance an Attack Project action, increasing that action’s base
difficulty by one and its cumulative difficulty by five, but granting the Infernal’s organization free temporary
Capital equal to the cost increase caused by its attack, once it has been resolved.

Surplus Demands Sacrifice​: This enhances a Cannibalize Asset action that reduces Influence, Size, or Wealth,
halving its Interval and providing an additional (Essence x 2) temporary Capital. Alternatively, it can enhance a
Grow Asset or Replenish Capital action, reducing its Interval by a factor equal to the total Resources value of
any sacrifices made to the Infernal by the organization in the past month.

Gain Demands Greed​: This enhances a Shift Policy action, reducing its Interval to a single day and its
difficulty to 2 if it is intended to create or absorb an organization that shares its Motivation and at least half of its
intimacies with its parent. Alternatively, it can enhance Shift Policy actions intended to produce a new intimacy
based on obsessive greed, in the same way.

Cost:​10m, 1wp; ​Mins:​Essence 3; ​Type:​Simple (5 long ticks)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Emotion, Social
Prerequisite Charms:​Greed Without Restraint
This world is one of competition, not co-existence. There is no greater motivation than greed. The Infernal
describes immeasurable pleasures, exerting unnatural mental influence on his target. He rolls (Manipulation +
Persuasion), adding the Resources value of whatever he’s describing as bonus successes. This includes any
potential cost of being caught, so the “value” of illegal drugs includes any bribes necessary to avoid legal action.
If his target’s Dodge MDV is lower than his successes, they must spend two points of Willpower or immediately
gain an appropriate intimacy (i.e. greed, envy, hunger, etc) toward the subject. This intimacy modifies its
bearer’s MDV in the same way as a Motivation.
A second purchase allows the Infernal to roll Performance instead of Persuasion, affecting anyone who can
perceive him. This renders the Charm Obvious, causing clouds of anima-pollen to dance in suggestive shapes
around him. He can disguise its supernatural nature by indulging in the pleasures himself, causing others to
desire the drugs he enjoys or covet the horse he rides.


Cost:​7m; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Social
Prerequisite Charms:​Greed Without Restraint
There are bellies to be filled and itches to be scratched. Niceties can wait. While this Charm is active and the
Infernal is indulging in any of the activities encouraged by Greed Without Restraint, he increases his Dodge
MDV by his Conviction. This benefit is doubled against mental influence that would directly obstruct his
indulgence. This Charm ignores usual caps if the warlock has a hunger-based intimacy toward that indulgence.


Cost:​—; ​ Mins:​Essence 1; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:​None
Metagaos’ body is a place of stinking and lush fertility, where life is lost within life. Upon learning this Charm,
the character is altered in the following permanent ways:
• A natural affinity for the subtle movements of plants allows him to ignore penalties to movement or perception
inflicted by obstructive vegetation, and the difficulty of any attempt to physically bypass or scale such obstacles
is reduced by (Essence), to a minimum of one.
• He can ignore any Poison effect or environmental hazard stemming from vegetation. This immunity also
applies to toxins and hazards produced by raw Wood Essence, such as the native magic of Wood Elementals or
the anima flux of Wood Aspect Dragon-blooded.
• Any attempt to perceive him while he is using ambient vegetation to help conceal himself has its difficulty
increased by (Essence ÷ 2). This increase is doubled if he has not moved since his DV last refreshed.
• His immune system becomes a welcoming and mutable thing, allowing him freely ignore the effects of any
mundane Sickness currently afflicting him. The external symptoms of such diseases manifest as normal, and
they remain just as contagious, but the warlock does not suffer and can still cure them.


Conventional plants sprout throughout Creation, trees and vines and flowers, each blossom a silent prayer to
Sextes Jylis. They are not alone. The Wyld encourages strange growth and uncanny cross-pollination, producing
bushes with leaves of fire, weeds that flourish inside the dreams of cattle, and balloon-mushrooms lighter than
air. The Underworld is lush with red fields marking ancient battles, each damp flower a death-scream, and great
gnarled trees whose fruits are the whispering heads of the forgotten dead. Heaven is dotted with temple-trees,
each deified by bound offerings at their roots and prayer-strips on their branches. Malfean vegetation tends to
the inorganic; silver root-trees pierce up from the ground, brass ivy creeps up the walls of the Demon City, and
shrubs of coloured glass eke out a living in the all-bordering desert. Regardless, all these things are plants.
Anything that is recognizably a plant or fungus is considered to be vegetation for the purposes of Metagaos
Charms, though plant-based characters such as Wood elementals are generally exempt from direct manipulation.


Cost:​— ; ​
Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos is a true colonist, his ichor exploring the flesh of others and claiming it as his own. The Infernal’s
bodily fluids become incredibly fertile, teeming with microscopic disease spirits that seduce even the hardiest
foreign infections, as his blood thickens to an almost sap-like consistency. The warlock can instinctively sense
plague and rot, intuiting even dormant or internal Sickness effects with a standard (Perception + Awareness) roll
at the usual diagnostic difficulty. Diseases stemming from his own magic are simply Obvious to his senses.
Further, he can now ignore magical Sickness effects in the same way as mundane ones.

However, this innate infectiousness adds the vector of "(Infernal's) bodily fluids" to any disease he is carrying,
causing him to infect others with a bite, a kiss, or an unwise bout of lovemaking. Even his dreams eagerly
squirm, allowing him to forgo a roll to regain Willpower from sleeping to instead germinate any mundane
disease with an Untreated Morbidity no greater than his (Essence), autoinfecting himself on waking.


Cost:​1m (+2m); ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration:​One day
Prerequisite Charms:​Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos grows, twisted tongues extending into every corner of the world. He must, for how else can he feed
his hunger? Touching his fingers to the ground, the Exalt causes plantlife to suddenly burst up around him. This
creates an area of twisted Sorcerous vegetation with a radius of up to (Essence) yards which collapses and
withers after a day. The foliage is thick enough to provide hard cover, and applies an instability rating of 3,
leaving characters tripped, tangled and prone. Spending an additional two motes renders it a hazard of razor
thorns and toxic spores, with Trauma​​(Essence), Evade (Essence + 3) and Damage 2L/action. Essence 3+ allows
the Infernal to create the tangle anywhere within (Survival x 25) yards as an Action-only effect.

This Charm costs one mote, but applies the same surcharge described in the Imperfection of the All-Hunger
Blossom. This applies specifically to the local area where the Charm is used, rather than the general landscape.
It also causes the vegetation to branch from existing local varieties, though it is grey and oddly fleshy and any
flowers are tainted by the Infernal’s anima.


Cost:​15m, 1lhl; ​Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Prerequisite Charms: ​Hungry Devil-Weed Growth
Spitting out a gobbet of his own gore, the warlock mutters a sublingual claim of investment, a ritual gargle
lasting no less than fifteen minutes. The bloody seed flourishes once it is complete, spreading fleshy roots
through rapidly composting ground and spraying grey spores that taste of copper into the air. By the end of the
day, it sprouts into a twisted morass with a radius of (Infernal’s Stamina x 100) yards. This mass of crazed
vegetation thrives regardless of the surrounding environment, though it takes “inspiration” from local life where
possible. Any Wyld-tainted land within the affected area immediately becomes part of Creation.

Tangled roots and squirming sludge render this whole region extreme terrain (​Exalted​, pp. 266) for dramatic
travel, and render local movement at least as difficult as moving through knee-deep mud. Life churns and
flourishes to an unhealthy degree, applying a -2 external penalty to any roll to resist Sickness effects or
plant-based Poisons within the jungle. Animals and insects grow oversized in air that fogs thick and warm,
while fruits and flowers swell to the point of obscenity, reflecting the Infernal’s anima in their aspect. This
reduces the difficulty of foraging to one, though it becomes no safer.

Fertile though this bayou is, it cannot help but hunger for more. Spilt blood is quickly soaked up by the grey
roots of ravenous plants, while corpses rot away within hours. Each week, the jungle creeps outward in response
to any blood sacrifices made within its borders to Metagaos, the Infernal, or one of their representatives. Its
radius increases by 25 yards for every Magnitude dot’s worth of health levels sacrificed that week (fatally or
otherwise). This expansion is halved if the majority of health levels came from unintelligent animals, while it
doubles if the victims came from outside the swamp itself. These modifiers stack. The jungle becomes a
persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius.
Cutting or burning away the jungle allows clear passage for a while, but it regrows completely within an hour of
the plants’ removal. Holy effects or magical fire extend this to (Essence rating of source) hours. Non-magical
structures require continuous effort to maintain in the face of creeping vines and moss. Countermagic removes
the region’s unnatural fecundity, converting it into a mundane swamp that remains until removed by active
effort or environmental factors. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while
Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.


Cost:​— ; ​ Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​First Metagaos Excellency, Luscious Jungle Germination
Gore spills down the steps of ancient temples, hidden in jungles unknown to the world. This is true trickle-down
power. The Infernal automatically learns (Essence) thaumaturgical degrees of his choice, ignoring the usual
minima and experience cost. All the rituals involved in these degrees are altered to be in line with the aesthetics
of Metagaos, and all the necessary tools and ingredients are replaced by (normal Resources cost) health levels
worth of blood or flesh, freshly acquired from a living character, which the thaumaturge may consume as part of
the ritual. Others cannot learn these variant procedures, and he can learn additional ones at a cost of 3xp each.

Any character who makes a successful prayer roll to the Exalt within one of his luscious jungles can call upon
this blood magic, performing one of the procedures the Exalt learned through this Charm without needing to
learn it themselves. The usual rolls, time and sacrifices are all still required, though any sacrifice made as part of
the prayer roll counts toward the cost of the ritual.

With Essence 4+, this Charm brings the warlock and his red-handed faithful ever-closer. Characters who
participate in the successful sacrifice of a living creature to the Infernal (even as nothing more than an assistant
to the prayer roll) treat that scene as one spent building or reinforcing an intimacy of devotion toward his needs.
If this intimacy is already at full strength, it is instead guarded against being changed or eroded by anything but
unnatural mental influence for one week.


Cost:​5m; ​ Mins: ​Essence 2; ​Type:​Simple
Prerequisite Charms: ​Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Things lurk in the muffled quiet of Hell’s greyscale bayous. They are gone when you turn. While this Charm is
active, the Infernal benefits from a supernatural camouflage, his every hue and scent merging with those of his
surroundings. He is treated as having sufficient cover to hide himself regardless of where he is, and doubles the
benefits of actual cover against attempts to locate him (​Exalted​, pp. 131). Characters can fail to detect the
warlock even when he is right under their nose, assuming him to be nothing more than part of the terrain.

With Essence 3+, all attempts to perceive the Infernal with any sense halve their rolled successes if he has not
moved, attacked or spoken since his DV last refreshed (or, when out of combat, in the last five seconds).


Cost:​2m; ​ Mins: ​Essence 4; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Overdrive
Duration:​One scene
Prerequisite Charms: ​Hidden Predator Camouflage
He's gone, picked off like the others. The jungle came alive and took him. Now you're alone, but you can feel
eyes on you, watching and waiting. This Charm grants the Infernal an empty ten-mote Overdrive pool. The first
time each action that he inflicts damage with an unexpected attack, he gains two offensive motes, or just one if
his target was an extra. He also gains an offensive mote whenever his DVs refresh in combat, provided he has
established stealth against all hostile characters (​Exalted​, pp. 155), and at least one of them is aware of his
general presence in the scene.


Cost:​2m; ​ Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 2)
Prerequisite Charms:​Hidden Predator Camouflage
The things that dwell in Metagaos can barely be distinguished from the swamp itself, slithering and weaving and
vanishing between each other. Activated in response to an attack, this Charm doubles any benefits granted to the
Infernal’s Dodge DV by cover, as his form blurs with that of the surrounding terrain. If the cover the Infernal
benefits from is mostly plantlife, he may also move up to (Essence) yards through it and make a reflexive
attempt to re-establish surprise, after the attack has been resolved.

A second purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to also use it as a perfect dodge, at a cost of eight motes.
Used in this way, it acquires the Imperfection of the All-Hunger Blossom.


Metagaos lurks within the tangles of his own jungle-flesh, lazily hiding from hunger. Only when famine looms
large can he be exposed, starved into hasty action, and so Charms with this Imperfection suffer a surcharge
based on the richness of the surrounding landscape. Areas where foraging for food with a Survival roll (​Exalted​
pp. 139) would be difficulty 1 apply no surcharge, fertile as they are, while areas at difficulty 2 apply a
one-mote surcharge, which increases to three motes in areas at difficulty 3+. This considers only the base
difficulty set by the terrain. Infernals are instinctively aware of whether or not they are in a safe region.

Cost:​6m; ​Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Supplemental
Prerequisite Charms: ​Hidden Predator Camouflage
Even in Hell, where whole continents can vanish overnight in a fit of titanic pique, the marsh is considered
impossible to navigate. This Charm functions identically to Traceless Passage (​Exalted​, pp. 211), except for its
cost, which suffers the same surcharge described in the Imperfection of the All-Hunger Blossom.

Cost:​3m; ​ Mins: ​Essence 2; ​Type:​Simple
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious, Sickness, Sorcerous, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: ​Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos is a true colonist, his squirming vitality exploring the flesh of others and claiming it as his own. Part
of the Infernal’s anatomy buds off, wriggling into the body of another character and infesting their chi as a
Sorcerous Sickness effect. The growth can only be detected through exploratory or supernatural diagnosis, and
once found can be removed through countermagic or difficulty 4 internal surgery. Until then, the host suffers an
internal penalty of -(Infernal’s Essence, maximum 5) to any physical action that they believe would impede the
warlock, as the self-seed constricts their muscles and pains their mind.

With another touch, the Infernal can command a self-seed to gorge itself on its host. The host rolls (Stamina +
Resistance) every week at a difficulty of (Infernal's Essence, max 5). Each failure inflicts a point of minimum
hunger penalty, which does not lower even if the host eats, their skin slowly greying from malnutrition. This
continues until the character starves, or the self-seed is removed. This Sickness affects even creatures that do not
normally require nutrition. The Infernal can also include a "trigger" in any self-seed, which will cause it to begin
gorging in response to a specific physical stimulus, such as words, a certain drink, or action.

Cost:​— ; ​ Mins: ​Essence 2; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Self-Seed Infestation, Infinite Ailment Anatomy
Metagaos fertilizes the world with stolen flesh. The Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to
activate it as a Reflexive Charm in Step 10 of a bite attack that inflicted any damage, infesting the target with
Essence-spores that coalesce into the diabolical cyst. Additionally, the self-seed is itself rendered infectious to
mortals, as though it were a disease with a vector of “host’s bodily fluids” and a Virulence of (Infernal’s
Essence). Children of hosts are infested on conception. The Infernal is not automatically made aware of new
hosts as they are infested, and fresh self-seeds share any triggers included in their “parent”.

Plants altered or created by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth or Luscious Jungle Germination are also vectors for the
warlock’s self-seed, provoking infection rolls when they are eaten or cause damage at Virulence 2. One tick
after a host’s death their chakras compost, causing pallid vegetation to push itself from every opening in a
hazardous tangle of the sort created by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth, using their Essence in place of the
Infernal’s. Such deaths contribute to the growth of a luscious jungle like blood sacrifices.

Cost:​— ; ​Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Self-Seed Infestation
Brains are fertile soil. The penalty applied by the Infernal’s self-seed now extends to mental and social pools, as
even making plans or arguing against him causes debilitating cramps. Any scene a host spends aiding the
Infernal, even unwillingly, causes an incongruous sense of fulfilment. This is a scene spent building an intimacy
of devotion to his needs, which cannot be eroded by mundane influence. Once formed, the devotion’s ingrained
tendrils suppress contrary MDV modifiers from the host’s other intimacies, Virtues or Motivation.

A second purchase allows the Infernal to reflexively determine the dominant emotion of any self-seed host in
the same realm of existence. He can do so at any distance (though he must obviously be aware of the host in
question), and is passively aware of the emotional state of all hosts within (Essence x 1000) yards, allowing him
to sense extreme or widespread changes, just as someone might overhear clamour without listening for it.


Cost:​— (5m); ​Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Keywords:​Sorcery, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: ​Mind-Eating Assimilation (x2)
A thousand limbs twist outward from a single trunk, thinking themselves unowned even as they twitch to the
beat of an arboreal heart. The Infernal may survey a host’s current physical state in the same way as their
emotional state. Only death is an extreme enough change to be detected passively. Active examination conveys
the full details of the host’s health, and allows the Infernal to inuit their general situation, such as “fighting an
animal” or “talking to a great number of people” or “intensely inspecting something” - this is an instinctual
deduction based on dozens of tiny biological cues.
Additionally, the Infernal can spend five motes to mark any character or object he is touching with Sorcerous
spores that relay a simple command (chosen on application) to any hosts that perceive the target. Essence-sight
can detect this mark as a faint stain on the target’s aura with a difficulty 3 (Perception + Occult) roll. Commands
are received as brief hallucinations, the host’s dream-imagery hybridized with Metagaoiyn imagery. A host who
“sees” a bloody tangle of vines spilling from the mouth of a stranger instinctively understands that the warlock
wishes to interrogate them.

A second purchase at Essence 4+ intensifies these commands into unnatural Compulsions, which can be resisted
with a Dodge MDV greater than the Infernal’s (Manipulation), and cost one Willpower to reject. Additionally,
he can spend five motes and one Willpower to take a dramatic action of one long tick, which relays such a
command either to one host he can actively sense, or all hosts within his passive range.

Cost:​6m; ​ Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Simple
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Desecration, Obvious, Sorcerous, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: ​Self-Seed Infestation
Metagaos devours all things and makes them part of him, whereupon they devour others in turn. This Charm
targets any mostly-intact inanimate corpse the warlock is touching, infesting it with sickly roots that dig into its
brain. After one minute, the corpse rises as a grey walker. These shambling, bloodthirsty creatures use the same
traits as zombies of the appropriate species, but are not creatures of death, benefit from all the effects of
Sprawling Marsh Indulgence, and possess (Infernal’s Essence + 2) points of Metagaos-themed mutations.

They obey the Infernal like bound demons, but only “speak” Old Realm and languages they knew in life, and
can only understand commands that centre around consumption. “Devour any blonde who approaches this
structure” is about as complex as they can manage. Countermagic kills grey walkers, banishing animating
tendrils from lukewarm flesh.

The Infernal’s self-seed evolves when he learns this Charm, so that any hosts (other than grey walkers, who are
inherently infested) automatically rise as grey walkers a minute after dying.


Cost:​— ; ​Mins: ​Essence 4; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Hungry Harvest, Selfish Root and Branch
Only the All-Hunger Blossom lives in his swamp. There you’ll find native tribes of marsh-demons and swarms
of mutant beasts and colonies of escaped ghosts and many more - but only the All-Hunger Blossom lives in his
swamp. When commanding or triggering a self-seed to gorge, the Infernal can instead have it dig roots into its
host, fusing with their biology. If the host would die of that Sickness while bearing the intimacy applied by
Mind-Eating Assimilation, the self-seed instead spreads fully through their system, losing the Sorcerous
keyword. It can now only be removed by a complete reconstruction of the host’s body, or Exaltation.

The host becomes a native of Malfeas and a creature of darkness, and acquires all the effects of Sprawling
Marsh Indulgence as an abomination of the same name. This change is accompanied by pale grey skin, and
other changes represented by one-to-three points of Metagaos-themed mutations. Such characters are considered
priests of the Infernal for the purposes of Blood Cauldron Swamp Soul, and can never erode their parasitic
intimacy - it is part of their very soul. Further, they do not consider being eaten by or sacrificed to the Infernal
(or one of his flower-manses or souls) to be “death” for the purposes of determining what is and is not an
unacceptable order – they are simply being reabsorbed into the greater whole.


Cost:​30m, 2wp; ​Mins: ​Essence 5; ​Type:​Simple
Keywords:​Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious, Sorcerous
Prerequisite Charms: ​First Metagaos Excellency, Greedy Gawping Grip, Luscious Jungle Germination,
Hidden Predator Camouflage, Contagion of Weeds
To see Metagaos waging war is to see a disease overtaking the body of nations, infesting and destroying organs
before it is even diagnosed. Cities are silently swallowed by rampant jungle and gluttonous grey mud, their
populations lost in labyrinthine tangles of vegetation. Tendrils twist visibly beneath the warlock's skin before
bursting forth, his human body putrefying into pure Essence to feed his new shape, a great demonic flower the
same size as his normal body. This form grants him the following effects:

• All the Infernal’s worn and carried possessions are secreted away in Elsewhere unless he has fused them to
himself through Greedy Gawping Grip, while his newly inhuman anatomy renders him immune to Crippling
effects and suffocating, as well as all Poison not specifically aimed at plantlife.

• Countless roots extend from his new body, digging into the world like hungry children to mark out an area
around him with a radius of (Essence x 5) yards, lit by his anima. He cannot move outside this area, though he
can sway and haul himself around on tangled limbs within it. He may otherwise act normally through grasping
vines and articulate anima-petals.

• This area is only the heart of his gnawing biology. Over the next ten minutes, the Infernal’s influence extends
across a surrounding area no more significant than a large castle or small city. All the component objects of this
structure - whether walls in a castle or trees in a forest - are treated as having been fused to him through Greedy
Gawping Grip, thorned tendrils and grey moss burrowing into them. Destroying these infested objects limits the
Infernal’s capacity to act in that area, but does not particularly harm him.

• Such is the warlock’s fecundity that his sphere of influence has traits identical to the regions created by
Luscious Jungle Germination - including its capacity for expansion. The area around his body is as thick with
vegetation as the hazard produced by Hungry Devil-Weed Growth, and he may use the ranged version of that
Charm anywhere throughout his influence, up to once per tick (this replaces the Action-only keyword).

• Thorns are his teeth, petals are his tongues, and the world his gutted oyster, granting the Infernal all the
benefits of Palate Without Limit and cancelling any existing activation. Any bite attacks he makes can be rolled
once and applied against all characters within (Essence) yards of the initial target, as fanged sinkholes swallow
whole regiments - such attacks cannot “overlap” on the same tick. Though the warlock can potentially extend
his inhuman tastebuds across vast reaches, he is not necessarily paying attention to every sensation at once, so
stealth is possible if difficult. He may willfully withdraw any of his senses from part of his body to avoid social
attacks or similar effects.

• His growth is a subtle infection of the world’s healthy tissue, and benefits from Hidden Predator Camouflage,
cancelling any existing activation. Objects joined to him through the previous effect are not themselves any
harder to detect, but other characters must beat a stealth difficulty of ([Stealth + Essence] ÷ 2) to notice the
creeping growth that has overtaken their surroundings. The stealth of a given general area fails, as normal,
against groups that the Infernal attacks through that area.

• All characters within his sphere of influence must roll every hour to avoid becoming infested with his
self-seed, as described in Contagion of Weeds. He may freely and silently communicate with hosts within his
sphere of influence, hidden plant-mouths hissing imperceptibly into their ears. Non-hosts increase the rate at
which they gain exhaustion and hunger penalties within his sphere of influence by a factor of (Essence), their
vitality sapped by an invisible blood-haze. As always, the distinction between hosts and non-hosts is Obvious to
the warlock.

• Appropriate countermagic (or Adamant Circle Banishing) targeting the Infernal himself ends this Charm. It
can also be ended voluntarily, despite being Sorcerous.
Cost:​2m or 4m; ​Mins: ​Essence 2; ​Type:​Supplemental
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: ​Self-Seed Infestation
All life falls within the influence of Metagaos, as it has since he first emerged from the discarded waste of
titanic revelry, a god-maggot drunk on the wine of prehistory. This Charm supplements an attempt to
non-violently manipulate organic matter, such as surgery, woodworking, or massage, as the Infernal’s
extremities branch into wriggling tendrils that merge with foreign flesh, causing it to twitch and reshape
seemingly of its own accord. This removes any need for equipment, and renders such actions supernatural
(where relevant). The warlock can perform enhanced actions on himself without occupying his hands or
attention, arranging his own insides with visibly squirming roots. Enhanced medical procedures inflict no health
level damage, and carry no chance of infection. This Charm’s cost is four motes if the target is not alive.

A second purchase of this Charm allows the warlock to spend up to (Medicine) additional motes, reducing the
time necessary to complete the enhanced action by a factor of (Essence) for every extra mote spent. At this
level, he can treat his own flesh as a single exotic ingredient for any organic helltech artifact.


Cost:​— ; ​Mins: ​Essence 3; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Flesh-Weaving Tendrils
Life squirms densely in the bowel-mouth of Metagaos, interbreeding and fusing in a composting cauldron. This
Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to heal normally untreatable Crippling effects afflicting
characters bearing his self-seed with difficulty 5 internal surgery. He teases the foreign tissue into new flesh,
working like a bonsai-master to tame its inclination to grow wild. This new flesh is warped and gnarled from its
quickening, more vegetable than animal, represented by up to (Infernal’s Essence) points of mutations
appropriate to Metagaos as a Desecration effect.

A second purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to apply or alter these mutations with a difficulty 3
operation even without a wound. He can also produce mutations outside of Metagaos’ aesthetics by using
appropriate source material - grafting the fangs of a wolf onto a man’s jaw, for instance - to create weird
hybrids. As a final benefit, his tendrils can produce seemingly-natural changes in the appearance and body of a
host, as an internal operation at a difficulty equal to twice the equivalent disguise roll (​Exalted​, pp. 128).


Cost:​— (+4m); ​Mins: ​Essence 4; ​Type:​Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: ​Flesh-Weaving Tendrils
Metagaos is a tempting parasite, infiltrating others until they are barely traces in their own body. This Charm
upgrades its prerequisite, adding (Essence) automatic successes to enhanced rolls that target a host of his
self-seed or an object capable of spreading it. This eliminates the possibility of botching. Further, the Infernal
may spend an additional four motes to perform enhanced rolls on infested characters or objects within (Essence
x 1000) yards, without actually being in physical contact with them. This is Obvious, as the flesh of both target
and Exalt sympathetically squirm.


Cost:​1m; ​
Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Social
Duration:​One scene
Prerequisite Charms:​Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
The plant sprouts happily, its petals unfolding to the delight of all. They are blind to its thorns, fanged and
hungry. While this Charm is active, the Infernal gains an instinctive skill at blending into the social jungle that
surrounds him, a camouflage of pleasantries and manners that distracts from his intent. He is automatically
aware of all the customs, fashions, taboos, etc that govern his current social situation, and increases the
difficulty to accurately read his motives (​Exalted​, pp. 131) by (Essence) while appearing to cater to these
cultural mores.

Additionally, he can make a special attempt to read someone’s motives which, instead of the usual information,
allows him to learn what another character expects from him in terms of emotional reactions and motives. This
manner of analysis benefits from (Essence) automatic successes. It can also be performed reflexively, but in this
case is not rolled, and instead just uses the automatic successes.


Cost:​3m; ​Mins:​Essence 2; ​Type:​Reflexive
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration:​One scene
Prerequisite Charms:​Flowering the Fairer Face
The denizens of Hell know to ward off the Silent Wind with music and clamour, but the Trackless Quag lures in
victims regardless of warning lore that surrounds the first god of hunger. While this Charm is active, other
characters in the scene are incapable of viewing the Infernal as a source of violence or fear. They gloss over his
openly-worn weapons, discount his threats as jokes, and politely ignore the blood splattered over his shoes.
They can still despise him, but will never seriously consider that he might harm them. Mental influence intended
to cause fear or suspicion of the Infernal automatically fails, while intimacies based on such are muted, treated
as not existing for all purposes.

This Illusion costs two points of Willpower to resist for a scene, or one if the target has witnessed the Infernal
harm someone in this scene (or has a suppressed negative intimacy). Targets automatically reject the Illusion for
the rest of the scene if they witness the Infernal attacking or otherwise attempting to inflict physical harm upon
them. Characters who have spent five points of Willpower resisting this unnatural mental influence are rendered
immune for one week.


Cost:​5m; ​Mins: ​Essence 2; ​Type:​Simple
Keywords:​Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration:​One day
Prerequisite Charms: ​Flowering the Fairer Face
The snapping branches and vines that weave through Metagaos are sickly and grey, devouring themselves when
nothing more appetizing presents itself. At times, however, great paths of lush and perfect greenery will open
up, ungnarled and inviting. It is a lie. The warlock can apply this Charm to a character or object he is touching,
disguising any external indicators of taint. Evidence of Poison or Sickness effects are suppressed, as sores seal
shut, flushes fade, and boils burrow beneath the skin. These effects still apply exactly as normal, but casual
observers cannot detect them, and even formal diagnosis or extended analysis suffers an external penalty of
–(Infernal’s Essence + 2).

With Essence 3+, Infernal may allow characters under the effects of this Charm to benefit from the
disease-resistance effect of Sprawling Marsh Indulgence – if he knows Infinite Ailment Anatomy he can also
offer the same protection against magical ailments.


: 10m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-Basic, Form-type, Illusion, Obvious
Duration​: One scene
Prerequisite Charms​: Flowering the Fairer Face
Metagaos understands the insatiable need that lurks within, and entices others by exposing his own. The Exalt’s
skin withers into grey leather before blossoming open in petal-strips, revealing lurid anima-patterns where there
should be flesh. Observers are blind to the grotesque beauty of this appearance. Instead, they perceive the
Infernal as an indistinct collage of their own desires; his scent carries traces of mother’s cooking, and his
laughter reminds them of their favourite song, and his smile is a mirror image of their sweetheart’s.

• The beauty of Metagaos is a lie, a trap for the unwary. ​The warlock’s swamp-gas shifting appearance renders
him unrecognizable, and makes it impossible to objectively describe his appearance. Observers must spend three
points of Willpower to find this at all remarkable, though this does not allow them to actually pierce the psychic

•​Hungry stares tickle the warlock’s skinless soul. He benefits from all the effects of Flowering the Fairer Face,
which offers double the usual automatic successes. Additionally, he can apply it to attempts to read someone’s
desires as well as their expectations. If the warlock has Innocent Petal Assumption active, the Willpower cost to
ignore its Illusion is increased by one.

•​Cravings are aggravated by the strange pheromones that waft from the Exalt’s exposed anima-flesh. Any
influence he applies to create an intimacy centred on greed, envy, or base desire is rendered unnatural. He
increases the modifier applied by such intimacies to -(Essence).

•​Raw hunger squirms and throbs in hypnotic expressionism, causing watchers to worship this enticing calavera.
Any character with a Dodge MDV lower than (Infernal’s Manipulation + Essence) who perceives the warlock is
struck by a Servitude effect, causing them to devote themselves to his needs, rationalizing their sudden
generosity with base motives such as attraction, expectation of reward, and so on. This unnatural influence lasts
for the scene, and can be rejected by spending two points of Willpower.

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