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Good Life Buckets

The "Good Life Project" is a conceptual framework for considering what it means to

have a good life. The framework created by Jonathan Fields, the leader of the Good Life

Project, has proven to be beneficial to me. The idea is simple yet effective: to feel utterly

pleased with life, one must fill each of the three buckets.

To fill each bucket more, use the following tactics:

Vitality bucket: Besides eating healthy and working out more often, I need to

continue my morning writing and daily meditation routines, which allow me to externalise

my thoughts and concentrate on where I am directing my attention at any given time.

Connection bucket: Despite my introversion, I have missed spending with my

friends this year, especially one-on-one hangouts, since Covid started. I need to spend more

time with them to catch up on the years I missed with friends.

Contribution bucket: Start a blog where I may write about the issues that are

important to me and would change the world for the better. I wish to raise awareness about

animal abuse in particular.

We can build a healthy future and foster meaningful employment, participation, and

value creation if we are leaders of a decent life and are not consumed by the mindless drive

for more. One can achieve this with the help of Good Life buckets. The Good Life buckets

have a great deal to do with leadership in the workplace since good leaders must first be

conscious of their vitality, connection, and contribution. Only then can a leader assist people

in the workplace in concentrating on their buckets of a happy life. This assistance might

include coaching, mentoring, and motivating people to lead their best lives. Only when a

person is content in their private life can he perform to the best of his ability in the


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